One Step Closer - 56💕



The court hearing date came sooner than expected. The days leading up to the hearing date had been busy. There were just too many legal formalities to fulfill. If anyone asked Jungkook, he didn't know how he managed to juggle his classes, work and this. It felt as if he was running from one thing to the other constantly.

True to Jimin's words, he was extremely busy. He called and texted every day. But they couldn't meet. Jungkook missed the alpha dearly. Jimin had to fly to Japan two days ago for a business emergency and as much as he tried to be here, he couldn't come.

Jimin had already texted him in the morning, wishing him all the best and telling him that Attorney Kim would handle everything and he didn't have anything to worry about. The alpha cared a lot about him and that meant a lot to the omega. There were no empty words when it came to him.

Jungkook could feel the alpha's sincerity through his words and actions. By now, he was sure even if their relationship didn't work out, it'd be an amicable decision. His omega was elated that the alpha appreciated their hardworking nature and never looked down on them or commented on their preference to work multiple jobs that were beneath the alpha's level.

The attorney requested a suitable time to meet but due to Jungkook and Kwan's tight academic and work schedule, they could only talk over a phone call. This morning, Mr. Park's driver arrived at his dorm to transport them to the court.

He has never been here before. Hell, he has never been to a police station in his life. Mr. Park had a policeman come over to take their statements and didn't allow them to go there. Then one day his driver came over to accompany them to the prosecutor's office discreetly. That was all.

Jungkook felt his insides twist with nervousness as they neared the court building that loomed tall and intimidating. Oh, how much he wished his dad was here. He would have held his hand and told him it was going to be alright.

At least Kwan was here with his alpha and he wasn't all alone. It was in such situations, he really felt the loneliness kick in and realized how he had no one else in this world he could call his own.

Kwan stayed overnight, knowing how anxious Jungkook could get on such days. In the morning, Si-woo brought pancakes and chocolate drinks telling them they needed something sweet to cheer them up on such a stressful day. Jungkook was grateful for his presence. Si-woo was on his way to become a big brother figure in his life. He was a good alpha.

Once they had their fill, Si-woo went on to scent his boyfriend to his heart's content. That was when Jungkook realized how much he missed seeing Jimin and having his scent around him even though they met only a handful of times.

Kwan's alpha Si-woo had volunteered to accompany them to the court as a moral support. Jungkook could tell Kwan's relationship was flourishing since that incident with Jun-Myeon. They have gotten closer than ever and Kwan has been spending more time with his alpha. Even now, they sat closer in the backseat, hands intertwined and Kwan smelled heavily of Si-woo.

Jungkook wondered what it'd feel like to wear Jimin's scent like that. Would Jimin appreciate that? Though Jimin had scented him briefly, they weren't at that stage yet. Yes, they kissed and made out but scenting was considered far more intimate than kissing. It was how two wolves bonded and claimed the other.

Carrying one's scent was one thing. It was like using perfume. But rubbing over one's scent gland to embed their scent deeper was something else. Would Jimin agree to scent his clothes for him? What if he wanted to keep their relationship private?

What am I thinking? I told him I didn't want to end up in a tabloid and he promised. If I wear his scent then everyone who knows Jimin would know the nature of our relationship.

Yet, he couldn't help the longing that filled his chest. It was the wolf's doing. He didn't understand why his wolf was so taken with the alpha. A part of him wanted to know what it felt like to walk around as a taken omega. Would that change how the others looked at him? Would he feel different about it?

He sighed, inhaling the fading scent of Mr. Park in his t-shirt.The old man hasn't stopped to visit him in a while and this was the last of the clothing that held his scent.

Would it be a bother to ask him to stop by just to scent a few clothes? Or he could ask one of his friend's brother or dad to scent a few items for him.

As Jungkook sat lost in his conflicting thoughts, the car came to a smooth stop and two men in formal suits jogged toward the door. When one of them bent to the window level, Jungkook recognized him as the attorney. They immediately exited the vehicle.

Attorney Kim greeted him, Kwan and Kwan's alpha Si-woo at the parking lot. "Good morning, gentlemen. This is my attorney Choi In-Su. He's assisting me with this case."

"Hello," Jungkook greeted, bowing at him and In-Su bowed, returning the greeting with a professional smile.

"Hello, I'm Kwan." Kwan bowed with a smile. "And this is my alpha, Si-woo."

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook-ssi, Kwan-ssi and Si-woo-ssi. Shall we head inside?" In-Su asked. "We have enough time to grab a cup of coffee."

"Sure," Si-woo said.

Attorney Kim grinned. "Hope you had your morning caffeine. You'll need it." He led them inside through a different entrance. "The media is here as it's one of the high profile cases. Though we have legal protection against them using your real names or photos, Jimin-ssi has given strict orders to keep you both away from their prying eyes," he explained. "Do not talk to anyone in my absence. One of us will be with you all the time. They could be anywhere and could approach you under the disguise of a civilian and try to get some kind of information. We have to be careful."

Jungkook and Kwan nodded in understanding. They made it to the cafeteria without much of a hassle. Attorney Kim ordered them all refreshments and sat them down.

The attorney produced some documents from his briefcase. "Here are the documents you need to sign as we discussed. I hope you both remember our conversation from last night."

"Yes," Jungkook replied.

Si-woo quickly read through the documents and nodded so they could sign. Once they did, attorney Kim walked them both through the entire process and trained them on how to answer the expected questions.

"We do," both said in unison.

"You have nothing to worry about. I and In-Su will be with you the entire time. The public prosecutor will lead the case as this is a criminal offense but you have our legal counsel nonetheless," Attorney Kim continued.

"Thank you." Jungkook bowed.

"It's my job." Attorney Kim grinned. "Jungkook-ssi, Kwan-ssi, you're both so brave. Representing you is my pleasure and don't forget I'm getting paid decently for this." He winked. Suddenly he saw someone behind them and waved. Jungkook turned his head to see a pregnant omega in an attorney's attire approaching them with a wide smile.

Attorney Kim jumped to his feet to greet this newcomer. "Hey, sweetheart, how was your morning?" He kissed the other attorney's cheek and the way his scent bloomed around them told Jungkook that this must be his mate. "Does your back hurt?" he inquired with concern but he was already rubbing his lower back.

Something warm rushed to Jungkook's chest, watching their interaction. The love they had for each other was so evident and Myung was such a beautiful, confident omega. An ideal omega.

"I'm good," the newcomer smiled, pecking his lips. "Am I interrupting?" He glanced curiously at the others. "I just got out of a hearing and needed something to lift my spirits."

"Absolutely not." Attorney Kim turned toward them. "This is Jimin-ssi's omega Jungkook and that's his friend Kwan and his alpha Siwoo. They're here for a hearing. Guys, this is my husband, Myung. You might have seen him on TV. He's so popular among you guys unlike me."

The way pride surged through Attorney Kim's voice told him how proud he was of his mate.

"You guys talk. Let me fetch a drink for my beloved." The attorney turned to peck Myung's lips before hurrying away.

"Yongsun is endearing," Myung chirped before turning to face them fully. "I'm Attorney Jo Myung. Nice to meet you all."

Jungkook stood to greet Myung. His cheeks flared at the attorney's introduction. How many people know of their courting? Was it okay to say it publicly? Jimin must have told him otherwise how else would Attorney Kim know that?

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. This is my best friend Ha Kwan and his alpha Kang Si-woo," he introduced. The others also stood, ready to greet Myung.

Myung extended a hand to shake. "Jungkook-ssi, I've heard a lot about you from my mate. Yongsun only has good things to talk about you and congratulations on your courting."

As Jungkook shook his hand, something struck him. Myung was a regular omega. Just like me. He glanced at Attorney Kim Yongsun. He's a purebred alpha. Myung seemed to understand his line of thoughts because he squeezed his hand gently before turning to greet Kwan and Si-woo.

"Honey, drink this first. Why are you still standing? Didn't the doctor say you should rest your feet?" Attorney Kim returned with Myung's drink and began to fuss over him.

To Jungkook who rarely got to witness something like that, it was definitely refreshing.

"I like it when omegas don't let their sub gender and these societal norms don't restrain them from doing what they want," Myung told him later, when they were walking to the courtroom. "You being here today tell me a lot of things and Yongsun told me you agreed to cooperate with the investigation even before Jimin-ssi began courting you. And that you fought against a purebred alpha all alone before your alpha arrived."

Jungkook's cheek stung at the unexpected praise. "It is the right thing to do. I was just trying to protect my friend."

"You followed your heart, Jungkook-ssi," Myung said without missing a beat. "And don't downplay your bravery. You're a strong omega even if you don't wish to admit it."

Jungkook blushed. "I'm really not but thank you."

"So humble. I see why Jimin-ssi is attracted to you."

Jungkook's heart fluttered. "H-How do you know? I-I mean... I didn't think he would already talk about me to the others."

Myung's boots clacked against the marble floor, creating a rhythmic sound. "He met us for lunch the other day and was curious about our mating. Jimin-ssi is kind and considerate as opposed to his public reputation."

"He is." Jungkook felt a rush of warmth again. Jimin must really care for him if he talked about it with someone who has already mated a regular omega. "He was concerned about it since day one," he said softly. "To be honest, I don't know anything about it either." He glanced at Myung's baby bump. "But now that I saw you both, I have a feeling it'll be alright."

Myung beamed, his caramel scent sweetening a little. "You're quite fond of him, I see. The change in your tone tells me more than I should know."

Was it? Jungkook didn't know. What tone did he use?

"Don't worry, Jungkook-ssi. A purebred alpha isn't easy to handle, but with time and patience you both will get there. They could be a bit too much in every department, but remember we are beings governed by emotions and feelings. Those things don't have a gender or a class difference," Myung said. "My advice for you would be to be honest with your feelings all the time and keep your communication open. Tell him if something overwhelms you. Everything is about adjustment and sex doesn't have to be fearsome." He lowered his voice, covering his mouth with a hand as he leaned forward. "They're extra big, but nothing we can't take. Just get him to go slow and gentle until your body has adjusted and you will be fine."


Jungkook blushed several shades and covered his cheeks, afraid anyone else would notice. He hasn't even thought that far even when Jimin has mentioned their trial period would involve sex. And he definitely didn't expect Myung to be open and honest about it.

Myung nudged him with a wink. "Come on, we all know that's involved in a relationship. But if you guys do decide to make it serious in the future, you know it's possible. They will say we are less fertile. Don't let that mislead you. Look at me, people told me I can't conceive and we are incompatible but we are on baby number two. And one more thing, don't let them hurry the process either. Yongsun waited five years until I was ready to bear a pup."

"Yongsun-ssi sounds like a wonderful mate," Jungkook said admiringly.

"And a wonderful father," Myung replied with a genuine smile. He was handsome with flawless, dewy skin. The glow of pregnancy looked good on him and the way he carried himself with confidence impressed Jungkook.

"You're amazing too," Jungkook gushed. "And inspiring. I haven't met many like you." He wished to gain that sort of confidence someday. Several people greeted Myung on their way and it appeared he was well respected among his peers. The omega realized he knew nothing about the other.

Myung put a hand on his lower back, patting gently. "You're amazing too. You have that potential, Jungkook-ssi. Just use the opportunities that come your way as a stepping stone and don't lose sight of your goal. And always have a goal. A life without a goal is a life without purpose."

"A purpose?" He never thought that far. As they talked, Jungkook realized they had fallen behind the others. But they still had ample time before the hearing started. "All these years I only cared about surviving just another day," he confessed. "I decided to learn accounting because it's easy to get a job with that knowledge. And I hoped I'd be able to support my dad. But now things are different and I still don't know what I want."

With his tuition and accommodation now covered, he didn't have to worry about his sponsorship or other things. He didn't have to live from one loan deadline to the other. So honestly, he felt a bit lost at the moment.

He still worked in fear of losing everything and not having anything to himself if something like that happened. Or just waking up one day and being told it was all a dream. It wasn't easy to change a deeply rooted fear like that.

"It's okay to not know what you want, you know?" Myung's voice was gentle and understanding. "You're still young and have time to decide that. For now, focus on what's important and just go with the flow. This legal stuff could be stressful but you have the Park family behind you. You have nothing to fear but be mindful of the ones around them, especially the cunning and manipulative ones." His friendly tone suddenly changed and Jungkook smelled the light bitter notes under the pleasant milky scent that emanated from him.

He glanced at the omega and followed his line of sight with a frown. Only to pause when he saw a stunningly gorgeous omega standing at the doorway of the courtroom they were heading to.

"I'd watch out for people like her if I were you," Myung murmured, shoulders stiffening and spine going ramrod straight. In front of them, Attorney Kim paused as if he sensed the change in his mate's mood.

Shin Na-Ra, CEO of Shin Cosmetics. Most importantly, Jimin's first love and the one, who still chased him.

A competition.

He mimicked Myung's posture, eyes narrowing a little and features hardening. Thankfully, his scent was muted by his scent blocking tea and he had taken extra care in dressing since he would be in the presence of Jimin's people. He wore his new favorite yellow long-sleeved t-shirt and blue jeans that hugged his shapely thighs.

As he walked toward her, his gaze scanned her from top to toe discreetly. Shin Na-Ra looked expensive just like her brand. She was dressed to nine in an executive blazer, looking sophisticated and elegant, something he lacked. Her hair was long, smooth and silky, reaching her waist. She had let it down to lay over her shoulders and back in soft waves.

Sharp eyes that held many secrets glanced his way and he stiffened involuntarily. They were shortly joined by Attorney Kim, Kwan and Si-woo, who were walking ahead and stopped to wait for them.

His best friend sidled up with him, hooking a hand on his elbow. Si-woo's hoodie fell on Kwan's mid-thighs, drowning him. "Is that her?" he whispered, looking elsewhere. "It must be her. I've seen her in the tabloids before."

Jungkook hummed in response but said nothing more.

"Plastic face," Kwan replied with a scoff. Si-woo took hold of Kwan's free arm, walking side by side. "Show her who has the man here."

"Not now," Jungkook whispered and soon they were in ear shot.

A sweet floral punch like roses reached him first. As he inhaled more, his wolf shifting uncomfortably inside him, he smelled the citrusy edge with a slight earthy, musky undertone. Magnolia, his mind supplied. That refreshing scent made her appear harmless, but her eyes and posture told a different story.

This was a woman, who was cunning and manipulative. She must be so used to getting her way and using people the way she wanted. Jungkook knew her kind. He didn't know if others saw it, but he'd met enough upper class people and worked with many to know how they behaved. And she was someone he'd stay away from. Her kind wasn't easily satisfied and always found fault in everything others did.

"Attorney Kim," Na-Ra greeted, voice a bit high-pitched as if she's faking the politeness and smile on her soft pink lips unnecessarily saccharine sweet. "I've been waiting for you. Jimin has been quite busy lately but I thought I'll come in his stead."

And do what?

He also noticed that she didn't acknowledge Myung even when he stood right there. It told him what kind of person she was.

"Hello, Ms. Shin, you didn't have to be here," Attorney Kim countered smoothly. "This case has no connection with you. Hence your presence is not required. A busy woman like you shouldn't waste your time on unnecessary things like this." He kept his arm wrapped around his mate the entire time.

Her smile turned extra sweet. "I know. I just wanted to support my best friend." Her gaze shifted to him. "So you must be the students who came forward to support our Jimin."

Our Jimin?

Jungkook straightened, meeting her gaze. "Jeon Jungkook," he said, inclining his head. Usually he would have bowed in greeting. That was what one did to show respect to another. But she wasn't just anyone. His wolf already pinned her as a threat and bristled as her pheromones surrounded them.

His friend stepped beside him. "I'm Ha Kwan and this is my alpha."


Her smile fell when Kwan too refused to bow in greeting. Jungkook saw that she didn't miss a thing. Her nostrils flared as if she was trying to take in his scent. She would smell nothing except for the remnants of forest scent left by Jimin's dad. Maybe that was what caused that emotion to flash in her eyes.

Na-Ra's gaze fell on Kwan but didn't stay longer. It was back on him. They stared at each other for a moment longer, none breaking eye contact first. Her scent spiked at the challenge but Jungkook didn't feel intimidated. Not in the slightest. This was the competition.

Show her who has the man here.

"You're quite brave," she commented, wetting her lips. "And you have beautiful eyes."

"Thank you," Jungkook replied, keeping his tone calm and respectful.

"Is Mr. Park here?" she asked, breaking eye contact and glancing around.

"No, Ms. Shin. We didn't see him on our way here," Attorney Kim said.

"I thought I caught a whiff of his scent." She didn't stop looking around.

Of course you smelled it on me but your pea brain hasn't connected the dots because you think I'm far beneath your rank and someone like Mr. Park wouldn't want to do anything with me.

"We already have Jimin's statement. Besides today it's their turn to give their statements in front of the jury," Attorney Kim replied. "He hasn't mentioned anything to us about being here today."

"Right." She straightened. "Why would he be here?" Her laugh sounded like mocking in his ears. There was a smug look on her face. "There's no one important here that has to spare his precious time to be here. I must be mistaken because his scent quite compliments nature."

Jungkook suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and leaned into Kwan but didn't relax his posture. His best friend wrapped his arms around his middle, hugging him from his side happily. He sighed, relishing the comfort that hug offered. Kwan was an angel in human form. He was blessed to have him and the other friends in his life.

Na-Ra didn't glance in his direction again as if deciding he was useless or wasn't worth her time. Jungkook didn't mind it. He was better off without her attention on him.

"It's about time," Attorney Kim stated, glancing at his watch. "We should head inside."

"Sure." She pivoted on her heel.

Just as they were about to move, Jungkook caught a whiff of the familiar forest scent. This time it wasn't coming from him but from behind him. He whipped his head around and spotted Mr. Park walking hurriedly toward them with his Secretary Yun in tow.

Jungkook's wolf perked, its tail swishing side to side at the sight of the old man. "Mr. Park!" He didn't realize how much he missed him until he saw him in person again. Before he knew what he was doing, he started running toward him.

Mr. Park lifted his head at the sound of his voice, a radiant smile lighting his features. "Jungkook!" He opened his arms, stopping in his tracks as the omega crashed into him.

Jungkook hugged him tight, burying his face into Mr. Park's chest. "I haven't seen you in forever," he sniffled, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. The burst of forest scent shot from him wrapped him like a warm cocoon, making him feel protected. "Your scent is fading in all my clothes."

"Hey, pup," Mr. Park greeted, hugging him and rubbing his back. "I'll scent them again for you after this session, alright? And what did I tell you about calling me Mr. Park?"

"Sorry, dad," Jungkook mumbled into his chest.

"No, I'm sorry," Mr. Park said. "I should have come to see you sooner. I've had a hectic few weeks and couldn't stop by as much as I wanted to."

"It's okay." Jungkook pulled back. "You're here now. That's all that matters." He smiled, brushing his tears aside. "I wasn't expecting you. Attorney Kim said you didn't tell them about coming here."

"I came for you," Mr. Park said, patting his cheek.

He came.

Mr. Park was here for him. He wasn't alone anymore. Suddenly he felt stronger than ever, all nervousness and anxiety fading away.

"Did you really think I'll let you go through this alone?" Mr. Park ruffled his hair. "You, silly pup." He leaned forward, lowering his voice. "Jimin will burn my hide if I don't come here today. He's been nagging me all night."

Jungkook giggled. "You didn't have to," he said honestly. "I know how busy you are. But I'm glad you're here. I was nervous."

"Not busy for you." Mr. Park wrapped an arm around him. "I'm here now. Come, let's go inside."

Jungkook nodded. "Thank you, dad."

"Shh...none of that. Let's go kick some ass."

Jungkook covered his mouth, laughing into his hand. "There's not much action today. Besides, I thought that was your son's job."

"Hey, you think I'm not fit enough to kick some ass?" he sounded offended, which caused Jungkook to laugh some more.

They walked past everyone, entering the courtroom, not realizing the pair of eyes watching them with anger, shock and jealousy.


A/N: Na-Ra's POV of this meeting is available on Patreon for the members as an extra scene. See ya later. This update was commissioned by Nyl, Lights & SBT. 

Please note it's not mandatory to read them. It's only extra bits and back story that are not really important for the story flow. Other extras available for interested readers:

Phew! That was a long ass update he he. Finally I managed to do it amidst the battle with my power and internet. The rain stopped for today and the sun is out. Next week is gonna be hectic with Christmas approaching. I won't be able to be here as much as I'd like to. I'll stop by probably after Christmas. So wishing you all a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Take care and stay safe, lovelies. 

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