One Step Closer - 29💕
⚠️⚠️CW: Mature/ Rude language, mentions of past cheating/ infidelity among minor characters etc., This scene is intended for mature audience and will shed some light on Jimin's past.⚠️⚠️
The world of the rich was not at all glittery as it seemed. Jimin would know because he lived in it. From the outside, it appeared they had it all. However, only those who lived that life would know how many things were wrong in their daily life.
They were expected to live their life a certain way with the society, watching their every move with hawk eyes. Every action was questioned even if it was something trivial.
Here, in this world, almost everyone was pretentious. They all had one motive or the other and always looked for a way to use an opportunity to their advantage. Saccharine smiles and sweet words only meant one thing—I got my eyes on you. The rich wanted to be rich and the powerful wanted to become even more powerful. Power and greed, when combined, made a person nasty.
Here, marriages and even birthday celebrations were done with a hidden motive—to display their wealth, to boast about their new acquisition or brag about their recent trip, to intimidate, to learn other's secrets or to build mutually beneficial alliances.
There was a party every year to display their wealth and power, inviting all important people in the country. Jimin never found any of the practices genuine. Even his family hosted one or two every year and there was always an unspoken competition of who did it better.
Growing up, he was fortunate to be born in the Park family. His parents genuinely loved each other. It was natural for him to want something they shared between them. As a teenager, he didn't let the luxuries of his world derail him from the person he was. But then the wakeup call came in several forms.
At thirteen, when he still wasn't allowed to join the parties, he would sneak around, curious to see what was happening in the annual Christmas gala downstairs. Hiding behind the decorations and watching them dance was his favorite pastime and during younger years, he couldn't wait to grow so he could go to these parties himself. But curiosity soon killed his naive expectations for the future.
When he grew enough to understand what he was witnessing, Jimin didn't have anything good to say about it. Just after midnight, when the booze kicked in, he saw some alphas and omegas that didn't belong together taking refuge in the shadows of their garden or in some rooms left open for the guests to rest. They did things they normally shouldn't under the guise of networking.
He might be young, but he knew exactly what was going on. Especially when he saw his mom's best friend, aunt Myeong-Suk coming out of the small alcove in the garden, the sleeve of her black gown slipping down her arm as she was followed by Jun-Myeon's dad.
What are they doing here? Where is Mr. Shin?
Both wore scent blockers so he didn't smell anything weird but just as she waved at Jun-Myeon's dad and was about to leave, he pulled her, crashing their lips together. Nausea churned his stomach at the sight.
Jimin ran away only to stumble into Mr. Shin, Aunt Myeong-Suk's husband. What would he do if he knew his wife was kissing someone else? For a brief moment, he considered telling him that he saw his wife in the garden but decided against it. They would ask what he was doing there in the first place.
His mom specifically warned him these parties weren't for him and he should stay upstairs and go to sleep or play his new video game. But Jimin never listened to her.
Just as he was about to turn around, he heard a giggle and whirled around to see someone else clinging to his arm. Disgust filled him at the sight of Mr. Shin's hands trailing down the newcomer's body.
Jimin backed away without another word. He couldn't imagine his mom or dad kissing anyone else other than each other. His wolf rumbled in his chest at the mere thought.
Why would they even have a mate when they couldn't stay true to them? It has affected him deeply, making him lose sight to the point he began having nightmares of his parents kissing someone who wasn't his other parent.
When his school called his dad, informing him about this after he woke up screaming and waking up his friends, he'd taken him to a doctor and then pulled him aside to talk. They sat in a park, staring at the families and children playing in the distance.
"What's bothering you, Jimin? Do you not like the school? Do you want to come back home?"
His dad's voice was kind as ever, understanding yet full of worry. Jimin eyes the squealing children, wondering when their awakening about reality would come.
"Have you ever kissed someone who isn't my mom?" he asked, fists balling and jaw clenching. There was no secret between him and his dad. And he saw no point in beating around the bush. "Have you ever touched a wolf who isn't my mom?" Fury filled him and so did fear, worrying he wouldn't like the answer he received.
"No," his father said, his voice sincere despite the confusion. "She's the only omega in my life after we met. I never betrayed your mother's trust and the same goes for her." He put a hand on his shoulder. "What's going on, son? There must be a reason for you to ask me this. Did something happen?" He frowned, looking genuinely confused more than before.
The scent of forest surrounded him, reminding him of home and comfort. Jimin stared into his eyes, reading his face and decided he was speaking the truth. His dad was an honest man and he aspired to be like him when he grew up.
"I saw mom's friend, aunt Myeong-Suk with Jun-Myeon's dad. They were kissing in the garden during the party. Then I saw Mr. Shin with someone else," he growled. "It's disgusting."
His chest rise and fell, heaving with anger. A rumble rolled out of his chest, nothing intimidating when compared to his father's growl, but it was enough to indicate his fury.
Understanding dawned on his father's face. "Oh." He glanced at the distance as if he tried to process the information. "I didn't know that." His frown deepened.
"Why do people mate when they can't stay true to their mate?" he asked. "You told me wolves mated for their life. Why did you lie to me? If that's true how could they betray each other like that?" he yelled. "Why do you invite them to our home? Why is mom being friends with her?"
"Calm down, little one." His dad hugged him, releasing calming pheromones. "You've grown up, my son." He patted his back. "I'm so proud of you." He pulled back to caress his cheek. "The answer to this isn't simple. There are good and bad in everything. We know stealing is wrong, but does it stop everyone from doing it?"
Jimin shook his head. "No." He glanced down at his hands, understanding where his dad was coming from.
"Murder is a crime but has the crime rate reduced?"
He shook his head again.
"It's the same, son. They know it's wrong yet they choose to do that for selfish reasons or reasons only they know of." He carded his fingers through his hair. "This is not something you can control or change. It not necessary that you have to agree with everything the others do. Likewise, you cannot expect everyone to behave the way you want them to. You continue to live your life the way you see right."
His father's words made sense but his young blood didn't want to accept it as it was. They were all so wrong. "I don't want to get married. Ever!" he vowed. "They're all nasty."
His dad chuckled. "There's plenty of time for that, sweetheart. Your mom is an amazing wolf, isn't she? There are so many others like that out there."
Jimin didn't want to hear the reasoning as much as it sounded convincing. He was just too furious to be reasoned with. So he just huffed, looking down to admire the brand logo on his shoes.
"Let's not say this to mom, hmm?" he said. "She would confront them and cut ties without thinking twice. Though that's something I want, a gossip like that isn't good for our family or company right now. Too much is at stake. You'll understand when the time comes."
Jimin nodded but said nothing. She would also ask him what was he doing outside and why didn't he listen to her and stay in the room? She was not easy to reason with and only listened to dad. So it was for the best that she didn't know anything about this.
"Let's come to us now." His dad squeezed his shoulder. "Is my answer enough for you? Your mom is the only wolf I love. We didn't even try for another child because I couldn't bear putting her through that pain again. She's my everything and I'd never do that to her."
Satisfaction filled the boy and he nodded.
"So how about some ice cream first? Then we can talk to your mom and tell her that you were just stressed about your exams. How does that sound?" his dad asked, his scent and mood light.
"I'm too old for ice cream." He scrunched his nose.
His dad scowled. "Nobody is too old for ice cream. Come on." He stood and pulled him up by his elbow.
"Dad," he complained but followed him. He didn't want to recall everything that happened to his mom. He didn't think he could talk freely to her like he did with his dad.
Eventually his nightmares stopped, but the initial disgust had turned into something more. He kept his distance from the Shin family, except for Na-Ra, his best friend. They went to the same boarding school and she was always with him. He couldn't push her away because what would she do for something her parents did?
Everyone thought his sudden silence was because he hit puberty and went through his first transformation. But only Jimin and his dad knew the truth. In the coming years, Jimin saw the true colors of more and more people, developing a dislike toward them.
However, at the tender age of sixteen, he too experienced the blossoms of a crush that grew into something more. Shin Na-Ra was beautiful, charming and intelligent. Her face and body had lost all the childhood innocence, sculpting into an adult. She was also the only one who knew him so well.
He pitied her. What would she do if she knew about her parents? He decided he'd protect her from that bitter reality as long as he could and preserve her innocence. Perhaps take her away from her despicable family when it was time.
Once his dad told him that he shouldn't swear off love and that there were both good and bad people. He should choose the right one to fall in love with, perhaps someone he knew very closely. He had very little chances of going wrong, his father said.
So when Jimin's wolf naturally felt the attraction toward Na-Ra, he responded positively. And he could tell she too liked him. She always sought him out and he walked her to all her classes. They were tiptoeing around each other, testing waters as their friendship grew into something more.
No words were exchanged. It wasn't necessary because they just knew. It was that feeling. One you get when you are so sure about something.
Close to his seventeenth birthday, Jimin was ready to ask her out. His dad gave his blessings and even accompanied him to choose a proper courting gift. They decided to keep it a secret from his mom until Na-Ra had accepted.
"Your mom sometimes has a loose tongue. She'd go ahead and start planning for your wedding right now." His dad had chuckled. "Let's not involve her until you're sure about Na-Ra."
"But I'm sure, dad."
"I know, Jimin. But there are some things you'd know only once you start courting her." He had squeezed his shoulder. "So even if you're sure, don't jump head first and give it some time before you decide, yeah? You also have your university ahead of you. Always date responsibly."
Jimin smiled. This was why he idolized his dad. He was the coolest.
On the day he was going to ask her out, Jimin was giddy with excitement. Tomorrow was his birthday. If she accepted the gift, he had an entire date planned. But he couldn't find her anywhere after the classes. She wasn't there in her usual spot. He asked a few of their mutual friends and one of them told him that they saw her going toward the gym.
Jimin's wolf was excited, footsteps bouncy as he approached the gym only to be greeted with the shock of his life. Filthy moans and obscene slapping sounds welcomed him. Even without seeing who it was, Jimin knew. Like someone splashed cold water on him, he froze.
Still, he advanced just to ensure he wasn't imagining it. Sure enough, there was Na-Ra and Jun-Myeon, his arch nemesis, half naked and fucking against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist and his pants down to his calves. Jimin clenched his jaw so tight, suppressing the growl.
They were so lost in their pleasure that they didn't realize they had a spectator. Na-Ra, his sweet friend Na-Ra, who was sophisticated and reserved, chanted filthy things, urging him to fuck faster. Harder. Her nails dug into his shoulders, ankles twisting behind Jun-Myeon.
Once again, thanks to the scent blockers else he'd have puked then and there. Jimin's wolf was furious yet gone numb as he watched them. Betrayal sliced deep in his heart. He could imagine anyone else doing this, but not her. The one, he believed, knew his heart better.
Even before he developed feelings for her, she was his friend, wasn't she? If she didn't like him that way, it was okay. Maybe he misread the signs. He was in the wrong. He shouldn't have jumped ahead and imagined all that. But he did ask her if she was seeing anyone and she had answered him she wasn't.
His wolf disagreed. Why would she give him all those signs? Borrowing his jacket and burying her face into the collar, claiming he loved his scent. Telling him she loved smelling like him was certainly not something a friend would say.
Maybe he was still wrong and she didn't mean anything by those words. Jimin took a step backward. Perhaps she didn't tell him because she knew of his hatred for Jun-Myeon.
"You feel so good," Jun-Myeon growled. "Fucking you is the best entertainment this school can provide." He panted as they both caught their breaths. "Why can't you just agree to date me? Why is that Jimin so special, hmm?"
Jimin's blood ran cold, eyes widening. What?
"You won't understand." Na-Ra, his first crush and the omega he wanted to court, made a lewd noise at the back of her throat before throwing her head back with a blissful look on her face as she came.
"What does he have that I don't?"
"My heart." She rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "I love him and I know he likes me too." They began to clean each other.
"Then why do you come to me?" He lit a cigarette, taking a puff and blowing out the smoke in her direction.
She waved a hand with a scowl. "Stop that. He's got a very sensitive nose. He'd think you were bullying me." She rolled her eyes. "And between us, it's just sex and nothing more. You knew that from the start."
"Why? Isn't he good at fucking?" Jun-Myeon snickered. "Is his dick small?" Jimin wanted to punch his face, reshape his jaw and knock off each tooth. "Lemme guess!" He held both his index fingers up, hands extended with a ridiculous grin on his face. "His stroke game is absolutely weak."
So much for giving the benefit of doubt.
The apple certainly didn't fall far from the tree. Like mother like daughter. Fucking scums. He ground his jaw so hard that his jaw began to ache.
Na-Ra smacked him at his chest. "I said enough," she growled, grabbing her bag. "He's just old school and isn't interested in hook ups or anything else. He wouldn't even take a hint and kiss. What's wrong in having a little bit of fun? It's not like we are in a relationship or anything. Also, I wouldn't be going to you if I'm getting this from him. Talk shit about him one more time and I won't let you touch me again."
Jun-Myeon made a zipping gesture with his fingers over his mouth. "Same time tomorrow?"
"No. It's Jimin's birthday. We always spend our birthdays together." She shouldered her bag. "Day after tomorrow."
He grabbed her waist, pulling her closer. "Alright. At least gimme a kiss to last until the day after tomorrow."
She laughed, closing the distance between them to kiss him, which quickly turned into a heavy make out session, spilling lewd moans.
Jimin's stomach churned, bile rising in his throat. He pivoted on his heel, hands tightening around the strap of his bag until his knuckles were white.
On his way back to the dorms, he stumbled into Taehyung, the wild wolf of their group. He was everyone's friend and knew everyone. He was also the most promiscuous wolf on the campus. The other liked to sneak around a lot, leave the campus without the school administration's knowledge and get drunk or sometimes hook up.
"Hey, birthday babe!" Taehyung greeted cheerfully and slung an arm around his shoulder. "Wanna start celebrating early?" He wiggled his brows. "There's a new club in town." He leaned closer. "Booze, boobs, asses, anything for you to pick. Consider it a birthday present. What do you say?"
Jimin looked into his eye, watching mischief dancing in them and decided maybe he was just an idiot for staying stuck up on the morals and thinking kissing and fucking should be only between mates.
"I'm in," he said, catching Taehyung by surprise.
That night, Jimin began living recklessly, moving from one omega to another. He got too drunk and lost all semblance of his senses until he blacked out, waking up in a hotel room to a very worried looking face of his father.
"Did she reject you?" his dad asked worriedly. "You could have called me, son. Do you have any idea how worried I was when Taehyung called me? Thank God he called me when he did." He looked livid. "What the hell was that, Jimin? You shouldn't be drinking that much."
Jimin scoffed but said nothing. He took the water bottle his father offered and drank it wordlessly.
"What happened? I thought you wanted to spend your birthday with Na-Ra. I even reserved a private dining room for your date today," his dad said. "What went wrong?"
Jimin glowered. "She's just like her mother, spreading her legs for every mutt out there." His mouth tasted as bitter as he sounded. "I was wrong to think she's the one."
"Jimin?" his father sounded shocked.
"Why dad? Why do you look scandalized? You weren't the one who saw some other guy making her cum and fucking her like a slut against the wall. You weren't the one that had a wakeup call. All omegas are like bitches in heat when they see an alpha, waiting for a knot like whores!" He threw the water bottle with a force that it hit the wall, the plastic cracking and falling on the floor, spilling all its contents. "I swear, dad. I won't fucking give my heart or my knot to those undeserving bunch of holes. There's no one for me. It's gonna be me and my rules from now on."
He threw the sheets off and stormed out of the room with no sense of direction in mind, leaving his dad and a stunned Taehyung in the room. His dad found him a few hours later, bringing him somewhere private for a few days to nurse his heart break and informing others that he was sick.
When he went back, he was a new man. Soon his reputation preceded Taehyung.
Jimin has recovered physically but still several things repulsed him. He laughed when Na-Ra proposed to him and asked him out for the prom before rejecting her and kissing another omega in front of her. The sick satisfaction of her watching him fuck everyone but her was something he relished.
And to this day, Jimin didn't find the one that made his heart race or made him go spellbound as Jin described when he met his omega. No. He just fucked and moved on.
He had absolutely no respect for those who had no morals or used the alphas only for their money or pleasure. There were a very few wolves he respected in general. And that earned him a reputation. His mom detested the man he had become but his dad knew why he became like this.
Jimin knew his dad didn't appreciate his choices or the way of his living. However, he tried to be understanding and said nothing, always covering for him with his mom. He respected his father and couldn't disobey him even if he wanted to.
It was why he set out to meet Jungkook, hoping to find a flaw yet curious to why his dad would approve of him. Now he left the omega's place with even more questions than answers.
For one, he didn't know what came over him and urged him to flirt with him. For two, he didn't know why he almost went feral upon smelling his scent.
It was a miracle he stopped with a kiss. A kiss that resulted in a lingering taste of the omega in his mouth, sweet yet left him wanting for more. What does Jungkook have that the others don't?
Deep down, he thought he knew the answer to that, yet his heart wasn't ready to acknowledge it just yet. No one could be this perfect. There should be at least one flaw. He was going to find out in one way or another.
This update was commissioned by Ame & Dia.
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