One Step Closer - 162💕
[At the hospital]
Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other as he waited outside the screen divider. The sterile smell of the hospital filled his nostrils, mingling with the faint scent of Mrs. Park's distressed pheromones.
Jia was running tests. Mrs. Park woke up a little after they reached the Kims hospital, her eyes fluttering and gaze disoriented before they settled on Jungkook. She held onto Jungkook's hand, asking him to accompany her while they ran tests.
Jimin was texting him every second to check on his mom. He could only imagine the amount of stress Jimin and Mr. Park must be in. As time went on, he picked up on Mrs. Park's distressed pheromones.
From Jimin: How's mom?
To Jimin: Noona is running tests. I'm waiting.
Beyond the divider, Jia's voice was a gentle murmur. The silence stretched heavily around them except for the gentle questions Jia asked Mrs. Park occasionally. She answered them in one or few words but seemed nervous and stressed out for some reason. Jia tried to assure her but it didn't appear like it was working because the distress in the air didn't lessen.
"Jungkook, can you come here for a minute?" Jia called and Jungkook immediately hurried inside.
"Is everything alright, noona?" he asked, feeling tense.
She had a face mask on, eyes fixated on the screen in concentration. "I'm trying to identify the source of her discomfort." Jia smiled gently. "It could be a cyst or something. It's better to rule out the possibility but she's distressed and doesn't want her mate inside for some reason."
Jungkook's features softened. "Is something bothering you, mom?" he asked, taking her hand in his. "Whatever it is, you know you got absolutely nothing to worry about, right?" His voice was gentle, filled with sincerity and concern, but also assurance. He meant every word he spoke and he hoped she could feel it.
She nodded, but her face was coated with a thin layer of sweat. Jungkook dabbed her face with a tissue. He released calming pheromones to calm her though it was not as potent as a purebred omega's scent.
Jia grabbed the probe and pressed it over Mrs. Park's abdomen. "Just hang in there,Mrs. Park. We're gonna figure out what it is and help you. You have me."
From Jimin: Cherry blossom, how is mom?
To Jimin: A bit stressed. I'm with her and assuring her. We're doing a scan now.
From Jimin: I'm so stressed. Dad isn't himself.
To Jimin: Too soon to say anything. Don't worry. She's gonna be alright.
Jia smiled as she continued to move the probe around Mrs. Park's belly. Jungkook stared at the grainy screen, understanding nothing. How the doctors were able to read that thing was beyond him.
"Aha! That's the reason," Jia suddenly said. "Let's get a better look."
She moved the probe around, pressing gently. Mrs. Park immediately stared intently at the screen, eyes wide and expression curious. But Jungkook could also feel her anxiousness. Her grip tightened on his hand. He, too, stared at the screen, absolutely getting nothing.
"There she is." Jia pointed at the screen. "I can see the sac and a healthy fetus."
There was absolute silence.
Jungkook gasped silently, heart racing at the possibility.
Is she pregnant?
"I-I..." Mrs. Park looked pale. "W-What?" It was as if her worst fear had come true.
"Congratulations, Mrs. Park. You have nothing to fear about. You're about eight weeks along," Jia said, finally glancing at Mrs. Park. "You don't look too well. What is it?" There was another moment of silence again. "You can talk to me."
"Mom?" Jungkook urged her gently.
"When the symptoms started..." Mrs. Park trailed off. "I-I thought I was getting sick because of the weather. But then it became too specific and I...I was...I didn't know how to handle the possibility of another pregnancy. It-It didn't make any sense. How? Why now?" She began to sob. "I tried for years and nothing happened."
Dr. Jia was silent, listening to Mrs. Park intently as she put the probe away and began to clean her belly with a tissue.
"I'm over fifty years old." Mrs. Park sobbed, face scrunched in disbelief. "My heats stopped a decade ago. Doctors said I can't bear pups. T-This is...How is this possible?"
Jia's features softened. "I understand why this comes as a shock, but it happens," she said calmly. "I'm aware of your past medical history and this is definitely a miracle. You're indeed pregnant, Mrs. Park and I see no complications so far."
"N-No, you don't understand." Mrs. Park began to hyperventilate. "T-This can't be happening. I'm too old to have a baby." She sat up, pulling her gown down with a sob. "My son is twenty-eight. Jimin, oh my God! This...this is too much."
"So what?" Jungkook frowned.
She whipped her head toward him. "You don't understand." A few tears slipped down her pale cheeks. "How can I be pregnant when my son is about to get married? What will people say? He won't be able to show his face outside. The media...oh, god. This is bad. And what if...what if I fail? Again?"
Jia put a hand on her hands. "Mrs. Park, your baby is healthy. There's very less possibility of something worse happening. Besides, our medical technology has advanced a lot. There are far more advanced medications that will help you have a healthy pregnancy. You won't lose it this time."
She shook her head. "I-I can't face my son." She covered her face. "This is so...I don't know what to think about it. What should I tell my mate?"
Jungkook scoffed. "Jimin hyung loves pups. He's gonna be excited and spoil this pup rotten." He gripped her hand tight. "Mom, look at me." When she did, he continued, "You're married. You lead an honest life with your mate and you have a very protective son."
She blinked up at him.
"What is there to be embarrassed about? This pup is a product of love. Just because you're fifty doesn't mean you stop loving your husband and stop living your life. Why are you stressed about the public opinion? Why does it matter?" His frown deepened. "It should only matter how it makes you feel. Are you happy? Do you wish to become a mom again?"
She wiped her cheek and sniffled. "I-I'm scared."
Jia leaned forward. "There's more to this fear. Please tell me. What's scaring you?"
Mrs. Park took a deep breath. "I-I've been through similar symptoms and situations multiple times. Every single time..." She sobbed, taking a long pause. One shuddering breath after the other left her. "Only Jimin was strong enough to survive. I can't go through that again. I have had enough traumas that scarred me for a lifetime. I can't put my mate through that pain. Not again."
"Your fear is valid, Mrs. Park. But I assure you, myself and my team are going to do everything in our power so you don't have to face that pain again." Jia gently squeezed her hand. "Stressing is not good for the baby. Please calm down."
Jungkook hugged her gently from the side. He could tell it wasn't just one thing that was bothering her. It was a combination of a lot of things. "Mom, what can we do to make you feel better? Should we call Papa Park? Maybe you will feel better once you talk to him?"
"I don't know," she sniffled.
"He's so anxious. You have to tell him one way or another. He's worried sick about you," Jungkook said. "Or do you need more time?" He glanced at Jia.
"We can buy you more time if you're not ready," Jia said. "You don't have to stress about telling him right away."
Mrs. Park shook her head. "I never hide anything from him. I'm not good at hiding and he always knows when something is wrong with me. He's probably feeling my anxiety."
Jia nodded. "Then you should call him in and have a private chat. A mate's presence can help calm your wolf and ease your fears."
She nodded reluctantly. "Okay."
Jia washed her hands and rang the nurse to let Mr. Park inside. However, the door opened and two stressed out alpha males barged in.
"How is she?" Mr. Park barked.
"Is she alright?" Jimin asked. "Mom, are you okay?"
Jungkook stepped out of the divider to hush his alpha. "She's fine."
"What is it? What happened? Is she sick?" Jimin shot him with several questions. "Why did she faint?"
Jungkook smiled, glancing at Jia.
"She's perfectly fine, Jimin. Mr. Park, you can go see her. She needs you," Jia said. "Jimin, come take a seat."
Mr. Park rushed to his wife's side immediately. Hushed voices could be heard from behind the screen.
The alpha didn't move from his spot, looking tense and anxious. "Noona, why did she faint?" Jimin asked. "Is her report alright? This isn't something serious, right?"
Jia smiled. "It's the stress, Jimin. You have nothing to worry about. I'm still waiting for the blood reports but otherwise there are no complications. She's good to go home."
The omega pursed his lips, stifling the smile. He wondered how Jimin would react when he found out the truth.
Jimin looked at Jungkook expectantly. "What is it? Why are you smiling?"
Jungkook pursed his lips. "Wait for a moment," he chided. "You need to wait for your turn."
"My turn?" Jimin blinked owlishly.
"What?" Mr. Park gasped from behind the screen. Before Jungkook could stop him Jimin was already storming over.
"What? What happened?" he demanded in a panicked voice.
Mr. Park turned around, holding the ultrasound picture in trembling hands. "I...I...I'm..."
"Y-You're what?" Jimin snatched the ultrasound from his father.
"You're going to be a big brother," Jungkook announced cheerfully. "Mom is going to become a mom for the second time."
"Huh?" Jimin stared at the ultrasound, tilting it this side and that.
Jungkook pointed at the small bean in the ultrasound. "That one. Eight weeks."
"Wow..." Jimin whispered. "This one is so tiny."
Mrs. Park had her face covered in both her hands, her skin flushed red. Her scent had shifted from that of distress to embarrassment and a bit of a flustered mess. Mr. Park's scent was shifting between joy, shock and pride. He looked too stunned to speak.
"Mom, is this true?" Jimin asked without tearing his eyes off the ultrasound. "I'm getting a sibling?"
"Looks like it." Mr. Park took the ultrasound from him again, staring at it in a stunned wonder. "It feels just like the first time I saw you. You were just a tiny little bean."
"I'm a big bean now." Jimin stared at the ultrasound as if he couldn't look away. "You're one sneaky alpha, dad. I was thinking the next pup in our family is gonna be mine. You beat me to it."
Mr. Park barked out a laugh, clapping Jimin's shoulder. "Dad to the win! You owe me a drink."
"Oh God, I'm so embarrassed," Mrs. Park groaned.
"Why?" Jimin scoffed. "I've been demanding a sister or a brother since I was eight and it took you so many years to give me one." He stepped closer to his father, staring at the ultrasound in amazement. "I wish it's a girl," he mumbled.
"A sister?" his mother asked in disbelief.
"Mhmm... I'm too old to punch a brother and it's no fun if I can't wrestle him. But if it's a sister I can still pull her pigtails and call her ugly."
"Jimin..." His mom stared at him in shock. "You're not pulling her pigtails and calling her ugly."
"Oh, I absolutely will." He grinned ear to ear. "I'll be her absolute nightmare and I'll chase every alpha in her vicinity."
Tears filled her eyes and she chuckled. "I can't believe you're standing there and debating if it's a brother or sister. I was worried how you would react."
"Why wouldn't I be happy?"
"I'm not young," she said. "You're twenty-eight and have a mate, Jimin. I'm at the age of becoming a grandmother."
The alpha rolled his eyes. "So?"
She took a deep breath. "Jimin, doesn't it bother you even a bit?"
Jimin laughed. "Why should it bother me?" he asked her. "Should I be ashamed that my parents still love each other? If I'm ashamed of this pup, first and foremost I should be ashamed of my existence." He chuckled. "Mom, everyone knows how pups are made. Stop worrying your head too much over this."
"Hye-Jin-ah, this might be unexpected, but I'm only worried for your health." He caressed her cheek. "You should never think about what others have to say about this. You're my wife. Your happiness is my happiness."
Mrs. Park visibly relaxed a bit, the storm in her eyes clearing a little. "Thank you," she croaked.
Jimin's demeanor shifted. His face broke into a beautiful grin. "Congrats, mom." He bent to hug her and kiss her cheek. "I'm so happy for you."
She slumped into his arms. "I'm just... scared."
"Why?" he asked. "If it's about the past, nothing is going to happen to this baby." He put a hand on her stomach. "I'll protect her at any cost, mom. I won't let anything happen to you or the baby."
Mrs. Park broke down into sobs and Jimin held her until she calmed down.
"'s gonna be okay. We will be okay."
She nodded into his chest. Mr. Park bent to kiss on top of her head. Jungkook watched the small family embrace with a gentle smile on his face. Mrs. Park had nothing to worry about other than her health. Jia had already assured the fetus was healthy.
He knew things like this cannot be predicted given her past history and she'd be devastated if something were to go wrong. But he also knew she had every help to stop it from happening again. Things were going to be okay. Anyone who would wanna judge her over this didn't belong anywhere near her.
Jungkook took a deep breath, joining their embrace. Jimin pulled him closer, nuzzling into his cheek. Mrs. Park melted in their embrace, her scent growing calm and reverting to the natural sweetness with time.
Jia was a silent support through it all. "Here are some prenatal vitamins you have to start with. I'll send a trustworthy dietician to help you design a healthy and nutritious diet for you." She handed them a prescription with a smile. "I'll come visit you for a routine check and you don't have to come over unless it's necessary."
"Okay." Mrs. Park nodded.
"And you don't have to reveal this to the public now," Jia suggested. "I say keep it within the family and stay as relaxed as possible. Just focus on yourself and your health. That should be your priority." Just then a nurse came to inform her the reports had come. Jia clicked on her computer to check the reports and smiled. "Everything is normal and you have nothing to worry about."
"That's a relief." Mr. Park blew out a breath.
"What about work?" Mrs. Park asked.
"You can continue as usual. No strenuous activities for the next couple of weeks, though. And don't do anything that stresses you. A bedrest is not necessary. Just listen to your body and don't push yourself too much. That's all. I'm only a call or text away if you need something."
Mrs. Park nodded. "Thank you."
"Um...Jimin, Jungkook, can you both wait outside for a moment?" Jia requested and the two immediately exited.
Jungkook held the ultrasound in his hands, tracing the small bean-like structure. "She looks so cute," he gushed. "This is my first time seeing an ultrasound of a pup."
Jimin grinned, holding the other end of the ultrasound. "Same here."
"I don't even know how to hold a baby."
"Guess mom decided to go first so she can show you." Jimin winked, which caused the omega to swat his chest.
"Don't let her hear this," he chided. "She's stressed as it is."
Jimin chuckled. "Yeah? But you're blushing and that's an adorable look on you."
Jungkook snorted, leaning into his alpha. "Looks like someone can't wait to have pups."
The alpha shrugged shamelessly. "Can you blame me?"
"I can." Jungkook huffed. "I haven't decided yet."
"No problem. I can wait." Jimin bumped into him.
The couple continued to tease each other and laugh, unaware of the pair of eyes watching them, fuming over their intimate moment.
A/N: I'll be taking a break from social media and here until January or February starting 1st of December. So this fic and every other fic will be on hold until my return. I'll try to update the pre written chapters as much as possible but no promises how much I'll be able to tackle.
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