One Step Closer - 150💕




Taehyung's distressed scent filled the car and he kept bouncing his leg relentlessly throughout the drive. His fingers fidgeted with the hem of his t-shirt and he was biting his bottom lip raw.

Yoongi could understand his turmoil. Every time his gaze flicked toward Taehyung, the alpha wanted to tell his boyfriend that it was okay and they'd be okay, but he wasn't sure about it himself. The calming pheromones he emitted weren't helping at all.

If their driver caught wind of their distressed scent he didn't comment. The guy was loyal to his bones and probably knew most of their dirtiest secrets than anyone else did. He did turn off the music, knowing Taehyung wanted silence when he was upset.

So at one point, he just rolled down the windows, letting the fresh air inside. It seemed to do the trick for a while. Taehyung looked a bit okay and less fidgety. Both their shoulders relaxed as the fresh wind swept some of the heaviness away but it wasn't like they could escape this. They had no choice but to get through this.

The tension remained, thick and heavy but less suffocating. His wolf wanted to calm and comfort his mate but he was hurting too and how was he supposed to offer comfort when he was feeling none? Oh, how much he wished there was a shortcut to this where they would get to press skip buttons and get to their happy ending. But life just didn't work that way.

He could feel Taehyung's nervous glance on him every once in a while but he tried to stay calm. His wolf was hurting but at least Taehyung hadn't abandoned them this time.

When Taehyung proposed the idea, he wanted to refuse. However, it physically hurt him to be apart from his mate right then. The bond they unintentionally created felt like a heavy burden on his chest. What wouldn't he give to hear Taehyung say it'd all be okay.

He exhaled through his mouth, fingers tapping restlessly on his thigh as he glanced outside. A hand over his hand stopped him. He looked at the owner of the hand, who had his gaze fixated on the scenery outside the window.

Taehyung squeezed his hand and Yoongi sensed the way it trembled as if he was offering or seeking assurance. Yoongi sighed, putting his other hand over his and squeezing it in return.

"I'm not running away," Taehyung mumbled. "I won't run away." When he glanced at him, there was a sheen of tears in his eyes. "D-Don't give up on me."

A stray tear escaped his eyes then and he immediately averted his face. Never. The words were at the tip of his tongue but he didn't say it out loud, fearing he wouldn't be able to control his emotions. Instead, he squeezed Taehyung's hand once to let him know that he wouldn't.

Whether Taehyung realized it or not, those words felt like a lifeline right then. His wolf took solace and sought after the little comfort that came from it. Things would be okay.

By the time they arrived at their destination, the silence was heavy once more, but at least it was less suffocating. At Jimin's place, Taehyung rushed to his bar first, grabbing a few bottles before disappearing into their guest room following Jungkook. The door slammed shut and Yoongi cast Jimin a weary look.

"I'll make you a drink," Jimin said, his gaze full of concern but he didn't make any other remark. "Make yourself home."

Yoongi perched on a bar stool, merely grunting. His shoulders slumped, suddenly feeling too drained as the day's exhaustion caught up with him. Suddenly it was all too much.

"Suit yourself, hyung. I got a really good collection." Jimin winked, getting to work behind the bar. He even winked trying to offer a semblance of normalcy, only it didn't calm the storm in his heart.

As he watched Jimin moving around, he felt the weight of the situation, pressing down on him again. The storm inside him once again raged on. He somehow understood Taehyung's need to run away. He wished he could do that too. But that wasn't how he functioned.

"Here's your drink." Jimin put the drink in front of him. It was one of the strongest drinks and Yoongi took a sip, relishing the bitterness and burn. "Are you in the mood for watching something mindlessly? Or we can play something," he offered.

Yoongi exhaled. "I'm in the mood to beat up someone."

Jimin smirked. "I got just the game for you then."


"So, how is it?" Jungkook glanced at Taehyung expectantly who stood staring at the beautiful and comfiest nests in front of him.

The soft blankets and fluffed pillows were arranged carefully and meticulously to create a warm cocoon and safety. The plush blankets were layered atop of each other and surrounded by pillow forts. It was just wide enough for two people to sleep in comfortably.

Jungkook and Jimin's combined scents wafted from the nest, so mild it was barely noticeable but Taehyung could tell it was intended for him. Taehyung had never considered himself as someone who would seek solace in a nest.

An omega parent often kept their pups in their nests or built one for them until they grew out of it. Teen alphas were allowed to share their mother's nest from time to time while adult alphas would often share a nest with their mate.

But Taehyung never had a proper maternal figure in his life he was close with. Growing up, he didn't have any omega siblings who built a nest either. And obviously he never got into a serious relationship with anyone to be invited into their nests.

The alpha felt a new sensation balling up in his throat and eyes stinging at the mere sight of a nest made just for him. He tried to swallow around the ball, one treacherous tear rolling down his cheek.

"This is beautiful," he croaked. His breath hitched as several emotions washed over him. "You made it for me?"

Jungkook nodded, eyes twinkling with excitement and his Maraschino cherry scent sweetening at the praise. "It's my sanctuary whenever I need comfort. Thought you could use one today." He grabbed his hand and led him to the nest. "You had a rough day."

"Hyung is the one hurting the most," he said solemnly. "I can't even tell him it's gonna be okay could it be? I did something horrible and it's not something that can be corrected with just words."

"Get inside first," Jungkook urged.

Taehyung handed the alcohol bottles to Jungkook before carefully entering the nest using the small opening Jungkook left for the purpose. "I don't remember being in a nest. Ever."

His brother watched him with bated breath as he lowered himself into the nest. The alpha settled down awkwardly. "Oh, this is comfortable." He sank against the sheets with a contented sigh and noticed Jungkook visibly relaxing upon seeing his reaction. "Are you coming in?"

"Do you want me to?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head to the side.

Taehyung glanced around. "There's enough space. it okay for you to share a nest with me?" The soft haven seemed to swallow him whole and wrap him with comfort.

"Technically you're my brother, so yeah," Jungkook replied. "Otherwise no. A nest is so sacred and an intimate place. Only your pup and mate are allowed to enter. I've allowed my best friend to enter my nest a couple of times."


"Is it okay for me to come in?"

Taehyung frowned. "You build this," he said. "Why not?"

That drew a chuckle from Jungkook. "I made it for you. It's yours, hyung. If you want me inside your space, you need to invite me. It's disrespectful to just waltz in."

Taehyung blinked, caressing the soft blankets and pillows, recognizing the latest collection from his store. "This is mine?"

Jungkook nodded with an amused grin. "Yep."

"Come in." Taehyung scooted to make space. "I could use a hug."

Jungkook climbed inside carefully, lying next to him. Taehyung turned around and patted, silently asking the omega to hold him.

Jungkook wrapped a hand around him, releasing calming pheromones to calm the alpha, but Taehyung could tell he kept it controlled.

"This feels so good." Taehyung unconsciously rubbed his cheek on one of the pillows. "Never knew it could be this comfy."

Jungkook chuckled. "You're welcome."

"Yoongi hyung is hurting," Taehyung said, remembering why he was here in the first place. Surrounded by comfort, he allowed himself to be vulnerable one more time. The dam broke and his tears flooded out. "And I don't know how to make it better."

"You're hurting too," Jungkook pointed out.

"But it's nothing compared to the pain I put him through all these months." Taehyung exhaled, more tears breaking free.

His shoulders shook with sobs. He could feel Yoongi's pain and turmoil. It never made sense before but now he realized where those foreign emotions came from. It had always been Yoongi.

He never understood the cold rage washing over him after he bragged about his fake escapades in the group chat and the gripping pain in his chest. Taehyung thought his wolf was broken and causing him so much pain. Now he thought about it, he knew the reason. He couldn't believe how blind he was.

Like a fool, he ignored the magnetic pull he felt whenever he was near Yoongi. He brushed it off and didn't read too much into it. He allowed this to happen and so it was entirely his fault.

"There's no excuse for what I did and I don't know how to make this right. I don't know how to comfort him. I'm just a coward, running from my problems again," he continued.

Jungkook ran his hand over him in a soothing motion. "Maybe...but this time you brought him along. You knew he needed someone too."

Taehyung shrugged. "It's bare minimum."

"I know." Jungkook sighed. "Feelings and emotions are complicated. You realize you cannot rectify this in one day, right? You have to work for it."

"And I don't know how." His voice cracked. "The shame and guilt is eating me up. Marking is for life. I took that choice from him."

"You did," Jungkook agreed. "But you also need to realize Yoongi hyung is in love with you."

"That's what makes this more horrible," Taehyung sniffled. "He was powerless to stop me. His wolf was confused."

"The situation isn't idle, but blaming yourself alone isn't going to fix this," Jungkook said. "If Yoongi hyung didn't love you or want you things would have been different. But he has given you another chance. Are you going to use it or just throw it away because you're a coward?"

Taehyung stilled. Another chance?

"He's courting you, isn't he?" Jungkook continued. "He loves you so much that he's ready to sacrifice everything for your happiness and even overlooked your mistakes. Shouldn't you respect that?"

"How?" his voice cracked, feeling helpless. "How do I make it better?"

"You should ask him that," Jungkook said. "But the first step is to accept what you did and start working on yourself. Own your actions, hyung. Stop running away and face it."

Taehyung bit his lip. "I'm trying."

"This isn't just about you," his brother said. "There are two people involved. So whatever you do, you have to work together."

He nodded, still feeling confused as hell but acknowledging the truth in Jungkook's words. "I don't know how."

"Then you will find out and will learn how," Jungkook insisted. "Relationships are complicated. There's no clear cut instruction on how to solve conflicts. Just know you're not alone." He nuzzled into his back. "You have me. You have your friends. You have a lot of people you can count on. All I can say is that you don't have to do this alone."

Taehyung nodded shakily, swallowing the lump in his throat. He settled more comfortably in the nest, feeling assured and somehow calm. His heart beat had slowed down and he didn't feel like he was at the verge of a panic attack anymore.

Jungkook was a ball of comfort and like the greedy person he was, he leeched off the warmth and comfort the omega radiated. Taehyung has never known a mother's comfort, but he guessed it would have felt something like this.

The peace that washed over him then was something he never experienced in his life. They stayed like that for a while before Jungkook asked, "Do you want some snacks?"


"Ok. Let me make a quick trip to the pantry then." Jungkook carefully got out. "Be right back."

Taehyung missed his warm embrace immediately but the cozy nest held him hostage. He absentmindedly began to rub his scent over the blankets and pillows, groaning as burst after burst of his pheromones seeped out of him.

This is heaven.


When Jungkook went out, Jimin and Yoongi were immersed in an intense battle, bumping into each other as they cursed out loud. He hopped to the pantry, grabbing all of Taehyung's favorite snacks he bought earlier.

Food, a good nest and some heart to heart chat was a way to solve conflicting emotions and calm a turbulent mind. He already prepared the nest and he could see how Taehyung's distress diffused in a matter of minutes.

If he could just fall asleep, then come morning, he'd feel light as a feather. On his way back, he smiled looking at the two alphas cursing at each other as they tried to overpower each other's character on screen.

He shook his head. Boys. It was true. No matter how old they get, they will always remain one in their hearts.

As he entered the guest room and approached the bed, he noticed Taehyung promptly passed out, seemingly asleep with his bread cheek squished over one of the pillows.


With his disheveled wavy hair fanned over the pillow and falling over his forehead, Taehyung looked younger than his age. He sighed, staring at the snacks in his hand.

Guess we don't need this right now.


"Am I interrupting?" Jungkook asked, putting the bottles on the counter.

Yoongi glanced over his shoulder as Jimin reached for the bottles with a frown.

"He didn't drink?" Jimin asked.

"Nope," the omega said. "He fell asleep."

Surprise washed over Yoongi. That was new. Taehyung liked to get wasted whenever he got upset and rambled on for hours. He was inconsolable and also dramatic.

"He slept?" Jimin's frown deepened. "Without even drinking from my stash? That's new." He began to put the bottles back in its place. "He usually goes on a ranting spree for hours."

"Say thanks to my nest..." the omega sang, looking proud of himself. "He's sleeping like a wee baby." He made a cute gesture with his balled fists in front of his chest that looked both happy and excited. It was a kind of a gesture that would stir the cuteness aggression in someone.

Yoongi exhaled. "Thank you." He didn't know what to make of it. Maybe it was for good. The gaming session was a much needed distraction and he felt better.

Jungkook's head whipped to him. "You're welcome." He grinned, happiness radiating off him and Yoongi felt a wave of calm washing over him.

Yoongi averted his gaze to his watch. "It's getting late. You guys should go to sleep." He slid off the bar stool, draining the rest of his drink. It made him pleasantly buzzing but he didn't think he could sleep. "I'll take the couch."

Taehyung had a shoot tomorrow. So he had already texted his assistant to adjust his schedule accordingly. Though this turn of events were far better than the expected outcome, he was still at the edge.

"You can sleep in the guest bedroom," Jungkook suggested. "I made enough space for two."

Yoongi frowned. "Huh?"

"The nest," Jungkook said. "I'm sure Taehyung wouldn't mind. You should go sleep with him."

"I don't think he'd appreciate it." Yoongi sniffed. "A nest is a sacred place for a wolf."

"Yeah and so is your bond." Jungkook glanced at Jimin with a smile. "When mates share a nest, it's comforting. It offers assurance that words often fail to provide."

"He's right. It works." Jimin skirted around the bar to come and stand beside them. He put both hands on Jungkook's shoulder, squeezing it. "Maybe you should hug him first," he said to Jungkook. "I think hyung could use some of your magic hugs."

Yoongi blinked in surprise. "That won't be necessary." He cleared his throat. He wasn't big on physical affection and he didn't think a hug was going to solve it.

Jungkook, however, just waltzed into his space. "You need a hug," he announced. "Trust me, hyung." He opened his arms wide, wiggling his fingers.

Yoongi's frown deepened as his gaze raked over the regular omega, who indeed looked like an oversized teddy bear in his loose pajamas. But it was the excited and enthused look in his doe-eyes that held him hostage.

"Okay..." he relented, not wanting to disappoint him. Jungkook was not only precious to Jimin but also to Taehyung. He was also his brother-in-law if everything between him and Taehyung worked out. "Just one."

That was all Jungkook needed to wrap his arms around him. Yoongi stiffened, standing frozen in his embrace. "Um..." He glanced nervously at Jimin who looked proud and stared at them with a knowing smile. "I guess that's enough?"

The omega shook his head. "No, just give it a few minutes to work."

"Huh?" Yoongi blinked again. Jungkook had him in a bear hug, his arms tight around him, even encasing both his arms that were by his sides. He didn't know if he should hug Jungkook back. So he lifted his hand to pat awkwardly at Jungkook's back. "Now,'s a good hug," he said.

The omega, however, chuckled. "No, hyungie. You gotta relax." He tightened his hold, pressing his cheek on his shoulder. "Deep breaths."

"You should listen to him," Jimin piped in. "Deep breaths, hyung. Relax."

Yoongi sighed. "Alright. Hug me all you want."

He had nothing to lose anyway. It almost seemed funny that this omega would believe a hug was a remedy to everything.

He'd just entertain his best friend's omega a little bit whether this was making him feel better or not. Jungkook was a decade younger than him and reminded him of an excited pup eager to hug his favorite person when he met him after not seeing them for a long time.

But then he felt something shift and a peace he didn't feel recently wash over him. It wasn't just a physical embrace, there was more to it he couldn't pinpoint in that moment.

"You're hurting," Jungkook mumbled. "I wish you know that you're an amazing alpha." He sighed. "My brother is just a confused and abandoned pup. He never had someone to love him so he might be oblivious to your affection. Taehyungie hyung just doesn't know how to accept someone's affection and he's also scared that anyone he gets close to will leave him someday. So he's scared to let anyone get closer."

Yoongi supposed that was true. His shoulders relaxed first and he breathed deep, inhaling the calming pheromones Jungkook emitted. His eyes fluttered close. Hugging Jungkook felt like hugging his mother and a pup at the sametime.

"He's ashamed of his actions and feels guilty for doing this without your consent. I'm sure you would have kicked his ass no matter how hard it was if you didn't love him. He's sorry that he hurt you and is remorseful."

Yoongi's eyes stung. His words combined with his hug felt like a soothing balm. Yoongi felt his wolf push forward, seeking more of that comfort. The emotional burden he'd been carrying in his heart lessened a bit. For the first time, he felt seen and heard.

"You're a generous lover. Taehyung is lucky to have you. And I'm grateful he has you," Jungkook continued. "You must have a big heart to just give and expect nothing in return. To love someone unconditionally for over ten years is not easy. I see you, hyung."

First tears fell down and Yoongi was too powerless to stop them.

"You deserve all the love in the world and I'm going to make sure my idiot brother does just that." Jungkook slowly pulled away. "Taehyungie hyung is a confused Oompa-Loompa. If you give him space, he'd think you're abandoning him and gonna blame himself more for it. Then he's gonna do something more stupid. So I really recommend you go in there and cuddle your mate to sleep."

Yoongi exhaled, hands falling to his side and balling into fists. "I'm not sure if that'll work."

"Trust me." The omega smiled. "Both your wolves need that. Letting go of the hurt and pain isn't easy but a distance right now is only going to hurt you both more. You're already courting him. You gave him another chance to set things right. There's nothing wrong in fighting for your love. It isn't love if you don't fight for it. Go on, hyung. Show my dramatic hyung that you aren't like the others and you're here to stay."

Yoongi nodded thoughtfully. Jungkook was right. He couldn't let Taehyung get away again. Didn't he think enough was enough when he decided to pursue Taehyung? This was a chase and how could he give up now?

"Thanks," he mumbled. "I hope you're right."

"He's always right." Jimin, who was silent all this time pulled Jungkook back into his embrace, burying his face into his neck. "Jungkook knows people and he knows Taehyung better."

Jungkook chuckled. "I'm just good at observation."

Yoongi stared at them, wondering if he and Taehyung would ever have something like that. Maybe Jungkook was showing him a path to his happiness. The omega did get Taehyung to accept his courting proposal. If he could convince Taehyung to stop caring about the society and go for it, then he knew what he was doing.

"You're one lucky alpha, Jimin," he said and then glanced at Jungkook. "You're a good kid. I'm glad Taehyung has someone like you by his side."

Jungkook smiled. "I'm on your side too." He grabbed Jimin's arm, hugging it. "We all are. You're just as important, Yoongi hyung. We hate to see you hurting."

Yoongi nodded, feeling overwhelmed with a lot of emotions he couldn't name right then. "I'm not too drunk for this conversation," he joked. "I'll get going."

"Okay. Good night!" Jungkook said cheerfully. "I'm gonna walk him down the aisle someday. So cheer up!"

That made Yoongi chuckle. Though Taehyung mentioned something like that out of the blue, it brought more reassurance. This was just an emotional phase and they would get through this, hopefully without much damage.

"Good night, hyung," Jimin piped in. "Hang in there."

Yoongi once again nodded and retired for the night. The guest room that he stayed in on multiple occasions looked the same except it wasn't plain anymore. There were a lot of personal touches to the walls that gave it a more warm, cozy feeling.

The bed was at the center of the room and amidst a mountain of fluffy pillows and blankets, he saw Taehyung asleep. Jungkook was right. His mate looked peaceful than ever and more relaxed.

Yoongi removed his socks and the overcoat, getting ready for bed. He has never been inside an omega's nest after he was sent to boarding school. So he wasn't sure if it was alright to go into one. But he decided to trust Jungkook.

He carefully climbed inside without disrupting any of the items and lay behind Taehyung. His mate's scent was calm and it somehow eased his restlessness.

Taehyung rolled to face him then. In his sleepy state, he mumbled something and then buried his face into Yoongi's neck, nuzzling and wiggling to find a comfortable position. He also threw a leg over Yoongi's hip, wrapping his entire body around Yoongi like an octopus.

Yoongi instantly relaxed, inhaling his mate's comforting scent. The nest was incredibly comfortable and soon he found himself drifting into a peaceful slumber.


Extra chapter related to this scene is now available on Patreon to read. It's one of the requested dream sequence by a reader where Taehyung meets Jungkook's parents in his dream while he sleeps in the nest Jungkook made for him.

Sneak peek:

Another extra where JK's parents give their blessings to JM.

Sneak peek:

A dream sequence where JK meets his mom and dad.

Sneak peek:

A/N: Hope you're all doing good. I just finished my physio sessions and was physically exhausted, but I'm hanging in here. 

A few of you ignore every author note and keep hounding me for updates despite knowing I'm taking it slow due to my health issues. Next time, I'll simply block you. Honestly, stop. It's only adding to my stress. It's not nice.

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