Jeffmadds! FLUFF ❤️


  James came through a portal with a clipboard in his hand. He breathed out, cringing his nose up and a disgusting smell. Humans disgusted him. From the way they lived, to the way they smelled. He shouldn't be complaining though. He once WAS a human.

Thinking, breathing, drinking, eating.

Now nothing. His light brown skin seemed lighter as it glowed heavenly. Like he had just swallowed a flashlight. The halo above his head illuminated his dark hair. He had a white sun dress on. He wasn't supposed to wear it. Angels weren't supposed to love the same gender nor were they supposed to wear the opposites genders clothing. But he defied that. Clothing doesn't have a gender to James.

  James let out another heavy breath as he saw his tall 'friend', Thomas Jefferson stalking yet another human. They had known each other for over a year. Their relationship had grown and.. they started off rough. Believe it or not, James used to be mute. But when he spoke, it was like doves spreading their wings and flying into the light of the sun. It was angelic in itself. Boy, did he have a loud mouth too when he thought something was wrong.

  James was mute because people kept telling him to shut up. He was very timid. His best friend, Peggy and John, would be the only people he would talk to. Even then, it was on rare occasion where he would talk. James met both Peggy and John in the gates of Heaven. They were supposed to just show him around, tell him his job, then leave him alone. But they all had a connection. They all thought they shouldn't be up in the clouds, for there are other people worthy. After all, they had all lusted for the same genders touch. That's what made them such great friends as well. They connected that way and had just been friends throughout these years.

  Thomas came in as said, a year ago. James' job consisted of keeping demons away from humans. Everyone knows demons are evil and angels are good, Right? James was minding his own business, humans walking by him. They couldn't see him of course. He was invisible to human eyes. He spotted that curly haired demon in an alley, tormenting a poor girl. James approached the situation with calmness. Calmness quickly taken away though, when James grabbed the demons arm, and proceeded to burn it. The girl ran away with no harm done. Just some mental scarring. More or less, it ended with James seeing Thomas every day after.. he would cause trouble just to see James. James didn't really realize it though.

James walked across the street to Thomas, pushing him into an alleyway.

"Hey, baby~" Thomas said to James as he saw his face. James rolled his eyes, popped his hip out, and gave Thomas the look.

Thomas chuckled, "I'm just havin' fun baby boy." He purred. That only ended in a stinging slap across his face. Thomas stayed frozen for a moment and James crossed his arms.

"Feelin' feisty today, huh?" He grumbled. Thomas really hated when James was like this. He really did like James. Teasing was just part of his personality. James rolled his eyes and scoffed quietly. He mumbled small words under his breath and Thomas tried hearing James angelic voice. To his loss, he simply didn't have the right hearing for it.

"You know you shouldn't be out here, Jefferson." James signed in ASL to Thomas. Thomas learned just to communicate with James.

"And you know that I ain't gonna listen to you" Thomas replied in a snarky tone. James sighed. He wasn't in the mood of this..

  Truth be told, James always discouraged himself. Especially when it came to his job. He knew he always let the demons go, because no one really took him seriously. That caused him to get hurt a lot. Thomas of course, never knew about this, as much as little Jemmy wanted to tell the tall, tanner skinned, male. He just thought Jefferson would join him though. He leaned against the alleywall and slid down it. He scratched the back of his upper arms slightly but didn't care.

  Thomas grew concerned, and sat next to the small fellow. "Are you Alright?" Thomas asked, his raspy, snarky tone, becoming as soft as velvet. This response to James' attitude, made him snap his head towards Thomas.

"You care?" He signed to Thomas. Thomas was baffled by the question.

"Of course I care. Why wouldn't I, Jemmy?" Thomas asked. James looked at his feet, studying them like a work of art. As if Picasso himself had just painted all over the ground and James was a critic. Figuring out the meaning. His heart seemed to beat a million miles a minute. He felt his breath catch in his throat, preventing his vocabulary from escaping his lips.

"Speak.. just speak. It ain't that hard" James tried to encourage Himself with any hope of his breath forming into sentences. Thomas was very confused at this behavior James was displaying, but stayed silent as James tried to convince himself. He had to have a mindset of which he could do it. His was only fixed to fit the opposite though.

"James?" Thomas whispered, making James flinch out of his sort of daze that entranced him. He glanced at Thomas, and went back to staring at his feet like artwork.

"I-I just d-don't w-want y-You gettin' into trouble w-with anyone b-besides m-me.." James whispered, almost as quiet as a mouse. This sounded like sirens singing in Thomas' ears though. Replaying in his mind. He took a moment to process this information and the voice he registered. He grinned slyly,

  "I won't. Ya know me too well" Thomas teased. James lips curled into a small smile and he couldn't help but let out a giggle. One of a school girl some may say. Thomas felt his heart gain its achievement from simply making the small boy smile and even giggle at a remark.

"I know. Still th-though. Stay out of trouble. And maybe I'll hang out with you." James bargained with Thomas. This made Thomas perk up happily. His spine straightening out into a line and his lips curving upwards.

"I gotchu, sugar" Thomas said, with a wink of his left eye.

"Don't push it" James warned. Every demon has their own story to tell. Maybe Thomas put himself out as someone else. As did James. Let's just say, Thomas didn't get into much trouble after that moment on.

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