You Are No Monster. Opal (LOK) X Male Reader
(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name
Requested By: mystic-mountain on Deviantart
You Are No Monster. Opal (LOK) X Male Reader
(No POV)
You were Korra's best friend since you were children. You played together, learned together and hell even grew up together. That was until a man named Tenzin was going to take her away. You were so afraid that they would take the person you considered your sister from you. Having no family of your own you didn't want that... To your luck Korra said she'd go only if you could come to. You, of course, agreed without a second thought. Adjusting to city life was not easy due to your lack of a voice. Only Korra and Pema knew sign language and many in the city did not. You met several people during this time. Mako and Bolin the ladder of whom treated you like a brother much to your joy. You then met Asami and you would be lying if you said you didn't gain a small crush... Then you got to know her and she wasn't your type. Not a bad person just not someone you see yourself with. Luckily for you Asami tried to make sure that you were okay. If you ever needed to go into town she came with since she could read sign language even if she couldn't do the hand movements. She quickly became another sister to you. After you and the gang confronted Vaatu you all headed back to the city for a much needed break. You and the gang are currently going through the city trying to stop the vines from progressing. Unfortunately this would be the day you figure out something about yourself.
(Your POV)
At this point I have given up on helping with the vines. They're not going anywhere. I watch as Eska and Bolin figure out the same... I'm so glad I was able to convince her to come with. Her father was the problem not her or her brother even if he is a prick. As I lean on a wall I hear a scream. I run in the direction it came from and see a man in a cloak running away from a woman. I gun it after him at high speeds as I hear the others trail behind me. Soon I get close enough as the moon shines bright overhead. I use my bending to get water to hit him... But that doesn't happen. To my horror he simply screams in pain and slams into a wall. I stop in front of him and shakily look at my hands.
Thief: "W-what k-kind o-of monster are you?" The thief stuttered at me in pain. He then passed out as I stare at my hands in utter horror. I hear someone slowly come up behind me as tears start to flow from my eyes. I shake my head no refusing to believe what just happened to me. I feel someone grab my shoulder. I turn with tears streaming down my face to see Korra looking at me gently as the full moon's light reflects off her.
Korra: "It's okay (M/n)... It's okay." Korra said to me in that sister like tone I know well. My lips quiver slightly as I shake my head no. I use my sign language to speak to her.
You: 'Why? I'm a monster.' I signed as I silently cried more. She shook her head no and pulled me into a loving hug. I buried my head in her shoulder as she rubbed my back kindly. I feel another hand do the same. I know that's Asami.
Korra: "No (m/n). You're no monster. You're the kindest guy we know." Korra said to me trying to comfort me as I silently cried in her shoulder.
(Korra's POV)
It's been weeks since that day and (M/n)... Has barely come out of his room. He thinks he's a monster... Like Unalaq became... By he's not. I know him and he's a damn good person. I just wish he could see that right now. Me and Asami both have been trying to comfort him but... This seems to be eating him up inside... Today though is the day we leave to find the new air benders that have been popping up... And I'm going to get (M/n) to come if he likes it or not. I walk to his room and knock on the door. I hear him knock on his table letting me know I can come in. I do so and see him looking at me sadly while sitting on his bed. I thin my lips and sit next to him.
Korra: "We're leaving to find the new air benders today." I said to (M/n )kindly. He doesn't look at me and still looks at the ground. I rub his back. "And I want you to come with us." I said to him sounding happy. He looked at me a bit surprised. "I don't want to leave my little brother here alone." I said jokingly. He looks down again after I say that. "You going to pack or what?" I ask him teasingly. He looks at me confused. "Oh. You thought It was a request. No you're coming." I said to him with a smile. Pull him in for a side hug and ruffle his hair. It takes a minute but he nods at me with a small smile on his face. I smile back and let him go. I help him pack quickly and we leave the room. Once we're out he's not looking at anyone... I bet he thinks they hate him now... If only he knew. I watch as Asami looks over at us and smiles at me until she sees (M/n). She runs over to him and hugs him tightly much to his surprise.
Asami: "I was so worried (M/n)." Asami said in a caring tone. She pulled back and (M/n) looked down looking ashamed at what he had done. She made him look at her and simply smiled kindly at him. "We don't hate you... We were only worried about you isolating yourself." Asami said to (M/n) kindly. He looks at her with sad eyes and then looks at Tenzin, Jinora, Mako, and Bolin. They all nod to confirm.
You: 'I... I was just so scared... I'm sorry.' (M/n) signed as some tears formed in his eyes. Asami hugged him again but much more gently this time. The others came over to do the same to him once Asami let him go. He smiled weakly at everyone. 'Thank you.' (M/n) signed to everyone. Asami simply smiled wide at him. We all then head towards the air ship... I look over at (M/n) and still see him looking sad... I wish I could help him.
(Your POV)
It's been about two weeks since we left... Though I love being with everyone I've refused to use my bending since... Since I know what I can do now... I have the power to rip a man to shreds and it terrifies me... All I can ask is why me but... I can't do anything about it now. We've found several new air benders over these weeks... Not a damn one knew sign language in any form. Now we are heading to Zaofu to find another bender that has apparently popped up there... Maybe she'll know sign language... Doubt it though. I sigh deeply to myself. I'm currently sitting on the couch next to Korra who has my head in her lap because she 'wants me to relax.' She's currently petting my head and I have to admit... I do feel more relaxed. Asami is sitting on the other side of me and is currently reading a book I brought. She really likes it since she hasn't given it back yet. Soon we feel the airship slow down and Korra allows me to sit up. I stretch my arms and stand up along with Korra and Asami. Once the airship fully lands we step outside and are met with the beautiful city of Zaofu. I smile as I take a look around with everyone. As soon as Lin comes down, all of us start walking towards one of the metal blooms. We are stopped by guards as a new person approaches... She looks allot like Lin...
Sue: "I'm Suyin Beifong. Welcome to Zaofu." The woman greeted kindly to everyone. Lin rolled her eyes as the woman approached us. Sue was introduced to everyone until she got to me and Korra. "It's wonderful to meet you Avatar Korra." Sue said as she shook Korra's hand.
Korra: "Nice to meet you to." Korra said happily yo Sue. Sue giggled and then turned her attention to me much to my distress since I know for sure she doesn't know sign language.
Sue: "Who are you handsome young man?" Sue asked me kindly. I blushed at the compliment and signed my name. She titled her head so I elbowed Korra's side since she was talking with Asami about something. Korra looked at me and looked back at Sue and then back at Korra.
Korra: "Oh right crap... Sorry Suyin.... He can't talk. His name is (M/n)." Korra said happily. I shook Sue's hand and Sue smiled at me.
Sue: "Good name. It's nice to meet you." Sue greeted me kindly. I smiled back though it was a tad fake due to my current... Emotional state. But I ultimately decided to greet her back despite how I feel right now.
You: 'Nice to meet you to.' I signed as Korra read it to Sue for me. Sue smiled at me and then gestured all of us to follow her to her home. I followed behind her practically leaning on Korra out of me being afraid... Afraid that I'll hurt someone. Look over and see that even Eska is looking at me with a worried look... She knows why I'm scared. She knows exactly why I'm scared and has tried to reassure me that I won't become her father... Though I am still scared I will. Eska looks forward once more when Bolin interlocks their fingers. I see a small smile form on her face as he does so... I wish... Never mind.
(Still Your POV)
We have since arrived at Sue's home and she's even given everyone rooms. Though she does have Bolin and Eska share one which makes me chuckle silently. Right now Sue is guiding us to meet this new Air bender. We head out to a garden of sorts and there is a teenager standing there that is about my age and I stop and stare at her wide eyed. She's wearing a dark green outfit that fits her well. She has bright green eyes and a beautiful head of raven black hair. She has such a nice smile... Too bad I'm mute.
Sue: "This is my daughter Opal... She is an air bender." Sue said sounding proud at her daughter's new abilities.
Opal: "Nice to meet you." Opal said kindly to everyone. One by one they introduced themselves to her. She then got to me and smiled cutely which made me blush slightly. "What's your name?" Opal asked me kindly. I do as I always do and use my sign language first.
You: 'My name is (M/n)... and you're very pretty.' I signed figuring that she couldn't read it... To my surprise though she looks at me with a pretty big blush on her face. I think for a moment and then go wide eyed. 'You can read sign language?' I asked quickly feeling embarrassed. She nodded her head and smiled at me warmly which served to make me blush to.
Opal: "Yes (M/n)... I can and... Thank you for the nice compliment." Opal said to me kindly. I blush deeper and smile back at her. She then whispered something to me. "I think you're... Pretty cute." Opal whispered nervously. I blush even deeper and smile a bit wider. I hear everyone laugh at the two of us which serves to embarrass us both.
Sue: "Alright love birds. It's time for dinner." Sue teased us with a smirk. Again we turn away from each other blushing deeply.
We follow Sue to a large dining area Sue sits at the head table as Korra and Lin sit on either side of her. After her family sit down I sit down. To my surprise and eternal delight Opal sits next to me. She smiles kindly at me and I smile in turn. Soon everyone gets to chatting. To my surprise Sue wants Korra to train Opal. Korra tries to explain to Sue that Tenzin would be far better suited if we just sent Opal to the northern air temple but Sue said the decision was made... And I feel... relieved at that aspect. I would love to get to know Opal more... Soon the food comes out and everyone gets to eating. Bolin exclaims at how good the food is as everyone chuckles... me though... The thoughts have come creeping back so I am eating slowly.
Opal: "Are you alright (M/n)?" Opal asks me kindly. I snap out of my stupid trance and look at her. I sigh quietly and look at Korra who is chatting with one of Opal's brothers.
You: 'I'm just thinking... I'm fine. Thanks for caring though.' I signed smiling warmly at Opal. She gave me a look that tells me she didn't believe me but simply nodded to me.
Opal: "Okay but... if something is wrong you can talk to me... I'll listen even if I might not be able to help." Opal said kindly as she placed her hand over my free one. I blush at her actions and smile a bit at her. I nod my head to her and she smiles wide before eating more... Though she doesn't remove her hand... Not that I mind to much. I look and see Korra, Asami, Mako, and Sue all smirking at me with a knowing look. I blush and look down at my food as everyone chuckles at me. Soon my mind returns to what it was thinking about and I frown once more... Dammit.
After dinner I thought about walking around Zaofu... But since everyone was pretty beat I wouldn't have a translator. So I'm sitting in the garden thinking to myself... Which hasn't helped me since 'it' happened. I sigh silently to myself and shake my head.
Opal: "There you are (M/n)." Opal said sounding quite happy. I look up and see Opal running over to me with a smile on her face. I smile back and she sits next to me. "What's up?" Opal asked me kindly.
You: 'I wanted to walk around town and explore but... I have a feeling not many would know sign language and Korra's pretty tired.' I signed while sighing. Opal hums in response but then smiles brightly at me.
Opal: "Then I'll go with you!" Opal exclaimed happily. I gain a surprised look. She seemed to catch onto her surprise and blushed a bit. "W-well... I wanted to get to know you... Korra said you were a nice person so..." Opal trailed off as her blush deepened. I blushed more at the idea but smiled back. I tapped her shoulder and she looked at me. I nodded my head yes. "really!?" Opal asked sounding excited. I nodded again and she hugged me quickly before standing. "Lets go." Opal said happily before she grabbed my hand and we dashed off... While I was blushing up a storm.
(Still Your POV)
Opal has been showing me around to many different places here in Zaofu. Many people greeted her happily and looked at me smiling which made me happy. Though this entire time Opal has kept her grip on my hand... She said it was so she won't lose me but I get the feeling she... Just wanted to hold my hand. I didn't mind it's not like I could protest even if I wanted to. Soon I saw a malt shop and stopped walking. Opal noticed and looked to where I was staring. She smiled wide and started leading me that way. Soon we walked up to the counter.
Opal: " I would like chocolate please." Opal requested the man behind the counter happily. The man nodded and looked at me. I pointed to the vanilla one. "He'd like Vanilla." Opal said happily to the man behind the counter. He smiled a bit at us.
Man: "Alright then. Is that all love birds?" The man asked with a smile. I blushed deeply with Opal but she nodded yes. He smiled. "Alright. Go find a seat and we'll bring it right out." The man said happily as he called to the back. Me and Opal then went and found a nice table to sit at that over looked the valley. We sat in an awkward silence still recovering from what the man said.
You: 'Thanks for... Taking me out here Opal.' I signed smiling to her. She smiled back and nodded to me kindly.
Opal: "It's not a problem (M/n)." Opal said to me kindly. I smiled wider at that. I think... I think I'm going to like it here in Zaofu. Mainly thanks to Opal... There is something about that just... Calms me down and makes me happy... As strange as that sounds.
During our time at this place we talked... Allot... We learned allot about each other. Hobbies, favorite foods, and things we like doing. I learned about how her family is and I even laughed when she told me some stories of her brothers while they were growing up. She was saddened to learn I was an orphan that Korra's parents took in at Korra's request. She was happy that Korra did treat me like family though. I never told her about... That thing that happened but I didn't really want to... I really like her I think and I would hate to drive her away because of my abilities. Over all... I think this was a fun day... Opal even mentioned it as a date on accident to her mother much to her own embarrassment... Her mother simply laughed and agreed with the idea before leaving Opal and me alone. We told each other goodnight and piled to bed... I feel asleep smiling... I made a damn good friend today.
(Still Your POV)
About a week later and Korra was simply proven right. She can't really teach Opal all that effectively much to only Sue's surprise. We learned that Lin was her sister and they had a falling out at some point in their lives... I didn't pay attention to the explanation all that much. I had a nightmare last night about me hurting Korra with my bending and I have refused to leave my room. Korra has tried to coax me out but... I just don't want to risk hurting her... That dream felt to real... Everyone took a turn. Asami, Mako, Bolin and even Lin... Only Eska has stayed quiet but I know why... She doesn't know how to help me. So here I sit curled in a ball trying to figure out what to do with myself... One highlight of my week here was the fact me and Opal got to know each other pretty well. I told her about my life growing up and she did the same. We talked for ages about things we liked to do and things we wanted to do... If she wasn't training with Korra she was seen with me. Sue even said she liked me enough to let me date her if I wanted... But I don't feel I deserve her... I am... before I can complete that thought a knock is heard at the door. I can't tell the person to go away but I don't get up.
Opal: "(M/n)? It's me Opal." Opal said sounding worried at something. I stayed down... no matter how much I wanted to see her. "You weren't in the garden... Are you okay?" Opal asked me sounding very worried. I, again. Stay down. "I'm coming in." Opal said sounding very worried now. I would protest but I can't speak. Soon the door clicks telling me its open. "(M/n)!? What's wrong!?" Opal asked me probably seeing my tear stained face. Is it up so she can sit on my bed. She sits next to me. She makes me look at her and wipes my tears away with her thumb. "What happened? Please tell me." Opal asked me sounding like she would cry if I said no. I sigh deeply but silently but nod my head to her. It's about time she knows what I can do.
You: 'I'm a water bender like you know and about a month ago I discovered something... Something that makes me afraid of myself.' I signed to Opal as more tears formed in my eyes. She gave me her full attention as she continued to wipe away my tears gently. 'I was chasing a thief and tried to use my water bending to stop him and... I... found out I could... blood bend.' I said as I began to sob silently at the thought. I heard Opal gasp and sobbed more thinking she may hate me now. To my surprise though... She pulled me into a hug and held me tightly while petting my hair.
Opal: "Sh. Sh. It's okay (M/n)... It's not your fault. You were born with it. You're not a monster... You're kind and caring." Opal said to me gently as she held me tightly. I buried my head into her shoulder and cried... Letting all of my pent up emotions out. "It's okay (M/n)... It's okay. It doesn't change who you are... Only you can do that not your powers." Opal said to me gently once more. I just held her back and continued to let out my emotions. Soon I slid down slightly and she rested her chin on my head and continued to pet my hair. She began kissing the top of my head to try and calm me down... after what felt like forever I finally calmed down. I began to pull away and Opal seemed... Reluctant to let me go. She wipes my face once more and smiles warmly at me. "Better?" Opal asked me kindly. I nodded my head. She smiled warmly at me.
You: 'Thank you Opal... It means allot to me to know you care.' I signed to Opal smiling warmly back. She blushes a bit but doesn't lose her smile. 'I'm just... So Scared I'll hurt someone I care about... I don't... want to become something I despise.' I signed to Opal sadly. She nodded her head in understanding. 'I'm scared that... there's a monster inside... Just waiting to claw out.' I signed sadly once more as I looked down. I feel Opal gently cup my face and make me look at her. She's shaking her head no at me.
Opal: "No (M/n). There Is no monster inside you... Only a kind hearted person who loves to help people... A good person whom... I like very much." Opal said to me smiling warmly. I smiled back at her and hugged her again which she gladly accepted. We stayed that way for a time until I pulled back.
You: 'Thanks Opal... I really like you to... And... I know I'm mute but I have a question.' I signed as I felt my nervousness build up allot. She nodded her head waiting for me to continue. 'Over these past two weeks... You and me have got to know each other really well... And... I love spending time with you.' I signed happily while a smile found its way onto my face. She smiled warmly back.
Opal: "I love spending time with you to." Opal said happily to me. I blush a bit but continue trying to fight off my extreme nervousness that way she can understand my sign language.
You: 'I also find myself feeling... Comfortable around you... And I get nervousness when you smile at me... I was wondering if.' I take a breath to calm my bad nerves. 'If you'd... be my girlfriend?' I signed shaking slightly. I hear Opal gasp in surprise and I look down shaking a bit. I wait what feels like an eternity for an answer but I feel I gentle hand cup my cheek gently and make me look up. I see Opal smiling warmly at me and see joy in her eyes.
Opal: "I was hoping you'd ask me... I was far too nervous to ask the same." Opal said in a happy tone. I gain a surprised look. "I... Feel the same (m/n)... I feel happier around you then I do any one else..." Opal said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I blushed deeply as she slowly pulled me closer. "I... I..." Opal can't say what she wants but... I think I know what she wants to say. I smile wider and nod showing I know. I wrap my arms around her. Our lips are nearly touching.
You: 'Me to.' I mouth to her so she can feel. She smiles a bit before she kisses me softly. Little does she know this is my first kiss in my life period. It's not heated but I can feel all the emotions in them. We stay that way for a time until we need to breathe. Once that comes up we both are breathing in and once we catch our breath I smile lovingly at her and she does the same.
Opal: "Hey... I have a question." Opal said sounding a tad nervous. "C-can I... Sleep here tonight... With you?" Opal asked me sounding nervously and blushing deeply. She looks away from me. I cup her cheek and make her look at me. I peck her lips and nod my head yes. She smiles wide. I stand so she can get under the covers... I do the same after she gets comfy. She's facing away from me and I'm just laying there. "A-aren't you supposed to... Hold me?" Opal asked me sounding very nervous. She can't see it but I blush deeply. "You know what? That was dumb neve-" I cut her off as I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. She sighs happily and settles into the position. "You're warm..." Opal said as she turned to look at me. I smile warmly and we kiss as the moonlight hits the window. She lays her head back on the pillow and closes her eyes as I rest my chin on her head.
Opal's right... I don't need to worry about a beast living inside me just wanting to come out to hurt people... Not when someone like her loves me. I just need to remember I'm kind at heart... If I can't I know Opal will along with everyone else... Though she'll likely remind me with a kiss... I'm not a monster... And I have Opal to thank for making me realize that.
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