Why me? Kagura (Fairy Tail) X Male Reader


(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name

Why me? Kagura (Fairy Tail) X Male Reader

Requested By: ryuzero12 On Deviantart

(Kagura's POV)

Out of all the capable members of Fairy Tale they have to keep sending him. He never takes anything seriously and if he isn't making some bad pun he's constantly flirting with me. Part of me wonders if he actually means it but the rest of me has to resist punching him in the face. I keep asking Master to ask for someone else but she always tells me, 'His attitude doesn't matter. He gets the job done with no injuries. That's what matters.' That infuriates me. She doesn't have to deal with his constant attitude while on the job! I sigh in annoyance as I wait here at the train station. Master also insisted I pick him up despite my protests. I swear I heard her laughing as I stomped away. It's not that he's a bad person. On the contrary he's a damn good person. I just prefer working with people that take jobs seriously like myself. He does not do that or it seems like he doesn't ayway. Outside of jobs however he's wonderful to be around. He never finds anything I speak of boring and always listens intently and I love being around him... But on the job, I hate him and his stupid attitude! I soon see his train pull into the station. Once it stops I see him step out with a single bag of luggage. That's one good thing about him. Unlike Titania, (M/n) only brings the essentials and not his whole wardrobe. To my surprise though he looks. Sad? I see him sigh a bit before his gaze lands on me. I see him smile but his eyes can't hide his feelings. He's dressed in his normal vest with simple pants and combat boots. I see his scythe on his back and... A Holster on his hip? He has a gun? I thought he hated them. He approaches me smiling as normal yet I can't shake the look in his eyes.

You: "Hey gorgeous." (M/n) said with his trademark smirk. It takes me a moment to overcome his sad look before I glare at the man. He chuckles weakly. "What's the mission?" He asks in a more serious tone. I sigh and hand him the papers. He reads through them. "An extermination? That's Laxus' specialty... Odd that they'd send me." (M/n) said to himself out loud. I have to agree with him here. As capable as (M/n) may be, his specialty is undead and evil wizards not monster hunting. He shakes his head to himself and looks back up at me.

Kagura: "Yes well they sent you. Now let's go." I said to (M/n) sternly. He nodded but I swear I saw a flash o hurt in his eyes. As we walked I still couldn't shake that look he had. It's as if someone tore his heart out. He also being weirdly quiet as we walk. Normally he'd be chatty but not today. I hear him sigh quietly and I glance at him. There's that look again. This now has me concerned... Despite how he annoys me he is a good person and a decent fighter. And I hate seeing him like this... Even if I dislike his chipper attitude on the job... I do like it when we talk... I hope he's alright.


(Your POV)

Keep up the smile (M/n)... They don't need to know what happened to you and your 'parents.' I am currently waiting for Kagura outside her guild. She needed to fetch a few things and since I just packed camping gear it's on my back. Kagura... If she only knew my flirting wasn't fake... Given my attitude before I guess it isn't that shocking. She probably assumes I'm not taking this seriously. I then hear the guild doors open. I look and see what looks like a couple walk out. I watch and... Imagine me and Kagura holding hands and heading off to a date at a fancy restaurant. Ah well... Like that could happen. She doesn't like me anyway. I then think about what happened... Dammit... I then hear the doors open again and its Kagura this time. She's in her normal battle attire now. She'd look beautiful in anything she wore. She than gestured for me to follow and I did. I say nothing as we walk down the dirt path. I'm too damn lost in my own thoughts to even think about striking up a conversation. I swear I see her glance back at me so I try and keep my fake smile right now... Out of all the things that had to happen to me... I knew it was coming but... I still wasn't ready. Why mom and dad? I was born with it... I couldn't help it... I then suck in my emotions trying to keep my normal look about me.

Kagura: "You're not talking... That's odd." Kagura pointed out in her normal stern tone. She looks back at me and I just shrug.

You: "I've got nothing to talk about... Sorry." I apologized to her. I love talking with her beyond my flirting but... I just can't today. I see Kagura give me a brief look of concern before she looks forward once more. I sigh deeply... I wonder if she'd let me tell her.


(Kagura's POV)

Night began to fall before we could make it to the town. I was right on that count. (M/n) set up our tents and yet said nothing. He keeps a fake smile on his face when he thinks I'm looking at him, yet when he thinks I'm not paying attention he frowns and I can see the hurt in his eyes. I... Wish to ask him what is bothering him... I may dislike his snarky attitude but he's a decent person... Always kind and often gives me more of the bounty than he takes... He's also... Decent looking I will admit. I see (M/n) finish pitching the tents and sit by the fire he started before he began. We sit in silence and I still see (M/n)'s frown from behind my book. He just sits there looking at something. I was about to speak but was struck stupid when I saw a tear roll down his cheek. I try and keep my composure by 'reading' my book but I have never seen this from him ever... Even in dire situations he usually keeps a smile on his face. He then wipes his eyes and tries to calm down as he puts what he was looking at away. He sits in silence more as he cooks something in his small pot. It actually smells decent. After sometime he pours it into a bowl and stands. He walks over to me and smiles in a warm manner.

You: "Here. I hope you like it. Even if it is a little odd." (M/n) said to me kindly. I am stunned by this tone but I quickly shake it off. I take the bowl and spoon with a thankful smile. I look in the bowl and it looks like slop. I look at him suspiciously. He simply smiles more. "Its fine. I made sure to buy fresh ingredients before I left." (M/n) reassured me. I nod slowly and take a spoonful. I put it in my mouth expecting it to taste nasty. I was mistaken. Sure, it's not fancy restraint quality bit its good. I swallow the spoonful and look at him smiling slightly.

Kagura: "It's very good. Thank you." I said sounding thankful. He simply smiles and begins to walk to... His tent? "Aren't you going to eat?" I ask him sternly. He stops and seems to sigh before looking at me with his normal cheeky smile... But the eyes are the window into the soul.

You: "Nah... Not really hungry." (M/n) said trying to sound happy. I give him a slight look of concern but he just chuckles. "I'm fine... Enjoy." (M/n) said before entering his tent. I wanted to say more but couldn't find the words.

Something's eating at him. He's maybe cracked one joke ever since he's arrived and that's just not normal. He hasn't even called me beautiful other than when he arrived this morning. I look down at the bowl and sigh. Why am I worried? I have openly admitted I disliked him... Though thinking of that now it may have been the heat of any given moment... I'll have to ask him once we finish tomorrow. I then continue eating the soup he made... Alone.


(Still Kagura's POV)

Once we woke up and packed up me and (M/n) began walking again. I have been trying to chat with him to see if I could ease him into what is bothering him but that was usually met with a short answer or a weak joke. As much as I hated his sarcasm his jokes weren't all that bad. Some were even funny but these were problematic. I am still trying since we managed to get the information we needed form the town. Seems some beasts made a nest near the town and have been killing livestock and hurting people, mainly children. When we were told that I swear I saw a flash of anger in (M/n)'s eyes... Maybe that is a hint as to what has happened to him. Just as I was about to speak I hear (m/n) speak.

You: "They never said what kind of beast they were." (M/n) said in a neutral tone. "I'm all for fun surprises but I like being prepared when it comes to animals." (M/n) said in the same tone again. I hum and think for a bit. He does have a point.

Kagura: "Normal people may not be able to identify them. Given how they're killing and then taking livestock away however, I would wager a pack of trolls waits for us." I said to (M/n) in my normal stern tone.

You: "Maybe if we answer three riddles they'll just leave." (M/n) said cheekily. There's one of the jokes I know. It was actually funny enough to make me let out a small laugh before I could compose myself. "Heh. Glad it made you laugh." (M/n) said kindly to me. I shake my head and look back at him to see him glancing at the forest we are walking by.

Kagura: "I'll admit it was funny. How have you been? You haven't really talked much since you got here. It's odd." I said to (M/n) curiously. I heard him sigh deeply.

You: "Things have been... Tense for me lately. Don't worry too much gorgeous. You've got better things to worry about." (M/n) said to me with his normal smile at the end. I shake my head. I do not want to let this go.

Kagura: "You're my partner in this. I need to make sure you're okay... And I'm... Worried (M/n)." I said as I stopped walking to face him. He gives me a surprised and confused look at that. I sigh. "Look. You didn't eat dinner last night and you barely ate this morning. You've cracked maybe three jokes since you've arrived and... You're not flirting with me like you do. So yes (M/n). I'm worried." I said to (M/n) sternly. He looked down for a moment likely thinking of a reply. He then looked back up at me.

You: "I stopped joking for now because I assume you don't care for it. I haven't been all that hungry all week... And... As for why I stopped my flirt teasing... I know you don't like me all that much... Which is fine. We are pretty much opposites of one another. I'm tons of fun and carefree while you're pretty serious and don't care for foolishness. Which is perfectly fine. I also haven't been all that hungry all week. So don't worry about me. I've just got stuff going on right now that's bothering me." (M/n) said to me rather sternly. That takes me back a bit. He used a tone that I normally use with... Well everyone. I mean... Some of his jokes I do actually like... But... He assumes I don't like him? I just prefer working with people like myself... I love his company outside of work. Like at the Grand Magic Games where we talked about books for three hours over tea. I go to say something but (m/n) sighs and begins walking forward again. "Come on... Sooner we do this sooner you won't have to work with me." (M/n) said in a serious tone. He whispered something after it but I could only make out 'sister' and 'home' but that's it.

Now I know for damn sure something is wrong. He usually would play injuries or my insults off with a joke but this was far more serious than I have ever seen him. Maybe something happened to his sister or maybe just their home. If it's the latter maybe he's just frustrated and that will vanish before we finish. But if it's the former, that would explain allot. I then begin following (M/n) down the road. I do care about him despite what he thinks... Maybe I could show him after the job by taking him to dinner... Or maybe a dance since he doesn't seem keen on eating anything right now.


(Still Kagura's POV)

We're nearing the location and its obvious we are dealing with trolls. Just based on the bones lying about shows as much since many monsters would collect them. Trolls just leave them where they damn well please. I did try and get (m/n) to share what's bothering him but he kept telling me not to worry about it. It seems I'll have to force it out after we finish here. We then hear growling and both stop. It wasn't a warning growl more like one animal seeing another so we must be right on top of the nest they have made.

Kagura: "Alright... Do not let them divide us apart. I have a few fire explosives on me so stop them from healing. Stay at my back and this will be over quickly." I whispered to (M/n) sternly. He nods and draws his scythe and stands behind me.

Once we get around the corner I see about six beasts all huddled together eating a recent kill. I toss a single fire bomb at them and it explodes on impact. The beasts screech in pain before turning to look at us. Each of their three eyes narrow as they roar at us. Me and (m/n) stand back to back and get ready to fight. The beasts begin surrounding us just as I planned. I drew my own weapon as the beasts stepped closer. However, before I could strike I felt an energy spike from behind me before being forced to duck. I see (M/n) scythe glowing red along with his eyes. He performs an area of affect sweep that hits all the trolls surrounding us. He screamed loudly while doing so. He then stood straight up and I saw each troll stop walking. Five of them simply had their upper halves fall off their legs. I go wide eyed looking at this. He killed five in a single swoop. But I do hear his breathing is heavy so I decide to take out the last one in one simple and quick strike. I then sheathe my sword but I hear metal get clanged. I look and see that (M/n) has been hit by a much larger beast off to the side. It seems the villagers were mistaken... The trolls weren't what was killing the livestock... A Manticore was. The beast starts walking over to (m/n) who has since grabbed his scythe and is using it to try and stand. He chugs what I can assume is a healing poultice. He then stands straight and wields his scythe in a defensive manner. The manticore stops and seems to eye up its prey. It raises its stinger to strike and (M/n) prepares himself. The stinger comes at him with incredible speed but he sidesteps it. (M/n) looks to me and I understand his intent. I rush and ready a strike. Just as I swing (M/n) swings down and eh stinger comes flying off. I see it ooze a purple substance before the manticore screeches in pain. Me and (M/n) have to dodge it trying to pounce us. We both then begin assaulting the manticores sides before having to jump back again. I see (M/n)'s face contort to one of anger before he slices one of the beasts paws off. It collapses to the ground and he jumps up. I see devil like wings appear from his body before he flies down; He tosses the beast up and gets into a striking position. He then flies up at great speeds and slices the beast in a single large arc. He floats for a moment before I see the beast go limp and hit the ground with great force. He killed it in a single strike. (M/n) then flies down in front of me before I see his wings dissipate into light and float away. He looks at me blankly for a moment before smirking and turning to the beast.

You: "GET WRECKED!!" (M/n) shouted sounding very confident. I chuckle slightly and shake my head as I see him do his normal dance he does when we succeed at a job together. "I guess that was... A perfect slice?" (MN) said giving me a big toothy grin. There's that attitude I hate... Or I thought I did. I've actually missed it since he was so quiet over the past few days.

Kagura: "Very well done (M/n). This is why they send you. I am often reminded why they do when I see things like this." I said to (M/n) with a kind smile. He looks at me surprised before giving me a gentle smile.

You: "Thanks... Let's head back so I can get out of your hair." (M/n) said kindly at first but it got progressively sadder. I was about to say something but he was about to walk off. I walked up and grabbed his arm and made him look at me. He's frowning. I give him a stern look. "What?" (M/n) asks me flatly. I cross my arms.

Kagura: "Alright. What is your problem. You go from sad to yourself to sad again. Something is eating at you. What is it?" I asked him in an almost demanding tone of voice. He looks at me and I see him glare at me slightly.

You: "Why do you care? As far as I know you couldn't care for me all that damned much, so why on earth are you so damned concerned? To play with me and my emtions?! Huh!?" (M/n) asks me angrily while shouting slightly. I go wide eyed at his tone and I see him gain a look of regret before looking down with a look of extreme sorrow. "I-I'm sorry... You didn't deserve that... I just... I can't..." (M/n) couldn't finish as he began running off. I refuse to let him get away so I chase after him. I am much faster than him and force him to a stop. I make hum turn to me again.

Kagura: "I just like working with people like myself. Outside of a job I actually... Like being around you. So, as a friend I am concerned as to what is wrong... I know you didn't want to yell at me but please tell me what is wrong." I said to (M/n) in a far kinder tone than before. He sighs deeply before looking at me.

You: "When we get the room at the village I'll try..." (M/n) said sadly. I nod in agreement before the two of us walk off again together. (M/n) said nothing more as we went.

Okay... Maybe master has a point... I do quite like him when I'm not working with him... I do care for him... As more than friends. I shake my head at myself at that realization... I want to see him smile again. Maybe I can help when he tells me what's wrong with him. I hate seeing him this way... Someone as kind as him deserves to be happy.


(Your POV)

As normal when we got the reward I was sure to give Kagura more than half. She tried to protest but I told her it was also for her guild and I was just assistance. She ultimately sighed in defeat and agreed with me. The village also gave us a room for the night. Only one was avalible since this was a popular stop for travelers. Once they guided us to the room and the two of us changed into comfortable clothing after we took showers, Kagura had me sit on the bed next to her... I... I know I can trust her but I just hope she... Doesn't mind more than one confession. I see Kagura come out of the bathroom. Her hair is still slightly wet. She sits next to me.

Kagura: "Alright (M/n). What happened that has changed your upbeat attitude so much?" Kagura asked me kindly. I then look down once more.

You: "My... Mom and dad... They hate magic... They think its evil... Now I want you to imagine their reaction when I saved them with my devil wings and scythe." I said sadly as I remember what they said to me. "They called me, 'evil' and 'not even human.' They... They..." I felt tears build up. I loved my parents with very fiber of my being. I risked my life to save them but. "They disowned me." I said as I felt the tears creep down my face. I hear Kagura gasp ever so slightly. "I can't help it... I was born like this... Why? I loved the two of them so much." I said as I placed my face in my hands and let out my built-up emotions since I left. I accepted this job to get away for a while but the thoughts still haunt me. I then feel someone softly grasp my hands before making me look at them. I see Kagura giving me soft eyes.

Kagura: "That explains allot... Using your magic just reminded you of what happened didn't it?" Kagura asked me softly. I nodded my head yes as I feel another tear roll down my face. She then gave me a softer look before hugging me ever so gently. I tense up for a moment before letting her comfort take over. "I'm so sorry (m/n)... It's okay... You can let it out." Kagura said to me in a caring tone. I look up at her and she nods to me. I then bury my head into her shoulder and let out my pent-up emotions. I do not sob however but I do not hold back any tears that may be falling. Kagura brushes her fingers tough my hair as she holds me. "It's their loss... I know I may make it seem like I dislike you... Since we never really hang out in public only on jobs but... I do like you... Your happy attitude is something I enjoy." Kagura said to me kindly though I could detect a small bit of nervousness in her voice. I sniff and pull back slightly. She looks at me and wipes my eyes with a tissue paper she got from the night stand. "If your parents truly loved you they would accept you... They don't deserve your love... Whatever they said is not right and it's not true... You are you... And that man, though I do find it hard to work with him, is someone I value as an ally and friend." Kagura said to me softly. I look her in the eye to see if she's lying. She's not and a smile slightly as I sniff once more. I wipe both my eyes smiling at her kindly.

You: "T-thanks... Thanks..." I said as more tears crept down my cheeks. "It's just... I loved them... And risked my life to save them from that dark wizard and they just..." I frowned more thinking about it. "Why me?" I asked quietly. I looked down at my lap trying to calm back down. I feel Kagura place a hand on my cheek and make me look at her.

Kagura: "They don't deserve your tears... You're wonderful... What they wanted of you doesn't matter... It's what you want that does. You're a hero, a strong wizard of Fairy Tail, and... Someone I care for... You have a family... And a friend who's sitting with you right now... You're you... That's what matters." Kagura said to me kindly with soft eyes. Again her words comfort me and make me smile... I feel happiness boil up in me again and smile wide before hugging her again. She hugs back and rubs my back gently.

You: "Thank you Kagura... You are a damn good friend I have valued... And I can see why working with me would be a pain." I said with a weak chuckle at the end. She chuckles as well. I pull back slightly to look her in the eyes. "You know... You're right... Fairy Tail is my family... And I have good friends like you to help me... Thank you." I said to Kagura kindly. I see her cheeks get dusted with a slight pink hue.

Kagura: "I know you'd do the same but... You're welcome." Kagura said kindly as she smiled more. Then we just sit their staring into each other's eyes. I then get lost in the nice warm moment and lean in. I give her a gentle kiss on the lips and heard her gasp. I then widen my eyes in shock realizing what I did. I pull back with a shocked expression and see her blushing deeply with a shocked and nervous expression.

You: "I-i-I'm sorry... I-I just got c-caught up a-and it f-felt right." I said nervously with a huge blush on my face. I then stood up and began heading to the door only to be stopped by Kagura turning me around with my shoulder. I am scared out of my mind. She could easily beat the hell out of me. "I-I'm s-s-so sorr-" I don't get to finish as Kagura crashes her lips into mine taking me by extreme surprise.

I stiffen slightly as I feel her arms go around my neck. I then close my eyes and sink into the kiss by wrapping an arm around her waist as the other rests on her back so I can comb my fingers through her hair. She does the same with one of her hands and we begin moving our lips in sync. All my flirting I did over the past year was not just teasing... I really did love her and wasn't sure if I should say anything. But it seems she may love me to. We then have to separate to breathe. I rest my other hand on her waist as she does the same on my neck.

You: "I... Me?" I asked in disbelief. Kagura looked at me lovingly and nodded her head yes. I smile a bit with a blush on my face. "You know all that flirting I did was never fake... I just assumed you didn't like me all that much." I said a bit sheepishly. She giggles slightly as she combed my hair with her fingers again.

Kagura: "Even when we spoke at the Grand Magic Games? When I was smiling the whole time we spoke?" Kagura asked me with a raised brow. I remember that. Many told me she was boring but everything she talked about I loved.

You: "I assumed it was an act to keep relations between our guilds healthy." I said honestly to her. Kagura giggled at that before kissing me briefly. She pulled back and rested her forehead on mine.

Kagura: "It wasn't. Yes I find you frustrating in the field but in public... I love being around you. You always listen to me and always help people if they just ask... I love you (m/n)." Kagura said to me with love. I smile wide feeling my previous depression fade away slightly. Pull her in for a deep hug.

You: "I love you to... Beautiful." I whispered in her ear with love. She giggled and pulled away from me. She then grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. She had me lie down under the covers before she got in to. We cuddled a bit and after a few more kisses we both began to fall asleep with smiles on our faces and love in our hearts.


(Still Your POV)

Me and Natsu are coming back from a simple job we took. I am a smiling idiot like I always have been. Kagura and I have been dating for about four months now and she's coming to visit me for the week which I am so excited about. I won't lie though... There were days where what my parents did to me linger... But Kagura was proven right... I told the others what they did and they were beyond supportive... Hell Elfman offered to 'teach them a lesson' but I declined. When we returned, I saw Kagura speaking with Erza. She was blushing. I'm guessing Erza is teasing Kagura about something. Walk up smiling and wrap my arms around Kagura's waist.

You: "You embarrassing my girlfriend Erza?" I asked Erza with a smirk. She merely giggled at me while I chuckled.

Erza: "Me? No never." Erza replied trying to hide her enjoyment. I shook my head as Erza walked over to Lucy. I then let Kagura go and she turned to face me. I wasted no time kissing Kagura. She returned it just as quickly as I started it. Once we separated we were both panting slightly. Once we caught our breathe I smiled at Kagura lovingly.

You: "I missed you beautiful." I said with love. Kagura smiled at me wider before kissing me briefly once more.

Kagura: "I missed you to handsome... Ready for our vacation?" Kagura asked me with love. I smiled and nodded my head yes.

You: "Yep. And you're getting treated like a queen." I said with love Kagura laughed slightly at that but made a 'meep' sound when I picked her up bridal style. I then smiled down at her. "I love you." I said with love. Kagura smiled lovingly at me before pulling me into another kiss.

Kagura: "I love you to." She said with love to me. I smiled and began walking towards the exit. "Just wait until you see my new bikini." Kagura said smirking. I blush deeply at that as she laughed. Ever since she found out I am a nervous wreck around woman in skimpy esc clothes she has made sure to tease me when she can... Not that I mind.

You: "Oh no. Why me?" I said sarcastically. That got her to laugh more and I smiled more. "Just wait... You're going to be very relaxed once we get there." I said in a more... Seductive tone then before. Now she blushes deeply at me. She then smiled and kissed me.

Kagura: "You will be to my love." Kagura said to me with love as she snuggled into my chest more letting a happy sigh escape her lips. "I love you so much." Kagur said quietly to me in a loving and happy tone. I smile while appreciating her beauty and continue walking to my house to grab my bags.

You: "I love you to Kagura... With all my heart." I said to her with allot of love and kindness in my voice. She smiled me as she sighed happily looking up at me. We share one more kiss as we continued walking.

I'm not going to explain what happened at our little vacation... But trust me... We were very happy by the end of it and very, very relaxed. Why me? Why did she choose to love me? According to her, even if I am impossible to work with... being around me brings her great joy... And she brings me great joy in turn. I may not have my parent's love anymore but I do have my family at Fairy Tail... And the love of my life who made me realize that. I gave her another kiss as we walk. She knows I love her... But I love reminding her whenever I can. And by all accounts so far she doesn't mind. Even in front of people. Though she does get more flustered if I do that. It's strange... Opposites attract... And fall in love it seems. Me and Kagura have proved that it seems... Not that we mind at all... We love each other... Very much.

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