The Loved OrphanKorra (LOK) X Shy Male Reader X Asami (LOK).

The Loved Orphan

Korra X Shy Male Reader X Asami.

200+ DeviantArt Watchers Special


(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name

(No POV)

You were left at an orphanage at the age of five by your parents. You vividly remember now. You're a pretty shy person but are kind and caring when you feel you can open up to people safely. Why are you like this? Well growing up in an orphanage will do that to you. You've gotten a bit better after Pema and Tenzin adopted you at the age of seven. Your seventeen now heading onto eighteen soon. You got a job as Hiroshi's personal assistant to make some money but that changed when he revealed his true intentions. Oddly before Hiroshi's fall, his daughter Asami took a shine to you. In fact, she helped you escape her father when she learned the truth. You became decent friends with everyone though it's difficult with Mako most of the time. You watched as he broke up with Asami and got with Korra only for them to break up to. You're not one to judge but it's hard not to when he did something like that. After that you noticed the two girls, Asami and Korra seemed to gravitate towards you. You thought it was nice to have people that wanted to be close. Well... There's a reason for everything. And you're about to discover what that reason is.

(Your POV)

Korra defeated Vaatu and I couldn't be more happy for her. It seems she's become more confident in herself and that makes me happy. Asami seems happy with it to and we're celebrating back at the Temple. Well the others were partying. I'm... Not one for crowds. To many people. I'm just chilling in my room here at the temple looking at the one photo I have of my birth parents. Sometimes I just look at it and ask myself 'why?' Why did they leave me? Did they not want me? I suppose not. It honestly saddens me to think they didn't want me. I put the photo back up and lay on my bed to rest. Or I was going to until I got a knock on the door. I told them to enter and I see Asami smiling at me.

Asami: "Hey. I was wondering where you ran off to (M/n)." Asam said to me smiling. I stifle a small laugh at that. She walks closer to me. "Not feeling the party?" Asami asked me kindly. I just shrug.

You: "You... You know how I am with meeting people... So not really." I admitted to her a tad shyly. Asami merely smiles and nods her head at me. I sigh. "Sorry." I apologize to her. Asami shakes her head at me after I say that.

Asami: "No don't be. It's alright. Korra and the others were just wondering where you went." Asami said smiling at me. I nodded my head and she just kept looking at me. I am reminded of what she was like after Mako left her for Korra before he and Korra broke up at the festival. Asami got pretty close to me and I was a huge pillar of support for her especially after her father showed who he was. We've been the best of friends since. "Now explain to me why you were looking sad." Asami said in a bit more of a serious tone. I look at her surprised. "Don't give me that look. You seemed upset when I walked in. Now please tell me why." Asami said in a bit softer of a tone. I sigh at that and take out the picture.

You: "Ever since I was... Left at that orphanage Pema and Tenzin adopted me from, this was all that I had of my parents. These are them I assume. I don't know why I keep it. It makes me sad just looking at but I keep it.... Maybe because I hope to be able to ask them why they wanted to get rid of me? I don't know." I said with a sigh at the end. Asami merely frowned but quickly turned her head when we heard another voice. Korra's voice.

Korra: "Or maybe you think they have to love you somewhere deep down." Korra said leaning on my door frame. "I know you hate crowds but I didn't think you'd come in here and make yourself sad." Korra said gently before sitting beside me on my bed. I just sigh a bit. She's not wrong about me hoping that they loved me but just couldn't take care of me. I look at her.

You: "I know it's stupid and all... I guess it's normal for me to be curious." I said shaking my head. Korra just nodded in agreement with Asami. I look at Korra and she's still giving me a soft look. I'm reminded of how she comforted me when I was beyond worried about my sister Ikki when she was kidnapped. She was a huge help in calming me down when we went to get her. "Now, no more moping for me." I said as I put the picture up. "I know I don't like crowds but you two should go have fun. I'm alright here." I said to the two smiling a bit. They both seemed displeased with that which made me start wondering.

Asami: "It's not much of a party if ALL our friends aren't present (M/n)." Asami said with a small smirk. I just sigh at that as Korra laughs a small bit. "Come one (M/n). The crowd has died down. We really would like you to be there." Asami said with a gentle smile. I looked at Asami and then Korra who is nodding in agreement.

Korra: "Yeah. You're a member of Team Avatar! And a really good friend... So... Please?" Korra asked me with a kind smile. I must resist but she starts giving me a ear begging look so I look at Asami who's just smiling gently at me awaiting my answer. Crap.

You: "Fine, fine. Though if I get overwhelmed again I'm coming back in here." I said looking in between them. They both giggled but nodded in agreement. "Alright. Let me just get ready again. I'll be out in a minute." I said standing from my bed. I stretched a bit as they stood and headed to the door. I smile at the as they look back before they left. Heh... I'm lucky to have friends like them... Though I do wonder why they seem to gravitate to me versus Bolin or something. Not that I mind... I mean most guys would kill to have two beautiful girls want to be around them. Me though... I'm happy enough that they like me... And give me a push when needed.

(Asami's POV)

I am smiling to myself. I love being around (M/n). Even before Mako left me for Korra. Lately though I've been feeling a tad differently about him. Maybe it's the way he smiles at me or any of his friends. Maybe it's how he talks and acts. I don't know. What I do know is that I think I'm... Falling for him. I look at Korra who seem to be smiling at herself to. I wonder why... Unless... Oh no. Not again. I like you Korra but you had Mako and you two broke up even though he left me for you.

Asami: "What are you smiling about?" I asked in a friendly manner. Korra seems to snap out of her self induced trance and look at me. I raise a brow and she looks away from me but looks a bit nervous.

Korra: "No reason. Just happy we convinced our friend to come back out. The party seemed less fun without him there." Korra said smiling fondly once more. She then looks at me with a small nervous look. "W-what do you think he thinks of me?" Korra asked me nervously but with hope in her eyes. I was right. She's becoming fond of... Calm down Asami.

Asami: "Why don't you ask him? It's not like he'd lie to you." I asked with a raised brow. Korra blushed a small bit and looked away. I decide to call her out before we get back to the party outside. "You have a crush on him don't you?" I asked looking at Korra. She jumped a bit and was about to deny it before I crossed my arms. She sighed a bit.

Korra: "Okay, maybe a small one." Korra admitted nervously. I don't do anything as she continues. "I mean... He's so nice and compassionate. He's not afraid to speak his mind or let his emotions out... I think Mako started thinking I was into (M/n) since I talked to him so much." Korra said shaking her head. I am actually a bit surprised at that... So Mako may have been jealous? That seems odd... (M/n) brought up the idea Mako may be Aeromantic. He can love someone but he just can't do all the normal relationship stuff like gifts and dates.

Asami: "I see." Is all I said before looking back down the hall. I don't see him yet so I decide to say something. "Well, I'm fond of him as well." I said to Korra. She goes a bit wide eyed. "Is it that shocking? I've known him since he started working for my dad. And he was a huge help after Mako left me for you." I said looking back down the hall. "He helped me out of my sadness... Not to mention he's so kind and caring for anyone he loves. It wasn't hard to fall for him." I said before looking back at Korra. She thinned her lips but doesn't look upset. More along the lines of worried I suppose.

Korra: "What do we do? I mean... I don't want to hurt you again... And I know he would hate to hurt either of us." Korra said looking down. I sigh a bit. She's not wrong about that. He wouldn't want to break either of our hearts but he may be forced to.

Asami: "He's a smart one. If he does feel the same he'll think of something." I said looking down the hall. I look at Korra and she still looks worried. "I'm not upset Korra. It happens. But until he chooses I may pick up my charms around him." I said with a small smirk. Kora looks surprised before giving a small one back.

Korra: "I'll do the same then." Korra said sounding more confident. I chuckle before we walk back to the main area and back outside... Where we saw Tenzin and Pema talking with two people we've never seen before. "Is it me... Or does that woman have (M/n)'s hair color?" Korra asked looking at the woman of the two. I look a bit closer and yes she does... Though hers seems to be a shade brighter. The male seems to be about (M/n)'s height... Oh... Oh no.

Asami: "Something tells me that may be (M/n)'s parents." I said a bit shocked. Korra looks at me wide eyed. "I guess they heard about him from the newspaper or something... Why are they here?" I asked no one In particular.

Korra: "They're son's famous now along with us... Now he's worth their time." Korra said sounding upset. That thought alone pisses me off quite a bit. I hope that's not true but if it is I may be punching someone by the end of the night. "I just hope (M/n) doesn't..." Korra stops as we hear someone walk up behind us. We look and see (M/n) looking at us. He then glances at the couple and takes a step closer. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out that photo from before. He looks between the couple and the photo. "(M/n)..." Korra said reaching out for him.

You: "Why are they here? Now?" (M/n) asked sounding upset. Korra placed her hand on his arm and he looked at her. "Just... Please stay close... this is going to be... Either good or bad." (M/n) requested of us sounding a tad upset. We both nodded before we all walked up to Tenzin where we could hear him speaking with the couple.

Tenzin: "Why come to see him now and not while he was in that orphanage for nearly six years of his life or while we raised him? Why now?" Tenzin asked sounding extremely upset. He doesn't show his emotions often but here... His anger is showing. The man doesn't seem to have a response. "I hope you have answers because MY son will want them." Tenzin said sternly to the couple.

You: "He's right." (M/n) said now standing behind the couple. They turn around and the woman seems more shocked then the man to see her son all grown up. (M/n) simply keeps a neutral look on his face. "I do have questions that I want answered... First off... What are your names?" (M/n) asked looking at the couple. Both looked at each other before looking back at (M/n).

Damian: "I'm Damian Tortuga and this is Lala my wife... We're your parents." Damian said in a soft tone. (M/n) does nothing and they seem to get that he deduced that. "Ah... Well we... Wanted to see our son." Damian said taking a step forward with his wife. (M/n) seems to glare a small bit.

You: "Neither of you get to call me that anymore. Tenzin and Pema raised me not you." (M/n) said a tad angrily. The couple seem to be a bit surprised but do not argue with him. "Now for the big question. Why? Why give me up? Why not see me before and why see me now?" (M/n) asked sounding like he was holding in allot of emotions. The couple look at each other and seem scared. "I hope it's a good reason... I deserve that much I think." (M/n) said un crossing his arms. Damian seems to gulp a bit.

Lala: "We... We just couldn't take care of you." Lala said sounding nervous. That was an obvious lie and (M/n) gave her a look that said he knew as much. Lala seemed to get even more nervous. "Well... We saw what you did in the paper..." Lala trailed off at the end as (M/n) seemed shocked and hurt. I however am beyond angry.

Damian: "I-It's not..." Damian doesn't get to continue as (M/n) looks to be on the verge of crying. Pema walks over to her son and pulls him into an embrace as she cradles his head to calm him down. Tenzin looks angry but that pales in comparison to how me, Korra, Bolin, and Mako all look.

Asami: "So what!? You wanted to see him because he's famous now?!" I shouted angrily. The couple looks at me surprised. "You never even answered his question you bastards!" I shouted again. I am ready to throw down but (M/n)'s voice stops me.

You: "Let them answer." (M/n) said pulling out of Pema's embrace. He looks at the couple. Damian and Lala look at each other before sighing. This better be good or I may end up beating someone tonight.

Damian: "We were scared okay?" Damian said as he looked at (M/n). "We weren't ready to give up our freedom and raise a child. We were scared our lives would change to much too fast." Damian said seriously. He's not lying and to be honest that excuse pisses me off all the more.

Tenzin: "So what did you expect to happen when you had a child hm? Did you expect everything to stay the same until the last minute? Or were you both so selfish that giving up a child after five years with you was acceptable so you two could be 'free' again. Judging by your clothes money was no object." Tenzin said angrily to the couple. The couple had no response to that accusation.

Pema: "People like you make me sick! For years my son. MY SON wondered why you left him only to discover it's because you both are just selfish. That makes me so... UGH!" Pema said sounding even angrier than Tenzin. She was about to continue but (M/n) stopped her.

You: "You were scared? Do you know how scared I was when people that I thought were supposed to protect me left me in that place? Or how often I cried at night wondering why I didn't have a family? If it weren't for my REAL mother and father I would've likely fallen into a life of depression thanks to you two." (M/n) said as a single tear rolled down his face. He then pulled out the photo. "This was all you left me after abandoning me." (M/n) said as he looked at it. "The only connection to a life I barely remember." (M/n) said looking at the picture so more. He then sneered a bit before ripping it into four pieces. "It was a guide to find you and ask 'why' you did what you did. Now I have my answer. And I'm done." (M/n) said looking at the couple. Both seemed surprised but don't really respond for a bit. Pema continues rubbing her son's back.

Damian: "We'll... We need to go." Damian said looking around at everyone's glare they were sending to the couple. Lala agreed. "We'll do anything to make this up to you." Damian said looking at (M/n). (M/n)'s face simply goes neutral before replying.

You: "Sure. Goodbye Damian." (M/n) said flatly to the man. The man and woman seem even more surprised but say nothing and begin leaving. (M/n) stands there watching them leave as his breath sounds heavy. He's holding in allot of emotions. Once they're out of sight Tenzin tries to speak but (M/n) speaks instead. "Maybe it's better this way. Don't need them putting their noses where they don't belong." (M/n) said trying to sound happy again but fails due to his voice shaking.

Tenzin: "Son it's alright to be angry." Tenzin said trying to comfort his son. (M/n) looks at him smiling but you can see the hurt in his eyes. Especially as Tenzin gets closer to him. (M/n) shakes his head no.

You: "Why should I be mad dad? At least they said goodbye this time. I just wish I didn't waste my time thinking about them." (M/n) said before kicking the now shredded picture into the wind. Tenzin tries to speak again. "No, it's alright dad. I have done allot without them. I learned how to fight hand to hand without them and I got pretty good at it to didn't I dad?" (M/n) asked Tenzin who just nodded and agreed. "I learned how to drive without them. I learned how to shave, went on my first date, and got through school without them. I had twelve great birthdays without them ten of which were with you, mom and my siblings and they never even sent me so much as a damn card. TO HELL WITH THEM!!!!" (M/n) yelled angrily looking down the steps. He takes a shaky breath as Tenzin tries to reach for him again. "I didn't need them then and I don't need them now." (M/n) said walking around his father. I am on the verge of tears watching this unfold and I can tell Pema is full on crying watching her son lose it. Mako's looking down frowning as Korra is trying to hold strong just like Tenzin. Tenzin tried to speak again but (M/n) stopped him. "Don't apologize dad. I'm going to get through advanced schooling without them. I'm going to get a great job that'll make you and mom proud without them. I'm going to marry me a beautiful girlfriend and have a whole bunch of kids! And I sure as hell don't need them for that because there isn't a damn thing they could teach me about how to love my kids!" (M/n) said now standing in front of Tenzin shouting. Tenzin merely looks at his son frowning before (M/n)'s lip trembles and a sob escapes his throat. "Why didn't they love me dad?" (M/n) asked before sobbing again and again. Tenzin wastes no time hugging his son tightly as (M/n) hugs him back. Pema, who is crying still, walks up behind her son and hugs him from there as everything in the air went still short of the eldest son crying in his father's and mother's arms. I'm crying to though and so is Bolin. Mako hugs him trying to look strong but I can see he's upset to. Korra hugs me to comfort me but she's not much better than I am.

The air was silent that night. Short of the sobs of a boy whose deepest hopes were crushed before his eyes. I stayed the night at my request so I could be here if he breaks down crying again. Which, not surprisingly, did happen. It happened just as I knocked on his door to talk to him. I rushed in. I saw him sitting on his bed with his head in his hands as he cried. I sat next to him and pulled him into a hug. He didn't fight it as I held him.

You: "This so is stupid... I don't even know why I care so much." (M/n) said still crying in my arms. I shush him and continue rubbing his back gently to try and calm him down.

Asami: "It's natural to be upset. You hoped that they gave you up because they knew they couldn't take proper care for you. But you learned that wasn't the truth." I said to him softly as he continued to cry. "Just know we're all here for you. Mako, Bolin, Korra, me, your siblings and your parents are here for you. You're not alone here." I said to him softly once more as I continued to hold him. He just held onto me tightly until the door opened to reveal Korra who's in her Pj's.

Korra: "I heard crying and was worried." Korra explained before sitting on the other side of him. She began to rub his back to comfort him. "I'm not really good with this kind of stuff... But I can go hit them if you want." Korra joked smiling. I felt (M/n) weakly chuckle at that though he still is upset. "Yay. I got him to laugh a bit." Korra said smiling. (M/n) then pulled away from me and looked at Korra. She thins her lips at him. "It's okay to be upset you know. I would be to if I were you." Korra said to him gently rubbing his arm. (M/n) merely sighs.

You: "Asami said the same... So, did mom and dad... It's just..." (M/n) sighs again. "I guess... Even though I accepted the idea that they may have just saw me as a mistake and got rid of me... I hoped that somewhere... Deep down... They had to love me somewhere... It seems like it should be natural but... But..." (M/n)'s eyes well up with more tears. "I was just a burden to them." (M/n) says as more tears fall down his face. Korra frowns at him before I pull him back into my arms. "I just wanted the truth... I guess I got it." (M/n) said as he silently cried. I rest my chin on his head as Korra scoots closer to rub his back better.

Korra: "Doesn't make it better though... We all love you though... That won't change." Korra said to him gently as I nodded in agreement with her.

Asami: "She's right... Now..." I whispered to him gently. "You can let it go." I whispered to him gently. (M/n) breathed in shakily before tightening his grip on me. "Me and Korra are here. We're not going anywhere." I whispered to him as he continued to cry silently into me. I looked at Korra and nodded and she joined in the hug by wrapping her arms around his torso and rested her head on his back.

We sat there in silence as he silently cried into my shoulder. Every time a sob escapes his throat despite his best efforts to stuff it down my heart breaks a little. Seeing someone I care so much about, someone so happy, caring, and kind being so upset, even though he has every right to be this way, hurts me. Especially since I can't help all that much. Judging by Korra's facial expression she feels much the same as her frown deepens for a bit when he sobs. We stay there for a time until his breathing evens out. I pull back slightly and see he's asleep now. I tried to pull away to tuck him in but his grip tightens in his sleep. His mind seeks comfort and... You know what? I'm going to give it to him. Korra pulled back and helped me get him situated in bed with myself. His grip loosens a bit when we get on our sides while we lay on his pillows. I adjust slightly to get comfy before looking at Korra whose is standing there looking worried still. I think for a moment then get an idea.

Asami: "Come on Korra." I said patting the other side of the bed behind (M/n). "I know you're worried to." I said with a gentle smile. Korra nodded and turned off the light. She climbed under the covers and I felt her arms wrap around his mid section. She's still looking worried. "I'm worried to Korra... This hurt him more than anything I think could've... We'll just have to be there for him." I whispered to her. Korra nodded in agreement before thinking about something.

Korra: "What about... The thing?" Korra asked me still looking worried. Ah. She must mean our feelings for him. "I don't want to seem like we're manipulating his saddened state. What do we do?" Korra asked looking at the sleeping (M/n).

Asami: "We'll just have to wait... His emotions are more important than that." I said to Korra as I felt (M/n) nuzzle into me in his sleep. I then smiled a bit. "You got him to laugh at least... Means he's not too far into his sadness." I said smiling at Korra who smiled and seemed a tad bashful.

Korra: "Well... Thanks... I'm just glad I could help him... What about you? You're pretty good at comforting people... Then again you were like that when we met." Korra said smiling at me. I smiled at that.

Asami: "What a pair we make." I joked which made us both laugh quietly. Korra got comfy in her spot and closed her eyes. I followed suit just listening to (M/n)'s calm breathes. I just hope we all can help him through this... He doesn't deserve this.


(Your POV)

I began to wake up from an interesting dream. I got married to... Two people? I can't quite remember who they were but I do know I felt happy... And they seemed happy to. I just wish I could remember the faces. I adjust slightly in my spot and tighten my grip on what I'm holding. Whatever it is it's nice and warm. I also feel something wrapped around me. I feel all warm and happy... Until I felt something move slowly. It's like... A breath... I then hear two people breathing and open my eyes only to be met with Asami's sleeping face as she holds me and I her. I try and stay calm as I look behind me to see who's holding from there. I see Korra's sleeping face and I feel my face heat up as I lay there. Oh. My. Goodness. Two of my best friends and two of the most beautiful women ever are in bed. Holding me as they sleep. Why would... Wait... I remember... I fell asleep after crying last night. I feel myself frown at the realization. So, I guess they stayed because they were worried. I would've thought on it some more but heard Asami groan a bit. I guess she's waking up. I look and see just that her eyes slowly open to reveal those beautiful green emeralds I admire so much. They hold so much confidence in them... I wish I had that. Maybe I would've... I don't get to dwell on that as Asami speaks up.

Asami: "Good morning (M/n)." Asami said before letting me go and stretching. That woke Korra up as I felt her grip tighten on me which Asami tiredly giggled at. "Korra..." Asami said quietly shaking her head while I blush like crazy as I feel her press against my back.

Korra: "Five more minutes." Korra said before yawning and continuing to hold me. I say nothing before I felt Korra nuzzle into me making me blush like mad. "Nice and warm." Korra said sounding tired. Asami giggled a small bit.

Asami: "Korra... He's going to overheat from that blush you're giving him." Asami said sitting straight up. Korra groans before letting me go and sitting up. I hear Korra yawn as I lay there trying to calm down a bit.

You: "S-sorry K-korra... I-I've n-never b-been w-with... I-I mean..." I tried to get the words out but I was just too nervous. Korra merely tiredly chuckled and rubbed my head with her hand which oddly did help me calm down a little bit.

Korra: "Sorry. I was just to comfy." Korra said to me gently though she still sounded tired. We all then caught the whiff of breakfast and she seemed to brighten up. "Food... Alright I'm getting up." Korra said before I felt her get out of bed. I sit up finally and look at the two as the slip on their slippers.

You: "U-um..." I stuttered to get their attention which they gave. "T-thanks... For last night and what not... It... It helped me... So... Thank you." I said to them smiling a small bit. They both smiled before hugging me gently. I hugged back happily until they pulled away.

Asami: "We were happy to help... If you ever need anything... You know where to find us." Asami said to me gently. Korra nodded in agreement and I smiled. "Now... We're going to get breakfast... You come out when you're ready alright?" Asami asked me kindly. I nodded again and they both left my room. As I watched them do so I couldn't help but think to myself.

Ever since I met them, I become good friends with both. Asami through her father and Korra through mom and dad obviously. Asami was easy to be friends with due to her kindness and Korra is just way to friendly not to like... I... have feelings for both of them in some way... I think. I may have been on a date but what I feel with these two is nothing like it was with that actress. I just... If I had to choose... I don't know who I'd pick. That's assuming they even like me that way. Odds are they don't. Who would like a shy guy like me? I shake my head of the thougth and stand. I stretch and slip my slippers on before heading to the dining area where I can hear some people chatting. Once I enter I see my siblings, Asami, Korra, mom and dad in there. Korra is chatting with Jinora and mom is serving food. She turns around and sees me. She smiles.

Pema: "Your food is on the table sweetie." Mom said to me smiling. I just stare at her for a moment and she looks concerned. "Son? What's eep!" Mom doesn't get to ask her question as I hug her gently she hugs back quickly.

You: "I love you mom." I said to her a tad quietly. I pull back a bit and she smiles more at me. "You know that I love you and dad both... Right?" I ask not wanting to refer to what happened in front of my siblings. Mom smiled at me.

Pema: "Of course we do sweetie. Nothing will ever make us doubt that." Mom said to me petting my head. I smiled more at that as dad came to stand beside her. We hugged each other briefly.

Tenzin: "You handled that well. Even your outburst was directed at them and not the people around you... We're proud of you." Dad said to me smiling. I smile a bit more before I felt two small people climb onto my shoulders. I look and see Ikki and Meelo smiling at me.

Ikki: "You love us to, right big brother?" Ikki asked me smiling. I chuckled and used my free hand to pick her up which she giggled at. I put her and then Meelo down before gesturing for Jinora to come over. She does smiling and I hug the three of them.

You: "Of course I love you guys. Never doubt that no matter what anyone says. Alright?" I asked pulling back to be met with the smiling faces of my siblings. They each nod smiling at me. Meelo did a small salute with Ikki as Jinora.

Jinora/Meelo/Ikki: "You can count on us. I love you to." The three said at the same time. They each looked at each other in surprise. They all started laughing which made chuckle. I took Rohan gently from mom so she can focus before I sat down with everyone. I smiled at Korra and Asami who smiled back... Though I thought I noticed a small blush on their faces... Maybe I'm seeing things.


(Your POV)

It's been a few weeks since... I met Damian and Lala. It still hurts but knowing I have good friends and a loving family makes it much easier to deal with. My family has been paying a bit more attention to me than before in order to make sure I'm alright... I really appreciate it to be honest. Korra and Asami have been pretty close to me to. Though there have been several times where they have made me a nervous wreck. Both of them either enjoy making me into a stuttering idiot or they don't know what they're doing. Maybe it's all some elaborate scheme to make me feint. I remember that day I spent with Asami as her assistant...


(Still Your POV)

Me and Asami are currently in her office sorting through some papers. I offered to help since I like being organized... And Dad is training some new air benders and I didn't want to get in the way... Or be launched into a wall again like how Meelo did to me when he first began learning. After I finish my files I look to Asami to see her fanning herself. To be fair tis stupid hot in here but it is the middle of the summer. Asami looks at me.

Asami: "It's hot." Asami said as she continued fanning herself. I nodded I agreement and thought about taking off my shirt since I have a tank top underneath but I don't want to make Asami uncomfortable. So I decide to ask.

You: "Yeah it is... I'm wearing a tank top under my shirt so can I take it off?" I ask Asami a tad nervously. I swore I saw a grin cross her face for a split second but wave it off as my imagination. She looked at me and nodded so I took my shirt off revealing my tank top. "So that's what It feels like to take off a sock on your chest." I said looking at my shirt as the air hit me. I look to Asami and see her staring. "Asami? Y-you okay?" I asked a tad nervously since its obvious she's staring at me. She snaps out of her trance and nods her head smiling.

Asami: "Yes... I just wasn't expecting you to look so..." Asami trailed off as she looked me up and down. I feele extremely nervous under her judging gaze. "Fit... You look pretty skinny in the clothes you wear." Asami said before her eyes met mine. I look away a bit.

You: "I-I just like being comfortable s-so I get a s-size bigger than I a-actually need." I explained nervously as I still felt her eyes on me. I look at her and see her unbuttoning her own shirt and I get extremely flustered. "W-what a-are y-you d-d-doing!?" I asked a bit louder than I meant to. Asami finishes undoing her shirt to reveal a tank top... And a bit more of her figure. I turn my eyes away and try to get back to working.

Asami: "Much better." Is all Asami said as she sighed in relief. "What's wrong? You seem nervous?" Asami asked me in a caring tone but I could swear there was something underneath it that wasn't normal for her.

You: "U-um... I-I j-just d-don't want to s-stare..." I said looking back at her. I then realized how that sounded and turned around to see her raising an eyebrow. "I-I m-meant I-I don't want to be t-that guy th-that ogles girls! Not that I w-was staring.... I-I mean I did for a m-moment... WAIT! I m-mean..." Asami begins giggling at my flustered state and I turn my head away from her.

Asami: "Do you have any idea how cute you are when you're flustered." Asami said giggling still. I felt my face heat up allot at that. I don't know if she's teasing me but I've never really been called cute before by anyone but mom and she does it in a baby talk esc way... Even at my age... That'll never go away, will it? I heard Asami walk closer to me. I look at her without turning my head and see she has a small smirk on her face. "I know you wouldn't ogle me (M/n)... Though." Asami said before taking a step closer to me. I look at her and she cups my cheek with one hand. "You just have to ask." Asami said with a smirk. I go wide eyed before realizing she's teasing me and I frown as she laughs a bit. "Sorry but you made that to easy." Asmai says still laughing.

You: "N-not funny... I-I'm not u-used to t-that stuff." I said looking away from her. The laughing stops. "N-not even t-that o-one girl I w-went on t-that date with s-said I was c-cute or a-anything." I said still looking away from Asami.

Asami: "(M/n)..." Asami says in a very caring tone which gets me to look at her. "I wasn't teasing about that. You are cute and very handsome. I'm sorry I took it so far." Asami says in a genuinely caring tone. I just sigh a bit and nod my head.

You: "I-I don't mean to be a downer about it... Stuff like that just makes me s-so nervous." I said as my nervousness begins to fade. Asami merely smiles and hugs me gently which I happily return. She pulls back still smiling gently.

Asami: "It's alright." Asami said gently. I smiled a bit as she stepped back. "Though if anyone was going to ogle me at least you wouldn't wolf whistle." Asami said with a giggle as my face heated up a bit again. "And... I think any woman would be lucky to have a guy like you." Asami said to me gently once more. Out of everything she has said today that makes me the most nervous yet also makes me smile like a buffoon. Asmai giggles. "Keep the smile. It's cute." Asami said before returning to her work.

I swear I'm about to pass out from my nervousness right now yet I'm smiling like an idiot. This woman is going to be the death of me one day. I know that's true... Especially right now as I went to ask something and she happened to be stretching. I turned deep red and just went back to work. Gods help me.


(Still Your POV)

I shake my head at the memory as I sit here. Geez I thought I was going to die that day. Asami knows just what buttons to push to make me a nervous wreck. Though the memory of her saying any woman would be 'lucky' to have me runs through my head and makes me smile. I wonder if she counts herself among them... Or if she considers Korra among them. Korra... She made me a nervous wreck on accident... But she played it like it was a damn fiddle and she was thirty year pro fiddle player. I place my head in my hands and think back to that day.


(Still Your POV)

I am in the kitchen eating lunch with my siblings as we're chatting a bit. Well Meelo and Ikki are going on about that new air bender we found and how training him was 'so much fun.' I just smile at them as I listen intently. It's odd how into they get. Jinora did mention that she hadn't seen Korra all day. Considering the training session she had yesterday I'm not surprised. I wasn't going to comment much on it until mom walked in.

Pema: "(M/n)... Can you go check on Korra? I'm a bit worried about how tired she must." Mom requested of me kindly. I just smiled and stood up. I kissed mom's cheek after cleaning my face with a towel. Mom just smiled.

You: "Sure mom. I'll be right back." I said before leaving the kitchen and heading to Korra's room. I'm betting to myself that she's just asleep since she's so damn tired from yesterday but I don't know for certain.

I walk down the hall that's headed to Korra's room and don't hear snoring. Maybe she's just having a small lie in then? Not that I blame her I suppose. She did get her but handed to her by Dad in a small duel yesterday. I told her she wasn't ready but what do I know? I just live with the guy. I chuckle at my thought as I stand in front of Korra's room door. I knock a few times and wait for a response and receive none. I knock again and once more I am only met with silence. I get a bit worried and decide, against my better judgement, to open the door to see if she's just asleep... But I end up freezing staring at Korra wide eyed as she stands there looking at me. She has a rather flat face and... Her shirt in her hands. She's standing there in her pants and undergarments... Her upper body is exposed short of her chest which I silently thank whatever gods are listening for. I can see her well toned arms in all their glory. I also see her mid riff and part of her back. She has a noticeable six pack and her back muscles seem to be well toned. I just stand there... Frozen like a kid who just got caught lying before it clicks. I'm staring at Korra who is shirtless short of the thing covering her chest and she is staring right back. I then quickly back out of the room and slam the door shut.

You: "O-H MY -G-GODS!!! I-I'M SO S-SORRY!!! Y-YOU D-DIDN'T ANSWER A-AND I G-GOT WORRIED!!!!" I shouted through the door. Before she can reply I gun it down the hall as fast as I can. I grab my staff from my room before running back to the kitchen looking scared to death. I see mom and dad both there now and they seem worried.

Pema: "Sweetie!? What happened!?" Mom asked as she stood up quickly. I try and reply but nonsense just comes out so I have to take a few breathes before replying fully.

You: "I d-didn't g-get a r-response f-from K-Korra w-when I knocked s-so I g-got worried and walked in... S-she was getting dressed and... H-hadn't put h-her shirt o-on yet... I'm so dead!" I said looking at mom. She seems a bit surprised. I then look at my staff. I hand it to dad. And pointed to my head. "Hit me as hard as you can. It'll be quicker than what she will do." I said a tad frantically. Mom and dad both just chuckled at my nervousness which just made it worse. "W-what!? I-I'm serious!" I said still nervous and frantic. Dad just pointed and I froze up.

Korra: "Not what I expected to wake up to." Korra said behind me. I don't dare turn around and close my eyes tightly waiting for whatever she's going to do to me. Korra just chuckled. "Relax (M/n). I'm not going to hurt you. I know it was an accident. I should've replied but I was tired and didn't think." Korra said to me nicely from behind. I slowly, and nervously, turn around and see her smiling a bit at me. "Nice to know you care though." Korra says with a small smirk before sitting down. My siblings all laugh at me as I sit down and face plant the table. I didn't mutter a word through the rest of lunch.


(Still Your POV)

I have been avoiding Korra since the debacle at lunch. Jinora did tell me Korra was looking around for me since she wants to talk to me. I still haven't sought her out and am just sitting in my room. I got the day off today but told no one so Korra doesn't know I'm here... Unless Jinora turns into a tiny traitor. I'm currently reading a book but to my surprise I geta knock on the door. I hesitate replying thinking it could be Korra and... I was right on the money.

Korra: "I know you're in there (M/n). Your sisters told me as much." Korra said sounding confident. Little rats. I'll get them back for this. "I'm not mad (M/n). I just want to talk." Korra said sounding a bit more gentle. I sigh.

You: "Fine. Come on in." I said putting my book mark in my book. The door opens as I put my book up and I see Korra looking at me smiling gently.

Korra: "Hey. You kind of disappeared on me. Did you actually think I would hurt you for an accident?" Korra asked me with a raised brow. I look away a bit and nod my head a small bit which just gets her to chuckle. "I know you pretty well (M/n). You'd never 'ogle' me intentionally. You were worried and I was tired and stupid. It was a recipe for disaster." Korra said kindly before plopping down on my bed.

You: "No... I wouldn't... I thought maybe you were sick or something and couldn't answer me." I admitted looking at my lap. "Glad you're not though." I said with a small smile. I looked at kora and she's smiling right back. "Though I will be honest and say, you are fit as all can be. Its kind of hard to tell with your clothes since they're pretty thick like mine." I said smiling a bit at Korra. I swear I saw her blush a tad before smiling with pride.

Korra: "Well thank you. Glad you think so." Korra said with a small bit of pride and much happiness in her voice. I just nodded and she seemed to start thinking. I then see a small smirk begin to grace her face. I tilt my head and she seems to lean towards me a small bit. "Though it does make me wonder if..." Korra then leaned much closer to me which made me blush like a mad man. "You enjoyed the view. Even a little bit." Korra asked me in a... Flirty tone of voice with a small smirk on her face. I feel my face heat up extremely as I try and answer.

You: "W-well y-yes. I-I mean n-no!... I mean yes! N-no... U-um. I m-mean... U-um uh" I can't form a coherent sentence as I look at Korra is still giving me a small smirk as my brain just shuts down to try and restart like a damn stalled car.

Korra: "It's alright if you did. It's perfectly natural you know. And I don't mind if it's you that looks." Korra said in that same tone of voice. I take a sharp breath as she gently rubs my arm. I feel like I'm about to pass out... Right up until she begins laughing. "You should've seen your face!" Korra says as she laughs. I breathe out shakily and fall back onto my bed as Korra's laughter fills the air. "You didn't think I wouldn't tease you about it, did you? Come on you know me better than that." Korra said smiling as she shoved my arm a bit. I groan slightly as she chuckles at me.

You: "I thought I was about to pass out. Jeez Korra. I'm not used to that stuff." I said not sitting up. Korra just laughs a small bit more as I shake my head. Korra then lays back on my bed next to me.

Korra: "I know. It was too easy." Korra said still laughing a small bit. I roll my eyes a small bit. "You had to know this was coming." Korra stated in a cocky tone. I groan but dammit she's not wrong in the slightest.

You: "Yeah, yeah I know. I'll take that over pain." I said shaking my head. Korra chuckled again and I sighed a bit. "But I am sorry for barging in. I wasn't thinking." I said honestly as I looked at Korra. She just shrugged resting her arms behind her head.

Korra: "No big deal. Just expect me to tease you about it for a while." Korra said smiling. I nodded my head and breathed a sigh of relief. "To be honest tough it is nice to know you'd just jump in to help if you thought I needed it." Korra said as she looked at me. I sat up looking at her and she followed suit. "Well... Most people wouldn't have risked what could've happened. In this case, seeing me half naked." Korra said with a playful shove with her elbow. "So, knowing you'd charge in head first is... Nice to know... Shows how good of a person you are. Even if it was weird for you." Korra said to me with a gentle smile. I feel myself blush a bit. She then hugs me which makes it a tad worse but I return it. Once she pulls back she smiles again. "Now stop hiding and come on. Asami should be here soon." Korra said standing up. I do the same and begin to follow her out.

She's going to be the death of me if she teases me like that again. Then again it could be worse... She did say me barging in against my better judgement since I was worried showed how nice I am... I guess. Its odd logic but not wrong I suppose. Gods between this and what Asami did I may need to vanish for a few days. Though between Korra saying I'm... Good looking and nice and Asami saying the same... I wonder if they... Like me? No... No they wouldn't. Mako and I are complete opposites. He's confident, serious and straight forward and I'm shy, happy go lucky, and tend to be nice... They couldn't be into a guy like me. I sigh quietly as I continue to follow Korra out.


(Still Your POV)

And vanish I did. Well not vanish but I have been avoiding them a little bit. Korra kept on teasing me even if Asami was there. And after Korra explained what happened Asami was right there with her. Especially after Asami told Korra I was, and I quote, 'Well fit under that shirt.' I shake my head at the thought. I swear they were doing this on purpose... Though I do appreciate the two of them. They've been a help to me when thoughts of my birth parents come up. Still all the teasing is bothering me... Maybe I should tell them? I don't know. That was until I heard a gentle knock on my door. Assuming it was Jinora or one of my other siblings I said come in. But it was Asami and Korra both that walked in and they seemed a tad upset at something.

Asami: "(M/n). We need to talk." Asami said a bit sternly. That makes me nervous. The last time someone said this was the time I dated that girl... She wanted to tell me it couldn't work out which is fair enough but it still hurt... I kind of liked her. I nod and they sit down. "Now... Why have you been avoiding us?" Asami asked me seriously I sigh but don't even try and deny it.

You: "All the teasing and flirtyness. Like... I get that it's funny to you two and all but... Its making me uncomfortable a bit." I said to the two honestly while looking at my lap. "No one has ever really... You know flirted or teased me that way before... It's just weird for me." I finished off with a sigh. To be honest it did make me feel weird... But part of me wanted it to be true... Like maybe they do find me attractive or whatever but I doubt that's true.

Asami: "I... See." Asami said sounding a bit surprised. I don't reply but I can safely bet she was thinking. "Why didn't you just tell us? We would've stopped if you asked." Asami said placing her and on my back. I sighed and looked at the ciieling before looking at her and Korra.

You: "Cause... You two have helped me allot since I met my birth parents... I wanted to try and put up with it so you two could have some fun but it just..." I don't finish as I sigh at the end and shake my head.

Korra: "We don't help you expecting something back (M/n). We just liked seeing you blush but we didn't think it upset you. The teasing I mean." Korra said sounding regretful. Great. Now I feel like a dick.

You: "I'm sorry it upset me... Don't feel bad... it's just..." I hesitate saying what I am thinking right now. I don't finish and sigh a bit. "Just... Try and dial it back and I'll be fine I promise." I said with a faked smile. Neither of them seem to buy it. "What?" I asked them.

Asami: "What were you going to say? You seemed to be thinking about something else." Asami asked me a bit sternly like before. I look away from the two and don't say anything. Asami rubs my back again and her tone softens as she speaks again. "We won't judge you... I promise." Asami said gently.

Korra: "Yeah. Unless you liked murdered someone for no reason." Korra joked a bit which actually got me to chuckle a tad. "Now come on. What's on your mind?" Korra asked me gently. I sighed again before speaking.

You: "I just... W-with all the flirting I can't help but w-wonder..." I take a breath to calm my nerves. They both wait patiently for me to speak once more. "I-I can't h-help but w-wonder if... It's possible t-that you both... L-like me? I know it's stupid but it's just a thought I had and..." I stop talking as Asami places a finger on my lips.

Asami: "It's fine (M/n). And to be honest..." Asami looked at Korra who nodded with a gentle smile. Asami looked back at me and her eyes seemed... Warmer somehow. "W-we both do... Like you... In a romantic way." Asami said a bit nervously. I go wide eyed and feel my face heat up allot... No way.

Korra: "Yeah... I kind of gained a crush on you after the festival. Just seeing you so happy and what not was something I admired..." Korra said nervously looking away. I just sit there stunned to silence. No freaking way. They both... Oh no. That means one of them is going to be sad... I don't want to hurt them.

You: "B-b-but... How? Why? Why me the shyest guy you've ever met? Considering Mako is my polar opposite and all." I said still trying to process what they said. Korra and Asami smile a bit.

Asami: "Well you're so... Happy and kind... You were such a huge help to me when Mako left me and my dad... Showed us what he truly was... It was hard but you made it so much easier than it could've been... You made it so easy to fall for you." Asami said in a loving tone. I lose my stunned face and gain a look of surprise.

Korra: "Yeah. That sums up allot of what I have to say to. Except for me it's your willingness to help everyone... like me in my times of doubt and what not. Hell, you even got me out of the portal when we thought Vaatu killed Raava... It was just easy." Korra said in a similar tone as Asami used. I sit there to process this but I don't know what to do. "Do you... Like us to?" Korra asked m hopefully. I whince at that... I do. But...

You: "I... I do." I admitted though it was slightly sad. Both of them looked worried. "You both accepted me as is and didn't try to change me like many people have... You both helped me out of my shell and showed me nothing but kindness. I admired you both and would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you two but..." I trailed off to take a breath. "I don't want to hurt either of you." I said a bit quietly. The air in the room was silent until I felt someone crawl over on my bed and sit on my other side.

Asami: "We... Talked about this being a possibility and... Came to an agreement." Asami said looking at Korra. I looked back and see her nodding. "We decided that we three could be together as a couple of sorts... Sure it may take time for me and Korra to bond like that but I'm sure we could... if... You're okay with it." Asami said a bit nervously.

Korra: "Yeah... we're okay with it but we don't want to force anything on you." Korra said to me gently. I look between the two a few times before thinking... This... Wait... the dream... I was with two people... Is it possible?

I take a breath and think... Yes I love them... Yes I would love to be with them... The only downside is that they may never come to love one another. Then again they could. I then smile a bit. I... Feel so lucky right now.

You: "I... I'm okay with it to." I said a bit quietly as my smile grew. They both smiled more at that. "It... May seem selfish to others but I would love to be with the two of you... Even if I can be a shy nervous potato at times." I joked which got them to giggle before they got closer to me. "But... if you two can't come to have feelings for each other two we'll need to be prepared." I said looking at the two who just nodded in agreement. "Now... What do we do? I've never been with anyone really..." I said as I trailed off at the end.

Asami: "Ever so sweet and innocent (M/n)..." Asami said as she cupped my cheek with her now bare hand. "What would follow is a kiss. Have you ever kissed someone (M/n)?" Asami asked me sweetly. I blush deeply and shake my head no. Asami smiles a bit more. "Come here." Asami said in a whisper as she leaned in. I was about to speak but she just leaned in a kissed me gently which I gasp in surprise at. It was gentle, sweet and romantic. I close my eyes and sink into it. Its not heated or anything since I'm way to flustered to even attempt that but it is full of love. After a moment Asami pulls away. "There. Your first kiss." Asami whispered to me. I just smile. "I love you." Asami said to me lovingly before she kissed my cheek. I was about to reply but Asami stopped me. "Not yet." Asami said as she pointed behind me. I turned to Korra and see her smiling at me.

Korra: "That was cute." Korra said smiling. I look away nervously smiling which makes Korra laugh a bit. "Just kissed a girl and you're still nervous about compliments you get Man you're cute." Korra said to me lovingly as she stopped laughing. She then wrapped her arms around my neck before her smile changed to a more gentle one. "Now. Kiss me." Korra said before leaning in and kissing me a bit more roughly than Asami did which takes me by a bit of surprise but not as much as Asami's. I nervously wrap my arms around her waist as I return it. She doesn't get heated likely for the same reason Asami didn't. Korra is more passionate than Asami but again I can feel the love coming from her. Korra lets go after some time and smiles at me. "That was nice." Korra said to me with love. I can't fight the smile anymore and it completely takes over my face.

You: "I... I love you to... And I love you to Asami." I said as I looked at each of them. I tried to make sure love was in my voice and judging by the fact they both blush a bit I succeeded. "I know I'm a nervous and shy person but... I'll try and be a good boyfriend to you both. You'll just have to teach me a couple of things." I said with a loving smile. Both girls returned it before hugging me from both sides.

Asami: "Oh we know you will. You're far to kind for anything else." Asami said to me lovingly. She kissed my cheek as did Korra before they pulled away. "And don't worry. Me and Korra can teach you a few things about dating if its needed... I doubt it will be though." Asami said with a loving smile. I smile more.

Korra: "Agreed. You're stupid amounts of kind. Odds are you'll be a natural." Korra said with a loving smile as well. I just smile brightly at that and that makes Asami giggle as Korra shakes her head. "There's the happy (M/n) we know and love." Korra said to me lovingly. I smile right back. "Now. We've had a long day so why don't we... Cuddle?" Korra asked looking at me and Asami. I blush at the idea but like it. I look at Asami who is already nodding.

Asami: "I like that idea." Asami said lovingly. I smiled more before laying down on my bed first on my back. Asami followed suit on my left. Once she was comfy she laid her head on my chest and laid a hand. She sighed happily as Korra did the same on my right. I shyly wrapped my arms around each of them. "Feels nice to finally do this." Asami said happily. "I love you (M/n)." Asami said to me lovingly. She leaned up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before laying back down.

Korra: "Yeah. You're like a big pillow." Korra joked. I chuckled before she leaned up and kissed me like Asami did. "I love you." Korra said lovingly before laying back down on my chest. I couldn't hlp but smile and feel a tad emotional.

You: "I love you both to... I'll be a good Boyfriend I promise." I said to them lovingly. The hummed happily before we just sat laid there idly chatting away. And I felt like the happiest man in the world.

Its... hard to believe they both love a guy like me. Even harder to believe that they wanted to be with me at the same time. I just hope they can learn to love one another to. Judging by the fact they are chatting happily I think they can. I'm the luckiest guy in the world right now. If a shy guy like me can have two of the most amazing women in the world fall in love with me, anything is possible. I love them both and can't stop smiling... Now for the really hard part. Explaining to mom, dad, and my siblings that we are all dating... Oh boy. Well, with these two at my side it should make it easier... Or worse... Doesn't matter I suppose. I love them and they love me. That's enough for me.

(A/n: Well here's something I've been working on for the last week an a half. Bet you didn't see this coming! XD I dropped the ball on my harem special a few months ago on Devianart so I made this and uploaded here to. I honest to god couldn't think of anything for the harem and just never wanted to admit it out of not wanting to let people down. But hey. I thought of this idea after watching a shy guy in my class get hit on by two girls at once. I also was rewatching the Fresh prince Of Bel Air and saw the episode where Will met his father. Both events happening made this idea pop into my head. I stopped writing the chapter of Asami just to write this because it was a good idea to me. He's such a good guy so i hope he can be like the reader here one day. :D Low Key the harem idea is still on the table just need a good story in my head. I have a concept but not much more. One shots are still on hold but I didn't want to make a new book for this. :P That's all for now my dudes. Love ya. :D)

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