Over Thinking Leads Nowhere. Lapis Lazuli (SU) X Autistic Male Reader


(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name

Over Thinking Leads Nowhere. Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) X Autistic Male Reader.

(No POV)

You are a bit older than the cool kids by about a year or two. Nevertheless you knew them when you grew up in beech city. You also knew a young boy named Steven. He, despite being younger than you when you met him, was actually a very understanding person. He knew you were different but he treated you just the same unless he saw you struggling. You had to move away one day which saddened many people. Especially your best friends Kiki and Jenny. Little did they know you're coming back to stay permanently since your parents had to move out of the country for their job but you didn't want to go. So you're going there, to Beach City to purchase a home if you can.

(Your POV)

It's been years... To many years since I've been here. Will my friends still like me? Do they even remember me? Did they move away? All these thoughts are swarming through my head as I step off the bus. I grab my luggage after I put my headphones on to drown out the noise of the city. I head to The Pizzeria I know and love hoping that the two of them still remember me. Stop it (M/n). You're over thinking this crap again... For the tenth time since you started the bus ride. I shake my head as I adjust the pack on my back. I do take a look around and see many people are smiling ad walking around the pier here. At least that's stayed the same. I soon approach Fish Stew Pizza... man it's been a while. I smile at myself and enter the restaurant. Not a damn thing has changed and you know what? That's fine with me. I walk up to the counter and take my headphones off and pause my current song. I wait patiently and soon the familiar face of Kofi Pizza.

Kofi: "Welcome to Fish Stew Pizza. How may I help you today?" Kofi asked me in his normal high strung voice. My smile falters a bit as those thoughts from before come back to infect my mind.

You: "I didn't think I changed that much Mr. Pizza." I said to him as calmly as I could. The man looks surprised before leaning in to get a better look at me. He looks me up and down before going a tad wide eyed and smiling a bit at me.

Kofi: "(F/n)... It's been years boy." Kofi said as he walked around the counter to greet me properly. I shake his hand firmly. "What have you been up to boy? Come sit." Kofi said as he guided me to an empty table. I follow him and sit down.

You: "Studying to become a computer engineer. And house hunting." I said smiling a bit. Kofi nodded his head smiling at me still.

Kofi: "Still obsessed with computer's eh?" Kofi asked me with a chuckle. I chuckle and nod my head. "House hunting as well? You're staying permanently?" Kofi asked me. I nodded and he smiled. "Ah the girls will be so happy to have their best friend back." Kofi said smiling more. I wonder if those two will even remember me. "How are you able to afford a house though?" Kofi asked me sounding a tad confused and curious.

You: "My parents are paying for it... Well the down payment. I will be making house payments and stuff. They'll help but I'd hate to just rely on them for everything." I said chuckling. He seemed happy with what I said. "I'll be paying utilities and for my own food. They said they'd cover rent so I can go to school without having to work full time." I explained further. He seemed very happy about that. "Now... I hate to cut this short but I need to find that house they chose for me... And... Do you know where the twins are? I'd like to see them." I asked Kofi respectfully.

Kofi: "Do not worry (F/n). You'd need to see the agent before the day's out anyway... I think they're on the beach waiting for that boy Steven. They should still be there." Kofi said to me kindly. I nodded and stood up and he followed suit. "Good to see you again boy. Be sure to stop by for some Pizza." Kofi said to me sounding a tad happier. I nodded and said I would before leaving the shop.

So far so good. Kofi remembered me which means others may remember me to. I hope. Stop it (F/n). You're overthinking again. Just get to the beach and see if they all remember you. I begin making my way to the beach which doesn't take all too long. Sure enough I see all of my old friends short of Steven standing on the beach chatting. I steel my nerves and approach the group. I see them all smiling... Well most of them. I walk up behind Kiki and tap her shoulder lightly. She and the rest turn to face me and I smile sheepishly.

You: "Hey... Do you... Remember me?" I asked as those thoughts once more swarmed my head. The twins take a close look at me as Sour Cream and Buck watch on with interest... I think. The two girls then squeal loudly and I flinch at the sudden noise as Sour Cream looks worried.

Kiki: "Oh my gosh (M/n)!" Kiki says happily before both the twins hug me at once. I make an 'omf' sound as I smiel and try to hug them back though they have trapped my arms pretty much. I smile as I breath in relief. All that overthinking and it turns out they remember me. When they pull away they both are smileing and I can even see the other two smiling at me as well.

Jenny: "It has been so long! You look as cute as I remember." Jenny said to me with a wink. I chuckle a bit at that. She always said such things when I lived here but I know she's just being friendly. Not that I mind. Kiki shoves her arm playfully which causes Jenny to giggle. "What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining." Jenny asked me happily.

You: "My parents helped me get a house... I'm going to college near by so... I thought moving back here would be good. I'm just happy you all remember me." I replied scratching the back of my head. Jenny and Kiki both giggled before hugging me again. I get to hug them right back as Sour Cream and Buck smile at me.

Kiki: "That's so cool to hear. Oh I can't wait to tell Steven." Kiki said t me happily as she let go. I titl my head at her and she giggles a bit. "You remember little Steven right? He's coming here with a couple of friends!" Kiki said happily. I'm happy at the idea of seeing Steven again... Assuming he can even remember me.

You: "It's been a bit... Will he even remember me?" I asked looking at Kiki. She just smiled with her sister which does comfort me ever so slightly.

Jenny: "He remembers everyone (M/n). Don't worry about it." Jenny said happily. She then looked over my shoulder and smiled even more. "There's they are!" Jenny said waving to whom I can assume is Steven. I turned and I do see the familiar curly haired pink sandal wearing boy,. I do see two others with him. They both are obviously 'Gems' as that race calls themselves. One is shprter than Steven by a tad and has bright green skin and seems to have triangle hair and is wearing visors. She looks upset as she plays with her tablet. The other though... I swear my heart jumped into my throat.

She is slender much like many gems are but she has blue skin and cobalt blue hair. She's not wearing any shoes and her dress matches her hair color. Her eyes are a deep blue and her hair is a bit short. She seems to be a bit dis interested... I see that look in the mirror when I go to the bathroom. Her eyes seem to lock onto mine and for the first time in my life... Eye contact comes easy for me. She keeps staring at me and I at her. I can see some sadness in her eyes but the longer she stares at me, the more her eyes seem to shine with curiosity. Soon she does look away as Steven gasps loudly. I look at him and he's looking right at me.

Steven: "(M/n)!!!!" Steven yelled happily as he sprinted towards me. He jumped at me for a hug and I had to rebalance myself once I caught him. The other two gems that were with him caught up to Steven as I finally let him down. "It's been years (M/n)!! Where have you been? What have you been up too?" Steven asked me excitedly. He keeps smiling as I smile back at him.

You: "well... I'm going to be going to college nearby for computer engineering... So my parents helped me get a house in the city..." I don't get to continue as Steven begins to jump and shout happily. Ah... The near endless amounts of energy this boy has.

(???): "Why are you getting excited over this human staying nearby Steven?" The green gem asked in a... Almost nasally voice. Steven looked at her and explained that I was an old friend that had moved away. "Ah. I am Peridot human engineer. And this is Lapis Lazuli." This Peridot said as she gestured to Lapis. I looked at Lapis and Lapis seemed to smile a small bit at me. I smiled right back. I was about to say something to Lapis to break the ice as best I could but Peridot yelled. "Stupid device! Obey my commands!" Peridot yelled as she tried to swipe something. I look at the screen and see it's not frozen. The touch screen is broken.

You: "Let me see. I may be able to fix it." I said to Peridot calmly as I held my hand out. She seemed skeptical but handed it to me at Steven's assurance. I take my bag off my back and get on my knees.

I begin by slowing removing the screen from its casing. Inch by inch I remove it so I don't crack it and make it un repairable. The world around me becomes a blur as I begin working. Once its removed I begin moving things around to find the broken or removed wire. So many different parts could cause the tablet's screen to stop working if it's not cracked so this will take some time to find. I find the wire that seems to be more lose than it should be and I push it in gently. I then tap the touch screen and low and behold it works. Okay. I go into my bag and pull out gloves and my tiny sauter. I go back to the wire and push it in with a small tool and begin to sauter it back into place. Once I have it in place I go back to the screen and test it. Almost. I go back to the wire and sauter the other side. Once that's done I test the screen again and smile as it works once more. I put my tools away and begin reassembling the parts. Once its done I place the screen back and heat up the edges to reseal it. Once I feel its settled I hand it back to Peridot with a smile.

You: "That should do it. That wire wasn't sautered in place correctly. It should be fine now." I said smiling as I began placing everything back into my bag. Peridot looks skeptical but when she tries it she smiles wide.

Peridot: "Excellent! Now the world can know all my thoughts once again!" Peridot exclaimed happily. Ah. She's discovered the internet. I feel almost bad for her but she's having fun so I don't care.

Lapis: "Good work." The calm Voice of Lapis said. I look at her and she's smiling a bit at me which nearly makes me blush. "She's been ranting about that for days... You're pretty smart aren't you?" Lapis asked me with a small smile. I just shrug as I stand back up.

You: "I suppose... I just really like building and messing with technology." I said scratching the back of my neck. Lapis snorts with a small laugh and I smile at her. "That was kind of cute." I said without thinking. Lapis stops and I feel everyone look at me. I look around and I feel a tad uncomfortable. "What? It's true. If I can make someone snort laugh it's been a good day." I said trying to defuse the uncomfortable situation I am in. I look back at Lapis who seems to be blushing a tad though she is smiling. I smile before taking a look at my phone. "Oh crap. I have to go get my house key before the office closes." I said as I adjusted the bag on my back.

Steven: "Do you need help moving in?" Steven asked me kindly. I looked at him and smiled at the offer.

You: "My stuff won't be here till tomorrow. The place is furnished so I'll be fine... I don't have allot of stuff so... Maybe one person could help me." I said thinking about the amount of stuff I have. Is one person enough? Before Steven could offer his help Lapis spoke.

Lapis: "I'll help you. Shouldn't be a problem." Lapis said to me with a smile. I look at her surprised and she just shrugs. "I don't have allot of other things to do and I'd like to get to know you. You seem cool." Lapis said calmly. I take a moment to process what she just said to me and end up smiling.

You: "Well... Thanks Lapis... Um... Tomorrow at about noon is when the delivery driver said they'd get here so... Want to come with me to see my house? That way you know where it is and all." I said trying to sound coherent. That gentle smile of hers is sending my thoughts into a tail spin. Peridot looks like she wants to protest but Steven stops her. I look at him and he seems to be smiling like he knows something is up.

Lapis: "Sure. Let's go." Lapis said as she walked ahead of me. I watch her for a moment. Why does she make me a bit nervous. Am I over reacting or under reacting? Am I being stupid? Did I make a good first impression? I shake my head free from those thoughts and look back at Steven.

You: "I'll see you all tomorrow." I said to everyone. Steven hugged me once more which I return. "I'll have to stop by and see Pearl and the others won't I?" I asked with a laugh which he agreed with. I said goodbye to the others and once more hugged Kiki and Jenny. "Missed you guys." I said a bit softly. The girls hugged me back happily before pulling away.

Kiki: "We missed you to. It'll be good to have you back." Kiki said happily. Jenny agreed and they both waved me off before I walk away with Lapis. I look back and see Steven talking with Kiki and Jenny who seem excited about something. I look forward again and smile. I look at Lapis who seems to be smiling as well which in turn just makes me happy.


(Lapis' POV)

We have since got the Key to the house after the agent or whatever asked (M/n) a million questions. Seems they had no idea the human buying this place would be a college kid as they put it. Well after some time we were given the key and we have arrived at his place. It's not to small in size. In fact if he really wanted he could have two to three others living with him if he wanted to. He invited me inside so we could take a look around.

You: "A bit bigger than I expected." (M/n) said as he examined the room. He seems to be deep in thought as he looks around. "Is it too much? How will I use it?" (M/n) asked himself quietly. He seems to be getting a tad anxious which is strange... I have that habit as well... Over thinking. I place a hand o his arm which he looks at before looking at me. I offer him a kind smile.

Lapis: "Look at it this way. If you know someone that needs a place to stay you have the room." I said to him calmly. He seems to take a moment to absorb my words before smiling at me.

You: "Thanks... That's a good point." (M/n) said as he looked around again. "Puts my mind at ease thinking about it like that." (M/n) said as he walked over to the couch. He sat down after placing his bag to the side. He patted the spot next to him which I gladly took. "I tend to over think as you saw... And get buried in my work... And am sensitive to touch and sound and... Well, all the senses I guess." (M/n) explained as he pulled out a laptop and cord.

Lapis: "You seem normal enough... Then again normal to me is fighting giant monsters." I said with another giggle snort like earlier. He chuckled a bit and looked at me. "I then think to ask him a question. "Hey... When you said, 'my little snort was cute'... Did you mean it?" I asked (M/n) curiously. He blushed a bit but nodded his head yes.

You: "Yeah I meant it. I'm very bad at lying so anything I say you can safely assume is the truth." (M/n) explained smiling. "I suppose the snort matches the person." (M/n) said smiling. I am surprised by that and it seems to take a moment for it to sink in before he realizes what he said. He blushes deeply. "I-I. What I-I m-meant..." I don't let him finish as I break out into a laughing fit. He breathes out in relief as he watches me. Once I stop I merely smile at him.

Lapis: "No worries (M/n). I reckon someone should think so." I said smiling. He smiled a bit more at me which makes me happy. Yeah... I think we're going to be good friends. It seems like we may have allot in common... Which is something I wish I had more of in my life.


(Your POV)

It's been a couple of months since I moved in and I am currently driving home from my classes. I'm able to get out of school at about four in the afternoon so that makes me happy. I pull into the drive way and see that Steven, Amethyst and... Lapis are waiting for me to get home. Steven waves at me happily which makes me smile. I do see that Lapis is smiling at me ever so slightly. Me and her have become great friends and since today was my last day of school for the week, the four of us, plus Connie, are going to go to Funland. I normally don't care for crowds yet somehow, the lights at Funland always seem to calm me down. After I exit my car I am greeted by the three people that are waiting.

You: "Hey Steven. Ame. Lapis." I said smiling at the last girl. She smiled right back and they all greeted me. "So... Connie still coming Steven?" I asked the said boy. He nodded his head happily.

Steven: "Yep! She should be here soon." Steven said happily. I smile as I unlock the door and let everyone in. Amethyst plops right on the couch with Steven as Lapis sits on the love seat with me.

Lapis: "How was class?" Lapis asked me kindly. I smile at that as I place my bag down an sink into the sofa.

You: "It was fine. Was assigned a group project with two people which sucks." I said with a sigh. Lapis tilts her head at me and I sigh again. "Look... I have a hard time talking with people most of the time... At least introducing myself... So being forced to work with strangers for the next two months just bothers me is all." I explained looking at the ceiling. Lapis hummed in response.

Lapis: "Hm. Well meeting new people helped me out a bit... You're just overthinking it. Take it from a pro in 'new people ain't my thing.' It's not as bad as you keep thinking it is. The crystal gems and Steven proved that for me. Peridot to after a while." Lapis said o reassure me. All the thoughts from how this may turn out to be a horrid thing seem to fade away as her words think in. Everyone in a while, with how my mind works, hearing someone with a clear head give their perspective can help... Some times anyway. I smile and hug her which she makes a small grunt noise at. I let her go and see she looks surprised.

You: "Thanks Lapis... That does make me feel better." I said smiling while looking away. I look at Steven who, along with Amethyst, are watching the scene on with wonderment. I raise a brow at him and he looks away smiling. I shake my head at that and lean back a bit. Just as I lean back though a loud tire screech happens outside my house and I have to cover my ears. Such an unpleasant sound I don't want to hear right now. I sit there, trying to drown out the noise for a few minutes until I feel someone take one of my hands. I look to see Lapis looking at me with concern. "Sorry... Certain noises bother me to the point it feels like I'm surrounded by them... Screeching tires happens to be one of them." I said looking down.

Steven: "I've got one of those as well to be fair... T.v static bothers me the most." Steven said to try and make me feel better. I chuckle weakly as I rub my head with my free hand. I do take note that Lapis has not let go of my other but to be honest, her cool skin on my own feels rather relaxing. I always loved cool water. Not cold but cool and her hand feels just like that though it is getting warmer as she holds it.

Lapis: "You okay?" Lapis asked me in a kind tone. I look at her and nod my head. I was about to pull my hand away but her grip tightened so I left it. "I guess that's an example of that over sensitivity you explained to me and Peridot huh?" Lapis asked as I leaned back. I nodded in response. She hummed in response. "It's not usually that bad though, right? Like... It doesn't happen allot when I'm... or rather we're not here, right?" Lapis seemed to correct herself quickly. She let go of my hand when she did which was odd.

You: "Um... No, it doesn't get like that just now. Usually if I get overwhelmed or have a day where I am having problems, I'll just sit in my house or listen to music until I calm down. The sound of rain on my roof helps me to when it happens." I explained looking at Lapis. She breathes out in relief due to the explanation. "I also need to get Peridot a gift for those noise cancelling head phones she made me. They work wonders." I said smiling as I looked at the set on my table. There two toned in color. One half green with a Periot gem on the ear phone and the other is blue with a Lapis gem on the ear phone.

Lapis: "Trust me. Despite how she acts, she can't stop gushing about how awesome you are at fixing her computers. She'd never say it to your face but your one of her best friends like me Amethyst, and Steven." Lapis said with a smirk. I chuckle at that and I swear I hear Peridot screaming in the distance but I know it's not true.

You: "Well, she's my friend to. Though If I had a list of best friends It would be just as short." I said looking at the ceiling. "Let's see... Kiki and Jenny are a given since they've been my best friends since I was Steven's age." I said smiling. "Beyond that though... I think that you Lapis would be a best friend to me... Assuming I have the proper grasp on the concept." I said smiling at Lapis. She looked at me surprised but I just continue. "Well think about it. Since we met you've taken time to get to know me and you visit me as often as you can. You accepted me flaws and all without much hesitation. If that's not a best friend I don't know what is." I explained smiling. She seemed to gain small stars in her eyes buts she smiled back. She then stifled a laugh.

Lapis: "You dork... I guess that would make you mine to." Lapis said smiling. I chuckle at that as I leaned back further into my sofa. Me and Lapis began talking with the others as e waited for Connie.

Steven told me that he and Connie's combat training is going well... Whatever that means. I didn't really want to ask but you know... Good for them? I guess? By the time I thought maybe I should ask it was too late. Story of my life. Anyway, Lapis seemed to be completely relaxed as she sat next to me which is rare from what I've seen. She always seems so tense but when she's in my house she feels at ease. It makes me happy and after I noticed it a couple of weeks ago I told her and Peridot they were welcome in my home at any time. Lapis was far more into the idea than Peridot. Then again unless I had a super computer I doubt she'd care about my house in the slightest. Soon Connie arrived and the five of us headed off to the Pier. As we approach we can hear the screams of people having fun and the many sounds of the rides and games going off. Steven, Connie, and Amethyst ran off together after I paid for the tickets. Well Steven paid for his and Connie's but I handed the guy the money. Me and Lapis walked through the place together. I was enamored by the lights of the place. For some reason fair lights at night always put me at easy while amazing me for some reason.

(Lapis' POV)

He considers me his best friend... That... Makes me very happy. I don't have many other than Steven and Peridot but... I'm glad he trusts me that much. Even if I'm not sure if he should. I look over at (M/n) and the expression on his face makes my 'heart' skip a beat. He looks completely at peace despite being surrounded by so any sounds and sights. He wasn't lying. These lights seem to calm him allot. As we walk he offers to buy me something to eat but I just tell him it's not needed. He nods and goes to buy himself a 'caramel apple' as he called it. When he came back he smiled at me.

You: "You sure you don't want anything?" (M/n) asked me kindly. I nodded my head and he smiled before biting into his treat. He continues the admire the lights as we walk around. I stop walking as I see a little thing that looks like Parcy from Camp Pining Hearts. (M/n) stops and looks at it. "You want that?" (M/n) asked me curiously. I looked at him and he's smiling at me.

Lapis: "Kind of... I just love the show thanks to Peridot." I explained to him calmly as I look back at the doll. (M/n) tapped my shoulder before holding out his candy apple to me. "Thanks but I don't want any." I said with a raised brow. I thought I made that clear but okay. I'm not damaged.

You: "Hm. Oh no. Can you hold it? I want to win you that plushy." (M/n) said to me kindly. I am a bit surprised but I do take the apple from him and hold the stick. We walk up to the stall and (M/n) pays the man five dollars. "These games are rigged... But if you examine them as long as I have... You know exactly how to win." (M/n) said as he picked up one of the balls. He threw it and knocked every bottle on the first stand over. "First one is not rigged. Gives you a false sense of security. The second one you need to hit the middle left side one in order to bring them all down." (M/n) explained right before throwing the ball at just at that target. They all fall down just as he said. Now I am pleasantly surprised. "Last one is one of three rigs. One, the bottom ones are stuck to the table and need to be hit. Second, The top one his heavier thus holding the bottles down. Lastly the one dead center is much like the last one and weighed down... Now..." (M/n) explained as he closely inspected the bottles. He then smirks before throwing the ball at the one dead center. All the bottles go tumbling down and eh nods his head. "Every time." (M/n) said to himself before pointing to the Parcy plushy as he called it. The man hands it to him before he hands it to me after taking his apple back. I smile at the plushy before looking back at (M/n).

Lapis: "Thanks (M/n). That was cool." I said to him happily. He smiled at me and I hugged him which he happily accepted. Once I pulled away we began walking again. "Over thinking has its benefits huh?" I asked him with a small smile. He shrugged a bit as he swallowed another bite of his apple.

You: "It helps with seeing all sorts of details. Make me notice and memorize patterns easily.... But it's not all good." (M/n) said as his tone got a bit more sad then when he started. "Like... Noticing and thinking on these things have costed me friends in the past... It comes with blunt honesty like I said... And many humans don't like hearing the truth." (M/n) explained as he looked at his apple. "They ask opinions and I tell them what I notice and what I think is true... People get offended allot which sucks... I was the only boy in high school who never had a girlfriend... I guess that hasn't changed." (M/n) said with a sad smile.

Lapis: "That doesn't make sense. You'd think knowing you'll always be honest with people would make it easier to trust you... Humans... Still a mystery to me." I said as I looked at the moon. (M/n) chuckled but nodded with me which makes me smile. "Well you got Steven, The crystal gems, Peridot, even if she'd never admit it, and me." I said to him softly. He looked at me and I smile more. "We're best friends, right? Only makes sense I've got your back." I said with a giggle snort. I looked back at him and he seems to be smiling brightly. He hugs me which takes me by slight surprise but I hug him back in the end.

You: "Thanks Lapis... That means allot to me." (M/n) said happily. He pulls away and the genuine look of happiness on his face makes my 'heart' skip a beat. Or rather if I had one it would. Is it wrong for me to... No... Don't think like that right now. "Hey Lapis?" I hear (M/n) ask. I look at him and he points to the ferris wheel. "Want to take a ride? I think you'd like seeing all the lights from above." (M/n) asked me with a smile. I just shrug and he grabs my free hand before tossing the stick that held his apple into the trash. I blush as he takes me along but he doesn't even seem phased by holding my hand. Once we get to the ticket booth, he buys just enough for me and him to get on the ride. He keeps holding my hand the entire time and to be honest I kind of like it. I even find myself holding his hand back. Once we get to the wheel he does let it go to give the guy our tickets. We then board a car and he sits right next to me. "You'll love this I promise." (M/n) said to me happily. I smile and nod my head at him. I'm sure I will. Especially since most things he likes, short of the computer stuff, I myself like in some way.

As the car begins to move I can feel him relax next to me since one of his hands are touching mine. I feel myself blush at this. Why is he making me feel this way? I mean... I'm acting like Connie does around Steven... Oh... Could I have crush on him? I mean... It'd make sense I guess since we've become so close and all. Huh... Maybe I do. As the car reaches the top I go wide eyed seeing the entire pier lit up with all the carnival esc lights. All these wonderful colors beaming into the night sky and reflecting off the ocean... Wow... (M/n) was right... It's amazing. I look over at (M/n) and he has one of the most genuine smiles I have ever seen from someone. The way his (E/c) eyes are glistening looking at the scene... It just makes those feelings I have for him even stronger. The ride stops at the top and I smile a bit more.

You: "I don't know why I find stuff like this so calming." I hear (M/n) say. I look at him once more and that smile is still there. "You'd think with my over sensitivity I wouldn't like this but... I do... It makes me feel at peace." (M/n) said still smiling. "It's one of those things I over think." (M/n) said with a chuckle. He then looks at me and seems to be in awe of something. "Wow." (M/n) whispered to himself. I look behind me and see nothing so I look back at him. "You seem so happy. That makes me feel even better about this." (M/n) said as he looked back over the pier. I smile more and look over the pier to.

Lapis: "Yeah... You were right. This does look amazing... Maybe I can make a meep morp out of this" I said happily. The wheel began moving again as (M/n) replied to what I said.

You: "I bet you could with how talented you are." (M/n) said happily. I giggle snort and he chuckles as I shove him playfully.

Lapis: "Shut up you dork." I said jokingly. He just shrugged as the wheel kept going around again. I look at him once more and... Yeah... I do have a crush on him... I'll need to ask Steven how to handle it though... Hopefully he won't tell Peridot on accident.

We enjoyed the rest of the ride in silence though it wasn't until after we were let off that we noticed his hand was resting on top of mine. He blushed as he pulled it away but I just waved it off... Though it did feel nice to have his hand on mine like that. We both enjoyed the rest of our night as much as possible. (M/n) played more games and we both got on the roller coaster once. After the night was over (M/n) walked me back to the barn after he dropped Steven and Connie off at their respective homes. He asked me if I wanted to do something like this again but with just the two of us. I agreed of course and I watched from the roof as he went home... I'll ask Steven about what to do about this crush later... At some point.


(Your POV)

Man it's been a hectic month. That group project actually turned out to be pretty fun and I made two new friends from it which is awesome. A dude named Silver and a girl named Sora. One thing has been bugging me though. I have noticed that Peridot and Lapis have been fighting recently... I heard my name mentioned a few times and now I am worried I am breaking a friendship apart. I keep thinking that's what I'm doing but I don't know how to fix it... I want to be with Lapis... As more than friends if she wants... But if it makes Peridot hate her should I go through with it... All these thoughts have been swirling through my head over the past week and I can't get them out. Not to mention my senses have been on edge. So here I am, laying on my couch just letting all these thoughts swirl through my head. I know I'm over thinking this but I can't stop thinking about this... not to mention all the sounds around me are putting my senses on edge... What do I do? Just as I say that I hear a knock on my door so I get up and open it. I see Lapis standing there with Peridot in tow who looks upset with me. Crap. I don't need this right now. I let the both of them in and plop down on my sofa.

Peridot: "We need to have a discussion human. You will not take Lapis away from me." Peridot said to me angrily. Crap. I'm right, aren't I? Me being with Lapis will break them up. Lapis seems to get upset and steps beside where I am sitting.

Lapis: "He's not 'taking me away' just by being around me Peridot! I like being around him! I feel at home and like he won't judge me! Is there anything wrong with that!" Lapis argued with Peridot loudly. I look at her a little surprised. She feels at home with me? Before I can even question what she means Peridot has a retort.

Peridot: "Oh? And what would you call asking him if you could stay in his house from now on?! Just 'being with him?!'" Peridot asked angrily. I am surprised once again. Lapis wants to live with me? Once again before I can get a word in edge wise Lapis speaks again.

Lapis: "That doesn't mean we can't be friends still Peridot! This is what I want! Doesn't that matter to you!?" Lapis asked Peridot angrily. They both begin arguing loudly with each other as my sense start to reach their breaking point.

I don't get over loaded often... Having my head phones and other ways to 'stim' as it's called make that damn near impossible now... But with these two arguing and me already being on edge due to me over thinking this crap I'm about to get over loaded. The more and more they argue and the more and more I try to drown it out the angrier I get. Finally, it reaches a tipping point and I slam my hands on the table.

You: "Stop! Please... Stop..." I said loudly at first but it got more quiet as I went on. The two of them do and I can see Lapis gain a look of concern. She sits next to me and rubs my back and grabs one of my arms with a free hand. "Peridot. I have no intention to take Lapis away from you.... Just because she wants to live here doesn't mean she doesn't want to see you again. You're her friend... So, of course she does want to see you. People just move sometimes... Kiki and Jenny never assumed I wanted to leave them even when I moved several states away." I explained as I looked at Peridot. She's holding firm but she's not retorting. "Are you really that worried about her not seeing you if she moves in here?" I asked as a new idea popped in my head. Peridot nodded her head and I sighed. "This house of mine was built for four people... If you're that worried you can move in as well." I offered smiling. Peridot looks surprised. "You can even bring your Meep Morps as long as you don't block the doors or drive way where my vehicle is you can put them up." I offered smiling. I look at Lapis and she seems to approve of the idea. Peridot seems to think on this for a time.

Peridot: "No strings attached?" Peridot asked me. I shook my head no and she sighed. "I... Over reacted... I'm new to the whole friends and roommate thing..." Peridot admitted honestly. I breathe out in relief.

You: "I over think things so I get it... Well... What do you say?" I asked her hoping to not have another argument. Peridot thought for a moment more before nodding.

Peridot: "I... Find it agreeable... Once again I apologize for my actions." Peridot said to me In her normal way. I just wave her off. "Now... I will go prepare my things... Lapis ha something she wanted to ask you anyway. Farewell." Peridot said before promptly leaving my house. I sigh in relief and rub my head with my hands.

You: "I hate getting over loaded." I whispered to myself before leaning back. "It's stupid but... I was worried I was going to be what made you two stop being friends." I said with a chuckle. Lapis giggled a bit.

Lapis: "Seems you and Peridot both have something in common." Lapis said giggling. I chuckled nodding my head as I come down from my over loaded senses. "Anyway... There was something I wanted to ask... Besides moving in." Lapis said to me though she sounded a bit more nervous. I looked at her and I see her blue skin is dusted in a cobalt blue blush. I sit up and smile at her.

You: "Go ahead... Just remember my honesty." I said to Lapis kindly. She giggled a small bit before she seems to compose herself. She then takes my hands into hers before speaking.

Lapis: "You know when I saw you... I thought you were an intriguing human but that was it... But as you spoke and I got to know you... I saw you as a best friend... One of a very few I have." Lapis said as she blushed more. I smiled and grabbed her hands in turn and that made her smile grow a bit. "But... After that night at Funland I started feeling different about you... I think I gained a crush on you." Lapis admitted with a blush. That takes me by surprise since I have a crush on her to. "I asked Steven about it a couple weeks ago and he said I was in love... So... I was wondering..." Lapis said nervously. She then looked me dead in the eyes. "Do you... Love me to?" Lapis asked me with hope. I am stunned at the idea she loves me so my mind asks something instead of answering the question.

You: "You love... Me? Despite my... issues and all?" I asked sounding surprised. Lapis just nodded her head and I now know I am a blushing mess.

Lapis: "Yeah... I kind of get some of them... Not liking crowds being one... And I know I can help you with your senses with water... So, to me your perfectly normal." Lapis explained to me happily still blushing. She then looked at me with hope. "So... Do you love me to?" Lapis once again asked me with hope. I sit there thinking for a time before smiling.

You: "Yeah... I do..." I replied to her with complete honesty and love in my voice. She gasps at that like it was more than she could hope for. "You accepted me whole heartily just like the twins did... Though I never felt a deep connection with them... They'll always be my best friends but with you... I feel... I don't know the word but I always love being around you... I love you Lapis... Regardless of your past or what you've done... I love you for who you are.... And that's never changing." I explained with pure honesty and love in my voice. I see Lapis tear up at that before she hugs me tightly. I hug her right back with a smile

Lapis: "This is more than I had hoped." Lapis said with a happy tone in her voice. I just chuckle and she pulls back. "Steven also told me if you loved me back... That I should do something." Lapis said after she wiped her eyes. I tilt my head at her.

You: "Oh? What would that be?" I asked smiling. Lapis blushed deeply before she cupped my face in her hands. I know my face probably resembles Ruby's skin right now but it only gets worse when she reels me in for a kiss. I go stiff at the new feeling but after a moment I sink into it and close my eyes. I wrap my arms around her waist as we kiss. It's nothing heated or whatever they call it but it is full of... many emotions... Love being at the forefront. Her cool skin making contact with my warm skin is a nice feeling... It makes me feel very calm... After we pull away we just stare into each other's eyes. "You're gorgeous... You know that right?" I asked smiling. Lapis giggle snorted with a blush and shoved my chest playfully as I keep my arms around her.

Lapis: "You dork." Lapis said playfully. She then laid her head on my chest as I leaned back into the couch with her. "You're my dork though... And you're pretty decent looking to." Lapis said to me with a happy sigh and love in her voice. I begin running my fingers through her hair and she practically purrs at that.

You: "And you're my water angel and I'll try my hardest to do right by you." I said to her with love as I kissed the top of her head. Lapis sighed happily again before she looked up to peck me on the lips and lie back down.

Lapis: "I know you will.... Just as I will try with you. We'll just have to be patient with each other." Lapis said to me with love and I nodded my head. And for the next while we just laid there together.

We just cuddled on the couch for the next while as I enjoyed the feeling of her laying against me. It's strange to think she fell in love with me... I mean there are allot of reasons as to why she shouldn't have... Stop it (M/n). You're over thinking this crap. And where does that lead you? Nowhere that's where. She loves you for you. She said as much... And I love her for her... Just as much... I feel lucky... And loved... It's nice... And I know that feeling won't go away... For a long time. We just sat there cuddling and she throws in a random kiss to the cheek or lips once in a while and I did the same. She seems perfectly content just sitting here quietly as he just cuddle... Which I am enjoying greatly... Right up until I think of something that makes me chuckle. Now I need to tell Jenny and Kiki... Oh boy. They'll want to throw a party... Ah well. As long as Lapis is with me, I'll be fine.

(A/n: This Autistic reader focused on the tendency to over think stupidly small things. I have done just this when it comes to seeing someone after a few months. I hope you all enjoyed. Asami should be up soon and I am so sorry for making you guys wait nearly three weeks for it but I was genuiley ill as hell for two of them. :/ Again thanks for the patience dudes. Love ya.)  

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