One What Swordsman? Winter Schnee (RWBY) X Male Reader
(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name
One What Swordsman?. Winter Schnee (RWBY) X Male Reader One Shot
Requested By: JoJo_524 On Wattpad
(Winter's POV)
I have been summoned to the General's office for an unknown reason. However, considering the fact we have been hunting a local White Fang sect I'd wager it would have to do with that and nothing else. Once I arrive at his office I knock sternly waiting for the word to head on inside. He gives me the go ahead and I open the door. Once I am fully inside I salute the General.
Ironwood: "At ease Scnhee." Ironwood said to me firmly. I comply. "You are aware that we have been tracking large group of White Fang here in Atlas correct?" Ironwood asked me as he clicked something on his monitor.
Winter: "Yes sir. If I am not mistaken however we haven't been able to track them." I said in the firm tone I am, accustomed to when I am not around Weiss. He nods his head.
Ironwood: "That is correct... Or so we thought." Ironwood said as he gestured me over. I got closer to his desk. "Someone or something has been harassing them... The areas we identified as their hide outs were correct... Someone just beat us there." Ironwood said sounding a bit surprised by the information. He turned his monitor to me and it appeared to be one of our drones recording a building we thought the White Fang may be hiding in. Nothing happens for a few moments until one of the White Fang members crashes through a window. Some screams and gunshots are heard for a time until the white fang run out of the building. After sometime a shadowy figure steps out with a sword sheathed to their back and one in their hand. They looks at the drone for a moment and then sheathes their blade as they simply walks away.
Winter: "Did that person do that alone?" I ask Ironwood firmly as he turns the screen back to himself. He nods his head yes as he pulls something else up.
Ironwood: "Yes... They also left something behind at that building when we sent a group to investigate. They left a small memory device with a note that said. 'Read me.' We looked in the device and we were given a list of all the areas this person had tracked this White Fang group to. There are three buildings highlighted with another note." Ironwood said as he turned the screen back to me.
Winter: "Send soldiers here... Ironwood bring your best to this one specifically." I read aloud. "Should we trust this person?" I asked Ironwood firmly as I looked up. He nodded his head telling me yes. "Why? Could be a trap." I said skeptically.
Ironwood: "This person has done more in the past month than we have in the past year when it comes to tracking this group... Do not worry Winter. We will be well armed." Ironwood assured me firmly. I do not like this idea but he is the general and I trust his judgment. I nod and stand in attention.
Winter: "Very well sir. When do we leave?" I ask the General properly He stood up straight.
Ironwood: "An hour. Get ready Winter. Me and you will be heading to the location this individual said to bring our best. Prepare a team of androids to come with us. Dismissed." Ironwood ordered firmly. I saluted him and left to do just as he said. As much as I do not like this idea, the general is right. We will be very prepared.
(Still Winter's POV)
I did as The General ordered and we are currently in our Bullhead heading for the specified location just outside of town. Ironwood had some of the students go with the other soldiers to help with the situation since all three buildings are in areas that have had many Grimm sightings. As we land we see someone run inside. Figuring it was that shadowy figure we let them go. Me and Ironwood step off the Bullhead first followed by our androids. As we get close tp the building we hear a loud booming voice shout to someone. It must be an Alpha. Ironwood has the androids circle to the back of the building while me and Ironwood take the front. Before we head inside I take out my sword as Ironwood takes our his pistol. We barge in and see a handful of White Fang members at arms with a large alpha whom seems to be equipped with a large shield looking at us.
Alpha: "Atlas? I was expecting our raider." The Alpha says hatefully. He grunts. "No matter. Kill them." The Alpha orders the other members. As they all get ready to do as he said we hear a new voice.
(???): "Sorry about the run around General. I needed to flush this bastard out." The new voice said rather calmly.
We then hear what sounds like two swords flying through the air and landing back into someone's hand. The figure steps out of the shadows as a White Fang member falls out knocked out. The man that steps out has (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/c) eyes. He has a small scar on his left side of his face. As he fully steps out I can see he's wearing a (F/c) jacket and a shirt of some kind. His pants are black and is wearing what seems like combat boots. They are older than what Atlas wears now but they are Atlas there is no mistaking them. What catches my and everyone's attention was the fact his entire left arm up to the shoulder is missing.
Alpha: "You... You were the one that raided us so much?" The Alpha wolf Faunus said to the new man. The new man nodded his head yes. "A one armed swordsman? Don't be ridiculous." The Alpha said laughing as the rest of his grunts laugh as well. Ironwood leaned over to me.
Ironwood: "I have to agree... That seems almost impossible." Ironwood whispered to me. I looked at him and then looked back at the man... For some reason I... get the feeling this is the man that has decimated the local White Fang group.
(???): "If you were a true warrior... Eric." The Alpha immediately stopped laughing and looked at the new man in shock. "You would know that the first rule of being a fighter of any kind is... Never underestimate your opponent." The unknown man said rather sternly.
He then caught one of the swords again and tossed it higher than he did before. He then caught the second one and got into a striking stance like one would with a Katana. As the sword he tossed came down to his level he hit the hilt of said blade and sent it flying straight at the Alpha. The Alpha was not expecting such a swift attack and gets impaled by the blade in his side. The Alpha grunts loudly in pain. I then see this mysterious man... Turn into a black streaking cloud and rush the alpha. He re-materialized and immediately began slicing at the Alpha draining his Aura. He jumped up and forced his sword out of the alpha with his foot. He kicked it up and he spun to the other side and flipped into his head. The sword landed into his foot and he began spinning using his one hand as support while keeping the grip in his blade using both blades to slice the alpha. He then jumped up and kicked the sword and sliced the Alpha's side. He came down with a downward strike. The Alpha hits the ground and the man tosses his held sword up high. He rushes using his semblance to his sword that is impaled in the ground. He pulls it out and waits a moment. He then rushes the now standing alpha and slices his side once more as the tossed sword slices down. We see blue sparks fly off the alpha telling us his Aura is completely gone and the alpha falls over unconscious. The man stands back up and looks towards the other white fang members. They seem to be in shock. He pushes a button on the sword in his hands and tosses it up. He quickly grabs the other and does the same. The first comes down and it seems to be half of a larger blade. The second then comes down and he catches what looks like the other half and a handle. He places that half on the end of the other blade and a click is heard. We then hear a reviving sound and see his blade get bathed in fire. He looks back at us.
(???): "Care to help or am I doing this alone?" The man asks us seriously. I look at the General whom seems quite surprised at what he just witnessed much like myself. The General snaps out of his trance and gets into a battle stance next to the man. I do the same. "I prefer precision so... Let's make this quick." The man said rather sternly. Nodding to confirm we understand he rushed we rushed the White Fang grunts.
The man took the lead and swiped his blade to the left towards me. A large flame line leaves his blade and takes down a few members. The sword is resting on the ground. I step on it and he seems to understand my intent as he swings once more and sends me flying into the white fang group. Creating a summoned Beowulf to help with the fight I began engaging the enemy. They were beyond easy to dispatch. They are far too easy to dodge and counter attack. The stranger is having no trouble blocking and dodging attacks despite his disability. I would be lying if I said I wasn't quite impressed. Yes, there are flaws in his style but given the fact he's missing an arm they are understandable. If he were able to get that arm replaced like the general, he would be on a level I could not imagine. I then see the man push a button as he swings his sword up. One half of the blade flies up as both half's turn back into blades. Using his semblance, he gets to the towards in the air and bicycle kicks it down. It lands with enough force to knock a few of the members of their feet. I see the blade in his hand get covered in fire.
(Your POV)
I quickly covered my sword I was holding in fire and quickly came down. Once I re-materialized once more I began engaging the remaining White Fang members. Between mine and the other two's skills these White Fang members fell like Creepers under the might of a well-trained hunter. I sliced, blocked and dodged the pathetic attempts to attack me. As I am attacking the white fang members with my sword I see the white haired woman. One white fang member is in the rafters and I see him taking aim. I throw the one member I was dealing with towards the blue Beowulf and de-materialize to I can get to my sword. Once I have it I toss the one I am holding up as high as I can. I use my semblance once more as I get into a striking position. Once I am whole I hit the blade's hilt as hard as I can. Just as the White fang member pulls his trigger my blade slices his arm forcing the bullet to miss. I then land right by the white haired woman and look at her. I point and I hear a gunshot behind me. I turn and see the general's pistol smoking. Taking one last look around I see all threats have been eliminated. I then walk to where my sword landed. I put the one I was holding away on my left hip and do the same to the other on my back. I stretch my arm and back. I then turn and take in the looks of the woman I saved. White hair and that semblance tells me she is a Schnee... Most likely Winter given her age. She has light blue eyes and a neutral facial expression... Given who her father is I don't blame her for being a negative person. Her hair is tied into a bun with a bit hanging by her right eye. Her outfit tells me she's a high ranking member. Likely only answers to the general directly. Her outfit is white and black. The jacket is buttoned only at her waist line. She's wearing high black boots.
You: "Sorry again about leading you on." I said calmly as I see the androids begin to take away the white fang members. "I wanted to root that bastard out." I said as I pointed to the man that they are examining for injuries.
Ironwood: "Understandable but if you informed us we could have helped." The general said firmly as he reloaded his gun. I shake my head at him.
You: "And what? Have the military presence increase even more inside of a military controlled zone? No that would have given away the fact someone knows they are around. I had to do this in the dark." I explained sternly. Ironwood looks taken aback at my reaction. He then nods in understanding.
Ironwood: "Fair enough. Who are you?" Ironwood asked me firmly.
You: "(F/n) (L/n)... But I prefer (M/n) if you don't mind." I request them respectfully. They both nod towards me. "May I ask your name Ma'am?" I ask the White haired woman. She nods her head and sticks her hand out for me to shake it.
Winter: "Winter Schnee." Winter said properly. I shake her hand firmly and she seems to smile ever so slightly. Her face returned to normal no more than a second later. "Might I say, I am impressed you fought so well." Winter said sounding a bit surprised. I roll my eyes.
You: "You mean 'it was impressive because you have a disability.' Right?" I ask sounding a tad irritated. Winter looks slightly taken aback by what I said. "I get that crap allot." I said with a irritated sigh while shaking my head somewhat. "I may be missing an arm but that doesn't mean I'm not healthy enough to fight." I exclaimed proudly to the two of them. That made the general chuckle slightly. I look at him and see him nodding at me.
Ironwood: "Fair enough. I had to get my arm replaced so I understand... Could you please come with us back to Atlas... We just need to ask some questions. You're not in trouble." Ironwood requested firmly. I think it over for a moment and nodded my head.
You: "Sure. I know some things that may help you with the rest of these bastards." I said smiling to him. Ironwood nodded and walked off towards their Bullhead. I then look back at Winter whom seems to be in a trance. "Winter. Are you alright?" I ask Winter gently. She snaps out of her trance and nods her head in a yes fashion.
Winter: "I'm fine thank you. We should go before the grimm come." Winter suggested firmly. I nodded in agreement and followed her to the bullhead. The Alpha is now awake and sends me a glare. I point to my swords and he seems to back down. I smile at him. I then boarded the bullhead with Winter. I sat next to her and it began to take off. I yawn rather loudly. "You can take a nap. It'll be a few hours." Winter said to me calmly. I nodded and began to drift off into the world of sleep.
(Winter's POV)
I watch as (M/n) collapses across the sits on the other side of him. He must've been exhausted... Understandable given how hard he fought today. Doubly so due to his lack of one of his arms. I can see partially up his sleeve... And I see what looks like a very large bite mark. I shake my head at the scar. Whatever did that made him lose his arm. Despite that he's an excellent fighter and a great at adapting to a situation... I wonder where he trained. I then looked at his face. He seemed so calm this way... just like when he fought. He fought like it was as easy as breathing for him.
Ironwood: "He is skilled... I wonder if we could convince him to work with us permanently." Ironwood suggested calmly. I look at him with a raised brow. "He's obviously skilled. And if he joined the military he could get a replacement for his arm." Ironwood said firmly to me. I think on it for a time.
Winter: "If he agrees... He may not want to." I said as I looked back at the sleeping man. I looked back at Ironwood who is nodding in agreement.
Ironwood: "Only one way to find out." Ironwood said as he looked forward. I nodded in agreement and glanced back at the man. He lets out a small snore and I feel myself smile... Wait. What just happened to me?
(Still Winter's POV)
As the bullhead lands at the academy I begin to nudge (M/n) awake. He sits up quickly mumbling something about 'a little girl.' I'm tempted to ask but I decide against it. He looks at me.
Winter: "We have arrived." I said to him firmly as I stood back up. He nodded and wiped the sleep from his eyes. He then stood up.
You: "Thank you Winter... I wasn't having the best of dreams." (M/n) said rather... Sadly. I just nod to him and he follows me and the General out of the bullhead. As we exit we see several students walking to their classes.
As we are walking we did catch a few glances... Or at first I thought it was us as a group but as we walked I realized they were staring at (M/n)... I then began hearing whispers. Some were asking who he was which is fine. But some began asking why he was missing an arm and why he bothered to carry weapons since he couldn't use them. This actually angered me slightly. I have seen what he can do... Yet... Like Ironwood they assumed he can't do anything. I hear a sigh from (M/n). I turn my head and see him looking a bit peeved. I'm guessing he's received such criticism before. He shook his head and tried to ignore them. Eventually we arrived at Ironwood's office. Ironwood opened the door and (M/n) allowed me to go first. He followed suit.
Ironwood: "Please sit." Ironwood said firmly to (M/n) He complied and sat down. I stood beside Ironwood as he sat down. "Why were you tracking this group? "Ironwood asked (M/n) firmly. I looked to (M/n) whom seems to be focusing on a pain on his missing arm.
You: "Ten years and this phantom pain crap won't go away..." (M/n) whispered to himself angrily. He shook his head and looked back at the General. "Sorry. I was tracking them because they harassed this Faunas owned dust shop. They threatened the owner to try and make her support them. She refused and the proceeded to beat her in front of her daughter. I attacked the three men and have been tracking the bastards since," (M/n) said rather flatly as if it was normal. That's a pleasant surprise. He helped her only because he saw she needed it not because his duties told him to. He seems to be selfless.
Ironwood: "We received a report from one 'Cerea Gray' about such an event. She said a one armed swordsman beat the attackers senseless before this said swordsman got her to a hospital. We assumed the whole 'one armed' part was just because she was distressed... Now we know it was true." Ironwood said firmly as a small smile found its way onto his face. "She also said this savior asked for nothing in return." Ironwood said in a very impressed tone. (M/n) nodded to confirm. "True altruism is hard to come by. You should hold onto it." Ironwood said in the same tone as before. "Now. What else can you tell me about their movements?" Ironwood asked firmly. (M/n) proceeded to explain every step he took in finding them. When he discovered Adam Tarrus assigned an Alpha to the group he knew he had to root him out. He explained the information he had gathered to do so and even gave us a thumb drive so we could copy what he had. "Thank you... now.... For some personal questions if you do not mind." Ironwood said to (M/n) respectfully. I will not lie... I like this idea more than I should. (M/n) nods his head a little reluctantly. Ironwood and I both smile slightly. "Good... Where are you from and where did you train?" Ironwood asked (M/n) respectfully once more.
You: "Mistral... I was trained at Beacon for a time... Then I lost my arm." (M/n) said sounding a bit down trodden. I gain a concerned look.
Ironwood: "Ah... May I ask what happened?" Ironwood asked (M/n) I a kind tone so he knows we won't judge him. (M/n) thinks for a moment before nodding. He proceeds to lift his shirt over his head after removing his jacket revealing a plain tank top with large holes in each side. I can now see the entire scar. I nearly flinch. I was right... It is a fang mark going up his side. His shoulder looks severally scarred. Likely do to his arm being amputated.
You: "I was sent with my team to protect a small village from grim. We were told it would be rather easy since only things like Ursa's and Beowolf's were spotted. Being second years we were used to things like that." (M/n) said plainly. We nodded and he continued. "We were misinformed... Though there were those two kinds there were also King Taijitu... We were exterminating the grim easily until I heard a cry. I ran off in the direction it came from as I my team continued to exterminate the menace... I found a little girl that was pinned by a wooden beam from a collapsed building. A King Taijitu was going for the little girl... I wouldn't have been able to kill it before it killed her so I took the bite..." (M/n) said as he rubbed his left shoulder. "It damaged me badly but soon my team killed he damned grim... The girl was saved but when I awoke I saw my arm was gone... They had to amputate it." (M/n) said as he traced the scar on his shoulder. "Ozpin praised me for thinking so quickly but that meant jack when I got out of the hospital... He sent me home saying 'You can no longer fight safely.' So... I was expelled.... Because I saved someone." (M/n) finished in a tone that seems to be a mix of angry and sad. He clinched his fist at the memory. "When I got home everyone looked at me with pity... It made me sick... I was a warrior... and they saw me as less of a man for my injury... So I made myself a warrior once again." (M/n) said sounding more angry now... He wanted to prove he wasn't what people assumed... I can relate to that more than any may think. Considering the monster I call a father... I think I may like to keep him around since not many can relate to me besides Weiss.
Ironwood: "If it makes you feel better I think Ozpin was a fool for letting someone with your potential go." Ironwood complimented (M/n).
Winter: "I have to agree. I don't know many who have both arms that could take down an Alpha that quickly." I complimented as well with a small smile. He looked at us and smiled pretty wide. It must be rare that he gets compliments even though he does deserve them.
You: "Thanks... Is that all?" (M/n) asked us kindly. I look towards Ironwood who simply smirked slightly.
Ironwood: "You are indeed a capable fighter... I would like to offer you a place here at Atlas." Ironwood offered (M/n) kindly. (M/n) raises a brow looking a bit suspicious.
You: "I was thrown out of Beacon for this." (M/n) said as he gestured to his arm. "And you're saying I can join Atlas?" (M/n) asked in a suspicious tone of voice.
Ironwood: "Yes (M/n). You've proven to me and Winter you are resourceful enough, skilled enough, and intelligent enough to be Atlas Military material." Ironwood said firmly. (M/n) looked down to think. He looks back up.
You: "Hm... On two conditions." (M/n) said firmly. Ironwood and I nodded. "One... I serve as a detective when needed... I've always enjoyed that aspect of my work." (M/n) said firmly though I could see he happiness in his eyes when he said as much. Ironwood nodded In agreement with that term. "And... As weird as it may sound I would like to work with Winter as much as possible if she doesn't mind." (M/n) said looking at me. I am taken aback by that request slightly... Even if I'm not really against it. "Well... We worked in sync pretty well back there... And I'd like to work with you more." (M/n) said as a small smile found its way onto his face. Ironwood looked to me telling me this is my decision. I think for a moment... I did like fighting with him and he does seem like pleasant company... He is also respectful.
Winter: "I would not mind that (M/n). In fact I enjoyed the fact that we worked in sync as well." I said as a small smile formed on my face. (M/n) smiled a bit wider at me and turned to Ironwood... As I felt my cheeks heat up slightly for whatever reason.
You: "Than I accept General Ironwood." (M/n) said respectfully as he stood up. He put his shirt back on but seemed to have trouble with his jacket for a moment. He got it on rather quickly. He then stuck his hand out. He and Ironwood shook hands.
Ironwood: "Excellent. You'll be a valuable member of our team... Now. Give me a moment to get you a room ready and a uniform." Ironwood said firmly as he retracted his hand. (M/n) saluted him and Ironwood smiled. "At ease... You'll fit tight in." Ironwood said to (M/m) before leaving his office to retrieve the Uniform and have a room readied.
You: "Sorry if that was a weird request Ms. Schnee." (M/n) apologized respectfully to me. I looked at him and once more his respectfulness brings a smile to my face.
Winter: "No need to worry. I meant what I said." I said to him in a bit of a happier tone. He sighs in visible relief. "Also... Unless we're in front of the students or someone important you can call me Winter." I told him a but gently. He looked at me as if he wanted to make sure and I nodded to confirm.
You: "Thanks Winter... I look forward to working with you." (M/n) said in a gentle tone. I fight back a blush and nod my head in agreement. I am going to enjoy working with him as well.
(Your POV)
I wake up at about six A.M to get ready for my day like I have been for the past two weeks. The rest of the staff here were a bit surprised Ironwood wanted me to join... And I did note that they stared at my missing arm. Ironwood to mu luck noticed as well and berated the members that stared. I thanked him for the effort... I and Winter have worked together on White Fang cases and what not... I really enjoyed working with her even if she's a bit cold. I did manage to get her to smile and laugh on a few occasions... But when we're working we actually had a similar attitude. We just wanted to focus... though we have gotten to know each other over the past few weeks... I think I may have a crush on her but... I'd doubt someone of her stature would date a man like myself. A Missing arm is a bit of a deal breaker. I sigh as I finish my suit and like always I can't tie my damned tie... It's about eight now and I head to my small office to continue my investigations until about half passed nine. So I do just that. I leave my office early so I can have Winter tie my tie... Which is strange... I arrive at the training arena and see Winter sitting in a chair. She sees me and a small smile graces her lips. I approach with tie in hand and show her.
You: "I can take on a group of grim including one of their alphas but I cannot tie a tie... it's frustrating." I said sounding a bit irritated. Normally I could forgo the Tie but since I need to help Winter with the students today I need it. She simply smiles and stifles a chuckle. She stands from her spot and takes the tie from me. She then begins the process of tying it. "Thank you Winter... I appreciate you helping me." I said with a smile. She smiled slightly as she continued working.
Winter: "It's no problem. You've been working hard for us and have asked for no help in return. This is the least I could do." Winter said with a smile as she finished tying my tie. "Thinking of which... After you help me here would you mind sticking around... I want to ask you something." Winter said firmly though I could have sworn there was a hint of nervousness underneath it.
You: "Not a problem. I just finished for the day anyway." I said with a smile. She smiled slightly as she sat back down. I sat next to her and not long after the students came flowing in... Luckily no one said a word. Winter and Ironwood have been damn sure to let people know I'm to be respected. Once they sat down and the bell rang me and Winter stood up. I stood next to her with my one hand behind my back.
Winter: "Welcome once again to Combat class students. Today we have a guest that will be helping me today. This is (F/n) (L/n)." Winter said as she gestured to me. "And you will treat him with respect." Winter ordered firmly. "Understood?" She asked as firm as she was before. Many said yes ma'am but we heard a chuckle from one of the students.
Winter "Problem Mr. Troy?" Winter said as she glared at the large staff user. The said teen simply smirks.
Glacius: "How can he help? He can't fight he only has one arm." Glacius said cockily. "I could easily beat him." He said arrogantly. I feel a small amount of anger build but I calm myself. Winter on the other hand seems to be fuming. She goes to speak but I stop her.
You: "You think you can beat me?" I ask the cocky teen. He nods his head yes. "What about the rest of you?" I ask the rest of the class. Most don't move but I see Neon Katt and Flynt Coal both shake their heads no. They know I can fight damn well. "Seems you're the only one who thinks that Mr. Troy... How about this... If Ms. Schnee allows it. Why don't you get suited up and see if your hind end can cash that check your mouth just wrote." I suggested in a very firm and serious tone. I look towards Winter who looks like she's thinking it over. She nods in the end.
Winter: "I will allow it. Mr. Troy. Do you accept?" Winter asks the said teen firmly though I can still see the anger in her eyes. The teen smirks as he stands. He walks out of the room to go get ready. Winter looks at me. "Try not to put him in the infirmary." Winter requested me firmly. I nodded and saluted her.
You: "I'll try." I said firmly right back. She nodded and I walked out to get ready as well.
(Still Your POV)
I walk back into the Arena to see Glacius smirking at me In his hunter attire. I walk yo my designated spot and wait for Winter to speak.
Winter: "This will be a tournament style match. Both combatants will fight until one is either incapacitated or their Aura falls into the red zone. Semblances are aloud." Winter said firmly. Our Aura levels appeared on the screen to our left. "Get ready." Winter ordered firmly. Glacius unfolded his staff. I unsheathed one sword and threw it up. I quickly did the same to the other and began my juggling motion which Glacius laughs at. He's in for a wild ride.
The countdown timer began sounding off. Three. Glacius spins his staff to show off while I stay calm. Two. He gets into his battle position and I see several flaws with his stance. One. I toss a sword quite higher than before and get into my striking position. The second it tells us to go my sword comes low enough and I strike it at the hilt with immense force. He barely is able to deflect it do to its speed. As he's distracted I hump at him and slice downwards. He blocks with his staff and I use him as leverage to jump up. I use my semblance to get up to my sword and kick it higher. I come back down and engage the student whom now seems very surprised at my skill. He's blocking my slices rather nicely but as I noted earlier there are issues in his stance. Once I create and opening I take advantage of the flaw and throw him off balance. I then see my sword start coming back down so once again I use my semblance to get up to it. I bicycle kicked it down towards him. The impact stuns him and I land on the hilt with one foot. I force it out of the ground and uppercut him with the sword. As it flies up a short ways I slice him three times and then step back. Just as he recovered my sword comes down and slices his back. I loud horn is heard telling us he lost. I sheathe my held sword and pick up my other to sheathe it as well. I look at Glacius whom is breathing heavily. I held my hand out but he swatted it away and stood up shakily. I stood at attention as Winter approached us.
Winter: "Excellent work Mr. (L/n). Mr. Troy I hope you've learned to never underestimate your opponent no matter how they appear." Winter said firmly though I could see a faint smirk. Winter then turned her attention to the class. "Now your normal teacher gave me the fights they would have had you do today. Mr. Troy yours will be cancelled due to your loss." Winter said firmly to the class. Everyone nodded as Glacius went to sit down grumbling some under his breathe. "Now. Let's start with..." And that's how it went. Me and Winter examined sparring matches between different students.
Many weapons were what I expected. Swords, maces, hammers, guns... But there were two that surprised me. Ms. Katt used what looked like glow sticks that used dust while she fought on roller skates which was only enhanced by her semblance. Mr. Coal used a trumpet capable of sending off sound waves. Such creativity with their weaponry and I made sure to praise them must to their joy, winter of course had to tell them to not let it go to their heads... And I agreed more or less which seemed to make Winter smile. Mr. Coal saw her smile at my comment and gave me a ink as if he knows something. I shake my head no calmly. He looked disappointed... Like Winter would want to be with someone like me... I am missing about ten pounds I should have after all. Soon the bell rand signaling lunch. As the students piled out I sat down and waited for Winter. Soon she came back in and smiled slightly at me. She came over and sat next to me on the bottom set of seats.
Winter: "Sorry about Mr. Troy. He's very arrogant according to their teacher." Winter said in a apologetic tone. I simply shrug my one shoulder.
You: "I'm used to it... It doesn't feel good to be pre judged like that but I've been dealing with crap like that since the accident." I said in a bit of a sad tone. It bothers me more than I let on but I can't stop people from being that way.
Winter: "Still. It's unacceptable." Winter said firmly though I can hear the concern underneath it. "However, that was not why I asked you to stay after class." Winter said as that small nervousness seemed to show slightly. I turned to her fully. "I've wanted to ask if... You'd like to come with me to lunch today... The general is having to prepare for the Vytal festival so I have nothing to do and I was informed you completed your last assignment." Winter said in a casual tone she normally uses with me when we're alone. I look at her surprised. I then get a bit sheepish.
You: "Are you sure? I mean... You have a high reputation and... Being seen out with me could tarnish it some." I said looking away as I rubbed the spot where my other shoulder would connect to my chest. "I'd hate to bother you without meaning to." I said a bit downtrodden. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do.
(Winter's POV)
That... Was not the reaction I expected. I was expecting maybe a 'yes' or 'not right now' but that was... Not what I was expecting or hoping to hear. Despite how confident he acts the fact he's missing his arm still bothers him in some ways. The way he's rubbing the spot where it should be makes me... Sad. I put a comforting hand on his arm and he looks at me and the way his eyes looks makes me feel sorry for him.
Winter: "I don't care about that. You have become well respected within the military. And if the public look down on you I'll correct them. Do not worry about my reputation." I said in a slightly gentle tone trying to reassure him. He looks down for a moment thinking. He nods his head yes and looks back at me with a gentle smile. I have to fight off a blush as I see that expression.
You: "Okay... I'd love to go to lunch with you." (M/n) said in a very gentle tone that sounds thankful I smile at him and stand. He does as well. "Thank you Winter... It means allot to know you don't care about me being different." He said in the same tone as before... Now I know I am losing the battle of fighting the blush but he doesn't seem to notice.
Winter: "You're very welcome. Now... Go get changed and I'll wait for you by the Bullheads." I said to (M/n) with a small smile on my face. He nods and begins to walk off. I am mainly doing this to get to know him more so I look forward to this greatly. I smile to myself before walking out of the arena.
(Still Winter's POV)
I am waiting by the Bullhead for (M/n). he's not late but I am getting a tad worried for him. Speak of the grimm I see he coming... And he looks rather nice. He's dressed up rather well for this which makes me smile. I am staying in my normal attire but (M/n) likely changed so he would be a bit more comfortable with his body. Once he approaches me he smiles at me.
You: "Thanks for this Winter." (M/n) said in a very gentle tone. I smile and nod gently to him.
Winter: "You are very welcome. Now come." I said firmly. He gestured for me to go first and that makes me smile. Very respectful indeed.
We boarded the bullhead and rode to Atlas proper. We talked very little on the way mainly do to the noise and the fact (M/n) was enjoying the scenery with a smile... I really do hope this goes well because if it does... I may have to do it again. I do quite like his company after all. Soon the bullhead lands and (M/n) once again allows me to exit first. He follows me to the little restaurant I know where no one should bother us. Once we arrive a waitress arrives to seat us.
Waitress: "Table for two?" The waitress asked politely which is to be expected. I nodded and she guided us to a table that is outside with a quant red umbrella to protect us from the sun's rays. (M/n) pulls the chair out for me with his one hand much to my internal pleasure. I sit and he helps me scoot it back as best he can before he sits down as well. "What would you two like to drink?" The waitress said in a happy tone.
Winter: "Some iced tea for me please." I said politely to the waitress. She wrote down what I said and turned to (M/n).
You: "Um... As strange as it may sound... I'd like some apple juice... I've been craving some." (M/n) said a bit meekly likely out of embarrassment. The waitress merely smiles at him and writes it down.
Waitress: "Not a problem. Its healthier than what many people buy... I'll be back with your drinks in a moment and then I'll take your orders." The waitress said happily. She then sped walked off likely to deal with another customer.
You: "Well... Nice place." (M/n) said happily as he looked around. He looked back at me with a smile.
Winter: "Yes it is... No one should bother us here." I said to (M/n) in a slightly happy tone. He smiles a bit more at me.
You: "You mean the paparazzi right?" (M/n) asked me with a chuckle. I nod my head confirming what he assumed. He chuckled a bit. "Don't blame you." (M/n) said gently with his normal gentle smile he seems to wear often... and I find myself quite liking that smile.
Winter: "Yes... they are quite annoying." I said with a sigh. He chuckles once more. "Anyway... I also asked you here because... I wanted to get to know you better." I said with a small smile. He goes slightly wide eyed before smiling a bit wider at me. "May I ask why you wanted to become a hunter?" I asked him gently. He nodded and thought for a moment.
You: "Mainly... I wanted to help people... Not for money or fame like some others that were at Beacon at the time but because I felt it was my duty." (M/n) said firmly with a small bit of pride. I look into his eyes and see he's telling the truth. I feel my smile go slightly wider at that... I was right he's doing this out of true altruism.
Winter: "That's a noble reason to do so... Would you like to know why I did?" I asked him kindly. He nodded his head. "I wanted to prove I was... Not my father... he's a terrible man and I wanted to show that the Schnees could be honorable." I said to him firmly. He looks at me with brief concern but then a small smile. He nods his head to me.
You: "Trying to show people you aren't what they assume.... I can relate to that... More than I care to think." (M/n) said as he rubbed his side and a small grunt escaped his mouth.
Winter: "Something wrong?" I ask him showing my concern... Which is odd for me... he looks at me and sighs deeply.
You: "Ten years later and I still get phantom pains..." (M/n) said a bit sadly before he grunted again. I say nothing as I watch him. Eventually he sighs in relief as the waitress returns. She hands us our drinks and then pulls out her note pad.
Waitress: "Are you two ready to order?" The waitress asks politely. We both nod.
Winter: "I would like the club sandwich with a salad please." I requested nicely. The waitress writes it down and turns to (M/n).
You: "I would like the chicken sandwich and chips please." (Mn) requested respectfully. The waitress writes down the order and then smiles.
Waitress: "Alight. That should be out in maybe five minutes... by the way sir." She said as she focused on (M/n). He looked at her confused. "I just wanted to tell you we give discounts to veterans as a thank you." The waitress said kindly. She then walked away as (M/n) began speaking.
You: "But I'm... Not..." (M/n) trailed off realizing she was gone. I look at him sadly as he sighs. "It never ends." He whispered to himself. He shook his head and rubbed his forehead with his hand. He then looked at me.
Winter: "Sorry about that... I didn't think they would assume such a thing." I said honestly. He shook his head and took a sip of his drink. He then looked back at me.
You: "Like I said I'm used to it." (M/n) said a bit firmly though that was likely do to being frustrated. He breathed in deeply. "Just... This one case here irritates me... There are actual veterans that have given more than me to help people... I feel it insults their sacrifices." (M/n) said firmly to me. Once again he surprises me with his altruism.
Winter: "We'll correct her when she comes back... At any rate. Not to pry but do you have anyone special in your life?" I ask him kindly though I'm not sure why that question came to mind. He chuckled a bit.
You: "Yes... I left her with my other arm." (M/n) said jokingly. I actually laughed a bit and he smiled at me. "Glad you liked that... But seriously... No one would want a one armed man. And that's fine." (M/n) said with the same smile. I look at him and tilt my head slightly. I then smile at him.
Winter: "Well... If it makes you feel any better no one wants to date me due to my... Authoritative personality." I said trying to be polite. He looks a bit surprised at that.
You: "Really?" (M/n) asked sounding surprised. I nod to confirm. "Well... If I may be bold... I find women who take charge attractive." (M/n) said kindly to me. I look at him surprised but smile back.
Winter: "Thank you." I said happily... For some reason I feel I can be myself around this man. That makes me happy. I then see my father on the t.v and frown. (M/n) notices and follows my gaze. He then looked back at me sadly. I shake my head at the screen as it claims he's 'Faunas friendly. "Lies." I whispered to myself angrily. I then feel someone grab my hand. My attention shifts and I see (M/n) looking at me with sad eyes.
You: "Don't give that bastard any of your attention... You're not him... You're far better than him... Never forget that." (M/n) said gently and kindly to me. I stare into his eyes... he's right. I'm not that bastard. I also feel... I don't know... when I look into his eyes.
Winter: "You're right... I'm not that monster." I said as my smile found its way back to my face. He smiled and retracted his hand. Soon our food came and we began to eat and talk more.
I quite like his company... And his kindness. Over our time here at lunch we talked about many things. At first it was our lives and how we ended up here but it changed into more personal topics. Such as family, music we like, art we like and other such things. Over the tome we talked I found myself feeling... Attracted to this one armed warrior... Maybe that's not a bad thing. He understands me and even finds my authoritative side attractive... I smile at that thought... maybe... After we get to know each other a bit more we could... Date.
(Your POV)
I currently with Neon Katt and Flynt Coal at a clothing store. I... Intend to ask Winter to be my girlfriend today and I wanted to find some good clothes to do so... I asked Flynt if he knew a place and he and Neon both brought me here and are currently helping me.
Neon: "OOOOO!!! What about this one?" Neon asked loudly. I walked over to her and examined it. I then looked at her with thinned lips.
You: "As nice as that does look... It'd be too difficult for me to put on alone." I said to her as I gestured to my missing arm. She looked at me and back at it.
Neon: "Right... It's so easy to forget that you're missing one sometimes... I'll find something else." Neon said happily as she put the suit back and skipped off. I then here Flynt whistle. I walk over to him an he points.
Flynt: "Easy to put on and damn good looking. What do you think sir?" Flynt asked me confidently while I simply stair at the suit jacket combo. I nod my head in agreement. Yo Neon!" Flynt said loudly to grab her attention. She comes over and he points towards the suit.
Neon: "Oh yes. I think that'll work." Neon said confidently. I then decide to try it on. I think Flynt may be on to something.
(Still Your POV)
The three of us have since arrived back at the academy and they run off towards their form to 'chillax'. I decide to go get dressed to ask my question. Once I do so I head towards Winter's office. She should be about done with her work for today so I shouldn't be interrupting. Just as I am about to knock I hear her sigh in relief. That tells me I'm just on time. With a smile I knock.
Winter: "Enter." Winter says firmly on the other side. I do so and she looks up. She goes slightly wide eyed as she looks me up and down. "What are you dressed up for? Not that you don't look handsome mind you." Winter says a bit... Shyly as I see a hint of pink hot her cheeks. I smile warmly at her.
You: "I... I had a question." I said a bit nervously. She nodded informing me that I should continue. "I... I was wondering if... Maybe you'd consider being... this one armed man's... girlfriend?" I asked nervously. She goes wide eyed as her blush seems to deepen. "It's just... I feel so comfortable around you... and you're smart... Brave, honorable... You have an amazing heart... hell on top of all that greatness you're gorgeous." I said smiling warmly at her as her blush deepens. I wait for her answer and I then see, mush to my relief, her smile warmly back. She comes around her desk and places a hand on my chest. Now it's my turn to blush.
Winter: "I was going to ask the same." Winter said in a surprisingly soft and... Loving tone of voice. I go wide eyed. "I feel the same (M/n)... You seek to help people because you feel you should... Not because of some other reason... You seek to prove anyone can fight of they tried hard enough... You're honorable, kind, smart, and gentle... Hell you're even handsome." Winter said as she stared into my (E/c) eyes with her blue ones. I can see the love in them. I smile warmly back at her.
You: "Thank you Winter... This makes me beyond happy." I said happily as I hugged her with my one arm. She hugged back. Once she separated she stared into my eyes once more. I see her begin to lean in and I do as well... Soon we both meet in the middle for a short and sweet kiss... Nothing heated or anything like that... juts a small one that shows we care. We both then pull back. "Thanks for giving me a chance... Despite my missing arm." I said happily as I kissed her forehead.
Winter: :You know I don't mind that... But you're welcome... My one armed warrior." Winter said in a happy tone of voice to me . I lean a little closer.
You: "Thank you... My princess of snow." I said lovingly. She chuckled slightly and we kissed again. Huh... Who thought tracking a terrorist group could have turned out so damn well... Not that I mind I suppose... I'm just glad she returned my affection. I promise I'll do my best for you Winter... I promise.
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