One Sky, One Destiny Aqua(Kingdom Hearts) X Male Reader
One Sky, One Destiny.
Requested By: Drag0riz3r on Deviantart
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) x Male Reader
(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name
(A/n: I better be able to save my waifu or I'll cry like I did when Oracle shot herself in Arkham Knight. XD)
(Riku's POV)
Yen Sid: "Before you leave on your quest... There is someone else you and the others should know about. Someone I and Mickey miss greatly." I heard Yen Sid say behind me. I turn around and place my bag on the ground and nod. He does have a... Sadder demeanor about him though. "I had two apprentices in my time as a master key blade wielder. Mickey was my second... My first was a man named (F/n) (L/n)." Yen Sid said in a surprisingly sad tone.
Mickey: "I remember him. He was one of the nicest people I ever met. Much like Sora though he knew when to be mature." Mickey said a bit sadly but tried a joke at the end.
Sora: "Why didn't we know about him? And where is he? And-" Sora stops his line of questions as Yen Sid raises his hand.
Yen Sid: "I never mentioned him because after Master Aqua went after Terra he vanished. They were close friends and now we know where he went thanks to Mickey's story." Yen Sid explained stoically. We all nodded.
Riku: "I bet he didn't realize what going after her meant. Poor soul." I said a bit grimly. It reminds me of me when I was younger looking for Kairi. Hopefully he doesn't fall much like I did.
Yen Sid: "Indeed. Now let me tell you the story of the Twilight Master." Yen Sid said as many chairs were summoned. We all sat down as he began to speak. "I met an orphaned boy on the world Radiant Garden many years before I met Aqua, Terra, and Ventus. The boy was alone and scared. I took him in because of the potential to be a Keyblade Master I saw in him. He trained for years until he became a master after Mickey joined us. When Xehanort began his plan, (F/n) was quick to react. Aqua told me they met at Olympus Coliseum over ten years ago now." Yen Sid said in his normal tone before going into the story fully.
(Your POV)
This swarm of creatures seems like it never ends. Odd thing is... I swear I can feel the emotions coming from them. I dodged ones attack and countered with a Blizzaga. I rushed it and shattered it sending the shards flying into a bunch of the others killing them. I felt energy rush through me and thus I jumped. I transformed my Keyblade into a scythe before going to town tearing the group apart. Swing after swing I can feel the next power level rising. What is making these creatures? They can't just come from nowhere. As soon as I feel the second and final power level with my Keyblade click I can hear two more people fighting. I look and see a skinny man that's a bit younger than me. He has orange hair and a sharp jaw. He's wearing a white tunic and seems to be stronger than what should be possible. The other is a woman around my age... And she was something else. She's a Keyblade wielder much like myself. She has ocean blue colored hair that goes to the shoulder and aquamarine eyes. Her face is calm and collected. She has a bit of a pale skin tone. Her outfit is unlike anything I have ever seen. She wears armored boots and black shorts. On each one of her hips hangs a blue adornment of some kind. Her top seems sports like since it clings tightly to her body. Over her chest are two pink straps with a symbol in the middle. She's also wearing fingerless gloves and in place of sleeves are these strange sleeves that end at her elbow which have an armor piece one each. Keyblade Armor no doubt. She looks at me and I decide to change forms again. My scythe splits into two and circles around me before latching onto my arms as the hold does the same. The blades extend from under my arms before I let loose. I quickly dash through the enemies with the sharp blades. I see the mysterious woman and her friend getting overwhelmed so I dash over. I then use my finish move. I stab the ground underneath me multiple blades then begin appearing all around the swarm and from the ground. The swarm stood no chance against this attack as the rest of them are destroyed. I yank my blades out and my Keyblade returns to normal. I look around and wait a moment to insure they are gone before letting my blade vanish. I stretch my arms and crack my neck.
You: "No closer to finding these creatures' source... Though I did learn something..." I whispered to myself before turning to face the man and woman. "I appreciate the help. Taking the focus of some of them let me change my blade's form." I said honestly to the two. The young man just smiled at me while to woman stared at me.
(???): "You're Yen Sid's old apprentice aren't you?" She asked me curiously. I nodded and she smiled in response. "I'm master Aqua. I was apprenticed to Master Eraqus until I got my mark of mastery. Mickey talked about you. It's nice to finally meet you." She said happily as she stuck her hand out. I shook it with a small smile.
You: "Nice to meet you Aqua. I'm (F/n) (L/n) but (M/n) is fine... Didn't think Mickey would talk about me. He's a god guy though his constant positivity can drive me up a wall sometimes." I said chuckling which made her smile more. I let her hand go. "So I'm guessing you're looking into these creatures to?" I asked her. She nodded. "I've been hunting them since they appeared but I still don't know what's creating them... But I did notice something." I said as I looked at where the swarm was. "Each different one I faced felt different... Like each were fueled by a negative emotion such as fear, anxiety, hatred, and a thirst for vengeance. It might be nothing but it's worth note." I explained as I looked at her. She took note of it.
Aqua: "That's interesting... And possibly important." She said as she placed her hand on her chin and closed her eyes. She then nodded her head and looked at me. "Perhaps we should travel together... We could help each other." She suggested kindly. I give it some thought.
You: "I will... If you spar with me in the Arena here." I said seriously. She looked surprised. "Look. I was distracted by the swarm and didn't see you fight them. I'd like to get a gauge of your abilities that way when we fight together we can be in sink. If I recall, Eraqus specialized in styles versus transformations like Yen Sid." I explained to her calmly. She then nodded in understanding.
Aqua: "I suppose it couldn't hurt." She said which made me smile. Aqua then looked at the man with her. "Do you think Phil would let us use the arena Herc?" She asked him kindly. The man shook his head.
Hercules: "As long as it's not being used he shouldn't." He said smiling before turning around. "I'll go ask." He said before running off. I walked up next to Aqua.
You: "He's an odd one." I commented before smiling. "Has a good heart though." I said before looking at Aqua. "Shall we?" I asked gesturing to the stairs. She nodded with a small smile and walked forward. This should be interesting.
(Aqua's POV)
Phil agreed quickly when I asked instead of Hercules. He's strange but knows how to train someone well. (M/n) is standing opposite of e stretching a bit. I watch him as I take in some of his features. I take note of a scar that seems to begin at the bottom of his neck. Before I can ponder on it he finishes and draws his keyblade. I draw my own and he takes his preffered stance.
Phil: "Now the goal is to show skill not hurt each other." Phil stated sternly. Me and (M/n) both nodded. "Alright... 3...2....1..." He delayed as Me and (M/n) faced each other down without giving an inch. "GO!!" He shouted. (M/n) charged at me with impressive speed.
When he's close enough he jumps up to bring his keyblade down. I roll out of the way and go to counter. He quickly blocks and deflects my attack to my surprise. He goes for another strike which I block. He keep our blades locked and the laser focused fury he has is impressive to say the least. He then reels his head back to head but me. I have to break the clash to not get hit only to realize it was a fake out. He quickly strikes my side tripping me up. I get back to my feet in my stance as he stands there. He's staring right at me as if he can see my soul. He charges me and I put up a barrier. He shoots two firagas at me to throw me off before colliding hos blade into my barrier cracking it which surprises me. He jumps back as it reflects the damage. He smiles.
You: "I didn't expect it to hold up. Your magic is stronger than I expected." He complimented with a smile. I smile back at him.
Aqua: "Thank you. Your combat skills are something to be admired. Almost as good as Eraqus." I complimented back. He nodded before his Keyblade began to change into its Scythe form. Braced myself as I went into my Spellweaver style. He then charged me.
My reflect is much stronger now but so is his striking power. He strikes the barrier and his scythe actually breaks through but it doesn't reach my face thankfully. Since he broke the barrier I dodge out of it and it fades with no explosion. I manage to hit him with a ball of energy which sends him flying back. He recovers and charges his scythes blade. He swings it and I put up a barrier but the energy wave easily destroyed it and knocked me out of my style. I didn't get hit so I stand up. His transformation has ended and we stand there for a bit. He then smirks.
You: "Oh we'll work well together." He said before letting his keyblade vanish. I breathe out and nod my head in agreement before doing the same. He walked up to me. "So... Where is it your headed?" He asked me kindly.
Aqua: "I'm not sure. I've just been following the source of the creatures. And a boy in a mask." I said to him. His eyes narrow at the mention. "You've met him?" I asked surprised as I stood more at attention. He nodded.
You: "Yeah. Beat the piss out of him I thought. He just got up like I just pushed him down." He said shaking his head. He then began to think as he placed his hand on his chin. He closed his eyes before they open suddenly. "Now that I think about it... The same emotions I felt from the creatures also came from him..." He said pondering.
Aqua: "You think he might be connected to them?" I asked him. He nodded his head as I saw Phil and Hercules running our way.
You: "It's not a matter of 'might' but 'how' he's connected to them. We should keep chasing that lead." He said to me. I nodded in agreement before he turned to greet Phil and Hercules.
Phil: "I have to say that was impressive. You both are strong. Especially you Aqua." He said to me smiling. (M/n) sighed quietly and shook his head at that.
Hercules: "Yeah. That was amazing! Oh I hope I can get that good one day." Hercules said smiling at us. I smiled back and Phil went to say something but (M/n) beat him to it.
You: "It takes practice kid. It gets easier to." He said to Hercules. Hercules tilted his head at him. "It gets easier everyday as you head to your goal. The hard part is doing it every day." He said as he finished with a smile. Hercules nodded in understanding. "Keep doing your best every day and you'll be fine. And if how you handled those creatures you're well on your way. Also speaks well of Phil's teachings." He said giving a nod to Phil who just nodded proudly. "Though he should realize when he's shooting above is paygrade." He teased with a wink which got Phil to pout as he laughed. He then looked at me. "Well... Lead the way. You've been tracking that man for a while." He said to me smiling. I nodded.
Aqua: "Alright... We should go see Eraqus and update him." I said to him. He nodded and we began walking off after we said goodbye to Phil and Hercules. I looked at (M/n) and smiled. I think this is going to be a wonderful friendship.
(No POV)
Sora: "He sounds strong... Where did he go?" Sora asked Yen Sid sounding a bit in awe. Riku wanted to know as well. If he's that skilled where could he have gone?
Yen Sid: "We will get to that." Yen Sid spoke in his ever so calm tone. "After their first encounter, they went to visit Eraqus together who approved of the partnership and shared what he knew with (M/n). Both of them set off to more worlds where the Unversed lay. They became very close friends as they shared stories about their lives with one another. After a time they arrived in Neverland where the calm before the storm to come was. Where they would have developed an even deeper connection." He finished with a soothing tone. Everyone sat patiently as he began telling his story once again.
(Your POV)
Me and Aqua were walking with Peter and his 'lost boys.' I hate this guy's attitude. He keeps fusing on the kids for being afraid of a man who is willing to kidnap and kill based on their description. Or he's a piss poor Pirate compared to the ones I met awhile back... Then again that guy was fighting a dude with a Tentacle beard so maybe it's not a fair comparison. We arrived at a cliff side no of them could climb. I look at Aqua.
You: "Now what?" I asked sounding tired of this nonsense. She sighed a bit and shook her head. I didn't do anything other than scream in my head in slight frustration. I hear Peter and the kids talking and I just decide to climb by hand... Up until I see them flying up. "Huh..." I said a bit surprised. I then look at Aqua. "Well... That answers that." I said chuckling which she just smiled at. I try to fly but I just end up jumping really high which works. I look down and see Aqua do the same. "How do you stand him?" I ask her as we walked down the path to the next jump.
Aqua: "Well... I think he's just trying to force them to face their fears so they can be more confident about themselves... I think he's trying to be a good leader." She explained to me as she looked at me. I considered her words before it settle in me. Now I understand.
You: "Now I get it." I said shaking my head at myself. "He's not being a jerk... He's doing what's needed." I said feeling stupid for my assumption. Aqua laughed a small bit at me which I shook my head at. "Anyway... How're you feeling? I mean... You haven't talked about your friends in awhile." I asked showing my concern for her. She gained a frown and looked down.
Aqua: "I just can't help but feel... This road we're taking... Will only separate us more. Terra seems to be following a dark path and Ven is still out there somewhere... Is this our destiny? To be torn apart by this conflict?" She asked still looking down as she clutched her way finder in her hands. I look away thinking for a moment. I then look back at her and place my hand on her shoulder softly. She looks at me.
You: "Look... Even if destiny decides that you three should part for whatever reasons... The memories and love you have for your friends will never be taken away... As long as you keep them in your heart." I said as I pointed to hers. "You'll never be apart... No matter what befalls any of you." I said to her with a reassuring smile. She stared at me for a time before smiling a small bit and hugging me. I am surprised but do hug back gently.
Aqua: "Thank you." She whispered sounding a bit happier than before. I feel my shirt get a bit wet so I just smile a bit and part her back a small bit.
You: "There. It's alright." I said to her. I felt give off a small sob which made me stiffen before I gently hugged her deeper. "It's alright." I whispered to her in a comforting manner. She seemed to breathe out in relief. We stood there like that for a time before she pulled back. I gave her a smile. She smiled back and I felt something in my chest in that moment. Before either of us could speak Peter shouted for us to hurry up. I shook my head and looked at her."Lets go. Hate to keep him waiting." I joked with a wink. She giggled a small bit and wiped her eye.
Aqua: "Yeah. Let's go." She said smiling at me. I nodded and we started heading back up the cliff side. Every once in awhile I find myself looking at Aqua again and can't help but feel... Something for her.
(Still Your POV)
Aqua and Peter were chatting about the purpose of his little treasure hunt but I wasn't paying attention to it due to feeling... Something... Something was off but I couldn't place it. Soon Aqua looks down the path that leads to the Camp we saw before. She tells us to stay here and runs off. I reach for her but she's to fast. I stand there for a few moments before that feeling returned.
Peter: "You okay? You're scowling." Peter asked me. I shook my head before looking at him. "If you're worried go after her." He said to me seriously. I look back down the path before nod in in agreement.
You: "If I don't come back in ten minutes... Fly above us and see what happened." I requested to him. He nodded along with Tinkerbell before I ran down the path as fast as I could. I got to the camp just as that boy I fought back in Monstropolis raising his keyblade above a collapsed Aqua's head. I run and use my shoulder to knock him away. He recovers easily as I summon my keyblade. I get in my stance as he laughs.
(???): "Well, well, well. Didn't expect to see you so soon." The boy spoke cockily. I shook my head. "Then again a lonely heart like yours would be attracted to her kind of light." He spoke as he circled me. "To bad really. Your heart was almost in perfect balance... Would've been a great back up plan." He said cockily once more.
You: "So you have a plan... Thus a partner..." I then begin thinking and a troubling thought crossed my mind. The boy laughed.
(???): "Clever... I'm sure you just had a name come across your mind. Is it true? Well... You'll see." He said as he re-summoned his keyblade. "You won't be able to save anyone from what's coming... You couldn't even beat me." He said assuming his stance before. I chuckle a bit.
You: "I made the mistake assuming you were done. This time... I'll cut your god damn head off when I'm done." I said seriously. He laughed as I saw darkness seep from his body. I have to beat this masked boy.
He fires what looks like blue and white fire at me which in turn I summon an Ice wall to block. I jump back assuming he'd shatter which he did. I come down with force but he seems to sink into the ground and vanish. I focus and sense a dark energy sliding beneath me. I roll out of the way just as he comes up. I fire two shots of fire at him which knock him back to his feet. I charge him and he blocks which locks out blades together. He laughs a bit.
(???): "You were holding back the last time we fought." He chuckled at me. I push forward which makes him take a step back. He grunts. "Maybe if you didn't hold back last time you could've protected her." He said in an almost evil tone. I scowl. "Maybe killing me will win her heart." He said cockily. I head butt which he grunts in pain at as he is pushed into one of the totem poles. His mask now has a hole in it and I see... Familiar yellow eyes.
You: "You are linked to him." I said as I began to transform my keyblade. His dark energy spiked in response. Once it was finished we charged each other.
We kept slashing at each other and blocking one another. Neither of us could get the upper hand no matter how hard we tried. He seemed to be getting frustrated which would work to my advantage. I manage to push him back and spin the scythe around me before sending a line of ice at him. His feet get frozen into the ground and I charge him. I cast stop and begin slicing him few time. I then turn my back to him and snap my time resumes. I hear all the slices hit him before he screams with the last hit and I hear him crash into the ground. I turn to look as my Keyblade turns back to normal and see his helmet is all but gone. I walk up to him and grip his head with every intention of killing him. Before I can strike the finishing blow I am blasted by a powerful energy. I scream as my back collides into a totem pole breaking it into two pieces. I land on my back and try to get up with blurry vision. I look and see someone in a white and black coat picking the boy up. I try to get up but can't.
(???): "I didn't expect you to cause so much trouble." I heard a familiar voice say. I know that voice. "I would end you now but you have a destiny awaiting you. And you'll be guided there." Xehanort said before I saw them leave through a black portal. I passed out not long after that.
(Aqua's POV)
After I woke up and we found (M/n) injured, Peter helped me get him to his hideout. We laid him on a bed and I was stroking his hair looking at him. He has a strong heart. Especially if he took that boy in the mask on and won. Peter said he was ready to strike him down but was stopped by an energy that blinded him.
Aqua: "I hope you wake up soon... You're the only friend I have to lean on now." I said looking down. I then look at him and smile a small bit. He never doubts his heart... It's a quality I love and envy at the same time. It's one of the things that draws me to him. He then begins stirring and his eyes open and look at me. "Hey." I said to him softly. He smiled gently back.
You: "Hey." He whispered back as he stared at me. We just focus on each other for a bit. "He was going to kill you... I haven't felt that angry before." He admitted looking up at the ceiling. "I was so worried... I was going to kill him you know... Darkness just seeped from his body as we fought... He's working with..." He stopped as he seemed to hesitate. I rub his arm. "Xehanort." He said looking back at me. I go wide eyed and he nods. "There was no mistaking that coat or voice... He's the one giving that boy orders." He explained as I looked down. He grabbed my hand and I looked at him. "If he's leading that boy then... He's given into his darkness... And he's leading Terra... I hate to think what he has planned for him... You also said he brought Ven to you all as well yes?" He asked me looking worried as I go wide eyed. I stand as it hits me... He's been planning whatever this is for years. I turn around to head out but a hand grabbing my own stops me. I turn and see (m/n) standing and holding my hand. "I'm not going to stop you but please keep calm... If you don't..." He couldn't finish as he looked down. I looked down but was startled when he hugged me. "Please... I don't want you to get hurt." He said tome gently. I hugged him back.
Aqua: "I'll try to keep calm..." I said to him softly. He sighed in relief. He pulled back and stared into my eyes and gave me a small smile before it vanished again. "We do need to go to Eraqus now... He needs to know what we learned." I told him seriously. He nodded before we walked outside only to be met by Peter.
Peter: "Good to see you're awake. You guys leaving?" he asked us to which we nodded. The kids were disappointed. "Now, now. Dry your eyes. I'm sure we'll see them again. But they have a big battle ahead and need to go." He said to them to which the nodded and hugged us goodbye. (M/n) actually gave them a trinket in his pocket for their treasure chest which they ran to put it in. "Be careful you two." Peter said to us which we nodded to again. We put our keyblade armor on before taking off. We stayed close to each other but bean to be separated by a bright light. (M/N)!!!!" I screamed but it was too late.
(Your POV)
I awake and find myself sitting on a meadow somewhere. I look around and see no danger but I do see three kids hanging around each other. Two of them are playing while one is reading under a tree with a smile as he occasionally looks up. As I look at him I see he has potential to be a keyblade master. So I stand and make my way to the kids.
You: "HEY!" I shouted at them with a smile. All of them look at me before gathering in front of me. I kneel down to be eye level with them. "I'm (M/n). What's your names?" I asked smiling. They kids smiled short of the boy who just tilted his head at me.
Abigail: "Well I'm Abigail, that's Abaddon and the quiet boy is Kuie." The girl explained happily. I smiled and rubbed each to their heads which they all laughed or smiled at. I then looked at Kuie. He stared at me and I nodded before looking at all three.
You: "Can you all promise me you'll always be there for each other as friends should be?" I asked smiling. Each nodded before I looked at Kuie again. "You have a good heart Kuie... You shouldn't be afraid to express it." I said with a small smile. He blushed a small bit and looked down. I summoned my keyblade and pointed the handle at him. "One day... You'll be called to protect others... If you accept this... It'll give you the power to protect others when the time comes." I said to him seriously. He thought for a moment before nodding. He took the handle in his hand before I spoke. "In your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love." I finished as he whispered the oath to himself. I smiled before taking my keyblade back. "As long as you keep love in your heart. You won't be lost... Even if you do get lost... Let your heart be your guiding key." I said smiling. He gave me a small smile and nodded. The girl then grabbed his hand and started dragging him off.
Abigail: "Come on! We should tell Grandpa Odin! He's going to be so happy for you!" She said excitedly as the other boy nodded.
Abbadon: "Thor and Sif are going to be so happy they get to train you!" Abbadon said smiling as they ran off. I sighed looking at the scene before a light above me caught my attention. "Here I go again..." I whispered to myself as I was taken away again.
(No POV)
Yen Sid: "That was according to Kuie himself anyway." Yen Sid said to the group who all looked down a bit as memories of what Kuie said he went through.
Sora: "Despite their promise... They turned on Kuie in the end. Thanks to Xemnas." Sora said sadly as the group only could nod in agreement.
Mickey: "Well he has us now." Mickey said smiling which made the rest of them smile to. "But... We're getting close to the end of what we knew for certain about them until I met Aqua and him in the Realm of Darkness." Mickey sad before looking at Yen Sid who nodded.
Yen Sid: "Yes... Unfortunately I only encountered him two more times. He went to The Land of Departure assuming Aqua would be there when she was on Destiny Islands instead. He witnessed the truth before returning to me after Aqua arrived.
(Your POV)
I arrived back after seeing Xehanort kill Eraqus. I rush up the tower and bust into Yen Sid's room. Aqua looked at me and went wide eyed. I go to speak but she runs up and rugs me which takes me off guard. She tightens the hug before I hug back and close my eyes.
Aqua: "I... Was worried that. That." She doesn't finish as I shush her gently before pulling back. She looked at me before noticing my shocked expression. "What?" She asked before I walked past her and looked at Mickey.
You: "Mickey?" I asked as I shook him a bit. He made a breathing noise which made me sigh in relief. I look at Yen Sid who nods at me. I then turn to Aqua. "Aqua... You might want to sit down for this." I said as my face contorted into something more serious. She gained a concerned look. "Uh... I went to The Land Of Departure assuming you'd be there. When I got there Terra was standing over a wounded Eraqus." I explained as she gained a shocked look. "He was defending Ven from Eraqus it seemed... Eraqus was going to kill him to stop Xehanort." I said as she gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "Terra... Apologized but before I could react... Xehanort killed Eraqus in front of Terra... I think I know the plan now." I said as Aqua began crying a bit. I go and hug her as she buries her head in my chest. I look at yen Sid who nods. "He wants to re-create the keyblade war." I said seriously. Aqua just held onto me like it was for dear life but I didn't mind. She then pulled back.
Aqua: "We...Know where he's going... The Keyblade Graveyard." Aqua said after she wiped her eyes of tears. I nodded before looking to Yen Sid.
You: "I have to go... I don't want her to face this alone." I said to him seriously. To my surprise though he smiled at me and nodded.
Yen Sid: "Follow your heart child as you always have. The love you feel for life and want to protect the ones you care for has never lead you astray... And I can clearly see the bond you two share." He said smiling. I looked at Aqua who looked down blushing as I just smiled at her gently. I then looked at Yen Sid.
You: "Thank you dad." I whispered. He merely nodded and sent us on our way. We got outside and before I could summon my keyblade armor Aqua stopped me. I looked at her.
Aqua: "Did he mean... What I think-" I stop her by giving her a kiss on her forehead. She looks at me wide eyed and blushing a small bit.
You: "They'll be time for that later. For now. There's an emergency at hand." I said giving her a loving smile not bothering to hide my emotions. She nodded but smiled back. We then geared up and took off to what we assumed was our final confrontation.
(No POV)
Yen Sid: "I didn't see him again until well after that battle ended and Aqua came back... Take time to process what you've been told." Yen Sid said as he stood and walked to the window. He was trying to hide how hard this story was tell. He lost his son due to what happened as he hasn't seen him since. Mickey walked up placed his hand on his arm trying to comfort him which he appreciated.
The others chatted amongst themselves for a while trying to figure out where (M/n) had gone... The truth is though he followed his heart. Nothing more and nothing less.
(Your POV)
After we met up with Terra and Ven the fight had begun. I couldn't follow Terra up the spire like I wanted so I ended up following Aqua and Ven. Though Vanitas kept holding me as far back as he could. When I did get close enough it seemed as if Vanitas and Ventus fused causing a blinding light. When the light ended I saw Ven but he was wearing Vanitas' armor. He then approached an Unconscious Aqua.
You: "NO!" I shouted running after him. I go to shoot Firaga at him but someone nails me in the said sending me away from the battle. When I recovered I saw Mickey had saved her much to my relief. I then looked at my attacker only to see a man in a black vest with flower designs on it, black pants, a white undershirt, and some type of hat. He's wielding a pink scythe as well. I stand and re summon my keyblade. "Who the hell are you?!" I asked in anger. The man merely smirked before charging me. I easily deflect his strike and get ready for battle.
The man spun his scythe and charged me again. I dodged and planted my foot and the end of his blade. He looked shocked before I commenced a beat down on him before launching him back with the final strike. He manages to land on the wall with his feet and charge me again. I summon and ice wall to protect me before setting some mines up. He sliced through the ice but was blown into the sky by the mines. I fire two fireballs at him before jumping after him. He blocks the fireballs and manages to clash with me multiple times in the air. I manage to get above him and force him to land before coming down. He blocks my strike and his feet actually get indented into the ground. I jump back and begin my keyblade's transformation. Once it's done he seems surprised and then amused. I then charge him again and slice but he seems to vanish into rose petals. I quickly cast reflect on instinct and a strike comes from behind before my barrier reflects that damage back. I hear him grunt and I turn and attack him. Once again he keeps up despite my power boost. Luckily he goes for a downward strike which is easy to side dodge. I quickly knock his scythe out of his hands and grab it after my weapon vanishes. I hit him twice with it before dashing back and throwing it at him. He tries to block it with his hand but it gets buried in his shoulder and pins him to a rock. I let my scythe transform back as he seems to be unconscious. I then feel the ground shake and turn to see an explosion coming from where Ven and Aqua were. I run over there but the light envelopes me and I begin to black out. The last thought that goes through my head is Aqua... I hope she made it.
(No POV)
Yen Sid has since sat back down feeling calmer as he looked at everyone. He took a breath before continuing.
Yen Sid: "I only saw him one last time before he vanished at the same time as Aqua." Yen Sid said sadly. Everyone stood at attention. "He arrived just after Aqua left with Ven's sleeping body. He... Left to save her... But never returned." He said as he frowned and looked down with a frown.
(Your POV)
I awoke back in the tower in the three fairies' room. Luckily they weren't here. I got up quickly and ran out of the room. I see Yen Sid and Mickey both looking at me. Mickey runs up and hugs me as Yen Sid looks shocked.
Mickey: "When did you get here? I couldn't find you after the battle." Mickey asked me kindly.
You: "The light from that explosion enveloped me and I blacked out. I woke up here." I explained honestly. I then look at Mickey. "Where's Aqua?!" I asked frantically.
Yen Sid: "Calm yourself... She's gone to save her friend Terra. She hopes." He explained to me. I looked at him and I didn't even get to say anything before he nodded. "Go... I couldn't stop you if I wanted. Just please try and e safe." He said to me with concern. I chuckle weakly.
You: "No promises." I said before heading to the door. I opened it and looked back at my father. "I love you dad." I said with full honestly. I then leave and once I'm outside I take off and just follow the darkness I feel in the air which leads me to... Radiant Garden. I quickly land in the square and see Terra with white hair fly out of a dark portal with Aqua's keyblade armor. It breaks apart once it hit the round and I go wide eyed. She's not in it. I then charge and without a second thought I jump into the dark portal after her. I see her falling and catch up with her. "AQUA!!" I shout before grabbing her and holding her close. She looks at me in shock.
Aqua: "What are you doing here!? There's no way out! I wanted you all to be safe!" She said looking at me. I chuckle as I hold her close to me. She doesn't fight back but does end up holding me back.
You: "I don't care... I couldn't leave you... The woman I love to face hell alone." I said to her with love. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. I nodded and she smiled as tears began to fill her eyes as mine did to. We both then leaned in.
We met in the center for a loving and chaste kiss. Both our emotions are overflowing in the moment as I felt the tears run down my face. We held the kiss for a few minutes before pulling back and staring each other in the eyes. She placed her forehead on mine as she openly cried in front of me as we held each other.
Aqua: "I love you." She whispered to m. I smiled and felt myself get a bit more emotional to. I kissed her again which she returned with a fight.
You: "I love you to." I said smiling at her. We both fell into darkness together and even if this realm somehow overcame us, we'd still have each other and I think... I think that's enough to keep the darkness at bay.
(Still Your POV)
After our encounter with Mickey and being forced to stay here until rescue comes me and Aqua came across a shore where a man in a black coat was sitting. We approached. Aqua approached first.
Aqua: "Who are you?" She asked him. The man hummed and looked at us. He took a moment to process what we said before replying.
(???): "Well hello. It's not often I get visitors." He said in a deep and kind tone. I smiled at that.
Aqua: "Please. Call me Aqua. And his name is (M/n)." She introduced as I waved at the man. "Why are you sitting all alone in the realm of darkness? How did you end up here?" Aqua asked him kindly.
(???): "Well. I can tell you this is my second time on these shores. But, unfortunately just like the first I cannot remember who I am or whence I came. Everything was washed away in whatever currents carried me here." The man said in a solemn tone. I sighed as Aqua looked down.
Aqua: "That's too bad." She said as she sat down. I sat next to her and took her hand in my own when she put them on her knees. "I know we've been here a long time, wandering through the endless hours... Unable to escape..." She said sadly as she squeezed my hand for comfort as I did the same.
(???): "You wish to return to your own world?" The man asked curiously. Aqua nodded in response before speaking.
Aqua: "It's my friends... I promised I'd be there for them." She said sadly as I rubbed her hand with my thumb.
You: "My family... I worry for my father and friends." I said sadly as I looked down at the sand before looking forward.
(???): "Your friends?" He asked sounding like he was in thought. "Somewhere in the scraps of memories I have left, you remind me of a boy I once knew." The man said looking forward again. "He is very much like the both of you – true to his friends and kind. This boy travels to many worlds and fights to keep the light safe." He said not looking at us. Aqua and I looked at him.
Aqua: "To keep the light safe? I've been away too long. Did something happen out there? Are the worlds in danger?" Aqua asked showing some concern.
(???): "Sad to say, they nearly fell to darkness more than once. But at every turn that boy arried with keyblade in hand to save the day." He said sounding calm again. Aqua seemedto get a bit excited and smiled.
Aqua: "Huh? Wait a sec. Is his name Terra or Ven?" She asked sounding excited. The man shook his head no.
(???):"Neither of those I'm afraid." He said sounding sad he couldn't make her feel better. Aqua frowned and sighed a bit before looking forward again.
Aqua: "Should've known." She said sadly. I leaned over to kiss her cheek to comfort her but it didn't seem to help.
(???):"How long has it been since I met him? At least a year now, perhaps more... Back then my heart was clouded with vengeance. I did terrible things... Both to him and his friends." He said sounding upset at himself. "I brought unhappiness to more lives than one. I felt something must be done." He said as me and Aqua looked at him. "Was that why? A means of clearing my conscience? Or perhaps out of some sort of scholarly instinct?" He asked himself. "While the boy slept his long sleep, I hid the results of my research inside him, transplanting the data to where it might best serve a purpose." He said in the same tone. "In fact, I would like to believe... Maybe he can set things right. A boy like him who touches so many hearts – he could open the right door, and save all those people whose lives I managed to ruin. So many are still waiting for their new beginning, their birth by sleep. Even me... And even the both of you." He said looking at us. I felt a spark of hope in my heart as Aqua asked the question.
Aqua: "What's this boy's name?" She asked looking at him. The man stared at her for a moment before replying.
(???): "His name is..." He paused for a moment. "Sora." He finished staring. I remember him... Aqua told me about how he had a good heart. I hear Aqua let out a shaky breath as tears run down her face when I looked. I felt a tear go down my face to.
Aqua/You: "Sora." We both said together. She then looked at me with a teary eyed smile as I smiled back. She kissed me briefly and I could feel the hope coming from her body as hope built in my heart. She looked at me.
Aqua: "I love you." She whispered. I nodded and kissed her myself before holding her close. She held me back.
You: "I love you to." I said honestly as we sat there for a little while. I then got to thinking. "You know... Before my biological parents vanished... They had a saying." I sad to Aqua and the man. Aqua pulled back to look at me and the man just looked at me. "'There are many worlds, but they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.'" I finished with a smile. "Sora... The name... It means sky... Our destinies are in his hands... There's hope for all of us." I said as more tears fell. Aqua smiled and hugged me deeply as the man looked forward again.
We both looked into the abyss and were ready to blink... But we haven't... And now there's a reason not to. Sora... We're counting on you. You can save everyone kid...Maybe you should Kuie to help. Either way... With this hope in my heart and the love I have for Aqua... I can survive the long darkness... We both can... No matter what. Good luck... Sora. And Aqua... No matter what I'll be here. I love you with all my being...And no darkness could change that.
(A/n: So I'm in my Sophomore year at college which means I had to start planning my Theisis for my final year and that took a long damn time. All my energy for writing had to go there. I'm still not done but I was able to slow down due to how far in the planning I got. Sorry for vanishing but I honestly had no time for almost anything. Love you dudes.
Also, I better be able to save my waifu or I'll cry. )
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