Misunderstandings Can Hurt. Rarity (MLP) (Humanized) X Autistic Male Reader.
Misunderstandings Can Hurt.
Rarity (Humanized) X Autistic Male Reader.
(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name
(No POV)
Equastria. A Land where science and magic co-exist in harmony. In fact, technology has been incorporated with the ladder of the two to make things environmentally friendly. A land of acceptance and understanding. Mostly. There are some people that don't accept difference. One such boy knows this all too well... Luckily for him he had a wonderful sister to help him. And through her he met friends. Eight to be exact though one was much younger than him. He was happy though there was one he was closer to than the others. Rarity. They worked so well together thanks to his focus and his odd ideas on art. She actually has credited him as being a co-designer more than once due to the dresses he helped make. What neither know is how the other feels about them. And that all is about to change. Thanks to someone not heading someone else's' warning.
(Your POV)
Well... This is going well. At least if Twilight and Starlight's compliments are anything to go by. I recently discovered I had an affinity for magic. Alteration to be precise. They've been teaching me personally since I'm a friend and magic school wouldn't be for me. I can see myself going to college but not a private school like Celestia's magic school. Heh. I remember when I met the three other princesses. Twilight and her friends were shocked when I called them by their first names after our initial meeting. Twilight was about to fuss on me for it but the three princesses insured her it was fine and were happy someone in their kingdoms didn't think they were above him or her. Anyway, we just finished my lesson for the day when I heard a familiar voice call out to the two.
Rarity: "Starlight? Twilight? I have your dresses for your trip to Saddle Arabia. Functional and fashionable I must say." I hear Rarity's soft one call out. She's not even in here and I can feel myself blushing a bit. It's strange. Out of all my friends I could have fallen for it was Rarity. The ultimate extrovert... Well maybe that's Pinkie but still. You think the bluntly honest Applejack would be better suited for me but no.
Twilight: "We're in the practice room Rarity!" Twilight called out after Rarity. Twilight then looked at me. "We just got done with (M/n)'s lesson for the day." Twilight said smiling. I smile thankfully. I'm still having to build up my magical strength so today was all about pushing the limits.
Rarity: "(M/n) is here? Wonderful darling." Rarity said back sounding happy as can be. That makes me blush a bit as Starlight giggles at my reaction. Twilight shushes her. Soon enough the door opens to reveal the woman that stole my heart... That saying is weird.
I honestly can't tell you what did me in. I don't know if it was the way she carried herself. The honest passion she has for her work and her family and friends. The generosity she has for everyone around her. Maybe it was her kind attitude. Most of the men in this town like her for her beauty and to be fair, it is nearly unmatched. The way her purple hair elegantly goes down to the swell if her back. The little curls at the end add an almost cute factor to me. It also hides half of her right eye. It makes her very alluring. Her purple eyes that always seem to gleam with passion and kindness. Maybe it was how she dressed. She's never afraid to wear what she loves and it always looks good on her. Even her outfit now looks amazing on her. The white button up shirt and black skirt with the black leggings and red high heels. To me though... Her generous nature is what made me fall for her... But that's just a pipe dream. She's levitating two hangars with bags behind her.
Rarity: "Here you two are. Perfectly formal for the region and will help keep you cool in the dessert heat." Rarity said as she floated the dresses over to the two. They took them and opened them. Starlight was awe struck due to the quality while Twilight and I weren't shocked.
Starlight: "This is... Amazing! I mean I knew you were good but wow." Starlight said sounding awe struck. I chuckle while Twilight giggles a little at her response.
You: "You should've seen the Gala dresses she's made. Those deserve to be in museums in my opinion. Pure works of art." I said smiling at the dress. Starlight looks at me with her mouth opened. "Don't be so surprised. Its par for the course for Rarity." I said smiling as I admired the dresses. I looked at Rarity who is beaming with pride and seems to have a bit of pink on her cheeks. She came over and hugged me which I returned happily.
Rarity: "Thank you darling. You're to kind." She said as she pulled away smiling. I just shrugged in response. I'm just telling the truth after all. "Though I still want to make you tuxedo darling. You'd look very handsome in one." Rarity brought up again. I just chuckle. She's been trying to get me to let her make one for me for a while now.
You: "I couldn't ask you that. I mean you already made my sister such a wonderful dress that me asking for that would just make me feel greedy." I said honestly as I walked over to the table. I grabbed my books and put them in my bag while I heard Rarity practically roll her eyes at me. Here comes a scolding I bet.
Rarity: "It could hardly be considered 'greedy' as you put it if I'm offering to make you one now would it?" Rarity asked me. I could almost hear that smug victory in her voice. She's finally found an argument that would stump me. I then turn to look at her and yep. There's that smug smile I know.
You: "There's also the fact I won't have the money for it for a while Rare. I'm not going to buy something I can't afford yet." I said honestly thinking that would stop her smug smile. Oddly though, it turned into one more genuine which I did not expect in the slightest.
Rarity: "I know and that's why I want to give you the suit." Rarity said still smiling. I am slightly taken aback by this. I know how much work she puts into these things. I would feel bad if I just got it for free. I go to protest but she stops me. "Up up up. No 'buts.' Consider it make up gift for me having to miss your birthday last month." Rarity said. I sigh a bit at that.
You: "Rare I told you I'm not upset about that. You had work I get it. You also know I don't make a huge fuss about my birthday despite how much that annoys Pinkie." I explained once again. I know she feels bad about it but I keep trying to tell her she doesn't need to feel that wa. It happens not a big deal.
Rarity: "Still... Just let me do this for you. If nothing else than let me give it to you for being a wonderful friend I'm ever so happy I have the pleasure of knowing." Rarity said kindly with that same smile. I have to fight off the blush at her statements. I take a moment to compose myself before looking at her and smiling.
You: "You're to kind... Alright. I accept." I said to her kindly. Rarity beamed with happiness before cheering and hugging me deeply. Now I know I'm blushing but I smile and hug her right back. I can see Starlight giving me a teasing look which makes me roll my eyes at. Yeah I know I hide my crush as well as Pinkie hides her love for parties but that's no reason to tease me. Rarity pulls back.
Rarity: "Wonderful. Oh I have the perfect design in mind. Just stop by with your sister this afternoon since she needs her pants hemmed up for her job." Rarity said happily. I nodded in agreement before she leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. When she pulls back I go a bit wide eyed as she giggles. "I'll see you later darling." She said be sauntering out of the room. I can't help but smile until I heard giggling behind me. I look and see Twilight and Starlight smiling at me proudly.
Twilight: "This could be your chance (M/n). You should ask her to that Musical you have tickets for. 'Between Fairy Tales And Happy Endings' it's called right?" Twilight suggested and asked me kindly. I nodded confirming she was right before replying.
You: "That's the one... Can't believe I was the only one who knew the answer to that question... Anyway... I doubt she would want to go with me. I'm nothing special and it could hurt her social standing in Canterlot if she's seen with me." I said honestly. I know how important that is to her. Especially since she's opened up a shop there. Before I can think anymore someone slaps the upside of my head and I look at the person while rubbing the spot. "Geez Starlight. What'd I do?" I asked as I rubbed the pain away. She groaned.
Starlight: "What did we say about putting yourself down like that?" Starlight asked sounding a bit irritated. Now I get it. I have that bad habit due to how I was picked on in grade school. I look down a bit.
You: "Sorry. Bad habits die hard as they say." I said shaking my head. I look at the two before nodding. "I think I'll try to ask... But I also won't hold my breath." I said with a sigh. Starlight nodded before hugging me briefly. Once she pulled back I smiled. "I'll see you two later. I need to catch my sister before she goes to the Boutique." I said before turning to leave while I hear them say goodbye. I walk outside and head to where my sisters will be. The Ponyville Spa.
Yep. My sisters are the owners Aloe and Lotus. I'm younger than them by a couple of years. They were a huge help for me growing up. Especially when learning social ques and how to handle social situations. Not to mention I get free treatments when my nerves are on the verge of being overloaded. They also defended me from bullies as I grew up. I wouldn't trade them for the world. I smile as I enter the Spar and see Lotus behind the counter. I walk up and hit the bell. She looks up and she smiles brightly.
Lotus: "Mi potite brother. How are you doing today?" Lotus asked me happily before stepping out from behind the counter to come hug me. I hug her back happily.
You: "I'm all right sis. Just here to join Aloe to the Boutique. Rarity is going to give me a suit since she missed my birthday and... I'm going to ask Rarity to go with me to that Musical I won tickets to." I said as I smiled. She pulled back looking surprised as I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm not holding my breath but-" I get cut off by her squealing. I have to cover my ears as she jumps up and down happily. Once she's done I uncover my ears before she starts gushing.
Lotus: "I'm so proud of you! You're finally chasing the love you deserve and I can't stop smiling! Aloe! Come here!" Lotus shouted as she looked behind her. I stiffen under all the new gazes thanks to her outburst. Luckily, a familiar voice breaks the silence.
Aloe: "You know how he feels about crowds and yet you do that?" I hear Aloe question a bit irritated like. Lotus then seems to shrink I her place and looks at me apologetically. I just shake my head with a smile.
You: "She was just excited sister. Don't be too harsh." I said as I watched Aloe approach with one of her clients that appears to be finished. Aloe merely smiles at me and gives me a kind hug in response. I hug her back.
Lotus; "Sorry little one.... Our brother is going with you to Rarity's so he can ask her out to that musical he has tickets to!" Lotus said excitably. Aloe pulled away from me and looked surprised. I nodded confirming before Aloe smiled at me.
Aloe: "I'm so happy mi petite brother. You deserve this and I know Madame Rarity would treat you well. Let me fetch my jacket and clothing for her and we can go." Aloe said happily before walking off. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
You: "Well... She seemed oddly calm about this." Said as I watched Aloe leave the spa. I looked at Lotus who just shrugged but kept smiling at me. "Well I'll step out so you can get back to it. Wish me luck." I said before hugging my sister again. She hugged back happily before waving me off. I hope this goes well... I mean what's the worst that could happen? She says no and we move on? Hopefully that's the worst that can wait for me.
(Aloe's POV)
Me and (M/n) are heading to Rarity's and are almost there. He's been crushing on Rarity for a long time and I am so happy he's finally going to try a relationship with her. She would treat him right. Though I will need to have a small chat with her about something. We soon arrive and enter the store to see Rarity looking over a current project. Once the bell rings as the door closes she looks over and smiles at us. We smile back as she stands to greet us.
Rarity: "Hello Aloe. (M/n). It's nice to see you again." Rarity said before giving me a hug before giving (M/n) a hug as well. Once she pulled back she looked at me. "Now what was it that yiu needed?" She asked me kindly. I pulled out the clothes to show her.
Aloe: "Well my blouse got a hole torn in it due to an accident... And my pants seemed to have stretched a bit and I was hoping you could hem them up." I replied showing her what I mean. She hummed as she looked them over. She then nodded.
Rarity: "Shouldn't be too much trouble darling. Why don't you set them on the table so I can get started?" Rarity requested kindly. I did as she asked as I looked back at (M/n) who is looking at his feet. H's obviously nervous. "Now... (M/n) please step up on this pedestal please. I won't take long to get measurements." She requested of him kindly. He nodded and did just that as she grabbed the measuring tape and a notepad with a pen. She begins measuring as he tries not to blush. "So how's business Aloe?" Rarity asked me as she measured my brother's shoulders.
Aloe: "It's been good. All of the remodeling going on has made many workers come in. Though some don't shower beforehand so we usually say a hot shower is 'part' of the treatment." I said with a small giggle as Rarity giggled with me. Even (M/n) cracked a small smile. "What about you?" I asked in turn.
Rarity: "Good actually. My shops in Canterlot and Manehatten keep me and my wonderful employees well enough off which is all I could ask for. I'm just glad I can reach so many new clients with my styles and ideas... It is my dream after all." Rarity said with a smile. I smile at that as I see (M/n)'s look change to admiration. I look at (M/n) and gesture for him to go ahead. He breathes in deeply and nods.
You: "That's one of the reasons I admire you so much... It's hard to find anyone that truly loves what they do for a living like you do." (M/n) said smiling at Rarity. I can see Rarity's face gain a dusting of pink before she thanked him... I heard a slight bit of nervousness in her voice to. "I... Um... I have a question." He said nervously as she finished measuring his legs. She nodded smiling. "I... I won a pair of tickets to that musical in Canterlot a week ago. 'Between Fairy Tales And Happy Endings' it's called... And I was wondering..." (M/n) stops to calm his nerves as I watch in anticipation. "Would... You like to go with me this Saturday... As my date?" He asked finally not meeting her eyes. She goes wide eyed and looks at him a bit speechless. She blushes before smiling a bit wide at him. She then hugs him deeply squealing ever so slightly.
Rarity: "I would be delighted darling." Rarity said happily as she pulled away. "And who knows... Maybe it'll become... Common for us to go out together." Rarity suggested kindly. I nearly giggled at his deep blush as he tried to hide his smile. "I'll take that as yes." She said as she kissed his cheek. "Now, I'll need to work extra hard to have your suit ready in time." She said happily. My brother goes to reply but she stops him. "No worries darling. Like I said, I already have ideas. Now can you please leave the room for a moment? I need to measure your sister In those clothes she brought." Rarity requested kindly. He merely smiled, still blushing like crazy and nodded.
You: "Sure... I look forward to our date." My brother said still smiling like before. Then he did something I never thought possible. Despite his nerves he leaned up and kissed Rarity on the cheek before quickly leaving. I giggled a bit as Rarity blushed and touched her cheek before smiling.
Rarity: "Well... I'm so glad he asked. To be honest darling, I have fancied him for a long time... But I didn't want to assume those affections were returned." Rarity said as she turned to me. She then looked a tad nervous. "Do you... Approve?" She asked me. I merely smile and nod.
Aloe: "Yes but I do need to talk to you about him." I said as I got a tad more serious. Rarity looked concerned as I smiled a bit. "Nothing bad. I just want to explain something." I said to calm her. She nodded and looked less worried. "He doesn't understand subtly all that well. Nor jokes or sarcasm. I know the last two are not a huge issue for you but you need to remember that first one. Considering the culture your familiar with this is important to remember. He'll take it at face value." I explained fully. Rarity seemed to think for a bit as I wit. She then nodded.
Rarity: "I'll be sure to remember. I'd hate to hurt his feelings and not mean to." Rarity said to reassure me. I breathed out in relief and smiled more. "Now come darling. Let's get started... And thanks for approving of me... I hope I do you proud." Rarity said. I merely smiled in response before getting undressed. I hope she does to... For his sake... And hers should she hurt my little brother in anyway.
(Your POV)
Tonight's the night. I got my suit yesterday from Spike who delivered it to me. I'm on my way to Rarity's to pick her up for our date tonight. Since we have to travel to Canterlot we have to leave early. Once I arrive I knock and the door opens to reveal Sweetie Bell. Rarity's little sister. She smiles at me as she does and lets me in.
Sweetie: "RARITY YOUR DATE IS HERE!!!!" Sweetie shouts at the top of her lungs before walking off. It doesn't take long for Rarity to come into view and I am stunned to silence.
Her dress is a lovely nice blue decorated in lovely blue gems of a slightly darker shade. It reminds me of Belle's dress from Beauty and The Beast towards the top. I mean the straps are sitting on the sides of her arms instead of her shoulders. It has a rather nice v cut that stops just above her... Erm... Never mind. She's done her makeup as she normally would. Same with her hair. She smiles at me as she approaches me.
Rarity: "I knew you'd look beyond handsome in that suit darling bu I didn't think you'd look this..." Rarity stops to look me up and down. "Dashing... I must say I wish you let me do this for you sooner." She said smiling ever so elegantly at me.
You: "Well... You know me... And... Um... You look..." I take another moment to look at her before finding my words. "As beautiful as a midnight sky on a clear summer night." Are the words that I manage to find. Not much else works for me here. I'm no poet or writer but... It describes her perfectly. She seems stunned as a small dusting of pink
Rarity: "Well... Thank you darling...I do believe that was the nicest compliment I have ever received." She said to me in almost a whisper. She then shook herself out of it before walking closer. "Now... I do believe we have a train to catch right?" She asked me which just made me chuckle.
You: "Um... Actually... I called in a favor from Twilight. I helped her fix her t.v and console awhile back and said I might need a favor in the future." I said before opening the door for Rarity. She gives me a curious look before stepping outside. I follow her and see she's gob smacked. "And my draconic friend here didn't mind helping me... We'll have to take the train back but I hate being in small spaces with crowds and..." I don't get to finish as I hear Rarity squeal slightly before hugging me tightly while kissing my cheek. She pulled back smiling ear to ear as I blush deeply from the sudden affection.
Rarity: "Never would have I ever thought a date would treat me to something so special! Being carted around like a princess to one of the best musicals in Canterlot history by such a strapping man... Thank you so much..." Rarity said excitedly but ended softly. She once again kissed my cheek which made me smile. I open the carriage door and offer my hand. "A gentlemen to. I'm surprised some lucky woman hasn't nabbed you up yet." She said taking my hand and stepping up to sit down. I chuckle as I shut the door and walk around.
You: "Thanks for the favor Red..." I whisper to my friend. He merely smiles and nods. He's been dying for me to get with Rarity for a year so when I asked him for this he was all for it. I got in and sat next to her. "To be honest a few did suggest the idea of dating." I stated a tad bluntly. Rarity looked at me a bit surprised. "Let's see, Derpy, Berry and Pinkie tried to set me up with her sister Marble...But I only had eyes for one woman in my life." I said a bit shyly as I slowly went to grab her hand. I shyly look at her and see her smiling at me with a small blush. She grabs my hand with hers and scoots closer to me.
Rarity: "Well...If it makes you feel better... I was hoping you'd ask me out for a bit now." Rarity said to me kindly before resting her head on my shoulder. "I couldn't even dream of it being this nice. Sunset as we fly through the air on a carriage. It was worth the wait." Rarity said sounding peaceful. I nod my head and rest my head on hers as we enjoy the view. I agree that this was worth the wait... I just hope the night goes as well as this has so far.
(Still Your POV)
We have finally arrived, after a nice voyage full of chatting, at the theatre and man there's allot of people here. Not that I'm surprised. I mean the only reason I got tickets was because I won them... But I'm glad I did... I love this musical's soundtrack so seeing it live should be wonderful. We are walking arm in arm as people greet Rarity happily. Not that it's surprising since she's famous. Not only as a fashion designer but also as a hero of the entire kingdom. Some also greeted me which was odd. I mean sure most would know I am Twilight's recent pupil but I didn't think she had told anyone. Not that it mattered to me... It just means no one will give me and Rarity a hard time about her dating someone like me. Soon enough we enter the building and it looks wonderful. The floors are a nice gold color much like the walls and ceiling. The walls are lined with framed pieces of art that depict several events in our history. Like Discord's defeat and the banishing of the wendigoes. The ceiling has a wonderful crystal chandelier dangling from it and above it is a wonderful piece of art. I always thought the two fingers touching were meant to be a brain stem but I don't know. I'm not an art person to much. We walk up the stairs towards out table. We are met with a waiter who isn't too bad looking I suppose. He had a nice bit of scruff and well-kept black hair. He also had bright green eyes and a fair skin tone. He was also in decent shape. The way he smiled at Rarity made me a tad nervous. But I trust her. He guided us tour tale where I pulled out Rarity's chair. She smiled at me and sat down before I sat down as well.
Dan: "I am Dan and will be your server this evening. Now... What can I get for you to drink? Water, soda, or a fine wine for the mademoiselle?" Dan asked Rarity in a flirty tone almost ignoring me. Man he must be pushing for that tip... Not that I blame him. Canterlot folks can be pretty freaking stingy most of the time... Or all the time. I heard Rarity giggle at his tone which made me look at her.
Rarity: "Well aren't you a charming man? I'll have some Canterlot Dark Wine." Rarity says in a... Almost flirty tone. I'm a bit confused by this... Before I can dwell on this further they looked at me.
You: "Um... I've never been a fan of alcohol so... Just some of this would be fine." I said as I pointed to my menu and to what I wanted to drink. Dan nodded politely before looking at Rarity once again.
Dan: "I'll return in short order with your drinks... Until then miss Rarity." He said with a flirt smile. I just watch him as he walks away and Rarity shakes her head at him. She then turns to me.
Rarity: "Bit of a charmer isn't he?" She asked me. Again I am surprised by this. Why would she want to know that? I mean... No she wouldn't... Not now... Would she. I shrug a small bit in response.
You: "I wouldn't know. I think he's worried we won't tip." I said slightly joking which got her to giggle in response as she nods her head in agreement. I smile at that. "You have a nice laugh. You know that?" I asked smiling fondly. She blushed a tad and giggled again.
Rarity: "You're too sweet to me." She said smiling at me. I just shake my head at that. "At least he's not rude." She mused a bit. I nodded in agreement.
You: "Yeah... I've met many waiters that just seem to hate their job. Then again, it can feel thankless I bet." I mused which she agreed with. I look and see more people coming in. "Glad I won that contest. This show sold out weeks ago." I said chuckling. She nodded in agreement.
Rarity: "I must agree. I had hoped to catch a show before they went to Las Pegasus. How did you win them anyway? You never said if I recall?" Rarity asked me kindly. I smile at hears I recall how I did it.
You: "It was a small quiz from a radio show. Everyone before me failed it. They asked me a bunch of history questions and required accurate dates. I love reading history so I was able to tear through their questions quickly. I think they didn't expect someone to win because, despite sounding happy, they sounded upset." I said chucking at the end. Rarity laughed a bit at that which made me smile.
Rarity: "I bet they thought they could use the tickets themselves." She mused while laughing. I laughed a small bit and agreed with her. She then looked at me. "History buff? Never would have thought." She mused which made me chuckle a bit.
You: "Most people don't. I want to be a historian or a scholar as a career. Spike and Starlight have been helping me in that department. Hopefully in two years I'll have a full time job as one or the other... or even both for all I know." I said as a genuine smile spreads across my face. "Most people assume that game design or technology is where I want to be but no... History and writing are." I explained with a bit of passion. Rarity's eyes seemed to sparkle a bit before replying.
Rarity: "Well...I'm glad to know someone as passionate about their work as I am... With that kind of love for it you'll go far... And I hope I get to be there when you succeed." Rarity said to me sweetly. I blushed a bit but smiled at her and nodded. She smiled back before I noticed Dan coming back. She looked over and smiles when she saw him approach.
Dan: "The drink for the well-dressed young man." He said as he set my drink down a bit roughly. Then again with the ice bucket he had to reach over. Nothing spilled at least. "And for the most beautiful woman in the house tonight, a glass of fine wine." He said going back to his... Flirty tone. Rarity giggles a bit in response before replying.
Rarity: "Well aren't you a charmer? And two glasses? I do believe I was the only one who ordered sir." Rarity replied in a similar tone to him... Maybe she's just being polite... I hope. Though what Applejack told me yesterday comes back to my mind. I shake my head as I take a sip of my drink as the two chat.
They chat for... A long time as I sit in silence. Seems they have allot in common... makes sense since he's a Canterlot local and she embraces that culture completely. She smiles and laughs at his jokes as he continues to make flirty comments as I am left in the dark. It feels as if she has forgotten me completely. Applejack's words echo in my mind. 'Rarity has a habit of hurting people and not meanin' to. She also has a habit of not considering other's feelings until the last minute. Just be careful sugarcube.' Does this mean Rarity found someone she is far more connected to than me and hasn't bothered to tell me? Was all this some game? Did it mean nothing to her? I don't know... But as she continues to ignore me despite being my date I can't help but feel that way. Maybe I'm over thinking it but the more I watch them talk, the more I see it as them just liking each other more than she liked me... I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I knew this was a possibility but I had hoped... I sigh deeply and shake my head as I watch the people begin to pile in. Seems the show is about to start. Dan leaves to take care of a new table and I mentally sigh in relief. Rarity looked at me with a smile before noticing my expression. She seems to gain a concerned look.
Rarity: "Are you alright darling you seem down." She asked sounding concerned. Should I tell her what's bothering me and possibly ruin the night for her, or suffer in silence and only have myself suffer? I nod my head yes to her.
You: "Y-yeah... Just thinking." I lied through my teeth. She seemed to try and read me to see if I was telling the truth but before she could, Dan returned. She turned to him after he greeted us. He informed us the show would start in thirty minutes before they continued their conversation as I just sat there in silence once more.
They continued to chat as I sat there drinking my drinking. Maybe I'm just over thinking this but I think I made a mistake coming here tonight... I had hoped we'd have a good time talking to one another. But that all seems like a pipe dream now... They talked all the way until the show started and once it did he didn't leave... Maybe it was because of policy as not to obstruct the view but part of me thinks it's because he's trying to woo Rarity... I think he's succeeding as well. After the first few songs which were wonderful, I decide that I'll be leaving. If I'm not wanted then why should I stay? I can be miserable at home. I get up and push my chair in. Rarity hasn't noticed as she is engrossed in the show. I then begin leaving... At least her food will be free. What I had hoped would be a wonderful night seems to have turned into me taking a girl I loved out only for her to hook up with someone else... If she didn't call it a date I wouldn't be bothered but the way she talked it seemed she liked me to... Maybe it was to make me feel more confident. Well now I feel like a fool. I walk out ignoring the man's comment about not being able to go back in and get on the train. I sit in silence alone in a car trying to hold in my emotions. Once it stops I walk briskly to my home. I unlock the door and head inside. I look and see my sister's looking shocked as I sigh deeply. They approach me as I finally let my sadness out.
Aloe: "Why are you home? We didn't expect you for hours?" Aloe asked me kindly. I just let my tears fall and both of them guided me to the couch. I placed my head in my hands trying not to sob as they both rub my back. I take a moment to calm down before speaking.
You: "Rarity... She uh... It started great... We talked the whole ride up there and as we waited to be seated... But when she met our waiter... They hit it off and she... She..." I said as I nearly began crying again. "She started to ignore me in favor of talking to him... After he left it got better and we chatted but when he came back it got worse... I left and she didn't even notice... Why would she agree to this date if she didn't like me?" I asked as the tears began flowing again. Lotus pulled me into a hug as Aloe sits in silence. I then hear her yell in frustration.
Aloe: "I TOLD HER!!!" She yelled out. I looked at her and she has an expression that could scare a hydra. "I gave her one small piece of advice... I'm going to rip her a new one in the morning. Lotus please cover for me. I need to go punch something." Aloe said angrily before stomping off. Lotus doesn't reply as she still holds.
Lotus: "We'll sort this out little brother I promise." Lotus said sweetly as she held me. I just cried into her shoulder wondering where I went wrong... Did I lose her affections that quickly? Or am I missing something... I don't know. All I know is it hurts. It hurts more than anything I have ever felt.
(Rarity's POV)
This little game has been fun but I am almost sick of Dan's attitude. He's pretty boring when compared to (M/n). I wonder why (M/n) hasn't spoken about it. This little trick usually helps me gauge what the men I date are like. If they are aggressive it usually means they are afraid to lose me, usually for my looks and if they are timid in my defense, it usually means they are weak willed... But (M/n) hasn't said a word. Why? Maybe he thinks I am capable of defending myself... Which would make me like him all the more... More like love him. Ever since I met him a few years ago I felt attracted to him. As a friend at first of course, but the respect, elegance, honor, love, intelligence and kindness he showed is what made me fall for him. He didn't like me because of my looks but because of my heart. That allowed him to steal it away. The intermission is announced and I stretch from my position until Dan speaks.
Dan: "A wonderful show I say... Now what can I get you to eat?" He asks me. He left (M/n) out which just pushes my patience even further than it should go but I don't say anything yet.
Rarity: "I'll have the chicken salad with Italian dressing if you please." I said kindly as he wrote down he order smiling. I then turn to (M/n) only to see he's gone. His jacket is gone to. "(M/n)?" I asked out loud as I looked around. I heard Dan chuckle a bit behind me as I turned to look at him.
Dan: "I do believe he left after the third song. He thinks aloud and I listened to him. Seems he gave into his betters since you were more engrossed with me rather than him." Dan said confidently. I am shocked (M/n) would leave until... What Aloe said to me when she got her clothes fixed echoed in my mind. Oh no... I messed up. Then I get angry hearing that last comment and stand to meet him with my best sneer.
Rarity: "Betters!? You think you're better than him?!" I shouted intentionally to get everyone's attention. "I indulged your self-inflated sense of importance and charm to see what (M/n) would do! He is your better. He said nothing assuming I knew what I was doing! And he would never stoop so low as to try and steal another man's girlfriend!" I continued as he began to panic as everyone looked at him with shock or disgust. "(M/n) is smart, kind, honorable and would never ever do something so low even if it meant he would die! He has an integrity you apparently lack! And thanks to you I... I..." I trailed off as I realized the weight of my mistake. Aloe will tear me apart, Lotus will likely not wish to associate with me anymore and (M/n)... I broke his heart in the worst way I could... I have to fix this. "I messed up what could've been the best thing to happen to me! Get out my sight you hooligan before I inform your mother of what you do here!" I shouted as I felt tears sting at my eyes due to the weight of my actions. Dan nodded frantically and ran off. I then began to cry silently as I sat back down... What have I done?
(Still Rarity's POV)
I didn't stay for the show and by the time I got back it was well past 10:00 p.m. Red... The glare that dragon gave me was one of almost hatred. He congratulated me on breaking his best friend's heart. He told me to take the train of shame back. I knew he meant walk of shame but he was upset. I got up this morning after a near sleepless night. I didn't eat breakfast, I just showered, got dressed, and headed straight for (M/n)'s house. I knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a very angry Aloe. She stepped out and shut the door.
Aloe: "I gave you one piece of advice. ONE! Out of all the aspects of his Autism he ever struggled with, understanding subtly and jokes was and is still the hardest! AND I TOLD YOU AS MUCH! And you still couldn't watch yourself! You broke his heart! And now I really want to break your face." Aloe seethed at me. I didn't stop her. She has every right to be angry with me. "But I won't because he asked me not to. So. Explain yourself now and I MIGHT let you see him. Assuming Lotus made the same promise." Aloe said angrily.
Rarity: "I have no excuse. I fell into a habit I knew he would never catch and didn't realize it until the waiter said he was better than (M/n) after (M/n) left... There's no excuse for what I did. I was highly insensitive and I can't take that back. I ruined what could've been the best thing in my life because I'm a fool." I said as tears began to sting at the corner of my eyes. Aloe seemed to take in my words.
Aloe: "You might not be able to fix this... But admitting there was no excuse is a good first step." Aloe said sounding less angry. I look at her surprised as she opens the door. "He's in his room upstairs with Lotus. Luckily Bulk Biceps and Starlight agreed to cover for us today." Aloe said letting me in.
Rarity: "Thank you." I said genuinely. She simply shrugged and I headed upstairs. I see (M/n)'s room and I knock. I hear Lotus ask who it is and I gulp. "It's... Rarity..." I said. I hear Lotus whisper to (M/n) before she opens the door and merely gives me a lank look. "I came to apologize... There was no excuse for what I did." I said sadly. She merely stared at me as I begin to get nervous. Luckily, a voice sways her mind.
(Your POV)
After hearing what Rarity said, I am surprised. I expected her to make excuses or Celestia forbid blame me. But no. She knows what she did was wrong and wants to apologize. Lotus seems unmoving though. Aloe is scary when mad but Lotus has a cool fury that could destroy a country if she planned it.
You: "Let her in." I say a bit weakly. Lotus looks at me and I nod. She steps aside and lets Rarity enter my room. "I'll shout if I need something. Go make sure sis doesn't punch some poor passerby." I tried to joke. Lotus faintly smile and nodded before walking off. I look at Rarity as she sat down on my bed and looked at me.
Rarity: "I want to apologize... Aloe told me subtly was something you struggled with and I didn't think about it. That little flirt game I played with that dreadful waiter was to see how you react. It helps me judge a person's character when I try to date them... It's no excuse it's what I do... I knew better and I still did it. I know I hurt you in a way I never could've imagined... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Rarity said looking down sounding like she was read for a brutal insult.
You: "You didn't mean any of those comments towards him and ignored me for a good chunk of our date to try and see if I would say something?" I asked a bit confused. She nodded. "That's stupid... Did you honestly think so little of me that I would embarrass you in front of people? I trusted you Rare... You hurt me in a way I never thought impossible." I said truthfully. She merely nodded in understanding. "But..." I said softly. She looked up at me. "I can't be mad at you." I said softly. She looked surprised. "You messed up. No doubt. But you came here knowing what could've happened. Being punched, yelled at, or even me telling you to piss off. But you still came, admitted you made a huge mistake and made no excuses for it. That may not mean much to allot of people but it means allot to me." I told her honestly. She merely stared at me in shock. "So many people want to excuse themselves when they hurt someone. To try and show they didn't know better. Or that they didn't think it'd hurt you. But you... No matter how many times you messed up you always admitted you messed up and corrected the mistake as best you could. It's..." I pause considering my next words wisely. "It's one of the reasons I love you." I said honestly as she goes wide eyed. "It took me awhile to admit it but I do. That's why what you did hurt me so damn much." I said as I looked down. We sat in silence for a time before I felt someone cup my cheek. I look up and see Rarity who has some tears on her face.
Rarity: "I know what I did will be hard to fix... But I want to fix it... I don't want to lose you... I don't want to lose the best thing that has ever happened in my life." Rarity said on the verge of tears. "I love you to... I have for a while now... I just didn't want to scare you away... If you give me another chance I promise I will never hurt you again." Rarity said in the most genuine regretful and love filled tone I have ever heard. I just smile and stare into her eyes for a bit. I then smile and nod my head once which she smiles at. She then hugs me deeply which I return. "Thank you... Thank you." She whispers in my ear. I just smile and hold her.
Aloe: "If you hurt him again I will drag you." I hear my sister Aloe say sharply. We both look at her as Lotus stands beside her. "As long as he's happy I am fine with it but hurt him again and I'll wring you alive." She stated seriously. Rarity nodded and Aloe smiled. "Good. Now we must go to work before Bulk scares everyone away." Aloe said as she walked away. Lotus made a gesture to tell Rarity she was watching her before walking away. I chuckle a bit.
You: "I love them... A bit over protective but I love them." I say fondly. I go to speak to Rarity but she stops me by kissing me. I am shocked and my brain ceases all functions as she holds it for a couple of seconds. She pulls back blushing and biting her lip lightly.
Rarity: "I've been wanting to do that for months." Rarity whispered to me. I still just stare at her as she starts to fidget. "I hope it was mph!?" She can't finish as I kiss her in return. All the pent up feelings for her coming to the surface as she wraps her arms around my neck. It's not intense but it is full of emotion. After we separate we just stare at each other for a time.
You: "I love you Rarity... I know I'm odd and my quirks are hard to deal with sometimes but... I love you... Flaws and all." I said honestly. I then look down as a thought ran through my head. "I just don't want to be hurt like that again." I said sadly. She grabbed my chin and lifted my head up to look at me with love.
Rarity: "I promise with everything I am and everything I own that I will never hurt you again. If I do, you can walk out of my life for good. I love you..." She said with love as she got closer. "And nothing can change that. I'll never hurt you ever..." She said as she began to go in for another kiss. "Again... I promise." She finished as we kissed again...The way she said it... I believe her.
She made a mistake... A big one but she admitted it and that means allot to me... Allot of friends I use to have just ignored how they hurt me... Heh. This is one of the reasons I love her. Her kindness, generosity, and understanding. It may take a bit for me to get over this but I can. Especially if she continues to show she loves me like this. Misunderstandings can hurt in some of the worst ways possible. It's important to understand a situation or person unless we want to hurt them... Like how my misunderstanding of her subtly hurt me and her not getting that it applies to many things could've hurt our potential relationship... Rarity understands that now... I wish more people... I guess that's whys she's a diamond in the rough. One I love dearly. Mistakes and all... And one I'm glad loves me back.
(A/N: This was an idea I had floating around for awhile but writing dialogue for it was hard. One thing I struggled with growing up was understanding jokes, sarcasm and subtle things. I wanted to show that in a fic like this. I hope I did it well. The next one shot is already in the works. Until next time my dudes. Love ya.)
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