Last Of His Kind. Bayonetta X Male Reader
(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Preferred Name
Last Of His Kind. Bayonetta X Male Reader.
Requested By: ManicBulbs on DeviantArt
(Your POV)
That was tasty... Thankfully it also satiated my hunger. Man, being this sucks sometimes. Especially around about now. Christmas the humans call it? They celebrate the birth of a savior I think... Even if you think about it he would have to have been born in the spring since winter cold snaps in the desert would've likely killed him regardless of his 'demi god' status. He was a chill dude though. Didn't hate me like the angels do. Same with that Prophet from the middle east. He was alright to. I can't quite pronounce his name. I think they got Easter and Christmas a bit backwards for that carpenter though. Poor Jesus. Not that I care all that much. He's been dead for a long while now. I haven't really celebrated any holiday in... A long ass time. Not that it's all surprising. I am a Nephilim after all. The Sons and Daughters of Nephim and the fallen ones. Half angel and half human. The humans think that the flood was to destroy the sinners. No. There was no flood but a test drive for the four enforcers the creator had in his pocket. Death, War, Pestilence and Conquest slaughtered us in droves without batting an eye. Even the ones that helped protect the good humans. Just thinking about it pisses me off but I need to stay calm. No need to turn into Gigantor here. As I am walking I hear a familiar Christmas jingle. Holly Jolly Christmas I think it's called. Fitting I guess. It's also lightly snowing. Not much build up on the black concrete or sidewalks but it's getting there slowly. Ah, at least some things don't change. I take a breath of air as I walk down the road. I hear the ringing of a bell and look to see one of those charity Santas. I walk up and silently put in a fifty when he wasn't looking and walked away. I would give more but I need to go to the bank for that. I then overhear to women speaking behind me as I wait for the cross-walk light to change.
(???): "Honestly Jeanne, how could you forget the cake? I asked you days before you had to pick it up." A more British and sultry voice asked. I feel a decent amount of power behind me as well but I choose to ignore it. I don't want to fight what the hell ever she is.
Jeanne: "Well I apologize. I was up to my neck in a mess and forgot to get it before heading home yesterday. We have time before the party, we can pick it up." The other voice said. I can assume this is Jeanne and her voice has the same accent the mystery women's does. Not as sultry though. A bit more seriousness to it. The cross-walk sign turns green and I walk quickly across. I kept walking for a moment but someone called out to me.
(???): "Sir! Hold a moment please!" The sultry voice called out to me. I stopped and turn around and... She's not bad looking. She's wearing damn near pure white dress with a large ass hat... Seems odd. She has paler skin and obviously black hair though I could swear part of it was... Clinging to her skin. She's obviously wearing makeup such as eye shadow and lipstick. She has two earrings I cannot quite make out what the designs are. Her irises are grey... Like steel almost. She also has what teh humans refer to as a 'cute mark' on the left side of her mouth. She's holding up... My damn wallet? "This fell out of your pants as you crossed. Would hate for some hooligan to steal it, now wouldn't we?" This woman said with a small smile and a wink. I take it from her and feel my back pocket. It has a hole in the bottom.
You: "Thank you Madame. I appreciate it." I said smiling in a kind tone. She smiles more and I see the other woman come up behind her. She, unlike this woman, is wearing a red dress and has blonde hair. Again, I could swear its attached to her neck in a strange way. I then feel that power from before and try to scan the two. Hm.
(???): "It's not a problem. I'm Bayonetta and this is Jeanne." Bayonetta said as she gestured to the blonde woman. "May we know such a handsome man's name?" Bayonetta asked me in a flirty manner. I simply offer a kind smile in return.
You: "(M/n). It's a pleasure." I said as I bowed ever so slightly. Bayonetta seemed to smile at that as Jeanne rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I was headed to the bank... And now a clothing store for new pants apparently." I said a bit irritated. "Again, thank you for this. I appreciate it." I said as I turned to walk away. Little did I know the women decided to follow me.
Bayonetta: "Why, I know a perfect place you could go to do so. I could take you there. We could get you a proper outfit." Bayonetta said sounding a bit happier than she should be at the idea. I look at her with an annoyed face. "Tch. Don't give me that look. You'd look fabulous with an over coat." Bayonetta said happily as she continued to follow me.
You: "Fine. I still need to go to the bank. Isn't there a cake you need to get?" I asked her with a raised brow. She simply smirked and continued walking. I shook my head. When I got to the bank I began to put my bank card in the A.T.M but heard what sounded like a jet engine. I looked back and saw a jumbo jet falling towards the street falling. Shit. I was about to run into action but it wasn't needed.
Jeanne: "Cereza!" Jeanne shouted as I saw her outfit change into a skin tight red suit... I was right about her hair. Part of it seems attached to her suit.
Bayonetta: "I know!" Bayonetta shouted as she ran ever so elegantly at the jumbo jet. I watch calmly as she simply kicks he damn thing back into the sky. Okay. That's not what a human should be able to do. Then again how many humans are seven feet tall. Bayonetta proceeded to rip her outfit off to reveal a skin tight black suit with a red gem near her chest that is surrounded by some sort of gold and white circle. It also has white gloves. Her hair is attached to it. I know of one type of magic user that uses their hair as a weapon.
You: "Umbran witches... I thought they were extinct." I said under my breath. I pulled my money and card from the ATM. "Says the supposed extinct Nephilim." I said chuckling to myself. I see both women jump up after the jet so I decide to watch after I place my money and card in my wallet.
I watch as I see a portal open above the jumbo jet. I see familiar sets of wings. The fucking angels that ordered the four horsemen to slaughter us all even if we helped humanity survive against our evil brothers. I decide 'fuck it' and decide to engage them since I have such a rare opportunity. I charge up and jump up to the jumbo jet to see Bayonetta fighting with four guns at once... How does she pull the triggers on her feet? I see her occupied with one angel who has a shield as another that has a lance charges her. Time seemed to slow as she moved quickly and the lane wielding angel impaled through the other's shield and killed him. Bayonetta quickly shot it in the head. I then see one coming from above her quickly and I smirk. I toss my wallet as high as I can and jump. I grab the angels face and the thing looks shocked and I smile evilly. I spin three times before throwing him back down. I see Bayonetta hit the angel with a hammer and it goes back up. I force myself down feet first and tear through the angel's chest and land back on the jet. I raise one hand and let my wallet fall into it and pace it in my front pocket. I glance at Bayonetta who seems mildly surprised but I look up. More are coming from the portal. I bang the sides of my fist together in front of me and fire engulfs them. I begin to pull them apart as a charging sound is heard. A sword is formed in my hands and I yank my fist apart and a fencing esc sword is in front of me. I spin it around me a few times and get into my position. One hand behind the back as my sword is in front of me. I jump up as one angel gets close enough. I hear Bayonetta and Jeanne re engage combat. I shove my rapier through the chest of an angel and let go. I jump onto its bag and proceed to rip the damn thing's wings off. It screamed in pain but I proceeded to beat two other angels with the said wings as the other angel falls. Once I am happy with how broken the two angels look, I impale them both with the severed wings in the face and kick them off the jet. As the angel, I severed the wing's from hits the ground my sword is forced out and flies up. I catch it as I go down and land next to Bayonetta. Again, I say nothing as an Angel charges me. I easily dodge and Jump over him thrusting my sword into him multiple times. It is forced to take a knee and I shove my sword through its throat. I easily decapitate it from there and look to see a larger angel telling its minions to stop. It approaches me.
Commanding Angel: "The four said they killed you all." The commanding angel said in its own language. I simply glare and stand my ground. "You, abominations should all be dead." It said as it drew a scythe.
You: "Your leader Michael order us all to die despite the fact some of us protected the humans from the man-eating Nephilim giants. So, who are the abominations? The people that tried to protect, or the ones that ordered genocide against all Nephilim regardless of guilt?" I asked glaring the comanding angel down. I see it grip its weapon tighter to the point I see its armored gauntlet crack under the gauntlet.
Commanding Angel: "Silence! I will end this-" It doesn't get to finish as a giant jaw comes down and eats the guy whole. I look up and see a hairy looking snake thing with large teeth and a crown for some reason. It crunches the commanding angel and swallows him.
Bayonetta: "I believe that's enough conversation darling. We need to get off this thing." Bayonetta said as she placed a hand on my arm. I look at her and look off the side. I nod in agreement. I grab her waist and dissolve my blade. I then grab Jeanne and jump towards the top of a sky scrapper. There seems to be a small garden on top with cherry blossom and all. I let the two down and pat my sides down. I then see a bunch of angels land around us.
You: "How good are your protection spells against fire?" I asked looking at Bayonetta since the three of us are back to back. She looked back at me and smirked.
Bayonetta: "Couldn't harm us if it wanted to." Bayonetta said proudly. I nod and hand her my wallet after fetching it from my pocket.
You: "Hold this. I'm bored." I said as I felt my arms get engulfed in fire. She takes it and smirks as her and Jeanne say some words to cast a protection spell.
I crouch down with one arm in front of me and one arm on my back and then launch into the air after separating into three parts. I shoot up like a damn rocket and reform high in the air. I smirk as I feel my powers build up. I turn in the air and aim straight down as I charge further. I launch myself at the ground smirking widely and once I make impact a large explosion occurs. Everything goes dead quite as the smoke and fire whirls around me. I reform in the crater I created and look around only to be met with dead angels and a large forcefield containing the two women. I take the smoke back into my body and nod to them. They exit and look around partially impressed and partially surprised.
Bayonetta: "Now that was an impressive feat (M/n). I knew you weren't all human. What are you?" Bayonetta asked me with a flirty smile on her face. I sigh a bit as I take my wallet back.
You: "A son of Nephim." I said flatly. Bayonetta seems to be thinking on that for a moment before she seems surprised and looks at me.
Bayonetta: "A Nephilim? That explains why you were so vicious to them." Bayonetta said with an impressed look. I then take a defensive step back and she raises her hands. "No judgment here. Being an Umbran witch doesn't give me allot of room to talk." Bayonetta said with a small laugh. I sigh in relief until we hear a loud roar. We all look and see a huge damn angelic beast. "Oh for the love of..." I stop her by raising my hand and stand on the edge of the building.
You: "No worries. It won't last long." I said smirking looking at the two. Bayonetta tilted her head but I took a step off the building. I see a yellow light engulf me as lighting strikes me. My giant body begins forming around my own as I fall. It forms fully well before I land and I slowly raise up after I do so
The snake esc beast eyes me up before roaring at me. I simply crack my neck and it sounds like a damn metal steel beam breaking in two. It charges me but I simply go for a punch. My fist goes into its mouth and I slam it into the building behind itself. My fist easily crushes its skull but it's still alive. I use my other hand to grab its throat and begin beating its head into mush. Once I am happy with my work I drop the beast as it fades into light. I shake my head and eject myself from my giant body. It begins fading in a cloud of hot steam and I jump back up to the sky scrapper. I pat myself down again and look to see Bayonetta and Jeanne look shocked.
You: "That form is why we were killed... Sort of." I said felling for my wallet. It's still in my front pocket. Thank goodness. "I could use a drink. Know a place? My treat." I said to the two women smiling. They seemed to snap out of their trances and Bayonetta smirked. She walked up to me and I can tell she oozes seduction and confidence. Odds are she could get any man to do what she wants. Hell, probably even some women. She grabs my arm and eyes me up and down.
Bayonetta: "Oh yes... I know a place we could go." Bayonetta said giving me a flirty smile. I nodded and she looked at Jeanne. "Come on. The cake can wait." Bayonetta said to Jeanne. Jeanne gave a bit of an unamused look but then I heard a phone go off. Jeanne looked at her phone and then rolled her eyes.
Jeanne: "Party has to be postponed. Likely thanks to our actions." Jeanne said shaking her head as she placed her phone in her pocket.
You: "Lucky us. Lead the way." I said smirking to Bayonetta. She smirked and began walking with her arm linked with mine. Oh yeah. This is the start to a beautiful friendship slash flirt fest.
(Still Your POV)
We ended up at a bar run by this dude named Rodin. I am currently drinking fire ball whisky. Bayonetta got one of those drinks with the tiny umbrellas while Jeanne got tequila. I sat next to Bayonetta in a booth as Jeanne sat on the other side.
Bayonetta: "Now, why would that form you took warrant the destruction of an entire race of creatures? Seems excessive." Bayonetta asked me curiously. I take a swig of the whisky enjoying the sensation of burning as it goes down.
You: "We were never meant to exist but when Lucifer and his cronies fell from heaven some stayed on earth and... Had sex with the human women. The sons and daughters of Nephim were the results." I said as I swirled the liquid in my glass. "Most of the Nephilim were evil. They stayed in that giant form you saw and hate humans for fun. We nearly drove humanity to extinction. Then there were some of us that protected the remaining humans behind giants walls we built. I remember my first time fighting my own kind like it were only last week. Thrill of a lifetime." I said with a sigh as I took another swig of my alcohol.
Bayonetta: "My... Sounds interesting but why were you all killed? If some of you saved humans, why were all Nephilim destroyed?" Bayonetta asked me after taking a sip of her frilly drink. I sighed deeply.
You: "The Arch Angel Michael decided enough was enough and got permission from his father to send something to Midgard to stop the menace. Before they were sent some angels told us, the ones that were protecting humanity, that help was coming and that the threat would be eliminated. We knew they were sending The Four Horsemen to end the threat." I said sounding a bit sadder. "We were ecstatic. Finally, we all could live in peace... But when the horsemen came they killed all the Nephilim. The good ones included." I said staring into my whisky glass. "I watched in horror as the immortal horseman slaughtered us... All of us. I don't know why I survived... One of them must have spared me. I've been wondering the world more or less alone since." I explained fully. I chug the rest of my drink out of frustration and sighed when I was done. Rodin came and refilled my glass much to my joy.
Bayonetta: "I knew the angels were ruthless but to kill you all regardless of guilt... That's sounds like something a demon would do." Bayonetta said sounding surprised. I chuckle weakly.
You: "If there's one thing I've learned in my countless years on this planet, it's that demons do not lie. They present the truth and leave the choice to you." I said as I leaned back more in my seat. I shook my head to myself. I then feel a gentle hand on my shoulder and fingers gently patting my clothes. I look at Bayonetta and she's smiling at me.
Bayonetta: "You don't have to be alone anymore. After all, all three of us are 'the last of our kind' and I would love for you to keep me company." Bayonetta said in a slightly flirty tone and a wink. I chuckle a bit but can't help but smile a bit.
You: "I don't know if you could handle my appetite." I said jokingly. That got Bayonetta to laugh whole heartily as Jeanne merely softly laughed. I smile at that. She has such a beautiful laugh. She then smiles at me once she stops.
Beaonetta: "The nearly endless stomach of a Nephilim? I'm sure I could." Bayonetta got closer to me and leaned towards me. "Handle it." She whispered to me in a flirty tone of voice. I shake my head at her.
You: "You flirting with me because I'm ever so handsome, or because you find me interesting and want me to stay and figure me out?" I asked with a small smirk. Bayonetta looks impressed as she pulls back from me. She then sends me a flirty look.
Bayonetta: "Bit of both... If you'd like we could get to know one another much better. If you decide to stick around of course." Bayonetta said never taking off her had from my shoulder. I pondered for a moment and then smiled at her. I raised my glass.
You: "To a new home and friends." I said looking between Bayonetta and Jeanne. They both raised their glasses and we clanged them together. We all shouted Salute and got to talking.
In exchange for my story Bayonetta and Jeanne told me theirs. Like I said, they're Umbran witches and apparently Bayonetta's parents broke the one rule they had. Don't have sex with a Luman Sage's because that child will bring about the end of the world. I said this Apocalypse sucked and that got Jeanne to giggle and Bayonetta to laugh. They told me about how they were enemies for a bit since Bayonetta, or Cereza as Jeanne calls her, had lost her memories after a four hundred year dirt nap. Together they beat the shit out of a being that thought it was god. They used their combined hair style and I joked about that being a good Loreal shampoo commercial. That got both to laugh loudly. As the night went on I did notice Bayonetta staring at em from time to time. She's either attracted or intends to use me for something. I may not have met Umbran witches before today but I do remember how they used Warlock's and other powerful type people in rituals or as bait for their 'pets.' I may like her but I'd be a fool to let my guard down.
(Still Your POV)
Me and Bayonetta went for a hike today. We thought it would be nice but no. Some demons and angels wanted to mess with us. It's been a few months since we met and we have fought together more than once since then so this is no problem at all. I learned throughout the months that Bayonetta has made a pact with Madame Butterfly. A powerful demon and if I recall, one that Samael respects greatly. Meaning he would respect Bayonetta as well. As we fight it seems to become very synchronized. I thrust an enemy and Bayonetta's big hammer is waiting to send him back so I can slice him in two. She uses her... Ice skates that use ice... That made me laugh longer than I cared to admit when I first saw them... To freeze an enemy so m fire can shatter them into pieces. Back and forth we went like this throughout the whole battle. I have to say though, she has far more style when fighting then I could ever hope to have. After we finished our opponents she walked up next to me breathing a sigh of relief.
Bayonetta: "So much for a peaceful walk in the woods." Bayonetta said sounding a bit tired. I dissolve my weapon and nod in agreement as I look around.
You: "No joke. Used allot of energy here." I said sighing. "Now I need food." I said looking down the path we came. I then get an idea. I look back at Bayonetta. "Want to get some lunch? It's either that or you watch me eat a whole tree. It's not pretty. My mouth un hinges like a snake eating a rabbit." I said in a teasing manner with a smirk. She shook her head as the image of that formed in her head.
Bayonetta: "That sounds horrifying yet I'm half tempted to have you show me." Bayonetta said smirking. I laugh at that. "I suppose we could. I know this nice Chinese place not far from the bar." Bayonetta suggested smiling. I nod in agreement with that idea.
You: "Sounds good." I said smiling. I then smirk and hold out my arm. "Shall I escort the beautiful partner of mine to the restaurant." I said smirking. To my surprise, and eternal delight, Bayonetta takes my arm and sends me a flirty smile and wink.
Bayonetta: "Why wouldn't I want such a handsome man to escort me to dinner hm?" Bayonetta asked me in a flirty tone. I am actually so surprised by this that I have to fight off a blush for the first time in a thousand years. That makes Bayonetta giggle as we walk on.
(Bayonetta's POV)
We quickly arrive at the little Chinese place. It's a buffet mainly for (M/n) since I know he'll be eating like insanity. This place also caters to... Special beings and the second he walks in they'll know what's about to happen. So, the chefs will be more than ready for his appetite. I will not lie to anyone now. At first when we met (M/n) a few month ago I wanted to get close to him to assess him. Just in case he'd give into the famous 'Nephilim Instinct' that I've heard of. I was wrong about that. Turns out he's perfectly fine. Now, I just like being around such a handsome, strong man. Once we are given a table he orders oddly, a lemon lime soda. I expected something with more sugar. Odd. I order some nice sweet tea and the second the waiter walks away (M/n) speed walks the buffet line. That makes me laugh as I follow him. After I get my food I go back to the table and see (M/n) has two plates already but hasn't dug in. He's waiting for me how chivalrous and adorable I might add. Once I sit down he begins to dig in. Despite what I assumed he's relatively reserved even if he is eating it quickly.
Bayonetta: "You were quite hungry weren't you?" I asked him smiling. He stops looks up at me and I see him get a bit embarrassed and slow his pace a bit. "Don't worry about it to much." I said reassuringly. He chuckles a bit and rubs his neck.
You: "Nephilim appetite. Utterly horrifying." (M/n) replied in a joking manner. I giggled a bit at that as he took another big bite.
Bayonetta: "Not as bad as one of my pets." I quipped smirking. He nearly spit out his food trying not to laugh. The way his eyes bulged from his head made me laugh. "You should have seen your face." I said laughing as he swallowed his food as quick as he could.
You: "Jesus that was funny. That poor bastard had no idea what happened." He said chuckling to himself, He wiped his mouth with a napkin before taking another bite. He then got deep in thought it looked like. He swallowed his food and looked at me. "That's why he died you know. The angels and demons both like to think there ever so powerful. They're like Icarus with his wax wings." (M/n) said before taking another large bite of his food.
Bayonetta: "All he was asked was not to fly to close to the sun and he did. Poof. He died due to being stupid and thinking he couldn't be stopped." I said just finishing his thought. After all he's not wrong in any regard.
You: "Yep. Just like that weird god like thing you and Jeanne tossed into the sun. Badass by the way." He said smiling at me. I simply chuckle at the statement. I am more than aware how nice that was. He finished his first plate and moved to his second one. "That's why I tried to help humans. I knew I was strong but I also knew that I could die. Better me than them I thought. At least I could put up a big fight before being eaten alive." He said rather nonchalantly. The rare times he's talked about the time of 'The Walls' as he put it he's never talked about his experiences.
Bayonetta: "Eaten alive? Are you saying the Nephilim you fought against would have consumed you if they managed to beat you?" I asked him a bit surprised at the information. He nodded as he was chewing and I look down for a moment. "Cannibalism is sometimes unavoidable in nature, like in some bugs, but... Just because they fought against you?" I asked not really wanting an answer. I look back at him and he has since swallowed his food. "It's monstrous." I said looking at him slightly frowning.
You: "Yep. It was... Horrifying to watch. I don't want to go into detail but... I still see it in my dreams some nights. The humans call it PTSD I think... I might have it." He said as he took another bite. After he swallowed he continued. "But, unlike most humans I have had a long damn time to think on it. So, it doesn't bother me as much anymore." He said with a slight smile on his face. I return it before he continues eating. I also take a bite of my food as he's chewing. He looks at the television and I do as well. "There cared for television all that much. Then again not much can faze me anymore." He said to no one in particular. I hummed but then thought of something. What a prime time to test this theory of his. I give him a flirty smile.
Bayonetta: "Are you sure about that handsome?" I said in a flirty tone. He looked back at me and raised his brow a bit. I then gently touched his arm and he looked at it and back at me. "Are you so stoic that nothing bothers you? Not even little old me?" I ask sending him a flirty wink. He then sent me a flirty smirk and a certain look in his eyes appear.
You: "Oh I am more than sure gorgeous. After all." He said as he placed his fore finger and thumb on my chin actually surprising me. "Two can play at this game and I have thousands of years worth of experience." He said as he gently rubbed my chin with his thumb. Oh, yes. I quite like this one. I send him a flirty smirk right back but he simply keeps staring at me with his deep (E/c) eyes. I actually feel myself beginning to falter for the first time in six hundred plus years. Well most of those were me being asleep but still. "In fact, don't think I haven't noticed when you look at me and how you do so." He stated now with a teasing smirk as he took his hand. I roll my eyes in a playful manner. Of course he knew. "So why not go on an actual date?" he suggested leaning back in his seat smiling. I am slightly taken aback by his straight forwardness but do find the offer enticing.
Bayonetta: "Okay smooth operator. What do you have in mind?" I asked with a flirty smile. He smirks and reaches into his coat's pocket. He pulls out what looks like two tickets and hands one to me. "What's this? 'Plus one to: Heaven and Hell Ball Friday night.' How'd you get tickets to this? I tried but they were sold out. Or so I was told." I said staring in awe at the ticket.
You: "I figured you wanted to go so I nabbed tickets when they went on sale. For a good cause might I add. Goes to help homeless LGBTQ youth. So would you do me the honor of being my date to the Gala on Friday?" (M/n) asked me in an ever so smooth tone. My oh my. I'd be a fool to say no now.
Bayonetta: "You have a date handsome. I trust you have proper clothes for such an event." I said smiling at him. He nodded and I smiled more. "I look forward to it." I said smiling to him. He smiled more before continuing his meal. I am so looking forward to this. He is to if his stupid big dumb grin is anything to go buy.
(Your POV)
I am showered, shaved, dressed, and even got a damn hair cut for this. I look in the mirror satisfied with how I look before leaving my apartment. Since Bayonetta doesn't live all that far away it won't take me all too long to get there even though I do stop and buy a bouquet of flowers for her. I have grown very attached the mysterious seductress. Well not to mysterious now since we know one another damn well. Each other's likes and dislikes and what not. She does have her severest and I have mine in turn. Though if this night goes as it should that may change. This plan is near full proof. Yet I am sure an idiot could stop it. Which could be a very bad thing. After getting the white roses I walk to Bayonetta's place. I knock and I am let in by her butler who guides me to a living room of sorts so I can wait. He tells me he'll tell Bayonetta that I'm here and walks off leaving me alone. The sofa I am sitting in is white. Not that I should have expected different. She has a very high quality coffee table which have intricate butterfly carvings on each leg where the said legs meet the table. The room itself is a nice relaxing deep brown color. The flooring is a lighter well-polished brown wood flooring. She also has several art pieces hanging on the walls. I smile as I wait until I hear footsteps. I stand and turn and I swear my jaw hit the damn floor. Bayonetta is in black stilettos not that I expected anything different I suppose. She's wearing a very ice white dress. I can't exactly see it but I can tell the back is cut down to the swell of her back and she's also wearing a necklace made of Jade. Nice. Jade is important to nearly all mythologies in some way. She's wearing her normal glasses and is wearing the same make up I am accustomed to. Her hair is normal as well. She looks me up and down and seems to smile in a satisfied way.
Bayonetta: "Oh my... You clean up wonderfully." Bayonetta said as she approached me. I then show her the small bouquet I got her and she smiles even wider. "Now you didn't have to do this." She said but grabbed them nevertheless. She sniffed them and looked at me. "They are lovely. Thank you darling." Bayonetta said as she had her butler place them in a vase. She then walked next to me. "Shall we?" She asked me with a flirty smile. I nod and offer my arm. She links her arm with mine and we walk outside into the late evening.
You: "You look beyond beautiful. Could easily rival the female angels in heaven." I said smiling at Bayonetta. She presses my arm a bit further into her chest in response as we walk.
Bayonetta: "I appreciate the compliment. Be careful though. If the angels are listening they may come down out of spite." Bayonetta said in a joking manner. That got me to laugh and she joined alongside me.
You: "If there's one thing they're good at, its holding a damn grudge. I should know." I said with a chuckle. Bayonetta giggled. I smiled and we continued walking arm in arm. I do take note of some of the human men we pass and the look of utter jealously in their faces makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I haven't felt this good in a millennium. I then feel Bayonetta lean down and kiss my cheek. I gain a surprised look and hear her giggle as she leans back up.
Bayonetta: "You're ever so cute when you blush." Bayonetta said with a giggle. I can't help but feel a huge grin form on my face. Just you wait gorgeous, you have no idea what I have planned. You'll be the blushing mess before the night is over.
(Still Your POV)
We were promptly let in when we arrived and the ball room was extremely well decorated. Half was angelic themed and the other was demonic themed. The angelic sides tables were adorned with a white cloth with gold swirling trimmings. They also have white roses adorning the top o the tables and white wooden chairs to serve as the sitting. The walls on the angelic side are white. Very, very white I might add. The demonic side is similar but much darker. The table clothes are black with red trimming in harsh and sharp lines. They have black roses adorning the top instead and the walls are very, very black. I smile at the creativity as me and Bayonetta enter the place.
You: "Pretty creative I must say." I said admiring the scene around us. I even see some of the patrons wearing themed masks. Some demonic, some angelic.
Bayonetta: "Agreed." Bayonetta said looking around alongside me. Then some music came on and I felt her dragging me away. God damn she's really strong. Then again she did toss a satellite from space to earth. "Let's dance. I want to see if you know how to." aeyonetta said sending me a wink. Again. My experience over my long life is coming into play here. We got to a free spot and into a dance position. I placed my arm on her waist and grabbed one of her hands and interlocked our fingers. She placed her free hand on my shoulder and we began gently swaying to the music. She seems pretty happy with my skill as we dance together. "My, my, my. You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Bayonetta asked looking at me. I chuckle a bit and spin her a bit much to her joy if that smile was anything to go by.
You: "I know how to do allot of things. Became a master of steel in Japan when the Samurai were rising. Learned to paint thanks to Da Vinci. Learned to play multiple instruments from many different masters. Learned how to compose music from Mozart and learned how to dance from a small old lady in England during the 1880's." I explained looking at her. Bayonetta looked beyond surprised and I just nodded. "Yep. No use in telling you that old lady's name though. She's long dead and wasn't a well known woman." I said smiling fondly at the memory. Bayonetta hummed in response.
Bayonetta: "A rather impressive set of skills. Maybe I should show you to fight with style? Would make it less boring, wouldn't it?" Bayonetta asked me in a teasing manner. I chuckle shaking my head a bit. We kept dancing along to the slow melody and she sighed happily. "It's been a long time since I was able to relax like this. Thank you." Bayonetta said smiling warmly at me. I just shrug.
You: "Not a problem. I'm enjoying myself to." I said returning the smile. She then sighed happily and closed the distance between us more. I wrap my arm around her waist as she does the same to my neck. I then smile a bit more thinking of something. "You know what I find shocking?" I asked Bayonetta gently. She shook her head not taking her eyes off me. "You don't have a special someone in your life. I mean look at you. You're strong as hell, a skilled fighter, confident and drop dead gorgeous." I said looking deep into her eyes. She merely sends me a flirty smile.
Bayonetta: "Maybe I was just waiting for the right person." She said to me gently. "A rare soul perhaps? One that is strong and ever so handsome. Not to mention intelligent and doesn't fight my independence." Bayonetta said getting her face ever so closer to mine. Oh, okay. It's a mutual idea then. I leaned in a bit to play her flirt game.
You: "Oh. He wouldn't happen to be able to turn into a giant, would he? Or a filthy half breed?" I asked in a sultry whisper. She smirks and still stares into my eyes. She leans even closer to the point I feel her breath on my lips. I am so close here.
Bayonetta: "Maybe... Maybe if he's not afraid to claim what he wants." Bayonetta said in a sultry tone just like my own. I have a damn invitation now and I intend to take it... Right up until I hear a portal open up and I sigh deeply and annoyed. Me and Bayonetta spin out of the way of an attack as the other people keep running. Me and her look to see some angels looking at us.
You: "God dammit. You guys are pricks." I said sounding more annoyed than afraid. The angels say nothing but are battle ready. I sigh as I shed my jacket and calmly hang it on a chair. I look and see Bayonetta has changed into her normal battle garb. "Care to have this dance love?" I asked with a mock bow. Bayonetta laughed.
Bayonetta: "Oh yes. I'd never pass this chance up darling." She said as she giggled a bit. We stood side by side as about eight angels. One of the larger ones takes a step forward to speak in, oddly enough, English.
Angel: "Stand down witch. This is none of your concern." The angel said in a venomous yet somehow full of itself voice. Bayonetta simply giggled as I heard her guns load.
Bayonetta: "You're threatening my good friend, interrupted a private moment between friends, and a Gala on top of all that. I feel that requires action." She said as I heard her whip crack on the ground. I keep glaring the angel down.
Angel: "You will be killed alongside the abomination then. You're surrounded by heaven's finest Nephilim. Stand down." The angel said to me with authority. I shake my head and summon my fire sword. I hold it and point it at the angel.
You: "No. I'm not surrounded by 'heaven's finest,' angel. No. I'm surrounded by fear and dead men." I said darkly to the angel as my sword gets engulfed in fire. Some of the angels flinch as me and Bayonetta stand back to back. Then the real fight begins.
As the angels charge us, Bayonetta sends her pink whip out and wraps it around an angels chest and spins him into the air. I jump up and easily slice the angel in two. I deflect an attack from another angel and set the bastard's wings on fire. As he screams Bayonetta shoots him in the head. Before he can fade I impale my sword in another angel thus setting him on fire. I rip the wings that are on fire off their owner and begin going to town on their angels using the angel's feathers sharp nature to my advantage. I begin tearing through the angel's armor and slicing them to pieces after word. I tossed one in the air spinning so Bayonetta can toss hers into the 'grinder' I guess I'll call it. It does end up destroying the damn wing but eh, not to damaged. I use the remaining wing much like a scythe. I end up spinning to dodge Bayonetta's scythe so it can kill an enemy I disarmed. I slice an angel's arm off and I hear Bayonetta call out. I don't even need to look. I toss the angel in the air and kick it behind me into an Iron Maiden. It closes and disappears back into the ground. I dispose of my make shift scythe by throwing it to my side and impaling the Angel my sword is lying in. I rip out my sword and let the angel drop dead. Bayonetta finishes the last angel and I look at her. She then looks surprised and I decapitate the one coming from behind me and she shook her head smiling at me. Then the ceiling comes down somewhat and a large angelic human esc monster is standing there and I feel insulted.
You: "SO WHAT!? YOU ANGELS CAN KILL US ALL BUT STEALING OUR IMAGE FOR A LIVING WEAPON IS OKAY!?!?!? FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!!" I shouted angrily. The thing looks at me and roars. I feel my hair get blown back and I shake my head at it. I then look at Bayonetta. "I'm going to rip it apart!" I said a bit louder so she could hear me. Bayonetta smirked and for a split second I thought she was naked. But I see a giant portal open up beside me and Madame Butterfly comes out. I then smirk. "Oh hell yes. One punch baby." I said as I let my power build so I can change.
A yellow lightning bolt strikes me and my body forms form nothing. Once I stand at my full height I am about a head taller than Madame Butterfly. I look at her and she nods to me. We both look at the beast and I run at it knowing Madame Butterfly needs to charge her attack. The beast tries to punch me and I faint to the right. I grab it in a head lock and slam it to the floor. I then grab its throat with both hands and roar at the beast as I see my veins glow orange. I lift it easily and slam it into the buildings wall causing the wall to collapse. I then spin around and get the beats in a head lock. It keeps elbowing me trying to get me to let go and I response I punch its side so hard my hand gets destroyed. It stops to hold its side as I keep my lock on its head. My hand begins regenerating. I see Madame Butterfly's fist glowing brightly and send its punch at the beast. She punches into its chest blowing that entire side of the beast apart. She rips it's large heart out and crushes it to absorb its power. The beast goes limp and I toss it outside. I lift my healing hand up and concentrate on it. The hand heals really damn quickly and I nod to Madame Butterfly. She does nothing and goes back into her portal. I breathe out and steam comes from my mouth. I take two step forward and then fall to my knees. I eject from my large body and land on the ground. The body quickly dissolves into steam and I sit there breathing. I then walk over to Bayonetta who seems to be recovering a bit. I take time to do the same. After I recovered I look to Bayonetta and see that she's as beautiful as ever. The way the moo reflects of her face just increases it greatly. I nod to myself and get closer to her. I tap her shoulder and she turns to face me. I say nothing and reel her in to kiss her. I wrap my arm around her waist and one of my hands cup her cheek. She gasps in surprise ay my actions but ultimately I feel her smirk into the kiss and wrap both arms around my neck and pull me in closer if that's even possible. She then roughly grabs my hair. Our lips move in synch with one another. This moment feels wonderful. Again, my experience trumps hers a bit as I hear her hold back a moan into my mouth. I smirk a bit and continue our lips dance. After sometime we pull away and I can see her blushing a bit. I simply smile warmly at her and place my other arm around her waist as well.
Bayonetta: "I think I found my favorite skill of yours." Bayonetta said to me with a smirk. "That was... Amazing." She said now smiling at me. I chuckle a bit.
You: "Mm. I quite liked that to. You know I intended to ask you to be mine after tonight. Until the pigeons showed up. I was so looking forward to that kiss but I think this is far better." I said in a flirty tone.
Bayonetta: "Oh I agree. Now, my turn." She said in a sultry tone. I raised a brow and she reeled me in for a kiss this time. Oh, I like her. Just as before it gets heated very quickly and you know what? I love it so very much. Live like there's no tomorrow and she lives just like that. After she pulls back she leaves me a bit stunned. "Yes. Much better." She said smirking to me.
You: "Damn you're good. And gorgeous. And a thousand other things but I think we'd be wasting time." I said smiling at her. "So I'll just say this. Is this love? To hell if I know. It's been thousands of years since I felt it but I do know I feel more at peace with you. And if home is where the heart is, then I do love you." I said smiling warmly. She giggled at that and kissed my forehead.
Bayonetta: "Well, well. What a way with words. I love you to, you, handsome hot head. I think we've known about that for a week though. You just wanted it to be memorable." Bayonetta said bopping my nose. I shrug a bit not arguing her point in the slightest. "Well I must say that I will remember this." Bayonetta said as her tone changed to a more gentle tone though the flirty esc nature doesn't change.
You: "Good. Even if it wasn't according to plan... Now..." I said as I pulled her closer. She smirked at me and placed her hands on my shoulders. "Back to business?" I asked smirking. She merely chuckled
Bayonetta: "Oh yes... I quite like this business." Bayonetta said before reeling in and kisses me again. Oh boy. She's going to be battling for dominance against a creature who's expertise is dominance. This will be fun for the both of us I think.
As we continue I simply relish in the moment. Not many deep thoughts run through me. I love just doing as I want and this is what I want. She is what I want and I'll gladly spend the rest of my days with her if she wants... If she wants to learn that secret to living until she feels she should die. Buy beyond that I got nothing though I will mention this gets heated very, very quickly. Before we could finish more angels showed up forcing us to stop. We simply smirked at one another before engaging them in combat. Not as allies or friends. No as lovers. And we were sure to show the angels duck heads at every chance we got by kissing one another as we fought. I may be the last of my kind but... I am the only one to find love so that's a plus. Heh. I love this woman. No doubt. And I know this relationship will be a ton of angel killing fun.
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