I'm Here. Asuna (SAO) X Male Reader
(F/c) = Favorite Color
(F/f) = Favorite Food
(U/n) = User Name
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name
I'm Here. Asuna (SAO) x Male Reader.
Requested By: DannyYager on Wattpad
(No POV)
It has been a year since Kirito ended Sword Art Online by clearing the last floor with his in game wife Asuna. You were trapped there to and as a result became close friends with Asuna before she met Kirito. You had feelings for her but when she got with Kirito you just accepted it. They left the floor you were on to advance without telling you in person. Asuna did message you to tell you though which you were thankful for. Once that madness was ended you entered physical therapy like all the others and today was your first day at a new school where survivors of SAO seem to go to.
(Your POV)
Man I'm damn tired. That therapy is kicking my butt. But today may be good since I'm starting out at the new school. I got my uniform and everything though I did add a certain ribbon to my belt loop. I wonder how she's doing... It's been a year since we were freed and I haven't seen or heard from her since. I shake my head at the thought and keep moving forward. I wonder if... If any of the other survivors have nightmares. I walk to the class room and knock accordingly. They seem to be watching something so the teacher pauses the movie and most of the students take the opportunity to stretch out. The teacher opens the door and I present the papers to her and she reads tehm over.
Ms. Akura: "Ah. I knew you were going to be a bit late since you had to pick everything up Mr. (L/n). I'm Ms. Akura. Please come in." Ms. Akura said to me as she stepped aside. I bowed respectfully and entered the room. Many students are looking right at me now. "Class. This is our new student (F/n) (L/n). He just transferred from another high school since he had to move. He, like many of you, is a survivor of SAO." Ms. Akura stated with authority. Many of the class start whispering but a few I see give me a look of understanding. "Now. Anything to add young man?" Ms. Akura asked me as she turned to me. I think for a moment.
You: "I just hope... *Sigh* I just hope everyone is alright after all that." I said not really looking at everyone. I can see the teacher give me a small look of concern but she nods. She points to a seat next to a girl with small pigtails, black hair and glasses. I sit down carefully and place my bag beside me. The teacher asks Rika, the girl next to me, to share her notes on the movie so I'm not lost. "Thanks." I said quietly as the movie started back up. I quickly skim through the notes before taking a look around. My eyes land on a girl with long orange hair, pale skin and amber eyes. My eyes widen. Asuna.
*Still Your POV*
It was now lunch time but to be honest I'm half tempted not to go. One reason is because I'm bound to be asked many questions. The other is Asuna will be there. Seeing her again after all this time... I'm not even sure if she'd remember me... But I am going to lunch because... I want to see if she does. So here I am in the lunch room looking around... And there she is with her headphones smiling as she speaks to her friends. Kirito is nowhere to be seen though which is odd. I take a deep breath and walk over to her. I reach to tap her shoulder but hesitate for a moment. It takes a moment to find my resolve and tap her shoulder. She turns and smiles at me.
Asuna: "Hey you're that new kid, right?" Asuna asked me kindly. I feel my smile fade a bit at the question. She seems to notice since her face turns into one of concern. "Are you okay?" Asuna asked me with concern. I just thin my lips before speaking.
You: "You don't remember me..." I said a bit sadly. Asuna tilts her head at me before taking a closer look at me. I then here her gasp before I hear her stand. I then get pulled into a tight hug which takes me by complete surprise.
Asuna: "Oh my god it's you!" She said very happily. She pulled away and looked at me a smiling wide. "(U/n)! I missed you!" Asuna said happily. I smiled and hugged her back.
You: "I didn't think you remembered me." I said happily as I hugged her. She merely laughed a bit and pulled away. She has me sit next to her as her friends watch the two of us.
Asuna: "How could I forget my best friend?" Asuna asked me smiling. I chuckle a bit but her smile fades as she looks a little regretful. "I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye in person... I wanted to but we were in a rush." Asuna said sadly. I looked at her and saw the regret on her face. I smiled and hugged her once more.
You: "It's okay Asuna... I'm just happy you remember me." I said happily. Asuna breathed out in relief and hugged me back before we began eating. She did smile at me when she looked at me as we went and I felt old feelings welling up again. Dammit heart. You know she's taken so stop that right now.
Asuna: "Of course I would... I'm just glad you made it out... I was so worried since I never got to hear from you again." Asuna said to me kindly. She then hugged me gently which I returned happily.
You: "I'm glad you made it to though I knew you would." I said smiling. She pulled back and tilted her head in a cute way. "You were so strong and compassionate by the time you met Kirito... I knew you'd make it." I said to her kindly. Asuna gets a dusting of pink on her cheeks before giggling a bit.
Asuna: "Thanks (F/n). You're just as kind as I remember." Asuna said happily. I nodded my head and we both began chatting as we started eating our lunch with her friends.
We talked all through lunch though Kirito never joined us despite the fact Asuna confirmed he went to the same school. She assumed he was busy since he had to work on a project which I guess could be true. I'd bet he's on the roof. We spent the entire time catching up as much as we could. We talked about our lives and what has happened since we were let out of that hell hole. After school was over and we all were headed home I ended up asking Asuna something.
You: "Do you... Do get nightmares? About the whole ordeal, I mean." I asked a bit worriedly. Asuna stops walking and looks at me with concern. "I do... After... You and Kirito left I was ambushed by a player killer guild... They wanted my weapon, 'Guardian Soul.' They were players to..." I explained sadly as I stood there. I can see Asuna give me a sad look. "I have nightmares about that day... I... Almost killed someone. They were real people Asuna and I nearly killed them." I explained shaking my head to myself. We stand there in silence for a moment but I feel someone grab my hand gently and look to see Asuna giving me a sympathetic look.
Asuna: "You didn't kill them though." Asuna said to em kindly. I just sigh and she smiles a small bit at me. "I do have bad memories from that time but being with my friends help me allot... If you ever have one of those nightmares again, please... Don't feel afraid to tell me... I know I left you alone when I left." Asuna said looking to the side with shame. She then looked back at me with a soft look on her face. "But I still care about you... I want to help if you let me." Asuna said to me kindly. I look at her and swear I can see a twinkle in her eye but what really amplifies her beauty is how the sun is reflecting off her face. I then just smile and nod to her.
You: "I will... Thank you Asuna... For being such a good friend even after all this time." I said smiling. Asuna giggled and hugged me which I happily returned. I relished in the feeling before she pulled back and we began walking home once more. She smiles the entire time we talk and I can't help but smile back. She is just how I remember... Which only makes my old feelings come back more and more.
(Still Your POV)
It's been a couple of months since I got reunited with Asuna. Heck I even saw Kirito and Silica in that time. Or as their actual names go Kirigaya and Ayano respectfully. Huh. Now that I think about it Asuna was the only one who used her actual name in some way. However, Asuna has been telling me Kirito has been distancing himself from Asuna for some reason. He won't tell her what is wrong and she's really worried about him. I wonder what's bothering him. Is he having issues with the memories? Or... No... He wouldn't he's not that kind of guy... Is he? I mean sure he didn't care about all that much when Asuna met him in SAO but surely, he's gotten over that. Maybe it's something else. I am sitting in my room since it's the weekend. I haven't touched any video game short of normal console stuff since SAO and even than it's very limited. It just brings back too many memories and I can't handle it for too long. I do see that Asuna is playing a new game of some kind. I haven't bother memorizing the name or anything since I have no intentions on playing it. I am currently reading some story online when I heard my messenger go off. I look at it and see Asuna has asked me if I can come over. I tell her I can and get up to get ready to do so. Once I am ready I tell mom I'm going out before starting the short trek to Asuna's house. Once I get there I knock on the door and once I hear a muffled voice say come in I do. I walk in and see Asuna... Crying?! I rush over to her and kneel in front of her.
You: "Asuna?! What happened?!" I asked a tad frantically. She said nothing but lunged at me and hugged me tightly with her arms around my neck as she sobbed into my shoulder. I hug her back. And reposition myself so she can rest against me as I kneel on the floor. I rub her back. "What happened?" I asked Asuna softly. She pulled back sniffling as tears continued to fall down her face.
Asuna: "I d-discovered... Kirito... K-kissing another girl." Asuna said shakily before breaking down into tears again. I go wide eyed at the new information and hold her tighter.
You: "I... No... No way... I'm so sorry." I whispered to Asuna as I held her. She just continued to sob into my shoulder as I sat there and tried to process the information. I didn't think Kirito would be capable of something so terrible. Why? Why would he do that to Asuna? I want to ask but I want to comfort Asuna more. I just hold her and run my fingers through her long hair to try and help her calm down. It seems to work as her sobs lessen more and more until she's now just crying a bit. I then swallow a lump in my throat since I'm unsure if I should ask or say anything. I, end the end, decide to ask. "You... Don't have to tell me but... Did he explain himself? Or do I need to go get an explanation." I said a tad angrier than I meant to. Asuna pulled back and sat on the couch. I sat next to her and she keeps looking at her lap.
Asuna: "He... He said I was cheating on him... With you." Asuna said as she looked at me sadly. I go wide eyed at that... Was I why this happened? "Let me... Tell you the whole story." Asuna said as she tried to relax. I listened to her intently.
(Asuna's POV)
Ayono and Rika told me they saw Kirito around here somewhere. He's been so distant lately and I wanted to ask him why but he just waved it off. So, I intend to ask him exactly what is wrong so we can fix it together. Okay they said he was at this food court so I need to... To... I place a hand over my mouth as tears well up in my eyes. There he was... The man I loved and the man I thought loved me... Kissing another girl. I have to fight back the tears so I can confront him. I slowly make my way to him trying to keep myself calm. Once I am close enough he looks at me but doesn't seem all that worried.
Asuna: "W-why? W-why would you do this? I-I thought you loved me." I said trying not to break down into tears. I simply can't believe this. Why? Had I done something wrong. I await his reply but I get something else first. He merely frowned at me before speaking up.
Kirito: "I thought you loved me but you spend so much time with that other kid. (F/n) right?" Kirito asked me flatly. I don't understand... Does he think that I am seeing. I don't get to finish that thought as he continues. "I know you're seeing him behind my back. The way you look at him even when you're with me." Kirito said with a hint of hurt in his voice. More tears come from my eyes as I shake my head at him.
Asuna: "He's my best friend and unlike you or me he still gets nightmares about all the times he was nearly killed in SAO! Of course, I try and make sure he's happy! I would never cheat on you! Did I ever give you reason to think otherwise until my best friend came back into my life!?" I asked angrily with tears flowing down my face. He seems surprised by my outburst but I continue. "D-do you honestly think that l-little of me?" I asked him sadly as more tears came from my eyes. "I-I would have never cheated on you. I-I loved you." I said as a sob finally escaped my throat. I see his face contort to one of regret. He reached for me but I take a step back. "I guess that wasn't good enough. I loved you... But it wasn't enough." I said crying before running off. I know Kirito wants to chase after me but he doesn't. He knows he's ruined us.
I just run home quickly trying to comprehend what's happened. I never would've done what he accused me of yet there he was trying to get back at me for something I would never have done this to him. Now I know exactly how little he thinks of me... And my best friend. Once I get home I go straight to the couch and sob into a pillow. Why did he do this? That's all I can keep asking myself.
(Your POV)
Asuna began crying again though this time she just leaned into my chest. I have to take some time to comprehend what she just told me. I did this? Just because she's my best friend he did that to her? Why? I never flirted with her. Yes, I may really like her if not love her but I would never make moves on a taken person. That's dishonorable. Did he think that little of me? Or her? Maybe he just has low self-esteem. Either way he's ruined their relationship and it can't be fixed. So, I just sit here holding the girl I love as she lets out all her sorrows. I hold her and press her tightly against my chest as she cries. Rubbing her back and resting my chin on her head.
You: "I'm so sorry Asuna. From what you told me you two seemed so happy." I said apologetically in a soft tone. She merely whimpers against me. "I... I want to help but..." I don't finish as I do not know what to say to her. I just reside to holding her a tad tighter to comfort her further. I begin to think and come up with an idea. "Hey Asuna." I said quietly to her. I she looks up at me with her red eyes. "I know I'm no black swordsmen but... If you need anything ever... Just tell me okay?" I asked her with a kind smile. She sniffles and keeps looking at me. "You've been such a good friend since we met again and... I want to be the same to you." I said smiling kindly with soft eyes. She pulled back a bit and wipes her eyes.
Asuna: "O-okay... Thank you." Asuna said sounding happier. She then hugged me fully and sniffled once more. "I guess we'll be able to hang out more." Asuna said a bit sadly. I know its not at the idea of spending time with me but the reason she's sad about it is why we can. I rub her back.
You: "He was an idiot Asuna... He knew better yet he did it anyway. Don't blame yourself. You're a wonderful person and he just couldn't see that due to his jealousy." I said comfortingly. She sighed against me but didn't pull away. "I know you loved him. The way you looked at him when the three of us went to that arcade was proof enough. Well you two went inside as I stayed outside but still." I said with a small chuckle. I see Asuna smile a but at that since she has since pulled back. "But things happen. I'm here for you. That's what friends do right?" I asked kindly to Asuna. She smiled and giggled a bit but nodded her head yes.
Asuna: "Yeah. That's what we do." Asuna said smiling through the tears. I smiled more and helped her wipe them away. "Can you... Stay here for a bit? I don't feel like going out." Asuna asked me looking down. I lean back on the couch and nod my head.
You: "I'll be here all night if you need." I said kindly. She looked at me and smiled. She then sat next to me and we just watched some stupid videos on youtube to pass the time. I knew some funny ones that would easily make her laugh. So, I pulled up the bets one and had her watch 'text to speech dog source,' And watched as she totally lost it watching the dog 'bark.' I sat there laughing with her. I smile as she keeps giggling at what she just watched. I'll be here to help you Asuna. I promise.
(Asuna's POV)
It's been... About two weeks, maybe a little less, since Kirito and I ended things. He tried contacting me to apologize but I ignored his attempts. He didn't trust me enough to have another guy friend so why bother. I frown at the thought. I've been getting over him slowly but it still hurts. (F/n) has been a huge help to me though. He doesn't let me mope around and takes me places. Carnivals, the mall, and anything else he thinks will make me happy. I really appreciate it to be honest and it makes me feel so... Cared for. Yeah cared for. Right now, I am waiting in the food court at the mall for (F/n) smiling to myself. Up until I see someone sit across from me. I look up thinking its (F/n) but gain a surprised look seeing its Kirito. I frown at him and was about to get up but he said something.
Kirito: "Please just... Sit so we can talk this out." Kirito said sounding very upset. I am half tempted not to but I sigh and sit back down and cross my arms.
Asuna: "Be quick. I'm expecting a friend." I said a bit sourly. He flinches at my tone but nods his head before placing his elbows on the table leaning forward a bit.
Kirito: "Look... I messed up... No scratch that. I caused a disaster that made us break up... And... I'm sorry." Kirito said sadly as he looked down. I look at him waiting for him to continue. "Look... I still care for you... I know what I did was horrible but all I'm asking for is a chance. Please?" Kirito asked looking at me with sad eyes. I am actually surprised at what he's asking. He accuses me of cheating and proceeds to get back at me by kissing another girl. I see (F/n) approaching the table and he seems worried for me but I look back at Kirito.
Asuna: "You accuse me of cheating, proceed to get back at me by kissing another girl, and then expect me to try a relationship with you again? I may be able to forgive you for what you did at some point but we can never be together again. You didn't trust me despite all that I have done for you. So the answer is no... We can be friends once I am able to move past this but we can't be together again. It would just happen again. Or am I wrong?" I asked Kirito seriously. He didn't answer. "Look... You messed up. These are the consequences. I don't resent you but I don't want to go through that a second time." I said as I looked to (F/n) who is standing out of ear shot for my privacy's sake.
Kirito: "Well... Worth a shot... I do hope we can be at least friends again." Kirito said as he looked at me a tad hopeful though the sadness at his rejection he just received is still there. I smile a small bit.
Asuna: "In time. We can be. My friend is here so I have to go." I said as I stood up. He did as well and I patted his shoulder. "Just give it time." I said with a small smile. He nodded before looking at who was waiting. When he sees its (F/n) he looks away in shame. "Maybe you should make peace with him to. He's been helping through my sad spells since... You know." I said not really wanting to say it since it still hurts to think about. Kirirto to my surprise agrees and we both approach (F/n). (F/n) is frowning a bit but its more out of worry I think.
Kirito: "I assumed the worst of you... And I'm sorry. I should've known better..." Kirito said looking down. (F/n) seems surprised at this and looks at me. I nod to him telling him its genuine and he then looks at Kirito. (F/n) places a gentle hand on his shoulder and Kirito looked at him.
You: "You know... Despite the night mares I have on occasion there was a saying I heard that I think fits this." (F/n) said to him calmly. Kirito and I both look on with curiosity. "Each of us are the architect of our own actions. And we must suffer the consequences alone. Either they be glorious or tragic." (F/n) said calmly. That actually surprises me. It does fit here. "You had no reason to think I would take her away. But... It happened. I forgive you... But I'm not the one you wronged." (F/n) said as he looked at me. I smiled a bit but I look at Kirito. He nodded in understanding before looking back at me.
Kirito: "I'll do whatever it takes to make up for this. I promise." Kirito said with conviction. I smile at him and he smiles back before walking away from me and (F/n). I watch him walk off before looking at (F/n) who is smiling to.
You: "He meant it I think. He's not a bad guy. Just... Foolish sometimes." (F/n) said with a chuckle. I then smile and hug him suddenly and he takes a step back to catch himself. "Huh? What's up? Not that I'm complaining." (F/n) said happily. I giggle a bit and pull back and smile at him.
Asuna: "You were amazing. I expected... I don't know. A lecture and insults but you were so mature." I said with a bit of admiration. That made (F/) blush a tad but he smiles nevertheless. "What? Don't get compliments?" I asked him jokingly. But to my surprise he shook his head no.
You: "No not really. I don't fish for them which makes that more apparent but most people don't bother no matter what I do." (F/n) said calmly. Well that's dumb but at least he's not upset about it.
Asuna: "I'll be sure to compliment you more than." I said happily. He smiled more at that and we both sat down. "I already ordered for us... I hope you still love (F/f)." I said smiling. He nodded his head happily and I smiled more. "Good. That would have been awkward." I said shaking my head. He merely chuckled.
You: "Eh. The fact you thought to buy me any food means allot to me as is. I would've eaten it regardless." (F/n) said smiling. I look at him and the way he's looking at me is a soft way. I begin to see... How cute he looks in his way. That gentle smile and the way his eyes are looking at me nearly make me falter but I just wave him off.
Asuna: "Aw thanks." I said happily. He smiled more. We then heard a laugh and we both looked over to see some fellow survivors talking. (F/n) seems to listen in and I do as well. Or try to. From where I am it's kind of hard but (F/n, as he listens, seems to close his eyes for some reason. He then shakes his head but seems to stare at the table blankly. I see his eyes twitching about. He's remembering something. I need to pull him out of that memory now. I grab both his hands with mine and squeeze them gently. He blinks a few times and looks at me. "They were talking about SAO weren't they?" I asked (F/n) kindly. He looked away and nodded his head.
You: "It's so... Stupid, isn't it? My normal happy go lucky demeanor broken by a conversation about what happened." He said shaking his head at himself. I frown at that and reach up to smack him upside the head. He looks at me surprised and I am frowning at him.
Asuna: "It's not stupid. You can't help what's wrong with you. What happened to you hurt you greatly so it's natural to feel like that when you hear about that stuff. It's not stupid and neither are you." I said with authority. He seems surprised by my tone. "I never want to hear you say that again." I said seriously. He still seems surprised but he slowly smiles and looks down.
You: "Thanks Asuna... I'll try." (F/n) said looking at me looking a bit happier. I smile at that but he continues. "Your compassion... I'm glad to see you never lost it." (F/n) said gently to me. I blush a bit at his tone but smile nevertheless.
Asuna: "Yeah. I hung onto it as tightly as I could." I said happily. He chuckled at that, The food then arrives finally and we begin eating our lunch before we spend the day together.
We chatted as we ate. Well I chatted and he listened mostly. He's such a good listener and always has some advice when I have a problem. Heh. That day he came to me showed that much. After we ate, the two of us bean walking around the mall together. He didn't really intend on buying anything but he just wanted to hang out with me which is awfully nice. We went to many stores to just window shop but when it came to the game store he waited outside. He told me that ever since SAO video games have made him uneasy. I nodded and went inside though I did promise to hurry for his sake. I walked in and saw many wonderful things but something that caught my eye was a plushy from that console game Kingdom Hearts. It's a Shadow I think. I know (F/n) said he was a fan before SAO happened so maybe I can get it for him. It's on sale and with my membership it won't cost me but ten bucks which is sweet. I grab it and something I wanted and approached the counter.
Clerk: "Nice to see you Asuna." The Clerk said to me happily. I smile back at him as he takes my items from me. He rings them up but he stops when he sees (F/n) standing outside. "Huh... Isn't this usually the other way around where the girl is outside waiting." The clerk teased with a wink. He means nothing by it I know but he should know this.
Asuna: "He's a good friend of mine actually... He survived SAO like me... Unlike me though it affected him greatly. So Video Games make him uneasy though he said he's working through that." I said smiling out at the boy. The Clerk gave a nod in understanding as he rung up the plushy. He also scanned my membership card.
Clerk: "Makes sense. Anyway... How are you and Kirito doing?" The clerk asked me kindly. I don't know how to tell him that we broke up but he continues. "You guys were really happy the last time I saw you two." The clerk said happily again. I can feel the tears well up behind my eyes. I didn't want to be reminded of that here. I just stand there motionless as the clerk gives me a look of concern.
(Your POV)
I am still waiting for Asuna outside but I'm starting to wonder what's taking so long. I peak through the window and see Asuna standing at the counter looking stunned. I know exactly what happened. I rush inside, ignoring my own discomfort to go take care of Asuna. I walk in and grab her shoulder. She looks at me and I thin my lips before having her hug me. I look at the clerk and take the bag.
Clerk: "I just asked her how she and Kirito were doing." The clerk says with a bit if regret in his voice. I sigh a bit and shake my head as I rub Asuna's back.
You: "Kirito did something foolish and it hurt Asuna." I explained partially since I don't want to divulge everything that happened. He nodded his head and looked down. "You couldn't of known. Kirito apologized but... It still hurts as you can imagine." I said as I pulled Asuna back to look at her. "Want to go home?" I asked her kindly. She nodded her head and I smiled before rubbing her arms gently. "Let's go home then." I said kindly. I looked at the clerk and nodded to him before leaving with a bag in one hand and my arm around Asuna's shoulders.
I say nothing as we walk back since I don't want her to break down in public. I know she'd hate that. Once we get to her house I sit her on the couch. Her parents aren't home right now. They had to go out of town for a few days. Meeting at work I think? Can't remember. I place the bag in her room before going back to the couch. I sit down and hold my arms open for her and she falls against me. I see the tears crawl down her face though she does not sob. That's an improvement at least. I just hold her for a while.
You: "Despite the fact you can forgive him at some point... It still hurts." I said calmly to her. She sniffled and nodded her had at that. "Makes sense. Like you told me. This stuff affects you deeply. I'm here though Asuna. I'm here." I said to her gently. I see her smile a bit through the tears though she does continue to just sit there with me. I just continue rubbing her back but then get an idea. "Hey, you remember I was a bard, right?" I asked Asuna kindly. She nodded and looked at me. "Want me to sing? That wasn't fake in SAO." I said smiling kindly. She looked a bit surprised but smiled a bit.
Asuna: "Um... If you don't mind. I would like it." Asuna said to me kindly. I nodded and she leaned back against me once more. "Just sing what you want... I'm sure it will be nice no matter what you choose." Asuna said to me a bit weakly. I then begin racking my brain for a song I know she'd like. I then smile as I pick one.
You: "Okay... I have one I think you'll love." I said smiling kindly. She nodded and I cleared my throat. "When you walk away, you don't hear me say, 'Please, oh baby don't go, simple and clean is the way you're making me feel tonight. It's hard to let it go." I sang to her softly. I see her eyes widen at my song choice. I know the words may affect her a bit but that's the point. "You're giving me, to many things, lately. You're all I need, oh. You smiled at me and said. 'Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father?' When we are older you'll understand, What I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple." I sang softly as she rested against me. I see her contemplating the words. I tighten my grip on her a bit. "When you walk away, You don't hear me say please, Oh baby, don't go, Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight, It's hard to let it go." I sang once more though this time I keep going. "The daily things, like this and that and what, what, That keep us all busy. All confusing me, That's when you came to me and said, Wish I could prove I love you, But does that mean I have to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand, It's enough when I say so, And maybe somethings are that simple." I paused there to gauge her reaction. I can see her bitter sweet smile as she processes the words I decide to end the song there and loosen my hold on her. "That's not the whole song but... I thought you might like it." I said smiling at her. She looked up at me and full on hugged me.
Asuna: "I did... I really did." Asuna said happily though there are still hints of sadness in her voice which is to be expected. "Krito didn't hear me say come back... You chose that song on purpose, didn't you?" Asuna asked after she pulled away from me. I nodded confirming I did. "It fit I'll give you that." Asuna said with a weak giggle. I pet her head as she wipes her eyes. She then smiled gently at me and I stop petting her head. She then hugged me gently. "Thank you... For everything." She whispered in my ear. I hugged her back smiling. "You're such a good friend... And person." Asuna said o me kindly. I chuckled as she pulled away again.
You: "Thanks... It's what friends do, right? Like when you came to my house that night when I had the nightmare. How you convinced your parents to let you come over to my place alone I will never know." I said chuckling at the thought. Asuna giggled a bit. "What surprised me even more was when they saw me again. They asked if I was alright. I suppose I see where your compassion comes from." I said smiling. She nodded her head and we sat there for a time.
Asuna: "Do you think..." Asuna seems to delay what she wants to say. "Do you think that he still loves me?" Asuna asked me sounding unsure. I sigh deeply and look at her. She's not looking at me but I cans see her wanting a response from me.
You: "I do... But I also know that you know he broke the trust you shared." I said honestly to her. She frowned more but nodded her head. "It's natural to wonder that kind of thing but you should ask yourself a question. 'Can I trust him fully to be with him once more?' In time, I'm sure you could but right now no. Heck, by the time that trust is rebuilt he or you may have moved on. When a door closes, you shouldn't try to force it open again. It may hurt." I said to her calmly. I can see the hurt in her face but I know she needed to hear it. She sighs deeply and nods her head in understanding. "Doesn't mean he won't be part of your life. I mean heck, I came back over a year after you had to leave me and I'm part of your life still. So even if you can't be a couple again, I can promise you'll be the best of friends." I said reassuringly as I slung my arm over her shoulder. She smiled a bit at that. She then nodded.
Asuna: "You're right. Again." She said shaking her head which makes me chuckle. "Sure, we may never be able to be together again but we can always be friends still." Asuna said sounding happier at the thought. She then looked at me with a curious look. "Have you ever... You know... been in love or something like that? You seem to know allot of good advice about it." Asuna asked me kindly. I look away a bit.
You: "I was in love once... But it couldn't work out." I said trying to be honest but now saying why. She looked at me a bit sad like and asked me something I really wish she wouldn't ask.
Asuna: " 'Was?' What do you mean? And why wouldn't it work out?" Asuna asked me with concern. I don't want to tell her I was... No, am in love with her but I can't lie to her... A half-truth then? I then felt someone make me turn and I see Asuna looking at me with concern. "You can tell me." Asuna said trying to reassure me kindly. I sigh and go with the half-truth.
You: "She... Fell in love with someone else a long time ago. It sucked but she was happy it seemed so I just smiled as they went about their ways." I said smiling a bit sadly. "I wanted to tell her but I didn't. It sucks but I'm alright." I said looking at Asuna with a smile. Her look of concern doesn't leave her face. I sigh. "Alright I'll admit it hurt. It hit me harder than I expected it to as I watched her walk away with her boyfriend but what can I do? She was happy which should be enough for me right?" I asked Asuna. She keeps giving me that look of concern before speaking.
Asuna: "Its oaky to be upset. You loved her and... And if she couldn't see that than she was a fool. You're such a great guy (F/n). So it's okay to be upset. Like I am now." Asuna said frowning a bit. She then smiled at me. "At least we still have our best friends right?" Asuna asked me smiling. I look at her and smile. Sure I can't be with her right now but I know she'll always be there for me.
You: "Yeah. You're right." I said happily. She giggled and hugged me. I hugged back happily. I guess we're both feeling much better now. She pulled back and we decided to try and do much happier things then moping around. I may not be able to date her but I am more than happy to have her in my life. Though I do feel bad for something... I wonder now if there is a chance for me to be with her.
(Asuna's POV)
It's been a few months since me and Kirito broke up and thanks to (F/n) I am completely over it... Though I do feel different when I'm around him now. Nervous for one thing and flustered is another. I only felt like this with Kirito. Ayano keeps teasing me that I have a crush on (F/n) and... I think they might be right. Or wrong. I don't know. I am currently walking to (F/n)'s house so we can study together but I end up seeing Kirito running up to me. I smile and wave at him and he waves back but he seems nervous.
Asuna: "Hey Kirito! How are you?" I ask him happily. He smiles but I see the nervous look in his eye. What's eating at him I wonder. He takes a breath before speaking.
Kirito: "I'm good Asuna... I hope you're alright to." Kirito replied with a smile. I nodded and he smiled more before looking a bit nervous again. "I... Have a question." Kirito said nervously. I tilted my head at him but what he asked me was not what I was expecting. "Do... Do you want to go out with me again? You know... To try again?" Kirito asked me nervously. I am taken aback by this. He just... How do I respond to that? I mean I am over him as of now. I look down and sigh.
Asuna: "Kirito... I knew this was coming." I said shaking my head. I looked up at him with a more serious face. "The answer is no Kirito... I thought, as (F/n) helped me through my sadness, that I would love to be with you again but as time went on I knew that wasn't true. You hurt me badly and I don't want to go through that again." I said seriously to him. Kirito looked shocked before looking down. He then looked back at me.
Kirito: "So... That's it then? All that time together and its over... I'm willing to fix this Asuna... Is that not enough?" Kirito asked me with hurt in his voice. I sigh again and shake my head at him. Nope. That's not going to work. I've played this exact conversation in my head a thousand times.
Asuna: "No Kirito. If we got back together we'd end up breaking up again. You didn't trust me so how can I expect you to trust me this time. I want to remain your friend but if we get together again it would break that friendship completely." I said to Kirito seriously. He looked away again before his eyes seem to widen and he looks at me.
Kirito: "Its (F/n) isn't it? You love him don't you?" Kirito asked me seriously. I go wide eyed at the accusation and he sighs deeply. "That's exactly it. What has he done that I haven't done to make you love him instead?" Kirito asked me in a slightly upset tone. I know he doesn't hate (F/n) or me he's just upset at me rejecting him once more. I then look at him with a small glare.
Asuna: "One thing he's never done is betray my trust. What If I love him? Why is that a problem?" I asked Kirito seriously. He still looks a upset though his harder look from before vanishes entirely and is replaced by a sad one.
Kirito: "Just answer the question. Do you love him?" Kirito asked me once more though it was far softer than before. I guess he just wants confirmation... I mean... Do I?
Asuna: "Well I'm not..." I stop myself as I think back to all the things (F/n) has done for me ovet the time I have known him. All those nights in SAO where he comforted me when we learned we were trapped. Him helping me grind through those first few levels. How he saved me from dying to our first boss. How he held me when Kirito cheated on me. How he gave me so much advice over the past few months. How he makes me smile. How he makes me flustered when he says something nice about me. I realize now that I was a fool. I do love him. "I do... I do love him." I said sounding a bit overwhelmed at my realization. Kirito looks surprised. "He was there for me before I met you in SAO and helped me allot in those early days. He stayed right by my side when I broke down after finding out what you did and he even stayed all night with me. I do love him." I said smiling fondly at the thought. After all this time I've known him, I do love him. I just hope he loves me to. Kirito sighs and then looks at me.
Kirito: "Well..." He stops to take a big sigh. He then smiles a small bit at me. "At least he's a good guy. I learned that much when we became friends again." Kirito said shaking his head. "You should go tell him... And make sure he doesn't screw up like me." Kirito said to me a bit sadly. He then smiles more and hugs me. I hug back and he looks at me once he pulls away. "Go on. Go get your man." Kirito said sounding a bit happier. I giggled and nodded before I started running to (F/n)'s house. I don't pay much attention to my surroundings as I run straight to (F/n)'s. Once I'm there I knock on the door quickly and don't have to wait too long. (F/n) answers the door and smiles at me.
You: "Asuna." (F/n) said as he hugged me. I blush and hug him back. He lets me inside and I am surprised to see some take out on his coffee table. "I thought you might be hungry." (F/n) said blushing a bit. I smile at him and hug him once more.
Asuna: "That's so thoughtful of you. Like I should expect different from someone so kind." I said to him happily. He blushed more smiling as we sat down. He reached for some food but I stop him. "Um... I need to tell you something before we eat." I said as I felt the nervousness build up. He nodded and I steel myself for this confession I'm about to give.
(Your POV)
I sit there patiently as Asuna seems to try and gather herself before saying anything. She then nods to herself before looking at me with her amber eyes.
Asuna: "You've been... Such a good friend since we met in SAO. Always standing by me... Even after I left you behind... I don't know what I've done to deserve you." Asuna said to me. Her eyes seem to be brimming with an emotion I can't quite place yet. I place my hand on hers and she seems to blush. "You were there for me for everything. The early days of Sao and when Kirito cheated on me... I've come to realize something." Asuna said nervously. She begins stumbling over her words so I gently squeeze her hand to try and help her.
You: "It's okay Asuna just take all the tie you need." I said kindly to her. She seems to blush quite a bit at that. Maybe it was the soft tone I use. She just sits there for a minute staring into my eyes with that same emotion from before which is hard for me to discern. She seems to make a small noise in her throat and I get worried. "Asuna? Are you- mmphf!?" I don't get to finish as Asuna did something I only hoped she would do. She slammed her lips onto my taking me by utter surprise.
I can feel her lips quivering against mine out of being nervous and that blush on her face tells me the same. Her eyes are closed rather tightly. Again likely from nervousness. Her quivering stops though when I close my eyes and push back on her lips with my own. I feel her arms go around my neck as the kiss continues. Never in my life would I think that the woman I loved would kiss me like this. She was in love once before after all. We stay that way kissing one another for a time after my hands rested against her sides. We had to pull away to breath however. As we were panting we were staring at one another and I now know what that emotion in her eyes was. Love. I smile warmly at her and she smiles back before kissing me again. This one, unlike before, is short, sweet and full of love. When we pull away again I swear I'm on the verge of tears.
You: "You love me?" I asked in near disbelief. Asuna nods happily and I smile wider. "Oh my god... I love you to. I always did even when you were with Kirito. I just wanted you to be happy." I said as I laughed a bit. Asuna giggled and kissed my cheek.
Asuna: "That girl you were talking about was me?" Asuna asked me kindly. I nodded and she smiled lovingly at me. "And you never said anything because you wanted me to be happy. You really are a wonderful friend...Or should I say boyfriend?" Asuna asked me with hope. I kissed her on the lips once more before nodding my head.
You: "Yes... nothing would make me happier... You're so compassionate and sweet... Not to mention beautiful... How could I say no?" I asked Asuna happily. She smiled happily and hugged me tightly for a moment. She then gasped and pulled back.
Asuna: "Oh I got you something... Well I got it a few months back but forgot to give it to you since I was upset." Asuna said to me happily. I tilt my head as she goes through her bag. She then smiles as she pulls out a Shadow plushy. I smile wide at it as she gives it to me. I take it and smile at it. "Makes it even better since the sequel got its release window right?" Asuna asked me happily. I nod and place the plushy beside me. I hug her and she hugs me right back. "I love you." Asuna said to me with love. I now let the damned tears fall as I hug her tighter.
You: "I love you to Asuna... I always have and always will... I promise." I said to her with love. She giggled and pulled back only to kiss me again. One of many to come I hope.
We stayed together for the rest of the day after eating lunch. We did our homework as planned but we cuddled the entire time we did. Once we were done we cuddled as we watched movies together with the occasional kisses thrown in. The woman I love who fell for someone else now loves me. I can scarcely believe it but here it is. Her heart was broken... And now it is fixed and she chose me to give it to. I will take care of it Asuna. I swear... I swear I will.
(A/N: I owe you all an explanation. Over the past two weeks I have been ill. I had a migraine that made it hard for em to do anything whatsoever and as it finally left me I caught a summer cold and had to recover. That's why I was gone. I am so sorry I vanished but I was genuinely ill as hell and didn't think to tell anyone on here. I am sorry for vanishing. I promise though, after I do the autistic reader I missed last month I will update Asami once again and short of me being drowned in school work, I will update like normal again. Thanks for the patience my dudes.)
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