Eye To Eye. Medusa X Autistic Male Reader

Eye To Eye

Medusa x Autistic Male Reader


(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name

(No POV)

Ever since Athena cursed poor Medusa after she was raped by Poseidon, she has been forced to live a life of isolation. No one could look her in the eye or they would be turned to stone and die as a result. She's felt like an outcast since. This has garnered a sense of empathy from some people over the centuries she has been alive though none could figure out how to break the curse. Not even Hephaestus, the god of fire and smithing, could figure out a solution to her curse. The only thing he could do was keep working on an idea that may work for the people that see her at least. Now the year is 20XX. The modern day era where some have moved on from the gods and their mythos. There are a few that still love hearing about it and reading it. This is where a boy named (F/n) (L/n) comes in...He's different in some ways than most and may be what Medusa was waiting for after all this time.

(Your POV)

Greece is a nice country. Though the people in charge should take a financial responsibility class or something. However, I am not here to dwell on that. I'm here to... Get away from home for a bit and to look at some of the temple ruins and such. I also want to go see the supposed cave Medusa was said to be in. If there ever was a tragic figure that deserved better it was her... Athena's a bitch and the ultimate example of, 'I blame the victim.' In fact most of the Greek Gods are bad people. Zeus being a rapist. Poseidon raping Medusa. Athena cursing her. Apollo forcing that woman Daphne to turn into a tree just to save her from being raped. Hera, even if her anger was understandable, threw a child off Olympus and drove Hercules to kill his own family. There's only two I can think of that were decent even if they had faults. Hephaestus and Hades. Sure the former tried to force himself on Athena but that's the only time her ever did that and he was held responsible for it. Hades though just tried to stay in his lane as much as he could. Anyway, I am currently taking pictures of the Ruin of Zeus' temple. Maybe calling him a rapist here is a bad idea. Not that I care to be honest. He'd just prove me right if he struck me down here. Anyway, after I took my pictures I walked away from the temple and looked at my map. I saw the cave I wanted to visit wasn't too far. I'd get there by dark so I may have to camp out after I get there and just explore in the morning. I then start trekking that way as I listen to music. I do take some pictures of the scenery as I go but overall, it was a slow and uneventful trip. I arrive at the entrance of the cave as the sun is setting. I decide to set up camp. It doesn't take long and I even get a fire going. I have a nice view of the ocean as the sunsets which, of course, I took a photo of. I cook some canned stew I brought with me before sitting there writing in my journal. I then get the feeling I was being watched and turned to the cave only to see nothing. I tilt my head but shrug before going back to my journal. Maybe it was a flook. No one is out here after all.

(Medusa's POV)

Here I thought it was to be another boring day but one of my trips went off telling me someone was at the entrance to my cave. I grabbed my bow and arrows ready to defend myself. After centuries of no one daring to come here someone has decided to. I won't let them kill me. I quietly make my way to the entrance but stop when I see a man sitting at a small camp he made. He's eating something from a metal container and seems to be enjoying the sunset as he smiles. I don't dare move out of fear of him hearing me. I get a good look at him. He has (H/L (H/C) and (E/C) eyes if I'm seeing them right. He looks so peaceful that I simply put my bow on my body and stare at him. I can feel my 'hair' do the same. After he finishes eating he pulls out a book and begins writing in it. He then stops and seems to look side to side. I quickly hide my head as he looks my way. I wait a moment.

You: "I guess it was nothing." I heard his soft and kind voice say. I then peek over the rock and see him return to his journal. I then heard him talk to himself. "And now in the morning I'm going to explore the cave a small bit... I know its likely empty but there's a part of me that wants to meet Medusa... I know what it's like to be treated poorly for something beyond your control. I had to be homeschooled due to it. She didn't deserve her fate. Athena's just a bitch." I heard him say. That peaked my interest, he wants to meet me? He understands? He thinks I deserve better? I... I honestly don't know what to say. Most that come here comment on how I'm a monster Perseus slayed. I... I don't know how to feel.

After a time he yawns and goes into his tent. I wait until I hear him breathing softly before quietly making my way to his camp. I don't see much other than his backpack. I look in it and see a small device which I do not touch out of worry I may turn it on by accident. Other than clothes, a metal rod with glass at one end and some clothes there's nothing of note... Until I see his journal. I really shouldn't but he's peaked my interest. I grab it and open it. It's written in English which I've learned through hearing so many others speak and write it as they explore my cave. There's not much other than his life in school now and some stress in said school he is under due to things being due at a certain time. I then reach a section where he talks about a fellow classmate who 'exploded' his temper when he learned this man's written essay got into a scholarly journal. He quoted him here. 'How can an autistic moron like you who can't even look at people get into a journal?! I refuse to accept the fact that an idiot person like him got in!' That fool was forced to leave the class but it's obvious that it hurt the man here. I frown as I learn it isn't the first time he's dealt with this. How he's been told he was nothing. How he's been told he was stupid or 'retarded.' And how someone even had the gall to accuse him of being so mentally unstable he'd kill people and should... That angers me to no end. No wonder he said he understood because he does. I close the journal and look at the tent... I think... I think I may reveal myself to him...I haven't done this since those 'Christians' blessed the cave from evil. I quietly go back in my cave thinking... Maybe I have finally found someone to befriend. I just hope I can trust him.


(Your POV)

I have woken up and packed up after breakfast. I am currently in the cave and see no evidence it has been lived in. I should've expected this but I can't help but feel disappointed. I shake my head as I head deeper. Oddly though I begin to feel heat coming from somewhere. I follow it and see a single lit torch. Odd...I look around and see a few more light up. I then begin to back up assuming this was some criminals hideout. However something tall stops me and wraps a hand around my mouth to stop me from screaming.

(???): "Don't scream. I won't hurt you unless I have to defend myself so don't scream." A female voice said. It sounded soft but had a sense of sadness to it. I nodded. "Good... Now I'm going to show you my other hand... So you know what to expect." She said softly before I see her other hand. It has some... Scales on it in a viper's pattern... No way. "You're right in who you think I am." The woman let me go and I turn around.

I see a large snake tail dragging behind a human esc body. I see human sin exposed short of a few scales. Her chest is covered in some sort of beat up leather armor. I then look at her arms and it's what I expected. Half of the arms are covered in scales as is the top of the hand. She has archer braces on and her fingers have long nails. I then look at her face and she looks worried... And she's beautiful. Her face is giving a soft worried look but I avoid looking her in the eyes but I can see as I scan her features that they have blue irises except in the center where I noticed hazel. And her hair is just a group of snakes that are writhing around and staring at me. I then look at her face albeit not in the eyes. She then gains a curious look before she lowers her body to talk with me. Before she can speak I hug her which she stiffens at.

You: "I'm so, so sorry for everything you've been through. You didn't deserve any of it." I said to her as I squeezed her tight. I felt her unstiffen before she actually hugged me back.

Medusa: "Thank you... I'm sure you know but I'm Medusa." She said softly. "How are you not stone? Most people that gaze upon me turn to stone short of the blind and now you." She said before pulling away from. I laugh a small bit.

You: "I'm (F/n) (L/n) but (M/n) is what I prefer and to be honest, I just have a hard time looking people in the eye... It feels uncomfortable." I admitted shyly. She still looked confused. "I don't know why I'm like that. It's one of the aspects of my autism I'm told." I explained further. She shook her head in a 'no' fashion.

Medusa: "No not that...Whatever that is. I meant how can you even look at me without turning to stone?" She asked me. I began thinking with my eyes closed. I then nodded before looking at her.

You: "Well uh... Maybe it's like I have to look into your eyes directly. Otherwise the curse is useless." I suggested to her. She then began thinking before I saw her vipers on her head seem to get excited as she looked at me wide eyed.

Medusa: "Then... Would you stay and talk with me? I haven't talked to anyone in... A long time." She said as she frowned and looked down. "Every time someone came here it was to try and kill me for their own purposes." She said sadly. I frowned at her and hugged her gently in response. She gently did the same seeming to want affection.

You: "Of course. I'm here for the summer so I have plenty of time... Can you show me around the cave?" I asked before pulling back and looking up at her. She smiled and nodded before gently taking my hand in hers and leading me towards a tunnel.

Medusa: "I'd be happy to. I keep the chambers I live in hidden. That'll be what you want to see." She said to me sounding happier than before. I smile and admire the feeling of her scales on my skin. Though, for a moment, I felt as if I was being watched.

(Hephaestus' POV)

Hm... This I did not expect. I have been working on a way to nullify Athena's curse for thousands of years and out of nowhere this human shows up and is immune... He did mention he can't look people in the eyes which may be what is 'stopping' the curse. If he isn't in any immediate danger, then I will switch focus to making him something that can protect him. The humans have made glasses and contacts... I'll look into those. I stand and limp my way to my drawing table to begin drawing up plans. I then hear a knock at my door before someone enters. I look and see Hermes holding a file and some letters for me. Likely Zeus complaining I won't make that 'Shroud of Eden' he saw in a video game. I nod to him as he approaches me.

Hermes: "Here's that file on that human you asked for. Everything we know about him is in there and Circe added some family history. Apparently he is the descendant of some 'witches' that were burned in the Salem Witch Trials." He said with a false sense of excitement. I shake my head. Witches? Please. They were doctors if anything. "And you can bet Zeus is still complaining about that shroud. He's the only one that wants it other than Ares." He said before giving me the letters as well. I frown at the name. He places his hand on my shoulder. "At least you caught them." He said trying to brighten my mood. I nodded.

Hephaestus: "Enough of my failed love life. Thank you Hermes." I said with a nod and small smile before opening the file and reading. I didn't hear him leave and look at him and see he looks curious. "What?" I asked. He looks at me.

Hermes: "Just wondering what you're working on. I don't get many opportunities to see your stuff before it's done." He said sounding curious. It's true to be fair. He's running letters and errands most of the time so he doesn't get to see any projects.

Hephaestus: "Well... I don't have anything made but I'm revisiting an old project I was never able to figure out." I explained to him. He gave me a gesture to continue and I rolled my eyes. "I'm looking to see if I can make something to either stop or nullify a curse." I said before returning to the file.

Hermes: "Which ones?" He asked me sounding curious. "So many gods have casted so many curses. You have so many to focus on which one is it?" He asked me again. I sighed and looked at him.

Hephaestus: "Petrification. Cockatrices and Basilisks especially." I lied partially to the messenger. He seemed to get suspicious. I kept looking right at him.

Hermes: "I won't tell Athena. I'd love to see her reaction if you succeed." He said smirking. I sighed in relief before chuckling a small bit. "So...Why did you need the file then?" He asked me before leaning on the wall.

Hephaestus: "Earlier this morning on earth I observed a human encounter Medusa for the first time in a few hundred years. He didn't turn to stone when he looked at her and I was just wondering if he had a reason. He said something about not being able to look people in the eyes so that may be how I, if not stop, nullify the curse." I explained. He seemed surprised and I nodded. "Yes...And ever since I... Tried to rape Athena...I've wanted to do something to help a rape victim as some penance in my mind. And Medusa didn't deserve her fate." I said scowling. I heard Hermes hum and when I looked he was nodding.

Hermes: "Allot of us agree. Especially Hades and Circe. Athena used the rape as an excuse to curse her because she was better looking than Athena." He said sounding frustrated. Before he could continue his wings on his helmet fluttered a small bit. He sighed. "Duty calls. No worries. Your secret is safe with me." He said before he quickly ran out of my shop. I know he was telling the truth. The only time he'd out someone is if it was a danger to others.

I go back to the file and read what's there. Not much to note at first but when he got to grade school I started to frown. This 'Autism' as its called garnered allot of cruelty from his fellow humans in school. This was due to his fidgeting, being a bit sensitive to sound and touch, and not being able to look people in the eyes. He also had an obsession keeping things color coded. Even the teachers were cruel to him and justified the bullying by saying he was strange and different. I bang my fist on the table at that. Different? So what? From what I can read here he tried so hard to be nice to everyone and he got shit in return. Now it's not only penance but a way to try and make up for the cruelty he faced... Cruelty I relate to. I've yet to become a human's patron outside of those who work in my field so I think I may have to try... So I can further improve his life so he hopefully won't face the same cruelty I did and still do. Now... How do I go about this... Could I reflect the curse away? Maybe.


(Your POV)

Medusa's inner chambers are wonderful... And a tad creepy. I can see several poor souls who were turned to stone... Actually it looks like Marble. Huh. I also see a interesting shield on the ground that's been broken. I pick it up and see its Percious' Mirror shield. I look at Medusa confused and she shrugged.

Medusa: "I wasn't here that night. Athena turned me into an Indian based creature and they run in pairs apparently. The one he killed was looking for me when he killed it. Had the same effect but unlike my gaze, if you're willpower is strong enough you can resist that creature's gaze. Luckily for him the creature he needed it for didn't have the willpower to resist it." She explained as she approached me. I nodded as I felt the shield's texture under my fingers. I sighed in relaxation. "Does it feel nice?" She asked sounding confused.

You: "Maybe to most people it doesn't but feeling something soothe with my sensitive, well, senses, is kind of relaxing." I explained. I told her some of the aspects of autism so she already understood. She nodded.

Medusa: "Well you can have it. I know it's broken but consider it a gift for being my friend." Medusa said kindly. I looked at her and shook my head before placing the shield down. I grabbed her hand gently and rubbed it with my thumbs.

You: "I don't need a gift to be your friend. I'm your friend because I want to be. And I relate to being out casted." I said to her before looking down. I felt her take her hand back before it cupped my cheek. I looked at her as I felt her rub my face in her hands. Physical affection is foreign to me from anyone other than my parents, but her cool skin with her scales' smooth edges make it feel wonderful.

Medusa: "Were you truly treated that badly by your peers?" She asked me sounding concerned. I sighed but nodded my head in a yes fashion. She frowned. "I'm sorry you had to face that. I understand what it's like." She said sadly. I nodded before hugging her gently. She hugged back. "I had hoped that the world had moved on from discrimination like that...But it seemed to regress when the years reset and got worse." She said still sounding upset. I just sigh at that before pulling back and looking at her.

You: "It's gotten better but there's a huge stigma against certain types of people. People with issues like mine are treated poorly by most adults as we grow up. Even some family. Bullying in school by kids was awful to... I had to be homeschooled because of it. It was... Rough." I explained with a sigh. She thinned her lips before hugging me again. She pulled back before looking around. She looked up towards a hole in the ceiling.

Medusa: "It's almost lunch time... Are you hungry?" She asked me kindly. I nodded my head and she grabbed my hand with a smile. "Come. I know a place we can relax and eat." She said before guiding me away. She led me to a room where there are a pile of pillows and some bedrolls. No doubt from the many that tried to kill her. She patted the spot next to where she was standing. I sat down and took my pack off. I took out some stuff to make a sandwich before looking at her. She flinched as she has every time I have done so due to her fear of turning me to stone. I just smile a small bit.

You: "I can make you one to if you want." I offered smiling. She blushed at my offer but shook her head no which made me tilt my head. "You need to eat right?" I asked a bit confused. She nodded before she grabbed her bow.

Medusa: "I do but... I need allot of protein... I'll be back okay?" She asked me smiling. I nodded and she left quickly to hunt I'm guessing. I make my sandwich and enjoy it as I relax. It doesn't take long to finish.

I take a look around her room and see many types of bows on her walls. Seems like one from every era. Hell, she even has a compound bow though it seems to be broken. I stand and walk over to it. I take it off the wall and look it over. I can see the issue so I will do something nice for her. I take apart the area that's broken to investigate it. Seems a screw is missing. I take a small tool out of my bag and remove a fellow screw to see its size. I smile seeing an opportunity. I take out my laptop and remove one of its screws. It'll function without it I'll just have to make sure I replace it later. I put the screw in after re tensioning the string. Once I'm done I test it and it works great. Then I hear her approach and look at the entrance. She enters with some meat slabs that she places on a makeshift grill on a fire. She looks at me and I present the bow.

You: "I fixed it." I said as I showed her. She seemed surprised before taking it from me and testing it. She smiles seeing it works well. "Before you ask I just wanted to do something nice for you... You deserve it and so much more." I said smiling she seemed to blush before putting the bow back and hugging me tightly. I hug back smiling.

(Medusa's POV)

We only met today yet I feel like I've known him my whole life. I never expected such kindness in my life and yet here he is showing nothing but acceptance and kindness. It makes my heart beat fast. Before I pull away I feel him kiss my cheek which makes me blush. I pull back and he's looking down blushing. I can't fight the blush or smile on my face before I kiss him on his cheek. His blush deepens as he smiles which makes me smile in turn. I turn and grab one of the meat slabs which has been cooked and sit down with a makeshift plate to eat. As I am eating I can feel him looking at me.

You: "Can I touch your hair?" He asked as if it were normal. I look at him and swallow. I give him a questioning look. "I just want to know what they feel like is all." He said honestly to me. I stared at him for a moment until I felt my hair get excited at the idea. I nodded and got closer to him. I saw him lift his hand to my head but stopped as he let the vipers sniff it. He waits for a moment before lowering it onto the top of my head. I nearly shivered from his gentle touch as I felt my hair cover his hand. He rubs gently back and forth before he pets the snakes. I feel them calm down a bit as he does so. "It feels weird." He said softly. I frown a bit thinking he's teasing me. "In the best way possible." I heard him say as he continued. I perked up at that. "It feels... Like an unfocused massage... I kind of like it." He said sounding happy. I turned my head and looked at him. He has his eyes closed and seems relaxed. Just like when he touched the shield. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Thank you." He said softly. I felt myself blush but nod my head and close my eyes enjoying the affection.

Medusa: "You're welcome." I said softly. We then begin chatting a small bit. Well he ended up asking about what Greek History I knew since his 'thesis' as he called it for school is about Greece. I was happy to tell him about my home and even relived fond memories of my time before I was turned into... What I am. He saw my sadness and comforted me.

You: "You're not a monster." He assured me softly. I shake in his arms as I let my emotions out. "You were dealt a bad hand thanks to a jealous bitch." He said to me seriously. I pull back and look at him. Jealous? "You don't know..." He said sadly as he looked down. He gently grabbed my shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Athena... She didn't curse you because you were raped in her temple." He said sadly. He took a breath as my heart sank into my stomach. "It was just a convenient and shitty excuse... She..." He took a moment and looked down. "Cursed you because you were more beautiful than her." He said sadly. I go wide eyed and pull away from him.

Medusa: "N-no... S-she wouldn't." I said with a shaky voice. He just looked at me as I clenched my fists in anger. "NO!" I said punching a wall behind me as I turned around. "I was nothing but a faithful servant to her! I even TRIED to stay a virgin as she has and she turned on me like that!?" I yelled out in anger and sadness. I turned and glared at (M/n) until I saw him covering his ears and shaking a bit. I then realized that I scared and tried to calm down. I then approached him and he seemed to be look overwhelmed. I grab his face gently and look at him but he's looking right through me. I then begin thinking on how to help him. He told me somethings that can help when his senses when they get overloaded. I then nod and slowly and gently wrap my tail around his body to just under his arms. I then take his hands and place them in my hair where they go to work moving about. I follow the same motions with my tail and feel his shaky breath get more and more calm. He then looked at me and seemed exhausted. I grab his face with my hands gently. "I didn't mean to... I'm sorry." I said sadly as I looked at him. "I just... I don't..." I said trying to process his words from before. He removes his hands from my head and grabs my face as well and wipes the tears away.

You: "It's... Okay. I understand... I thought you knew... If I knew you didn't... I wouldn't have..." I place a finger on his lips and shake my head letting him know its okay. He nodded.

I then felt more tears fall. He thinned his lips and wrapped his arms around my neck to pull me close to him. I did the same and cried into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. I stayed that way for a long time just letting my emotions at Athena's betrayal out. He just comforted me for the hours I clung to him for dear life. After sometime I do let him go and smile at him in thanks. He says nothing but does give me a soft look. The rest of the day was spent mainly In my chambers where we talked more with breaks for my emotions as he gladly helped in any way he could. I did try and not overwhelm him again. At some time he fell asleep leaning on me. Seeing it was night I just smiled and let him sleep with me. I pet his head as he slept and couldn't help but smile. I feel so lucky to know him as I do... I'm glad I took a chance with him.


(Your POV)

I've been here with Medusa for the past week. It's been wonderful. She's very kind to me and even has gone out of her way to learn more about my autism from me. She wants to be prepared for if something happens. I explained everything I could and she's been nothing but kind and caring. However, today I need to go into the nearest town and get food and stuff for myself. She's worried that something will happen if I leave. I'm currently hugging her to try and ease her worry a small bit.

You: "I'll be fine. I just need supplies and to show my face before anyone assumes I'm missing and come to search for me." I said to her softly before pulling back. She sighed and took a breath to calm herself down. She nodded.

Medusa: "Okay... Just be safe okay? I don't want to lose you." She said to me softly. I smiled and blushed a bit at what she said. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel something for her. I nodded which she smiled at before kissing my cheek softly. I blushed more as she pulled away.

You: "I-I will. I-I'll be back this evening." I stuttered nervously. She smiled and nodded before I turned to walk away. I try to calm my nerves as I leave. Why did I have to get a crush on her? I doubt after what happened she would even think about being in a relationship again. I shake my head and make my way to town.

Once there I go straight to my hotel room and shower. After that I go to a store and buy enough supplies for the next couple of weeks. Plenty of food and snacks and so on. After that I decide to go to lunch at a restaurant. After I am seated and order, I update my family and explain I had no signal while I was camping. They figured as much but were glad to hear from me. After a bit I feel as if I'm being watched. Thinking it was just anxiety I try and ignore it. It doesn't go away so I look around and see a black haired woman looking at me. She saw me look and smiled at me. I just wave and go back to looking at my photos. I then hear someone approaching me. Thinking it's the waiter I look up only to be met with the woman from before. She's got blue eyes I can now see and she has a darker skin tone. She's also pretty but I don't care. I go to speak but she beats me to it.

(???): "Sorry for staring. I just noticed you and became curious." She said to me kindly. That sounds like a half truth. She then gestures to the chair in front of me. "May I?" She asked me. I shrugged and she sat down in front of me. "My name is Athena." She said smiling I raised a brow which made her chuckle. "I know." She said kindly.

You: "I'm (M/n). I wonder if you'll be as interesting as that girl named Hera from school. I swear she wasn't human." I said which made her chuckle again. "You think I'm joking but every time I've met someone named after a God they have been very interesting people. Like Hera for example had a pet hawk, rode a motorcycle, wore leather jackets everywhere and was gorgeous yet never dated anyone from what I knew." I explained which made the woman laugh a bit..

Athena: "Well maybe being named after a god gives people a chaotic energy you aren't used to." She explained to which I kind of agreed with. "So tell me. What brings you to Greece?" She asked kindly which made me smile.

You: "I'm touring the ruins and cities. The Greek mythos has always been a favorite of mine so I wanted to come see the country it began in." I explained which made her smile more. "I even went to the cave Medusa supposedly stayed in. It was just an empty cave before you ask." I said not wanting to reveal the truth. She nodded as she listened.

(Athena's POV)

So this is the human Aphrodite told me about. She was right about a few things. One being he is handsome and another being his intelligence. Though I find it interesting he would lie about meeting Medusa. Though I suppose it's for the best. Humans today wouldn't be able to handle things like that. Though it does anger me that that monster bonded with this man before I could. Well... I'll just have to pay Medusa a visit and tell her to back off. We talk for about an hour as we eat and I do enjoy his company. He then looked at his phone.

You: "I have to go. It was nice talking to you." He said as he stood and grabbed his pack back. He has already paid so it makes since. I stand with him and gently touch his arm which his head immediately looks at it. He then looks back at me and I smile softly.

Athena: "I do hope we can meet again. I enjoyed your company." I said kindly. He smiled and nodded before waving goodbye and leaving. I sigh as I watch him go.

If I had gotten to him at the Parthenon as I planned we would already be together but no. Medusa showed her face and he stayed with her. I walk out of the building and once I was far enough away I change back into my normal attire and transport myself to Medusa's cave. I enter and see her sitting and waiting. Likely for (M/n) to return. Her snakes look at me and hiss which makes her look at me. Unlike before when I would visit where she would be afraid but respectful, now she didn't even flinch and seemed to stare me down.

Athena: "Hello Medusa. I wish to speak with you concerning a human you met." I said with authority. She seemed to get almost defensive as she stands to meet me. Again I sense some defiance from her but she may just be attached to the human.

Medusa: "Why? You want to turn him into a monster for being more handsome than the gods like you did to me?" She asked full of scorn. I become angry at her tone and the fact she knew the truth behind my actions. "I was nothing but faithful servant and you betrayed me. For what? A petty sense of jealousy. It wouldn't have mattered since I intended to stay a virgin like you have until the day I died. You were just waiting for an excuse to ruin my life." She said as I saw her snakes' eyes and her own glow with power. I slam the bottom of my spear into the ground as I glared her down.

Athena: "Silence! You dare speak to me with such insolence!?" I asked shouting. She didn't even flinch. That made me angrier but then she spoke again.

Medusa: "He's right. 'Speak the truth to those in the wrong and they will be enraged.' Hmph. You're nothing more than a petty vengeful despote." She said still glaring me down. "I know you won't kill me. I won't suffer if you do and (M/n) would never speak with you again. He'll know who did it." She said with a matter of fact tone. I grow even angrier at that despite the fact she is right on all accounts. I raise my spear in anger until a voice cuts me off.

You: "She's right." I hear (M/n) say. I stop and turn to see him walking into the cave. I try to speak but can only stutter out responses. He walks past me and to Medusa. "You okay?" I hear him ask as I watch him. I see how he's gotten away with looking at her face. He can't look people in the eyes. Medusa nods and the turns back to me. "I knew something was off with you. I'm a foreigner in here and a gorgeous woman just so happens to walk up and speak with me? Please." He said not sounding happy. "Why are you here?" He asked as the stood next to Medusa who sneakily grabbed his hand. I come out of my stupor and speak.

Athena: "I am here to make sure you are not corrupted by a monster. You know my reasons which is fair enough but I also know that those emotional outbursts is why you believe in us and the Norse gods more than the christian or muslim god." I said trying to stand proud. He shook his head.

You: "That means you should know I'd judge your actions as I would a fellow human." He said seriously. I feel my heart race. I do not wish to lose the one meant for me.

Athena: "Maybe so... But I have moved on from such actions. Otherwise many of your actresses would be in the same position as Medusa." I explained as the just gave me the same stare. "Aphrodite told me of your existence. She told me we were meant to be together. I can offer you so much. Wisdom of the gods. Your own powers. We can take care of your family and even give you immortality." I said trying to show what I can give him. However, at that last one he simply chuckles. I tilt my head at him.

You: "A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to have been loved." He said looking at me. I am shocked at his response. "I'm not interested in rewards when it comes to relationships. I'm looking for connection." He said as I saw him grip Medusa's hand back. I just stare at him for a bit before I feel some anger bubble to the surface.

Athena: "What does she have that I don't hm? What has she done to earn that connection?" I said to him sounding upset. I saw Medusa blush as I just outed what they may be feeling. He looked down before looking at me.

You: "She took the time we spent together to get to know me and I got to know her. We are both outcasted for things beyond our control. While I am ridiculed to no end for my Autism and what it makes me do, she is hunted and looked down upon because you couldn't look past your jealousy and help a rape victim." He said bluntly. I was sad to hear he was put down for how he is but was upset at what he said. I don't want to lose him to her.

Athena: "If that's what you want we could build that connection. It is not like I don't have the time." I said as I felt myself get desperate. He just sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. The then opened hem and gently shook his head no.

You: "I can forgive many things but punishing a rape victim instead of the rapist is not something I can just let go so easily. You and I both know she didn't deserve it. Then again allot of the people the olympians have hurt, raped, or cursed didn't deserve it. I'm sorry Athena but my answer is no." He said to me calmly. There was no hatred or anger in his voice and he was telling the truth.

I feel... I don't know how to feel. After all this time I was told I would find someone to love and it was meant to be him. Or so I was told. It just so happened that before I could meet him he decided to take a detour to this cave and Medusa just so happened to show herself. This is not what was meant to be. I grip my spear tightly in anger. No. I refuse! I bang my spear down and they both look at me again.

Athena: "I have an idea to settle this dispute." I said to them as (M/n) looked unamused. "We play a game of chess. Me vs (M/n). If I win you come with me and I will leave Medusa alone forever. If you win..." I said seeing what he would say. He actually scowled at me which took me off guard.

You: "You think I'm stupid? Me playing a game of strategy against the one god who is practically THE strategist? I'm not that damn stupid. Why don't you just leave us alone?" He said bluntly and with a bit of anger. He is even looking me in the eyes. I would be ecstatic if the situation were different.

Athena: "I could strike her down now and take you if you prefer." I threatened. It's more of a bluff since If I did strike her down he would do anything within his power to stay away from me forever. His emotions take over as the stands in front of Medusa protectively.

You: "You can say what you want about me but you will not touch her." He said glaring me down. That bravery makes me excited. "If I win you walk out of this cave and never bother the two of us or my family again." The said to me sternly. I smirk and snap my fingers which summon a table and two chairs. We take our seats. He looks at Medusa who looks worried. The smiles gently at her. "It's alright. Now matter what you'll be safe that's all that matters." The said softly. She came up to him.

Medusa: "But if she wins you'll be unhappy." She said sounding emotional. The just miles and gently grabs her cheek. She stops as the gently rubs his fingers on the scales on her cheek.

You: "But you'll be safe. That's what matters." The said gently. I ant to scowl but refrain from doing so. Medusa seems to get glassy eyed before kissing him on the cheek. I have to refrain from letting my anger control my anger. He bushed but quickly shook it off before facing me. "Let's get this over with." He said before moving a pawn one space ahead. I smirked as I moved one two spaces ahead. This should be easy.


(Your POV)

I set my trap at the beginning of my game and have slowly creeped him forward. As I expected her knights began slaughtering my pawns and such yet the one I moved for the trap remained untouched. That will end her. I watch as she takes my last bishop leaving me with three pawns, my queen, and of course the kind who is backed into a corner. She seems smug as can be but she's just doomed herself.

Athena: "Why don't you give up? If you do We'll visit your friend here. After all, you have no knights, no bishops, only one rook, your queen is cornered and your king is a mere two moves away from dying. All that you have is your..." She paused as she finally looked at the whole board as her eyes slowly widened. "Your... You." She said looking up at me surprised. I then use my trap.

You: "Pawn takes queen. Checkmate." I said simply as she sits there stunned. I stand as the board and pieces vanish. "Now... Don't bother her again." I said simply as I walked over to Medusa who hugs me cheering. The loud cheering does bother my ears but I don't care as I hug her back.

Medusa: "You won! I... I never thought she could be beaten." She said sounding stupid happy. I just smile and hold her right as she does the same to me. She then gasps as she looks up. I turn around as I see Athena in tears raising her spear at us. I stand in front of Medusa as it charges forward. I prepare for death but it never comes. I open my eyes and see a large hand stopping the spear.

(???): "Enough Athena! You were lied to! Aphrodite lied to you!" The shouted at her. She goes wide eyed and looks at him. "My ex wife wanted to prove that you weren't above earthly pursuits such as love and sex." He said as she slowly let her spear down. Her tears only pick back up. She drops her spear and falls to her knees.

Athena: "No... Please tell me your lying Hephaestus." She said to the large man. He shook his head no and she looked at us. "I... I'm so sorry!" She said as she began to openly cry. I frown as I look at her. "I-I was so excited to finally find someone to love that I made myself be the monster. I'm so sorry." She said crying. I look at the man as he sighs. I look at medusa as she nods at me. I walk up to Athena and kneel down to hug her which causes her to gasp.

You: "Its okay." I said to her. She clung to me and buried her head in my shoulder. "Its okay." I said as I rubbed her back. I look over and see Medusa looking at her before coming down and rubbing her back gently. It takes some time for her to calm down before pulling away and wiping her eyes. She is still looking down as I try and come up with something to say. I then think of something. "If you want to find love Athena, you should go find it. Don't wait for someone to tell you they are waiting. Find them and get to know them... That's far healthier then... What happened here." I said to her gently. She looked down as she began to think before looking back at me and nodding. I smiled at her as I helped her up with Medusa.

Athena: "Y-you're right." She said looking at me. "I shouldn't wait around for it... Thank you." She said smiling a small bit. She then looked at Hephaestus. "Thank you... You were telling the truth when you said you were trying to make up for what you did." She said to him as the nodded in reply. She smiled. "Keep it up." She said smiling. She then looked at Medusa and frowned. "For what it's worth... I wanted to turn you back no more than a month after it happened." She said sadly as me and Medusa both go wide eyed. She nodded. "Yes... But I asked Circe what would happen if I did ad she said you'd turn to dust and your soul may be lost so I... Had to let you suffer." She said sadly. Medusa approaches her.

Medusa: "Why didn't you tell me when you visited?" Medusa asked sounding shocked. Athena looked away in shame.

Athena: "I was ashamed.... I was just so angry that people thought you were better than me and I was too prideful to consider my actions until it was to late... So I visited to give you company but you were angry so I just..." She stopped as she looked at Medusa. "You were my most faithful priestess and I betrayed you." She said before kneeling in front of her. "Please forgive me." She said looking down. Medusa goes wide eyed before looking at me. I nodded yes since I kno holding grudges is not healthy. After all if I held grudges for everyone that wronged me I'd be miserable and pretty much hate a whole city's worth of people. Medusa smiled at Athena.

Medusa: "I forgive you... Just help people that were blamed for what happened to them like me." She said to Athena gently. Athena nodded before briefly hugging Medusa and standing. She then looked at me and smiled before looking back at Medsa.

Athena: "You're a lucky woman to have his heart Medusa.... Treat it well." Athena said smiling as I blushed hard at her revealing the truth. She laughed before vanishing from the cave seeming happier.

You: "Beyond saving us... Thanks by the way. Why are you here?" I asked him trying to calm my blush down. The chuckled before presenting me with a pair of contacts. I raised a brow at that.

Hephaestus: "For the longest time... Ever since I tried to force myself on Athena, I've been trying to find a way to perform penance for my action... So one thing I've been doing is trying to find a way to make Medusa's curse useless... After seeing you and how you avoided turning to stone I was inspired so hold still." The said as he approached me. I did so and the gently held my eyes open as the put the contacts in y eyes. I feel them bond with my eyes and then I don't feel them any more. "There... They bonded with your lens and will act as a filter. Try it." He said smiling as the gestured to edusa. I turn to her to see her blushing up a storm. We stare into each other's eyes and nothing happens. I can see them in all their yellow and hazel glory as she gasps and I look at him. He chuckles. "A little help from Circe and this is the result... I also wanted to do something kind for someone who is like me... You shouldn't be treated different just because you act different in some areas than others." He said to me in a gentle tone. I smile and go to speak but the stops me. "Up. You can thank me by treating her right. Also, I left something in your and her rooms... Teleporters. Once you go home all you need to do is step on it and poof. You can see each other whenever you want." He said smiling wide before turning to leave. The winked at us before vanishing from the cave leaving us alone. I look to Medusa and approach her.

When I get close to her we just stare at each other in the eyes for a time. She seems mesmerized as we do so. Slowly but surely she places her hands on my cheeks and gets a closer look at me. She says nothing but we both know... We both move at once and embrace each other in a gentle loving kiss. She wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap my around her back. Its slow and full of emotion. Is obvious this is something she wanted and I won't lie... I wa sin doubt I would ever get it. We stay connected like this for as long as we can. She's since began combing her hand through my hair. When we pull away we just stare at each other as I see her eyes get glassy. I gently cup her cheek and use my thumb to wipe away in tears that fall.

Medusa: "I... I thought I'd be alone forever... " She said smiling through her tears. She takes a small shaky breath before continuing. "Then... You came along and... And proved me wrong. I love you... Gods strike me down if it's too soon to say but I love you." She said kissing e again briefly. Once she was done I looked at her.

You: "To be honest... With the way I was treated by my peers and even some adults I thought there would be no woman in the world that could love me." I said looking at her. She gave me a concerned look. "The ridicule was so bad in middle school that I..." I stopped as I rubbed my arm where a log scar is. "I tried to die." I said looking down. I hear her gasp before hugging me tightly. "I didn't even get an apology from anyone but the principle who suggested I be homeschooled for my own sanity. Though I never tried again, I felt alone." I said before looking at her. "But then I meet you and it was like the sunrise to my dark thoughts... I don't care if it's too soon... Sometimes you just know.... I love you to Medusa... I promise you'll never feel alone again." I said giving her a loving smile. She smiled back and we kissed again. One of many to come.

Some people have bad reactions to Autism. Some treat it as a disease. Some as a disorder that makes you stupid. And a few see it as a horrid thing to be destroyed. But there are a rare few that can look past it and see the person underneath the issues that come with it. Medusa took time to see past my quirks and saw me for me... And I did the same with her. Kindred spirits I supposed. But as a result, a healthy new relationship is born... And I'm excited to see how we make this work. Now matter how weird a couple we are. Though i swear I can hear a woman laughing in the distance... Aphrodite you little shit.

(A/n: This one focuses a bit more in people's reactions to Autism. Medusa being unsure how to help someone with it. Athena not knowing what o expect from it and the smith himself understanding it and the ridicule that came with it. It also serves as a preview for what I think the next one will be about. All the hate this reader got growing will be a focus on the next one so prepare for that. That's all my dudes. Love you all.)

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