Concentrated Mind. Yennefer (The Witcher III) X Autistic Male Reader.


(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name

 Concentrated Mind. Yennefer (The Witcher III) X Autistic Male Reader

(Yennefer's POV)  

I have no earthly idea why these two need me. They have each other after all. Riding towards what Geralt and Triss call 'A library that would make The Lodge's look like a hobby store.' For some reason, I have a feeling I know where they are going. I'm unsure though.

Yennefer: "Are you two sure you don't need me? I'm sure two 'lovebirds' such as yourselves could handle this alone." I said a bit bitterly to the two of them. Geralt sighs and I can practically feel Triss roll her eyes at me. That nearly makes me smirk. Nearly.

Geralt: "Because you know one of the members of the order we're visiting. They may be more inclined to help if they saw a friend." Geralt explained in his normal calm almost emotionless way. I roll my eyes at the idea.

Yennefer: "Or this person I supposedly know will decline since I don't want to help." I said to the two of them flatly. It then dawns on me. "You two are taking me to The Library of Eternity?" I asked a bit surprised that's where they're taking me. They both nodded. "If it's (M/n) you're seeking then you'd be better off not going. He doesn't like getting torn away from his work unless its for a friend that wants to speak with him." I explained flatly. I know (M/n) well. I also know about his 'Autism' as he called it. I remember when I convinced him to come with me to a play that was in Novigrad. He loved it despite the fact he admitted he hates crowds. That was a nice evening. He even took me to dinner.

Triss: "He's helped me in the past so he should now." Triss said a bit smugly. I glower a bit at that. I know it's been a few months since Geralt chose but still. After all we went through only for him to choose her, I think I have a right to be bitter.

Yennefer: "Have you ever visited him just to see him or have you only seen him when you need something?" I asked Triss with a smirk. She remained silent and I shook my head. She's going to get nowhere with him. Geralt said nothing as we continued to ride on.


(Triss' POV)

We are approaching the building that hosts the Library and when it comes into view, it's as beautiful as I remember it. It's a large white marble building built into a mountain side. It still has the intricate carvings on its Cylinder pillars. The scribes here say they tell a collective story of a group called 'The Four Horsemen.' If that's true, judging by the carving's images, they've had a rough life. The path leading up to the building Is gorgeous. The area around is a wonderful garden full of beautiful greenery. On either side of the building there are water falls falling into rivers that lead through the gardens and beyond.

Yennefer: "As beautiful as I remember." I heard Yen say sighing happily at the sight. I merely nod in agreement not wanting to start a fresh argument. Some of the scribes wave at Yen and she happily waves back.

We leave our horses at the stables. Yen is still smiling as she looks around the area. Once we're inside it's still a site to behold. There are countless books, scrolls, and notes contained within this place and it shows. There are many long almost royal dinner like tables lining the sides of this main room alone. The walls beside them are nothing but massive book shelves completely filled with books. Short of the occasional missing one mind you. The floor is made of tiled granite while the walls are the same white marble as the outside of the building. There are a few art pieces hanging on the open walls as well. I asked one of the scribes where (M/n) was but he said he didn't know.

Triss: "Thanks." I said kindly to the man. I turned and saw Yen walking off in one direction already. "It seems you're with me Geralt." I said shaking my head in the direction Yen went. She's going straight to the magical theory section. (M/n) is often there but I'm heading to engineering.

Geralt: "Lead the way then." Geralt said with a small smile. I smiled back and began heading to engineering. "Is this guy as smart as you say he is?" Geralt asked me as we walked.

Triss: "Probably smarter than I even think. He spends allot of his time reading or working." I explained looking over at Geralt as we walked. "Last I checked he was working on a new projectile based weapon." I said looking forward once more.

Geralt: "Like a crossbow then?" Geralt asked me flatly. I just shrug a bit and continue down the way. I keep looking through several rooms but keep coming up short. "Where is he?" Geralt asked no one in particular.

Triss: "I don't know... Maybe he's..." I get cut off hearing someone yell from a room down the hall.

(???): "Don't touch that!" The person yells. Ah. There he is. I look at Geralt and he shakes his head knowing we've found him. We begin walking and Yen soon joins us. I guess she heard him as well. Considering how loud it was it wouldn't be shocking.

(Yennefer's POV)

I wonder who was foolish enough to touch (M/n)'s things. He's not adverse to it if you ask him first. Now me and the other two are walking to the end of the hall. Geralt opens the door and lets Triss and myself in first. When we enter I see (M/n) ripping a device of some kind out of another scribe's hands. Short of the head scribe here, he has more authority than the others. The other scribe puts his hands up defensively. I smile looking at the authority (M/n) is displaying. His (H/c) is now (H/l). He shakes his head at the scribe.

You: "This thing is very deadly." (M/n) said sternly glaring into the eyes of the other scribe. That scribe nods in understanding and (M/n) seems to begin fiddling with the device. "Step back. If this backfires it could kill me." (M/n) said as if it were normal. I shake my head at him and the scribe stepped back.

The other scribe says nothing and (M/n) points the strange thin barreled device at what looks like masterly crafted steel armor. He uses his thumb to pull back a strange metal device that appears to be smoking. He then places his left index finger within a metal loop in front of the handle. He breathes out and pulls his index finger back. A loud boom is heard and its obvious it originates from his device. I flinch with the Scribe and Triss while Geralt slightly covers one ear. We also hear a metal clanging sound. When I look back at (M/n) the device is smoking out of the opposite end (M/n) is holding it at. He places the device on the table and walks up to the chest piece. He picks it up and examines it quietly. His eyes widen a bit as he walks back with it. Once he's back with us he speaks.

You: "This chest piece deflects arrows as if they were flies and can withstand a master crafted steel sword stabbing it... My device punctured it as if it were paper." (M/n) said as he lifted to show the other scribe. I even go wide eyed at this. It's a decently sized hole. There's even a dent on the other side where a very small metal ball is stuck in the dented hole. The other scribe tries to tell him they need to report it but. "No. We do not need to report this to anyone. It is my discovery and I say bury it with me." (M/n) said coldly. Interesting view point. I know he must've been working on it for months. "This would cause untold death and destruction. Once its out in the open people will improve on the design. Make it more powerful or easier to reload. No. This idea should die with me." (M/n) said as he walked over to some papers. The other scribe looks distraught as (M/n) burns them and proceeds to turn the device into ashes with his magic. "Dismissed." (M/n) said as he spread the ashes through the air. The scribe nods and walks out of the room. (M/n) then shook his head and turned to us. He seemed unamused to see Triss but when he saw me he smiled a bit. "Yennefer... It's nice to see you again." (M/n) said to me kindly. He offered me a hug and I gave him one. He's always so gentle though he does smell like salt peter at the moment. He pulls away and smiles at me once more. "How have you been?" He asked me kindly. I smile a bit more at that. Always so concerned for me.

Yennefer: "I'm doing fine. Would be better with a nice meal in me though." I said with a small chuckle. He shook his head at that.

You: "I'm sure you would." (M/n) said smiling still. He then looked at Triss and Geralt. He frowned a bit. "What do you want Triss?" (M/n) asked rather flatly. He knows she needs something it seems.

Triss: "What? Can't I just visit you?" Triss said trying to act offended. (m/n) merely gave her an unamused look.

You: "No. Every time you come to me you need something of mine or something I know. I was willing to help you after shit hit the fan with the Lodge but now not so much." (M/n) said flatly to Triss. She goes to retort but can't say anything. "So, cut out the middle man bullshit and just tell me what the hell you want." (M/n) said as he went to grab his bag. Triss sighs as Geralt shakes his head.

Triss: "I'm hunting for the eclipso gem." Triss said seriously. (M/n) stops and slowly turns to her looking a bit... Angry at the idea.

You: "You have someone you want to manipulate?" (M/n) asked coldly. Triss looks surprised at the allegation. I however am a slight bit pleased he figured it out. "You know damn well what it does. Why do you need it?" (M/n) asked Triss a bit peeved like.

Geralt: "There's a rather large nest of Vampires underneath Novigrad. We were hoping the crystal could help us remove them." Geralt explained flatly to (M/n). Jumping to Triss' defense I see. (M/n) scoffs a bit but invites us to follow him. We do and he leads us to his office. As expected when we were let inside everything is very neat and organized. (M/n) looks through his books and pulls out one. 'Old Gods And Their Artifacts.' He flips through the pages quickly and finds what he's looking for.

You: "The eclipso gem has been proven to work on living creatures." (M/n) quoted from the book I assume. He looks back at Geralt. "The key word being 'living' creatures. Vampires are qualified as undead creatures like a Ghoul or Rot Fiend. This gem may not even work on them. So why should I waste my time?" (M/n) asked Geralt in a cold manner. Geralt looks to Triss for advice.

Triss: "What do you suggest then? Do nothing?" Triss asked (M/n) trying to appeal to his empathy. No, that's not how you do that.

You: "I say grab a group worth of witchers and those pathetic witch hunters and kill them all." (M/n) said coldly as he closed the book and put it back in the shelf. Triss sighed deeply. I decide to step in.

Yennefer: "We thought of that (M/n). The issue is by the time we would have a force large enough to exterminate them, the nest may have grown. That's not even mentioning the fact that the Witch Hunters wouldn't work with us." I explained as I approached his desk. He looked at me and his cold glare softened a bit. "Look. I know you hate being torn away from your work but we need your help. Please." I asked him smiling. He seemed to ponder on it.

You: "So this is why you're with them. Even after... That thing..." (M/n) said shaking his head. He then looked at me fully. "Do you think I should? My default answer should be no." He asked me with a straight face. I merely nod telling him he should and he sighs deeply. "Fine. I know exactly where it is. After you three are done... I'm hiding it again. Since I can't destroy it." (M/n) said sternly to us. We all nod. "Allow me to pack. We need to head to Toussaint." (M/n) explained as he began to leave the room. He looks at me as he does. I then look at Triss and Geralt

Yennefer:"What would you do without me?" I said smirking with a small but of smugness in my voice. "You both better be telling the truth about not wanting it for any other reason but the vampires underneath Novigrad. (M/n)'s a skilled warlock and would not hesitate attacking either of you if he detected another motive hidden underneath its original use." I explained to the two seriously. (M/n) is a non violent person who prefers to help when asked but when it comes to this. He would not be happy. "I suggest we freshen up. We have a few days ride to Toussaint." I suggested as we walked down the hall. Triss nodded in agreement.

Triss: "Agreed. Come on Geralt." Triss said as she walked ahead of me. She began dragging Geralt away and I scowled a bit. Of course they would. Hm... (M/n) has a wash room in his room. Maybe he'll let me use it.

I begin my trek towards his room. Assuming he hasn't moved rooms. I doubt it though considering he likes to keep things organized. As I begin to approach his room I begin thinking. I've known this man for the better part of three years. We've been good friends for a majority of that time. Hm. Somethings never change. I knock on (M/n)'s familiar door three times and hear him say 'enter.' I do so and... Am slightly taken aback by what I see. (M/n) is In his room shirtless. Given the glisten on his skin its obvious he just got out of bathing. His pants are hugging his hips pretty tightly. He's just digging through his dresser looking for a shirt. He finds it and turns to me.

You: "Do you need something?" (M/n) asked me calmly. I then notice that despite his job as a scribe, he's pretty fit. He could rival Geralt in some regard. Minus the scars of course. I then snap out of my trance and nod my head.

Yennefer: "Yes but... How are you so fit? I don't recall any form of exercise being needed as a scribe." I asked (M/n) curiously. He then looked down at his chest and looked back up.

You: "Doesn't mean I shouldn't exercise." (M/n) said flatly. I merely laugh at that and he chuckles. "So... Beyond ogling me, what did you need?" (M/n) asked as he put his shirt on.

Yennefer: "May I use your wash room to clean up? I won't have another chance until we get to Toussaint." I asked (M/n) with a smile. He just shrugged as he sat on his bed.

You: "Go ahead. There are towels in the closet. Oh, and avoid the blue bottle. It's meant for my hair only. I have no idea what it could do to you." (M/n) said to me smiling a bit. I smiled and nodded in return.

Yennefer: "I'll keep it in mind. Thank you darling." I said smiling as I headed towards his washroom.

You: "You're welcome. Take your time if you want. We won't be leaving until the morning." (M/n) said to me calmly. I looked at me as he pulled out a book to read. I nodded to him and headed into the wash room and as expected, its spotless.


(Your POV)

It has been about an hour since Yen went into the wash room. I can occasionally hear the water splash about. I am very engulfed in my book however so I don't pay it any mind. I do at some point hear the door open and someone calling for me.

Yennefer: "(M/n) darling. I need to ask a favor." I heard Yen say In that ever so sweet voice that I enjoy. I stand and walk over to the door book still in my hand. "Since we will be staying the night, may I borrow a pair of sleeping clothes so mine can be washed properly?" Yen asked me through he crack of the door. I merely walk away not saying anything and grab somethings that she can wear. I come back using my book to cover my eyes and present them. "Thank you. You're very kind." Yen said a bit happy like. Thank goodness the book is covering my face right now. I just nod and head back to my bed. I pick up where I left off in the book. I soon hear the wash room door open fully and just keep reading. Up until I feel my bed shift ever so slightly. I see Yen looking at the cover. "Nocturnal Dreams? I've never read it." Yen said examining the cover. I place a book mark in the book and place it on my table.

You: "It's pretty good. Met the Author awhile back. He's pretty interesting to talk to. All I know is his alias Is Fancy Skellington. And its about a prince going to combat school to learn exactly what he's capable of." I said smiling a bit. "Sorry the clothes aren't what you're used to." I said as I examined her clothes. Despite the fact they aren't stylish in any form she still looks decent in them.

Yennefer: "No but they are quite comfy. Tha's more than enough. Now. I must ask Where will I be sleeping?" Yennefer asked me again in that accent that makes my heart flutter in a way only she has managed to do."

You: "I suppose you could sleep in my bed. I'll just sleep on the floor or something." I said with a small smile. She gave me a look that said she wasn't satisfied. I bet I know what this means. "Look. There aren't any spare beds at the moment due to some family visiting one of the scribes so that's all I have. I really don't mind you know." I said trying to reassure her in my own shit way.

Yennefer: "It's not that. You agree to help us and you're going to just offer me your bed? I know you hate to be torn from your work." Yen explained to me calmly. I just shrug.

You: "If it was Triss she'd be sleeping on the floor. But you have actually come to visit me for no other reason than to see me. So, I don't mind. You're one of the few people I know I could consider a friend." I explained with a smile. She just shook her head smiling at me.

Yennefer: "Alright... if I can't convince you." Yen said to me kindly. She then hugged me gently. I hugged her back. "Thank you." Yen said to me as she pulled away. I just shrugged a bit.

You: "It's not a problem. Anyway... What have you been up to?" I asked as I leaned on my head board. She followed suit and began telling me about Ciri and the whole Wild Hunt situation.

I listened intently as I normally do when people speak to me one on one. Hell, I even began taking notes. She told me about everything she had been through. Including Geralt's choice after attacking and freeing the Genie. I shook my head at that part. I wrote down the Genie bits but not the personal stuff. We stayed that way speaking for a long time. I had a damn notebook full of notes before we had to go to bed.


(Still Your POV)

We arrived in Toussiant without much issue though I just kept reading the whole way. Geralt tried to talk to me but Yen explained tot he both of them that when I am super invested in something I can't be torn away from it. He resigned to it but admired my focus saying it was a near Witcher level. He doesn't know but I smiled at that.

You: "Okay. Geralt, you need to speak with the Duchess and get her blessing in the form of a crystal necklace. It will serve as the key to the box. Triss can go with you. Me and Yen will get the indigents to create Fiend Oils." I explained calmly to them. Yen nodded in agreement.

Geralt: "Where do we meet after I'm done?" Geralt asked me in his normal monotone voice. I look at him.

You: "I would say stables. We can't take the horses though. The crystal tends to attract Fiends so they could be killed.' I explained seriously. He nodded before gesturing to Triss. They both leave and I look at Yen. "Shall we?" I asked smiling. Yen then smirks at me in a teasing way I think.

Yennefer: "Did you just want to spend time with me alone? You could've just asked." Yen teased me. I roll my eyes a bit at that.

You: "You know how blunt I am. If this was a date I would've said as much." I said smirking. "That can wait for later. For now, we need to find some things, right?" I asked still smirking a bit. Yen looked a bit surprised at what I said.

Yennefer: "Careful. I may hold you to that." Yen said in a teasing manner. I actually blush at that. I kind of want to take her somewhere nice but man. I'm not sure if I could give her what she may need. "Come on then." Yen said heading to the door. I just shake my head and focus on the task at hand. It didn't take us long to get to the market and start browsing for the alchemy store. As we walked we began chatting again. "You know I was just teasing about the date, yes?" Yen asked me with a bit of concern in her voice. At least she remembers sarcasm can go over my head sometimes.

You: "Yeah I know." I said trying to not sound disappointed. She merely smiled as I thought about what it might've been like. I quickly found what we needed and paid for them. I also had the alchemist mix the oil together with my very specific instructions. They made three bottles worth of the oil. As we left I decided to bring up something else. "Hey Yen." I said as I looked over at her. She looked at me. "Are you... Okay? With Geralt and everything. I know how long you guys were together and I may have many things that go over my head but other people's emotions are not one of them." I said in a soft tone. She looked surprised but ultimately sighed. She held her own arms as we walked a bit slower than before.

Yennefer: "I know I can't control what he does or chooses but... I was hoping that he still loved me. I guess too much time had passed by the time he found me." Yen said sadly. I look at her frowning. I place a comforting hand on her back as we walk. "I'll be fine in time... It just hurt." Yen finished in a very sad tone. I begin wracking thought my brain for a proper response. I then form one and nod my head as we approach the stables. Once we stop I have her stand in front of me.

You: "Once I heard he lost his memories and Triss began to... Be with him. I thought she was a bit if a bitch." I admitted bluntly. Yen looks at me a bit surprised. "Well think about it. A guy you know is dropped on some people's door step with no memories and instead of saying, 'hey I know who you are and where you came from and that you have a love of your life in this other person,' her reaction was to bed him. That's seven kinds of fucked up." I said a bit coldly. Yen stifled a weak chuckle at that. "Once his memories returned though I thought you were the easy choice. I could give a list of reasons but the fact that you two truly loved one another I thought would be enough." I explained looking to the side with a scowl. I shake my head and look at her. "Low and behold I was wrong. Every time I am its always about something good actually becoming bad. I know I'm... Difficult to be around sometimes. Like when I'm working and I all but ignore you unless you shake me or something but... I am here to talk if you need. I may not be able to understand, especially since I've never been in a relationship, but I can listen. Or be punched in frustration I guess." I said jokingly at the end. Yen just looks at me as if she's looking for the lie. Good luck finding any Yen. She then smiles and hugs me. I hug her back and rub her back... That sounded stupid in my head. She pulled away smiling at me.

Yennefer: "You may not understand but, that did make me feel better." Yen said kindly. She doesn't bother asking about my lack of a love life. Not many people can stand me around where I live. "A list huh?" Yen asked me with a smirk. I sigh and look down shaking my head.

You: "Yeah, yeah. Live it up." I said chuckling. Yen laughed a bit as I saw Geralt and Triss approach out of the corner of my eye. I turned to them. "You, have it?" I asked Geralt seriously. He showed me the amulet and I smiled. It was a moderately sized thing. One half was yellow and shaped like a sun. The other was a crescent moon shaded blue. I took the necklace from him. I held it high as the pendent dangled from my hand. "Wohs em eht yaw ot eht ospilce meg." I chanted to the gem. It began vibrating and a bright light shot out from it. I looked in the direction it was going and looked back. "Follow me." I said as I began walking. The others began following me down the path. Though Yen stayed closer to me than I expected. I didn't really pay that much mind other than noticing she was. She does seem to be smiling to herself though.

Geralt: "I do have a question (M/n)." Geralt said to me in his normal monotone voice. I nodded not taking my eyes of the road. "How do you know enough about beasts to know how to make oil?" He asked me again in his monotone voice. He has emotions I damn well know It but the mutations to make a witcher take away the ability to show them through speech.

You: "One witcher you know brought his ever so extensive book a few years back. Vesemir. He knew the odds of the witchers surviving for the rest of time was next to non-existent. So he had us record his entire book so we could make a new order of beast slayers when the time came. Hell, the leader of the order even has the notes on how to mutate someone... Though he says he may burn them." I said honestly as I glanced at some of the trees we passed by.

Geralt: "Of course he did. He was always a few steps ahead of most of us." Geralt said with a hint of sadness in his voice. I give him a look of sympathy and nods in understanding.

You: "Sorry for your loss." I said sadly. Again, he just nodded. "Before any of you ask, the witchers are constantly on the edge of oblivion. Either it be, lack of recruits, being hunted, or giving themselves bad names. The order could fall apart so we are developing a back up plan." I explained calmly. Geralt hummed a but in response. he Nodded in understanding. I heard Triss whisper something to Yen. I looked over and saw they both looked away from me and Geralt. I just shrugged and focused on the task at hand.


(Still Your POV)

It took us about two hours to get to where we needed to get but it was worth it. To the normal eye this would be nothing more than ruins of ruins. Almost nothing but dust remains. Judging how much this pendant is vibrating though, it's easy to guess that we are where we need to be.

You: "Okay. Among one of these broken towers should be a hole shaped like the pendent. Split up and find it." I said flatly as I walked towards the ruins. I get no response but can easily assume that they are doing the same. "Except you Geralt. Keep your senses sharp. The gem attracts Fiends to it so be ready with the oils I made you." I said flatly once more. I looked to Geralt and see him nod in understanding. And thus the search commenced.

The pendant will not give me the location of the 'key hole' so to say. So we need to look around. I carefully search every inch of each pillar I look through. Moving the vines or dust that maybe in the way slowly looking at them. I move to the next pillar and do the same. Though as I begin to feel for the key hole I do think I find it but feel my hand collide with a clothed one. I look and see Yen was working the same pillar as she. She just shook her head and retracted her hand. I move the dust and moss out of the way and see the hole meant or the pendant. I remove the chain on the necklace and place the pendant in the hole. Loud clicking sounds are heard as me and Yen stand back.

You: "A Fiend will be here soon." I said as calm as ever. I heard Geralt draw is silver sword as I counted down in my head. I myself get ready with my own spell to make our lives easier. After about ten seconds a familiar roar is heard. "On que." I said as my hands began to glow. A Fiend jumped out from some trees towards me. I easily just rolled out of the way. "Sit still you ass." I said as I dodged another swipe. I finally am given a chance to get my spell off and it slows down considerably. "There. Geralt." I said as I gestured to the beast. He coats the blade in the oil. He begins attacking the beast

Though I have seen Witchers in action in the past its still impressive to see. Though I'm not going to lie here. My eyes wander over to Yen who is helping Geralt with the beast along with Triss. I have to keep my concentration with this petrify spell or it could break free. The beast is bigger than normal Fiends. I believe this one was cured by Eclipso before he left this plane of existence. It can be killed like any Fiend but be prepared to work for it. The beast actually knocks Geralt back and he is forced to recover. It changes its attention to Yen who seems to be recovering from the spell. She doesn't move when it charges her. I have to break my spell in order to get in front of Yen as it charges. Begin casting a spell and slam one hand into the ground. Once its close enough I rip my hand up sending a large fire wave upwards. This knocks the beast back away and ends its charge. I see Geralt as recovered and is ready to kill it, I do a few more hand movements and send a bright flash of light at the Fiend. It screams as it stumbles about. Geralt takes the opportunity to go in and stab it in the neck. It tries to swat at him but he merely rips his sword out killing the beast. After it's all said and done I look at Yen sternly.

You: "Don't ever stand in the way of A Fiend's charge without a proper plan. It will gore you." I said sternly to her. I am more concerned for her safety than her lack of a plan but still. I sigh deeply. "Just don't die alright." I said a bit more softly to Yen.

Yennefer: "I felt as if it were draining my magic. That's not normal." Yen said as she looked at the dead beast. "Sorry for worrying you (M/n)." Yen said apologetically. Again I sigh deeply as she looks at me.

You: "Its fine. I just don't want a good friend to die." I said kindly. Yen smiles a bit at that. "This Fiend is called simply 'Guardian.' He's a cursed fiend. Supposedly by Eclipso himself. It is destined to guard the gem regardless of its location. He will come back from the dead though it will take at least a month." I explained to Yen calmly. "He also drains any energy in the area. That's why he had to die so this could happen." I said as I pointed to the middle of the pillars. The ground began to shift and a hidden pathway opened. The air had to rush inside.

Yennefer: "Impressive. If you intend to hide the gem after we're done... Will it be away from towns so the beast leaves people alone?" Yen asked me as she looked at me once more. I nodded confirming I would and she smiled.

You: "Follow me. It won't take long." I said as I began to go down the stairs. Yen walked right beside me as we went down. "Sorry for being an ass. I was just worried." I said a bit quietly to avoid the annoying echo in the tomb.

Yennefer: "It's alright (M/n). It's nice to know you care so much." Yen said smiling. Thank whatever god is down here its dark cause I am a blushing mess right now. Yen giggles a bit. Shit. She saw no doubt. Soon all of us reach the bottom and there it sits. A foot and a half long thin perfectly cut purple crystal. It's clear, or would be if not for the power flowing through it like water. "It's beautiful." Yen said staring at the gem in awe. I just shrug a bit.

You: "Maybe but that's one of the things that makes it so dangerous. Its enticing. A fool may grab it giving Eclipso a mortal body to possess." I explained as I approached it. I see Triss reach for it and I slap her hand away with a stern look. "Geralt would hesitate killing you if Eclipso took you. He would not however care about killing me if needed." I said as looked between the two. Geralt nods in understanding as Triss stays quiet. I reach for it but see Yen grab my arm. I look at her and she looks worried even though she has a stern look on her face.

Yennefer: "And you dying would be any better?" Yen asked me sternly. I nod my head yes and she shakes her head at me. "What about your colleagues at the Library? What about me?" Yen asked the last part a bit more quiet like. I just sigh deeply and place my hands on her shoulders.

You: "The Witchers are few in number so risking Geralt would be foolish. As for you and Triss, as much as I disliked the Lodge it did help find people capable of magic and taught them how to use it properly. I can't risk two people with that talent. Especially when one of them... Means allot to me. So I'm going to do this." I said sternly still trying to keep my feelings for Yen at bay. She sighs deeply and nods her head. I then reach for the gem and take it into my hands. I pull it closer to me and I hear whispers in my head. Though they get more and more frustrated as some time passes. "It bothers you doesn't it Eclipso. Someone finally touches your gem and its someone who's mind isn't as easy to figure out as a common person's." I said out loud looking into the gem. The voice gets louder. "Oh piss off. I'm going to put you away when I'm done." I said as I placed the gem in a holster on my back. It still whispers loudly In my head but eventually begins giving up. I look at Yen. "Everything is good. Though I do recommend we head back to the city to rest. I'm going to take some notes on this thing before we use it... And sorry for the worry Yen." I said rubbing my neck nervously. She sighed a bit and hit my arm.

Yennefer: "Just don't let your guard down. I'd hate to turn you into a roast." Yen said a bit playfully. I shake my head at that but can't help smiling.

You: "Let's go people." I said calmly as I started leaving the tomb. Once we were out, Geralt grabbed the pendant and the chain so he could give it back to The Duchess when we return. Yen walks right by me as we head down the trail.

Yennefer: "Its talking to you isn't it?" Yen asked me. I nodded looking annoyed. She giggled at my expression. "Not the best conversationalist I'm guessing." Yen said smirking. I laugh a msall bit at that.

You: "No joke. He keeps going on about how he can give me so much power and influence. I wish he'd shut up." I said rolling my eyes. Yen laughed again at that. "He also keeps saying he can make any woman love me." I said as I rolled my eyes. " 'I can make her love you all you need to do is give in.' Of piss off." I said rolling my eyes again. I then realized I said 'her' and not 'them' and freeze a bit.

Yennefer: "You're in love with someone? Pray tell who?" Yen asked me with a curious tone in her voice. I keep my lips shut knowing I can't lie to anyone. "We're friends. Come on." Yen said trying to goat me into saying something.

You: "Look. It's pointless. She loves someone else." I said not entirely lieng. She does love Geralt last I checked so I am not lying. I think. Yen shakes her head at me.

Yennefer: "Excuses. You should just try." Yen said smiling to herself about something. Does she know? Oh by the gods I hope not.

You: "Let's get this done first. I'll worry about my lack of a love life later." I said jokingly. Yen merely giggled at that as we kept walking. As we do walk I take notice of her smiling to herself about something. A very confident smile as well. If she does know... I wonder what she thinks.


(Still Your POV)

We have arrived in Novigrad and I already feel my blood boiling and my mind racing. My mind is racing due to all the people talking around me and all the movement I see. Not to mention the sounds in the distance. What is boiling my blood is the sight of Eternal Fire priests. Bastards worshiping a false god and killing people for it. Geralt said he needed to get some things to make Vampire oil just in case some of them get rowdy. All I know is I'm getting more and more angry at the priests telling elves and the like they are going to 'be cleansed by the Eternal Fire's light.' I just hope they don't do anything to stupid while I'm here. I may throw my authority around a bit.

(Yennefer's POV)

So I was right. After thinking on what (M/n) said about him loving someone that loves someone else I have figured out it is me he spoke of. We have known each other for years and I am one of the few people he considers friends. Another being Dandelion who he says he's going to see while he's here. So now that I know this... What should I do? I mean yes, he's pretty blunt, and can get so buried in his work it takes a good friend to pull him away and even then it may not work. However, I have seen over his years his compassion, nobility, and intelligence help save people more than once. Not many of these scribes leave the library just to help people but I have seen (M/n) do just that. He helped a village get rid of a curse in the soil without want for pay. All he asked was send him a letter with an update to make sure he did it right... And any books they may think the Library doesn't have. He only ever copied them if that happened. He let the village keep the originals so they could make money selling them to rich collectors. It has been nearly a year since... Geralt made his choice. And yes. I am still miffed.... But maybe I should try and move on. It'll always hurt in some way but sulking like I have been, especially alone is not a smart idea. I know what I'll do. (M/n) wants to see Dandelion? I'll ask him to escort me to his open night tonight. We could see some amazing or horrifyingly bad performances. Either way, it would be fun. I glance at (M/n) and see his face. He's always thought discrimination was foolish and a waste of time since it makes no sense but... He hates The Church OF The Eternal Fire greatly. He says they're well on their way to becoming an Inquisition. He's right of course. Soon we enter Novigrad's large square... And they are preparing a Pyre. I also feel... (M/n)'s energy spike. He's pissed now. He begins walking towards it and I have to call Geralt and Triss over to show them. Geralt sighs deeply and we all go after (M/n). (M/n) forces his way to the front of the crowd and stands there with his arms crossed listening to what's being said. His scowl never leaves his face. The man preaching prattles on about cleansing and that crap but as he goes to light the fires (M/n) acts. He's so damned fast I couldn't reach for him. He pushed the Eternal Fire Priest to the side and ripped the torch from his hands. He snapped it in two and snuffed the fire out eliciting gasps from the crowd. A few Witch Hunter's get into threatening poses and (M/n) just rolls his eyes at them.

Eternal Fire Priest "Who are you to interrupt the cleansing of the Eternal Fire?!" The Eternal Fire Priest (M/n) pushed yelled. (M/n) scoffed at him.

You: "The Second Scribe of The Library of Eternity." (M/n) stated with authority. Many people gasped in surprise and even a few of the witch hunters were shocked. "And you should know The Library considers this 'Eternal Fire' a false god since it has performed no magic nor miracles. Its followers simply use it to justify killing those kinds of beings they do not like." (M/n) stated standing his ground. More gasps were heard but I couldn't help but smile in a proud manner. (M/n) is doing what he thinks is right and doesn't give a damn if this whole city hated him.

Eternal Fire Priest: "How dare you!? Scribe of Eternity or not you should respect the Eternal Fire's grace! It will burn the impurity's..." The priest doesn't get to finish his rant as (M/n) turned away and walked to the pyres. A succubus who looks terrified is tied to the one on the left and some random woman is tied to the right. Maybe she's a Doppler? Thanks to to being so quiet I can hear what (M/n) says to the succubus after he jumped up to untie her.

You: "Are you alight ma'am?" He asked as he untied her. Once she was loose he jumped down and helped her down. No one dared to make a move. Even the Witch Hunters are still. I guess they are still stunned by what they saw. The succubus says something I can't quite hear. "You're sentient. That makes you as human as me as far as I am concerned. I can tell you've done nothing wrong. I wouldn't stay in the city though." (M/n) said as he looked at her. The succubus nodded and hugged him briefly before darting off. He did the same for the woman the anger on (M/n)'s face is amplified. She runs off as well and he turns to the Priest. (m/n) may not be over emotional but one emotion belong compassion he gets right, is anger. I can even see that Geralt looks surprised. "So... You were going to burn that woman because she refused your advances?" (M/n) asked calmly though I can detect the anger in his voice. Some mummering occurs in the crowd. The Priest, though trying to keep his proud look, looks worried. (M/n) then approaches him but a Witch Hunter steps in front of the Priest in a defensive manner.

Witch Hunter: "Mind your tongue. You may be a scribe for the Library but that doesn't give you the right to accuse the Priest f anything." The Witch Hunter said glaring at (M/n). (M/n) keeps strong and stares down The Witch Hunter.

You: "When he preaches the teachings of a false god I do. That woman said he wanted to have sex with her. She refused so he accused her of witch craft. Back down Hunter. I can wipe your order from the face of this planet. A few placed words or just annihilating you all. So Back. Off." (M/n) said sternly. The Witch Hunter looks shocked. I smirk He's putting them in their place. The witch hunter backs off and he looks at the priest. "If I catch anyone doing this again for the next week I am in town... There will be hell to pay. We scribes like being pacifists and neutral in all conflicts...But even we have limits." (M/n) said coldly to the priest. The Priest went to say something but seemed to falter. The Priest said nothing as he walked away. The Witch Hunters followed. They're scared of him. (M/n) looked at the crowd. "If I could point to a child and say without a doubt that this child would go on to become a dictator who would kill millions and ruin so many more lives, could you then kill that child?" (M/n) asked the crowd seriously. No one in the crowd answered but most looked like the answer was no. "Causing death and suffering is not the way to peace. Kindness, compassion, and enlightenment for all your fellow humans and non-humans is the way to peace. Understanding is how one can prevent conflict. So take the time to know someone before you judge them." (M/n) said loudly t the crowd but I see that spark in his normally calm eyes. That spark of passion he gets when he works for something he cares for. Some of the crowd actually seem to enjoy that. (M/n) then sighs and gestures for us to continue to the catacombs. Once we get close Triss speaks up.

Triss: "That was... Brave (M/n). Very stupid and reckless but... Brave. They needed to hear what they heard." Triss said looking at (M/n) with a small smile. He just shrugs a bit as we walk not really responding.

Yennefer: "I agree about it being Brave and reckless but... If you knew him as long as I have then you would know he would've done this." I said smiling at (M/n). He looked at me. "Even if it nearly killed him he'd do it again. It's the logical thing after all right?" I asked him with a smile. He blushes a bit and looks away trying not to smile. That makes me giggle a bit. "The reality is he'd do it again because he feels it's the right thing to do." I said to Geralt and Triss with a smile. Triss nodded in agreement. Geralt just shook his head.

Geralt: "Heroes tend to die young. Glad he's made it this far." Geralt complimented in his normal monotone voice. I look to (M/n) to see he now can't fight the smile anymore. I smile more as we begin walking down the street.


(Your POV)

We arrived at the end of the docks and I can see the entrance to the cave. We have to teleport to get across much to Geralt's complaining. I made an offhand comment about 'the old man is complaining' and that made Yen and Triss both laugh. Geralt shook his head and said the bookworm best be careful around a wolf. I chuckled at that as well. We teleported in and man Geralt wasn't telling me a lie. By the gods I can hear the scurrying from here. I have Geralt coat his silver sword just in case something happens. We all begin walking ever so quietly towards the entrance to the lair.

You: "I can hear them all from here. Holy crap." I whisper looking forward. I can't here Geralt's footsteps despite the fact he is right next to me.

Triss: "See we weren't lying about this. The infestation is not like anything I have ever seen." Triss whispered to me as we grew close to the entrance to the brood. I say nothing focusing on the task in front of me. Once we are inside I am shocked at the number of vampires I see.

Yennefer: "My word." Yen whispered in shock. She then looked at me. "What do you need to do?" Yen asked me curiously. I sigh and pull out the gem.

You: "I need meld my mind with the gem to influence the vamps to leave." I said flatly. They all look at me in shock. "For people that wanted this damned thing you don't know much about it." I said sounding a bit irritated.

Yennefer: "Isn't that god's influence inside?" Yen asked me. I nod looking annoyed again. "Then... He could." I nod confirming her suspicions.

You: "See why I didn't want to use it... But seeing this insane infestation. It may have been the best choice. If my skin begins to look like flaking metal. Kill me." I said flatly. Yen was about to protest but I place the gem against my forehead and everything goes silent. Completely silent. I hear a voice whisper in my head.

(Eclipso): 'You think you can harness the power without anything in return?' Eclipso asked in my head. I say nothing as I keep concentrating on the gem. 'You are a fool... Wait... What are you doing?' The voice asked me again. I guess he wanted to try and create a mental block in my head. He failed obviously.

You: (In Thought): 'Focusing on a task so shut the fuck up please.' I said in my head as I feel the power flowing through me finally. Eclipso begins ranting but I drown it out. I then open my eyes and speak. "All of the undead in this place. All of those which lack the capacity to create life. Leave this place. Leave this place and never return!" I shouted at the vampires. All of them looked at me and their eyes flashed purple. They all began going into the water in the cavern and leaving.

Triss: "Amazing... Such power." I heard Triss say in awe. Once I was sure all the vampires left I took a deep breath. I nearly fall over but Yen helps keep me up. I open my eyes and see she's rather close... To my face with a worried expression. Is tumble back and lean on the wall. Triss and Geralt walk over to me.

You: "It nearly drained all I had." I said trying to catch my breath. Once I ws well enough I straightened myself up. "It's done. Time for this thing to go missing." I said as I began to open a random teleport.

Triss: "I understand why you want to be rid of it. But..." She can't even finish the thought as I glare her down. She shuts up right damn fast.

You: "Thought so." I said flatly. I am struggling to open the teleport but Yen ends up helping me finish it. I smile in relief. "Thanks Yen." I said as I looked at the teleport.

Yennefer: "Where will it end up?" Yen asked me curiously. I just sighed a bit at the question.

You: "It's a random teleport. All I know is it'll end up in some cave thousands of miles from here. Where exactly? I don't know. Even if I did I'd not tell a soul." I said to the group as I winded up. I threw the gem inside and slammed the portal closed behind it. I have to take a few more breathes. "Now... I need sleep." Is all I could say before I fell face first into the dirt, My task is complete. Now I can relax. Damn my mind.


(Your POV)

I awoke in nice soft... Familiar red bed. Why does it... Never mind. I sit up looking around. I know this room. I saw it last time I was here. Which means I'm at the Rosemary and Thyme. I passed out. I just sit there trying to wake up a bit and look at the In table. I see a note and read t to myself.


You passed out after you got rid of the gem. I had Geralt bring you here since I knew you and Dandelion were good friends. He set you up with your favorite room without a second thought. This is where you'll be staying for a week until you head back. That gem drained you of allot of energy so try and relax. Also, I'll be by later to see you with without company.

Yours truly,
Yennefer Van Vengerberg.

P.s: I have a question for you when you're feeling better.'

I smile at the letter. Ever so kind Dandelion. At least to his friends. I do think he needs to pick one woman and call it that. I was so relieved when he met Pricilla. No more sleeping around. I hope. I stretch finally and was about to stand until I heard a knock on the door. I was about to speak but in walks Dandelion.

You: "I could've been naked you know." I said in a joking tone as I scratched my back. He merely gives me his normal smile and walks abut closer. He shakes my hand like we normally do and I smile. "Good to see you to Dandelion." I said smiling at my friend.

Dandelion: "It's always good to see me." Dandelion said a bit confidently. I just playfully scoff and shake my head.

You: "I know a few ladies that would disagree." I said with a small smirk. Dandelion gives me a bewildered look and that actually makes me laugh.

Dandelion: "Ever the funny man (M/n). At least that hasn't changed." Dandelion said taking a seat in one of the chairs. I know what he's talking about I haven't visited in nearly nine months. I go to speak but he puts a hand up. "No need to worry. I know you get engulfed in your work. Wish I had that kind of work ethic. Maybe this place would've been running a long time ago." He joked with a smile. We then began catching up.

We spent a few good hours catching up as I rested. I tried to get up a few times but Dandelion seemed against it unless it was to use the luu. I asked him and he admitted that yen told him to keep me in bed or face the consequences. I smiled at that. Dandelion then teased me for being in love and I shook my head. I told him that she probably still loves Geralt so I have no chance in hell. He shook his head and reminded of all the times he thought the same and still bedded them. I reminded him my goal is for a permanent lover not a passing one. We both laughed at that. As the day went on I felt better and better. But the best part was when I heard a small knock on my door. Dandelion opened it and let Yennefer inside. Still as gorgeous as ever. It seems she took some time to redo some of her makeup and had her clothes properly cleaned. Dandelion promptly left the room.

Yennefer: "You're looking better already. You looked almost ill when we brought you here yesterday." Yen said as she sauntered over to the chair by my bed. I shake my head at the idea. I don't need to get sick in this damned city. "I'm just glad you're alright." Yen said with a smile. I just smile at her caring.

You: "Thanks Yen. I knew that gem would drain me but damn." I said chuckling to myself. "I felt like a giant threw me into a mountain." I said chuckling a bit more. Yen laughed at my statement. "Anyway, did they get paid?" I asked Yen a bit more seriously. She nodded and handed me a pouch of crowns. "He must've been paid allot." I said as I saw the big amount in the pouch.

Yennefer: "Yes but I convinced him to pay you a bit more since you could've died. He did it without a second thought. Seems you made a good impression." Yen said smiling at bit. I chuckle a bit. A new friend it would seem.

You: "That's good. I'm guessing he and Triss left yes?" I asked Yen calmly. She nodded and I sighed in slight relief. "I was in all honesty going to leave ahead of the two if they didn't. I'm alright with Geralt I guess but Triss. Not so much." I explained shaking my head. I took a sip of the water Dandelion got for me. Yen laughed at that.

Yennefer: "Yes. I told Triss that she shouldn't ask for your help again unless she has a damn good reason." Yen said smiling. I chuckle and nod my head in agreement. "Anyway, are you feeling alright?" Yen asked me as she crossed one leg over the other.

You: "Yeah. I'm alright. A bit tired but nothing I can't handle." I said smiling. She smiled more and I glanced at the note. "What question did you have?" I asked as I looked back at Yen.

Yennefer: "As a thank you for putting up with this madness. Would you like to escort me to the open night here tonight?" Yen asked me with a small smile gracing her lips. I have to do a double take. Did she just really?

You: "Are... You serious?" I asked sounding shocked. She nodded her head and I go wide eyed. "I mean... me? Really?" I ask her again and she smiles shaking her head at my stupid nervousness.

Yennefer: "Yes (M/n). Nothing wrong with two good friends enjoying a night full of good and bad singing is there?" Yen asked me with an almost knowing look. Oh now... Does she know? I know she's real damn perceptive but does she know?

You: "N-no... I suppose not. Um... I don't really have anything nice to wear." I admitted scratching my cheek. Yen laughed at my statement which nearly confused me.

Yennefer: "You think I'm going to dress up for this place? Hell no." Yen said still laughing a bit. I nodded and began laughing a bit as well.

You: "Good point. Alright. Sure. I'd love to go with you." I said smiling more at the idea. "But... We do have a few hours until then." I said looking around. Yen giggled again and pulled out two gwent decks. "I'm going to get destroyed." I said chuckling as I took one. She laughed a bit.

Yennefer: "Have more faith in yourself. You may last more than three minutes." Yen said smirking. I shake my head resigning to my fate. The game began and I knew tonight was going to be more fun that I had in a few months. Maybe that's why she's doing this. Because I need to relax a bit. Though part of me hopes its... Not that.


(Still Your POV)

Yen left the room so I could get dressed and once I was all set I left the room. She was waiting patiently and once she saw me she smiled again. She did take a moment to straighten my hair. I just sat there a bit blank faced. Once she was done we headed downstairs already hearing some people laughing their asses off. When we found a table another person began singing. Me and Yen had an amazing time while we watched everyone. Some of the singers were amazing and some or so bad it was almost worth leaving. It was all in good fun though. Me and Yen ate, drank, and talked through the night among the laughs and applause. Once the performances were over we headed back to my room still smiling and laughing at some of the jokes that were told. I opened the door to my room first and we both went inside.

You: "That was the most fun I had in months." I said as I took my shoes off. Yen hummed in agreement as I placed my shoes to the side. "Thanks for this." I said smiling warmly at Yen. She just smiles and gets a tad closer to me than she would normally do.

Yennefer: "No. Thank you for indulging me." Yen said as she smiled right back. I know I'm blushing but I can't fight it back. "I know you have feelings for me." Yen said still smiling. I blush more and look away.

You: "I wasn't wrong back in Toussiant was I? The woman I love is still in love with another man." I said sounding a bit more down trodden. Yen says nothing but I feel her grab my chin and make me look at her.

Yennefer: "I won't lie. I do somewhat still love Geralt but he made his decision... I can't change that. But..." Yen said as she let my chin go. "I do know one guy I would be... Willing to try and be with like I was with Geralt... It may take time but I'm willing to try of he is." Yen said as she smiled warmly at me. I look at her surprised.

You: "I'd... Love to try... If it works than fantastic... if not... Well we'd still be great friends." I said smiling back with a hint of love in my voice. I made a bold move and kissed her cheek. She smiled more and did the same to me. I blushed a a bit more. "Does that mean... I can expect to see you more?" I asked smiling. She laughed and nodded. I hugged her for that and she hugged back. "Thanks... Yen." I said smiling. She merely giggles a bit. When we pull away I look at her. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked her kindly. She nodded but then smirked.

Yennefer: "Yes, and expect to go clothes shopping. I do not mind events like this but I do expect fancy dates." Yen said smirking with confidence. I nodded expecting as much and she kissed my cheek again. "I'll see you tomorrow (M/n)." Yen said to me kindly. I smiled more and showed her out. Once I shut the door... I did a little dance. I can't fucking believe she's willing to try and be with someone like me. Holy crap.


(Still Your POV)

I am reading through the notes that a succubus gave me regarding demon magics. Soon though I hear a familiar hum and a portal opens in front of me. I smile knowing who it is. Yen steps out of the portal smiling like normal. Though she has certain glint in her eyes. I place the notes down to greet her.

You: "Hello my love." I said smiling with love in my voice. She just smirked and came over to me. She pulled me into a kiss and sat in my lap. I smirk in the kiss and return it with equal passion.

It's a pretty intense make out session but it's also about average for us. As our lips move in sync I still can hardly believe she's with me of all people. But when we confessed to one another three months ago, it was magical. I hum happily at the thought as she continues kissing me. Our kisses are always so damn intense and I love it. Ever since Yen told me she loved me truly, she's come to see me at least three times a week since. She even brings Ciri with her when she can. Once we need air we separate.

You: "Amazing as always." I said smiling warmly at her. She merely chuckled as she stayed in my lap resting her head on my chest.

Yennefer: "What did you expect?" Yen asked me teasingly. I chuckled and decided to finish up my work but Yen began... Kissing my neck making me extremely flustered.

You: "Y-yen? W-wait." I said trying to concentrate. She didn't heed me and kept going. "I-I need to f-finish this." I said shuttering now. She's never done this before so it's a little odd. I like it but... I need. She then pulled away from my neck and I felt her breath on it.

Yennefer: "Then finish. I'm not that big of a distraction am I Second Scribe?" Yen asked me in a... Sultry tone. Does she really? Oh... Oh, my. The second I begin writing she goes back to working on my neck. Of for fuck... My, breathe begins to quicken. I hear her chuckle at that as I continue to fight back the moans. She doesn't stop so I finish up as fast as I possibly can. After I catalog it and place it in my desk I have her stop and I smash my lips on hers. She smirks into the kiss like before. Once we separate again I shake my head laughing nervously. "Come on... Let's go to your room." Yen said in a sultry tone as she took my hand. I go wide eyed and she smirks. "I'll teach you don't worry." Yen said as we left my office. I chuckle nervously again.

You: "Man... So straight forward." I said to myself as we walked. When we got in my room she locked the door and I sat on the bed. She sat in front of me smirking. I cupped her cheek. "I love you." I said smiling warmly. "So very much." I said with love. She smiles warmly right back and gently kisses my lips.

Yennefer: "I love you to. Always. Now. Lay back," She commanded. I did just that and to my surprise she laid with me. "Rest first my love. The fun will come later." Yen said as she handed me a book I've been reading to her. She laid her head on my chest as I found the spot we left off at. "I really do love you." Yen said happily before I started reading. I smile more and kiss her kips gently. Once I pull away I look deep into her eyes.

You: "I truly love you to." I said lovingly. She smiled and I began reading the book out loud. She sighs happily as she places a hand on my chest.

She knows exactly how to break my near unbreakable trance and it seems the neck maneuver was just another way she could. Not that I minded. I might ask her to do that more often. My super focused and slightly obsessed kind attracted the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Not only is she my best friend, she's the love of my life to. And I couldn't ask for more.

 (A/n: Okay i had to trim some fat off this story since it was too big for the stash. XD Also, sorry about it being later than I had hoped. Word crashed on me yesterday and deleted a shit load of my progress. DX The book 'Nocturnal Dreams' is a reference to a damn good OC story for RWBY from a pal of mine on here. FancySkellington is the name and if you like RWBY you should like it to. Here's the link if you want. :) Also, this autistic reader focuses on the near impossible to break focus one with Autism or even OCD may give when they really get into something they enjoy. I hope you enjoyed this peeps. :D)  

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