Built Up. Raven (RWBY) X Male Reader

(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Night
(M/n) = Main Name

Built Up. Raven (RWBY) X Male Reader

Requested By: Zirdes On Deviantart

(No POV)

You were someone Ruby considered like a father... Much to your joy mind you. Though people did give you the occasional question if you and Tai were a gay couple... They made the two of you laugh and you both decided to never answer the question since it would be funny. Your semblance makes you... Damn near impossible to kill. Only being eaten alive or attacked by a maiden would likely bring you down... Unluckily for you, there is no way you can be everywhere at once and failed to save Yang's arm and Phyrra Nikos from an untimely demise... You did insure Cinder's little gang didn't get away unscathed. You are currently walking towards Tai's since he sent you an emergency message.

(Your POV)

What would be an emergency? Everything has been quiet since Beacon fell. Unless row showed up drunk I guess. I quickly made my way to Tai's cabin on Patch and banged on the door. It took less than a minute for Tai to answer. He let me in but I saw a look of dread on his face.|

You: "Okay Tai. What happened?" I asked sounding calm. Tai hands me a note and says nothing. I read it and go wide eyed at what it says. "WHAT!?" I shouted sounding a tad angry. Tai sat on the couch and put his head in his hands. I then hear Yang's room door open and see her pile out. She's looks... Depressed. Not that I blame her. I walk over and hug her deeply. She doesn't hug back but I can tell she doesn't mind it either. I then pull back. "Sorry for shouting..." I apologized a tad sheepishly. Yang just shrugged at me and plopped next to Tai on the couch. "Well hell... Is any one following them?" I ask Tai sounding a tad frantic. He looks up at me and nods his head yes.

Tai: "Yeah. Qrow's following them." Tai said sounding tired. I sighed heavily at that. That man can barely walk straight half the time.

You: "That drunk?" I asked sounding irritated. Tai nodded his head and I shook mine. "Well... Ruby has another following her now." I said as I readjusted the giant hammer on my back. I call it Volundrung. Tai looks at me shocked. "I'm going. I can follow her trail and likely catch her within a few days if I keep going." I said to Tai sounding more stern than usual. He nodded his head before standing. We bro hugged briefly.

Tai: "Keep her safe." Tai said sounding worried. I pull back and nod sternly. I look to Yang who is giving me a look that says thank you. I nod to her and gun it out of the house. I need to grab a few things before I can follow Ruby fully.


(Still Your POV)

I have been on the road for a solid three days. I see a plume of smoke appear over the horizon. Worried it may be Ruby in trouble I gun it towards that location at fuul speed. When I get there, to my relief I see that Ruby has only just arrived along with three of her friends. I run up behind them.

You: "RUBY!!" I shouted over the distance so she could hear me. She perks up and turns to see me running at her. She smiles wide when she sees me and does the same... Except allot faster. I brace for impact by digging my feet into the ground and activating my semblance. She tackles me and I still get pushed back about ten feet. I hold her tightly as she does the same. Thank Oum you're okay!" I said as I held her tightly. She giggled as I deactivated my semblance. I pulled her back. "How could you do that! Your dad and I were worried to death!" I said sternly to her. She looks down and points her index fingers together. I sighed heavily as the boy with pink eyes and a pink stripe in his hair walks up.

(???): "Ruby has figured since the three that destroyed Beacon claimed to be from Haven academy that we should go there and speak with their headmaster before they can do the same to Haven." The boy explained calmly. I looked at him and then back at Ruby who is nodding very quickly. I sighed and looked at the boy once more. "I am Lie Ren. This is Nora." He said calmly as he pointed to an orange haired girl whom seems to be bouncing in place. "And this is Jaune Arc." Ren explained calmly once more as he pointed to the blonde boy. I nod my head in understanding.

You: "Nice to meet...." I stop myself as I remember the names. JNPR... Or JNR now I suppose. "I'm... Sorry about Phyrra... I told them to find an older person but..." said as I remember the conversation. I see the three tilt their heads at me. "They didn't even give you the curtesy of an explanation did they?" I asked sounding quite angry at the idea. They each shook their heads and I begin to fume slightly. "If course Ironwood wouldn't. Bastard only cares about the bottom line. Not about who gets hurt to get there. I'll explain later but we need to see if we can find out what happened here." I said sounding angry at first but calming as I ended the sentence. They each nodded to me. "I'm (F/n)-" I don't get to finish as the orange haired Nora gets all giddy.

Nora: "(F/n) (L/n)! Or The Hammer as the white fang called you in their dumb book! I'm such a huge fan! Can I see your hammer!? Mines called Magnchild!" Nora said sounding quite ecstatic. I shrug a bit and pull out my hammer. I let the head of it hit the ground and it indents into the stone slightly.

You: "Meet Volundrung." I said proudly as Nora got all excited looking it over. She reminded me of Ruby just then. Volundrung is a mostly black weapon. The handle is place and so are the tips of the spikes that are on the head. The main part of the hammer has a few runic designs on colored dark green and the parts where there are no designs are dark grey. In the dead center of the hammer head is a glowing dust crystal. At the moment it is red showing I have fire ready to go since Grimm in this part of the world hate it greatly. Nora jumps up and down in place as I re sheathe it. "Lets go." I said sternly as I walked into the destroyed town. The others followed but Ruby seemed to follow closer to me than her friends. I smiled and offered my hand. She smiles and grips it slightly as we walk.

As we walk I take note of the devastation. Defiantly a giant Grimm of some kind. Wouldn't be a Metal Mouth... No bite marks... A dragon? No. The only one alive is frozen in Vale. As I go through the possibility I here Ren call over. Me and Ruby head his way and he points to a track... A Nuckelavee. I shake my head at it as Ren looks worried in his eyes. He shakes his head and then we hear a cough. We head in that direction and we see a man that looks like he's been... Stabbed? Bandits maybe. I kneel down and get my med kit out and try to get to work.

You: "What happened? Was it that grimm?" I asked the man who's breathing seems to be getting shorter. At this point I can only hope to ease the pain before he passes. He shakes his head no which confuses me.

(???): "It... Only came after... They did..." The man said between coughs I look up at him. "Red... Eyes..." Is all the man can say before he passes out. I hear the others behind me suggest that we should get help but I see the man die. I close his eyes and stand. I turn to the others.

You: "No... He's gone." I said solemnly... I know who the Red Eyes are. Ren walks away but I walk up and stop him. "Ren... Calm." I said calmly. The boy breathes in and closes his eyes trying to calm his mind. "I know who the Red Eyes are... I'll take care of that. Here." I said as I handed Ruby a communicator. "Its older but you will be directly connected to me." I said in a fatherly tone. She looked up at me with said eyes and I hugged her tightly. "You know I'll come the moment you call." I said as I held her. I feel her nod slightly before pulling away

Ruby: "I know but... Be safe please..." Ruby said sounding very sad. I nodded my head and kissed her forehead. I looked to the others.

You: "Watch yourselves... That Grimm is known to attack anything that lives on sight." I warned sternly. Jaune gains a worried look while Ren and Nora nod. "Keep her safe." I said calmly. They each smiled at that.

Jaune: "We will sir." Jaune said sternly. I nodded to him before looking back at Ruby. We hug one last time before I head in the direction off the Red Eyes clan. I think it's time someone put them in their fucking place.


It's been a couple of days since I began walking towards the Red Eyes. I called Ruby every so often to make sure everything was alright. She said beyond a few grimm nothing has changed which is good. Soon I hear some voices and hide behind a tree.

(???): "At least we led that beats away." The first man said quietly. "Raven will be pleased." He said quietly once more. Of course its Raven. Why wouldn't it be?

(???): "Yes. We should report in." The second man said calmly. Taking that as some crappy que I walk out and take out my hammer. I knock the first guy out cold with one swing. Before the other can react, I grab his throat and lift him up.

You: "here's what is going to happen. You are going to report to Raven and I'm going to Follow. You tell her a hammer wielding friend is coming to vist." I said sternly. The man looks unafraid but I can see he looks unnerved. I then take my hammer and slam it into the ground creating a small crater. "GOT IT!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. He nodded frantically and I dropped him. He stood there staring at me so I made a mock attacking action and that got his ass moving. I put Volundrung up and ran after him.


(Raven's POV)

I patiently wait for my two scouts to return. They should have lead that grim away from our camp here. If not. Well they know what we do to the weak don't they? Soon I ehar what sounds lie running and am soon met with a single scout instead of the pair I sent. He looks at me and looks... Scared?

Reggy: "Ma'am.... We guided the grim away but a man wielding a giant hammer knocked Dan out and told me to tell you, 'A Hammer wielding friend is coming to visit.'" Reggy finished uickly. (M/n). I stand up and look him dead in the eye. He is not lying.

Raven. "Go have our warriors meet him at the gate. I'll join you shortly." I ordered sternly. Reggy nodded and ran outside. (M/n) is here. We can't let him live knowing where we call home. I grab my Katana and get into my battle garments.

(Your POV)

I am met with a meh looking wooden gate. I try and push it open but it is simply locked. I step back and pull out my hammer. I line up a swing at the dead center of the door and swing with a might force fit for the toughest of grim. The door easily shatters on impact and I waltz inside only to be met with a bunch of Red Eye warriors standing in battle ready positions. I sling my hammer over my shoulder and smirk at them.

You: "I've been meaning to see if Raven had trained tough warriors... And You had no reason to kill those people." I said as my tone got darker and darker. They all simply glared. "True warriors protect the weak... Not kill them. But if you're so damn tough come kill me. Someone your own damn size." I said as I covered my hammer's head in fire. The first two men in front charge me and I simply stand there.

Once they get close enough I dodge backwards and get my hammer ready for a counter swing. The two men try and slice my neck I lean back and they barely miss. I swing my hammer upwards with great force and nail one of the men in the gut. I hear a sickening crack as he lifts off the ground. He goes flying back into the others as a small gust of fire comes off my hammer's swing. I quickly change my hammer's direction and swing at the other man. He tries to block but my hammer goes straight through his sword, shattering it before hitting him in his chest. Once again I hear a cracking sound and see him spit up some blood before flying back with a gust of fire. I turn to the others and smirk. This will be easy.

(Raven POV)

I walk outside as I hear someone make impact with another person. I look over to see the one and only (M/n) smirking at the rest of my warriors. I see two of my elites are down and out. One of which has blood coming from his mouth slightly. (M/n) stands and simply gestures for more to attack him. Like fools three more do so and he lines up another swing. When he takes it two duck under the fire like they should while one slides instead. Fool. I see (M/n) smirk before adjusting his hammer and hitting the fool that slid like a damn golf ball. He never took his fighting style seriously. Not that he had to I suppose being damn near impossible to kill.= like he is... Next to that he and his team cleaned house at the Vytal tournament. No one knew what to expect from his strange stance and fighting method. I watch as he begins tearing through the other two. The first, whom wields gauntlets much like Yang, goes for a punch. I see (M/n) eyes flash a (F/c) color. I know his semblance is on and that is going to shatter the other man's arm. The warrior connects a punch with (M/n)'s face but he does not move in the slightest. I see my warrior's arm bend in unnatural ways as he screams in agony. (M/n) then hits the warrior in the head with his hammer easily knocking him out. One thing I had always admired about (M/n) was his lack of mercy for his enemies. He never holds back regardless of that person's ability because he feels the best way to teach someone is through experience. He makes exceptions for children which is understandable as they are not experienced but he refuses to do so for adults. He dodges a slice from the second man and grabs his throat with one hand. (M/n) slams him on the ground twice forcing my warrior to drop his sword. (M/n) then brings him close before smirking. He tosses the warrior up slightly before punching him forward. (M/n) then follows the man as he lands and swings his hammer down on my warriors gut. I hear the warrior gasp for air desperately as he tries to inhale. The impact must have knocked the wind out of him completely. (M/n) lifts his hammer up as the flames die and stomps on the warriors head knocking him out cold. I shake my head as (M/n) began engaging what remained of our small force. We were not at our main home so not many were here. Normally we would not need many but we also did not count on encountering a competent Huntsman such as (M/n). I watch impressed as (M/n) easily dodges and disables my warriors without much effort. With swings from his hammer, his semblance breaking bones, and his odd fighting style no one here stood a chance. I watched as the last man fell to the ground knocked out. He then turned to me and I see the glare... That same glare he gave me when he last saw me after I saved Yang from the short one... I remember the day I left... I had never seen the care free (M/n) I knew so furious. He took it on himself to help Tai even when Summer picked up where... Where I left off. He was there to help tai, Ruby, and Yang when... When Summer died. I do know that he nearly killed Adam Tarus when... Yang lost her arm. The only reason (M/n) didn't kill him I wager was because he needed to get Yang help. He approaches me in that intimidating style I remember well. I stand on the ground in front of him not drawing my sword just yet.

You: "You need to train your 'warriors' better." (M/n) said as he put air quotes around warriors. That angers me slightly. He then begins walking around me. "If you could call them that. Attacking what they consider weak for their own damn gain. I mean. How strong are you really if you only destroy what you deem weak?" (M/n) asked me as he circled me. His tone was a tad sarcastic but I could hear the rage in his voice. I guess he never forgave me. "And who are you people to say something is 'weak' when you yourselves are weak to things such as the grim, the maidens, and Salem." (M/n) said as he let his rage be known now. He stopped in front of me. "Take the fucking mask off. There's no point to it since I know you Raven" (M/n) said with a sneer. I hesitate slightly before doing just that. I place it on the ground and he shakes his head at me.

Raven: "We do what is needed to keep the world strong." I said to him firmly. He tilts his head sat me before bursting into laughter. "What so damn funny!?" I asked feeling enraged. He always knew how to press my buttons. He stops and looks at me.

You: "Yes because the world doesn't need farmers, miners, or teachers, right? You're a damn fool." (M/n) said shaking his head at me. He took a step closer and a got into my stance yet still did not grip my weapon. He shook his head at me as he stepped back. I relaxed slightly. "You know Yang lost her damn arm?" He asked me enraged. "Oh right... Everyone gets one, right?" He asked me as I see the anger burn in his eyes. I sighed deeply.

Raven: "I saved her once. That counts for-" I get cut off as I see the utter anger and fury in his eyes. He slams Volundrung into the ground creating a large crater and shaking the ground beneath me slightly.

You: "THAT COUNTS FOR JACK SHIT!!!! SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER!!! DON'T YOU GIVE A DAMN!!!???" (M/n) shouted at me at the top of his lungs. I flinch slightly at his reaction. "Or have you become so fucking invested in this damn 'strength above all' bullshit that you don't give a fucking shit about anyone but these cowards!?!?!?" (M/n) shouted at me once more. "Who the hell are you Raven?! A monster!?" (M/n) asked me angrily. I flinch again... Hearing that from someone like him hurt me greatly. He rips Volundrung from the ground once more and slings it over his shoulder. "Draw your fucking sword Raven. If strength matters than come kill me. Show me what you are." (M/n) ordered me darkly. I shake my head no. "Why? Oh right. You were never able to beat me." (M/n) said still sounding angry.

Raven: "No. I refuse to attack someone I respect." I said sternly. He shook his head at me as the rage never left his eyes. "You can hate me all you want... But I do respect you. Out of all those fools you were the only one I ever cared for beyond Tai." I said to him sternly. I see him raise a brow at me. I sigh and shake my head at him. "I was always this (M/n). You just never saw it until I left. I saw the hatred you had for me when you saw me save Yang that day on the train. I could easily shake that look off if it came from Tai or Qrow. But from you it hurt for some reason so no. I will not fight you." I said to him sternly. I see a small flash of surprise cross his face before he shakes his head at me once more.

You: "No... You will fight me. I need to put you in your place." (M.n) said darkly once more. I see his hammer get covered in electricity as he gets into a wide stance. He's... He's actually going to attack me. I get into my battle stance. I don't want to do this but it seems he's determined to do whatever it is he thinks he's doing.

(Your POV)

She thinks she knows best. Fine. Time to humble her just like I did to Adam when Beacon fell. I see her get into her counter positon. I remember when I figured out how to counter that move. I wonder if she's gotten faster. I charge her as I feel the dirt beneath me shift. She goes for her counter swing and I easily dodge, Seems, she's not gotten any faster, I go for a swing and she simply ducks but I go for a kick and make impact. She goes back slightly before rushing me with her sword. I take my hammers handle right at the head and begin matching her swings to block her. One thing I have always had to overcome her reach but that can be done. Soon she misses and I quickly use my hammer. I drop it slightly so I can wild it with both hands and slam into her sword. She seems genially surprised as it shatters on impact. She jumps back and shoots the sword's remnants at me as I charge her. I dodge and continue my charge. She quickly draws her blue blade and we engage once more. Soon she manages to throw me off balance and disarms me. My hammer goes flying and impales on one of the buildings that they were using to live in. I look back at it and back at her. I see her normal serious face. I get into my unarmed stance and she charges me. I activate my semblance just before her blade makes contact with my elbow. It gets deflected and I got to trap her arm. I succeeded and pull her in for a punch. She keeps trying to dodge as I do so. I then elbow her arm in a downward motion. That gets her to grunt in pain and I finally get a punch at her face. I let her arm goes as she holds her nose. She looks up and I see blood on her nose as she charges me. I smirk and flip her over with one arm and my foot. She tries to get back up but I tackle her back down and punch her again. She flips me over to do the same but I move my head and have her hit the concrete. I flip us back over and she kicks me off her. She then shakily stands back up. Once she looks up she is met with my fist coming at her again. It hits and I keep doing so until I kick her in the gut. She lands on her back and rolls slightly before ending up on her knees panting hard as her Aura begins healing her nose. I walk over to my hammer and grab it. I hear her charging me so I rip it out and aim it down. I pull a trigger and get knocked into the air. I then shoot at her sword and it gets knocked out of her hand. I then flip and bring m hammer down. She tries to dodge but my hammer makes contact with her sheathe and it explodes in my direction knocking me back with my hammer. My back hits the ground and my hammer drags me along a good ways. I finally stop and stand up. I sling my hammer over my shoulder and walk over to where she is. She's breathing heavily and I see her sheathe and blades are all destroyed. I begin walking up to her and look down on her. I shake my head and wield my hammer with one hand.

(Raven's POV)

I lay on my back breathing heavily. He beat me. Again. I thought if I disarmed him he would crumble but I was wrong. He was more than ready for me without his weapon. He's staring down at me with angry yet... Sad eyes. I see him shake his head at me.

You: "You know Raven... I should kill you for all the death you have caused." (M/n) said rather coldly. I look up at him once more and see him raise his hammer's head over mine. Is he really going to kill me? I see it come down and close my eyes expecting death but... To my surprise I hear it make impact with the rock beneath us. I open my eyes and see him leaning on his hammer that he has imbedded in the ground. "But I can't." (M/n) whispered to himself. I then see his lips move and try to read them... I think he said something about him being fool. I sit up and take my now completely destroyed sheath and look at it. "I always told you solid dust swords would be your undoing." (M/n) said as he looked at my weapon. I sighed a bit and tossed it away.

Raven: "That will be the third time I'll have to rebuild it." I said shaking my head. I then look up to him after sitting with one knee up so I can rest my arm on it. "I regret that now." I said quietly as I peered at his face. He turns to me with a raised brow. "Choosing Tai over you... You're so much stronger... And honorable than him." I said frowning a tad. He tilted his head at me. He then rolled his eyes at me.

You: "I'm glad you chose him now... Learning about this would have destroyed me if we were together." (M/n) said in a cold tone. I expected that... He has a point though. His honor would never allow him to be with one of my clan... And he would have likely flattened us for what we have done... That's if he doesn't do so now. I'm unsure what to say now. "I have know though. Why? And before you ask I mean why leave Yang, why leave Tai, why not save your daughter and why leave your friends!? We were... Best friends Raven... And you just vanished. I was furious with you because you left without a word to anyone... Poor Yang... She still thinks about why you did and intends to find you... I hope she never does now." (M/n) said at first sounding quite angry but as he went on his tone changed to a sad one. I looked at him in surprise as he slumped down to sit on the ground still leaning on his hammer. He once again mouthed something but I couldn't make it out.

Raven: "I did what I felt needed to be done." I said being honest with him. He just shakes his head at me. "I was never mother material let alone wife material. They were better without me with Summer... Until she died. I didn't say anything to you because..." I take a moment to think of what to say next. "I didn't want to taint your memory of me." I said sounding a bit softer than I have in a long time. (M/n) has always had that talent... Even back then. He always brought out my softer side.

You: "If you just said, 'The clan I came from needs a leader and if I accept it I can't be married' that would have solved so many issues... Including my rage and... Sadness at losing my best friend." (M/n) said as he sighed at the end. He's not wrong. That would've solved everything with my family... And him. I'm not used to seeing him so... Sad. He shook his head once more. "I thought you could trust me..." (M/n) said quietly. That hurt... I do trust him... I trust him with my life but... I didn't want him to know this. He would've hated me or worse offered his help. He wouldn't be cut out for this. Than we hear a ring and he answers. "What?" He said calmly. "Being followed?" He asked who ever that was. He then stood up and gripped his hammer. "I'm coming pumpkin, no worries." (M/n) said calmly as he ripped his hammer from the ground. He hung up and sheathed it. He looked at me. "I won't tell anyone... Unless you force me to." (M/n) said sadly once more. I stood up and was tempted to hug him but I had a feeling that he would reject it. "Goodbye Raven... My friend." (M/n) said weakly as he turned and began running in the direction I assume those people he talked to were.

I watched as he ran off into the distant and felt... For the first time ever. Regret... Regret I didn't take him up on his offer for a date all those years ago and regret for... Leaving him behind... I hate to admit it to myself but... I think.. I love him. No... I do love him... Now I figure it out as he slips from my grasp forever. He knows what I am now... I shake my head at myself as I feel a single tear well up in my eye. The first man to make me feel regret and cry on the same day. I love you (M/n)... I want to say it but I'll never get that chance now.


(Your POV)

I am nearing the location my device has tracked Ruby to. I am nearing a ruined town and see Ruby on a roof looking on. I soon hear a boom and run into town and jump on the roof. I see Qrow's sword come flying out of a building as he rolls on the ground. He lands on it perching like a bird. I smirk and blast myself in their direction. I see a scorpion Faunus come charging out towards Qrow but before he can get more than five feet from the building I land in front of everyone with a loud boom. My hammer has created a crater and I look up smirking. This new person seems to be... Laughing?

(???) "My my... The Hammer has been dropped on us!" This person said as he began to laugh like he was crazy. I roll my eyes and look at Ruby. She nods confirming he's the enemy and I charge him. I hit him as he's laughing and he flies back into the building as he grunts. I shake my head until I see his tail come flying out. I side step and crush it with my hammer. He screams in pain as I take Qrow's sword. I look over and see this man trying to hold himself together. I leave my hammer and walk over and slice his tail off at the base. He screams loudly. "YOU BASTARD!!!" This man screams. I shrug and go back to my hammer and lift it up. I hear the others walk up behind me as this Faunus stands. "Salem will kill you." The man said before running off. I shake my head and look at Qrow.

You: "Aright you drunken jack ass. I think you owe these kids an explanation." I said rather seriously. Qrow sighs at me.

Ruby: "What was he talking about?" Ruby said likely talking about something that madman said before.

Qrow: "What's your favorite fairy tale?" Qrow asked ruby with a small smirk. I roll my eyes as we begin walking to a campsite... All while I think about Raven... Oum... Not now.


(Your POV)

Qrow just finished explain the whole thing to the kids. They all look overwhelmed but Qrow asked if they had questions. Jaune said they did and asked a few. Qrow answered one and Jaune got mad.

Jaune: "So you forced it on Pyhrra." Jaune said sounding furious. I am to. They had no right to force that on someone so young.

Qrow: "Hey! We explained everything to Pyhrra and she cose to do it on her own free will. We didn't force anything." Qrow said sternly to Jaune. Okay, now I'm pissed.

You: "Translation: 'We explained to her in the vaguest way we could find to get her to accept this despite knowing she would be target number one for Salem and her little cronies like Cinder.' Don't lie to him Qrow. That's why I didn't join your little order. You only care about the bottom line and not who gets hurt to get there." I said sounding angry. Qrow looks surprised at my outburst and I shake my head at him. I then look at Jaune. "I know it hurts Jaune but Pyhrra did manage to give Salem a useless Maiden... That's something." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder. He sighed deeply and simply walked away. I then looked at Qrow. "I saw 'her' today." I mouthed to him. Qrow looks surprised. He tehn looks down and I walk away much like Jaune. I begin to remember that day so many years ago.


(Your POV)

I decided today was the day I would do it. I'm asking Raven out. We were decent friends so I figured that maybe we could try. I arrived at Team STRQ's dorm and knocked. I felt my heart pound in my chest as the door opened revealing the black haired beauty herself.

You: "Hey Raven." I greeted happily. She nodded to me calmly as she always did when we greeted each other. "I had a question." I said a tad nervously. She nodded once more. "Would you... Like to go to dinner with me tonight?" I asked her smiling. She seems surprised at that and I see her blush. But that quickly leaves as she looks down a bit.

Raven: "I'm so sorry (M/n)... I agreed to go with Tai to the movies in Vale tonight." Raven said sounding a tad sad... Heh... He beat me... I should've moved on her sooner.

You: "Ah... Well that's alright... We still up for sparring tomorrow at least?" I asked her hoping I didn't lose my best friend. She looked up and smiled slightly at me.

Raven: "Of course. I still need to beat you." Raven said sounding confident. I shrug and we hug. I relish in the heat and warmth before she pulls away. "I'll see you then (m/n)." Raven said to me as she headed inside. She's called me that since we've known each other and it's pretty much stuck since. I nodded my head and she shut the door. My smile left my face as I began walking down the hall.

Dammit all... I knew I should have asked sooner. I love her and since I was so afraid of losing such a damn good friend I moved to slow... I guess that's that then... Ah well. I can still be part of her family... I love you Raven... I love you so much... I then feel a tear creep down my face as I walk past Glynda. She says something along the lines if I'm okay but I shrug and keep walking. Dammit all.

(No POV)

Little did the giant hammer wielder know is that she loved him to but was afraid of the same thing. But as time grew Tai's charm effected her and she agreed despite her love for (M/n) still being within her... She broke his heart... And that in some small way broke hers.


(Your POV)

I feel tears creep down my eyes as I stare at the river that reflects the moonlight. I can't stop them now. Soon I hear someone sit next to me and a smaller air if feet walk to my other side before sitting down. I look and see Ruby looking at me sadly. I shake my head at myself as she hugs me. I hug her back tightly. She stays that way until she feels she's done what she can. She's usually damn good at making me feel better. Not this time. She bids me goodnight with a hug and walks back to her friends.

Qrow: "You still love her don't you?" Qrow asked me calmly. I put my hand over my eyes as I hear him sigh. I hear a pop and look to see him offering his flask. I take a swig and hand it back.

You: "I do... I still love her dammit." I said cursing to myself. I shouldn't. I know what she's done but I still love her. I didn't kill her because of it... I shake my head at myself once more.

Qrow: "Its alright man. We can't choose who we love. Just happens." Qrow said before taking a swig of his flask. I shake my head once more.

You: "I wish I could... I love her man... And part of me thinks I can still save her from herself." I said as I let the tears fall once more. Qrow nodded in response. "Why do I love her? I know I shouldn't but I do... I do and I want her to just come home. Come home for fuck's sake Raven! We need you... I need you." I said as I finally let my pent up emotions out. Qrow said nothing but I know he cares and we shared the flask for a few hours... I love her and can't let it go...

(No POV)

Little did the giant hammer wielder know was that someone was close by listening with tears in her own eyes. She sat on a tree branch trying to keep them from coming but the revelation that he still loves her and just wants her to come home was too much. You can only build up so much emotions before it boils over. She cried silently in the tree wishing she could go back and accept (M/n) over Tai... And never accept being the leader of her tribe... She always loved him and he loved her always as well... And they both know they will never be able to be together... Unless one gives in and joins the other.

(A/n: Here's something that was actually pretty damn interesting to write. I loved the idea of a Raven insert but did not want it to end the way one would expect so I hope you enjoy this as well. Also. The Asami story will be getting back on track and back to its scheduled of every two to three days. :D. My research for my English paper is finally done and I have far more time on my hands now. The semester is winding down so everything is getting a tad easier so look forward to that. :) I hope you enjoyed this one shot. :D Have a good one friends! :D )

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