Beautiful Thought. Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) x Autistic Male Reader


(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name

Beautiful Thought. Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) x Autistic Male Reader

This was not requested. This Is a Special For Autism Awareness Month. As A Person with Asperger's that will be the spectrum of Autism I will be writing about here since it is the only spectrum I am one hundred percent familiar with. I hope you all can learn what it's kind of like by reading this. I chose Erza because she seems like she would be able to grasp the concept of it faster than the other members.

(No POV)

You were a re-equip mage that... Saw the world in a different light than most. You could hear things most would ignore... And not be able to filter them out. You could see small details on items that many would miss... Against your will. Worst of all there is no on or off switch or a filter that could let you ignore these details... It was maddening some days. Not many understood and often thought you were strange or mentally ill. You knew better however. Though the stares bothered you. Another thing that you were known for is not being the best in social situations. However, as you aged that got easier even though you still can get over whelmed. You have traveled to Magnolia to join the famous guild of Fairy Tail, since no one else wanted you due to your... Ways of thinking.

(Your POV)

Okay (M/n)... Straight to the office... No distractions. Or at least try to avoid them. What was that? A loud boom? I dart my head in that direction and see nothing. I focus on it for a time until I can finally shake it off and keep walking forward. Soon I arrive at the office and knock firmly. I hear a deep voice say 'come in' and I do so. I look and see Master Makarov who is expecting me... Unless he couldn't read my letter. Soon he looks up and once he sees me he smiles. Maybe he could read my letter.

Makarov: "Come in and sit (M/n)." Makarov said kindly to me. I nod without being able to look him in the eyes and sit down. I look at him and use a trick I learned when I was young. Though I cannot look him in the eyes, the nose is something I can focus on. "I was interested to see your letter (m/n)... may I ask why you think you'd fit into Fairy Tail?" Makarov asked me in a gruff voice. I breath in to calm my nerves and nod.

You: "Yes I can... You saw what I wrote about myself yes?" I asked Makarov respectfully. He nods. "Well... No guild I went to wanted me as a result... I heard from second hand accounts that your guild treats its members as family regardless of... What they are like... Being a re-equip mage like Titania... I thought maybe you guys could accept me." I said sounding a tad down trodden. It sucks. People judge me before they can know me. I was born this way. I sigh and look back up to see Makarov smiling at me.

Makarov: "We would never judge you for such a thing... And I will be sure to speak to the other masters about them turning you away for that at the next meeting between all of us. They shouldn't judge one based on something so small... Now... I just need to know what you have stored in your arsenal." Makarov said in a kind tone. That takes me aback slightly... he's willing to speak to the others on my behalf... I can't help but smile at that.

You: "Thank you... And I can list the armor, weapons, and what they do off if you like." I said still smiling a tad. Makarov nodded and I took another breath. "Let me begin with The Hallowed Resplendent Armor and its great sword "Valor". It's a holy armor often worn by elite Templars or demon slayers. It protects me from dark magic, evil weapons, and things to that nature. The sword itself if enchanted with sun fire. It's very effective against undead and evil targets and is lighter than most great swords." I said as I explained the first of my armors to him. He seems impressed at that.

Makarov: "Holy weapons? We don't have any of those... You're already looking promising (M/n)." Makarov complimented me kindly. I smile a bit and he nodded for me to continue.

You: "Next would be... The Sithis Armor... And yes, it was an armor that was based on that book series 'The Elder Scrolls.'" I said with a small chuckle. Makarov chuckled as well. "Any way... It's a light armor... It does not enhance my strength but it enhances my speed and muffles any movement I make, making me completely quiet. It comes with twin swords that are stored on my back called "Void" and "Shadow." Void can affect the body and slow down someone to the point that they feel like they will collapse... Shadow however is at its most deadly when I am unseen as it seems to attack with more force." I explained calmly... It's my preferred armor but I'll keep that quiet for now.

Makarov: "Stealth and sedulity... Something we need... That's if Natsu doesn't give you away." Makarov said with a chuckle. I tilt my head. "You'll meet him later if your armor and weapons keep sounding very useful." Makarov said with a smile. My heart rate sped up at the thought.

You: "T-thanks... Um... My next most useful armor is my Silver Dragon Armor... It's made for monster hunting. Its weapon is a silver Katana I call "Bane." The armor protects me from any form of poison and or disease that can be given to me from any creature or monster. The armor than channels the poison into my sword, thus making it very effective against human opponents if needed." I explained calmly... I only ever used this one when fighting beasts such as giant spiders, and Revenants. Master Makarov smiled at that.

Makarov: "Seems your armors are specialized much like Erza's." Makarov said calmly. I nodded and began to think of my last two armors.

You: "Next to last is my Aetherium Armor... Though it makes my speed suffer my endurance and strength increase exponentially. Its weapons are a Tower Shield called, "The Wall" and its spear that is used with it is called, "Ramuh". The shield being so tall could be served as cover for say, a fire dragon slayer, that wished to walk with someone wielding it. Being so thick it would make both the slayer and the wearer safe. The spear uses electricity to shock its opponents and I have yet to come across a material it could not pierce." I explained calmly. "I don't use that one to often due to me preferring speed over strength." I explained once more. Makarov smiles a bit at that.

Makarov: "So you were the one that found it... Many tried to raid that ruin but failed due to the mechanical traps... Impressive. That's a story I would like to hear in the future." Makarov said sounding interested... That may be a more boring story than he hopes.

You: "If you want sure." I said with a small smile. He smiled a bit. "Okay... My last set is my "Dragon Ebonsteel Armor." It... Is my most powerful set as it allows me to... Fight with the fury of a dragon... As it lets me breath fire." I said calmly. That takes him by surprise. "That's just a bonus to the fact that the armor is crafted out of dragon bones and the metal known as ebony. Its weapons are a serrated sword made out of the same material called, "Tooth and Nail" and a war axe with a hook on the back end of the axe head and made from that same material called "Talon." They both are very powerful weapons. Tooth and Nail is constantly bathed in the same fire my armor allows me to breathe and if I were to block a weapon with Talon's hook, the hook would close and allow me to disarm my opponent... I have a few more but these are the most useful." I explained calmly to Makarov. Makarov seems shocked at that one's description. He soon shakes his head and smiles at me.

Makarov: "I believe you have found your guild." Makarov said happily. I go wide eyed at him. "I was sold at your first armor but now... I am completely confident you'll do us right... Go the main hall with this and find a white-haired girl working the bar... She'll give you your stamp." Makarov said as he handed me some paper that says that I am a new member. "also... be warned that the main hall is often packed to... Just try and focus on your goal." Makarov warned me kindly. I nod my head now dreading the idea of a cramped large room where many people could be.

You: "Thanks... This means allot to me." I said in a gentle tone. Makarov just chuckled at me and patted my back.

Makarov: "Not a problem... No go son." Makarov said to me kindly. I nodded and left his office.

I am very excited and completely terrified at this prospect... I'm excited because I could meet people that understand and actually like me here... On the other hand I could just be an outcast again... I sigh at that thought. I hope I'm wrong.


(Still Your POV)

I hear a commotion coming from the other side of the door... Likely people just enjoying lunch so don't be nervous... You're hungry just like them. I take a deep breath and open the doors and am met with a moderate sized crowd. Luckily only two or three looked my way... Make that four... The first of which is a boy with pink hair wearing some sort of black robes... Another is a guy with black hair that seems to be missing his shirt... The third is a blonde girl dressed in blue. She seems like she would be a happy person... The last one sitting at that table is a scarlet haired woman with brown eyes and seems to be wearing a breastplate with a blue skirt... She's really pretty... At the bar there is a white haired girl I assume is who I am supposed to meet. I walk up to the counter and she makes her way over to me.

Mira: "Hi, I'm Mirajane but you can call me Mira... Its easier to say... What can I do you for?" This Mira asked me kindly. I won't lie she's very pretty but that's not my problem... I take a breath and hand her the paper. She reads it over and smiles wide at me. "Welcome to Fairy Tail!" She shouted at me before hugging me much to my surprise and slight discomfort. She lets go and grabs something. She pulls out a stamp kit. "What color and where?" Mira asked me. I think for a moment before nodding to myself.

You: "(F/c) on just below my wrist please." I asked her kindly. She nodded and pressed the stamp to my skin. I felt every inch of it press against my skin and implant the stamp into my skin. I almost cringe at the feeling. Once she lifts it up I see it and a small smile finds its way onto my face. I look back at Mira and smile at her. "Thanks." I said kindly. She smiled and reached for a mug. She grabbed it and went towards the keg. "No no... I don't care for alcohol!" I said trying to get her attention. She looked back at me and smiled before going towards something else. She presses the spout and I see some juice come out. She brings it back. "Sorry for shouting." I said a bit sheepishly. She merely waved me off and hands me the mug.

Mira: "It's alright... I probably wouldn't have heard you if you didn't." Mira said kindly. I smiled a bit and just as I was about to take a sip of the juice she does something that I always dread someone would do to me. "EVERYONE!!!! THIS IS (M/n) OUR NEW MEMBER!!!!" She shouted over all the voices. Everyone's gaze lands on me and I nearly feel my heart stop in my chest as I froze.

(Erza's POV)

I was speaking with Natsu and the gang when Mira shouted we had a new member. Everyone turned to look at this new member, myself included. Once I look I am met with a (H/l) (H/c) haired boy. He has (E/c) eyes and seems to be in decent shape. He's wearing a strange outfit. It's colored (F/c). It has six segments that end just above his ankles and a black vest. There is another black piece of fabric that seems to head towards the back... Maybe a hood? He has a single sword on his back. He looks... Nervous now that everyone is looking at him and I see his eyes darting everywhere as if he's seeing... Allot of things at once. Everyone cheers including everyone at my table but he seems to stiffen even further. The guild then goes back to eating and chatting with one another and the boy seems to visibly relax. He quickly downs what he was drinking and looks around as if he's looking for a place to sit alone... Or perhaps an escape. I decide to wave at him and as soon as my hand goes up I see his focus land on me. That's strange... it's almost as if his mind is highly tuned. Then his head darts in another direction and I look to see two members yelling while arm wrestling. He seems to take a breath and close his eyes almost as if he's trying to focus. He then looks back at me and I wave him over. He seems reluctant but he heads our way. Once he's close enough I smile at him slightly.

Erza: "Welcome to the guild. I'm Erza Scarlet. This is Natsu, Grey, and Lucy." I said as I gestured to each member. The boy was about to speak but we hear a loud boom and he darts his head that direction almost as if he didn't have a choice. I look and see that the arm wrestlers have finished their game. I hear the new boy take a deep breath. He then looks back at us and I have to say that his eyes are quite clear.

You: "I'm... (M/n)... It's nice to meet you." The boy said as if he was trying to focus. Soon the guild quiets down and I see the boy sigh in relief before sitting down next to me. The others greet him in kind and he gains a gentle smile.

Natsu: "So (M/n). What magic do you use?" Natsu asked the boy curiously. I, myself was about to ask the same question but Natsu beat me to it.

You: "Re-equip magic... Much like Erza here." The boy said smiling. That makes me smile a bit. "Though... My armor and weapons are built for specific jobs... makes it easier for me to keep track of." (M/n) said sounding a tad proud. I smiled at that. Mine are several but to is good to know someone understands that a certain situation requires a certain skill.

Natsu: "Sweet! Want to fight?" Natsu asked sounding excited. I look at him about to say something but the boy did instead.

You: "Why? To test my strength? I doubt Master Makarov would have let me in if I wasn't strong enough and besides... When on earth would we ever be enemies if we are in the same guild?" The boy asked rather bluntly. However, it is the truth. Natsu gains a disappointed look and sits back down. That's amazing. He got Natsu to stop and remained very calm doing so.

Natsu: "Point taken." Natsu said sounding disappointed. I smiled slightly and patted (M/n)'s back.

Erza: "I usually have to yell to get them to stop good job." I said smiling at (M/n). He looked at me but I notice he isn't looking me in the eye but is rather focusing on my nose... Maybe he's nervous. I shrug it off.

Lucy: "Maybe you and Erza could fight!" Lucy exclaims loudly. I glare at her and she shrinks into her seat. But, unlucky for me, several members heard her and began whispering about the idea before egging me on. I look at (M/n) who seems uncomfortable under their stares.

Erza: "Maybe he doesn't want to!" I shout at the crowd. They don't stop and I am tempted to knock some heads together but to my surprise (M/n) tugs my sleeve and I look at him.

You: "If you want to we can." (M/n) says quietly. I look at him in surprise but consider the idea... I don't get a chance to fight many re-equip mages.

Erza: "Alright... If I win you tell me why you dart your head around when you hear a noise." I said to him sternly. (M/n) nods his head and thinks for a moment.

You: "And if I win, you buy me a new armor and weapon set for my arsenal." (M/n) said sounding a tad confident. I nod my head and he stands. "Where?" He asks me. I stand and many members begin cheering.

Erza: "Follow me." I said sternly and he nodded. I began leading him to a clearing as several members began following us cheering about how I'm going to wipe the floor with him. While I do believe, I will win, I doubt it will be easy.


(Your POV)

I may suck with people but one thing I can do is fight... I doubt I'll win. That's why I made such a ridiculous bet. Erza led all of us to a clearing and I got into a position on the other side. She does the same and I see her looking at me seriously.

Erza: "Whoever runs out of energy first loses!" Erza shouts to me. I give her a thumbs up and she re-equips into her Heaven's wheel armor. People began cheering but I anylyze her armor and weapons.

You: "Heaven's Wheel! Composted steel that allows flight if needed. Has the ability to control multiple swords without touching them! Counter attack... Speed!" I shouted over the crowd. Many gasp at that. Even Erza seems surprised. "Re-equip: Sithis Armor!" I shouted as a large glyph appeared in front of me. I stepped through and when I appear on the other side. My armor is a light armor. It has six segments that hang just above the back of my knees and are black much like the leather chest piece. The sleeves are colored (F/c) and the gloves are a thick leather colored black. My boots are much the same with black pants. My hood is a thin leather colored black and I wear a mask with it that looks like the lower half of a skull that was painted by a street artist. I pull out Void and Shadow from my back and wait for the signal.

Three. Erza begins spinning a few swords as I flip mine into a blocking position so I can get close. Two. Two of the said swords aim at me and I stay calm. One. The swords' spinning picks up speed as I tighten the grip on my swords. As soon as Mira drops the flag the two swords come at me quickly. I easily deflect the two and begin charging Titania. My footsteps make no sound as I do so. She begins sending several swords at me and I continue to deflect them with ease as I spin my swords. Once I am close enough I begin assaulting her. Her floating swords keep trying to block but my armor makes me faster. Soon she takes to the air to get away. I deflect a few more swords before sheathing my swords. I pull out my dual crossbows and aim at her. I shoot and as soon as they make impact they explode sending Erza tumbling to the ground. Another sword comes out of the smoke and I simply side step. I hear Erza re-equip again and I see her flying in her devil's wing armor.

You: "Devil's Wing armor! Composed of demonic metal and allows the user to fly and attack with dark energies! My counter! Holy Weapons!" I shouted. Once again I hear everyone gasp in surprise. Erza starts charging me. "Re-equip: Hallowed Resplendent Armor!" I said as I glyph engulfed me. A loud metal clang is heard and I appear in my armor, It is primarily colored white and once again there are six segments but this time they reach just above my ankles. My chest is covered in white steel plate with a golden griffon etched into it. My gauntlets and boost are the same while my helmet has two small wings on it. I blocked Erza's sword with my great sword and pushed her back to break the clash. She stands there as I hold the sword with two hands in front of me.

I hear people begin cheering for... Me... It feels strange but I am completely focused on the battle in front of me. I can even hear Natsu cheer me on. Erza charges me quickly and I begin blocking her attacks. Many people sound impressed that the sword I am wielding is easily swung by me. If they knew it was about as heavy as a long sword they would not be all that surprised. Soon I am able to trap her sword and I back hand her to force her to let go. She stumbles back but launches some energy at me I have to block. I begin grunting as the force increases. I then focus on my sword and a beam of Holy light teats through her energy and sends her tumbling back. She quickly stands. She re-equips into her Seductress Armor. Many of the boys' wolf whistle or otherwise but I stand steady.

Erza: "Are you really going to attack me now?" Erza asked in a flirty tone. That would work with most men but since my mind is controlled by logic and not my penis its nothing to me. I tighten my grip and get into a wider stance. "That usually works..." Erza said sounding confused. I was about to rush but she re-equipped into her fairy armor.

You: "Magic based and assault based... Counter... Superior endurance." I said calmly. "Re-equip: Aetherium Armor!" I shouted as a mechanical looking yellow glyph appeared in front of me. I stepped through it and stepped out in a large suit of bronze looking armor. Each piece of armor has a blue gem on it. Certain parts let of steam as I pull out The Wall and Ramuh. I hear many people begin exclaiming how the hell I even got that armor. I get into a position. The Wall stands in front of me as I rest Ramuh on top.

I begin walking towards Erza as mechanical noises are heard. She begins nailing me with many magical strikes but my armor merely deflects them. She begins to pick up her assault as I keep moving forward. Many people begin chanting with every loud step I take but since I am focused on a single goal that becomes a blur. Once I am close enough I hit her with my spear. She dodged and tried to kick my shield from my hand. She fails but it does break my stance. She then manages to make me drop my shield only to get nailed by my spear. She goes flying back. Once she stands I begin approaching until I hear her e-equip once more. I see her in her Clear Heart Clothing...

You: "Clear Heart Clothing... Counter irrelevant... Re-Equip: Dragon Ebonsteel!" I shouted as my body was engulfed by white flame. Soon the fire ended and I appeared in my one white and black armor. My weapons in either hand. "Now I fight with the fury of a dragon." I said calmly before roaring at Erza. Everyone cheered loudly when they saw the spout of fire come from my mouth. Erza then charged me.

I sheathed my two weapons and as Erza swung down I caught the sword with both hands. Everyone cheered even louder as she began to struggle to get the sword down. I began moving much o Erza's surprise and ended up getting to where I could back hand her. She went stumbling back dropping the sword but she simply unsheathed the second one ready to fight. I pull my weapons back out and charged her as she did the same. We trade several blows and I even managed to lock her blade with my ax. She kicks my gut forcing me to unlock her blade. I roar at her and she charges straight through the fire and slices me. I stand there for a moment before my armor fades and I have to take a knee. Everyone erupted into loud cheers obviously enjoying the fight. I hear someone stand in front of me and see Erza offering her hand. I take it and she helps me steady myself.

Erza: "You lasted far longer than I would have ever expected. You could easily become as strong as me." Erza said to me kindly. I feel a small blush creep its way onto my face but I smile at her.

You: "T-thanks... I didn't expect to win. That's why I made such a stupid bet... I wouldn't ask someone to by me a full suit of armor." I said scratching he back of my neck. Erza chuckled at me. "Even if I could counter that Clear Heart Clothing... Your arsenal would have overwhelmed me... I only had one other armor and that's made to fight monsters not humans." I said with a small chuckle. She chuckled with me as we began walking back. I walked a tad faster in order to get away from the crowd. She seemed to keep up easily. "I'll... Explain my thing... If we can go somewhere quiet." Said as the noise finally began bothering me once again.

Erza: "I know of a sweets shop. We can go there." Erza said to me kindly. I nodded in agreement and she began leading me away from the guild towards the town itself before anyone could ask me questions.


(Erza's POV)

I have grabbed us a table and ordered a strawberry cake for myself and (M/n) ordered some simple cookies of some kind. Not that I mind. He also got hot chocolate for me and him which does sound nice. As we sat down he looked to his side staring at a cart that was going by before shaking his head quickly and looking back at me.

Erza: "Okay... A few things I have noticed about you is that you seem to focus on noises most would ignore and I know you haven't been able to look me or anyone else In the eye... Yet you seem very intelligent... I just wish to know why you are that way... Is it your past or something else?" I asked (M/n) sounding as kind as possible. He looked at the table thinking deeply before nodding to himself.

You: "Its... Hard to put into words..." (M/n) said sounding a tad hesitant. I see him begin rubbing his fingers together as if it relaxes his senses. "When you listen right now... What do you hear?" (M/n) asked me not looking directly at me. I take a moment and listen closely.

Erza: "Some scraping of chairs and the sound of clanging pots... Only if I focus though I normally just ignore them." I explained to him calmly. He nodded his head in agreement with me.

You: "Imagine if your mind would not ignore them... And forced you to acknowledge all sounds against your will... Imagine if that had no off switch unless you bury yourself in a fight or a hobby... That's my mind constantly with sound." (M/n) explained to me as he glanced at the door. I see that the bell had rung and see that Elfman and Mira have come to lunch. They wave at us and me and (M/n) wave back. "Now... When you look at the table here I imagine you only see say the color and some lines in the wood yes?" (M/n) asked me kindly. I looked at the table and he hit the nail on the head. I nod confirming he is correct. "Well... I see that to but I also see the scratches and small cracks within the wood... That's the way my mind is... Constantly trying to process all the sounds it hears and sights it sees and it can... Overwhelm me... That's why I was scared when Mira announced I was new... Thank goodness I only got a small cheer before they went back to what they were doing." (M/n) explained to me calmly as he glanced at the approaching waiter. The waiter placed the desserts down and we thanked him before he walked away. The way he described his life sounds... A tad overwhelming like he said.

Erza: "That sounds... Difficult... I will not lie that it's hard for me to picture... Not being able to filter out small things like that regardless of want... That's why you were looking around so much in the guild hall?" I asked him kindly. He nodded to confirm and frowned slightly as he finished. I look at him with some concern.

You: "You're not going to say I'm mentally ill or something are you?" (M/n) muttered sadly. Why would I do that? He seems pretty smart and calm. "Several guilds rejected me once they learned about this..." (M/n) said sadly once more. That actually makes me slightly angry. Why would they do something so stupid!? "It's not even the insults that bother me... Since my mind focuses on logic, the insults just tell me someone feels insecure... No... It's the stares I get..." (M/n) muttered sadly as he glanced to his left. I follow his gaze and see a couple staring at him like he's strange or even like he said, mentally ill. I glare at them and they look away looking scared. "Thanks." (M/n) whispered to me still frowning. I place a hand on his and he looks up at me.

Erza: "You're not strange. You just think differently and that allows for new and amazing thoughts to be born. That's a good thing the world needs." I said to him smiling, in a kind tone, and truthfully. He looks shocked at my words before smiling wide at me... I think that's the first genuine smile I have seen from him and I... Kind of like it.

You: "That's... The first time I have heard someone say that to me... Thank you Erza." (M/n) said to me sounding very happy. I smile at him and we actually get to talking.

He told me about himself beyond his 'autism' as he called it. He told me he enjoys things like reading and writing because it relaxes him and his mind and allows him to drown out the world for a while. I asked if I could read his writing and he actually agreed as long as I was honest with my feelings on it. He explained something else that comes with his 'autism' is that he can't lie and tends to hate lies. He said he's usually brutally honest to the point he has to remind himself not to sound to mean. I laughed at that. I told him that's not a bad thing and I knew several people that need to hear the truth in that way. He smiled at that. He explained several things about himself. Things he liked and things he had done. He even explained how he got that mechanical armor many in my guild failed to grab. He said a bonus to how his mind functions is that he notices patterns and things. He said he spent three days examining how the traps in the ruins worked and just memorized the patterns and triggers before going inside. He said it took him maybe ten minutes to get the armor and leave. That impressed me and I was sure to let him know it. He blushed and thanked me for the compliment. He also seems rather well spoken. As the day went on he seemed to relax around me and the others more... As if they needed to talk to him first before he was able to be comfortable enough to talk to anyone. I think he'll fit in here just fine... And I won't lie... I actually enjoyed his company.


(Your POV)

It's been a crazy two months... I was shy for the first week and had a damn hard time talking with anyone but once people began realizing that if they spoke to me first I was willing to talk to them for hours many people introduced themselves to me instead of waiting for me to do so. Such as Juvia, Cana, and a blue haired woman named Levy whom seems to be... Shipping people? I had to ask her to clarify since I was thinking she mailed people away. She laughed at that and told me it meant like 'hoping they become a couple' and I understood that. I asked if she shipped me with anyone and she merely giggled and said it was a secret which makes no sense to me. If you want it to happen why not tell someone. I shook it off eventually and dropped the subject. Many people asked me to tell them where I got my armors. Many loved all the stories except how I got my Aetherium Armor. That was surprisingly boring to them and I have to agree. Considering how many tried and failed to grab it hearing that I just watched the traps for a while and then avoided them is boring. Erza has been a big help when explain to people why I sometimes zone out or focus on something else... To my surprise and eternal delight many people actually didn't mind me. Many even asked me to look over some things they did such as paintings to find flaws... that's when some learned of my honesty and much like Erza most thought that it was actually helpful since I will often say exactly why I didn't like it and then show them how it could be improved in my opinion. Many often agreed with me as a result. I even went on a few missions with Erza, Natsu and the others... I much preferred Erza however since she's patient. I also may or may not like her allot... I'm not sure. Another thing with this issue I have is not being able to understand my own emotions all that well. Today however I have not been to the guild hall. Some days with my sensitivity are worse than others and today is one of the days where I just shut myself in. It's all too much right now. Odds are I'll be fine in a day or two but still. I am simply sitting on my chair in my home in Fairy Hills and am reading a new book I bought a few days ago called Infamous. It is dead quiet in my home and I have my curtains closed so I don't see anything outside. I am sitting quietly enjoying my book until a knock at my door makes me jump. I wait until I hear t again and stand. Walk over and look into the peep hole and se Mira. I sigh in relief and open the door.

Mira: "Well you look healthy... Are you okay? Master was worried since no one had seen you today." Mira said with a kind smile. I sigh and nod my head yes. "Oh that's good. Is something bothering you or something?" Mira asked me kindly again.

You: "Um... Remember when Erza explained why I sometimes zone out or focus on something?" I asked Mira sounding a bit nervous. She nodded her head yes. "Some days it's worse than others... Today is just one of these days where everything seems more intense so I just stayed here." I said as I looked around outside as I saw several trees move in the wind.

Mira: "Oh okay... We all were worried you were sick but that's understandable... I'll tell the others. Do you need some food? I can make you some and bring it back." Mira asked me kindly. I smiled at her offer but shook my head no.

You: "I have food here... I know how to cook but thanks for caring." I said with a gentle smile. Mira smiles brightly at me and we hug each other. Once she lets go she smiles once more.

Mira: "Okay (M/n)... I'll see you tomorrow I hope." Mira said as she began walking away. I nod in agreement with a smile and she smiled back as she headed off to the guild hall. I sighed abit and shut the door and go sit back down.


(Erza's POV)

I keep looking at the guild hall doors hoping to see (M/n). I have grown to love his company and I quite like speaking with him. His calmer nature is a nice counter to what I am used to but still no luck. I sigh a bit at that. Soon I feel someone tap my shoulder and I see Mira with a small smile on her face. Makarov sent her to check on (M/n) since we haven't seen him. She told me she'd tell me what was up with him.

Mira: "(M/n) is fine. He said he was just a bit more sensitive today and decided to stay at home. He said he'd be back tomorrow." Mira said with a reassuring smile. I sigh in relief but I am slightly disappointed. "He didn't say people couldn't visit him though." Mira said to me. I looked back at her and she winked before walking away. I blushed a bit knowing what she was going on about.

Natsu, Grey, Lucy, Levy, and Mira have all been teasing me about having a crush on (M/n). I do not have a crush on him I just like being around him. I love talking to him and his calmer nature makes me calm as well... and I'm disappointed when he goes on missions with someone else or alone rather than go with me... Oh... Oh my. I may actually have a crush on him. I shake my head and decide to go and see (M/n). Maybe there is something I can do. As I head to the door I hear Natsu whisper about me going to see my crush and I slam his head into the table. Though he does claim it hurt he's still snickering as I leave with a small blush on my face.


(Your POV)

They had to do construction on the house next door and I can't escape the sounds. With each pound of a hammer and every cut with a saw I can hear it and I can't block it out. With every pound of the hammer I whence and try to bury my head into my knees further. Normally it wouldn't be this bad but today is just bad for me. As I sit there on my bed trying to stop the noise I hear a muffled voice but can't pay attention to it due to the loud noises outside. I soon have to drop my knees and stare at the floor... I then feel two hands cup my face and turn my head. I see Erza looking at me gently and I can finally hear her over the noises.

Erza: "How can I help?" Erza asked me in a gentle tone. I simply hug her and bury my head into her shoulder. She returns the embrace and begins petting my head which... Actually, helps me greatly. She continues doing so. "I have an idea." Erza whispered to me in a relaxing tone that further helps me. "Come to my home. It's quiet there." Erza whispered to me. I think for a moment before nodding in agreement. We stand and she grabs my hand and leads me outside. The sights and sounds begin overwhelming me once more but Erza leads me away quickly much to my relief. Soon the noises fade and I begin breathing deeply to calm my mind finally. Soon we arrive at her house and she leads me inside. She sits me on her couch. "I'll make some of that green tea you like." Erza said to me kindly. I nodded my head as my mind began to fully calm down in the quiet. She comes back with two cups of tea and hands me one. I take it and sip it.

You: "Thanks Erza..." I said quietly as I looked into my cup. "Sorry if it was a bother." I said to Erza sadly. Last time I was overwhelmed Juvia saved me and I felt like a pain even though Juvia insured me I wasn't. I looked up and saw he smiling at me gently.

Erza: "You're not a bother (m/n)... I'm just glad Id decided to visit." Erza said to me kindly. I feel a small blush fnd its way onto my face but I smile warmly at her.

You: "Me to... Could I... Stay here until they're done?" I asker Erza referring to the construction crew. She nodded yes with a kind smile. "Thanks... I'll have to find a way to thank you." I said with the same smile. She waved me off... Maybe I could... I know what I'll do to thank her.


(Still Your POV)

Its been about a week and I was finally able to stay in my own home. I thanked Erza up and down and even replenished her groceries despite her protests... She's been so caring and kind to me since I arrived... I think I... Lover her? I'm not sure but I do know I feel at home with her and relaxed... maybe I do... I decided to ask her to be my girlfriend by baking her a strawberry cake. I just finished the icing and triple check my work. Once I am satisfied I write my question with more icing and even dot the three eyes with strawberries. I smile at my work and place it in my box before making my way to Erza's hosue. She said she'd be taking the day off and I could come visit if I wanted. I made my way over to her and on the way a certain group spotted me and walked over.

Natsu: "What you got there?" Natsu asked me curiously. I was about to speak but Lucy did instead.

Lucy: "It's a cake box you, dork! You got her a present for letting you stay at her house, didn't you?" Lucy asked me smiling wide. I blushed a tad and that got Gray to chuckle at me.

You: "Kind of..." I said a tad timidly. They each tilted their heads at me and opened the box slightly. Lucy squealed and me, Natsu, and Gray had to cover our ears in pain.

Lucy: "Oh my gosh! I knew it! I knew it! You love Erza!" Lucy exclaimed loudly. I blushed a tad and looked away which got her to giggle at me. Natsu slung an arm over my shoulder smiling wide at me.

Natsu: "Good job man! Maybe if she gets with you she'll leave us alone!" Natsu said jokingly. That got me to chuckle slightly. "She does say you calm her down after all." Natsu said plainly. I look at him as the three walk away giggling and laughing at my surprised expression. I try and shake off my nervousness and continue to Erza's place. I arrive and knock on the door and my heart pounds when I hear it unlock. When it opens, it reveals Erza in her Pajamas with her hair down. I blush and she smiles at me.

Erza: "(M/n)! Come in come in!" Erza said to me happily. I smile and nod. She lets me inside and locks the door behind her. "What are you doing here?" Erza asked me kindly. I blush a bit as my heart rate increases more.

You: "I... Wanted to thank you for everything... You've been a big help ever since I arrived two months ago and... I made you a cake." I said smiling slightly. Erza goes wide eyed as I hand her the box. "It's strawberry." I said a tad timidly. She smiles wide and hugs me being sure not to crush the cake. I hug her back and enjoy the feeling. She lets go and sits at her table and gestures for me to do the same. I do so and smile at her. She opens it and begins reading what I wrote. "I have a hard time speaking so... I thought writing it may help." I said smiling at her. She looks at me and back at the cake a few times. I then grab her hand and decide to use my honesty to my advantage. "You're one of the few people that ever accepted me... Even though my mind is different... You're so caring, strong, and you're just a wonderful person overall. Heck... You're even gorgeous on top of that... I wasn't sure what it was when I discovered this feeling but... I do know I feel at home with you." I said in a loving tone as I gently squeezed her hand. She looked at me in surprise as I wait her reply. She then smiles lovingly at me and hugs me deeply yet gently. I hug her back and feel her nuzzle into me slightly.

Erza: "I was going to ask you at the end of the week." Erza says to me in that quiet tone she knows I enjoy. I gain a surprised look as she pulls back. She gently cups my face and I... Enjoy the touch greatly. It feels very nice on my skin. "I've grown very fond of you and... Mira began teasing me about having a crush and being in love... Turns out she was right." Erza said with a small chuckle. I smile at her and she leans closer to me. "I hope you don't mind." Erza said in that same tone before leaning closer. I do the same and we meet in the middle for a sweet and loving kiss. Again it feels very nice against my skin and the fact she's being so gentle despite how she appears makes it better. It doesn't get heated thankfully and she pulls away with a large blush on her face and I know mine is the same but we both are looking at each other with love. "yes... I'll be your girlfriend... After all." Erza says lovingly as she kisses my forehead softly before pressing her forehead to mine. "It is a new beautiful thought." Erza said smiling at me. I smile back at her.

You: "Thanks beautiful... For giving me a chance even if I am a bit different." I said lovingly. She merely giggled before kissing me once again. Once we separated me and Erza moved to the couch and cuddled as I fed her the cake and she fed me some as well.

After what felt like years of rejection not only did I find a guild that wanted me and liked me, I found good friends that took the time to understand my mind and even liked it, I also found a woman who actually doesn't mind it... many would... being so honest can screw you over if you have to answer certain questions like 'do I look fat' or 'did it taste good.' Erza knows I can't lie and knows my situation and chose to love me anyway... I'll keep improving and with Erza by my side... I know I'll have someone with me when I become over sensitive or have issues in large crowds... She'll be there to hold my hand and guide me all the way with nothing but care and love... I told Erza all of this and she merely smiled with small tears in her eyes before kissing me again. I kissed her back with love and once we separated I booped her nose with icing which she did the same to me. We kissed each other's nose to remove the icing and resumed cuddling... Heh... Who would have thought the most confident women at Fairy Tail would love me... I'm glad she did and I love her as well... and I couldn't be happier.

(A/n: Having Asperger's is much like what is written above. I often hear things most people could ignore and see things people do not notice. That sounds useful but when you don't have a choice in having it happen it can be overwhelming... Like above some days are better than others. And much like the reader I developed my social skills through reading books. XD That sounds strange but it has helped me even though I still prefer if people talk to em first. I hope this gave you guys a better understanding of what it is like with Asperger's. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. And no worries. I still intend to do Erza's long story, She's just one of my favorite female characters of all time and I wanted to use her for this one shot. Thanks for reading my peeps.)

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