A Striking Wedding. Korra (LOK) x Electrical Conduit Male Reader
(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Name Or Preferred Name
A Striking Wedding: Korra (LOK) X Electrical Conduit Male Reader
(Your POV)
I step out of the wash room on the air temple island. I look in the mirror and smile slightly. Today is special day for me, Olivia... And Korra. I smile a bit wider at that before heading back to me and Korra's shared room to get ready. Once I get there I open the door and head inside. I look at the outfit laid out for me on the bed and smile once more. I breathe in calmly and look towards my shelf. All of the pictures, The Scorch Symbol, My coin, and my first rope dart. There are new items among them now. A picture of me, Korra and Olivia relaxing next to a lake. Me, Mako, Bolin, and Alistair all laughing as Kai gags on some mead he tried to drink to show he 'was a man.' There's a picture of me sleeping on Korra's lap as she smiles. There's one of me and Kya dancing at Alistair's wedding. And finally there is a large one of everyone standing in front of the archway leading into my old village. I smile gently looking at them... It's hard to believe that was three years ago now. We did tear down the village... But We left the arch after we found it repaired with something hanging on it for all to see that pass by. Turns out three people made a memorial stone and hung it on said arch way. It was a memorial to those that died there. All of the names of my clan were on it engraved into the beautiful stone. I wonder who made it... I have an inkling about three people that made it but... I don't know. Ah well. I turn back to my outfit and begin to get dressed. My outfit is much like the outfit my father was often seen wearing with one difference. A white and (F/C) robe with my clan's symbol on the right shoulder. Once I am done I stand and look at myself in the mirror. I begin to brush my hair back into its original state before I showered. I put on some perfume to smell nice and then smile at myself in the mirror. I don't like bragging but damn I look good. I turn and make sure everything is where it needs to be. As I do so I hear a knock at my door.
You: "Come in." I said calmly as I flattened the creases on my left side. The door opens and I peer over my shoulder. I see one of my best men for the event Bolin smiling at me. He's gotten taller since I met him and still refuses to have facial hair... Or maybe Opal hates facial hair. Heh. "What's up man?" I ask Bolin as I return to my action from before.
Bolin: "Checking on one half of the couple of the hour. Or something like that." Bolin said happily as I heard him sit on the bed. I chuckle slightly as I finish straightening out the left side completely. I then turn to him with a smile on my face that just screams nervousness.
You: "I'm nervous as hell... Korra doesn't know this but I've written my own vows." I said to Bolin nervously. He gets excited and I nod at him. "I just hope... You know... She likes them." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.
Bolin: "Oh please. She'd love anything you'd write man." Bolin said happily trying to reassure me. I breathe in deeply and nod to him in agreement. "Anyway... You've got about an hour till curtain so... Just try not to stress." Bolin said to me gently as he stood up. I nodded to him and he patted my back before leaving my room.
I once again look at my shelf and smile at it. Since that vacation nearly three years ago... I've improved myself quite a bit according to everyone. I'm less serious looking now, and I actually have a happier aura around me according to Jinora. Overall... I've become a happier person... I was able to let go. I shake my head at myself... That almost seems like another life now. Well, time makes fools of us all. I chuckle at the thought slightly. Again I hear a knock at the door and I one more just tell them to come in. The door opens to reveal Mako and Alistair. Mako hasn't gotten taller... In fact, he looks about the same except he now has a small ring on his finger he and Sarah now share. That was a few months ago actually. Alistair is much the same. Though he's gained small amount of facial hair.
You: "Hey guys." I said happily. They both smile at me gently. Well Alistair smiles while Mako has an almost unseen smile on his face. He's still so stoic.
Mako: "Hey man." Mako says flatly like he usually does. Mako leans on the wall while Alistair does the same to the door frame "We just wanted to see you before your big moment." Mako said in a bit happier of a tone. I smile a small bit.
Alistair: "Can't imagine what you're feeling right now." Alistair said to me happily. I chuckle slightly and shake my head. I lift a single shaky hand and show it to them. The both chuckle slightly. "Nervous. I was the same." Alistair said to reassure me. I look at him and shake my head.
You: "If I recall. And remember I was standing right next to you. You were stuttering out every word you said. It took you fifteen minutes to say your written vows." I said with a teasing smirk. He gives me a look.
Alistair: "Ah come on man." Alistair said as he blushed from embarrassment as me and Mako laugh. After we stop laughing Mako looks at me once more.
Mako: "You know... It's been six years." Mako said in a calm and slightly happy tone of voice. I nod my head in agreement. "Allot has changed since we first met." Mako said cooking up at ceiling with his eyes closed.
You: "Yeah... And I couldn't be happier." I said in a content tone of voice. Mako chuckles slightly before looking at me once more.
Mako: "Good." Mako said in a happy tone of voice with a small smile. I smile back. He then looks at Alistair who's gesturing for them to leave. Mako nods showing he understands as he stands up fully. He looks at me. "See you in half an hour man." Mako said in his normal tone of voice once more. I nod and we fist bump before he walks out. Alistair comes and does the same before walking out as well after shutting the door behind him.
I soon decide to leave my room as well. I take one last look at my shelf. I turn off the lights and leave the room. I walk out to the main area and to mu luck its empty. I sigh a bit and sit in a chair enjoying the cool breeze coming from one of the windows. I then hear someone approaching. I open my eyes and see Asami, Pema, Senna, and Kya coming up to me with Tonraq trailing close behind. Asami is wearing a beautiful red dress. Senna is wearing a dark blue dress that matches Tonraqs dark blue suit. Kya is wearing a light blue dress it some water tribe adornments on it. She smiles and sits next to me.
Kya: "Not trying to get a peek at Korra's dress are you?" Kya asks me in a teasing tone with a smile. I chuckle and shake my head in a no fashion. Kya giggles slightly. "You ready?" Kya asks me in a sweet tone of voice. I nod my head yes with a gentle smile.
You: "Yeah... I won't lie I'm nervous as hell." I said with a chuckle as I showed them my slightly shaky hand. All four chuckle at me a slight bit.
Asami: "That's alright." Asami said in a gentle tone to reassure me. "Remember Alistair?" Asami asks me with a small smirk. I laugh a bit.
You: "Me and him literally just talked about that." I said laughing a bit till. Asami giggles slightly. I shake my head at the memory. "I don't think I'll ever be that nervous." I said with a chuckle. Asami nods in agreement.
Senna: "I'm so excited for you tow (M/n)." Senna says to me in a very happy and joyous tone of voice. I look at her and see her smiling wide at me. I see Tonraq nodding in agreement with her. I chuckle a slight bit.
Tonraq: "As am I. I know you'll do right by her." Tonraq said in a calm tone of voice. I nod my head yes once sternly. He chuckles slightly. "Bolin told me you wrote your own vows?" Tonraq asked me. I sigh in annoyance Dammit Bolin.
you: "That was a secret. He gets no cake now." I said as I rubbed my temples in annoyance, The four chuckle at me slightly. "Yes I did... That's what I'm so nervous about." I said as I scratched my cheek nervously.
Kya: "Ma I read them? It may help if you let someone else read them." Kya said to me gently. I think for a moment but nod my head. I reach into my pocket and hand her the folded bit of paper. She unfolds it and reads it to herself. After about five minutes Kya taps my shoulder. I look back at her and see some tears in her eyes and a happy smile on her face. I take my paper back and fold it up before placing it into my pocket. "That was... wonderful (M/n). She'll love it." Kya said as she wiped her eyes. I smile at her and breathe out in relief.
You: "Good." I said with a smile. I hug Kya and she gladly hugs me back. I soon hear my name called by Pema. I sigh and shake my head. I let Kya go and stand up. "Duty calls." I said sarcastically. They each chuckle and wave me off before I walk away. I head towards the room I was called to and knock. "Its (M/n)." I said to Pema. She opens the door and I see her in a nice range dress that seems to be adorned with some Air Nomad decorations. "You look nice." I said with a smile. She smiled back at me.
Pema: "Thanks (M/n). I just wanted you to see the kids while you had a chance." Pema says to me gently as she goes back to her vanity mirror. "Kids!" Pema shouts to her children. I turn and see the they're standing in the room. Meelo has gotten taller and is dressed in a nice orange and white suit. I smile at him.
You: "Handsome as ever Meelo." I say kindly as I ruffled his hair. He laughed and swatted my hand away. He then smiles wide at me. Despite him getting older his happy attitude never changed.
Meelo: "Thanks. Bet I look better than you." Meelo says jokingly. I roll my eyes playfully and chuckle slightly. I then look at Ikki. She's gotten slightly taller and is wearing an orange dress much like her mother's.
You: "You look beautiful Ikki." I said to Ikki in a kind tone. She smiles wide and hugs me gently. I return it and she separates from me quickly.
Ikki: "Thanks (M/n)!" Ikki exclaims happily. I then look at Jinora. She's a bit taller than her mom now and is pretty much full grown. Its... Odd seeing her this way... Considering I met her when she was ten. She's wearing an orange dress as well though she has some unique designs and markings on it. I'd wager they show she's a bending master.
You: "You look wonderful Jinora." I said to her smiling. She smiles gently back before hugging me gently. I return it and she separates from me.
Jinora: "Thank you. You look quite handsome." Jinora said to me kindly. I smile at her. "Wait until you see your daughter." Jinora said to me with a smile. I look at her and nod. She gestures for someone to come out from behind a curtain.
Olivia then steps out from behind the curtain and... Its still hard to believe she's grown so much... She's gotten pretty tall but considering her birth mother was six feet flat it's not that surprising. Her hair is only a tad shorter than it was due to her having to be shaved to get the blue arrow tattooed to her forehead.. She's grown so much... I put a hand over my mouth and look at her. She's wearing a beautiful green dress that matches her eyes. She's adorned with things much like Jinora showing she has since become a master at Air bending.
Oliva: "Hey dad." Olivia said to me kindly. Her voice has gotten a tad deeper but it still has her normal sound. I smile at her.
You: "You look beautiful sweetheart." I said in a loving tone. Olivia smiles at me before hugging me gently. I gladly return it. We stay that way for a moment or two until we both pull away.
Olivia: "Thanks dad. You look handsome." Olivia said to me happily. I smile at her. Despite her age she's retained her happy go luck attitude. Not like that's a bad thing. We the n egt a knock at the door. Pema opens and Tenzin is standing there. He looks at me.
Tenzin: "Its time." Tenzin says to me in his normal calm tone. I nod once and breathe in and out. I look towards the others and smile. They smile back and I follow Tenzin outside.
He leads towards the large courtyard and I smile as I see how it is decorated.
Alistair's family along with Tenzin's took care of it and they took into account all aspects of my culture that I told them about. The different hues of blue adorning the tables. The different depictions of lightning. The symbols of my clan and the six. It nearly brings a tear into my eye. I then see the Altar. Its relatively simple. It mimics that arch way back home and is adorned in white. I smile at it. I then hear everyone coming so I get into position... I asked Bolin to conduct the ceremony so he does the same. I wink at him and he smiles wide. Everyone sits down. I look out at the crowd and smile at the scene. Mako and Alistair stand next to me. I see everyone in the crowd short of Korra's chosen bride's maids. Senna, Kya, Katara, Zuko, Izumi, Iroh, Varrick, Zhu Li, Tenzin, Pema, Meelo, Ikki, Ms. Smith, Mr. Smith Toph oddly, Lin, Sue and all her family have come. It really makes me appreciate all the people in my life seeing them here in front of me. Soon I see Korra's bride's maid walk down the Aisle. Opal, Sarah, and Asami. They all look beautiful. Once they are in place Sarah gains a wide closed eyed smile for a moment. Then the music starts and I look forward. I for a moment only see the construction happening within the city. They have built around the new portal and the city is nearly repaired now. I then see Olivia doing the whole 'flower girl' routine they have informed me about. Then... I see Tonraq walking up with Korra arm in arm... Korra's hair now reaches just below her shoulder blades. And I have to cover my mouth with a hand because I am blown away... Korra's wearing a beautiful wedding dress in the same color as those oceanic blue eyes I love... The dress itself is almost like the waves of the ocean and I can even see her wearing that little necklace I bought her six years ago. I can't look at her for more than a few seconds as I feel tears well up in my eyes. I breathe in and out deeply trying to calm myself as I hear Korra approach. I turn to try and look at her once more but once again the sight of her looking so elegantly beautiful make me have to look away to calm down... That woman is about to be my wife and I can hardly believe it. I feel firm hands on my shoulders. I look up as I tear crawls down my face and see Mako looking at me sternly.
Mako: "Look at your wife." Mako demands rather firmly. I nod and breathe in once more to try and do so. I look to my side and see Korra smiling. I sigh looking at her and wipe my eyes. She turns a small tad so I can hug her. I do so I can calm down. Once I do so I turn back to Bolin once more. He smiles at us.
Bolin: "Dearly beloved... I hope." Everyone chuckles slightly. "We are gathered here in this dressed up courtyard to wed to of my best friends." Bolin said in a gentle tone as he looked at me. (F/n) (L/n)... Or as he prefers (M/n)." Bolin said teasingly at how I always said that to new people. I roll my eyes playfully as Korra giggles. "And the Avatar, Korra." Bolin said to Korra with a smile. Korra smiles back. "In the holy trinity. I mean holy matrimony." Bolin said his stupid joke and I face palm as some people chuckle. Here comes my moment. "From what I have been told... The couple have prepared their own vows." Bolin says to us. Me and Korra look at each other surprised but we ultimately smile at each other. "(M/n)... You want to go first?" Bolin asks me kindly. I look at Korra whom shrugs slightly. I chuckle and nod at her. I pull out my paper and take a breath.
You: "Korra... When we met six years go... I was a different person... I was cold... Calculated... Hurting... And alone." I said in a slight solemn tone. I then take her hands into mine and smile slightly. "But... You accepted me with open arms. You opened me up and only offered comfort... Then you heard how I truly felt about my clan. I bared all of my existence to you... And you merely offered me kindness, compassion and love in return. You stood by me and I stood by you... And I finally knew what I felt... I love you Korra. I did for years before I could say it but... I love you. You accepted this broken man... And loved him... And for that I will gladly spend the rest of my days with you." I said staring deep into Korra's eyes with love. I see a few tears well up in her eyes and I gently wipe them away. I hear some sniffles come from the crowd but I don't turn to see who is crying. Korra looks at Bolin who simply nods for her to go. She then looked back at me with love.
Korra: "Man. You set the bar kind of high." Korra joked which got a chuckle out of everyone including me. She then looked deep into my eyes. "(M/n)... You were... Well... Distant for the first month or so after you agreed to train me... But as you did train me we managed to get closer even when I was with Mako." I hear Mako chuckle as she said that. "You went as far as to travel to a different country to keep us from harm when you were attacked by that assassin. And while you were there you learned the truth... Despite how hard that was on you it made you open up more and more... Eventually you confessed everything... I know it's silly of me but your confession made me cry to... But... I helped me understand you... And the feelings I had developed... Then I was damaged to the point that walking was impossible and you came to my home to make sure I walked again." I see Korra shed a tear. I wipe it away gently as she continues. "I... Could never thank you properly for that... I love you (M/n)... You're the most gentle soul I have ever met and... I'd be more than happy to spend my life with you." Korra said in a gentle and loving tone. She wipes a single tear that creped down my face as I heard sniffles once more from the onlookers.
Bolin: "Alright... Who has the ring?" Bolin asks a little to innocently. I then look back at Alistair and Mako.
Mako: "Me." Mako said flatly. He pulled out a red box and opened it. It was empty and he looked at Alistair. Alistair do the same but it was empty. "Maybe the others?" Mako asks Alistair who nods. They proceed to pull out small box after small box from their pockets all of which are empty. This little gag is earning laughs form the on lookers. After about a minute or two of this they both stop pulling them out and just shrug. I look at them with a bit of an angry face until Bolin chuckles. I look at him and see him reach into his pocket.
Bolin: "This what you looking for?" Bolin asks me jokingly as he pulls out the real ring. I sigh in annoyance as everyone including Korra laughs out loud. I take the ring from him and show Korra who smiles at the sight. "If you have any objections speak now or forever hold your peace. Translation: Don't be a spoil sport later." Bolin said cheekily. I heard one of Sue's son shout 'Free Bird' which actually got me to laugh much to tat son's joy. "Alright. By the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and wife... You may... Let the sparks fly." Bolin says cheekily once more. I look at him and see he has a huge smile on his face obviously enjoying hos dumb pun. I shake my head and put the ring on Korra's finger and we reel each other in for a kiss as everyone cheers very loudly. I didn't care about that too much. I was just focused on kissing my beautiful wife.
(Still Your POV)
The part is now in full swing... After me and Korra shoved cake into each other's faces. Part of me is disappointed Tenzin stopped it from turning into a food fight. Tonraq of course wanted to dance with his daughter so that's where Korra is right now. I see Olivia dancing with that kid Jeckra. The kid came with their family to the city to help rebuild since his dad is an engineer and his mother is an architect. I smile as I watch them. I then receive a rather strong pat on the back as I hear someone sit in the seat next to me. I then hear a small grunt and I turn to see Sarah sitting in Mako's lap. I chuckle at the sight.
You: "Three couples down. One to go." I said as I gestured to Bolin who's currently dancing with Opal happily. They both nod at the thought. "Enjoying yourselves?" I ask the married couple. Sarah smiles wide while Mako only has a small smile on his face.
Sarah: "Yep! But hey they're younger than us." Sarah said as she smiled at the couple. I shrug slightly as Mako hums in response.
Mako: "Give it time man." Mako said with an almost knowing look. I smirk slightly figuring out what he's saying. I then look back at the dance floor and see Tonraq walking back with my wife. I smile and stand up. Once they get close enough I offer my hand to Korra.
You: "May I have this dance?" I ask Korra with a loving smile. She hums and taps her chin to make it look like she's thinking real hard on her answer. She shrugs.
Korra: "Sure why not. I doubt my husband will mind." Korra says to me jokingly. I chuckle and grab her hand and head to the dance floor. Being ever so inexperienced in dancing, me and Korra simply sway back and forth the relaxing music playing in the background.
You: "You look quite beautiful." I said to Korra in a whisper. She chuckles and shakes her head at me slightly.
Korra: "You've told me that at least ten times." Korra says with a smile. "It's nice to hear though." Korra says as her smile changes into one full of love. We share a small kiss. Once we pull away we are still looking at each other with love.
You: "I'm just telling the truth my love." I said in a loving tone of voice. She hums and rests her head on my chest as we dance. I content sigh escapes her lips and through her happy and loving smile. I smile back and kiss the top of her head. We continue this way for a time until I think of something. "You know we're supposed to have a honey moon planned." I said in a calming tone. Korra again sighs happily and doesn't leave her current position.
Korra: "When have we ever had a plan?" Korra asked jokingly. I chuckle slightly. She does have a point. "Have anything in mind?" Korra asked me happily. I think for a moment and then remember something she wanted to do with me not long after we met.
You: "Remember when we spent that day together before I started training you?" I ask Korra in a gentle tone. She nods her head in a yes fashion. "If I recall there were certain things I told you I saw while on the road you wanted to see... Maybe we could go see them together on our own." I suggest to Korra in the same calm tone. She pulls back and looks at me lovingly once more.
Korra" Really?" Korra asks sounding a tad excited. I nod to her and she smiles more. "That sounds wonderful." Korra said to me lovingly as we leaned in for another kiss Once we sepaaret I smile at her. I then see Olivia sitting next to Jeckra and think of something.
You: "Want to dance with your daughter?" I ask Korra with a smile. She looks towards Olivia and nods her head in a yes fashion. We then begin heading over to the two hand in hand. Once we arrive we both smile at the two. "Hey Jeckra." I greeted the young lad with a wave. He waved back sheepishly. I then look at Olivia. "Would you like to dance with your mom?" I ask Olivia in a kind tone. She looks at me and nods her head yes happily.
Olivia: "I would love to dance with my new mom." Olivia said in her normal happy tone of voice. I look at Korra whom seems to be smiling a bit wider. Likely at being called 'mom' by Olivia. Olivia grabs Korra's hand.
Korra: "Someone's excited." Korra said jokingly as she went to dance with Olivia. I si next to Jeckra whom seems to be extremely nervous.
You: "You look nice tonight Jeckra." I said in a gentle tone trying to calm the young boy's nerves, He looks down. "Nervous?" I asked him with a smile. He nodded yes. "Don't be man. Everyone here is friendly." I said as I patted his back. He doesn't respond for a moment.
Jeckra: "It's not that..." Jeckra said trailing off at the end. "It's just... I'm not a man." Jeckra said in a sad tone. I sit up fully and rub his back gently.
You: "What do you mean?" I ask him gently trying to be as nice as I possibly can. He sighs shakily.
Jeckra: "I'm... Not a boy." Jeckra admits as if... She's scared. Oh... I'm an idiot. Those cheekbones. That chin... The eyes... How the hell did I miss this!?
You: "You're a girl?" I ask her gently. She nods in response... She's wearing a suit though... Hm. "Do you... Consider yourself as such?" I ask her gently. She nods in response looking a bit less nervous... Maybe she knows I don't really care.
Jeckra: "Yeah..." She says as she reaches to her hair. She lifts some of it and shows me the pin holding it up. She then looks back at me. "I just don't like girly clothes. I do like long hair but some of the kids back home made fun of me for being this way." Jeckra said still not looking at me. I understand her nervousness back then now... She was afraid her hero would judge her so she played me thinking she was a boy off so she appeared normal
You: "I don't mind you Jeckra. I'm sorry if I gave off the impression I did though." I apologized to her. Jeckra turns to me now looking surprised. "Look... My parents taught me that things like this weren't a big deal." I said to Jeckra gently. She sighs in relief and smiles at me. "So... I do have a question if I may." I request in a kind tone. Jeckra thinks for a moment before nodding. "Do you... Like boys or girls?" I asked with a smile in a gentle tone. Jeckra blushes slightly and looks away. "I won't judge." I said kindly once more. She breathes in and nods her head at me. She turned to me.
Jeckra: "G-girls..." Jeckra stuttered out. "I... I was always partial to girl and when... you know... I got older I was attracted to them." Jeckra said sadly. I rub her back once more to comfort her.
You: "It's alright. That's just who you are." I said trying to comfort the kid. I think for a moment as I see her eyes well with some tears. I then think about what mom said about love. "Hey... Want to hear what my mom said when it came to who you love?" I ask Jeckra calmly. She looked at me and nodded her head yes. "Love is too hard. If you find love with someone of a different religion, or you came together as different races and made a beautiful baby or if you find someone of the same gender that you love. Just love them. Life is too hard to do otherwise. Sure your society may look at it and say it's wrong but just love them more." I spoke proudly to Jeckra. I see the tears that were welling up dissipate as she takes in what I said. She then nods and smiles at me as she wipes her eyes.
Jeckra: "Your mom was right... Thanks... And people wonder why I consider you my hero." Jeckra said in a considerably happier tone of voice. I smile at her.
You: "Thanks Jeckra." I said smiling to her. I then think of something. "So... You and my daughter seem really close... You have a crush?" I asked looking at Jeckra. She blushed and looked away for a moment. She looked back at me.
Jeckra: "Y-yes." Jeckra stuttered out. I chuckle at her but say nothing. "Are... You okay with it?" Jeckra asked me curiously.
You: "As long as she's happy, I'm fine with it... Does she know?" I ask referring o Jeckra being a girl. She nods. I then smile. "Have you said anything to her?" I ask her calmly. She shakes her head no.
Jeckra: "She may not even... You know... Go for girls." Jeckra said a bit sadly. I hum in response but see Olivia and Korra walking back over.
You: "One way to find out... Hey sweethearts!" I exclaimed happily yo Korra and Olivia. They both smile wide. I look to Jeckra and smirk. She blushes and looks away. She knows what I'm about to do. "So... I was an idiot." I said to Korra and Olivia. They both tilt their heads at me slightly. I look back at Jeckra asking for permission. She nods and I look back at the other two. "Jeckra is a girl." I said sounding a bit surprised. Korra goes wide eyed and looks at her. Korra then seems to take a closer look before face palming.
Korra: "Now I see it." Korra said calmly. She then looked at Jeckra and smiled. "I hate dresses to." Kora said to Jeckra with a smile. Jeckra looks and chuckles. I then sit back down. Korra sits next to me and Olivia sits with Jeckra. I reach over and undo the pin in Jeckra's hair. She looks at me worried but I smile say her and hand it back.
You: "Wear it with pride or the bullies win." I said to Jeckra calmly. She thought for a moment before nodding her head to me. She puts the pin in her pocket and combs her hair out so its straighter. "So Olivia." I said to said girl. She looks at me as she and Jeckra sit across from us now. "Have anyone you have a crush on?" I ask in a teasing tone of voice. Olivia blushes as she takes a quick glance at Jeckra, I bet she hopes I didn't catch it but I did. "Anyone... Close by?" I ask teasingly once more to hide my intent. Olivia blush darkens but then it vanishes as she gains a sad look. Now I'm concerned.
Olivia: "I do but... I'm not sure how'd you react." Olivia said sadly. I grab her hand and looks at her with concern. "It's... A girl." Olivia said sadly once more. I look at Korra and she looks at me. We both chuckle and shake our heads before looking back at her.
You: "Is that all?" I say to Olivia sounding calm. She looks at me surprised. "As long as you're happy I don't care sweetheart." I sad gently as I rubbed her hand with my thumb to comfort her. She smiles wide at me.
Korra: "I agree. Who gives a crap. You like girls. That's fine." Korra said happily to Olivia. "I'm just happy you found someone that you like so much!" Korra exclaims happily. Olivia smiles even wider at that.
Olivia: "Thanks mom and dad." Olivia said sounding very happy. She then blushed slightly. "H-hey Jeckra?" Olivia says nervously. Jeckra looks at her. "D-do you like me?" Olivia asks sounding nervous. Oh I am never letting this down. Jeckra blushes but nods her head yes. Oh look I see Asami and Alistair.
You: "Korra lets go mingle." I suggested as I stood up. Korra looked at me and nodded. Once she stood up I offered my hand and she gladly took it and we left the young ones to sort out their feelings for one another. We walked towards Asami and Alistair who are currently talking with Bolin, Opal, Mako, And Sarah. All of our closest friends. "Hey guys!" I exclaim happily. They each look and smile at us short of Mako... Ever stoic as always.
The rest of the party was spent with our friends. Just enjoying our friend's company. We danced. Drank. Ate good food and shared several laughs. Jeckra and Olivia did get together much to my joy thought they're doing what Bolin and Opal did when they started dating and will take it insanely slow. I agreed with the decision given their age. Of course I still gave Jeckra the whole 'If you hurt her you'll learn why they call me the thunderer.' She nodded rapidly when I did and I smiled at her. I know Jeckra won't hurt Olivia but still Just in case the impossible just so happens to well happen. As the night went on people began leaving. Jeckra asked to spend the night and we all agreed much to her and Olivia's eternal joy. Soon enough everyone that didn't live on the island headed home. Zuko and his family left on his dragon, Tonraq, Senna, Kya, and Katara went to their rooms on the island while Lin took Sue, Mr. and Ms. Smith home. Varrick and Zhu Li just headed back to the city. Everyone decided we were done with the party and took down what we could without risking anything breaking. After that was done everyone began retiring to bed. Soon enough it was just me and Korra watching the stars together. We enjoyed seeing a few shooting stars and what not. But like the others we to decided it was time for bed... though I swore I saw a smirk on Korra's face... It was small but I'm sure it was there. I shrugged it off in the end and we headed to or shared room. We entered and I turned on the lights. I sighed in relief as I removed my robe. Korra did the same as she kicked her shoes off. I did the same and felt like doing a cannonball on the bed right there. I denied myself the pleasure to continue undressing.
You: "That was fun." I said jokingly. I hear Korra chuckle in response as I unbutton my undershirt.
Korra: "Yeah it was... Feels good though." Korra said happily as I heard her dress come unzipped. I sigh happily to myself as I finish unbuttoning my shirt.
You: "Yeah it does... My beautiful wife." I said lovingly as I continued to get undressed. I hear Korra laugh a small bit. I then hear her dress hit floor as she sighed in relief once more.
Korra: "It's too hot in that damned thing... My handsome husband." Kora said lovingly. I chuckle slightly and as I reach for my pajama shirt I glance at my shelf. Someone has added a new photo. One of me and Korra kissing at the altar. I smile at it widely. "Nice photo." Korra said as I heard her stretch. I smile gently and nod in agreement. I then look at Korra and see her in a corset.
You: "Need help love?" I ask Korra plainly. She looks over her shoulder and nods yes slowly. I walk over and begin unlacing it. I swear I felt her shiver when I touched her back but maybe she's finally feeling the chill. "We may need a bigger shelf for our mementos." I aid to Korra in a happy tone. She fights back... Something but nods her head in agreement.
Korra: "Yeah... Not a bad thing though." Korra said with a happy sigh at the end. I chuckle slightly. I finish loosening the corset and go back to my task. "Thanks love." Korra said happily. I just wave her off with a smile.
You: "No problem. Next time you wear a dress aim for comfort. I know corsets are very annoying." I said gently to Korra. I see her nod in response as she removes it. I look away and retrun to my pajama shirt... I decide against it since we're going to bed. I then go to take my pants off and change into my pajama pants. Once I'm done I plop on the bed and sigh in extreme relief. "Ah man. This feels so good right now." I said with a content sigh at the end as I let the fluffy bed absorb me completely. I then feel the other side of the bed shift and I see Korra in her tanktop and no pajama pants which was pretty normal now a days.
Korra: "Yeah it does." Korra said in relief. "Strange..." Korra said as she lifted her hand with her ring on it. "A good kind of strange tough." Korra said happily as she looked back over to me. "I couldn't be happier that I'm married to you." Korra said lovingly. I smile and brush her cheek with the back of my hand. She gives into the sensation right away and looks relaxed.
You: "I feel the same. Never thought I'd get married but look. I have a beautiful wife that can stand me." I said half-jokingly. Korra giggles slightly. "Seriously though... I was broken... and you helped fix me... and I can never repay you for that." I said in a loving tone. Korra smiles gently at me and stares deep into my eyes.
Korra: "I've told you... Just loving me is more than enough. You know that I didn't want anything in return anyway." Korra said in a loving tone as she cupped my cheek and stroked it with her thumb. "I'm just glad we have each other." Korra said lovingly once more. I nod in agreement with her.
You: "Yeah we do... And I couldn't ask for more." I said lovingly to Korra. She giggles slightly. "I love you Korra." I said in a loving tone of voice. She smiles and opens her eyes. She takes my hand from her face so she can hold it.
Korra: "I love you to (M/n)." She said lovingly before leaning in so she can kiss me. I gladly return it lovingly. When she pulls away I see her blushing slightly. She then sits up and heads to her dresser.
You: "Something wrong?" I ask her sounding concerned. She shakes her head no and I shrug. I close my eyes to rest. But after a few minutes I don't feel Korra get back into bed. I open my eyes as I go to sit up only to be pushed back down by a gentle hand. I look and blush deeply. Korra is leaning over me in only her undergarments. "K-korra?" I ask sounding very nervous. She chuckles as she straddles my waist.
Korra: "It's our wedding night (M/n)... And we need to finish it off right.~" Korra said in a... Seductive tone. It clicks in my mind what she's thinking. I then look at her and nod my head in agreement as a loving smile finds it way onto my face. I sit up and grab the back of her neck gently. "I love you (M/n)" Korra says to me lovingly. I smile a bit and begin to pull her towards me.
You: "I love you to Korra. Now and until the day I die. Trust me... This will be perfect." I said lovingly with a warm smile on my face. I see a small blush find its way onto her face before I slam my lips onto my beautiful and kind hearted wife's lips. From there it all started on that single kiss... and trust me when I say it was perfect.
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