A Feeling Of Being Loved. Rias (Highschool DXD) X Male Reader


(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name
(U/n) = Uncle Name  

A Feeling Of Being Loved

Rias x Male Reader

A/n: Here's my attempt to get my feelings down in writing. Here's hoping it helps.

(No POV)

Humans like to think they're alone in the universe. That's a lie. Just ask the hundreds of Fallen Angels and Devils on earth. Most are... Questionable when it comes to morality but one peerage and clan was overall good. The Gremory and Lucifuge clan. Before the now leader of the clan Sirzech took over, the clan treated the pieces as nothing more than slaves and servants. But now... They're more like an extension to family. Family. To some people it's just a last name. They feel that should be enough for you to feel loved. It's not. Such is the case for the new transfer student to Kuoh Academy. He's from America. And he knows the last name isn't enough. And feels alone as a result. Little does he know whose eye he'll be catching when he arrives with his artistic ideas.

(Your POV)

First day at a new school... Man this uniform is kind of itchy but hey it's comfy. Maybe this is the chance for a new start... And if all goes well at that job interview I'll be able to move out before too long. Is it wrong I want to? I mean I'd rather actually be alone then feel that way at home. I shake my head as I enter the gates to the academy. I see some people walking around. All of them are about my age. I see some people look my way and begin whispering to each other. I ignore it as best I can and just head to the class room for my class. First class is Art I believe. I walk through the academy halls as I once again get a few glances. I see I get some glares from the guys while the girls look at me curiously. I also catch the name 'Issei' and the word 'Pervert' in the same sentence. Huh. Must be a creeper or a hormonal idiot. I shake my head. I arrive at the class room and politkey knock. Soon the teacher answers the door and to my shock, he looks European. He has white hair and is rather tall. Not exactly thin but not obese either. Sort of like old man fat I guess. His hair is tied up in a small pony tail and he has some gruffy beard. He smiles at me.

(???): "You must be the new student. My name is Vince Doubet. I'm the art teacher here. Come in come in. We were about to discuss our first group project." Vince said kindly as he stepped aside to let me in. I smile a bit. I think I'm going to like him. I step in and once Vince joins my side he speaks. "Class we have a new transfer student. Introduce yourself." Vince said to me smiling. I nod and clear my throat.

You: "My name is (F/n) (L/n). But (M/n) is more than fine. I'm from the United States... If My accent wasn't enough to give that away." I joked which made the girls giggle and some of the guys chuckle. "Um... I'm hoping to be a writer one day but I love art... And I hope we all can be friends." I said smiling. Vince patted my back and went to speak but was cut off by one of the girls.

Girl: "Oh he's kind of cute. I hope he's not a pervert like ISSEI!" The girl said smiling at me before looking at a boy. He had brown spikey hair and palish skin. He looks like he's working on building up muscle. He holds his hands up. I know that look. It's like 'I know I am but I didn't do anything.'

Guy: "Great...More competition." I hear one guy say sounding irritated. I shake my head at him with a frown. He looks at me and glares. "What?" He asks angrily. I roll my eyes.

You: "I heard you. It's not a competition jack ass. Maybe they just don't like you." I said seriously. Some of the class 'ooohhs' at that as the guy looks down in shame and slight anger.

Vince: "Enough of that. We have a lecture to get to. Now. Who among you doesn't have a partner for this project?" Vince asked the class with Authority. The boy I now know as Issei raises his hand. "Alright Issei. Do you mind being (M/n)'s partner?" Vince asked kindly. Issei shakes his head no smiling. "Excellent. Just go sit next to him (M/n). Here's the project sheet." Vince said handing me the sheet. I nod and thank him before walking up the stairs to Issei. I sit down and pull out a note book with a pencil.

Issei: "Nice to meet you man. No worries about Vince. He's super chill about all this." Issei said to me smiling. I nod In agreement as Vince sets up the projector for his power point. "I'll show you around school after class if you want." Issei offered kindly. I look at him and smirk a small bit.

You: "I don't know if I should hang around the school 'pervert'." I said sarcastically. He rubs the back of his head which makes me chuckle. "I'd appreciate it if you did." I said a bit more genuine like. Issei smiles back and nods as we look to the front of the class.


(Still Your POV)

Issei just finished showing me around... Not forgetting to point out all the best 'peeping' spots. I kept telling him I didn't need to know but he didn't seem to care. After it was done, he asked me to come to the "ORC" building. It stands for Occult Research Club. He says we can begin our project there since he has a meeting to attend anyway. When we got there, we were met with an older looking building. I just shrugged it off as he guided me inside where I was met with a rather nice looking interior. I don't comment on it. He leads me to a living room of sort before dropping his bag and plopping on the couch. I put mine down and sit calmly. I pull out a sketch pad ad look to Issei who pulled out his.

You: "Piece of advice. Start with just chicken scratch sketches and go from there." I said smiling. Issei nodded and we began sketching stuff down. It was quiet for a few minutes before I spoke again. "When are the others meant to get here? I probably should step out when you guys talk." I asked looking at Issei. He shrugged and I leaned over and looked at what he was sketching. "Really?" I Asked with a raised brow. Issei merely bit his lip trying not to laugh. I then begin laughing a bit. "The worst part is. With the way you've drawn it. It could work if we made a wall piece." I said finally giving into my laughter which makes Issei laughs. We then hear the door open and we turn to look. I am greeted by some people I 'know' in the sense I know their names around school. Issei stands and so do I.

Kiba: "Issei. Who's this?" The guy I know as Kiba Yuuto asked. He then stares at me for a few moents before snapping his own fingers. "Ah. The transfer from America. I'm Kiba Yuuto. Nice to meet you." Kiba said extending his hand to me. I shake it firmly.

You: "Nice to meet you to. My name is (F/n) (L/n) but (M/n) is more than fine." I said smiling a bit. He smiled more and I looked at the others. One was a shorter girl with blonde hair... I swear she seems... Nunly? Is that a word? Probably not. The second is a girl with white hair and a bored look on her face.

Issei: "That's Asia and Keneko. Asia's the blonde and Koneko is the white haired one." Issei explained as I look them over. I nod and greet them which they smiled back at. The third girl has blue hair and is pretty tall. She also has um... Assets that are easily noticeable. Man. These school uniforms are pretty tight fitting now that I think about it.

Akeno: "The name's Akeno and I have to say you're pretty handsome. Almost as handsome as Issei." Akeno said with a flirty smile and a wink. I raise a skeptical eyebrow at that which makes her giggle.

You: "Me handsome? Please. Tell me another lie like how the sky's red." I replied jokingly. She rolled her eyes at that which makes me chuckle. I look at Issei as the others step inside fully. "Is that everybody?" I asked. Issei went to speak but a new voice cut him off.

(???): "Friend of yours Issei?" A new soft voice asked. I looked over and I swear time itself stopped as I drunk in the image before me.

Before me stood a tall woman with long, well kept, red hair. She has aquamarine eyes which hold a certain sincerity to them. Not something I'm used to. There are also secrets hidden behind them and an old soul... Much like my friends in America said I had. She's wearing the school uniform and I think it may be a size to small. Or she's just that healthy. She seems to stare at me for a time until I clear my throat to speak.

You: "My name is (F/n) (L/n)... (M/n) is what I prefer if you don't mind. I'm a transfer from America." I explained as I smiled and stuck my hand out for her to shake. She seems to snap out of a trance and take my hand to shake it. She smiles at me and I swear I felt myself blush I response.

Rias: "Nice to meet you (M/n)... My name is Rias Gremory. I'm the president of the Occult Research Club." Rias said to me kindly. I just smiled at her and I swear I saw her cheeks turn a bit of pink. "Are you going to join? We're always accepting new members." Rias asked me kindly. I am a bit surprised at the offer but it's not unwelcome.

You: "I might. I just need to get settled into my new life and all." I explained kindly. Rias nodded in understanding and went to sit on a chair. I say back down on the couch and grabbed my sketch pad. "Do I need to go? I'd hate to interrupt." I said looking at everyone. They all looked to Rias who shook her head no.

Rias: "No don't worry about it. No major things are going on so we're just going to have a lay in. Next to that, some of us need to get those sketches done." Rias said looking around. A few of the others agreed and got to work. Me and Issei went back to it as we all chatted.

They all asked me some questions. Where in America I'm from, what I like to do, some hobbies and may other things. They seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. I guess I've made an excellent group of friends here today. Not bad for a first day I suppose. Soon enough though I get a text from Mom asking me to come home since dinner is done. I really don't want to go but I also don't want to hear it later. I sigh and pack my stuff up. I stand and bid them all farewell. Rias said I could come back anytime which just made me smile brightly. I quite like her I think. She seems so nice... Then again I could be wrong. I've been burned before after all. I wave them all goodbye and make my way home for the night... A night of silence. I sigh at that.

(Rias' POV)

That boy is interesting... I quite. If he had a sacred gear, I may even want him in my peerage but he doesn't... He does have a strange energy about him. Odd that he shows up on the same day many fallen angels leave my territory... I wonder if it's connected. Hm. I also can't get over the way he looked at me. He looked at me like I was a master piece to be admired versus owned like Riser did and to an extent... Issei does. I know he doesn't mean to but it comes across that way sometimes. I sigh and shake my head at that. Soon enough the door opens revealing the rest of my peerage.

Rias: "So... Any fallen angels about?" I asked Grasper and Xenovia. They both looked at each other before looking back at me and shaking their heads no. I am beyond surprised at this. "None. Not even in that warehouse I sent you to?" I asked sounding very surprised. They both shook their heads again and everyone is now surprised.

Grasper: "We looked around but... Nothing... It's like they all vanished or ran or something." Grasper explained as he looked around. We are all flabbergasted. That shouldn't be possible... Nothing could chase them away... Unless.... That boy.

Issei: "That's not a bad thing is it?" Issei asked everyone. We all looked at him as he shifted a bit nervously under our gazes. "I-I mean... Less fighting and less people getting hurt... makes us look good to your brother Rias." Issei explained fully. I suppose he's right but I have a feeling now.

Rias: "I have a feeling I know what may be causing them all to hide. (M/n)... He doesn't have a sacred gear but he does have some energy on him... Maybe it's like repellent to the angels... Koneko." I said as I looked at the said Neko. She looked at me. "Follow (M/n) home... Maybe his parents are special and he's a half breed." I ordered Koneko. She nodded and left the building right away. I leaned back into my chair. "If it is him... We need to protect him." I said as I looked at everyone. No one argued.

Akeno: "Not that we would protest that. I think he'd be a great friend." Akeno said happily. The others agreed short of Grasper and Xenovia. I agreed as well as we sat here and talked. And waited... For whatever Koneko reports to us.

(Koneko's POV)

It didn't take my long to catch up to (M/n) as he was walking home instead of taking the bus. Most would've but maybe he hated the bus. Not that I blame him. Stinks inside most of the time. So I follow him. He doesn't do anything out of the ordinary except for hum some songs as he listens to music on his Ipod. Soon enough, we walk into a suburb. He heads inside a house and I camp outside in a bush to look inside. He speaks to his parents and they respond but the look on his face makes me think he's distant to them in some way. I can tell he's talking to them about us, but his parents... Don't respond in the way one would expect... Like I get he's a teenager but... Shouldn't they show more than mild interest in what he's saying. He seems to sigh a bit but blushes as he speaks of someone... I think he's talking about Rias. This is interesting. His mom takes more interest in this than his dad does. She says something and (M/n) responds looking a tad sad. I wonder why. He then takes his bag and walks to his room. I quietly follow him from the outside. I see him set his bag down and frown. He shakes his head and sits at his desk. He opens the drawer and pulls out a journal I think. He writes in it for a time before looking at the door. He seems to shout and walks out of the room. I open his window with my magic and make my way over to his journal. I opened it and began to skim through it. I only stop at important bits. Somethings are about his friends and some family. I then stop as I see a page stained with tear drops. I read it and actually... Feel bad for him. He speaks of something he won. Some science fair. He won thanks to his theory on how Dinosaurs died. H claimed it wasn't the meteor that did it alone. It helped but in the end it was all the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that killed them all. He speaks on how he told his parents but... They were busy taking care of his older sibling to be noticed. I flip back some pages to find the source of this. Apparently they caught some illness and it messed up their entire body. Seizures, immune system issues and so on... I flip forward once again as I process this information. I stop once more at his first day in high school. At this point he says his sibling could take care of themselves but... His parents never came back for him. They had to leave him alone to his own devices for years and once the situation was resolved they never came back to make sure he was okay. Sad... That explains why he seemed distant to his parents. I read on and stopped at the page that said he was moving. I sigh and put the journal back the way it was and stand there thinking. Nothing about how he could be the 'repellent' as Rias put it but... This does give me some perspective. I then decide to look around his room for a bit. I then see on his shelf an interesting and old looking dagger. Very old... I'd even say ancient. As I get closer I feel a little unsettled... Strange... It's putting off waves of whatever energy is making me feel this way. This is it. It has to be. I take note of the bone esc design before I leave through the window. I lock it back with magic and teleport back to the building. Once there everyone looks at me.

Koneko: "Well... As far as I can tell he and his family are just normal humans... I found a journal and read it... Nothing of note for the mission but I did learn about him." I explained as I looked at everyone. They waited for me to continue. "I found a dagger sitting on a stand. It looked like a sharpened cow's bottom jaw on a simple wooden handle... It was putting off waves of a slight unsettling energy and as I got closer it was more intense but it didn't affect me too much." I explained fully to everyone. Rias goes wide eyed as she seems to realize something.

Rias: "I know what's made the fallen angels skip town." Rias said as she stood up. Everyone looked at her expectantly. "His family are the keepers of the first lethal weapon used to kill for greed. Cain's Dagger." Rias explained to us. We are all pretty surprised by this. I thought it was destroyed when he died.

Akeno: "B-But wasn't it destroyed?! How c-could they let something as strong as that stay in one piece and in the wild?!" Akeno asked in shock. I have to agree. This dagger is capable of killing any immortal creature due to its curse.

Rias: "They kept it as a 'break glass in case of emergency' device. Something that can kill even immortal beings thanks to The Fallen Angel Lucifer's curse was perfect for that but it was lost when the horsemen first came to earth on a test run. It fell into the hands of a family who have kept it hidden since... I guess (M/n) is their decedent." Rias said as she placed her hand on her chin in thought.

Issei: "Wow..." Issei whispered. He then seemed to smile and get excited. "If he has that then he can help us." Issei said happily. Rias looked at him and frowned. "Not as a devil but I'm sure if he knew what it was he would defend us if needed. Not to mention this also means no Devil would dare mess with him or his family." Issei said smiling happily. I suppose the pervert isn't wrong in this regard.

Rias: "That may be true but if we told him what it was would he keep it?" Rias asked Issei seriously. He goes to reply but shuts his mouth as he begins to frown. "Exactly. That's assuming he believes us. For now we keep quiet unless it becomes needed to protect him and his family. I'll need to inform my brother about this when we see him again." Rias stated firmly. No one argued though Asia seemed worried. Her Nun training at its finest. She knows the story of Cain so it's not hard to believe she'd be worried. "Now Koneko. You said his journal gave you some perspective. What did you find out?" Rias asked curiously. I actually frown a bit thinking of what's in the journal. I sighed and looked up.

(Rias' POV)

Koneko seemed... Sad at what I asked. That's odd. Especially since she never usually shows her emotions all that much. She sighs and looks up at me and is frowning. This can't be good. I wait with baited breath and slight worry in my soul.

Koneko: "Out of everything in that journal I read, I learned one major thing from it." Koneko said sadly. We all looked at her expectantly and se frowns even deeper. "He's lonely." Koneko said sadly. Everyone, myself included gains a concerned look. "I won't go into too much detail... For his sake... But when he was young, his older sibling got sick and it messed their life up. Immune system issues among other things. His parents had to pay all their attention to her as he grew up. They left him alone to figure most things out alone... Even when his sibling was able to handle the issues themselves, his family didn't come back for him. Not to mention he said he wasn't good at making friends in his home town... I got the impression that he's... Never felt loved... Not in the way most family should feel anyway." Koneko finished as she sat down. We're all a tad... Surprised at this... Not a tad. We're all pretty shocked by this as each of us take a seat.

Rias: "So then..." I said trying to process what I heard. Someone as kind as him shouldn't feel this way. "With how he acted I would have never guessed..." I said sadly as I looked at the ground. I hear some sniffles come from Asia which isn't surprising. "Well... Then we'll have to show he isn't alone here." I said with a bit of determination. Everyone looked at me as I looked up. "Let's face it. He wiggled his way into our hearts in some way and he's our friend now. Regardless of his family situation, even unintentional, we'll show we love him." I said smiling happily. The others take a moment to process this and then smile as well. They all agree with me.

Akeno: "Such a great idea Rias! We'll become the best friends he could ever asked for." Akeno said happily as she stood up and clapped her hands. She then smirked a bit at me. "Who knows? With the way he admired you maybe he'll even fall in love with you." Akeno teased me a bit. I try and scowl at her but I can feel myself blush a bit at the idea which makes her cackle with laughter. "See!? Look at her face she agrees and doesn't even know it!" Akeno said laughing. Some of the others chuckled while Issei looked at me with a raised brow.

Rias: "They're just teasing don't worry." I said in a reassuring tone. Issei seemed skeptical but nodded. I sigh in relief as I begin thinking... I mean (M/n) treated me like a person versus something to be owned and conquered. He's also kind and seemed to genuinely like me and everyone... Not to mention he is kind of cute. I blush more at that thought... Maybe... No... I love Issei. Yet I can't shake (m/n) out of my head.


(Your POV)

It's been about three weeks since I moved here... And I have to say it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I made a bunch of new friends who actually seem to like me. I also officially joined their club since I was there almost every day anyway. This made the Student President stupid happy since I wasn't really into most of the clubs. I'm actually headed there now. Or rather the pool since they wanted to swim today... Rias also seems to be rather close to me. Part of me wants to believe she... Likes me maybe even loves me but the cynic in me says she's just being friendly and that this feeling you have won't go away anytime soon. I frown at that thought... I've felt... Alone for a long time... To long... I am hoping being in this club will help but it doesn't help unless I'm there with them. I sigh and just keep walking. I arrive at the pool and see everyone already swimming around short of Rias, Akeno, and Issei. I also caught onto the fact that all the girls here short of Koneko, and a girl I met named Roseweisse flirt with him constantly. That just feeds into the cynic side of me. I go to the changing room after greeting everyone and am met with Akeno and Issei kissing on a bench. They both look at me surprised while I keep a flat face.

You: "Couldn't even bother going into one of the stalls huh?" I asked flatly. Issei scrambled to get up but Akeno smirked and kept him pinned to the bench which made me chuckle. "Oi vey." I said chuckling as I walked into one of the stalls. I changed out of my clothes into my swim trunks and left my stuff in a locker Akeno saved for me. I thanked her and walked out. I smile seeing everyone just relaxing and head towards the pool until I hear a voice behind me.

Rias: "How do I look (M/n)?" I hear Rias ask me from behind. I turn around and... Not going to like. She looks very nice. She's wearing a two piece swimsuit that is almost the same color as her hair. I just smile as I look her up and down.

You: "You look Beautiful." I say sincerely. She seems surprised but begins to blush. "Then again, that's pretty normal. You could wear a trash bag and look beautiful." I say with a small chuckle at the end. Rias seems to blush even deeper at that.

Rias: "T-thank you (M/n)." Rias says a bit bashfully. I just smile at her and turn to the pool. I see everyone in there looking at me surprised as Issei stares at me from a beach chair next to Akeno. I shift a bit under the gazes. "Guys. Leave him alone." I hear Rias say as she walks up beside me. I just shrug a bit. I then dive into the pull. When I surface I see Rias shaking her head at me. I sigh in relief at how cool the water is. I then decide to show off my small trick and relax my body. I then begin to float while on my back. No floaties required. "How... Are you doing that?" Rias asked me curiously. I chuckle and begin swimming normally again. I gesture for her to come in and she does. Her hair gives off a nice gleam when wet.

You: "It's hard to explain but... Have you ever felt truly relaxed? Like... All your muscles are no longer tensed up?" I asked her kindly. Rias shook her head no. "Well that's what I do when I do that. Here." I said as I gently grabbed her shoulder. She smiled at the contact point. "I'll hold you up as we go. I promise I won't drop you." I said kindly as I looked into her eyes. She merely smiled gently at me which made me blush a bit. She nodded and I pushed her back. I placed my other hand on her backside as I helped her onto her back. "Okay. Close your eyes and breathe deeply." I said softly. She listened and she began to relax. I sat there waiting to feel her body begin to gain buoyancy. Once she does I let her go. "And there it is. You're floating. Sort of. If I were to push down you'd start sinking." I explained as I looked her over.

Rias: "This is... Nice. Thank you." Rias said with her eyes closed and with a gentle smile. She opened her eyes and let herself down to look at me. She smiles sweetly at me which makes me rub the back of my neck. "You're full of surprises (M/n)." Rias said to me kindly. I just chuckle a bit before she hugs me. I go stiff since... You know... She's half naked but... I hug back in then end happily... Feels nice to be... No never mind. She pulls back as we hear laughing.

Akeno: "Look at his face! It's as red as Rias' hair!" Akeno said in a teasing manner. I know my face went redder at that. Rias seemed to glare at Akeno. "What are you glaring at? I see the pink on your face. You like him allot huh?" Akeno asked in a teasing tone. I look at Rias as she still glares but... I do see a small bit of blush on her face. Rias goes to respond but a new voice cuts her off.

(???): "Aw. People are here." A small girl said. We all looked over and saw a small family. Husband, Wife, a small girl and an older boy. Huh... Almost like my family. "What do we do daddy?" The girl asked the man. He smiled sweetly.

(???): "We can ask to join or try again later." The father explained. They all walked up, bags in hand and he smiled kindly at us. "I'm sorry for interrupting but we planned a family outing to swim today. We didn't expect so many people to be here. Do you mind if we join you? We understand if not." The father requested kindly. I pull myself out of the pull along with Rias to greet them.

You: "I don't mind. What about you guys?" I asked the others still in the pool. They all said no or not really. I heard the little girl gasp at that. I look at her and smile. I kneel to her level. "I'm (M/n). What's your name?" I asked the small girl smiling.

Lilo: "Lilo. My dad's on a business trip so we're vacationing while we're here." The girl explained happily. I smiled and ruffled her hair before standing up. She giggled a bit.

You: "Nice to meet you Lilo. This is Rias." I said as I gestured to her. Rias waved at Lilo which the girl waved back. "She's the president of our little club at school. They helped clean the pool awhile back before I joined. So they get to use it freely." I explained smiling. The family smiled at that.

Lilo: "You're very pretty miss Rias." The little girl complimented. Rias just smiled and thanked her. I just smiled as I looked at Rias who seems pretty happy right now. Lilo then looked between us and giggled. "You two are so cute together!" Lilo claimed much to her parents, and my own personal shock.

You: "U-Um... W-we're not together." I said knowing I was a blushing mess. Lilo seemed disappointed at that but her parents made her stop talking to save me and Rias from further embarrassment. I looked at Rias who was blushing like mad from the claim. I could just drown myself right now I think. The parents took their children to change while I stood there shifting nervously. "S-Sorry about that... I-I know that was awkward." I stammered out.

Rias: "I-It's okay..." Rias stammered out not looking at me. I patted her back to try and comfort her and she smiled a small bit. She muttered something under her breath which I couldn't understand. I decided against asking what she said. I said nothing until I heard running. I turned and saw the two kids running at me full speed.

You: "WAI- AHH!" I screamed as they tackled me into the pool. I make a big splash and come to the surface to see the two kids laughing along with everyone else. "Okay... Let's play!" I said smiling as the kids screamed playfully as I began throwing water on them. Today will be fun.

(Rias' POV)

Oh my god... Why was I blushing so hard? It's not like I'm in love with (M/n). I mean sure he's nice, he treats me like a person versus a prize and obviously he's great with kids based on how much fun the little ones are having as their parents set up a small table for lunch with Kiba's help. I'm not in love with him. I love Issei. Heh. I'm not sure if I even believe myself. We have gotten to know (M/n) pretty well over the past weeks... Short of his family life. When we ask him he brushes it off... I know we know what it's like already but I... I mean we hope to get him to open up on his own. I sigh at that and go to sit on one of the chairs. I just watch (M/n) play with the kids happily.

Issei: "You are fond of him aren't you?" I hear Issei ask from my side. I look over wide eyed and go to deny it. He puts his hand up to stop me. "Don't deny it Rias. You look at him in the same way our art teacher's wife looks at him. And vice versa." Issei said calmly. I shake my head no trying to deny it more.

Rias: "No Issei you're wrong. He's just a good friend. You know that." I said trying to sound a bit seductive to him. He gave me a flat look. I sigh. "It just sounds like I'm trying to convince myself doesn't it?" I asked looking down before looking back at Issei. He nodded his head yes. I give him a worried look.

Issei: "I'm not upset." Issei said calmly. I look at him surprised. "Surprised and a bit shocked? Sure. I mean. You falling for a human? The scandal." Issei jokes a bit to try and ease the tension. It works a bit as I let my shoulders relax, "Seriously... I may want to be a 'Harem King' but I'm not going to stop you girls if you fall in love. I'm not that big of an asshole. I care for you guys and want you to be happy." Issei said as he placed a hand on my arm. I am actually surprised. I mean with the way Issei talks sometimes I assumed he'd be angry. "I can still live out my dream. I mean if I get strong enough I'm sure there are some devils in hell that would love to be with me." Issei joked again with a wink. That actually made me giggle a bit. "Next to that I still keep my promise right? It's just now you'll have two men protecting you so please... Just be happy okay?" Isse requested of me kindly. I find myself smiling at his care. I shouldn't be surprised. He begged me to resurrect Asia because she was kind and even cried when I killed Raynare. He may be a pervert but he cares for the people in his life. I hug him.

Rias: "Thank you Issei... I don't know if I love him yet but I'll figure it out." I said smiling to him. Issei grinned as he pulled back. I looked back over to (M/n)... Only to see him looking sadly at something. I follow his gaze and see him looking at the family. Lilo and her brother are smiling and laughing with their parents as they eat some lunch. I frown as I realize what's happening. I get up and go over to (M/n) and sit next to him on the edge of the pool. "You okay?" I asked him softly. (M/n) snapped out of his trance and nodded.

You: "I-I'm fine." (M/n) said looking at me. I gave him a look that said I didn't believe him and he sighed. "Okay... Just some memories... Or lack thereof I guess." (M/n) muttered sadly. I begin rub his back gently. "Look... I have something I should tell you... Can we go somewhere private?" (M/n) asked looking down. I stood up and offered my hand to him. He grabbed it and I led him to one of the changing rooms and had him sit down. I sat next to him. "I... Haven't told you about my parents... I feel I should." (M/n) breathed out shakily. I nod at him.

Rias: "Take your time. If you need to stop at any point I won't judge you I promise." I said to him in a reassuring tone. He looked at me and nodded his head before looking down. He took a deep breath and rubbed his head with his hand.

You: "Okay... When I was about six. Maybe seven. My sibling had their appendix rupture. It was mis diagnosed by their primary doctor and it nearly killed them." (M/n) explained still looking down. Koneko didn't mention that... That makes me sad... And so angry at the same time. "Anyway... After a stay in the hospital they were brought home but... We quickly learned they had problems." (M/n) then stared at the locker in front of us. "Two were stand out. They got sick allot. We learned their Immune system took a huge hit due to how long her Appendix went untreated. It just fried their immune system. That was bad enough but... They had seizures that they couldn't control for years... I even had to help keep them safe once in a while." (M/n) then sighed deeply as I just frown... So that's what Koneko meant by 'sick.' "So... The attention between us was given to them in its entirety... I want to make sure this is clear. I understand it and I don't resent my parents or sibling for what happened. We were dealt a shit hand by life and had to play the game as best we could." (M/n) stated firmly looking at me to make sure I understood what he meant. I nodded still frowning. He sighed and looked down again. "I was left alone. To grow up. To learn everything and every skill I know. To gain my own moral compass and so on... I never felt I could go to my parents for a nightmare or anything... I felt... I still feel in away, alone.... And unloved... Even if I understand the situation... It still feels bad." (M/n) finished sounding... Almost depressed. I honestly feel a tad emotional at that. Sure my parents were busy but they always showed me and Sirzech equal love. I sit there for a moment thinking before nodding to myself. I pull him into a hug and he doesn't even fight back.

Rias: "I honestly don't know what to say..." I whispered as I held him and ran my fingers through his hair. He just breathed out in response. "But... I do know a few things... One being that even if they don't show it... Your parents love you." I told him softly. He breathed out again and nodded his head. "And we do to." I said kindly. He pulled back and looked at me. I smiled at him. "I know some of us don't show it all that well... Like Koneko... But we care for you... You're our friend and we love you... You don't have to be alone anymore." I said as I pet his head. He seemed a bit surprised at this before smiling slowly and hugging me again. "And remember our house is always open to you." I said to him kindly. He tightened his grip on me a bit before pulling away.

You: "Thank you... It's... Not easy for me to talk about... Most of the time I can ignore my feelings but... Every once in a while it overcomes me... Makes it hard to do anything." He explained a bit sadly. He then smiled more. "But... It's nice to know people care about me... Especially someone like you." He said smiling at me. I try to suppress my blush until he hugs me again. "Thank you." He whispers to me. I hug him back until he pulls. "And thanks for listening." He said to me kindly. I just waved him off.

Rias: "Of course... If you ever feel alone please come over okay? I'd hate for you to feel alone." I said to him kindly. He nodded his head and I stood up. "Well... We should get back... Don't them thinking the wrong thing." I joked slightly which got him to chuckle. He stood with me and nodded his head.

We headed back outside and I watched him jump into the water next to the kids. I smiled as he came up laughing as the two giggled in joy. I looked at Issei who had his thumbs up as Akeno dragged him under water. Maybe... Maybe I do like (M/n)... Maybe even love him... I need to be sure though... I don't want him to feel alone anymore.


(Your POV)

For the past few months Rias has made sure I knew I was loved in some way... Having Asia come check on me when I was sick... To which the blonde said she would've done regardless. Having Kiba talk with me as I study... And of course Issei annoys me between classes to chat. Seems he and Akeno have been going on a few dates... Where he says she's shown him... Things... Man. That boy's Libido must be high. I chuckle at that. Rias herself has taken the time to get to know me and was there when... When all my pent up feelings bubbled to the surface in front of my parents... They weren't even angry. They said I had a right to be upset and they were fully expecting me to resent or hate them. We had a long talk and we all understand... That time I wasn't given can't be given now but that's why they're supporting me through college when I go... A first step in apology. Rias was with me most of the night as I calmed down. Today though... I had a feeling I needed to bring something with me to our Club meeting. I had a feeling someone... Or something was going to threaten my friends... And I won't let that happen.

(Rias' POV)

Azrael: "I know it's your Gremory! You are why my angels won't set foot here not explain before I kill you all!" Azrael threatened me and my peerage again. He's been ranting and raving for the past half hou about how we were hiding something. My brother stepped in front of me.

Sirzech: "She has nothing and I will say this once. Threaten her again and I won't hesitate to take you down myself." My brother sated with authority. Azreal and him had a stare down before Azrael scoffed and backed off.

Azrael: "She's hiding something Lucifer and you refuse to believe me. Even lord Phoenix's devils are hesitant to step into town." Azrael stated angrily. Lord Riser nodded in agreement. "Either get her to talk or we will." Azrael stated angrily glaring me down. Issei has already pulled out his gear to jump in if needed. My brother sayed silent as Azrael tried to look threatening again. He goes to speak as he approaches me again. but a familiar voice cuts him off.

You: "Why don't you back the fuck up?" I hear (M/n) say angrily. I turn in surprise and see he's looking rather intimidating. "The lady said she doesn't know so back off." (M/n) says walking to stand beside me. I am surprised. He heard all of that. Oh no.

Azrael: "You have no right to tell me what to do pathetic human!" Azrael shouted at (M/n) who didn't even blink in response. "She is breaking the rules and should be punished!" Azrael shouted angrily once more trying to look threatening... Yet (M/n) shows no fear. Though Azrael won't show it, he's surprised. It's in his eyes.

You: "She didn't cause your stupid problem you stupid pigeon. I did when I moved into town with a certain item." (M/n) said as he reached into the back of his pants he pulls out... Cain's Dagger. "This did." (M/n) stated flatly. Now Azrael is showing his fear along with Lord Phoenix. My brother though seems only surprised.

Azrael: "C-Cain's dagger... W-why do you have it!?" Azrael tried to demand through his fear. (M/n) merely stared the angel down which made him flinch. My brother stepped in to calm the situation.

Sirzech: "I recommend you ask nicely. This human has no reason to care for the balance of the houses so why would he hesitate to kill you?" My brother asked Azrael seriously. Azarael tensed up but didn't reply. My brother turned to (M/n). "May I inquire why you have it?" My brother asked kindly and calmly. (M/n) nodded.

You: "Yes. I'm its new guardian." (M/n) said calmly. We all are shocked to hear that. "My great, great uncle known as Pretty Man (U/n) was the last one and when he met me, he said I was worthy of protecting and using the knife. He died after he gave it up. Until I give it up to the next guardian, I am immortal. A small curse. I am destined to watch the ones I love die much like how Cain did when he killed his brother. And I've always known about devils, angels, and fallen angels. Along with vampires and the like." (M/n) explained to us calmly. My brother nodded in understanding but... I have a question.

Rias: "If you've known about our... True natures... Why did you hang around?" I asked (M/n) worriedly. He looks at me and his gaze softens as he smiles a bit. He goes to respond but gets cut off by Lord Phoenix.

Lord Phoenix: "Enough... We have our answer Azrael. We can't harm him but he can kill us." Lord Phoenix said with authority. Azrael wants to protest but knows he shouldn't. They turned to me. "We apologize for the accusations... We won't bother you... Or him again." He finished before turning to leave.

You: "I'll say this once. Threaten my friends again... Or ever threaten my family and I will not hesitate killing you." (M/n) said in a deathly serious tone. Even I had a small chill go up my spine at that. Azrael and Lord Phoenix both nodded before teleporting away. I am not going to lie... That was beyond attractive. My brother sighed a bit.

Sirzech: "I was afraid that would escalate." My brother said with a relieved sigh. He then turned to us. "Thank you for defending my sister guardian (M/n). I will not forget it." My brother said sounding thankful. (M/n) waved my brother off like it was nothing. "Just how she described you. Selfless and kind. No wonder she's..." My brother stops as he feels my cold glare. "I'll let her tell you. For now I must go." My brother said with a small bow before teleporting away from us. (M/n) breathed out and put the knife away.

You: "Sorry I didn't tell you all I knew... I just wanted to gauge you all." (M/n) said looking at us. "And to answer your question Rias... I hung around you all because you're my friends. You may be devils and what not but that doesn't make you bad people... You've all helped me allot." He said giving us a gentle smile. He then looked at me. "I didn't mean to upset you if I did." He said a bit nervously. I just smiled at him and shook my head no.

Rias: "No... It's okay. Just a bit surprised... It's nice to know you don't care though." I said to him smiling. He smiled in relief at that. I look and see Issei gesturing for me to 'get on with it.' I blush but agree. This has been almost three months in waiting. "(M/n)... I need to tell you something..." I said blushing a bit... I just hope he feels the same.

(Your POV)

I'm so glad Rias isn't upset with me... I'd hate for her to be mad since I love her... Yeah... That's right. I've fallen in love with 'The Crimson Princess of Ruin.' As fun of a title that is it doesn't due her justice. She genuinely cares about everyone around her. Especially everyone in her peerage and her brother. Though the fact she has to tell me something does make me worried... And a tad hopeful.

Rias: "When I met you four months ago... I had a feeling you were special... Well we now know you are... But you were more than that." Rias began as she seemed nervous. That's not like her. "You were so kind and sweet... You're such a good friend but... You're lonely sometimes. Even with us we can see it in your eyes sometimes... It breaks my heart a little each time I see that distant look you get." Rias said sadly as she looked down... I do as well. I try to hide it so damn much but I guess I miss the mark sometimes. She then looked up. "We all try and show you you're not alone here. And you never will be. We care for you... But... I..." Rias took a nervous sounding breath. "I want to insure you're never alone." Rias said as she took a few steps closer to me. I tilted my head. "As more than friends." Rias said with a nervous smile. I go wide eyed... No way.

You: "W-what? Y-you... Love me?" I ask sounding astounded and shocked. Rias nodded still smiling. "But why? I'm just... I'm just me... No sacred gear... No devil powers... And I can be an emotional mess... Why?" I asked feeling a tad emotional. I just don't get it. Rias merely smiled gently before getting closer and cupping both of my cheeks in her hands.

Rias: "Because you're you... You never try to be otherwise... You're so genuine... Emotions and all. And that's why I love you and want to be with you. So you'll never be alone again." Rias said to me with love obvious in her voice. I stand there just staring at her. "All I need to know is if- Mph!" She doesn't get to finish as I lunge forward and kiss her on the lips.

I have my eyes closed and my arms around her waist as I wait for her to kiss back. She does so eventually and wraps her hands around my neck. I smile into the kiss as our lips begin to move in tandem with one another. I hear some of the others cheer but I don't really care. I only care about the beautiful person in front of me. We stay that way for a time as I run my fingers through her beautiful hair. We do have to separate for air and once we catch our breath we smile at one another.

You: "I love you to." I said with love. Rias seemed to tear up at that and hug me tightly which I return happily with a laugh. The others are smiling at us. Heck, even Issei who seemed to want her in his harem almost seems teary eyed. When Rias pulled back she smiled at me.

Rias: "You've made me so happy... My father will love you." Rias said happily which made me chuckle. She then gets an idea. "Hey... Since all the club members live in Issei's big house... Do you want to move in? That way we can spend allot of time together if you want." Rias suggested smiling happily. I look at Issei with Rias. "If you don't mind Issei." Rias said smiling. Isei shrugged a bit.

Issei: "Nah I don't mind. But you have to promise me something (M/n)." Issei said a bit seriously. I gave him my full attention. "Promise to protect her and never break her heart." Issei said seriously to me. I just shake my head at him.

You: "If you need to ask that then I need to improve the impression of me you have." I said smiling. Issei just smiled as I wrapped my arm around Rias' waist. "Now... To tell my parents." I said looking down. I felt Rias cup my cheek and peck my lips which made me smile.

Rias: "We'll do it together okay?" Rias said smiling. I nodded and we left to go to my house after we said goodbye to everyone. Well Rias teleported close to my house but my point stands. Once there I entered and brought Rias with me. Luckily, since it was the weekend both parents were home.

You: "Mom... Dad we need to talk." I said a tad nervously. They gave me their full attention as I sat with Rias. "Rias' has offered me to move in with her and the rest of our club mates... She's the sister of Sirzech." I explained seriously. My mom and dad are surprised at that. "And we're dating now." I said as I held Rias' hand who smiled. Mom and dad are silent for a time until both smile happily for me.

Mom: "I'm so happy for you... I always joked about you finding a girl outside of our country but from Hell was never what I thought." Mom said happily as dad, the ever so stoic quiet man nodded in agreement. "Does she know about..." Mom doesn't finish as I nod my head. Mom then smiles. "If you want to sweetie you can... I know you're not always happy here." Mom said sadly. I go to say something but she stops. "It's okay sweetie. We know why. Just please visit when you can okay?" Mom asked me kindly. I smiled and nodded my head as I stood. My mom met me and we hugged. "I know we may have never showed it well but we do love you." My mom said kindly. I just hugged her tighter.

You: "I know... I love you guys to." I said as we hugged. Mom pulled back smiling. "I'm going to go get something from upstairs... I'll spend another week here." I said smiling to mom who smiled back and nodded. I kissed Rias' cheek before walking upstairs.

(Rias' POV)

That was such a sweet scene. A small bonding moment for mother and son. Both parents looked at me smiling as I stayed seated.

Mom: "Just take care of him okay? We never... Were able to properly and always regret it." (M/n)'s mom requested kindly. I just smiled and nodded at her which made her smile as well. To my surprise his dad actually coughed before speaking.

Dad: "Give him the love and happiness we didn't... He deserves that and so much more." His dad said sadly as he held his wife's hand. I am a bit surprised to hear that from him but I smile reassuringly and nod.

Rias: "I can promise you we all will. We're all one big family in the Gremory Clan. From servant to my brother our leader, we're all one big, stupid, loving family." I said smiling which made his dad smile in relief and nod. "Next to that... I love him. And I'll be sure to show home everyday if possible I promise." I said with conviction. Both once again smiled and thanked me as we waited for the love of my life to come down the stairs.

(Your POV)

I come back down the stairs and see my mom and dad looking very happy. I guess they had a chat with Rias. I smile at Rias who stands and meets me. We share a small kiss before looking at my parents.

You: "I'll see you guys later. I'm taking her to dinner." I said as I winked at Rias. My mom and dad smiled at that. "I love you guys." I said smiling. Both said the same back to me before me and Rias left. As we walked I looked at Rias. "I love you Rias.... And thank you... For making me feel not so alone in the world." I said to Rias lovingly. We stopped walking as she looked at me with a loving smile. She caressed my cheek before pulling me into a loving kiss. When she pulled away she put her forehead to mine.

Rias: "I love you to. And I promise you. No matter what. You'll never be alone... Not as long as I am here with you." Rias said to me in a loving tone. I grabbed one of her hands and brought it up to my chest as I smiled at her with my eyes closed. "And I know you'll do the same for me." Rias whispered to me with love. I nodded before kissing her once more. One of many more to come.

I was alone for so long... Even with friends, family, or otherwise... I felt alone. Lonely. Forgotten and tossed aside in some cases... I always understood why. Bad situation we had to handle as best we could... Then I met Rias and everyone in the occult research club. I didn't feel as alone... Then I knew Rias better and fell in love. And now... Even if those thoughts of loneliness creep into the back of my head, I'll know I'm never alone. Rias will always be there to show me as much... Her kind heart won't let her do otherwise. How much she cares for everyone around her is why I love her. For Hate is always foolish and love... Love is always wise. And I love Rias. And now I know I'm not alone anymore.

(A/n: I've actually had this done for awhile... Just wasn't sure if I should upload it but here it is. My best attempt to get my feelings down in writing to hopefully give you all some perspective about what I'm feeling. I hope it can give insight. Also. Keep an eye out for a new entry this book and my wall. I've been doing some thinking about how I should write and upload and I have made a important decision. Thanks for reading. Piece. Also. I never felt like Issei was an complete jerk like most people do it seems. Sure he's an idiot pervert but he does seem to care for his friends like Asia and he even was upset about Raynare betraying him and even cried when she was killed. I don't know maybe I'm weird.)

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