Kylo walked himself to the infirmary from the transport. He had a cut from his left shoulder leading down his back. It was bleeding but not terribly meaning the wound wasn't too deep. Once in the midst of the medical wing, he was given a room. He asked the nurse to see if Doctor "Y/LN" was in and she said yes and that she would try to send in doctor "Y/LN" for him.
15 minutes had passed by and Kylo grew quite restless he had already torn through his shirt impatiently waiting for the doctor to come in. Kylo couldn't sit still and he was currently pacing in the small room.
You walked down the hall as a nurse approached you saying that the a patient requested you to stitch him up. You looked at her confused at the statement and tried to explain how you had 4 other patients waiting on you and one that needed surgery. She shrugged at the conversation so you finally gave in.
"What room," you asked
"307," she replied as you headed towards his room a little nervous about why someone was requesting you.
You turned the handle grabbing his chart walking into the room. You looked up to him as he stood up looking down at you. "Is doctor Y/LN not in today?" He asked as you stood there amazed at his height. You had never met him in person.
"Commander Ren? Were you requesting that doctor," you asked as he walked back over to the bed sitting down on it.
"I've heard many people, high ranking officials even the General himself speak highly of him."
"Have you never met him," you questioned turning around trying not to giggle.
"No, I was hoping to today," he seemed a little let down. You decided to play along.
"Well I'm his second in command and I believe he's in surgery so you're welcome to wait if you wish," you said meeting his eyes with your bright ones.
"No it's alright I'm sure you're quite capable, and it isn't a difficult procedure so it should be fine."
You smiled at his comment grabbing a pair of gloves.
"What's your name," he asked as you prepared.
You focused on the gloves turning back around to face him not looking him in the eyes.
"I only go by my first name," he nodded at your statement looking back up at you waiting for you to actually answer his question.
"You can call me Doctor Y/FN if you'd like."
He looked up at your eyes when you finally told him your name.
He turned around facing the wall as you pulled up a chair behind him. First numbing the pain then beginning your work. His back was so muscular and this was one of the benefits to your job. However the silence was a little awkward, "so I'm curious,"
"Yes," he asked.
"What have you heard of Doctor Y/LN around the base,"
"Well, apparently he is the youngest doctor to ever be chief of the medical wing, graduated at the top of his class and has performed some of the most complicated surgeries the Order has ever seen."
These things were all true because you were one of the brightest students the galaxy ever had and you were chief but you were a woman and Kylo didn't know that and you didn't want to tell him either.
"Well all of those things are true I've worked with him for quite a while, he does some miraculous work."
"Doctor Y/FN have you learned from him before," Kylo questioned.
"Absolutely," you said as you finished up the stitching.
"Ok," you said happily getting up from your chair and taking off your gloves. He turned to face you standing slowly walking until he was merely inches away from you without a shirt on.
"Thank you Doctor Y/FN," you nodded smiling gently at him.
You turned back to his chart roaming around in the cupboards.
"Take these for the next 7 days preferably with food," you said calmly handing him the bottle as he grabbed it from you.
"Doctor Y/LN," someone was yelling in the hall you looked up towards the door fearfully. Kylo noticed your attention shift and grew curious.
"Has anyone seen Doctor Y/LN," the man was hysterical now running frantically and probably becoming dehydrated.
"Well my work here is done and you are free to leave," you said picking up his chart while still staring at the door.
You took a step away from the counter placing a hand on your chest as it felt heavy for a moment. You smelled something faintly. Kylo looked over at you noticing your sudden change in mood.
"Doctor Y/LN," he yelled again it was closer this time and your head bolted to the door again thinking something must have happened. Kylo stood up walking towards you "someone should tell that guy doctor Y/LN is busy," you laughed at his sarcasm quietly. You turned to face Commander Ren to see that he was walking okay as the man that was yelling down the hall busted in the door "Doctor Y/LN DOCTOR Y/LN,"
"What," you shouted agitatedly
"You're needed urgently," he said as you saw empty hospital beds being rolled around frantically down the hall.
Your eyes widened grasping Kylo's chart tighter turning and glaring at the guy who just called you by your real name. You were too focused to notice Kylo standing inches behind you now wanting to be the only thing you saw when you turned around.
"Gas leak on the main bridge, two already fainted," you lifted your head at the news.
"Tell them I'm coming," you reassured as you turned to face your patient. You looked up to meet his eyes with fear in your own. Afraid of his reaction as he realized you weren't some tall strong guy like himself.
But Kylo looked down at you adoringly.
"So you're the one they talk about," He smirked down at you. You smiled as you brought your gaze down in line with his collar bones. He grasped your hand as you looked back up at him, "you should have told me I was in the care of the best Doctor the First Order has ever seen, I apologize for doubting you," he said quietly kissing your forehead. You looked up at him again realizing the severity of the situation at hand, "I have to go." He nodded letting go of you as you backed away from him "Clear a path," the man yelled at the sea of people who moved to the walls and Kylo walked out behind you watching your every move.
"They're expecting you Doctor Y/LN," you heard behind you as you started running towards the bridge. "I'm going to need a fresh oxygen tank," you yelled not even turning back as two men began following your commands running behind you. You looked back before turning the hall as Kylo watched you intently, you smiled at him to reassure him that everything would be fine, after all they were 'in the care of the best doctor the First Order has ever seen,' as Kylo would have said.
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