Supernatural: Dean Winchester x Reader: Stop Fighting! (Part 2)
Standing there with an evil grin, (ex's name) said, "I think I should take what I wanted back during high school. That was...junior year? Ha ha yeah." Unfortunately, you knew exactly what he wanted...
You and (ex's name) had been together for a year at this point. After junior prom, you and (ex's name) decided to go to his house. His parents weren't home and he had no siblings, but you thought that wouldn't be a huge problem. After watching a movie, you realized you were still wearing your prom outfit, so you went to go change upstairs in his room. You didn't realize that he followed you up there, so as you undressed, he forcefully grabbed your breasts without asking and violently kissed you. You then were forced down onto the bed. You pushed him off of you. "Fuck you! I'm not having sex with you, I'm not ready, especially not now, and I don't care if you love me or not, it's not happening!" You screamed and quickly finished getting dressed.
"Oh please, don't act like you don't want it!" He replied. Then you slapped him across the face as hard as possible and stormed out of his house.
*End of Flashback*
He wanted the sex that you didn't let happen. "Well, we are legal now, are we not?" (Ex's name) said. "Hey, you better leave (name) alone, you son of a bitch." Dean yelled. (Ex's name) just laughed. Your anger grew. "Not without consent, so nice try." You told (ex's name), but you knew that wouldn't stop him. He just smiled. "I don't care. Now, shall we?" (Ex's name) cut your ropes off. You punched him in the face and thrashed around, but eventually, he pulled you to a separate room. In there, you still kept fighting.
>>Dean's POV<<
Fuck, fuck, fuck no! He will NOT fucking rape her. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I DON'T CARE IF SHE EVEN LIKES ME BACK OR NOT HE IS NOT FUCKING GOING TO RAPE HER. I thought as I watched him walk away with (name). There had to be something I could do. Something that would help me break free from the ropes. Looking around, I found a knife on the table in front of me.
Scooting closer to the table, I started to knock the table over and over again with my chair, and surprisingly, the knife fell into my hands. It made no sense, but whatever, at least it worked. Cutting away the ropes, I quickly got up, with the knife in my hand, and ran to the room they went to.
>>Normal POV<<
Kicking and punching. You continuously kept doing this for as long as you possibly could, hopefully long enough for someone or something to save your ass. You grabbed whatever was closest to you when you could and threw, jabbed, or sliced at him. "You fucking bitch!" He yelled when you jabbed a pencil into his eye. Suddenly, Dean burst through the door and stabbed (ex's name) repeatedly, over and over again. After a few more jabs, he handed you the knife. "Your turn." You gladly took it and cut (ex's name)'s head off.
You hugged Dean tightly. "Thank you so much Dean." Hugging you back, Dean smiled and said, "You're welcome. Hey, can I...uh...ask you something?" He seemed nervous, which made you laugh a little. "Sure. What?" You asked. "Um, well, I mean you already know and stuff, but uh, do you like me back?" Dean's face was really fucking red. Like tomato red, it was hilarious. You didn't know whether to say yes or no, because you could say no just so you can laugh at his disappointed face, or you can say yes, and be really happy. The choice was obvious. "No." You said. He looked so sad, it was really depressing. "No, because I don't like you, I love you, Dean." You knew that sounded so cheesy, but at the same time you didn't care because Dean's face looked so happy when you said it, it was the happiest face you've ever seen him make.
Instantly, he hugged you as tightly as possible and kissed you. You felt butterflies, usually you didn't, but for some reason the feeling came when he kissed you.
After a small make out session, you both set off to find your way back to the impala. It was pretty dark outside, so you must have been there for a long ass time.The car you stole was still there, parked behind the impala. You both drove back to the hotel, you checked your phone when you got out of the car. There were over 100 messages from Sam on there, asking where the hell you both were. "Fuck, Sam's probably pissed." You said. "Well, we have a reason for being gone for so long." Dean said.
Walking in, Sam already looked pissed off, so, of course, the sight of you both just made it worse. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS?! LIKE SERIOUSLY I WAS SO WORRIED
"Sammy, we have a reason, just let me explai-"
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHUT THE FUCK UP, BOTH OF YOU, STOP FIGHTING, JESUS CHRIST ENOUGH WITH THE YELLING, I DON'T WANNA DO IT MYSELF BUT SERIOUSLY, COME ON!" You screamed at the boys. They both were silent. "Now, I will explain the situation, Dean," You pointed to him, "go sit over there," you pointed at one of the beds, "and Sam," you pointed at him, "go sit on the other bed." The funny fact is that you always do stuff like this, you were like their god damn parent. "Now, Sam, you listen, Dean, shut your mouth." You told Sam what happened (without telling the part where you and Dean told each other how you felt about each other) as they both sat there listening to you like some kind of teacher. Then to top it off, at the end of the story, Dean raISED HIS fUCKIN HAND.
Face palming, you said, "Yes, Dean?"
"Well, uh, you forgot the ending."
"What ending?"
"You know, the ending."
"Sam doesn't need to know that."
"Yes he does, he does need to know."
"No, he doesn't."
"Yes, he does."
"NO I'M NOT GONNA SIT DOWN, AND YES HE DOES NEED TO KNOW." You walked a step closer to Dean and he sat down and went silent. "What happened and yes I do need to know." Sam said.
You sighed, there was no use not telling him. "Me and Dean are now together, you happy now?" Dean raised his hand again. "NO DEAN." He then slowly put it back down again. "Ooooooo, (name) has a boyfriend~" Sam teased. "Sam, do you really want to piss me off right now? Do you think that's a good idea?" You said. He shook his head and also went silent again. "Now, I'm gonna go shower, and you two better not fucking fight, or I'll kick both of your asses. Dean, go get food please, I need food." You said.
In the shower, you thought about how today went. Jesus...I can't believe (ex's name) became a fucking vampire...why? Well, whatever the reason was, it was stupid. That dumbass... You began humming (favorite song), then you went on to singing it.
*Back in the Boys' Room*
"Dean...Dean, get your ear off the bathroom door. Go get the food. She's gonna be pissed if there's no food." Sam said, watching Dean listening to you singing in the shower. "No, wait, lemme just hear her sing the chorus...Haha yeah....I love this song." Dean said. "Dean, seriously go get the food or we both are screwed, especially you."
"Fiiinee." Dean said, and left. Sam sat there, bored as hell. "What to do...." He then just turned on the T.V.
*Back in the Shower*
You were almost finished with the song when you slipped and hit your head on the wall. "Ow." Rubbing your head, you hear Sam knock on the door, "(name), you okay in there?"
"Yeah, Sam, I just slipped."
"Okay, careful in there."
"Got it."
You then went back to singing, finishing the song, you turned off the shower, dried off and began getting dressed. When you came back out, Dean and Sam were sitting at the table stuffing there faces with food. "Move it." You said to Dean, he moved over a chair and handed you food. You ate your food and yawned. After talking for a bit, you decided to go to bed. You said goodnight and left to your room. You got all cozy and stuff in your bed, when a pair of arms wrapped around you gently, scaring the shit out of you. "JESUS FUCK WHO ARE YOU AND WHA-Oh its you." It was Dean. Smiling, you snuggled up against him and almost fell asleep, when Dean kissed you. You kissed him back. After that, you flicked his face. "Ow, what was that for?"
"That was for stopping me from almost falling asleep." You smiled and finally fell asleep in his arms.
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