Supernatural: Dean Winchester x Reader: Stop Fighting! (Part 1)
You were just leaving the diner near the hotel you, Dean, and Sam were staying at. Walking back, you and Dean were bickering about whose a better hunter, you or Dean. You both matched each other, you both kicked ass easily when it came to certain things, so both of you were equal in the strength spectrum. "At least I didn't fuck up, and have to die and go to hell!" You retorted, which caused Dean to shut up for a second. Then, once again, he brought up the vampire incident, where you got too cocky with your fighting skills because you thought it was only one vampire, but you ended up trapped in a vampire nest.
"OH MY GOD JUST STOP FIGHTING, PLEASE!" Sam yelled. You and Dean stopped, looked back at Sam, then you ignored him and continued fighting. After another 3 minutes, you guys arrived at the hotel, but you and Dean were still fighting. After another few minutes of fighting in the hallway about it, Sam grabbed Dean by the collar and dragged him to the hotel room that they were in, and you just went to your room and slammed the door. But, your curiosity got the best of you, so you quietly opened your door, tiptoed across the hall, put your ear on their door, and listened to the boys' conversation.
Sam: "Dean you really need to stop starting fights with (name), I know you like her, and if you do, I think it's for the best that you stop."
Dean: "I only do it to hide it..."
Sam: "why hide it? Go tell her!"
Dean: "I don't know...I guess I should, but I doubt she likes me back..." Before you could run back to your room, you hear him approaching the door, it was too late and the door opened.
"Wha-Damn it, you heard all of that didn't you?" Dean sadly asked. You smiled back awkwardly, "Y-yeah...Sorry, I shouldn't eavesdrop....I'm gonna go back to" You quickly went to your room and locked the door. You could hear Dean yell, "Thanks a lot Sammy! Now look what happened! I knew I shouldn't have tried to tell her!" You heard a slam of the door and footsteps stomping down the hallway. You looked outside your window to see Dean drive away, angrily. You loved him, and you wish you could have said something, but you were in too much shock. You didn't know he liked you back.
You were still sitting there in your hotel room, slightly still shocked. It's been about 2 hours since Dean stormed off in anger. You then waited a few more minutes and got up to go find him. Opening your door you walked across the hallway and knocked on the boys' door. Sam opened the door.
"Hey (name), you okay?"
"Yeah, I was just kinda shocked...I didn't have a clue that he liked me back.."
"Wait, what do you mean by 'liked you back'?"
Shit, shit, shit, shit why did I say that dammit now Sam knows. You thought.
"Um..well..I just...fuck it okay, I like him." You confessed. Sam wiggled his eyebrows, but you just ignored him. "Anyways, I just wanted to tell you I'm gonna go find him, so I'll be right back." You explained.
"Okay, if something goes wrong, just call." Sam said and closed the door.
Well, I guess I should steal a car if I wanna find him... You thought to yourself. You then hot-wired some random car in the parking lot, and began searching. As you kept driving you found the Impala parked on the side of the road. It wasn't exactly near anyplace though, just parked in front of a giant forest. You parked behind the Impala, got out of the car, and looked inside the Impala. Dean wasn't in there, so you looked around and saw footprints leading into the forest.
Fuck, how am I supposed to find him in there? You were worried. Something was wrong, usually Dean would go to a bar when he was pissed off, not a forest. You continued to follow the path of the footprints, which lead you to...nothing. They just stopped, you looked around for something else, but there was nothing. Turning around, the footprints behind you were gone! What the hell?! You began to panic, you needed them to get back.
You decided to keep going straight into the forest until you found something, a way out, signs of Dean, or just anything. Finally, after what seemed like hours, you found another clue, more footprints, but they didn't look like Dean's. You didn't care at this point, so you followed them. Then, out of nowhere, something hit your head and you passed out.
Waking up, you were sitting in a chair. Your mouth was duck taped shut, your arms were tied behind you, and your legs were strapped to the chair. You looked up to see you were sitting at a table and across from you was a tied up and passed out Dean. Looking around, no one was around except for the two of you. Pushing the tape off of your mouth with your tongue, you whispered loudly, "Dean...Dean, wake up. Please Dean, it's me, (name)."
He shifted a little and woke up. Wide eyed, he quickly removed his tape. "(name), what happened? What are you doing here?"
"I don't know what happened. We will talk about that later, we just need to get out of here!" You said. You didn't know what to do, when you realized that your pocket knife should be in your back pocket, it was an unlikely possibility because whatever this creature thing that got you guys probably wasn't stupid. Oddly enough, it must have been pretty dumb because you still had your knife and you began sawing away at the rope that had your wrists tied together.
But, of course, you had to be the clumsiest person in the entire world at that moment because you dropped the knife. "Shit..."
"Nice job, (name)."
"Shut up! Don't you dare start shit with me right now, don't act like you drop stuff."
"Well in moments like these, I don't." He retorted.
You didn't say anything back because you saw a vampire appear in the doorway. Dean's back was faced towards the doorway so he couldn't understand why you didn't retaliate. "Hey, you okay? (Name), (name)? Hey, I'm sorry, just why do you look scared? Is there something wrong? (Name)?"
The vampire walked forward so he was in Dean's eyesight. "Oh." Dean said.
"Ha ha, yeah. 'Oh'. Well, well, well, this one looks familiar." The vampire said, looking at you. You were wide eyed and a bit terrified, not because it was a vampire, but because it was your ex. From a long time ago, back when you were in high school.
OOOH CLIFFHANGER!!! (I wrote this fanfic in 2014, sorry if it's really bad xD)
I hope you enjoyed!
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