Soul Eater: Soul x Reader

(A/N: I wrote this last year (2015), so hopefully this won't be too poorly written!!)

      You were walking down the halls of the DWMA, late to Professor Stein's class, as per usual. You strolled on in with your weapon, Rim, who was still complaining on how 'we are always late' and that 'you always fuckin sleep in'.

"You're late...again. But, (y/n), luck is on your side today. Death needs you two, along with Maka, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Patty, and Liz." Stein told you.

"YES!" You fist bumped Rim and you both raced to Death's room. As you walked in, you met up with the others that were already there who were slightly glaring at you because you were, as per usual, late. 

"Hello. Hi. What's up, (y/n)? Late again I see. No matter. Anyways, I was just about to explain a mission that I have for you all." Death explained as you nodded in reply. You walked towards the front because you were the shortest, and listened in to what it was.

You were all supposed to patrol Death City into two teams because there's been a lot of kishin activity lately. Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Patty, and Liz were one, you, Rim, Maka, and Soul were the other. You secretly fangirled a little in your head because you honestly had a huge crush on the sharp toothed weapon. After about 30 minutes, your group bumped into trouble; two huge kishin decided to ruin the nice conversation you were having.

"Rim!" You yelled. "Right!" He replied, transforming into his weapon form, which was a battle ax. You smirked, spinning Rim a few times before holding him in a battle position. Maka did the same with Soul and you both fought the two kishin with force. It took you another 30 minutes to finish them then let the two weapons eat the souls as you and Maka high-fived each other. You all continued patrolling the city and you couldn't help but notice Soul staring at you occasionally and immediately looking away when you would look back at him, both of you blushing every time it happened. Maka seemed to notice what was going on, so, she nudged Rim, pointing out what was going on and he devilishly smiled. He grabbed Maka and ran off with her. "RIM! HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? COME BACK HERE!!" You yelled at him as he just laughed and disappeared out of you and Soul's sight. You sighed and continued walking with Soul in silence.

     God...this is awkward...should I say something?? You thought to yourself. "So...(y/n) are you doing these days? We haven't talked one on one in a while." Soul spoke.
"Heh. Well, I guess I've been good lately...just tired you know. The usual." You smiled. "Yeah. Same." He said. You both continued walking when another kishin decided to show up and attack. Dammit! Where is Rim and Maka?? You screamed in your head. You and Soul were running away from the kishin, trying to find your partners. The kishin caught you by the collar and you screamed. "Shit!" Soul exclaimed, changing his arm to a blade, trying to fight the kishin. "MAKA!! WHERE ARE YOU?" He yelled. The kishin dug it's claws into your skin and you screamed louder. "DON'T HURT (Y/N) YOU BASTARD!" Soul screamed, cutting the kishin as fast as he could. Then Maka and Rim came running towards you guys. "Soul! Transform!" Maka yelled as he quickly transformed, hoping to save you as soon as possible. The kishin had you by the throat and your vision started to become blurry as you saw Rim transform and try to reach your hand while Maka jumped up and slashed the kishin's head off with Soul.

     The kishin disintegrated as you fell to the ground. Your breathing sounded raspy and Soul quickly transformed back and ran to your side along with Rim and Maka. "Shit." He said, grabbing your hand. Maka pulled Rim back and watched Soul and you. "(Y/n)...don't die. Come on, I know you're stronger than this." Soul said. Your breathing was still raspy and Soul picked you up bridal style and rushed you to your house where you could lay on your bed. Maka and Rim followed and waited in your living room with sad expressions. "We shouldn't have left them..." Rim said. "I know.." Maka replied.

     Soul sat next to your bed, you were still having a hard time breathing and Soul couldn't figure out why. He looked at your neck and saw there were claw marks that were a bit purple around them. "Shit. That's poison...and the only way to get it out sucking the venom out..." Soul blushed darkly. "No. No. I will not let my damn feelings get in the way, I have to save (y/n)." He said, leaning over and putting his lips to your neck. "Here we go..." He prepared himself and started to pull the venom out. It took him a few tries, but he finally finished the first four, you were blushing and trying to ignore the whole situation and get your breathing going steady, but the last one was on your pressure point, so, when Soul started to pull the venom out there, you tried not to moan, but failed miserably. "S-sorry, (y/n)." He said, after spitting the last of the venom out on the napkin he had. You blushed and sat up. "T-thanks for saving me Soul..." You said, blushing and looking down at your hands, twiddling your thumbs.

     "No problem. I had to save you, I can't live without you, (y/n)..." He said, also blushing. "What?" You were shocked he said that. He sighed. "Well, I might as well tell you, I've liked you for some time now (y/n), and I couldn't tell you because I thought that you wouldn't like me back, but even if I get rejected, I just want you to know that I like you, (y/n), more than you think." He stated, blushing a little. "Y-you like me?" You asked. He nodded a yes and you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Well, Soul, I'm glad you do, because I also like you." You said, kissing his cheek. "Yes!" He yelled, hugging you tightly.

     Maka and Rim were smirked when they saw you two making out when they came into your room. "Heh. I knew it." Rim said, after giving Maka a high five and closed the door to let the two of you continue.  

Hope you enjoyed!


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