Love I'll keep you safe ( Laff OC 1 2 3
Hey this is Laff and one of my OC's. This was originally three parts so that's why there are some strange pauses at times. Thank you and enjoy.
Laff rolled out of bed the cold air hitting his face It was Six in the morning, he was up for his morning ride, this ride did a lot for him. Riding woke him up, it let him relax, and it also let him check on the borders of the camp. With everything that was going on, it was very important that he remained calm relaxed, and put together. Him being a good general it was expected of him to keep soldiers calm and hopeful; it was his job to keep merit up. Riding let him do that, today he was having a hard time getting out of bed. Everything told him to stay in bed, away from the snow covered ground, away from the air that was only slightly colder than his bed. As much as he didn't want to, he got up and got dressed in his gray jacket, tan breaches, knee high socks and his boots. After that he went and tacked up his horse, he checked several times and then mounted and started his ride, the cold air slammed into his face, as he began to pick up speed. A few minutes of that had his hands freezing, he had somehow managed to forget his gloves. Laff slowed down to a walk, looking around and taking in the place he was in. One thing about being in the same place so many times you don't always notice things that are not supposed to be there, being cold also makes you forget things. He began to get the feeling that something was wrong, being in a war he was trained to make sure to trust his instincts. His horse seemed to pick up on him being concerned, he made sure to tell her it was ok and he was fine. He slowly started walking, letting his mind wonder, His first thought that it was an aunt was that it was an ambush from the British, he had been getting suspicious of the trail he was riding and planned on changing that day but something told him not to, he still didn't know why he felt this way. he kept thinking that someone or something was falling but couldn't see them. A few more thoughts crossed his mind, number one I am going to die, number two, I'm going to be captured, number three, I am going to leave and back to the camp and make us lose the war. The truth or something that will would be revealed soon but it was not what he was expecting quite the opposite. as he neared the place where the soft noises were coming from, his mind told him two different things, one, is you should turn back now and two, too keep going, he didn't know which to do, which voice to listen too. What was he to do? The decision was made for him by his horse which sounds ridiculous, but true, he trusted his horse with his life, he soon found himself right in front of the place where the noises were coming from only now it was silent, so he held a breath and waited if was something was going to happen, it would happen soon. Several minutes pass, rustling was heard and Laff instantly reached for his gun out of habit, he heard fate shivering sounds and knew anyone without a good coat in this weather would be able unable to hurt him badly, if they were already shivering then couldn't they couldn't hurt him at all. Making a decision quickly, he put his gun down to dismount, almost falling to the ground even after all these years he's been riding he still couldn't land, without falling. He Slowly walked up to the figure not wanting to scare them or walk into a trap. The figure was a young girl 16 years old dark hair, deep brown eyes, she was very and her body shook violently in the cold air. The only thing she had was a long tunic that came past her knees she was wrapped up at her arms are long hair fell across her face and shoulders the only thing giving her any sort of real warmth and that didn't do much everything on her body was dripping with water she had cuts and bruises all over her body, her teeth were chattering of hugged her trying to get her warm. She flinched and his touch, he didn't know what to do, he didn't want to scare her, but he had to do something he took off his jacket and wrapped around her, she was shaking he gently held her he knew she was scared but had to get her to trust him enough to let her take him back to the camp so he could help her more.
" maybe talking to her would help, "he thought.
"i'm just going to get you warm OK?" He gently spoke and saw her for just his voice she just not his shoes to: scared to speak to him he had he held her close she was getting cold weaker and Taylor he knew he had at quickly he picked her up and walked back to his horse he helped her on and then got on after her.
"I need you to wrapped your arms around me can you do that," Laff asked gently, once again turning to her to see her answer. Once again, she nodded and wrapped her arms around him, he knew that wasn't going to work, so he gently moved her so he could make sure she was safe. Then he rode off, getting back to camp, he knew the ride over scared her because of the fast speed among other things. He got them both into a tent, and grabbed anything warm he could find, this included jackets, blankets, and many other things. Laff wrapped all these things around her. After a while she started to get warmer, she was completely awake know and saw laff she whimpered softly.
"P Please Sir Don't hurt me, Please give me two days and I'll give you want you want."
It broke his heart to see a girl, as broken as she was.
" I'm not going to hurt you, I don't want anything from you can I have your name?"
She didn't answer him, her face hid away from him, she didn't want to speak to him, it was way for her to not be hurt. Laff noticed her body still shaking violently, he knew it was because of how cold she had gotten but, there wasn't much more he could do. Building a fire was out of the question, seeing as it had rained the night before and all the wood was wet.
"I'm just going to get you to a bed, I'm not going to hurt you I promise, my name is Laffaytte." He picked her up and moved her to a bed, after he made sure she knew what he was doing. He knew that a camp was not the best place for people who got as cold as she did but its all he had so he had to live with it, there was no way she could handle another trip into town. After, wrapping her up as tightly as he could, and making sure she was asleep, he went to try to build a fire. Three hours later, he had gotten a fire going, he heard a loud scream. Running into the tent he found her on the floor shaking and sobbing, not really knowing what to do he just hugged her. The first reaction she had was to wince but then she relaxed and griped onto his shirt.
"Hey, I got you," laff spoke.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Shh, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to keep you safe. Can you take a deep breath for me."
She nodded did what he asked her breathing returned to normal, she didn't let him go. She held onto the hope,she'd never had before, he was a way for her to have someone to trust. She had been constantly running always trying to get away from people. Something about him was different, something about him made her want to trust him. But she wouldn't let herself trust him. Lafayette held her Letting her have some of his heat, he felt her relax a bit, he thought he might be able to get her name this time at least it was worth a try, it couldn't hurt at least he didn't think it would
"Can I have your name?" Laff asked sweetly hoping he didn't step over a line.
"It's Emmaline."
He made a plan in his head that he was going to treat her like family, he was going to take care of her, protect her, but most importantly he was going to show her that she had worth and that if she needed someone to talk to he was always going to be around for her. That she could always lean on him. She clung to him, hoping for something to keep her warm, she was small dangerously small, he made a mental note that the next thing he was going to do was make sure she ate.
"I know you are scared what can I do to help you?"
"Just don't let me go,"
"I won't I'm not going to let you go anywhere you are safe here."
There were footsteps out side the tent and she winced and hid her face in his chest.
"Shh, your ok its probably just John."
Emmaline whimpered and held on to him tightly, she was terrified that someone was going to hurt her, she felt she didn't deserve to have anyone, that she would never be a part of the world. She didn't have any choice but to dress like a young boy, when she was expected to dress like a women. The footsteps got louder and more frantic like they were looking for someone or something. Laff then remembered why she was still so cold, he had never gotten her new warm dry clothes, he hit himself in his head in his mind.
"I'm so sorry Cheri, I forgot to ask you about clothes."
She looked down, ashamed about how she looked and the one thing he had mentioned. Laff noticed this reaction and instantly spoke trying to fix it.
"I'm so sorry, I meant do you want to barrow some of mine that are dry?"
She then realized she was alone with a man, he could do anything he wanted to her, it was legal and she couldn't say no. she pulled away quickly in fear.
"What do you want with me, Sir?"
Laff recognized that look, fear, pain, he never meant to hurt her, he knew it would take her a long time to trust him fully. She saw his look of confusion as anger.
"I'm sorry, sir, I'm so sorry."
Her body shivered badly, she kept seeing getting hit and worse, know that she was more aware she realized he was just being nice to her so he could hurt her later.
"Hey Cheri, you are ok, I'm never going to hurt you, I know you think I'm lying I'm not, if you let me I'd like to think of you as part of my family, would that be ok?"
She didn't want to believe him, she didn't want to trust him, her mind told her not to get in a situation like this again. After some thought she desiced for right now if she wanted to live, which she did, she was going to have to trust him, she had warmth something she desperately needed. Emmaline nodded letting him know that was ok. He pulled her close to him again to get her warm, after he let her change into some of his stuff. She whimpered and shuddered, she wasn't letting her emotions be seen by him, but one move and one thing he said made her break down into sobs again.
Laff spoke gently,"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise I will never hurt you no matter what."
"Thank you, I'm scared laff," That was the only thing she had said to him that wasn't using sir or because she didn't want to be hurt it was genuine, that spoke more to him than it did to her.
" I know it's going to be ok," he held her closer than he ever held her before. He laid there with her making sure she knew she was safe, they both feel asleep. Lafayette with the final thought I have a sister now.
Part 2
The next day, Laff woke up to Emmeline holding his shirt in her hands. She was so small he knew he needed to get food, but he didn't want to leave her alone, he also knew she was so skeidish that he didn't want to scare her by walking out into the rest of camp with all of the people that were around the camp. He also knew she was getting good sleep something he desperately needed.
"Maybe I can get Herc to get her some," He thought.
Laff heard footsteps coming into the tent, he knew whoever it was would question why he was holding a girl in his bed. He held his breath hoping it wasn't Washington, he wasn't quite ready to explain this to him. He still wasn't aware of what had happed to her. The man walked into the tent, he was tall and bulky build, he looked like he could tear you about, not that he would. Laff knew him as , as Hercules mulligan, he saw the confused look on his face and gave him a look telling him to stay quiet and he would explain in a few. Herc nodded letting him know he understood, Emmeline woke up with a look of panic at the arms around her until she realized that it was Laff. Once she realized this she relaxed, he smiled at the small person in his arms. She wasn't that small but she was shy and scared by any slight movement. He was going to make sure nothing hurt her, looking up she shivered and looked at Laff, the tall man was making her nervous.
"It's ok, I got you, he's not going to hurt you, you feel like eating?"
"yes sir," she spoke shyly, the mention of food makes her feel so many emotions. Guilt, the last meal she had was something she stole, Shame she felt to be seen as a woman she had to be thin then at least she would maybe be well seen by people. Everything about her other than her weight was wrong for a woman in her eyes. Laff frowned at her shy voice and look, then looked to Herc with an idea.
"Hey Herc, can you get some food for us please?"
"Yea of course, I'll be right back.'
Herc walked out and Emmaline was holding his shirt so tight her knuckles were truing white. Laff pulled her close to his chest to tell her its ok, that she would be ok. He had only known her for a day and yet he was closer to his heart than anyone else he had ever met in his life. What she didn't know was that she was helping him more than he helped her. Laff was explained to tell people what to do, with her he got to be sweet and comfort her. That meant a lot Laff was an only child, he had always wanted a sister, someone he could take care of, he got that with her. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Herc's voice.
"Laff, I'm back."
"Oh thank you."
He handed Emmaline the food, she forced herself to eat. Herc gave Laff a look that told him to step out and explain what was going on.
"I'm going to step out for a few minutes, I will be about 10 steps from you will you be ok?"
She nodded softly, as much as she didn't want to let him go, she did. Laff and Herc stepped out they both had a look of concern.
"where did you find her?"
"By the border of camp on my ride yesterday, she was freezing I had to do something she hasn't spoken to me much, only when I ask a question, I wish I knew what happened to her."
Herc frowned, he was a very compassionate person, despite his rough looking outside.
"Do you want me to try and talk to her?"
Laff shook his head again," no she still doesn't really trust me, I don't want to make her more nervous."
He wished he could just run in there and force her to tell him, but of course he knew that wouldn't do any good, all it would do would be to make things worse. Laff walked back in the tent, leaving Herc outside. Emmaline was curled up in the bed, if you could really call it that, it was more of a cot, with the sheets pulled up over her. She shivered, her body wasn't used to having food and it reacted in weird ways like making her colder. All of the shame she had from even mentioning food, made her come up with a plan if something else happened that made him take care of her, she would leave, he didn't deserve to have to deal with her. As much as she would miss him if she ever did leave, she would miss his warmth, and his kind demeanor. Laff picked up on her shivering and pulled her close once again to hold her like when a small child falls asleep on their mothers lap. After a long while, Laff thought she should probably walk out of the tent, he convinced her that coming to a bar with him a few friends would be fun and helped her out, why he thought that was not really known even in his own mind. So they all came and met, for a while everything seemed like it was going to be ok, which was before Laff, john, and Herc all got drunk and Laff had stepped off to go to the bathroom, thinking everything would be ok, he was wrong. Alex made her flinch and the other two started laughing and making fun off her. She was already not in a good place and a man came up behind her and pulled her out of the bar onto the sidewalk, and kissed her, his hands were rough and made their way down to her waist making her feel worse about her body. He then pulled her down the street a few blocks and dropped her. He then left, after kissing her a few more times and beating her. She sobbed and wrapped up into the jacket that Laff had given to her. As minutes passed she felt that she deserved everything that happened to her, and at least he kissed her, she felts that's the only love she would ever have.
Back in the bar Laff ran up to the table where Herc had sobered up but Alex was getting more drunk.
"Where is she?"
"I don't know man but some guy grabbed her," Alex slurred.
Laff gasped and ran around looking for her, he was panicking to the point where he couldn't see straight. Herc put a hand on laff's shoulder," Laff take a breath sit down."
"Emmaline, she's gone."
"Laff I'm so sorry, it's my fault if I would have done what I said I would and not get drunk and look out for her this wouldn't have happened."
"No! Herc this isn't your fault let's just go find her."
Emmaline was in the corner of two stores shivering, a man walked up to her and offered his hand.
"My name is James Reynolds; I am a friend of laff's let me help you please."
Part 3
Emmaline, didn't know what to do, on one hand she was cold and hurt, and he was offering to keep her safe, and on the other hand she really didn't trust him. James smiled at her fondly like she was his own child that he wanted to protect, his hand still offered to her. A few minutes later she stood up and took is hand, several what ifs came to her mind, but she waved them away convinced he was trying to help her. If Laff had seen this, he wouldn't have believed how trusting she was of his man. She was sure that he would take care of her right, James had different plans, he saw her as a girl he could exploit. He led her to his house, and opened the door for her, she didn't have a clue what she had gotten into. The door closed, Emmaline looked around, the were perfectly clean, not a single scratch chip or anything, everything else was the same way eerily perfect. There were no signs that anything could go wrong but nothing is ever as it seems until something goes wrong, same with abuse it never starts as abuse. James walked over to her gently placing his hand on her shoulder and smiling as she flinched. He showed her to the room she was staying in all with out so much as a head nodded. The closed the door as he left, she crawled into the bed and fell asleep. Her nightmare showed a woman in a red dress getting beaten by a man that looked like James, the women begged her to stop, he continued, soon she fell silent and let him hit her to his heart's content. She woke up in sweet, screaming, and shaking, James came in the room and pulled her close to him, which only made things worse. Everything in her told her this was wrong, his rough hands scratched her skin. A few days passed, he was being really nice to her, getting her to trust him. He told her that she was beautiful and perfect, he got her dresses that made her feel like she was a girl, that she could be accepted. Something always seemed off to her, she still didn't feel safe with him around her, she felt there was no reason she shouldn't trust him. He hadn't hurt her, or gave any signs that that was his intention, and she believed it. Until the day, she walked down the stairs and saw James beating on a girl in a red dress, what she saw in her dream was real, it was happing in front of her eyes. She deiced she needed to get out, so she ran for the door, James grabbed her first and threw her into her room up the stairs. Emmile whimpered as he began to hit on her, everything changed in that moment he started yelling at her saying that she was worthless and nothing, that she looked like a boy and always would. The only thing she could do was to sob.
"Stop crying you wimp," he spoke as he hit her again which only made her sob more. The girl in the red dress tried to stop him, and all that did was get her hit and make him hit Emmeline more. James walked out leaving her in the cold room that had no way to get it warm, and bleeding.
Back at the camp where Laff was everything was calm, other than Laff. He didn't know what he could do to help her, he desperately wanted to keep her safe, he wanted her to be safe. He hadn't gotten much sleep since she'd been gone, Laff decided that this had gone on too far and it was time to go talk to Washington and get a few days off. He dreaded telling him that he had been keeping things from him but he had to. He just wanted her back in his arms, where he could keep her safe, he walked up to Washington.
"sir, can we speak?"
Washington turned and saw laff's grave face, he nodded as they walked off away from the rest of the camp.
"what's wrong laffayete?"
"I need a few days off I have someone I need to find."
"I would say yes but I need you here by my side in case something happens."
"Sir, I understand but I have to find her, if I don't she's going to die."
"Who is she," Washington questioned.
"I found her on my ride two days ago, I have been talking car of her since."
Washington seemed at bit upset," Are you telling me there is a girl in my camp that you didn't tell me about?"
"Yes sir, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, you can get mad at me later, I'm going to find her," Laff spoke and walked away getting on his horse and riding into town to the bar, they were at the other day. The bartender seemed to recognize his face and welcomed him back, Laff wasn't going to be polite to this man he had to fine her soon.
"where is she, what do you know?"
The bartender seemed slight scared and as he should be Laff could be scared if he wanted to be.
"I don't know what you are talking about, try the collage," What he didn't say was that he had been paired off to not say anything. Laff set out to the collage, he already felt mad about taking so long to start looking for her, Herc had told him to wait a few days and calm down, he didn't want Laff to hurt himself by not sleeping. He just prayed that she was ok, that she wasn't hurt. He knew how shy she was, how easily she would break. If anything had happened to her he would never forgive himself. He was in a mental haze, all he wanted to do was find her, hold her in his arms, and tell her that everything would be ok, that he wouldn't ever let something like this happen again. He ran looking for her, he had to slow his mind down and think about what made since, he forced himself to sit down and calm down.
Meanwhile, Emmaline was shivering in the cold room, she pulled her weak body into the bed and got under the sheets. James walked into the room and pulled her close to him, as much as she hated him, but he was warm, she felt his hands slide down way father than she wanted anyone to touch her. His hands continued down past her hips and she whimpered, she wanted him to leave her alone. After about an hour of him doing what he wished, he threw her out of the house, James lived by the collage. Laff heard the sound of someone hitting the ground her ran to her, and ran to the sound. He saw her and picked her up and hugged her gently. She realized it was him, whimpered, sobbed and held onto his shirt. He couldn't help but wonder what happened to her.
"I got you, you are safe."
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