Real In Mexico
So...I rewatched the movies Rio and Rio 2 so....ya...I just REALLY love the songs in those movies so here's one of my favorite songs...XD Yes this story takes place in Mexico just PRETEND the song is from mexico XD plz? thanks
this is kinda gonna be a long story XD
Real In Rio
There's a BIT of Smut in here but not a lot only like once scene.
"Team,Report To The Mission Room."
Nightwing's voice ran throughout the Mountain and instantly,Bart was there by his side.The younger boy tried getting a good view of what Nightwing was looking at.
"Whatcha workin on?"Nightwing chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair,earning a whine.
"You,Jamie,Robin,Gar,Conner, Wally and me are going to Mexico."By the time Nightwing finished his sentence,Bart was instantly screaming out of joy.
"REALLY?!?!?!!?"Nightwing winced but laughed again.
"Yes Bart.Now please go pack-"
"DONE!"Nightwing smiled at the boy and turned to see Robin,Jamie and Gar walk in.Bart instantly ran over to his best friend,Jamie.
"BLUE!OHMYGODWEREGOINGTOMEXICO!!!!!"The group of teenagers winced at how loud his voice was,not hearing a THING he was saying.
"WERE GOING TO MEXICO!!!"Jamie's eye's widened.
Jamie and Bart high fived as they ran out of the room to go pack.
Robin and Gar exchanged glances before they were met with Nightwing."Those two I tell ya."Gar laughed at Nightwing's comment.
"Were going to Mexico?"Robin asked.Nightwing nodded and noticed his uneasiness.
"Yes,but...If you don't want to go..-"
"No!I want to.It's just..."Robin sighed."There'sthisawesomesoccergamecomingupformeandmyteamandIwantedtoplayinthatgame..."
Robin sighed again."There's this soccer game with me and my team this week...and...I REALLY wanted to try and play goalie this time..."
Nightwing chuckled and sighed."What day this week?"
Robin's eye's lightened behind his glasses."Friday."Today was Monday.
Nightwing rolled his eyes."If we don't make it back in time for it..I'll have Bart run you back really quick..."
Robin smiled."Yes!"He then ran to pack."Come on Gar!We gotta hurry!"
NIightwing shook his head,smiling.
"This is gonna be a looong week."
Soon the team was in the middle of Mount Justice,all packed and ready for instructions.Nightwing faced the team.
"Okay,the REASON were going to Mexico is because this week is-"
"Dia De Las Muetores."(IS THAT HOW YOU SPELL IT?!)Jamie interrupted and everyone turned to him,confused.Jamie laughed nervously.
"Ugh...sorry..hehe..."Bart cocked an eyebrow.Wally smiled at the two.
"Whats Dia de...los...murt...I can't say it."Everyone in the room laughed,even CONNER.Wally shook his head at his Nephew.
"Dia De Las Muetores,"Nightwing interrupted."It's a VERY famous Mexican holiday."
"Yea!At Mi casa,we go CRAZY with decorations!It's so much fun!BETTER in Mexico."Bart's face lightened up at Jamie's rant.
"There's FOOD!?"Everyone laughed once more.
Jamie chuckled."Yes Mi amigo."Bart was confused but kept smiling.
"I have NO IDEA what that means!"Everyone laughed AGAIN.Jamie couldn't help but hug the poor boy.
"Um...Thank you..?"Another echo of laughter.
"You two.BETTER get married."Wally grinned and the team watched as both of the kids faces turned a shade of red.
Nightwing shook his head."ANYWAY'S...the REASON were going to Mexico is because there may be an assasin trying to attack the president at the parade during Halloween night."
Jamie frowned but was confused at the same time."Why would someone go and attack the president of MEXICO?MEXICO.Us Mexicans don't really have time for violence."
Nightwing nodded."Yes But I suspect it may be Chesire or Sports Master."
"Why?"Bart asked,face turned into a frown as well.
"Well...that is still unclear.We just got the intell from Lagon's last mission down by Rio."(I'M SORRY!)
Everyone nodded.
Nightwing nodded back and handed out plane tickets until Bart spoke up.
"Um...I know you know what your doing but...Superspeed?"Nightwing laughed.
"Yes Bart,but it would STILL take about 2 HOURS before you got there,even at your top speed."Bart shrugged.
"Even I couldn't get there in time."Wally explained.
"It's better than FLYING."
Everyone cocked an eyebrow."Why?"Jamie asked.
"Well...I've just...never been ON a plane...y'know..the future and all..."
Jamie's eye's widened."SO YOU'VE NEVER SEEN MEXICO!?AT ALL?!!?"Everyone winced at his tone of voice.
Jamie felt like he just got stabbed.He face palmed."YOU SIMPLY DO NOT LIVE IF YOU'VE NEVER SEEN MEXICO!Bart!I am going to show you everything!!!Come on hermono!The rest of the team will meet us there!"
"Wait Blue!-"
"Recognized Blue Beetle B2.3
Impulse B2.7"
Once the rest of the team got to the airport,Jamie and Bart were already waiting for them by the consession stand.Bart was eating a hotdog and some chips while Jamie just had a drink.
Dick walked up to them."You guy's almost done?"Bart nodded and with his superspeed,he finished the hotdog quickly.Jamie went over to the trashcan and threw away his drink,nodding with a smile.
"Okay,let's go."
(Already Friken 684 friken words I'm cryin)
-Mexcio October 31st-
The team stepped into a VERY nice hotel that Jamie and Nightwing's family bought.It was haft off since Jamie's family owned half of the place.There were 6 bedrooms and three bathrooms with a hot tub and a balcony.
Jamie and Bart instantly ran into the largest bedroom."DIBS!"Everyone laughed.
Wally and Dick went into a bedroom of their own,shutting the door and LOCKING it.Jamie,Gar,and Bart all giggled evily.
"Let's put a camera in their room!"
"No let's sneak in and see what their doing!"
"You mean,Doing 'it'?"The three boy's giggled silently.
Conner smiled and rolled his eyes.Looking at the boy's he said,"Hey,why don't we go exploring?"The four boys looked at him and nodded excitedly.
Then they were off.
Dick stayed by he and Wally's bedroom door and listened as the group of teenagers left the hotel.He sighed a sigh of relief and mentally thanked Conner.
He looked over and saw Wally getting undressed.He sighed dreamily at the sight of Wally's freckles on his back.He went over to his boyfriend and touched his back,tracing the freckles lightly until he felt Wally shudder.
Dick chuckled and hugged him from behind."Mm...I love you."Wally smiled,rolling his eyes.
"Me too boy wonder.."
Dick then gave him the element of surprise attack,throwing him onto the bed and pinning him there.Wally smirked.
"You gonna play ruff big boy?"
Dick smirked.He then proceeded to attack Wally's neck with little kisses and bites.Earning a whine from the boy below him.
Wally wrapped his hands around his neck." you.."
"Woah!Look Conner!"Gar shouted,pointing to a stack of Mexican candies.Running over to the cart and talking to the lady there.Gar turned back to the group.
"Can we get some?"Conner smiled and ruffled his hair."I don't see why not?"Conner reached into his pocket and gave the woman a 20$ bill.The woman thanked him and gave the four 2 lollipops each.
"Thank you ma'am!"The group continued to look around until Jamie gasped and smiled brightly.
"Oh I forgot!Guy's!There's the Pyramid Of The Sun not to far from here!Can we go?Can we?!"Conner chuckled and nodded while the boy's all yessed and the ran towards the ancient Statue.
They had stayed at the statue for about 30 minutes before Jamie suggested they go get some Dia De Las Muertos decorations and costumes for themselves.They went to a small store in the middle of the city.
'Welcome to Coco's Decorations!'It read.Jamie and the rest of the boy's ran inside and started picking out a whole BUNCH of stuff.
By the time they were out of the store,Bart and Jamie looked like a float for a parade!Gar and Tim laughed at there stupidity.Conner chuckled a bit.
Tim and Gar had painted faces with a BUNCH of different colors.Looking like they were sprayed with paint.
Conner scratched the back of his neck and looked at the time.It was almost time for the parades to begin.They probably should get back.
"Hey guys?"The group of teenagers looked at him."It's 8:30,let's head back."The boy's nodded and followed Conner back to the hotel.Once they were back,they heard noises coming from Wally and Dick's room.
The boy's silently laughed but Conner rolled his eyes and knocked on there door.
"Um!Coming!Oh god WALLY!"The boy's burst out laughing.That is,until Dick opened the door with an annoyed look on his face.
The boy's cleared there throats,still threatening to giggle a bit.
Dick smiled,rolling his eyes."Yes?"
"It's 8:30.Should we start getting ready?"Dick nodded and cleared HIS throat.
"Yes,um...we'll get ready..."He closed the door and the boy's started laughing once more.Bart and Gar on the floor and Tim and Jamie laughing on the couch.Conner chuckled a bit.
"CONNER! I HEARD THAT!"Dick and Wally shouted through the door.
Conner burst out laughing.
-Mexico City 11:48-
The team were by the sidewalk waiting for the parade to start.There were HUNDREDS of people,smiling,shouting,yelling and dancing to the music that was about to start.
Jamie smiled as he texted pictures to his mother,that is,until Bart took the phone out of his hand."Hermono!"
Bart giggled playfully."No phones!"He tossed it to Dick who caught it.Smirking Dick said.
"Got you back."Jamie rolled his eyes,smiling though.He looked at Bart who had his eyes on the float that was coming down the road.
The crowd started dancing and shouting,smiles plastered on there faces.Jamie smiled as he saw multiple people dancing on the first float.Bart started laughing.
"Look!This is so cool!!"Jamie laid eyes on the first float and burst out laughing.The float had a rat in front of it with multiple cool cars and a jungle as the background.
Gar looked at Conner nervously.He couldn't see.He pulled on Conner's shirt until Conner looked down at him.
"What's up Gar?"The younger boy's faced turned a shade of red.
"I...I can't see.."Conner smiled and nodded,lifting him up and putting him on his shoulders.Gar giggled.
"Jamie!There singing!"Bart shouted,pointing to the people dancing on the floats
-Start Song-
-Skip to 0:36-
"All the birds of the feather!"
"Do what they love most of all!"
"We are the best at rhythm and laughter!"
"That's why we love carnaval!"
"All so free we can sing to!"
"Sun and Beaches they call!"
"Dance to the music!"
"Passion and Love!"
"Show us the best we can do!"
Jamie began to sing with them.
"Everyone here is on fire!"
"Get up and join in the fun!"
"Dance with a stranger!"
"Romance and Danger!"
"Magic could happen for real!"
"In Rio!All by itself! (Itself)"
"You can't see it coming!"
"You can't find it anywhere else!" (Anywhere else)"
"It's real!In Rio!"
"Know something else! (Something else)"
"You can feel it happen!"
"You can feel it all by yourself!"
Bart and Jamie laughed and danced together while Dick and Tim were talking and sing.Gar was watching,amazed he snuggled into Conner's warmth.
"This is so fun!!!"Bart shouted.
"I know!!!"Jamie shouted back.
"All the birds of the feather!"
"Do what they love most of all!"
"Moon and the stars!"
"Sun and Guitars!"
"That's why we love Carnaval!"
Then a girl started singing.
"Loving our life in the jungle!"
"Everything's wild and free!"
Then a boy.
"Never alone,cause this is our home!"
"Magic can happen for real!"
"In Rio!"
"All by itself! (By itself)"
"You can't see it coming!"
"You can't find it anywhere else!!"
Then another boy.
"I'm a kako wera kinga kinga kinga kinga (Kinga)"
"People like me cause I'm a hot wings!"
"(There's your hot wings)"
"Here everybody loves Samba!!"
"Rhythm you feel in your heart!"
"Beauty and love,what more could you want?"
"Everything can be for real!"
"In Rio!"
"Here's something else!"
"You just feel it happening!"
"You won't find it anywhere else!"
The song ended,people started clapping and whistling.Jamie and Bart laughed,hugging each other.
Until Jamie kissed him.
Bart took a second to regain focus before he was kissing Jamie back.But the moment soon ended when the president was announced on the speaker.
"Ladies and Gentlemen!Welcome to Dia De Las Muertos!"The crowd started cheering and clapping once more.
"VIVA MEXICO!"People started shouting.Jamie and Bart looked at each other and smiled.Kissing again before saying together.
Meanwhile,the rest of the team STARED.
Dick and Wally started fangirling."OMG THEY KISSED!!!! YESSSSSS!!!"
The cheers and clapping stopped.Instead was replaced with screams and shouts.The team soon ran with the crowd,getting there suits on and heading towards the president who had just been shot at.
"Impulse!Robin!Try and find the assain!The rest of you,come with me and protect the president!"Nightwing shouted.Robin and Impulse nodded and ran towards where the gun was shot at,they soon found what they were looking for.
"Talon."Robin growled out.
Talon waved with a smirk behind the mask."Hello birdboy.How are you here?Thought YOU lived in America?"
Robin gripped his staff and gave Impulse a opening.But more shots could be heard.Impulse and Robin whipped their heads around to see MORE Talons.
That gave Talon the element of surprise.
Talon threw a few throwing knives at the boys,Impulse easily dodged but Robin,not so much.He was hit in the leg.
"Crap!"Impulse shouted and hit his comm.
"Guy's!Robin's down!Injured leg!"
"Alright were almost done here!Get him to safety!NOW!"Nightwing's voice ran through his ears.
Impulse picked Robin up carefully and was gone in an instant,bringing him down to the sidewalk.Robin was yelling at the pain.
"Robin...Robin!"The boy was in to much pain to respond.
"BART BART!It hurts!"
"I know I know..Shh..I'm gonna try and get it out.."
"I don't think that will be nesassary."Bart whipped his head around to find and army of Talon circling around them.
'Crap.'Bart thought.
Robin was still sobbing pain.But then,he saw a group of people come up behind Robin and him,as if they were trying to protect them somehow.Then a woman and her daughter came up to them with a first aid kit.
Bart stared,wide eyed."T-Thank you..."
"Don't thank us yet."The woman said,getting out gauze and other medical supplies.She then turned to Robin."Sweetie...sweetie can you hear me?"Robin tried nodding,getting a little one out even though he was still in great pain.
"Okay...Okay...This is gonna hurt a bit..."She then turned to Bart."Can you hold him down for me?"Bart nodded,taking Robin's wrist and pinning them to the ground.
The woman gave Robin some cloth to bite on."Bite on this okay?"Robin nodded,taking it in his mouth and biting hard.
Then she proceded to continue to work,meanwhile,the group of Mexicans continued to shield them.
Talon laughed at them."You think NORMAL people can stop me if YOU can't?"
"Were not normal!"The rest of the team came down from a small building.Blue Beetle took his suit off.
"Jamie Reyes!what are you doing!?"His scarap shouted,but Jamie ignored it.He turned to the group people and smiled while the group stared.
"Your..your one of us?"Some people asked,and Jamie nodded.He then turned to Talon.
"Why were you trying to kill the president?"Talon laughed.
"I don't haft to tell you anything!"Jamie growled.
"All the birds of the feather..."
"Do what they love most of all."
Jamie gasped.They were...singing?
"The Moon and The Stars,Sun and Guitars..."
"That's why we love Carnaval..."
The group of people stepped out of the way for someone.The police surrounded Talon,guns locked and loaded.Talon looked between each and everyone of them.He growled.
" time then..."
A puff of smoke and he was gone.
-America:One week later-
"It appears the attack on Mexico isn't the only surprising thing that has happened.Apparently people say Blue Beetle had taken off his armor and showed his identity to a group of people."
The team was in the middle of the cave watching Cat Grant on the news,listening to it.Jamie sighed and turned away.
"What's wrong Blue?"Bart asked,worried for his boyfriend.Oh ya,they got together.
"I just...was that he right thing to do..?"Bart cocked an eyebrow."Showing my identity..."
Bart sighed and walked over to him,smiling.They looked into each other's eyes."It was to me."
Then they kissed.
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