Doctor Of Romance - Medical Emergency AU - Good Ending
As requested by a reader, an ending shall be given, since the ending in the Medical Emergency AU is a little... open ended. I have written two possible endings for your enjoyment! The Good Ending, and the Bad Ending.
Yeah, I'm pretty certain that all of you would like the Good Ending more but of course, it's more fun to make many endings!
I hope you guys enjoy!~
Doctor of Romance - Medical Emergency AU - Good Ending
"I don't know if this is a good idea, Ali. You know my Father, he's a hard person to deal with—"
"Alicia, dear, I've been an agent under M.A.T.A. since I was twelve, I've seen him in my worst of days." The tekno, medical expert reassured the neuro agent, lightly ruffling her neatly combed hair in reply.
It's just that... earlier this morning, Agent Rizwan came to notify both of them that the General wants a word with both of them... and it has something to do about their ongoing... or even newly blossomed relationship which occurred just a few days ago after Dos' attack.
Ali wasn't all that nervous; he has nothing to fear. If he is in love with the neuro agent, then, no one will stop him. He is aware that he is especially assigned to lurk around the corners and keep an eye on Alicia, since he is by far, second to Agent Rizwan when it comes to defending someone. His expertise in the medical field is a bonus, since Agent Alicia is known to be quite... reckless.
He didn't really mind it; he likes it in all honesty. He has no plans of changing it on any basis, he just likes that masked menace for some reason, even if she were the most scheming little girl in the world.
"We still have an hour before the General requires our presence, you should calm down, Alicia, it's not good for you to get stressed." He soothed her, gently pushing her down by the shoulders to sit at the cushioned chair which was situated in the common room of the facility.
The tekno agent, however, simply sat on the hovering seat, one leg over the other with his arms crossed ever so calmly, like the professional he is in his field.
Just by looking at him, Alicia couldn't help but wonder out loud, eventually, turning to an audible question. "How are you a tekno agent if you can use long-ranged weapons, especially, those of the likeness for Inviso agents?" she inquired, lightly tilting her head in question.
Ali merely gave a hum for a moment. "My medical knowledge in this field is much more... superior, than my skills in deceit. The reason why I ended up in M.A.T.A. was due to my medical expertise, it is only later when they discovered my additional skills." He replied, glancing over at the thin needles by the table next to him, all of which are stored in the special, leather holder which is supposedly strapped on his belt like a holster.
"Why needles though?" she asked again, the immense interest to know more about this man was evident. She didn't know him this much at all, if they were going to be together, she should be aware, right?
"It's a long story, most of which is inclined with Chinese medicine, acupuncture, have you heard about it?" he lifted his gaze to look at her before his hand delicately picked up a single needle and twirled it between his fingers.
"I've heard of that, using needles to pick the skin, treating illness via their veins. But how could you learn such here in our country?" she spoke, her brows furrowed in confusion.
Ali merely smiled. "I have a friend, another medical expert in the clinic I work for. He has been my classmate since elementary. He's Chinese, his specialty being herbal and Chinese medicine. I learned a thing or two through the years. But after being recruited by M.A.T.A., I learned to use acupuncture against enemies." He claimed, placing down the needle on the holder. Viktor, yeah, he came a few days ago to get his car. Of course, Ali paid for the necessary cleaning and repairs that were found. Not that Viktor didn't mind, the guy just needs to return the borrowed goods on time.
"That's greatly inspiring. But what is your specialty, anyways? I mean, doctors are majoring in various fields like cardiology, radiology, and so much more." She just couldn't help but ask questions, just, who is this guy? Is she dating some kind of healing God or something?
"I'm a neurologist, an independent surgeon as well. Although, I rarely participate in surgical work nowadays, M.A.T.A. gave instructions that I attend to mostly, injured agents." He explained, like as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "On the other hand, my expertise in neurology aided the enhancement of my acupuncture skill, which is how I can easily use such methods to decapacitate an enemy. Like what I did with Dos." He continued, remembering that very day.
That day when she discovered his true identity as an agent.
It wasn't really the best meet up but hey, they met only recently but Ali has known her for years, he has been following her for a very long time. The only reason why he is forced to show himself was by the orders of the General, thanks to Alicia's rebellious nature.
"Well, it would be quite a shame to not view you as a neuro or an inviso agent." Alicia didn't know what else to day, this man right here, is a deadly enemy to anyone. He may attack in the dark, the pain only lasting a second, but it might be enough to end a person. If his words are true, he can literally use such skill to paralyze or murder by means of medicine.
"I'm more devoted to medicine, Alicia, if I were to choose between the three pillars, I will choose Tekno in any day. My expertise, I can pass it on to other tekno agents that majored in medicine, those agents whom are harmed during missions, I can save their lives. Alicia, they have plenty of neuro and inviso agents, but to contribute something that is not there, that's the main point of my involvement in M.A.T.A., I won't contribute on what's already here, but what's absent, and what is needed." He explained further.
Alicia could only advert her gaze. "Man, if only I was as eloquent as you, or event as intelligent as you, maybe, my Father would put more trust in me..." she breathed out a sigh.
Ali gave a smile still, a genuine one. "He's proud of what you are capable of, he's just afraid of seeing you harmed... if I was the General, I would've done the same. Even if you have the power to produce mass murder, I would still prefer to hide you behind closed doors, in the safety of my abode. He just wants to protect you, and so do I." Ali stood from his seat, the back part of his coat flowing along the air that circulated in the room, flowing along his figure of eloquence and calm nature. He then placed a hand on Alicia's shoulder gingerly.
"Well... if you put it that way... I suppose, what you said is reasonable." She mumbled, adverting her gaze. "If you were assigned to keep an eye on me for so long... I'm curious, what was your impression of me?" she asked, looking up at Ali's eyes with an expectant gaze.
"M-My impression?" he repeated, earning a nod from the female.
Ali adverted his gaze; he could vaguely reminisce of how he first met her years ago. In those years, she has absolutely no idea that he existed. But when he first laid eyes on her, he was dead set in protecting her.
*~*~*~*~*~ Flashback ~*~*~*~*~*~*
"Agent Ali, details of your new mission will be sent to you shortly. Be sure you're at the rendezvous point not later than five minutes." The strict voice of the General rang his ears from his earpiece, the young tekno's stern expression evident.
"Understood." He replied.
The 16-year-old tekno agent casually walked down the streets, his white coat draping his form. At a very young age, he has successfully graduated from college pretty early than the rest, managing to skip a few years with his superior intelligence, needing to study only a year for higher education. He was at the phase of residency in the clinic he works at, in no time, he just needed to pass a few tests which was not at all a problem to someone with intelligence as great as his.
That is why he got recruited in the first place, after all.
Upon turning to an alleyway, he memorized the map of the location showed to him earlier, it was no trouble in trying to find it.
There it is, a café near this alleyway which he was told to find. There were many young girls and boys who were either dating or having coffee breaks both inside and outside of the café, but one figure was most striking.
A young girl, short hair with bangs, a green headband, her clothes were similar to those of high-school students in a nearby SRT Cyberaya school he used to see. She had nice hazel eyes; she was busy talking to another girl with the similar outfit. The only difference is that the other girl had twin, curly hair.
'Ah, I remember that girl, isn't that Viktor's admirer?' Ali thought, having seen that woman bugging Viktor a few months back until now. How convenient is it that the person he's instructed to keep an eye on is in good relations with someone he knows?
His watch beeped, causing him to briefly look down at his smart watch given by M.A.T.A., he hid in the alleyway, ensuring no one was looking before he opened the file sent to him, the holographic screen appearing alongside the blocks of text presented.
It appears, that girl, is the General's daughter, she has been banned from partaking in any missions due to unnecessary accidents, her stubbornness to follow instructions and due to her possession of a very crucial device called I.R.I.S., it was of no wonder as to why the General tasked him to keep an eye on her.
The girl, yes, he just needs to ensure she's protected at all times, since her rebellious and stubborn nature makes her disobey from commands.
Pretty easy for someone like him.
He took another glance at the girl, he caught her laughing at something the other girl said.
Her laugh... it looked adorable.
Perhaps, this mission wouldn't be so bad after all.
*~*~*~*~*~ End of Flashback ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
And so, Alicia was slightly flustered. "How would I know... that Mia was someone you know. Isn't it a little creepy to be spying on girls?" she spoke, having been flustered at the fact that she just found out how the boy has been stalking her when she was only like, 15? Or so? She doesn't remember.
"It's my mission, and I only do it when necessary. To be honest, I should be the one being surprised, after all, you were the one who rushed in the clinic I worked for. I couldn't just ignore you; the General might have my head in a silver platter." He joked, making Alicia all the more flustered than ever.
"W-Well... did you... help me just because its your mission? Just that?" she inquired, curiosity getting the best of her.
Ali hummed for a second. "Even if you were an ordinary citizen that I've never seen before, I wouldn't ignore you." He mentioned, stretching for a moment. "We should go, the General must be waiting for us." He added, holding out a hand for Alicia to take.
With a blush, Alicia gingerly took his hand, as the both of them walked in comfortable silence, all the way to the briefing room where the General was waiting.
He didn't seem angry, he seemed... amused? As he saw how Ali and Alicia were holding hands when they came in.
"It appears, there is nothing left to discuss. Do you really like my daughter, Ghazali?" he asked straightforwardly, not a second to spare at all.
Alicia adverted her gaze shyly while Ali stood firm and faced the General with determination written in his expression. "You recruited me when I was only 12, I learned a lot from being a part of M.A.T.A., I have grown accustomed to the policies of the organization, and my intentions are pure. General, I know you trust me, you wouldn't entrust your daughter's safety to me if you did not. I can assure you that I will make it certain, the health and safety of your daughter will be at its pristine glory in my hands. All I ask is that you allow me to formally court her, to make her my girlfriend officially." He spoke, his voice not weary nor shaking.
His words made Alicia flustered, the poor neuro agent has to swipe a lock of her hair to tuck it behind her ears, not meeting the eyes of anyone. Shyness gets to everyone, even if they are the strongest of all.
The General released a sigh. "Very well, even if I were to object, my daughter is a stubborn mule, she will rebel and not listen. I don't have any problems with you, Ghazali. Your family background is clean, your father is a prodigy in computer science, one of the pioneers of this city. While you, a skilled agent, a gentleman, with an admirable demeanor, and no sign of ill intent. I need someone who can tame and possible amend my daughter to quit her rebellious ways. I don't see any reason to not allow it, Ghazali. I'm more comfortable that she's with you, than with any other agent I could entrust." He replied, matching the young tekno's dialogue with his.
Honestly, this was not a response that Ali expected, he was expecting what, a scolding or something? But this is surreal and something he didn't expect.
"I... Thank you, General. I can assure you right now that you won't regret your decision." Ali claimed, as he felt Alicia's hand tighten on his, making him took over at the Neuro agent whom smiled at her.
"Good, you both are dismissed." He said, and the transmission ended almost immediately after.
Alicia glanced at Ali slightly. "So... does this mean we're... a thing?" she shyly asked, her right hand lightly twirling a strand of her hair in nervousness.
"A couple in a relationship? Yes, we are." Ali replied.
It was like time slowed down, all the whirring noises of technology around them tuned down, and none could bother them.
Ali used his free hand to gently cup her cheek, his thumb grazing over at her smooth and silky skin. His eyes half-lidded, his eyes glancing over at her rosy lips before meeting her eyes once again.
"I love you..." he whispered before his thin lips met with her rosy ones, a kiss to seal the deal.
Alicia's eyes widened momentarily before they closed alongside Ali's, her other, free hand was on his shoulder. She kissed back.
It was a kiss that they both wouldn't want to end, a kiss that they wanted to be everlasting, the kiss that sent so much warmth that even Ali, being a doctor, couldn't understand what he was feeling. But he liked it, it was so warm, so genuine, so much love.
They soon parted, their eyes slowly opening to gaze at each other's gleaming orbs. A blush cannot be mistaken from their expressions as slow, but eerie clapping soon snapped them out from their love-filled gaze, to look over at the entrance.
There, stood Agent Rizwan, slowly clapping at what he's seeing. "Congratulations, I see that the both of you... are together. Although, relationships are okay but there should be boundaries. Like the door, it opens when someone steps near, you wouldn't want something intimate to be shown to the public, would you?" he snickered, crossing his arms in amusement soon after.
Both Ali and Alicia adverted their gaze, they're past the legal age but being caught by an adult is gravely embarrassing.
"Yes, Agent Rizwan, I will keep your words in mind, I apologize." Ali was the first to speak, seeing as Alicia was too flustered to utter a word.
Agent Rizwan gave a smile. "It's fine, you can leave the room now, I have business to do." He replied.
In no time at all, Ali and Alicia left the room, leaving Agent Rizwan to himself inside the empty briefing room.
"In the meantime, I'm sure, the General wouldn't mind having this in the family album." He snickered to himself, looking at his phone, the image of their kiss was very clear in his pro-camera phone.
Now, Agent Rizwan is convinced, he is the real Doctor of Romance.
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