Behind Her Father's Cage - Medical Emergency AU - Bad Ending
This one is the Bad Ending of the Medical Emergency AU.
Drama filled, I know. Just a note for you all, the character's personalities here are portrayed in accordance to the occurrence which flows throughout the plot. No hating of characters please xD
Behind Her Father's Cage - Medical Emergency AU - Bad Ending
"What do we do? He doesn't sound so happy—what if he breaks us apart?" Alicia panicked as she paced back and forth the area of which she stayed in, the common room in the safehouse.
Ali gave her a sullen look; he as well was worried. He was told to stay away from Alicia, only to appear when its really necessary. But what can he do? He couldn't just ignore Alicia when she was in trouble. He was how Dos was belittling, degrading the woman he cares about, he's not just going to sit idle and watch.
"There's nothing we can do, pacing back and forth will do no good, you're just making yourself more paranoid, Alicia." Ali sighed and stood to make Alicia sit down.
It has been a few minutes after an agent announced for both Ali and Alicia to meet with the General on the briefing room, the General didn't seem... happy at all.
Ali broke the rule, yes, he knows the consequences of rulebreakers in missions, and his actions had not only caused jeopardy in a mission assigned to him, but Alicia found out about it.
He was supposed to protect her in secret, since her rebellious and stubborn nature will only put her in danger. But what did he do? He went in, he dashed to her side, he helped her, he revealed his secret identity as a M.A.T.A. agent.
He did what he was not supposed to do.
And what's worse? He wanted to date her, the girl whom he was told to protect at all times, the daughter of the General. This isn't some cliché love story or some fairy tale where everything will be just fine after a few moments, or even hours of talk but no. this is no fairy tale, this is no love story.
This is a mission, a mission which he failed to continue, a mission where his identity was compromised by the target, a mission where he broke through the bounds willingly to make himself known to her. A mission where the most crucial rule was broken, and a very undesirable outcome has occurred.
Love does that to people, no matter how wrong it is, you have no choice, if love gets to you, they get to you. Love doesn't ask you permission like "Hey, want to fall in love with this girl? I got you covered!" no, it's not like that.
Love comes every once in a lifetime, it sometimes dies down, and a new one arises. Love is inevitable, it is something that one can deny but can never forget. Why, why did he have to fall in love with the girl he does so hard to protect? Why does she have to be the strict General's daughter?
Why is love always appearing at the wrong time?
"Listen, Alicia. Even if he goes against us, I won't let them break us apart. Okay? Breathe, being too tensed about it will do you no good." Ali tried to reassure, but the fact that the General has the final say, it's hard to assume.
"It's just—ugh, it's so unfair, Ali! He always dictates on whatever happens in my life. He always tells me its for my own good but babying me all the time?!" she was annoyed, pissed.
Ali sighed before holding a hand out to her. "Come on, the General is expecting our presence. Whatever happens, we won't be apart." He reassured, his smile was genuine, but in reality, he doesn't know what will happen if ever the man decides to not let them be together. It was like a thousand needles was prickling his skin in all angles and points, he couldn't breathe metaphorically.
He has a plan though, he doesn't know if it will work but in case the General declines their request to be together, he will try to convince him verbally. If that still doesn't work...
Well, it's time that he discovers what's it like to be rebellious too.
It was an eerie, silent trek as Ali held Alicia's hand, leading her to the hallways that led to the briefing room, the place where the General is waiting.
He could feel her hand tremble, she was nervous, afraid, almost all things she could feel makes her hand shake. Ali had to tighten his hold on her, to reassure her through gesture that everything will be okay.
Will it really be okay though?
Finally, the moment of dread has come, the metallic doors slid open, welcoming their entry to the briefing room. They were immediately met with the frown coming from the General himself.
"You left me waiting for too long, Ghazali. I taught you better than this." He spoke, his voice fore boarding with unlikeliness.
The earlier tension now became heavier, silence was almost suffocatingly painful!
"I see you've grown brazen enough to hold the hand of my daughter, right in front of me. Where did the respect go?" his voice boomed once again, it made Alicia hesitate and try to pull her hand away but Ali held it firmly, tightly in his hold.
The young tekno's expression was strong, it was solid, it was stern in determination. "General, I respect you, I apologize for our lateness. But I am actively pursuing your daughter. I hope that you'd accept us for what we have right now. I love her, and that fact will not change. Even if I have to pursue her until I can no longer walk, I will." He claimed, the determination deep in his voice, it almost flustered Alicia if they were only in a much brighter situation.
But the General's face was still stone cold, it seemed that the expression had a twinge of irritation. "I gave you a mission to protect my daughter, not to pursue her. You failed your mission, and you broke numerous rules and obligations on that task. As a result, you are to be imposed with sanctions and punishments that are equal to your misdeeds." He replied, not really fazed, nor was he even accustomed to even give a thought about what the young tekno had just said.
"Remember, I recruited you for your medical expertise. You were given all the best resources, the best education, and the best guidance to enhance your skills. Without these resources, you won't become who you are today, Ghazali." The General breathed out; it seems like he is trying to hold in whatever emotion of annoyance, anger and frustration that was raging deep inside of him right now.
"With all due respect, General. Even without these resources you mentioned, I can still strive to be who I am today. My intelligence is the reason why I'm here, was it not? It was only enhanced, but this is based from my capability alone. Even with the best resources, if one does not know how to use them, it's pointless. You of all people should know that, General." He said firmly.
He is aware that by doing so, he is pushing his buttons, he is overstepping his boundaries, he is purposely making him angry. It will be a pure miracle to not have the General point all droids against him. It will be a pure miracle if he could even get out of here alive.
The General's eyes narrowed, he is evidently getting angrier, his face could've turned red, steam could've left his ears. In all his life, he has never, ever encountered such disrespect in his entire life.
"It seems that not only has your skills sharpened, but also your tongue, Ghazali. I expected you to be grateful for everything that was given to you. However, you have grown into greed, M.A.T.A. took care of you, yet you disobeyed. Not only that, even my daughter, you dared to covet." He sneered, clearly, distaste was painted all over his expression.
Alicia couldn't listen anymore. "Papa, that is enough! You controlled my life for far too long!" she started shouting, causing the two males to turn to her direction. Ali's gaze was of full concern, while the General's emotion seemed like he will kill.
"Look, I like Ali. I'm willing to commit to something special with him. I'm old enough to decide, Papa. I'm old enough to do what I want, whenever I want, and to whatever extent that I could go to. Just let me..." Alicia continued, she felt the adrenalin, the palpitations, it was almost hard to breathe.
All her life, she looked up to her father, she always did her best to make him proud, even if it's against her will. But enough is enough, she allowed the man to control her life.
Her hairstyle, her clothes. Even what she wants to do in life. All those aspects are controlled by her father. Mia? Hell, it was late when she found out. Mia's father is a close friend of her father, Mia is innocent but Alicia couldn't help but suspect that Mia was once a 'spy' who was tasked to keep an eye on her.
Soon, she found out that Mia knows nothing of M.A.T.A., her father never told her, nor was she even susceptive of the matter. But everything else is drafted into picture, all of which was drafted upon by her father, nothing more, and nothing else.
"Just for once please, let me decide for myself. I'm an adult now, I'm no longer some kid that needs to be guided all the time... please..." Alicia pleaded, she swore, she could start to feel the tears forming, the hot liquid flooding the corners of her eyes, making her vision slightly cloudy with the tears.
Ali had to ignore whatever strong stance he once stood, wrapping his arms gingerly around the woman's shaking form in a tight hug. "Shh... it's alright, breathe in... and out... that's it..." he soothed, calming her down as much as he could why trying to stay modest.
If he were to choose, he'll just sweep her into his arms and run out of the room. Take her somewhere she'll calm down, somewhere that will make her feel much better.
For now, he can't.
He lifted his gaze to meet the General's angered eyes. No sign of fear was in Ali's pearl black orbs, he was purely determined. Even if the General doesn't approve of them, he doesn't care.
He has a plan.
"I've seen and heard enough. My daughter was just fine without you, look what you did to her. She's sensitive, she's emotional..." he trailed off, taking a deep breath, holding onto the last strand of patience that he still has within him. Before he completely looses all that keeps him rational. "She's weak." He ended.
That was the last straw for Ali, his once determined gaze now flooded with eminent anger. "Weak? I beg your pardon, General? Your daughter is anything but weak! If you're looking for the weakest creature in this room, it's YOU." He almost yelled, loosing his composure once more.
"If it weren't for you, Alicia would've realized her strength! It's you whose bringing her down! With your words, your hurtful phrases towards her—you're restricting her from soaring to what she can reach! She's like this because of you! If only you weren't so weak yourself, you wouldn't doubt your daughter, not one bit! You know what, she's the bravest, and strongest girl I have ever met. She failed to showcase her glow, all because of you. You're trapping her behind your cage, a cage you've built to what? Protect her? Or to restrain her entirely, to control her?" he continued on, not stopping to think of his words. This has dragged on long enough, Alicia has suffered for so long behind the steel bars, the cage made specifically by her father.
Is he really protecting her? Or is he controlling her? Trapping her in this safe space?
How can he let her soar, if she couldn't fly due to his chains...?
"That is enough, Ali Bin Ghazali!" the General shouted, his voice loud and deep enough to cause silence in this facility. "So, this is your real skin, Ghazali. You fooled me once to think that you're so upright, you've hid your second skin so well, I never knew you could be so... vulgar, disrespectful, and ungrateful." He continued; his frown much more evident.
"I'll give you two choices for the last time, Ghazali. Either you give up my daughter to me, and she'll be evicted from joining M.A.T.A. forever. Or, you can continue with what you want, not only will I evict my daughter from this dangerous facility, but I will also have you eliminated. Think about your prospering future, think about your father." The General threatened, it is the last straw, he will not be so kind as to make his threat a reality.
He just wants his daughter safe. Exposing her to M.A.T.A. was a mistake, she should've stayed oblivious, she should've grown alongside a normal childhood and working on offices like good girls do. But no, he just HAD to take her here, to teach her self-defense. Now, her curiosity is at Its peak, she is far from control.
All he could do is to take her away, to protect her from potential harm. He almost lost her multiple times already, if his daughter continues to be with another agent, she'll never be safe. No matter how strong and powerful Ali is, she'll still be exposed to danger, she'll be his weakness, she'll be in danger.
He cannot allow that.
"Apologies, General Rama. I promised not to comply with such arrangement. I'll fight for her even if I were to be eliminated." Ali spoke with determination.
Just then, the General's eyes narrowed. "I'll give you three seconds to run, You are no longer identified as an Agent of M.A.T.A." he replied, M.A.T.A. tech and drones now levitated in the room, all lasers aimed straight over at Ali as he held Alicia in his arms.
Before the General could start counting, Ali gave him a sharp glare before running out, holding Alicia until she is ready to run alongside him, which she gladly did.
Soon, the blaring alarms of the safe house was evident, humanoid droids, and robots of all sizes, including the laser- equipped security cameras are aimed at one target specifically; Ali.
The former tekno agent cursed under his breath, his hand holding tightly on Alicia's hand as they ran, Alicia was struggling to keep up with the man's speed, she has to use the aid of her aero shoes.
They zoomed down hallways, Alicia had to use I.R.I.S. to easily identify what the next wave of attack is, while Ali seemed to be doing okay himself. He took out the needles from his holder and threw them at an impeccable speed to hit the mechanical enemy, causing them to short circuit and either power off, turn to heaps of metal with electricity sizzling around the broken wires, or they explode. The former tekno agent looked back numerous times to ensure that the female was not hurt, to ensure that she is not harmed. Although, he is aware that the General will not allow for his daughter to get harmed.
"Alicia, navigate these halls, where's the nearest unattended exit?" he breathed out, focused on fighting the droids with his needles and what little combat skills he could use while not letting go of Alicia's hand.
The female used her I.R.I.S. to look around the halls, to look around the routes amidst the enemies around. "There! The west! There are only few enemies around, the elevator is open that leads up the elevators of a school library!" she spoke out loud, pointing at a direction.
The former tekno agent nodded and dashed to the path, keeping a hold of her hand tightly, not letting go.
They ran and ran—without stopping a second. What Alicia said was true, there was little to no droids patrolling the area, Ali managed to eliminate them in less than a second with his acupuncture-styled needles. The elevator was within reach, they're so close to leaving, so close to being free.
When they get out of here, Ali will take Alicia with him. He has saved up funds for his future, he can run away, move in another place with the girl, he can support her. He can forge them a new identity, a new start, as a couple, they'll make a family.
All those dreams, so close and within his reach.
He smashed his fist on the button on the elevator in haste, but to his surprise, the General was there in his physical glory, his mustache, his hair, his gaze, it was real, no longer a hologram, this is the General himself.
He wasn't able to react, the General's hands already grabbed Alicia and pulled the girl away from him.
"Alicia!" Ali called out and was about to reach for the woman but two agents, inviso agents, whom seemed to appear out of nowhere suddenly arrived, pulling him back by his forearms. No matter how he struggled, his strength was no match against two inviso agent whose body build is much sturdy than his.
"I told you, Ghazali. I will never let my daughter be in harm's way. If you're the source of her disobedience, then, it's best that you and my daughter should never see each other again." The General spoke calmly despite his earlier anger.
He never wanted to be the bad guy, but he is desperate to protect his daughter at all cost.
Yes, even if he will serve as the bad guy, to protect his daughter, all is worth.
"You're only trapping her behind your cage of steel! Do you really think that this is good for her?!" the young tekno spat out, still struggling even though his efforts are obviously futile. He had to try, he just had to.
He planned this already, with Agent Rizwan—
No, did Agent Rizwan betray him? How could he? He was his mentor, his bestest M.A.T.A. partner...
"I know, Ghazali, I know what you mean. You wouldn't understand what I feel as a father, you wouldn't understand my intentions even if I explained it piece by piece to you." He replied calmly, still holding his daughter in place, although he didn't have to, the female was tired from running, and I.R.I.S. did its toll on her.
"I'm only adopted! In all cases, you're just my adoptive father! You have no rights to reign over my life!" the young neuro, clearly enraged as well, shouted right at the person who she once saw as a parent, as someone who raised her after she was orphaned.
"I am, but I will play my part as your biological parent." He spat out towards his evidently rebellious daughter.
"Goodbye, Ghazali." He replied for the last time after seeing the angered glare in the tekno's eyes. "Agent Bobby, Agent Rizwan, take him away." He commanded the two inviso agents.
Ali didn't know who was holding him previously, but after hearing their names... no...
Agent Rizwan, why? Why did this have to happen?
"I'm sorry... Ali, this is nothing personal, just... following orders..." those were Agent Rizwan's final words to him, before the young tekno felt a rush of pain suddenly striking him from the back of his neck.
He wasn't able to process anything, the stinging pain made everything halt. Before he knew it, his clouded eyes met with Alicia's tearful ones before the world turns black.
And he lost consciousness.
He failed to protect her, he failed to fulfill his promise to her, his promise to be with her until the end, his promise to run away and free her from her father's protective control.
He failed.
'I'm sorry... Alicia... I love you...'
He couldn't free her from this cage, and forevermore will she remain behind her father's cage.
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