
Requested by GryffindorDemigodElf

Sorry if I got the ship names wrong, I've never heard any of them be used.

She wanted a soulmate AU with Avery and Grayson (Grayvery) and a Max x Xander (Maxander) one with exploding Rube Goldberg machines. So I'm combining them.

It's from Grayson's POV.

Also, I'm very sorry if this isn't good. I've always been Team Jameson. But I'll try my best.

Background info:

Takes place after The Hawthorne Legacy, but the party is about the same as the one in The Final Gambit.

To find your soulmate, both people have to answer some questions that you get when you turn 18. But if one person doesn't do it, then you don't get to meet each other.

Here it is, hope you enjoy it.

"Happy birthday, Avery," I say, giving her my gift. A beautifully engraved knife.

"Thanks, Grayson, but what made you decide to get me a knife?" Avery asks. It hurts that she doesn't like my gift, but I won't let her see it. I'm stronger than that.

"You live in the world of the rich now. You need to defend yourself. And I figured you might prefer this knife to the one Nash gave you to defend yourself with. It will serve the same purpose, but look better while doing it. You could even carry both of them, in case one happens to get stolen or something."

"Oh. Well, thanks. I have to go to school now."

"I'll see you later, then. Though I do have one question."

"What is it?"

"Are you going to answer your questions? You're turning 18, so you'll get them today."

"Yeah. I'll do them later. Has your soulmate answered theirs yet?" Avery had been the one to insist that I answer my soulmate questions since it would help me move on from Emily. Well, it turns out my soulmate must have been just as skeptical about the system as I was because I haven't gotten the notice that it was time for us to meet yet.

"No. And that's probably a good thing. I have enough on my plate. I don't need to worry about making any relationships."

"That attitude is exactly why I made you answer the questions."

"Shouldn't you be headed to school?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later, Gray." I sigh. Avery is the only person outside of the family that can call me that.

"Gray, I've been looking for you," Jameson says, walking over to me.

"What is it, Jamie?"

"It's Avery's 18th birthday. And since she'll murder me if I stay home to help, I'm pitting you in charge of helping Alisa plan the party."

"You do realize that a big Hawthorne-style party is the LAST thing Avery would want on her birthday?"

"I already worked it out with Oren. Alisa will make a huge list of very important guests, but he'll only clear trustworthy family and close friends." The word trustworthy was meant to exclude Richard, Avery's dad, and Skye, our mother.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Talk with Libby, and make plans with Alisa like you actually expect about two hundred people to show up."

"Fine. Now go to school." I have too much work to do, but a promise is a promise. And it's for Avery.

*time skip to when Avery gets home*

Jameson will only be out with Avery for another few minutes. He was in charge of distracting her while we set everything up. Which was very necessary, considering we decided to bring in a Ferris wheel among other things.

They arrived, and Avery looked so happy, realizing that there weren't many people there, and they were all her close friends. I mostly melted into the shadows.

"Hawthornes don't hide," the old man's voice still haunts me.

I walk over and try to join the group, but don't know how to add myself into the conversation for some reason. I've never had trouble with this before.

The only time I've felt like this was when I first realized that I liked Avery, but it can't be that. No, she chose Jamie over me. And they're probably soulmates. Besides, me and her, with me being me, wouldn't work out. The best thing would be for me to stay out of her way for tonight. So I melt back into the shadows, silently apologizing to the old man.

After a while, Avery comes to talk to me.

"Why didn't you stick around and talk earlier?" She asks.

"I had something I had to do," the lie rolls easily off my tongue. "Have you started on your soulmate questions?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yeah. And I hate to admit it, but I'm kinda stuck on this one."

"Use me."

"You're not allowed to help."

"It's called the wooden Indian. Just explaining your process out loud can make everything way easier. Even if it is to someone who isn't helping like a wooden Indian wouldn't."

"Ok. I'll try. It's a riddle. You measure my life in hours, and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thinking, and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?" Avery keeps talking out loud about different things that could fit some of the parameters, but not quite all of them. I have to zine her out, so I don't accidentally correct her. "Wait, I think I have it!"

"What is it?"

"A candle!" A small ding from nowhere indicates that she was correct. "I only have one more now, and this one looks east. Thanks, Gray!"

"Glad to be of service," I say. She gives me a quick hug, then runs off to find Jamie.


I sit on the edge of the pool, thinking. Do I really like Avery again? That would complicate things. Then, I hear a ding, similar to the one you hear when you get a soulmate question correct. The alerts appear on our phones, but the ding is like it's coming from inside your head.

"Congratulations, Grayson Davenport Hawthorne! Your soulmate has answered all of their questions!" My screen says. "Please come fully prepared to meet your soulmate tomorrow morning at 6:30 exactly, at this location," it lists an address and a bunch of stuff I don't have to worry about that you would only have to read if you can't afford a suit. Well, I guess it’s time to meet my soulmate.

*6:25 the next morning*

Five more minutes. I had left extra early this morning so nobody would know I was coming. Now I'm sitting in a small room, with white walls and floors, and nothing but a table and two chairs. I brought flowers for my mystery soulmate. I hope that they'll like them. And I hope they aren't late.

Why do I care so much about this? Soulmates are silly. Buy still, I keep checking my watch. Two minutes. It was a struggle to make them let me into the room early, they won't let my soulmate in until 6:30 on the dot.

One minute.

Thirty seconds.








"And here's your soulmate," the person working here says leading her into the room. My jaw drops.



"I didn't know you finished your questions..."

"I didn't know you were coming here..."

"Well, I brought flowers..."

"Aww! These are my favorite!"



"Well, I'm, uh, glad you like them." Why am I so awkward now? I was completely prepared for doing this.

"Did I just make Grayson Hawthorne blush?"

"I never thought it would actually be you..." I say, staring to feel tears well in my eyes. No! I should be stronger than this!

"Are you ok?"

"No." That's the first time I honestly answered that question. I'm not ok. She comes over and hugs me. We stay like that for a while. Just us. "Thank you."

"We're soulmates. I'll always be here for you."

"I know you will," I say, gently tracing her jawline with my fingers. She leans closer, and kisses me. And I love it. I love her.

*it didn't flow with the rest of the story, so here's a little Maxander for you, from Xander's POV*

"And just stand here..." I direct Max to the exact spot she needs to be standing. Then, careful not to bump anything, I walk back to the start of my carefully crafted Rube Goldberg machine. One of many.

"What is this for?" Max asks.

"I call it The Girlfriend Pleaser. And you're playing the girlfriend, so you'll have to tell me if it works." I push the marble, starting the chain. It's all very complicated, and beyond the comprehension of most. But in the end, Max is presented with flowers, her favorite chocolates, and me, ready for a big hug, all to her favorite song.

Until something behind me explodes.

"Ship! Crab! Fax!" We're both screaming alternative swear words as I run to grab the fire extinguisher, and put the flames out.

"Uh, that wasn't supposed to happen..." I say, sheepishly.

"Come here," Max says, pulling me in for a kiss. Even though I probably still smell like smoke from the mini-fire. I love this girl.

That's it!  Thanks to GryffindorDemigodElf for suggesting this! But I'm out of them now, so can some people please go back and give me a few ideas? Even if I already wrote one for you, you could suggest another. I love writing these, since there isn't like a big plot. It's just simple romance most of the time. The soulmate AUs are especially fun. Please make note requests! And if you dummy have any ideas, you could share this with your followers so they can request stuff. I do have a few ideas of my own, but idk how entertaining they would be, so if nobody requests anything in the next few hours, I'll do one of my own things. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this!

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