I ship it more, sorry. This came into my head and so I have to get it written down. Enjoy the train wreck of feelz that's approaching a station near you!
Rob was distracted. He was usually pretty good at focusing on work, but today was not his day. It had started with a disgusting hangover, only he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol in months. He was trying to break his addiction, for his fans. He still hated the girl who had thrown him into that dark abyss of alcoholism and abuse. He hated some of the memories that would constantly resurface about that time.
Back on track, Rob felt disgusting and confused. How was he hungover without alcohol? Had he worked too late? He had groaned and rolled reluctantly out of the comfort, only to run to the bathroom vomiting. He brushed it off though, brushing his teeth and beginning work again. He couldn't eat breakfast yet anyway. He recorded with a variety of people, luck leaving the best for last. The Pack had all gotten together for a video, and Rob tried his best not to let the distraction show.
"Alright. Can we just pause the recording for a minute?" Preston spoke up, in what was most likely a sudden and assertive tone but Rob didn't catch anything beside the words. He pressed his pause button as the rest of the call all groaned and paused their recordings. "Thanks, now what the h*ll's the matter Rob?"
"Hm?" Rob replied as he looked towards the screen. He caught a glimpse of his mirror out of the corner of his eye and was making faces at it. Preston mumbled, or maybe yelled, something about his point being proven.
"Are you okay Rob? You are a little loopy and distracted." At the last word from the Australian's mouth, Rob growled lightly.
"I'm not distracted. I'm just being quiet. Is that a crime?" Rob snapped back. He could nearly feel Lachlan cringe at the response. They were suspicious now. Don't forget that Robbie.
Later that day, Preston came over to spend some time with Rob. Rob was reluctant to do much of anything, afraid he'd make his condition more obvious. He hadn't eaten all day, which did keep down the sick feeling in his stomach. He also took a short nap, but that made his head feel worse. Now he just had to keep his eyes open long enough for Preston to leave.
"Hey buddy. What games do you have?" Preston asked Rob, drawing his attention back to the situation. Rob had been zoning out way too much today. "Robbie?" Preston asked again after not getting a response.
"Sorry Preston. I'm just- I'm fine. My games are over here dude." Rob replied, standing up from his chair. His vision went black and he felt unbalanced. What was wrong with him? He felt Preston's arm grab his own and force him back into his seat. It was only after resting his head against the back of the chair did his vision return. Preston glared at him with his hands on his hips.
"You are not fine you cactus. Where are the games, I'll go get one." Preston said, not changing his position. Rob chuckled before pointing towards the room where he kept his games. Preston walked off, hands still on his hips as he swayed them while walking away. Rob was laughing hysterically now, glad Preston had showed up. His head didn't hurt as much now, and he was gladly taking the distraction.
Hours passed by of them playing games. Preston was constantly bothering Rob, that way he'd stay focused. Rob's eyes slightly hurt now from the hours of staring at a bright screen, but he'd take it. Preston was seated beside him and keeping him focused. It seemed now that whenever his mind could wander that it hurt more. Maybe it was psychological? Rob's head began to hurt as he ranted away in his head.
"Rob, are you still here buddy?" Preston asked as he noticed his friend slacking. Rob nodded and focused back on the game. What time was it now? Perhaps it was time to stop to eat dinner. Ooh, could he eat dinner? His stomach didn't hurt right now and-
Rob was cut off by a burst of problem. He became nauseous again, his arms ached, his eyes burned, and his head was pounding. Why did this happen? Preston was talking to Rob, at first a dull murmur then it sounded like screeching. He couldn't understand Preston no matter what he or the other did.
Preston, on the other hand, was absolutely panicked. He kept speaking to Rob, hoping he'd answer. "Hello Rob?" and "Can you hear me?" were two of the most common phrases. He knew Rob couldn't understand him, but he still tried.
Rob's vision began to flicker black at a random pace. Oh wait, nope. His vision flickered black at the speed of his heart beat. "Preston" he groaned before falling onto the floor and smacking his head against the wooden floor.
As everything went black for the last time as he lay upon the floor, he heard Preston faintly whisper "Don't forget about me, Robbie."
What did I do?! No, *sobs from behind computer screen* the Poofless is gone! I killed it, or the oofless part of it. Now it's just P. All aboard the feelz train, next stop NOPE!ville.
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