Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit) X Reader

Disclaimer: I do not own whatever the series that Wii Fit Trainer comes from.


(Y/N)'s POV

Sighing, I rest my forehead against the cold shower wall as the water rolls down my back. Today's workout was killer. The warm ups did not do their job of getting me prepared for all that! First, after warm ups, was a hundred push ups, sit ups, pull ups, burpees, and squats, then a 10k run followed up with ten rounds with both the speed bag and ten rounds with the heavy bag and then, to top it all off I had, three freaking hours of yoga which included pungu mayurasana and eka hasta vrksasana. For both arms! Thank whatever runs the show for the shavasana pose or else my arms would fall off. I'm pretty sure Trainer is trying to kill me. At least it's over now, so I can go now and try and not die from the pain. Seriously, when I asked Trainer to help me with my workouts I never thought she would go this far. She seemed so nice and excited when I asked her too. Bet this is what made her excited. Grabbing the soap I start to scrub down my body. And was it me or was she eyeing me during all of the workout? Like her staying behind me while I ran the 10k or how she was really touchy during the yoga session. I mean, I know I'm not the best with that stuff but I am pretty sure anybody can get the mountain pose or any of the lunges right without needing their teacher to correct them every five seconds by touching them. Heck, the easy pose is literally called easy pose! Oh well, not like I can change anything about it. Maybe she was just being so handsy today since it was our first session together. Trainer will probably tone it down for the next one tomorrow or sometime soon. Oh yeah, I'm doing this all again tomorrow. Great. Trainer said we were going to do this every day. Oh, I hope she just means every day of the week with weekends off. If I had to do this more than five days then I know I will die. After finishing with the front I start to try and wash my back. The key word in that is "try". My arms are so tired I can barely reach past my shoulders. Just when I am getting back there I feel a hand come over my hand with the soap in it.

"What?!" Quickly turning around, I see that I'm no longer occupying this shower alone. Wii Fit Trainer is standing in the shower with me and judging by the amount of albino skin showing, she is just as naked as I am. Just as the color rushes to my cheeks I can see a coy look on her face and some crimson grow on her normally pure white face. Gulping, I quickly turn my back to her. "T-trainer? What are you doing in here?" I can hear the sound of wet footsteps as she soon wraps her arms around me and hugs me from behind. Oh, lord, I can feel her body pressed so close to mine. She laughs in her throat before speaking.

"What? Am I not allowed to shower after a workout too?" Her breath is right next to my ear as she says that.

"Of course you're allowed to do that it's just..." My voice trails off at the end.

"Just what (Y/N)?"

"It just the fact that you're showering with me. In the men's locker room." She hums in my ear before responding.

"Well the women's locker room was a little crowded, so I thought I would sneak in here and take a nice shower. Imagine my surprise when I find my good friend (Y/N) in here~."

"But you knew that I was in here since we just got done working out." She smirks.

"I have no idea what you are talking about (Y/N). This was a happy accident. A very happy accident~."

"F-fine..." Trainer then holds her hand out towards the soap in my hand.

"Now let me help you wash up."

"Is there no arguing with you?"

"Nope." Sighing, I begrudgingly hand her the bar of soap. After taking it with a smile, she steps back and I can feel her soaped up hands on my back. "Mmm, how does that feel~?"

"Good... Hey, can I ask you something?" For some reason, she seems to perk up when I ask that.

"Yes? What is it?"

"You seem really... I don't know the word. Handsy? Touchy? A word that describes a woman who snuck into the men's locker room to shower with a guy she groped during their workout session?" She giggles at that. She steps back closer to me and gets a little more thorough with her scrubbing.

"Oh good, you caught onto my signals. I was getting worried that I would have to bash you over the head with a sign that said "I'm attracted to you!" on it. So what made you catch on?" I do my best to calm down and answer her.

"W-well the first hint was when you stayed behind me for the entirety of our run today. Kinda felt like you were checking me out a-"

"Oh yes, I was and might I say that was a lovely show you put on there for me." She rests her head on my shoulder as her hands move to my chest and stomach. Stay above the waistline, stay above the waistline!

"B-but what really tipped me off was when you snuck into the showers just now. I would be an idiot if I didn't catch on." Trainer smiles from where she is resting.

"Well now that you know how I feel about you, how are you going to react?" Gulping I answer.

"Probably see if you want to go out once we get done in the shower."

"Ooo that is a lovely thought, but I was thinking of something a bit more... intense."

"L-like?" Trainer then gets off my shoulders and starts to massage my shoulders causing me to suddenly moan.

"You must be awfully sore after our workout today. How about I give you a massage?" I struggle to answer her without moaning.

"O-kay that sounds g-great." She then rubs my neck before kissing me there.

"Good we'll meet at my place in thirty minutes and I will try to rub some of those knots out~." I moan again and Trainer gives me another kiss before quickly leaving. Standing there alone with the shower still running over me I only have one thought: What the hell just happened?


Fun fact I combine Saitama's workout with Bruce Lee's workout to help make the first parts of the work out regiment. The coolest thing though both Bruce Lee and Saitam would ran 10k a day. The yoga was my addition though. Figured I had to fit in what Wii Fit Trainer is most known for somewhere in this. Also "Pungu Mayurasana" is also known as the "Wounded Peacock", "Eka Hasta Vrksasana" is "One Handed Tree Pose", and "Shavasana" is also "Corpse Pose". Also yes all those poses listed in the story are real yoga poses. Can't say I don't do some research for this stuff. Anyways have a great day/night depending on when/where you are reading this.  

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