Towa (Dragon Ball) X Reader
Disclaimer: I do not Dragon Ball, Z, GT, or Super. If I did, I would probably explore the demons and demon realm a bit more.
(Y/N)'s POV
Falling to a knee, I desperately gasp for air as blood and sweat slowly make their way down my forehead. With my not swollen eye, I scan the battlefield before me taking in all of the damage. Dust and smoke fall out of the various sized holes in the ground. Broken trees and bodies litter the earth, as some groans hit my ears. I think there is a guy impaled on a tree branch off to the side, but since that's my swollen eye's side I can't really see him. Seems like they're in a bit of pain. Good, serves them right for playing dirty. Then I glared up at the leader of my attackers and her bodyguard. Both of them are odd sights, what with their blue skin and their pure white hair. The leader, at least I assume the woman is the leader given she's ordered others to do the work as she stayed back and floated in the air like one would sit in a couch, watches me as if I was some sort of entertainment to her. The guy standing next to her is even weirder, with how strong he was at the beginning and him somehow getting more power when he ditched the dress and the white pads that I assume is armor. The hell is with that, you get stronger the more you strip? If that's not bullshit than I don't know what it. The blue skinned, muscle headed ass is currently looking down on my like some smug king would a peasant.
"You know, asshole, you can't really look down on a guy for him losing to you when you opened up the fight with thirty other guys weakening him first." The albino man scoffs at my blunt words. Around this time, a couple of the lady's mooks let out groans of pain. A smirk grows on my face as the words keep coming out, "I mean, it was a dirty move of you to attack me while I was asleep, but to then be proud that you needed help to beat the guy you ambushed? Pathetic." Apparently, the last part struck a nerve with him because the next thing I know, his fist is being bruised by my face. Instead of just letting me fly back from the punch, the brute rushes me and roughly grabs my face before slamming me down on the ground. The hit creates a huge crater in the ground while making a mini earthquake. Saying this guy hits like a truck would be an understatement, not that he'll ever hear that from me. In spite of the pain, I raise my arm as fast as I can. Luckily, I'm fast enough to get him before he can move away from me. With all that I can muster, I fire a beam of energy from my hand and send him flying. Alright two minutes to breath, so I can't waste this. Getting up from the ground I charge up some energy. The fight with the other guys took a bit out of me, so this is definitely needed. The muscle head gets up and seems to grunt a little in pain before he glares daggers at me. Alright, thirty seconds left before he gets back into the fray. Need to think of something and fast. Hmm maybe if I-
"I will destroy you!" Shouts the blue guy before he charges at me. As he gets close enough to me, I put a great portion of my energy into my fist.
"You will try." Once his fist makes contact with my face again, I slam up into his stomach, and use my ki to create an explosion. I'm sent flying back from his hit and the blue guy goes flying into the air. I use the momentum from the punch to spin myself in the air before I get to my feet and jump off the ground. Once back at the spot where we collided, I leap into the air and give him another explosive punch to the gut, sending him flying up and me hurtling back to the ground. My back hits the hard ground, making the creator and cracks bigger while knocking the wind out of me. Damn, I can't keep pulling sacrificial plays like this! I need to finish this, now! As I gasp for breath, I can see the blue guy recover and look down at me with his face twisted in rage, though it looks as if the guy has a hole where his stomach should be. Okay maybe this is... He's still alive?! What the hell is this thing!? The thing then twists in the air and starts flying towards me, head first. Damn it. Think, (Y/N), think! Right when he gets close enough, I roll to the side, grunting as I do. By the skin of my teeth, I am able to avoid the blue thing's attack. Despite his rage, my opponent is able to slow himself enough to not crash into the ground, though his landing does shake it a little bit. Before he can turn to me, I leap onto him and tackle him to the ground. Once down, my fists bring an onslaught down on his head slamming it back into the ground repeatedly with each punch. Every now and again he gets a punch in on my stomach, but I get more hits in than my opponent. Just as I reach my right hand up for another hit, something wraps around my wrist and stops me. Looking back, it's the same scantily clad woman from before. Now she decides to get involved? She then slowly walks to my side as she looks down at her meathead goon. The way she looks at him, it's as if she is examining him, scanning over ever part of the things body, taking in every injury I have given it. Jezz this lady is weird.
"That's enough for now." Comes her sultry voice. The blue woman then walks to my side and lets go of my wrist. She then twirls her staff in her hand before she stops it with the pointed end nearly touching my chest. Looking down, there's only a hair's width between my chest and her staff. As I look up, she chuckles and winks at me before hitting my chest. The blow feels like an explosion of force as it sends me back, crashing into a tree and breaking it. I hit another tree, though this time it stops me in the air and I fall to the ground as it falls over. With my limp body lying on it's side and leaning on the newly fallen tree, the last thing I see before passing out is the woman stab the her bodyguard with her staff.
Blinking a couple of times, I wake up to a black ceiling and an unfamiliar environment. Oh cool, seems like the swelling for my eye as gone down. Surprisingly my body doesn't feel like it's on fire or like I have been crushed by a truck. There honestly isn't any pain at all. I don't know if I should be happy or scared. Moving my arms, the silky bed sheets rub against my skin. Hmm, the bed isn't that bad, not too hard, not too soft and the sheets feel pretty good. Wherever I am, got to give the place props for that. Sitting up in the bed shows the strangest sight. The room is mostly normal, the bed in the center up against a wall with a couple of doors on each side of me and the black coloring of the ceiling being shared with the rest of the room, but straight across from me is where the weird part comes in. There's a giant window that spans almost the entire length of the wall. Outside of the window is an endless void of almost nothing with some strange crystals floating around in the air. The crystals seem to lightly glow some, pulsing every now and again as they do. Despite only a faint purple light coming from the crystals, there is somehow enough light to come in and illuminate the room and the light isn't even making everything have a purple tint. What on earth? Where the hell am I? I then throw my legs over the edge of the bed and touch down on the soft carpet of the room.
"Dang, even the floor feels nice." My mutter does little to break the silence of the room as my arms push me off of the bed and to my feet. Once up, I hesitantly walk over to the large window and look out it some more. No sound really comes from the other side. I then reach up with one hand and place it on the glass. The moment I do, my whole body can feel the power coming from the other side of this class.
"Oh I see you are awake then." Turning, I can see the same white haired woman from before, standing in the doorway. She still has on her revealing red and black outfit with the strange cape like thingy on the back. One hand is currently resting on the door knob to the room and the other still clutches the staff she used to knock me out with. My body instantly starts to move into a battle stance at the sight of this demon. As I do, she holds a hand up in the air as her smirk turns to laughing, "Oh please, why would I take you in and heal you if I wanted to kill you?"
"... Fair point." My shoulders slump and my hands fall as I relax some.
"Then again, that's exactly what I would say to put you at ease so I can kill you more easily." She says with a sly smirk.
"You're one evil lady." She chuckles and then walks over to me with a smile, "And you know that too, don't you?" She continues chuckling as she nods, "I hate you."
"Oh don't say that, we hardly know each other." She says with a smile, "Why don't you spend more time with me before you decide that?"
"Well I don't even know your name and you and cronies introduced yourselves by attacking me in my sleep. Would you honestly blame me for not trusting you?" She seems amused by this for some reason.
"Oh let's just say that's water under the bridge." The mystery woman says before she stops at the window next to me. She then turns and holds the staff with both hands and off to the side, acting as something to go between us as she looks out at the void. Guess she doesn't trust me as much as she acts. "My name is Towa by the way." She says without her eyes leaving the window.
"I know." Well ain't that creepy.
"Oookay then." I say as I look back at the void. We stand in silence for a little bit before she speaks.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" I shrug a bit.
"Yeah, though what exactly is it and where exactly are we?" Towa laughs a little before she moves her staff to the other side of her body.
"You probably want to ask where are we before you ask what are we looking at. It would be a bit less confusing that way." I give her an odd side look as I wait for her to continue. Luckily she does, "Well we are outside of time in what most mortals call limbo and what you are staring at is the endless void that is limbo." Outside of time?
"Hmm, neat." Out of the corner of my eye, I can see her turn to look at me.
"I am just told you that you're in a place with no time, and your response is just "neat"?" She asks.
"Yeah, it's pretty cool and all, but it's not super interesting to me. Plus I still don't know how I should react to the person who nearly killed me now wanting to be buddy buddy with me." I say, still a bit disgruntled by all of this. Towa just rolls her eyes at my words.
"Why don't we talk some? Getting to know each other may help you relax some."
"Look, I just want to know why you people attacked me. To my knowledge I have never met any of you before. I'm pretty sure I would remember someone as strong at that blue guy." I can't help but look at her shapely figure, "And I'm fairly certain I wouldn't forget you." The blue woman smiles at my words.
"Oh? What would make you remember me?" Oh, she knows exactly what.
"Hey, I asked first." I say sternly, "I want to know who you are and why you and your people attacked me." She fakes a pout as I talk.
"Oh you're no fun." She then sighs, "I suppose I can answer your questions then. As I just told you, I am Towa, the "blue guy" you fought is my creation, Mira, and as for the rest of them, those are my, Time Breakers. We are a group of beings that travel across space and time to battle strong opponents and to oppose a group known as the Time Patrollers who see us as their enemies."
"Why?" She tilts her head just a bit.
"What is the problem?"
"Why do you oppose the "Time Patrollers"?"
"Well they aren't very found of us doing what we do. Plus some of those strong opponents are either in their group or friends with them." I nod, getting why the Time Patrollers wouldn't like that too much.
"Okay. So you just wanted to fight me since you see me as a tough fighter?" The ivory haired woman nods, "Cool." I then think a moment, "Wait, if you treat everyone like you have me, why would they be so angry? I get maybe they don't like having tough people fight them or their buddies, but not to the point of being enemies." Her smirk soon comes back.
"Well you are a bit of a special case." Her words almost come out as purrs. "Yes you were a strong opponent, but we didn't want to just fight you." As she talks she walks over to me and then places a hand on my chest, "I wanted you to join us."
"What now?" She moves her hand back and covers her mouth as she laughs a little.
"Oh you are cute when you look confused. You see, (Y/N), I have had my eye on you for a while now. I've know how strong you are, which peaked my interest, and after your fight the other day, my intrigue has only grown." That explains her knowing my name already, "You see, it's not every day that I come across someone capable of taking down twenty of my best Time Breakers and then go on to beat my Mira. No, that strength is only in a few people, and what's even more intriguing is that you still have more potential in you. So, so, so much more." She says in an odd voice as she places her hand back on me while staring at my chest.
"So you want me to join your group?" Towa nods her head as she looks from my chest and gazes at me with her blood red eyes. "Alright." She stays quiet for a few seconds as she stares at me.
"Pardon?" The Time Breaker leader asks.
"Sure I'll join. Sounds like it could be fun." Again, more silence, but this time it's not as long.
"Oh... I thought I was going to have to convince you or something." My shoulders shrug at her words.
"Nah, I like the sound of fighting strong opponents. Just as long as you don't pull that ambush crap any more and you let me fight this Mira character again, then I'm cool with joining."
"Well that was easy." Her smirk is gone and she just has a normal smile as she says those words. I nod and smile.
"Yeah it sounds like fun." After I say the word fun, Towa's lips curl back into a smirk and before I know it, she's throwing me back onto the bed. She then leans her staff against the window before she slowly walks over to the bed with a hypnotic sway to her hips.
"Well we still have to seal the deal darling." She purrs out seductively as she reaches the foot of the bed. Once there she slowly crawls onto the bed and makes her way up to me, not once breaking eye contact with me, "And since you are looking for fun, I think I have a way to do both~"
So yes, I did have Towa not tell the reader the whole story on the time breakers, mostly since I was going for a whole "The Devil never lies, just speaks in half-truths" thing. Other than that, I hope you liked it and that you all have a great day/night depending on when/where you are reading this.
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