Tifa (Final Fantasy) X Reader

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy. Not a big fan nor a hater of the series.


(Y/N)'s POV

"Alright, everyone time to clear out." A chorus of groans sounds off in protest of Tifa's words. "Oh come on it's not like I didn't give you guys a warning before hand?" A few of the smarter patrons like myself start to leave while some of the more idiotic ones stay put in protest. Ha! This should be good. Stepping to the side so to let the other patrons leaving I lean against the wall to watch the show about to take place. Tifa stands next to a table filled with some of the more rowdy members of the bar.

"Okay, fellas time to clear out." The group of four males starts to obnoxiously laugh at her. The biggest of the four then stands up and looks down at Tifa.

"Oh come on darlin, we're just having a good time and you want to shut us down?" He grins and I can tell by the way he is acting and talking he is trying to charm Tifa. Oh, I was so right this will be good. Tifa's eye twitched as she kept smiling in an attempt to stay calm.

"I'm sorry but it's closing time." She then grabs a hold of the big guy's shirt and in one swift motion throws him out the door. His three buddies quickly get up with one of them pulling a knife and another putting on some brass knuckles. HA, they don't stand a chance. The one with the knife leaps at her but Tifa grabs his wrist and arm and throws him out of the door. From outside the bar, I can hear two men scream in pain. That sounds like they are having some fun out there. Tifa then punches the guy with the brass knuckles on the nose. From the sound that was just made, his nose is going to need some fixing. I slide the window up next to me and count down from 3... 2... 1.... And now he and his broken nose are thrown out of the window. Called it. Tifa then turns back to the unarmed goon and he just puts his arms down and walks out the building to collect his friends. Tifa just shakes her head and slumps her shoulders while letting out a sigh.

"Well, that was entertaining." Tifa straightens up and turns around ready for another beat down. Once she sees me she relaxes a little.

"Oh, it's just you (Y/N). Guessing you just saw all that?" I nod with a smile on my face. "Well can't say I appreciate having an audience but since it's you, I'll let it slide."

"Oh, I'm touched." We laugh at my little joke as Tifa picks up one of the chairs and I push myself off the wall. Just as I reach for the door I can hear Tifa speak up.

"Hey, you want to stay and chat?" Looking over at her I am greeted with a strange look from Tifa. It's not the confident look that she usually has but a foreign expression that I have never seen on her before. Shrugging my shoulders I head over to the closest table and start putting up the chairs. Tifa smiles and goes back to stacking the chairs again. "Thank you."

"No troubles Tifa." After setting up all the chairs and sweeping the floors Tifa gets behind the bar and places two glasses on it. After seeing her pull out a bottle of alcohol and pour some into the glasses I get what she is doing. Picking our glasses we klink the two together before downing them. It's got a surprisingly sweet flavor to it and goes down smoothly. I gently place the glass down just as Tifa slams her's down on the bar with a satisfied breath. "Thanks for the drink."

"Oh, no troubles and it's on the house."

"Thanks. What is the name of the drink? I may order it more often."

"Nouvelle Romance. I just got it so there isn't much. I just save it for friends like Bearette or Cloud... or you." She turns away from me as she says the last part.

"Thank you." She smiles after I say that and pours us some more glasses. After what I think is a couple of hours filled with jokes, stories, laughs, and drinking Tifa's cheeks gain a nice rosy tint to them as her eyes droop down and a drunken smile plasters her face.

"Ya knooow (Y/N) *hic* you've been h-*hic*-anging around the bar a lot lately. Whus with that?" She leans more on the bar and looks at me. I can't help but laugh being a little drunk myself.

"Haha you are really drunk but I can't say I am too much better than you. You noticed my presence, though?" She nods her head.


"Well, in all honesty, I don't have much better to spend my pay on and I like being here so why not?" I take another drink from my glass. "Plus I can see you." She tries to push herself off the bar.

"Oh, so you j-ust come to ogle me *hic* and watch sideshows like earlier?!" Tifa tries to get in a fighting stance but the best she can do in this state is stumble and slur her words.

"Tifa, calm down I didn't mean it like that. You are a good friend and I like talking with you." Tifa eyes me a couple of minutes. "I don't think of you as some form of entertainment like that." She lets out a sigh and leans on the counter again.

"Okay, I believe you." I smile a little.

"Did you really think that's why I came here?" She sorta shrugs her shoulders.

"I d-don't knoow. With how m-any people who think I'm some slut j-just because I look the way I *hic* do..." She looks down solemnly after saying that and plays a little with her glass. I gently cup her cheek and move so she can look me in the eyes.

"Tifa you are not a slut and I do not think of you as one. You are my friend." Her lips curl into a nice smile.

"Thanks." We look each other in the eyes for a couple of minutes before she closes the gap between us. After staying like this for some time we pull apart for air. Tifa smiles once she gets enough oxygen. "Ohh~ that was soooo good! Com 'ere I want another." Tifa pulls me back in before I can respond and starts making out with me again. Eventually, I am able to escape her and breath again. "Aww *hic* w-were you not enjoying yourself?"

"Whoa Tifa where did that come from?" She smiles and giggles.

"Well to tell you the truth I wanted to get *hic* you *hic* drunk and to find out how you felt about me." I am dumbfounded.

"What? Why would you do that?"

"Well I just w-anted to know if you," she pokes my chest where my heart is "felt the same way about me," she then points to herself, "as I do about you *hic*." What? Tifa Lockheart likes me like that? Wonder if any pigs are flying outside.

"Guess that explains the kiss." She nods her head though soon gets lost in the action.

"Yup though I think *hic* in hindsight that my plan sounds w-orse than I intended..."

"I'll say. Someone could arrest you for pulling a stunt like that." She looks down guiltily and I repeat the same action as before. Once we are at eye level I speak. "I guess I can let it slide just this once." Tifa's grin soon returns and she kisses me again though this time with a little more restraint than earlier's. Once we are a part she almost whispers.

"So... are we together?"

"Do you want to be?" She nods. "So do I." Tifa lets out a sound of excitement and then pulls me into yet another kiss and this time it's more heated than the earlier two.


Have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.  

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