Shantae (Shantae) X Reader

Disclaimer: I don't own the Shantae series. If I did, I would have asked/begged Nintendo to put her into Smash Bros.


(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Someone from somewhere shouts out, pulling me from my thoughts as I mindlessly walk down the street.

"Hmm?" I turn my head around a bit to look for the person calling me. My eyes scan the street and the few people currently walking around, but I can't seem to find the person calling me.

"Hey!" I hear again. This time I turn all the way around to see who is calling my name. Looking in the direction the voice came from, I soon see a familiar young girl in a red two piece outfit standing at the end of the street, frantically waving her hand to get my attention, "(Y/N)!" She calls out again. A smile soon grows on my lips as I wave back to her, though not with as much vigour as my purple haired friend.

"Hey, Shantae." My words make her smile big enough that I can see it from the end of the street. She soon stops waving and runs towards me, causing her incredibly long purple hair to bounce like crazy. My smile soon turns into a laugh as I can't help but be happy, seeing one of my closest friends like this. Soon enough Shantae is in front of my, stopping short so that she doesn't run into me, though it seems like she had to hold herself back from running into me. With a big goofy grin on her face and a bright look in her nice blue eyes.

"Hiya, (Y/N)!" Shantae says in quite a chipper voice. My laughter leaves me but my smiles stays.

"Hey, Shantae. Good to see you again." Her brow furrows just a bit as my half genie friend pouts some.

"You haven't seen me in two weeks and the first thing you do is say that?" She asks while pouting.

"Well what would you like me to have done?" After asking that her lips stop pouting and she opens her arms wide.

"A hug, of course!" My purple haired friend cries out. A few chuckles escape my lips before I move forward and wrap my arms around, pulling her in for a hug. Shantae makes a happy noise before I feel her slender yet strong arms wrap around me, returning my hug.

"Is that better?" I ask through my chuckles as her hug tightens a bit on me.

"Much." The young genie girl says. I laugh a bit more at her response before I move to pull back.

"Good. Wouldn't want to upset you." I say with a smile. When I go to pull back though, she doesn't move to let me go. For a couple of seconds, my friend holds the hug for a bit longer before she finally lets go. She smiles back at me as I take a step back.

"Don't worry, you didn't."

"Oh good. I will be able to sleep at peace tonight." I say with a sly grin, which only serves to get me a hard slap to the shoulder.

"Hey!" The purple haired dancer says in protest, which only makes me laugh a bit more.

"I'm joking Shantae." I say as her lips return to pouting. She then crosses her arms under her chest before letting out a huff.

"You better be." She says after the huff. My laughter soon dies down as I gently pat her shoulder and smile, which seems to scare off her pout and bring back her smile. She soon looks directly at me again before speaking, "So what are you up you, (Y/N)?" My shoulders rise and fall as I respond.

"Nothing much. Just figured I would head to the marketplace and get some food and see what all was going on." My answer is nonchalant as I relax some in my friend's presence. My half genie companion seems to perk up some at my answer, specifically the food part.

"Food? You're not leaving again, are you?" Her tone has a tinge of fear in it for some reason. I soon smile at her to try and help reassure her.

"No worries, I just got back so I won't be leaving anytime soon. The trip was so long that any food I didn't take with me went bad, so I have to restock. That's all." Shantae's shoulders slump down a little at my words as she seems to relax.

"Oh okay. That makes sense." She says in her usual happy tone. I nod my head in agreement as purplette moves her down and behind her back, holding her hands together back there, "You know, the best deal on food stuff is tomorrow." She says without looking at me.

"I didn't know that." I say in response, "Thank you, though I still want to get some stuff today since my place is practically empty." Still not bringer her eyes to look at me, she says.

"Well you could come over to my place to get some food and spend some time together. That way you don't have to go hungry, can still get the best deals, and we get to spend some time catching up." Her voice gets a bit lower as she talks and I can almost swear that she has a blush on her cheeks. "I could even show you a new dance I have been working on." Once she finishes, I think over her words a bit. That seems to make since and I have been missing her a lot, but I don't want to just leech off of her.

"You sure? I don't want to impose or anything like that." She shakes her head from side to side quickly, which causes her long purple hair to whip from side to side, hitting me every time it comes around.

"Oh no, it wouldn't be any bother at all. I did make the offer after all." Well when she puts it that way. My head nods as I give her a response.

"Alright, that sounds pretty good then." Shantae's face the lights up with a big smile as she finally looks at me again.

"Really?" She asks excitedly. My response of a smile and nod seems to perk her up more as the purplette quickly moves to my side and wraps her arm around mine. "Great! Let's get going then." After that we start walking off towards her house. I look down at our interlocked arms.

"Is the arm thing necessary?"

"Of course!" Comes her perky response, "Can't have my best bud geting lost, now can I?" My eyes roll a bit.

"I've been to your house before, Shantae, I won't get lost." She soon clears her throat before speaking and a lower tone.

"Oh don't worry, Shantae, I be back in a week." I assume that's her impersonation of me. "And now here we are, two weeks later." She says in her normal voice again, putting some extra emphasis on the two, just to rub it in more.

"Okay, yes I did get lost for a couple of days, but-"


"But in my defense, the other few days weren't my fault. Some storm just came in and forced my to stay in one spot for a bit before I could start moving again." She gives me a concerned side glance before going back to smiling.

"Well since you're here I will assume you made it back in one piece." She jokingly says, "I'm happy you made it back. Don't know what I would do if I lost you." Near the end her tone gets more sincere which makes me smile a bit, happy to know she cares.

"Thanks." As we walk she soon asks me.

"So how long have you been back, buddy?"

"Oh I got back yesterday, an hour or so before noon." Shantae nods at my words before responding.

"And you didn't come see me?" She says in a playful and faux dramatic voice.

"Well I had to unpack everything first and then clean out my storage of all the now rotten food. After all that, I did go looking for you, but nobody seemed to know where you were. I figured you were busy so I decided to wait until after I got food today to try and find you again." The half genie hero looks up at an angle and puts her finger to her chin as if she was thinking of something.

"Hmm, I can't seem to remember what I was doing at that time." She says before shrugging a few minutes later, "Oh well. Sorry I missed you yesterday." I shrug back at her.

"No need to apologise, it's not like you knew when I was going to make it back so you couldn't make any plans. Besides, we're here now so it all worked out in the end." She smiles and nods at my word. We walk in silence the rest of the way to her house. Once there she excitedly opens the door and lets me in.

"Welcome to my home." Shantae says happily as she lets go of my arm, "Grab a seat while I go get you some food." I smile and nod at her before she runs off. After shutting the door behind me, I walk to a seat and look around the cozy place. It's a bit messier than the last time I saw it, but I guess since I wasn't here to remind her, she forgot to clean up. No worries though, day or night, rain or shine, clean or dirty, I am always glad to be over. Soon after I take a seat, Shantae comes back in with some water and an apple. I raise an eyebrow at this.

"Little light for a meal, isn't it?" She shrugs as she walks over to me and hands me the food and drink.

"Well it's a bit too late for lunch and a bit too early for dinner, so I figured this could hold you over for a while." I nod as I take the food.

"Fair enough. Thanks for the food." I say happily before taking a bite out of the apple. She smiles back before she heads to her room.

"Stay right there while I get ready for the special dance." She says before disappearing in the back. Oh right, the dance. Almost forgot about that. I take a few more bits out of my apple and a few sips of the water she brought me as the seconds tick away. Wonder what's taking her so long.

"Alright, I'm ready." She calls out from her room. As I take another drink of my glass, the lights in the room dim a little after the windows shut. Once all of that is done, Shantae steps out of the room and it takes all of my willpower to not do a spit take or go slack jawed and drop my glass. In the dim light I can see my good friend now in clothes that are somehow more revealing than her usual ones. Hanging from her waist and connected by just a thin string are some purple clothes that are strategically placed to cover up the most private of parts but still show off enough skin to get the blood pumping. From the way she is standing I can also make out that underneath the purple bits of cloth, there isn't enough thing else. As my eyes travel up, I see nothing but her bare belly before reaching her chest. Instead of the usual red bikini like top, she has an even more revealing purple top with some beads hanging off of it. Up even further I see that Shantae has a thin, black, see through veil over her face. Shantae then gives me an odd look with a smile on her face, before the sound of music hits my ears. Once the song gets going, Shantae takes a step forward, moving with the beat of the song before she stops once she is in the center of the room. Once there she starts to move her shapely hips to the rhythm of the song as she holds her arms out, fluidly moving her hands as she moves her hips and feet. As she dances I eventually realize that I need to take a drink of my water before it overflows from my mouth. With a large gulp the water moves down my throat as the genie before me twirls around in a circle, stopping after one and a half full turns. Now with her bottom facing me, Shantae starts to move her hips and move her hands like before, though this time I can't do much besides be drawn to her butt as she dances. I can't help but keep staring in awe at her as she moves so flawlessly with the song. Eventually I am able to muster up the willpower to tear my eyes away from the flawless rear end of my friend, to only look up and see her looking over her shoulder at me with a smirk. She then turns her head back around before the song picks up and she spins around on her feet like before, this time facing towards me again. Soon she starts to take some steps forward yet again, this time shaking her upper half more, putting more emphasis on her chest than her hips. Now she is just out of arm's reach before she stops again like before. This time she bends her arms and brings her palms together with her fingers facing skyward. From under the sheer veil, I can see her smirk hasn't left her face as she starts to shake her hips more violently now. Well not violent, just with extra emphasis on the sharp and quick moving of her hips from side to side, instead of like before when she was more of rolling or bouncing her hips to the song. When the song picks up like before, this time she takes a quarter turn, giving me a side view of her as she shakes her shapely hips. Soon, she turns yet again and like before, her rear end is facing me, though this time it is much closer to me. So close I can almost touch her. Wait, what am I thinking?! She's my best friend! I shouldn't be thinking of her like that. Then again, best friends don't tend to dance like this in such skimpy clothing... My thoughts are quickly brushed aside as she turns once more, giving me a view of her other side now. All I can do is sit and watch in away as she turns once more, facing me again. Looking up at her, notice just how beautiful she actually is. I gulp when I realize that she is taking steps towards me again, this time stopping mere inches away from me. She moves her arms to the side once more as she looks down at me. She shakes her hips like she was just a few moments ago, but this time also shaking her chest just as much. As the song starts to near it's end, Shantae steps closer one last time before she puts her other leg on my side and then her other leg on my other side, now straddling me. She continues to wiggle her hips just a little bit as she straddles me before she stops and just sits down in my lap as the song still plays. I open my mouth to talk, but before the words can leave me she almost lunges at me and, after ripping her face veil off, captures my lips in a heated kiss. Soon the song ends as we still make out with each other. The kiss goes on for a few more minutes before we eventually have to pull back for a breath. Shantae pants heavily as my lungs gasp for some air. Through her pants, my best friend speaks.

"Wow..." She says. Because of her panting, her chest heaves up and down rapidly, causing her breasts to move some. Damn she stole my line. I just sit there in silence as I try to figure out what exactly just happened, allow her to speak again, "So... so what did you think?" The half genies asks in a bit of a fearful tone and a heavy blush on her beautiful face. I gulp again before responding.

"Wow..." She then smiles and giggle a little bit before leans in and rests her head on my shoulder.

"I'm guessing you liked it." She says as she finally starts to catch her breath. My arms seem to move on instinct as they wrap around her, hugging my host in a nice embrace. We then rest there in each other's arms in a slightly tense silence for a bit. After gathering my thoughts I come to the only logical conclusion.

"H-How long?" The purple haired girl perks up a little bit.


"How long?" I ask again, this time more clearly.

"I'm guessing you mean how long have I liked you?" My nod answers her, "Don't know." She responds with a shrug. I then look down at her and she looks up at me a bit defensively, "Hey I'm being honest. One day I just started thinking of you differently and that feeling only grew until, well, this." She says as she motions at us.

"Oh...' I say in response, a little caught off guard with that one. She nuzzles a bit closer to me as she starts to grip my shirt.

"So... what do you think?" Given what she is doing now and the slight fear in her voice, I get what she means by that.

"I... I like you too." She looks up at me with a bit of hope and a bit of fright in her eyes.

"Really?" She asks in a hushed tone.

"Yeah. Granted I would usually not think of you as more than my friend, I can't help but be attracted to you as a person. You are kind, caring, brave, and always so happy and energetic. Anyone would love any of those traits in a person, but all of them? That's even more so." She seems to get really excited as I talk, because I can help but notice a spark in her eyes and a smile growing on her face.

"I'm guessing the fact that I'm hot doesn't hurt either?" My face heats up at her words.

"W-well, um, I mean..." She starts to giggle at my fumbling over my words before she places a finger over my lips and leans up to kiss my cheek.

"It's okay, (Y/N). The fact that you're easy on the eyes didn't hurt either." Her words only serve to make my face feel like it's on fire. She then goes back to rest on my shoulder again and we sit in silence for a bit. Eventually I work up the ability to clear my throat in speak.

"So does that make us..." My words trail off but luckily Shantae picks up where I left off.

"Together?" She asks before she starts to lightly kiss my neck, "Yeah, I'd like that. Would you?" She asks between kiss which only serve to make me moan. I nod as a yes which gets her to giggle and get off of me. However, she takes a hold of my hands and pulls me off of my seat.

"Wh-where are we going?" I nervously ask me new girlfriend. She gives a coy look my way as she speaks.

"Come on. I have another dance I'd like to show you." I gulp for the fourth time before speaking.

"Okay, but where are we going?" Her look grows a bit more devious before she speaks.

"The bedroom~" Oh boy.


Boy was that a long one. Well to keep it short and sweet here, have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.

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