Samus Aran (Metriod) X Reader

Disclaimer: I do not own Metroid. If I did then I would make a game that focuses on Samus as a bounty hunter.  


Samus' POV

I storm into my ship and once I get into my pilot seat the ship takes off. God, what is with that idiot?! After all that trouble I went to hunting him down, fighting off all his bodyguards, and even taking out that other bounty hunter that showed up to kill him and that idiot just kills him while I am busy!

"That ass!" With a groan, I fall back in my seat and put my hand on my forehead. Well, I try to do that but I forgot that I left my armor on so my arm cannon hits my helmet. The sound starts to reverberate around in my helmet and my ears start to ring. Ow god! How can this get any worse? After setting the ship to autopilot I get up and start to change out of my armor. After that's off I sniff my zero suit. Oh god, that sticks! Yuck! Quickly stripping that off I pull on some jeans and a t-shirt after throwing my blue suit into a hamper. Alright, I should just find the closest planet, land, and just take the rest of the day off. I can go and kick (Y/N)'s ass later for stealing my bounty. God and that would have paid for my ship and armor repairs for a month! He is not getting off the hook so easy. Just as I am about to sit back down in my seat my ship takes a sudden stop that sends me stumbling forward. What the hell?! Looking out the front of my ship I see a familiar spacecraft outside. Oh (Y/N) you got some balls to come and mess with me after the shit you pulled today. My control panel starts to sound off signaling that I have a message. (Y/N) is asking if he can board the ship. Fine, you want to play with fire then let's play with fire. I quickly message him and then pilot the ship to connect with his so he can enter. Once they are connected the doors open and I put on a fake smile as he walks onto the ship. He smiles and waves but before he can say anything I grab his arm and flip him over my shoulder. With a loud "umf" he lands in a seat and I put my foot on his chest to keep him in place. He looks up at me confusion dripping from his face.

"Alright (Y/N) you got some explaining to do for pulling that bull shit earlier and now showing up like this." He keeps giving me that confused look.

"What are you talking about?" I groan in frustration.

"What do you mean "what am I talking about"?! I am talking about that bull you pulled with killing my bounty earlier today. Do you realize how hard it is to kill a federation hopeful!?" He shakes his head in shock.

"What? Where was this?"

"Sector 2814, planet Nacirema. That one who could not go without saying something racist or offensive in each speech he gave." He shakes his head.

"The heck, I wasn't even near that sector. I was in 1623 trying to take out that chick who was running against the guy." Now it's my turn to be confused.


"Yeah. The whole reason I came to see you was to ask what was up with that black armor you were wearing. When I tried to talk to you just jumped out of the building and I had to deal with the authorities. I'm fine by the way just a couple of scrapes." Wait a black armored version of me? Oh god no.

"Did your scanners mess up as you were there?" He thinks for a minute.

"Yeah, actually they did." Oh no, its Dark Samus. I remove my foot from his chest and move to my armor. If Dark is back I have to find it. While I am getting my stuff (Y/N) places his hand on my shoulder. "Samus what's going on." With a sigh, I turn around and look at him.

"Remember when I told you about that Phazon incident right?" He nods. "Well from that incident a dark version of me was made. I think that is what you met today." He nods again.

"You think that could have also been the one who killed your target?"

"What? Don't try and shift the blame. The body was stabbed through the chest and had cuts on it. That's your mo."

"Yeah but like I said I wasn't there. Even still you said the body was run through but I am not the only one who uses a sword and just because they had some cuts on them that look like my blade it doesn't mean I did it. Hell, they could have faked the cuts to even place blame on me." God, he has a point. How could I miss that? Then again I did get done with taking out his bodyguards and that other hunter. "This "Dark Samus" may have killed those two to try and turn us on each other or something like that." With I sigh I relent.

"Yeah, that sounds like something she would do. We need to go after it, though." He shakes his head.

"No that's probably what it wants you to do. You're tired and upset so you'd make an easier target."

"Yeah but if we don't do anything then people can die." He rubs his chin before pulling a coin out of his pocket.

"So we both have good points. To decide what we do then let's flip this coin. Heads my plan, tails your plan." I roll my eyes at his childish solution but nod in agreement. Whatever ends this faster. He flips the coin and it lands on heads up. He smiles triumphantly. "Oh yeah."

"It's not a contest." He shrugs and pockets the coin.

"Hey, we still got to go with my plan since it landed on mine." Groaning I put my armor up.

"Fine but you owe me." He nods.

"Sure what do you want?" I can feel my lips twist into a Cheshire-like grin.

"I want a massage. Now." Before he can gripe any I grab his collar and drag him to my pilot seat. Turning it around I sit on it backward and look over my shoulder at him. "Well?" He shrugs and pops his knuckles. I close my eyes and feel him start to rub my back. Okay, today started out in hell but is definitely ending in paradise.


And another one done for the 200 special. Requested by reaper503. Have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this. 

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