Puddin (TFS) X (Saiyan) Reader

Disclaimer: I do not own TFS, Dragon Ball, or Xenoverse. If I did own Xenoverse then I would have given the Majins a bit more of a creative transformation.


(Y/N)'s POV

I narrowly avoid a Death Beam and quickly throw a One-Armed Kamehameha in response. The Frost Demon blocks the attack which leaves him open in the back. Quickly I instant transmission to his back and grab his tail. He yelps in surprise as I spin around with him before throwing the Frost Demon to the nearest wall. He makes a crater in the wall and kicks up some dust which blocks my vision. Quickly I charge up my ki but his stun blast comes and hits me. The blast knocks me to the ground and I can see him floating there in his fourth and currently final form. Smirking I yell to my friend.

"Oh come on Niall! I thought the point of this exercise was to not rely on the transformations?" He smirks and wipes some blood from his mouth.

"Yeah but you touched my tail which you know I can't stand." I shrug and laugh it off.

"So? When you fight other opponents they will not have the courtesy to avoid your tail." Niall quickly flies at me and headbutts me into the wall behind me. "Oh, you want to play that way?" A quickly flash goes off as I enter Super Saiyan Two. "There now we are on some even footing." We then charge each other and lock arms in as we meet. Niall sneaks his tail around and uses it to grab me by the neck and throw me away. Luckily I recover and stop myself from hitting the wall again but Niall charges in and tackles me into the wall. Like what happened with him I make a crater on the wall. He flies up and winds up for a punch. Just as the punch is about to hit me I use instant transmission again to get behind him. As he turns around I fire off a Super Kamehameha which he counters with a Death Cannon. Damn his fast reflexes. Just as quickly as the beams clash they disappear. Niall then comes flying at me. Charging back we meet half way but this time engage in a barrage of fists. Thankfully I am able to keep up and block or deflect his punches but he is able to do the same for my attacks. Our punches are strong enough to shake the training arena but sadly nothing else. I must get stronger if I want to be like the warriors of old Goku and Vegeta. The look in Niall's eyes tells me that he is thinking of the same thing except with Freeza and Cooler in place of the Saiyans. Ha not if I beat you to it. Niall pushes me away and flips around slamming me with his tail. I bounce after hitting the ground. Niall then tries to stomp me but just as he is about to hit me I uppercut him and send him flying into the ceiling. He then comes falling back down and hits the ground with a satisfying thud. While wiping some blood from my mouth I shout over to him.

"You got cocky there, buddy." He fires a Death Beam at me but I easily dodge to the left. Just as I land a powerful force hits me one the side and sends me flying back in the direction I just came from.

"You got cocky there buddy." Niall has a shit eating grin on his face as he charges another Death Cannon.

"Oh haha, smartass. Real original stealing my lines like that." I get up and start to charge another Super Kamehameha.

"Well, it's better to be a smartass than a dumbass." After that, we engage in another struggle. Come on come on. You can do this (Y/N)! Putting everything I've got into the blast I start to overtake Niall's Death Cannon and soon enough I am blasting him into the wall behind him. After a few seconds, I stop and fall out of my Super Saiyan form. Through pants, I yell over to Niall.

"You good?" He answers by flipping me the bird. Yeah, he's good. After pulling ourselves together we both meet in the middle of the arena. "Good fight today but I noticed you didn't go all out especially with that last blast there." He laughs at me.

"Yeah I kinda felt bad for breaking the rule so I didn't go all out. Not like you should complain since you only got serious in those last few seconds with the beam struggle." Shrugging my shoulders I nonchalantly answer my fellow Time Patroller.

"Well, it wouldn't have been fair if I did and you didn't. Plus that last bit serves you right for not taking this seriously." He crosses his arms.


"So you want to try and go again?" Before he can answer a loud female voice interrupts us.

"Aha! There you are Niall!" Over at the entrance of the training room stands Blanc Niall's human girlfriend. She is currently wearing a nice white strapless dress that goes down to her ankles. I would say she looks pretty good if it was for the scowl plastered on her face. "I have been looking for you for two hours!" Niall gets nervous and reverts back to his first form.

"Hehe hey Blanc. What's up?" Oh, he is dead. I can practically see the steam coming from her ears.

"What's up? WHAT'S UP?! Niall, it is date night!" Ooh someone's in trouble. Niall looks shocked and before he can truly react she is already over here. Dang she moves fast for a human in a room with ten times earth's gravity. Swiftly she has Nial on the ground with his tail firmly in her hand. I chuckle a little bit.

"Hey Blanc don't kill him now" She turns to me and smiles.

"Oh hi (Y/N). I didn't see you there." I shrug. When Blanc is like that she usually doesn't see anything other than the object or person that has upset her. In this case, it's her boyfriend. "I hope I am not getting in your way I just wanted to get my boyfriend for our date tonight."

"It's cool and just incase I don't see you tomorrow happy birthday." Her smile grows.

"Thank you (Y/N)." Blanc then turns her attention to Niall. "You did remember that at least right?" Niall who was scared a moment ago now looks genuinely hurt at his girlfriend's question.

"Of course I would remember your birthday Blanc." She smiles and jumps for joy.

"What did you get me?" Niall smirks.

"Can't say it's a secret." Blanc starts to pout.


"How about we head out to dinner. The quicker the day is over the quicker your birthday arrives and you get your present." Blanc's smile returns and she quickly heads for the door while dragging Niall by the tail. Once the two are gone I let out a few chuckles before getting ready to train again. Just as I am about to start something comes flying from behind me and wraps their arms around my shoulders and rests their head on my left shoulder. Turning over to look at them I am greeted not by a saibaman but my girlfriend Puddin. With a happy smile, she greets me.

"Hey, hun!" With my own smile, I greet her back.

"Hey, honey. What brings you here?" She giggles and nudges against me.

"I'm here for you silly."

"I guess that's as good as reason as anything else." Puddin smiles and kisses my cheek.

"You training?"

"Well I was training with Niall but he left to be with Blanc. I was about to just do some normal training now but a certain cat faced Majin glomped me before I could start." She laughs a little bit.

"Gee I wonder who would do such a thing?" I laugh at her little joke before kissing her cheek. "But in all seriousness, it's getting late and you've trained enough for today. Why not join me for some dinner?" To be honest I enjoy being with her as much as I do training but being the classy fellow that I am I can't let her know that.

"Hmm, that's a pretty tough call there honey. How about you join me for a shower and then we go out to eat?" She taps a finger against her chin as she pretends to think about it.

"Well, that is a little much there...Oh, I know I will shower with you if you stop training, have dinner with me, and we sleep in my room tonight." I start walking to the exit.

"Ooo I got me a hagler on my hands here. Okay, I will do that if you have breakfast with me too." Puddin responds as I reach the exit.

"Well only if you join me for a mission afterwards." I know its weird but I love doing this silly stuff with her.

"Okay but only if you train with me tomorrow after the mission." We have exited the arena and are heading to her room. Being the daughter of a demon god and hero of the time patrol get's her the perk of having a private shower in her room.

"Hmm, that seems like a fair enough deal to me Miss Puddin. Shall we shake on it?" I hold my hand out in front of me.

"Why yes, we shall Mr. (L/N)." Using her stretchy powers Puddin reaches her arm around so she can shake my hand without having to get off my back. "A pleasure doing business with you." She fails to keep a straight face any longer and laughs at how silly we acted. "But in all seriousness you want to hang out?"

"Puddin we left the training grounds a while ago." She looks around and sees what I said was true. Puddin then smiles widely and kisses me on the cheek. "But we do have to do all the stuff we talked about. I mean we did shake on it."

"Well of course." With that cheery note, we make the rest of the way to her room in a comfortable silence. I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.


Okay so you are the Saiyan, Puddin is the Majin, NiallHeffernan is whatever the name of Freeza's race is, and Blanc is the human. Heck all we are missing is a Namekian and we would have all five races. I hope you liked it MichaelCipher. Have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this. 

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