Penny (RWBY) X (Synth) Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY. If I did then I would bring Penny back to life but with different body parts so she would be a Patchwork Girl reference.
(Y/N)'s POV
"Hey (Y/N)?" Penny's soft voice pulls me from my computer screen and to the young android. While looking down at Penny I lean over and fix some of the cables that are going into her right arm socket.
"Yes, Miss Polendina?" My more formal and artificial voice foils with her natural sounding one. The former student then giggles at my words before smiling up at me.
"(Y/N), I said you could just call me Penny." She then giggles some more as I finish up with her arm socket.
"My apologies Miss Polendina, I will try to remember that for the future." She gives a slight nod at my answer.
"It's okay, (Y/N)." Her voice is odd to me. Yes, it perfectly mimics the sound of human voices, but it does something different... My head shakes to clear those thoughts as I focus in on the armless and legless android before me who is still smiling up at me, "I just want you to feel comfortable around me, since we are friends after all." Hmm, she's called me that again. She has an odd enjoyment of that word.
"I suppose we are, if you insist on calling me that." Her smile then starts to fade as she looks down. That's... odd. Why do I not like it when she does that?
"Oh... I just thought since you went to the trouble of retrieving me from the Vytl colosseum and all of the time we've spent together these past few days..." Her voice grows softer and trails off near the end. While looking at her, an odd feeling grows in me that I am not used to. Something is off. I don't know what is happening right now, this has never happened before to me.
"My apologies Miss Polendina, but are you..." I pause in the middle as I try to think of what my next words should be, "Upset?" Penny then looks off to the side as she lets out what I believe is a sigh.
"I'm alright..." She says in a melancholy tone. What is this feeling? I feel a pit inside of me now and it only grows when she does all of that. What is this? Why am I feeling this? My hand then shakes as I place it down on the table.
"Penny?" The greened eyed android then turns to look at me, with a spark of curiosity inside of said eyes.
"Yes?" I sit there for a second, thinking about how to solve this problem. I believe I have heard of this before from files of third generation and even some second generation, but I have never felt this myself. I believe I am feeling sorrow for hurting her feelings. After a second's more worth of thought, I then give her a smile.
"You are my friend Penny." The moment my sentence ends, her face lights up with a very large smile. The curious spark that was in her eyes now morphs to a joyous one.
"Really?" Penny asks in a very happy and hopeful voice.
"Yes, you are. Though I saved you to help your father, I do not regret helping you and I am happy to call you a friend. My friend." Penny then lets out a very loud and very happy giggle at my words. One of the machines that is attached to her to monitor Penny starts to spike up because of her current mood. Her aura levels also rise some because of her mood. Despite these very good and fascinating readings, all I can focus on right now is her and her beautiful smile. This is odd, but I like it.
"Yay!" She says happily, "I have so many friends now!" My smile stays on my face as I hear her words.
"I am glad you count me in that group." My eyes then look at the readings and now she is starting to mess with the machine, "Now you may want to calm down, otherwise the machines might shut down." Penny nods in agreement but she doesn't stop laughing which makes her aura grow more. Sure enough, the machine then sparks a little before shutting down completely, "Oh boy." My lips stop smiling as the words slip out. Penny then looks over at the now broken machine and slowly stops laughing. Once she stops, she gains a more guilty and scared look on her face.
"I-I'm sorry (Y/N), I was just so happy..." I give her a smile as I look over at Penny.
"It's okay Penny." Hopefully my words will reassure her, "I will have to take some time to fix the machine though." Penny smiles up at me with a bit of a blank look on her face, "As in I can't work on fixing you in the meantime." It then dawns on her.
"Oh... Well that means we get to spend more time together, right?" I give her a nod in response.
"I suppose that is a good outlook on this." Penny gives a happy giggle at that as I get up and go grab some tools. Once I get back, I move the table that Penny is on and make it so that she can watch me as I work.
"Thank you, (Y/N)." The android says.
"No need Mi- Penny." I catch my words and correct them. As I move over the the machine, Penny speaks more.
"You look nice when you smile." Hmm, odd statement but alright.
"Really?" I kneel down and open the tool box while speaking, "Well thank you."
"I mean it. When you first woke me up, you had greeted me with a smile just like that. It really helped me calm down." Her voice starts to soften as I fish around in my tool box for the right instrument, "You should do it more often." Those words draw my eyes to Penny, who is currently wearing an embarrassed look on her face for some reason.
"Well if you like it, then I may smile more often for you." A smile then joins the embarrassed look on Penny's face.
"Only if you want to." She quickly adds in as I begin to work on the machine.
"Okay, Penny. Now what was it that you wanted to talk about originally?" I ask her. Penny tilts her head a little at my question before she realizes what I am talking about.
"Oh well you looked a little bored so I thought you might like to chat." Penny says in a chipper tone.
"You didn't have anything in particular to talk about?"
"Nope, just thought we could talk some as friends." Her reasoning sounds a little childish but it makes sense.
"Alright Penny, let's chat." And so for the rest of the day we talked as I worked. To be honest, it was nice.
I think the picture is really cute. That's pretty much all I have to say in this part, so I hope that you have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.
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