May (RWBY) X Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY. If I did then I would reveal that May is either hiding a scar or a burn under her hat, to round out the character a little more.
(Y/N)'s POV
"Well I can't say I'm surprised to see you here." My voice gets May's attention as I make my way to her. Currently, the red clothed, beanie wearing sniper is laying flat on her stomach, having just gotten done shooting four targets way off in the distance, "Though after today's match, I thought you'd be resting with your team." The last comment earns a gruff huff from May as she looks forward again and then rapid fires four shots at the targets. Well as rapid as she can get with a sniper rifle. While the tanned huntress-in-training does her thing, I look over at the training terminal to see how far she has the targets set. Once I finally read the distance, my jaw nearly drops to the floor, "Nine hundred meters?!"
"Yeah? What's the deal?" The first words that May has spoken to me since I've arrived and I can tell just by the tone that she is not happy. Careful to not spook her, I walk over next to the sniper user and stand by her.
"What's the deal? That's the furthest the machine can place the dummies." May just shrugs her shoulders before quickly firing off another few rounds at her targets, prompting me to cover my ears from the noise. Seems she doesn't have her suppressor on her gun today, which is a shame since she custom made that part. Hate to see her hard work go to waste. Once she's done with her shots and after I remove my hands from my ears, I can hear her mumble a curse under her breath, "What's wrong?" She quickly glares up at me before focusing on her targets again.
"I keep missing my mark on the last two targets." She grumbles out the words as she tries to reload as fast as possible.
"Wait, are you working on your reload speed or you distance?"
"Both." Her response is curt as she then starts firing again, giving me little time to cover my ears. Once she's done, May curses again before rolling to the side, onto her back. The redhead must not have been paying attention because she rolls right into my leg. She seems shocked as she looks down at her side before dragging her gray-blue eyes up my leg and all the way up to my face. Once our eyes meet, her cheeks gain a rosy tint to them before she covers her face and groans into her hands. I sigh in response before kneeling down next to her and hazard a guess on what's wrong.
"Angry you lost the match?" Without removing her hands, the sniper wielding team BRNZ member responds.
"Frustrated and furious that we lost the match." Though her words are a little muffled, they still manage to get past her hands for me to hear, "Gods we were so stupid! I was so stupid..." She goes from shouting to meek in the span of a few seconds as her hands lower and reveal the shame and embarrassment, neither of which look very good on her. My hand moves up and gently rubs the back of itself against her cheek to comfort her.
"May, please look at me." She keeps looking off to the side as I then move my hand to her other cheek to gently cup it, "Please?" She eventually moves her head and once her gray-blue eyes meet mine I continue, "You guys just lost a match today. You didn't fail a mission or anything like that, you just competed and lost." She lets out a frustrated sigh in response.
"But it was our first match in the Vytal Tournament, (Y/N). Do you know how embarrassing that is?"
"Hey, tons of people loss the first round. Plus its not like that team JNPR got a completely fair victory. I mean who stops in the middle of a match to argue about, what was it, code names?" That seems to get her happier, as she chuckles and leans more against my hand.
"Yeah that was pretty stupid on their part."
"Exactly, so there's no need to beat yourself up so much over this one match, when there are going to be tons of other fights and ton of other matches in the future. Just learn from this one and you'll be fine." May smiles from my words as I can feel her press more against my hand, "There we go, there's the smile that I love." Her blush returns in full force as May then punches my leg.
"Don't." She bluntly says before she sets up. The hit doesn't hurt too much as I just chuckle at her classic response.
"Now, how about you call it a night for training and we head into town? I know there's a couple of new movies out to try and capitalize on the tourism the festival brings. With our hunter's discounts we get in for half price." May pauses and thinks it over before nodding.
"You pay for your ticket and I'll pay for mine?" I answer her back with a nod of my own.
"Deal." I then stand back up and offer her a hand, which she gladly takes as she uses her other hand to grab her weapon. Once we're all set, we both walk out of the training area with our hands wrapped around one another.
I really should have posted this one and the last chapter in May, but whatever. Hopefully its good. Also yes I know that 900 meters or metres is one of the farthest shots done by a sniper so its a bit odd that a student was practicing with that, but I figured in a world like RWBY, some of our records for the furthest shots ever taken or the most powerful guns wouldn't be as impressive since combat is much more apart of daily life. Like I said, hope the story was good and I hope that you have a good day/night depending on when/where you are reading this.
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