Leaf (Pokemon) X Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own the Pokemon series. If I did then I would have had Leaf show up in Sun and Moon/Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and allowed the player to fight her team.
(Y/N)'s POV
"Oh man, isn't this great, (Y/N)?" Leaf stretches her body and sends her arms high into the air as she smiles, "The Alolan sea breeze, warm sun, nice sand! Oh this is so much better than the cold mountain you always like to train on." All she gets from me is a grunt as I stumble onto the beach, arms filled with varies beach going items, "Oh don't be like that you big sour puss, now come on, let's find us a spot. Oh I found one!" As usual, Leaf doesn't let me get a word in before she goes rushing off to the spot she found, leaving me to try and follow her. Now that the two of us are on sand, it's harder for me to keep up and unfortunately for me, it's only recently low tide, meaning there's Pyukumuku laying all over the beach. Doing my best to not step on any, I manage to get over to the spot I saw Leaf run to without dropping anything.
Once our belongings are all on the ground, I let out a sigh before noticing a distinct lack of a certain bubbly brunette. Looking around, I eventually manage to find Leaf with her back to me, as she is kneeling next to the surf. She has her arms down with a Pyukumuku crawling away from her.
"There you go, buddy, now you can get back to your friends." Once the water type is out of arm's reach, she stands back up and waves goodbye to it, earning a smile and a chuckle from me. While she's busy with that, I do my best to get the blanket and towel set up, but I also manage to attract some other Pyukumukus and Wingulls to the spot. None of them seem to harmful though, so I just let them. A couple of the Wingulls decide to perch on the umbrella top as others hop around on the blacket with the Pyukumukus, who are all playing with one another. Right as I bend over to get into our picnic basket a loud noise startles me.
"Aww, don't they look adorable!?" Somehow Leaf had managed to get behind me without me noticing. Curiously the Pokemon aren't scared off by her sudden outburst. Some of the Wingulls up top jump and fly in the air for a few seconds, but they quickly land again, treating her outcry more like a mild surprise than anything startling. I guess Green has always had a way with Pokemon, even ones she just met, so this isn't much of a surprise. She then gets down on her knees and wades into the group of water types, who all clear a spot for her to sit. Leaf sits down and wiggles to get comfy before looking at me with a smile.
"Won't you come join us, (Y/N)?" The Pokemon Trainer keeps up the playful attitude as she gently pats a spot next to her while giggling. With a shrug, I grab two water bottles from the basket and then join her on the rainbow colored beach blanket. She snatches a water bottle from my head and quickly opens it, "Thanks (Y/N), I'm dying over here." She then takes a few gulps of water before removing the bottle and wiping her mouth, "Ahhh, that's some good stuff."
As she does all of that, a couple of the Pyukumukus crawl over and snuggle up against my legs. Their wet, slimy skin feels both cooling and weird as the sensation sends shivers up my body. I don't want to push them away though, so I just make sure that their spikes don't touch me as they fall asleep.
"Aww." Leaf's voice, not a bit quieter pulls my attention to her, "Look at them (Y/N). They look so happy with you. My Pokemon Charmer has done it again, hasn't he?" Her comments make my cheeks redden as my eyes divert away from her. My actions only earn giggles from her before I feel her tugging at the Pokeballs around my waist, "Let's get the team out here so they can enjoy the nice weather too." That sounds pretty good actually. She let's go of my waist when she sees be reach down and soon enough we are releasing out Pokemon. Once everyone is out, Leaf then scoots closer to me, careful of our two sleeping friends, and rests her head on my shoulder as a Wingull rests in her lap. The two of us then watch are Pokemon to see what they are up to.
Pikachu seems to not like all the Pyukumukus that are stuck on the less shady and hotter parts of the beach, so he's managed to get my Blastoise, Snorlax, and Leaf's Dragonite and Nidoqueen to carry the poor fellas back to their ocean home. Leaf's newly caught Mimikyu follows her idol, Pikachu's lead, and helps without any need of convincing and Lapras, already being in the water do to, well, logical reasons, decides to watch over the little sea cucumbers as they go home. My Venusaur and Leaf's Ninetales both walk off to the sunniest part of the beach and soon start sunbathing, while Leaf's Bellossom starts dancing around the two. Charizard, having most of his usual sparring partners of Dragonite and Snorlax be occupied with other things, looks over at me for guidance on what to do. When I just give him a shrug he walks behind Leaf and I before flopping down on the ground. Neither of us have to turn around to know that he's napping, since his snoring is loud enough that the Wingulls decide to fly off to a quieter spot. Seems we're missing someone. Scanning over the beach, my eyes fail to locate Leaf's last Pokemon until she nudges my side before using her head to point to the side. Right next to her, with his shell closed, is Leaf's Cloyster, who is presumably sleeping as well. Wonder how I missed that. Oh well. I start to relax as I look over everything, smiling as I see our Pokemon go about their business.
"Hey Leaf?" My voice gets her to look up at me without her moving her head off of my shoulder.
"Thanks for convincing me to do this." She giggles before moving up to kiss my cheek.
"No problem, (Y/N)." With that we both go back to enjoying the day with our Pokemon.
Alright, another Pokemon character. I kinda liked writing this one. Not really sure why since I usually don't write stories unless I like the character, plot, idea, or all three, but for some reason this one was really fun. I didn't take many liberties with the reader's team since he's basically Red, but hopefully Leaf's team wasn't all completely expected. Fun fact of what could have been, I considered having a Butterfree and a Ditto on her team, but instead we got Dragonite and Mimikyu instead. Well that's it for now, so I hope you have a great day/night depending on when/where you're reading this.
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