Glynda (RWBY) X Reader

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have Glynda cosplay as Glinda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz.


(Y/N)'s POV

"So that's when I was all like "Haa! Whatcha! Hyaa!" and all the Grimm died!" Right as Ruby finishes, Miss Valkyrie excitedly jumps in.

"Yeah and I smashed the biggest Saber to bits and skinned it! Now we have a nice fur rug at team JNPR's dorm room." The two young hunters look very pleased as their classmate rolls his eyes. Despite said action, Mr. Lie seems more amused than annoyed or upset. He turns to me to speak.

"My friends maybe be exaggerating the tale. We didn't fight as many and the only Saber that was there was a young one. We also don't have a Saber skin rug in our dorm." His monotone voice is answered by the loud protests of the two young women.

"Aww come on Renny! Don't spoil the fun! Professor (L/N) doesn't need to know that!" Both of the two pout at the young man who doesn't seem to phased. After laughing I try and clear the air.

"It's okay and like I have said before please call me (Y/N) when we are not in class." Miss Rose blushes while Nora smiles.

"Sorry, sir." Nora mock salutes me before making a goofy face.

"That's really not necessary." We all stop just as we reach Glynda's room. "Well, this is my stop. I hope you three have a lovely evening." Before Ruby or Ren could say anything Nora jumps up with her hands on her classmates' shoulders.

"Of course we will! Renny and I have a double date with Ruby and Weiss." Miss Rose's blush grows more after that has Ren rests his head in one of his hands.

"Nora please don't shout that out loud." Ruby tries to calm her classmate down to no avail. Instead, the young woman grabs the other two's hands and runs down the hallway. They round the corner right as I try to wish them luck. Once they are gone I let my shoulders slump and lean on a wall. Dust I am tired. How has Glynda done this for so long? How have any of them done this for so long? Oh well, at least today is Friday. The only thing I have to worry about is any student that may show up for counseling but I doubt any will. At least I hope none of the students need me. Whatever the case the day is done so I can get some sleep. Well, I can sleep after I get done talking with Glynda. Unless she wants me to sleep over here tonight which I wouldn't mind. Whatever the case I shouldn't keep her waiting. I knock on the door to her room while announcing my presence.

"Hey, Glynda it's me." After stepping inside I close and lock the door. Hmm, no answer. Weird but nothing to freak out about. Walking further into the room I can hear the shower running and can see light coming from the bottom of the bathroom door. Well alright, that explains why I didn't get a response. I might as well get comfy while I wait. Don't want to disturb her. I plop down on the bed and try to relax. Stretching out I feel something bump my arm. What? A box? Why would Glynda keep a box on her bed? Okay, that's a dumb question (Y/N). Might as well move it so I don't mess with Glynda's stuff. I sit up and reach for the box. As I pick it up all the contents spill out from the bottom. What? Oh, the box was upside down. Weird but okay. I should just put the stuff back and apologize to Glynda once she is done in her shower. Wait, what's with the lingerie? Also, why does she have so many? There's like five or six different... types I guess? I don't know but there are quite a few. Holding one up I can see that it is surprisingly see through. I never imagined Glynda in something like this or any of the other clothes that were in the box. I mean one of them looks like its so small that it would- Ah wait! Don't get distracted (Y/N). Don't think about Glynda in one of these skimpy, see through- AH! Stop it brain! Flipping the box over I push the clothes off the bed and into the box and put the box on the nightstand. Okay, I will have to apologize for that later. All of the sudden I hear the shower shut off and after a couple of minutes I see the light shut off in the bathroom and Glynda steps out of the bathroom. When the door is fully open I see steam pour out from the bathroom and form around Glynda who is currently only in a towel. Her hair is out of the usual bun that she keeps it in and she is lacking her glasses. For a second she doesn't seem to notice me given that her eyes are closed, but that doesn't last too long. Once we lock eyes we stay like that for a little bit before she blushes.

"(Y/N)!? Wh-what are you doing here!?" My face heats up as I look away.

"Sorry, I was just doing what you asked." I get up off the bed and keep trying to look away.

"What are you... I said to meet me at five!"

"But Glynda, it is five o'clock."

"What no it's..." There is a pause while I hear the sound of Glynda messing with her scroll. "... five minutes past five." I hear Glynda sigh and sit down on her bed. Then I can hear what sounds like Glynda... crying?! I move over to the bed, careful not to look at Glynda in her towel and do my best help her.

"Glynda, what's wrong?"

"(Y/N), you can look at me. For Pete's sake, you've seen me naked (Y/N)! It's not like seeing me in a towel is any worse." Blushing I look at her and see that she was or is crying a little bit. I swallow my nerves and comfort her.

"Alright, what's wrong Glynda?" I wipe some of her tears away and she simply shakes her head.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N). I must look so childish getting upset like this." I shake my head and hug her.

"No, you don't. Crying and getting upset isn't a bad thing." She laughs at my response.

"You know, for a student counselor your advice can be hit-and-miss at times."

"Gee thanks, dear real vote of confidence you got there." Glynda soon smiles at my joke. "Haha, there's that beautiful smile."

"Oh, you flirt. How are the girls not breaking your door down?"

"I can hear the sarcasm in your voice, Glynda. Plus they sorta are." She gives me a glare and I try to fix the situation. "I mean that some of the students earlier today were fighting in the hall and one of them got knocked into the door to my room. Before you ask, yes the two students were Miss Xiao Long and Miss Valkyrie. I think they were having a food fight since Nora had ketchup covering her and Yang was wearing whole turkeys on her fists. It was a weird day today." Glynda shakes her head.

"I will have to talk with them."

"No, you can do that later. Now, what's wrongs?" She sighs again.

"It's nothing (Y/N). I just wanted to surprise you is all. We haven't really had a chance to be alone together ever since you got back..." She looks off and her emerald eyes get watery again. I can see where this is going.

"Glynda it's okay." She doesn't move. Gently, I cup her cheek and move her so that I can look her in the eyes. "What's happened has happened and we can't change that. I'm here now and that's all that matters." She lightly laughs again.

"That is cheesy." She rests her head on my shoulder. "I do love it, though." Glynda then gives my cheek a quick kiss.

"I guess that explains the box of lingerie..." Her head shoots up with a blush on her face.

"How did you know about that?!" Sheepishly I explain myself.

"Well while you were showering I was trying to rest on the bed and I accidentally bumped the box. When I went to move it and all the clothes fell out of the bottom or top I should say." Glynda sighs again and calms down.

"Yes, those were a part of the surprise."

"Um, why so many, though?"

"Well I didn't know which one to buy so I bought all seven and figured I would just pick one for tonight. I figured you would like all of them so..." Seven? Guess I miss counted. "(Y/N)?"

"Yes?" Glynda goes back to resting on my shoulder.

"I know the surprise was ruined but that doesn't mean we still can't make the most of this."

"Well... um..." She gets back up and looks my face over.

"You're tired aren't you?" Before I can protest I accidentally yawn. "I will take that as a yes." Grabbing my shoulders Glynda sets me down in the bed. Then using her semblance Glynda takes off my shoes and socks. "There we go. Oh wait I forgot your trench coat. Come on." Going on autopilot I follow her orders and take off the coat. She throws the coat to the side and she rests on the side of my good arm.

"Glynda I..." Said teacher rests a finger against my lips and smiles at me.

"No, you need your rest. I understand that."

"But you wanted to..." She places her finger on my lips again.

"This is not up for debate (Y/N). Get some rest dear. Then tomorrow I can try on the lingerie and see which one you like the most." My face heats up and Glynda laughs at my embarrassment. She slips the towel off and pulls the blanket over us with her powers. "Sound good?"

"Y-yes!" She giggles again at me and kisses my nose.

"Alright get some sleep then. Good night (Y/N)." Calming down a little I get comfortable in the bad as she snuggles into me.

"Good night Glynda. I love you."

"I love you too." With that, we both soon fall asleep.


This is possibly the closest I will get to doing a lemon. What did you think? Yay? Nah? Also I wanted to have Reader come off as a polite person. How did I do? Man I am just full of questions today. Anyways this is also apart of the future Glynda story so I guess it counts as a teaser I guess. Have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.

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