Enchantress (DC) X Reader

Disclaimer: I don't own DC. If I did, then I would have made the Joker the antagonist of Suicide Squad instead of the Enchantress.


(Y/N)'s POV

God this day has just gone to hell! First the explosion in the middle of the city, then some giant magic dude starts tearing up shit on the subway, then these weird pimply monsters start running around the city kidnapping people, and now some crazy green lady is making something that's screwing with the sky. Worst part is, I've experienced all of this! Somehow I survive the bomb to only be blasted near the magic guy, miraculously the worst injury that I got from his little light show was a broken femur bone, and because the best thing I can do to move is painfully crawl on the ground, I was quickly caught by the gross monsters and was carried off to their base of operations. And let me tell you, those assholes weren't exactly gently with me either. They made sure to hurt everything that wasn't already hurting. All in all, not my best day.

Right now me and the two pimples are waiting in line for the green lady to turn me into one of her creatures. I think I've heard her called the Enchantress though, I'm honestly not sure where I heard that before. Hell given my day I could have imagined it. Well anyways she's just getting done with one guy, making me second in line. Now that I'm up close to all of this, I can get a full view of this little freak show she's got going on here. Off to the side she's got the big guy who tore up the train station with a line of the putty things standing in front of him, separating him from us. Yeah, like Goliath over there really needs protection from us. Up in front, standing at the tip top of the stairs in this place is the green Enchantress lady herself. Right behind her is the weird magical lightning stuff that's mess with the sky and, much to my horror, the ground around it. Flanking her are some more of the dark creature things, all standing shoulder to shoulder like her personal bodyguards. Yeah she's not as physically intimidating as the big fella off to the side, but given all this magic crap, I doubt any of us could take her in a fight. Just as the putties reach the top step with their next victim, she way from her witch's cauldron of crazy and floats down to ground level. The poor guy up there then starts to try and break free as he begs.

"Please no, no! I have a family! Please don't do this!" The witch lady doesn't give two shits however as she roughly grabs the sides of the guy's head and pulls him in for a damn big kiss. Not long after the kiss starts, smokes pours from behind the woman, going over, around, and under her to envelop the two of them. After a few seconds go by the smoke clears and in the guys place stands a freshly made goop monster. Oh god, disgusting. She then pulls back from the kiss, with his now gross head still in her hands before saying something in some weird language that honestly sounds made up. After that the now three goo people then walk off as she turns back around and floats up to the lightning. Oh god, I'm next! If it wasn't for my broken leg, I would be thrashing around more as they drag me up the steps to her.

"Oh screw this! You think I want to be one of you pieces of snot?! Kill me now because that sure as hell ain't happening!" One of the things hits me in the back of the head to try and shut me up, but that just causes me to thrash even more. As they get me up there I even try to hit one of them with my head. Yeah it won't do much but I ain't going quietly! They stop once we get to the second to last step, with one hitting me in the side of the head as one gets a gut punch, causing me to spit some from the sudden hit. Apparently they think that was enough to stop me because they get me up that very last step and in the same spot the last guy was. Just in case one hits me on my bad leg, causing me to cry out in pain and stumble a little. When I stop and start panting is when the green lady finally turns around to face me, letting me get an up close view of her floating down to me. Hell if the circumstances were different I would say she's pretty damn hot, but right now I'm in too much pain to really give a rat's ass about her looks. As she gets to the ground and looks down at me I snark.

"What are you looking at?" She either doesn't understand me or doesn't care because she goes about this like its business as usual. The witch grabs a hold of my head, but this time it seems she lingers a little, staring directly into my eyes. Maybe she's taunting me, my she's a sadist and is just savoring the moment, or maybe I didn't notice earlier, but it does feel like she's lingering. The moment doesn't last long though and sure enough she pulls me in for a heated lip lock. If there's anything good about today, at least I'm getting kissed by a good kisser. Panic starts to rise in me though when I see the same eerie black smoke start to envelop me like it did the last guy. My eyes go wide but try as I might, the woman as an iron grip on me. Once it is painfully clear that she won't let me go, and by pain I mean she's now digging her nails into my face to get me to hold still, I finally just screw my eyes shut and hope I'm not still conscious when I'm a goop monster. Everything goes dark for a few seconds. When I feel her lips leave mine and the two monsters let go of me, I take a peek to see the damage and to my shock I find... that everything is fine? For some reason the pain that I was feeling before has left me entirely. My gut doesn't hurt from the punches, my head isn't ready to implode on itself, and my leg feels absolutely fine. I open my eyes completely to see that yeah, I'm still in the creepy base of operations for the two magical demigods who are tearing up the city. The only think different now is that I feel completely fine. Honestly I think it's better than that. I feel like I just woke up from a really good sleep. That I'm energized and ready to take on the day.

"Hey is that supposed to happen?" Looking over at the witch lady reveals that this was not intentional. Hell, I think I'm actually startling her, which all things considered is pretty impressive in my book. Her big bodyguard says something to her in their made up language and judging by the tone in her voice, she really is shocked. Hey, this may be my last day on Earth, but right now I'm actually having a blast, "Hey lady, if you want to do that whole kissing thing agiain I'm-!" Before I can say anymore, my mouth is distracted by her sudden and forceful kiss. I guess she's putting more magic into this one, because she is being more passionate with it. Hell, I'm not complaining though, getting an already good kisser to put more effort into the kiss is pretty cool. The same eerie black smoke spills over her and envelops us. Despite my best efforts to stay focused on the kiss, I do flinch when everything goes black again. I mean its not like I'm getting lucky twice in a row. Yeah this is it, gonna be a gross goo thing for the rest of my life. Not long after, everything lightens up again and she pulls back like before, and like before when I open my eyes I'm still just my regular old me. Well maybe not regular old me because I feel a little... off for lack of a better term. My ears start to ring for a few seconds before then calming back down. Shaking my head I look around the room and for some reason everything looks clearer. Like I just switched from a low quality setting to the best setting possible. I take a deep breath and it feels like I'm able to take in more air than I have before. Everything just feels better. Hell I feel stronger than before, stronger than I have ever felt in my life. I'm yanked from my thoughts by a deep voice from my side.

"Sister, what is happening?" Wait, what? I look up to see the witch lady is talking to the big dude.

"I don't know, brother!" After she finishes talking I then raise a questioning finger.

"Um, excuse me, but did I just understand you two?" Both of them then snap their heads toward me in shock. The big dude, I guess this woman's brother, then steps forward as she grabs my face from under my chin. She then hisses at me.

"What are you?!" Somehow I manage to push her off of me and out of her iron grip, something I couldn't have done before, and then say.

"Hey lady, I'm just as confused about all of this as yo-UUU-!" I'm cut off at the end by her brother grabbing ahold of me and lifting me in the air.

"YOU DO NOT TOUCH HER!" His voice booms in my ears, honestly being louder than the bomb from earlier, but for some reason its not as deafening as the bomb, just annoying. The big man then starts to squeeze me tighter in his grip, forcing the air out of my lunges in the process. Before he can start breaking bones, his sister shouts.

"STOP!" The guy's grip lossens a little, allowing me to gasp for breath again. She soon floats up to our level and looks at her brother before focusing in on me. She floats closer to me as she talks, "Stop brother. I want him alive. I want to know why he has managed to survive the transformation twice." She then brings a hand up and grabs my chin. As her brother goes to speak she moves my head by my chin to better examine me.

"But, sister?" She then looks at him.

"I need to know, brother." She puts a lot of emphasis on the "need" part of her sentence. Well that's concerning. Her brother seems to take that as an answer.

"Alright sister." He then begins to kneel down and once my feet touch the ground he lets me go. I take another deep breath of air now that I can before I start to brush myself off.

"Well at least the landing was smoother than the take off." Looking up, I see her descending towards me. Once she's close she looks me over again before calling over a group of the putty things, "Whoa hey I don't know what you're planning, but I'm not just playing along here." Four of the gross black things then circle around me. Well this is not going down like it did last time. I'm not nearly as injured as I was then. One of them tries to grab my right arm, but I move too quick for him and push it back. To my utter shock I send the thing flying across the room and splatter it across the wall. While I'm distracted by that, I mindlessly swing my left arm at one of the things, and end up back handing its head off. Its body drops to the floor as the head goes flying out and hits one of her monsters in the crowd. I bring my arms back and look down at my hands in shock, "The hell?" Unfortunately for me, five more of the damn things swarm me with the two remaining ones. Since they got the jump on me, I can't quite fight them back and soon enough they have me lifted in the air over their heads, with one holding my back and two on each limb, "Hey, let me go!" They start carrying me off somewhere as the witch lady floats back to the portal. Since I'm stuck here, all I can do is watch her turn another helpless victim into another goo monster.


After the shits got me away from the main room, the seven things carried me to some side room in the building. Once there the things tossed me in and before I could recover, they shut and somehow locked the door. I tried using my new found strength to bust down the door, but they must have barricaded it with something because the damn thing won't break. Now I'm just stuck in here, forced to wait for god knows what to happen next. Okay, (Y/N), calm down and think. I know I can't just start punching the walls willy nilly, since I don't know what spot will be the one to bring the roof down on me. No window in the room either, so I can't bust out that way. The only things in here with me is a bed with two nightstands and a dresser with a mirror. The night stands have two lamps on them, so maybe I can use one as a weapon. Then again, they are the only sources of light in the room besides the ceiling lights, which seem to go around the perimeter of the room with one big light in the middle.

A groan of frustration then escapes me as I start to hit my head with my hands. God, I'm screwed. I walk over to the foot of the bed and flop down on it. After a few minutes of nothing happening, I manage to calm myself down and regain focus. When I do, for some reason I start to get a little antsy on the bed, like I can't stay still on it for much longer. Soon enough I just have to get up from the comfortable bed and stand again. Okay, that's weird. I then start to remember how I felt so different after the eerie lady made out with me. Looking over I notice the mirror again and decide to take a look at myself. I mean, I got nothing better to do.

I seem to walk over to the mirror quicker than I meant to before taking a look at myself. Starting with my face, it looks like every scrape and bruise that has ever touched my face as been wiped away. Really its not like I was ugly before, but I'd say I'm much more handsome than I was before. Yeah, this is definitely weird. I then look down my body and notice that my arms look a little thicker than they did before. A strange thought comes to mind. I then move down and grab the bottom of my shirt before closing my eyes. I take a deep breath to steady my nerves before then, in one swift motion, pull the shirt up over my head and off of my body. I then open one eye just a little and I am floored by what I see.

"Holy shit, I'm jacked!" I can't help but say that out loud as I look down at my new abs. I wasn't a fatass before this but now I look like I've been lifting weights since I was two! Looking over at my arms I'm surprised at how much muscle they have miraculously gained since I last looked at them. I then do a quick flex with my right arm and sure enough, they are real. My arm goes limp as I look back down at my chest and abs. While looking myself over, I notice that the room seems to darken a little. When I turn around I see why that is because I am greeted by the same woman as before.

"Oh shit!' She startled me enough that I take a step back from her. Since the room isn't as open as the last one, she has to stay closer to the ground, thus putting us at eye level. Despite this she still strikes an imposing figure. The woman the effortlessly floats over to me, stopping when her hands land on my bare chest. Her touch is electric to me, causing shivers to go down my spin and I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but a part of me likes the feeling. The then leans in close so that our faces are inches apart, examining my face as her hands gently rub my pecs.

"You're a strange one?" Oh yeah, I'm the strange one, Miss No-Personal-Space. I try to take another step back, but she stays right on top of me. Now I can't back up anymore, because my butt is now pressed against the dresser. She keeps moving her head from side to side as she looks me over, but once she starts to move closer to me, I manage to slip from from her. Knowing better than to keep my back to this woman, I quickly turn around to face her, with my hands held up in front of me, as if trying to push her way with the force.

"Okay lady, I'm not really sure what the hell is going on here. First I'm in an explosion, then I'm being kidnapped by your mooks out there, and now I'm being felt up my someone who I don't even know the name of and who wanted me dead not that long ago. Could we slow this down a notch?" She tilts her head as she turns to face me. Out of nowhere she then zooms over to me and stops when she is at my side. One arm is behind me with a hand resting on my far shoulder as her other hand comes to rest on my chest, right over my heart. Now that she is this close to me I am able to notice that part of her chest is glowing and that she really is hot. She pressed against me with my arm between her breasts. Like I said before, if the circumstances were different this would be a pretty good day.

"A name you say? I suppose that is doable. You may call me Enchantress." Her voice purrs out into my ear, send the shivers from earlier back up my spine. I manage to pull myself together and remember that she's some monster that's destroying the city and not just a good looking woman. I pull away and manage to back up some from her.

"Okay, Enchantress, my name is (Y/N). Now that we've got that out of the-gah!" Instead of floating over to me like last time, Enchantress teleports behind me, running her hands from my lower back all the way up to my shoulders. The sudden teleportation catches me off guard and makes me jump away from her in fright. I'm soon back up against the bed doing my best to get away from this woman, but she has me trapped in this room with her. She slowly stalks her way over to me like she's the predator and I'm the prey. She speaks as she moves.

"(Y/N)? Mmm, I like that name. Very fitting." The way she says my name make is sound like she is tasting the word, savoring it on her tounge, "(Y/N)." She purrs out as she is now as close to me as she was at the dresser. Before I can try to escape again, she grabs me and pulls me in for kiss, one very similar to the second kiss she gave me earlier. As much as I'm kicking myself for it, I can't help but feel fireworks go off in my head as I kiss her back. Damn, she really is a good kisser. After what feels like hours she eventually pulls back and breaks the kiss. Taking the chance I go to gasp for air, only to find that I don't really need to. After just a couple of panted breaths I'm back to breathing normal. I blink a couple of times and then realize that my body has gain a glowing outline. What? I hear an echoed laugh come from the Enchantress before she shoves me back onto the bed. After I finish bouncing and settle on the bed, I notice that I'm seeing things that I hadn't seen before. Wisps of various colored smokes fill the room, flowing around everything like a river. Looking over at the woman before me, I see a massive amount of this weird energy just radiating from the woman. I mean, my god, it's like looking directly at the sun, but without the burning feeling. She lets out a louder echoed laugh as she looks down at me.

"You are an interesting one indeed. It would seem that everytime we come into contact like that, you gain more power." She gains a hungry look in her eyes as she licks her lips, "No, not gain, awaken. I'm helping awaken the power stored within you."

"Power within me?" My head starts to get a little light as she tells me this.

"Oh yes. You have stored power hidden away in that mortal body of your's. A lot of power." She smirks at me as I feel my body begin to heat up. The wisps and energy radiating form the Enchantress starts to flow towards me, overlapping the outline of energy around my body before it starts to mix together with mine. "I can help you unlock and master all of this power, if you so desire." She purrs out the words as her eyes stay locked on me.

"What's the catch?" Her echoey laugh hits my ears again.

"Good, you have at least some base intelligence." She sounds amused so hopefully that's good. "In exchange for my help I expect your obedience. Your servitude. You will stay by my side every waking and non waking minute of every day, unless I tell you otherwise. You will be my loyal consort and I your mistress." Consort? What does that mean again? God, it's getting real hard to think right now. Having her so close and watching her move the way she does is just getting... very... distracting.... My body then jolts for a minute as I come back to reality. What was she offering me again? Some great power? I mean, she seems like a complete psychotic monster, but if what she is saying about me is true, maybe after a bit I will be more powerful than her. Maybe I can make this work somehow. Looking up at her, I see that she is patiently waiting for my response.

"Okay, deal." After I say those words, lighting crashes down from the skies and the ground violently shakes as her smirk turns into to a huge grin on her face. Once everything is calmed down she then purrs out.

"Excellent." Okay that hungry look in her eyes is really starting to scare me, "As I said earlier, it seems each time we come into contact with each other, I awaken more dormant power within you." She moves her hands up to the tops of her outfit and begins to peel the skin tight clothes off of her sexy body. She lets go of them and lets the clothes fall to the floor, but before they can hit the ground, they disappear. Now the Enchantress is standing in front of me completely and totally naked with a very excited look in her eyes and on her face, "I would like to see how much power we can unlock~"



Another DC metahuman added to the book. To be honest, I like the Enchantress' costume more than the one from the movies. I think the movie on is just over the top and I have always liked the types of costumes that she has in the comics. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it and I hope that you have a great day/night depending on when/where you are reading this.

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