Catwoman (DC) X Reader

Disclaimer: I don't own DC. I don't know, maybe I'd change some of the stuff that happened in Batman Eternal?


Catwoman's POV

"Let's see what (Y/N)'s got in the fridge." My hand comes to rest on the handle to his refrigerator as I stand alone in (Y/N)'s unlit kitchen. My hips shake to the song I'm humming as I start to open the door. With a tug, the silver door easily gives way and reveals its contents. Hmm, not that much in hear to be honest. A quick glance towards the calendar helps explain why. Ah the end of the month. (Y/N) will be getting his groceries next month, right after he gets paid. Oh well at least he has two gallons of milk left. Reaching out I grab the half empty one and open it. The moment I do, a pungent odor assaults my nose and I instantly screw the top back on the milk, "Oh god that was disgusting." I gag out the words as I put the expired milk into a bag and then throw it into a trash bag. I then throw the trash bag outside for good measure. Disgusting. Heading back to the refrigerator, I pull out the other gallon of milk and look at the date first this time. Okay doesn't go bad until next week, but just in case, I take the lid off just a little bit before taking a hesitant sniff. Oh yes, this is still good. My lips curl up into a smile as I stand back up with the milk in hand. Right as I throw my head back and kiss the opening of the gallon, the lights turn on, illuminating the small kitchen. Turning around while still drinking the milk, I see a startled and tired looking (Y/N) with his hand holding his phone. Once he sees who's in his kitchen I can see his shoulders slump a little bit as he pockets his phone. Taking the milk away from my lips, I give him a coy smile as I gently wave to him with my free hand, "Well you were out late." He gives a sigh as he heads to the open window and shuts it.

"Hello to you too, Catwoman." As he speaks, (Y/N) closes the window with a thud and quickly latches it shut. Such a cute and ineffective way of keeping people out, "Would it kill you to just break in using the doors?"

"Oh please, why go to the trouble of having a cat motif if I am not going to use more creative ways to get inside~?" Though my response makes me smile, (Y/N) just groans for some reason. I wonder what's his problem.

"Alright, then could you just shut the widow when you do? It lets out the AC." While talking, he starts organizing some dishes and other things on the countertop.

"Well I suppose I could do that. I wouldn't want to be a rude guest after all~" With the lights still on I can now see just how dirty everything is. (Y/N) has let the place go.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." He eventually finishes up with his cleaning, though in truth his actions has just made a small dent in the hot mess that is his kitchen. He has really let the place go. I then saunter over to a wall with the milk still in hand as (Y/N) then quickly walks over to where I once was.

"I have to say, you are taking this better than you have before, (Y/N)." Once I finish I take another drink of milk before he can respond.

"Well you have been doing this ever since you figured out where I lived. It's about time I got used to things." He then opens the fridge door and looks inside, "Okay, what happened to the other gallon of milk?" He says in an irritated voice.

"It went bad at least a week ago, (Y/N)." While talking to him, (Y/N) stands up and rests his face in his hands, "Besides you are getting new groceries soon anyways, might as well clean out the old ice box some.

"Yeah, but I wasn't going to get that much since I wanted to save some money." He then steps back and shuts the door as his hand falls from his face, "I thought I had two good gallons, but now I don't have any. Great." His tone gets more frustrated as he goes. Playfully I respond.

"Oh there's still some milk here. We can share and I promise I won't bite~" He then gives me a deadpan look and its now that I can see the dark circles under his eyes. I step forward and put the cap back on the gallon, "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He then shakes his head and focuses in on me.

"S-sorry, I'm just a bit tired."

"Please, I'm the one who broke into your house, so the last thing you need to do is apologize." I try to put more sincerity in my voice so that he knows that I'm not screwing with him. I reach out and quickly open the fridge and put the milk away. As I shut the door with my hip, I wrap my arm around his shoulder and pull him towards the exit, "Why don't we continue this chat in the living room?" He blinks his eyes heavily in an attempt to wake himself up before nodding. The trip is short since (Y/N)'s place is so small and the kitchen leads directly to the living room. Once there we both sit down on his couch, which seems smaller than I remember. He then lets out a big sigh before emptying his pockets of his wallet, keys, and cell phone, "That reminds me, why did you have your cell phone out when you arrived?" He then glances at me and then at his phone before leaning back.

"Hmm? Oh, I last week some guys broke in and stole my couch. I figured you might be them so I wanted to have the police on the phone in case my night went south." Oh well that explains why his couch is smaller.

"I always like that defiance of your's, (Y/N)." I comment as he actually smiles. I tired smile yes but a smile nonetheless.

"You've hinted to that before."

"So if I may ask the million dollar question, why are you just now getting back so late and why are you so tired?" He takes another deep breath before letting out another sigh.

"I've been working longer hours so I can get a promotion." He explains, "Basically the pay will be way better and I won't have to do as much during work. Still have the crazy schedule but it will be worth it in the end."

"Oh well I suppose good for you then. I also suppose that's why your place is such a mess?" He gives a tired nod before speaking.

"I've been working so much, I usually don't do much when I get back. I eat something for dinner and then go to bed, but like I said once I get the promotion things will be way different. I won't have to do as much, the work won't be as difficult or as tedious, my pay will rise, and I will get to finally start eating lunch again." Wait what?

"You haven't been eating lunch?"

"Yeah, just breakfast and dinner. It helps me save time and some money."

"Okay (Y/N), I get that you have to be conscious of your budget, I've learned that since meeting you, but depriving yourself of a meal just to save a few extra dollars is going too far. Didn't you also say earlier how you weren't going to buy as many groceries for this month? That's crazy." He closes his eyes as I talk to him and he takes a minute to respond.

"I know but it's important. I've been trying to save up for a new apartment in a better building and the break in set me back some. Hence why I haven't gotten a new couch. Once I get the promotion, which is next week, I won't have to be so stingy, but for the next two months I need to cut back on the groceries so I can finally have enough to move out." A sigh escapes my mouth as my head shakes at his response.

"(Y/N), why don't you let me help you pay for a new place? I know you couldn't have saved up enough to get to the better part of town, so let me help you." He shakes his head no. God, why do all the men I know have to be so stubborn?!

"No, this is something I have to do for myself. You're right, I can't go to the part of Gotham where the police actually show up the same day you call them and you don't have to worry about waking up to a killer in your house, but I do have enough to get to an apartment building that doesn't have a brothel and a crack house in it and has a landlord that asks for a reasonable rent." I can hear his stubbornness in his voice as (Y/N) speaks, "I know that doesn't sound like much, but right now it's a paradise to me and a stepping stone to somewhere better." Another sigh slips by me as I can't help but feel a soft smile grow on my face. Yes his defiance attracted me to him when we first met, but his hope and determination is what made me stay, though I won't tell him that. Not yet at least.

"Fine, but once you get this promotion, you better start eating lunch again." He lets out a tired laugh as he opens his eyes and looks at me.

"I promise." He says happily.

"And you have to promise to let me help you move once that time comes." He lets out another laugh as he nods and sits up.

"Okay, I promise." My coy smile from before comes back once I hear his words.

"Good, now you need to get some rest young man. Can't have you sleeping or falling asleep at work tomorrow." Before he can say anything, I push him down the the loveseat and then lay down on top of him since it is too small to lay down next to him.

"Wh-what are you doing? His stammers make my smile grow.

"Oh just making sure that you stay down and sleep~." I purr out before tapping his nose with my finger, "Now sleep." I command and thankfully he nods and lays back, though he is still blushing adorably. I then rest my head on his chest and get comfortable on him. Tomorrow I should pay his boss a visit and make sure they give (Y/N) the promotion he's talking about. I should then see if I can find the thugs who broke in and stole (Y/N)'s couch. As much as I love the intimacy that the loveseat provides, if we are going to be doing this more often, I am going to need some more wiggle room.


Alright made a different type of reader in this one. Figured I might try and branch out some and give some variety so you guys don't get bored with the stories. I also don't want to just make the reader some Mary/Marty/Gary Sue every time because that just gets stale. At least it gets stale writing that. Anyways, I hope you liked it and I hope you had a great day/night depending on when/where you are reading this.

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