Captain Marvel (Marvel) X Reader

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel comics. If I did then I wouldn't have let people draw Carol with shoulders wider than mine and a fucking dick bulge in the comics.


(Y/N)'s POV

A red and blue streak crosses in front of my face, right after the door to my living room flies open, nearly breaking it and the wall that the door hits. I'm honestly surprised that the wind only manages to blow a couple of things around, including some of my (H/C) hair. After blinking a couple of times, my mind manages to piece together what the hell just happened, especially after the sounds from my kitchen reaches my ears. A groan escapes me as I pick myself up from my living room couch and close the barely held together front door.

"Glad I didn't lock it," I grumble out as I look at the damage done to the door and wall. After shaking my head, I turn and walk to the now occupied kitchen and wind up finding a blonde superheroine, sitting at my table with her face in her hands. Scanning the rest of the room tells me that she was looking for something, based on the open cupboards and what not. Looking back a Carol, I see her long, blonde hair is covering the front of her head and that she hasn't bothered changing out of her suit yet. Deciding a slow approach would be best, I start closing all of the cabinets and grab the two of us glasses. After making my way over to the sink, I start filling the glasses with water before speaking.

"Should I ask or would that end poorly for me?" Carol gives me something that sounds like a growl in response. Around the time I start filling up the second glass of water, she lets out a tired and frustrated sigh. Looking over my shoulder, I can see that she has moved her hands from her face and just has them crossed on the table. I think that is an improvement. The blue-eyed space heroine then looks up at me, allowing me to see that there is some red in her eyes. "I won't prod then." After that, I grab the two full glasses and make my way over to her. Her eyes stay on me the entire time, though I don't know if it is out of anger or something else. Her hair covering her face and my general lack of knowledge on these sorts of things make this a bit difficult for me. When I set her glass down near her is the first time she looks away from me. While I pull my chair out to sit down, she gives a quick, dry chuckle before speaking.

"I'm going to be honest, I was hoping for something stronger to drink." My chuckle is equally quick, but not nearly as dry as her's, while I take my seat.

"We both know why that option is off the table." While I continue to chuckle, she just gives a nod before looking back at the wooden table. I can still tell she is tense, but I know better than to poke and force things out of her. She will open up to you when she feels like it, not a moment sooner and no matter how hard you try. Though I will admit, she tends to have a problem with oversharing after opening up.

"(Y/N)?" Carol pulls me from my thoughts and back to reality with her low, sad voice. "I... Do you... God, this is frustrating." The longer she talks, the more anger I hear filling her voice. I reach my free hand out and gently push the water to her.

"Take a minute to drink and gather your thoughts." She gives me a side eye, but I just shrug. "Can't hurt to at least try." Though annoyed, she doesn't do as I suggest and finally takes a hold of the glass of water. When she raises it to her lips, she doesn't take a long drink, just enough to humor me. I decide to let that go and just keep quiet, as she lowers the glass back to the table. She takes a deep breath, causing her tense shoulders to raise, before she breathes out, making her shoulders drop down, signaling that she has relaxed some. She seems a bit less flustered and scatterbrained now, as she leans back in her chair.

"Do you think I am doing a good job? Protecting people and trying to better the world?" Well, that's a bit sudden. I lean forward a little while keeping my hand wrapped around my glass.

"What brought this on?" She groans a little at me not answering her question, and after a few minutes of glaring my way, I relent. "Carol, I told you that since day one that I don't agree with everything you have done and try to do to help, but that I know you're at the very least trying to make the world a better place." I leave out a few examples on why she should know that by now, like some of our past arguments, understanding now isn't the best time for that. She accepts the answer, though it doesn't seem like she was fond of it.

"Alright, sorry I asked." Carol's voice is softer with her words, as her expression falls a little. Great, I managed to make her go from angry to sad. Doing a stand-up job there, (Y/N). Before I can say anything else, she continues speaking. "It's just, no matter how much I do, there's still so much crap I have to deal with. Either it's civilians or other masks giving me trouble." I bite my tongue to keep from pointing out her "other masks" comment being ironic, given she ditched her domino mask a while ago.

"I can see why that would be frustrating." She nods and groans before picking up her glass and taking another drink, this time a much bigger one than before. Once she is a little under halfway, she puts the glass back down and takes a breath.

"Exactly! Today I had to deal with Barton, Reyes, Kamala, AND Spider-Man all giving me crap in one way or another." Carol starts slipping back into frustration now as she speaks. With a raised eyebrow, I respond.

"You're acting like they shouldn't have any problems with you." Carol shoots a glare over at me, pretty much confirming that is her mindset. Straightening up in my seat, I then continue to speak. "Come on, Carol, you have to admit you've messed up with some of them. Like when Hawkeye was basically on the run because of what happened with Dr. Banner." She then cuts me off.

"Hey, I wasn't the one that launched an arrow through Bruce nor was I forcing Clint to do it! He jumped the gun on that and did everything of his own free will." I can hear the glass start to crack in her hand as Carol's grip tightens.

"No, you were just the one who put him there in the first place, all based on something that might of happened. You put way too much trust in those "visions" and put Barton and Banner in the unfavorable position in the first place." Carol's anger raises as she glares at me, but I just keep staring back at her. She may be the only superpowered one here, but I'm not going to just let her get away with whatever she wants. "You did take essentially a small army with you to confront the doctor."

"Well, what if the vision was true and Bruce did Hulk out? What would you suggest I do then? Last time I tried taking on a Hulk, I was launched into orbit in one punch. I couldn't stop him from rampaging and harming others all by myself! And before you try and say it, yes I did learn about Bruce not being able to Hulk out at the time, but how was I supposed to know that beforehand? No one told me."

"Even then, you could have kept them on call and just talked with Dr. Banner one-on-one. You risked making him Hulk out by showing up with a super army on his doorstep." She grumbles at my response, "And again, the fact that you did all of that based on a big "if" and not something certain. Honestly, I'm surprised the Hulks don't have a grudge against you as well." The Kree-Human hybrid lets go of the glass before she breaks it, a brief moment of clarity.

"Well what about the others then, huh? What's their supposed "reason" giving me a headache?" I'm actually a little surprised Carol is even asking that question, at least when it comes to Kamala Khan.

"Really? Well for Miss Khan, what about the time you imprisoned her friends and neighbors for crimes that they might have done. You do realize how messed up that was, right? I get you were still grieving about Rhodey and Walters, but that didn't justify putting so much blind faith in that kid's "visions" to the point of jailing people for crimes they didn't commit. Also, let's not forget that you started to treat her more like a nuisance at best and an attack dog at worse." Again, Carol cuts me off.

"Oh, the friend that went on to firebomb the holding facilities?" Carol's blue eyes glare at me as she speaks, "The one that got himself in the hospital because he messed up his own terrorist attack?" Carol is leaning forward, practically shouting at me at this point. Jeez, she's laying into me with this one, but I do have to admit, she has a little bit of a point. One of my hands moves back to rub the back of my neck.

"You have a point there, he did mess up and handle what was happening poorly. Very poorly to be honest." Carol leaned away from me after that, but her eyes still glare daggers at me. "But you do have to admit, he may not have done all of that if you hadn't gone all "Precrime" on his neighborhood." Without missing a beat, Carol responds.

"The fact that was his first thing to think of, I doubt I was the catalyst for his mindset."

"That's fair, but you don't know that for sure, so you can't rule yourself out just yet." The angry super doesn't like my retort, but she has to deal with it. She keeps trying to push as much blame off of herself and onto others, and I've had enough of that. "And when it comes to Spider-Man's complaints, you were affecting New York the most during the whole debacle. Plus he seems pretty straight-laced, so I doubt he would ever agree with your more morally dubious actions." Carol slams her fists down on the table and stands up, pushing her chair back.

"I did what I had to do!" I look up and meet her glare with my own, now actually feeling enraged myself.

"Words said after many atrocities." Carol's burning fury is met with my cold rage. I can tell she is taken back by my response but stays where she is. After a few tense minutes pass, she eventually lets out a sigh and sits back down with her arms crossed. I do my best to keep myself calm on the outside, but inwardly, I am a bit nerves. She is superpowered after all.

"You're right." Carol eventually says, "I've messed up a lot recently. Every step I take forward, I'm taking at least one step back and that's the best case scenario." She then looks over at me with a sorrowful look, "What can I do?" I finally let go of my glass and just rest my arms on the table.

"That's a simple question with a tough answer." Carol gives a sad nod as she leans on the table like me, but with her arms still crossed. "I don't really have an answer for you now, but I know there's an answer." She gives me a small smile before she places a hand over one of my hands. A chuckle comes from me as I look down at her hand.

"You're lucky I like you, otherwise I probably would have left by now." Another laugh comes from me as my eyes move up from our hands an look at her.

"That might be one of your problems, you should listen to your detractors some more. I mean actually listen to learn, not just to respond." She chuckled at that.

"I'll keep that in mind, (Y/N)." Well, at least that's a start. I should probably not push the subject now.

"But maybe we should talk about this later when cooler and clearer heads are involved." Carol nods in agreement, "So why don't you change out of your "super suit" and into something more comfortable while I clean up a little and order us some food." She raises an eyebrow at that.

"I know we said we should stop for now, but you seem a bit quick to want to spend time together." I laugh at the question as I pull my hand away and grab both of our glasses.

"Hey, that's just part of being a couple, right?" That seems to get Carol to agree, as she smiles and starts to get up from her seat.

"Alright, guess that's fair enough." While she talks, I walk over to the sink and pour out the leftover water before rinsing them out. "So you still have some of my clothes here?"

"Mhm, you left quite a few here last time, so I washed them and left them in a drawer for the next time you spent the night or showed up while still in your suit." While I am busy with the glasses, she comes up behind me and kisses my cheek.

"All that's left is for us to move in together." My face warms a little bit from her words. "But that can come later." The Alpha flight leader then chuckles as she walks out of the kitchen, leaving me to my tasks and smile.


So I meant for this to come out in March, you know, to have it line up with the release of the movie. Sorry that didn't work out, but I can't really do much about it now. Hopefully, this was interesting for you guys to read, I wanted this to be more than just a regular one-shot since I actually care about this character. Honestly feels like I'm one of the only people that actually does. Despite me liking the character, I did want to address some of the problems that I have had with Captain Marvel in the comics as of late. I really could have gone into more detail, but I didn't want this to be too long and still wanted the reader and Carol to end on a nice or at least okay note. Alright, I'm going to stop rambling at this point. Hopefully I can get some more stuff out soon. Got an important date coming up, so I need to have some content for that. Anyways, have a great day/night depending on when/where you are reading this.

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