Black Cat (Marvel) X Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel. If I did, then the Superior Spider-Man run would have gone longer.
(Y/N)'s POV
"Hey, kid, wake up." The sound of a gruff voice and the feeling of callused hands shaking me, start to wake me. A groan escapes my lips before I realize my mistake. My eyes shoot open as I flinched away in preparation. A rough laughter comes from the man waking me up, who also serves as my mentor of sorts. "You're learnin, kid. Can't say you're the dumbest guy here anymore." He says while laughing at me some more. Once he calms down, Vito starts talking again, "I won't correct that little mistake there, not after the beating you just took. Just make sure to not make a habit of it. Got it?" I quickly nod in response to his question. "Good, now get up. The boss wants to see you." I quickly sit up in my bed, well as quickly as my broken ribs and bruised skin will allow me. A couple of my joints pop as I try to get my normal clothes on. While dressing, my mind runs a million miles a minute. Really, the boss wants me? Why would the boss want to talk to me? Was it because of the incident yesterday? Oh, come on, (Y/N), of course it's because of yesterday! What could I have done to be put on her radar? Now I'm even more nervous! What if it is something else? "Hey!" The sudden shout from Vito shakes me from my thoughts and startles me enough to send me back to my bed. "Calm down, kid. You look like you're about to have a freakin heart attack." Until now, I didn't even notice that I was hyperventilating. My hand comes to rest over my heart as I take a few breaths to try and calm myself down.
"Yeah, I get what you mean. Thank you Vito." He grins and hits/pats my shoulder affectionately. I would smile from this, if not for the pain I am already in making his typical tough love feel more like a beating. Biting back my pain, I speak, "S-so when does she want to see me?" Thankfully, Vito stops patting my shoulder and steps back.
"Pretty much now." My heart rate skyrockets again as my breathing quickens again, "Hey! What did I just say!?" Vito you are not helping! I nod in response and do my best to calm down and finish getting dressed. I give myself a once over to make sure I look presentable to the boss before heading out of the room. For some reason, Vito walks with me. I guess maybe he wants to help calm me down by being there for me or he's just being nosey and wants to see what's up. Whatever the case is, it is kinda nice having him with me as I walk through the warehouse to the boss' office. Everyone else keeps going on about their normal business, though the quick glances my way do not go unnoticed. Soon a pair of guards, with some pretty impressive heat, can be seen standing outside of a door. Getting closer to them doesn't do anything to make them less intimidating. Lord, I hope I still don't look like I'm having a heart attack. Once at the door, the two intimidating gentlemen stop us both. One of them then knocks on the door a couple of times before stopping and resting his ear against the metal door. After just a few seconds he turns back to me.
"You're good." He then looks at Vito, "But you ain't. Sorry Vito." Vito shrugs.
"It's alright." My "mentor" then hits my shoulder again, "Watch yourself kid. I don't want to have to help make you "disappear"." The two guards and Vito laugh at the joke as I grimace. I didn't think this through, joining a mob run by Spider-Man's old bedmate. A nervous laugh is all I have in return as I step up to the door. The guards move to the side so I can open the door. Not much light comes from the room as I take one last breath before stepping inside of the room. One of the guys behind me shuts the door and the room losses all light except for the early morning sunlight coming in from one decent sized window. It's not much, but hey, it keeps the room from being in total darkness. The soft sounds of meows and purrs keep the room from being too silent. The boss does like to let her cats free roam in her office. For some reason it sounds like there is liquid moving about. Weird. It doesn't sound like the cats drinking. Whatever. I cough to clear my throat before speaking.
"Hello?" God, I hope I don't sound pathetic. A melody like voice comes from the darkness.
"Hello, there. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" I never quite got why she was always so casual with meetings. We all know when she says that she means "What are you doing here," yet she still does this. Oh well. I better keep that to myself.
"I was told to come here." More sounds of water moving comes before the boss speaks again.
"Wait, (Y/N)?" She sounds somewhat confused, though I don't know why. I hope I didn't do anything wrong.
"Yes, miss." At least I remembered to use miss instead of ma'am. "Vito told me that you wanted to see me now."
"Hmm, I thought I told him that you could take your time arriving." Damn it Vito! He just assumed that she wanted me now just because she wanted to see me! "Oh well. No harm intentionally done, I suppose." Really? Oh thank god. My body relaxes some at her words. So far so good, I guess.
"Okay, good. Wouldn't want to be a bother now." My words escape past my lips before I can think over them. Thankfully her laughter answers my worries up upsetting her.
"As you should, my dear. Don't worry though, you just interrupted my bath is all." I nearly choke on air when I hear her words.
"Wh-what now?" Comes my hoarse voiced response. She laughs some more, presumably at my response.
"I would hope that you haven't been beaten so hard that your hearing and sight are impaired." She then hums to herself, as if thinking. "I guess maybe the darkness isn't helping with the seeing part. Let's fix that~" She purrs out the last part before the lights in the room come to life. Sure enough, my boss in neck deep in a bathtub filled with milk and is on the wall with the widow. Fittingly, she has a cheshire cat like grin on her face as she sinks a little more into her milk bath. Oh god. Okay (Y/N) keep it cool, focus on something else. I don't think the boss would appreciate me checking her out. A couple of cats are by her tub with some occasionally reaching down to lap up the milk. She seems fine with all of this and even moves so that her arms and legs are resting on the sides of the tub that is closest to me.
"I, um... My hearing... I m-mean..." Oh shit, I am screwing this up! She stops her nice little laughs and just lets out a gut busting laugh at my response.
"Oh, oh god! Please stop, you are going to kill me!" She says through her laughter, "You are just so cute, all flustered like that!" She keeps laughing as my cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment. After a good bit of laughter, she finally calms down and stops. Despite her laughing at my expense, the sound wasn't all that bad. "Oh that was good. Thank you for that, (Y/N)."
"I guess no problem?" I shrug out my response, which makes her tilt her head.
"You guess? Most of the others wouldn't be so casual after getting laughed at. Especially with their boss." My shoulders shrug again.
"To be perfectly honest with you, I don't really mind and I'm in enough pain that I am a little distracted from that. Plus, I was mostly embarrassed because you had caught me off guard with the whole being in the bath thing." That last one was a bold faced lie but hopefully I can keep her from knowing that. Thankfully the boss nods at my words and leans back in the tub with her arms on the sides and her chest just barely staying covered by the milk.
"Fair enough. Let's just skip all of this pussyfooting around and get straight to the point, shall we?" My nod answers her, "Then stop standing all the way over there and get closer so we can better converse~" Her purring out the last word sends shivers down my spine. Resisting the urge to gulp, I move closer to my boss. Once I am close enough she smiles at me and I stop walking. "So I heard last night's deal was a bust?" Again, I nod in response, "Damn, I was hoping to get those weapons off the streets. Oh well, I guess no good deed goes unpunished." As much as she likes to claim that the "Black Cat" has gone bad, she has us act more like vigilantes than a mob. No going near schools, no helping any group that goes near schools, and no killing unnecessarily. Heck, the only people she has us pick fights with are the guys who break her rules. Well that and Spider-Man, but that is a special case for her. I guess that's the reason I chose to join. That or because I need a place to live.
"Yeah, but at least we didn't loss anyone. Silverlining?" She lets out a laugh.
"True. I guess we have you to thank for that." I shrug at her words.
"Not quite. I took care of the other guy who crashed the party while everyone else fought the other group. Well it's more of our guys just shot at the others to keep them busy as they slipped out." She smiles at me from her bathtub.
"So noble of you, passing your actions off as nothing."
"Well it was just one guy with some guns and a skull on his chest, so-"
"WHAT?!" She practically screams out that word. As fast as lightning, her arms shoot out and her hands grip my collar tightly before she pulls me too her. Her nails tear into my shirt as our faces are merely inches apart. "What did he look like!?"
"Um, kinda a rough face with a military buzz cut. He had a look that made some of the other guys want to mess their pants. I think one of them did, actually." She lets go of me and I stumble back and fall onto my butt. Before she was completely exposed, the boss pulls a towel around her as she rushes out of the milk filled bathtub.
"Did you kill him?" I shake my head, still a little confused and shaken from this.
"No, I didn't. Why should I?" Just as my sentence, ends a loud explosion comes from outside of the room.
"Yes, you should have and that is why." She says seriously as shouts and gunshots come from outside of the room. She comes back out in her black cat suit, which she had sloppily and quickly put on. She then kneels next to me and hands me a gun, "Look, he's probably here to either kill you, me, or the both of us. The best thing to do right now is to run." The next thing she does shocks me when she kisses me hard on the lips. After holding the kiss there for a few minutes she finally pulls back and hands me a piece of paper. "If you survive today go to the location on the paper. Got it?" I nod in response. "Good and make sure you survive." The door then explodes and in walks the man I fought last night. Oh shit. Looking to my side, I notice a lack of a certain black cat thief. Well if today is my last day, at least I got to make out with the famous, Black Cat. Hopefully, I can survive this and do it again.
Hope you have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.
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