Barbara Gordon (DC) X Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own DC. If I did I doubt I would have come up with the origins of The Batman Who Laughs because whoa boy it is dark.
Barbara's POV
My heart threatens to beat out of my chest as my motorcycle swerves in and out of traffic, dodging cars, trucks, pedestrians and anything else that tries to get in my way of getting to (Y/N). As the lights and other vehicles blur by me, Alfred's words still ring in my head.
"Master Bruce, Damian, and (Y/N) were so busy trying to take care of the Joker's men, that the Joker threw a grenade amongst them. In the short time he had, (Y/N) pushed the others out of the way before leaping on the bomb..." I hung up the phone before Alfred could finish. What was (Y/N) thinking?! I get he wanted to save the others but using his own body to cover up a grenade!? That's suicide! My mind and heart race at speeds only out done by my motorcycle. I have to get to the cave. Bruce has to have something there to help (Y/N). The city soon melts away the the more country side of Gotham as I get closer to the Manor and the Cave. As I near the billboard that helps block the path to the cave, I don't even wait for it to go down all the way as I press a button to give my motorcycle a boost, sending it into the air and over the lowering sign. The bike makes a loud thud as the wheels meet the ground, causing my back wheel to move from side to side before straightening back out. As I quickly make my way to the cave a message comes through.
"Barbara." Dick's voice comes through the mic. "Barbara slow down-" I cut him off when I hear him say that.
"Why, Dick?!" I angrily ask. "Why should I slow down when (Y/N) is possibly dead!?"
"Slow down so the cave can open for you. At the speed you're going the cave can't open fast enough for you." He says in a calmer voice. Looking down at my speedometer, it agrees with my fellow crime fighter.
"Fine." I say that as I slow down the motorcycle a little bit. I can hear a sigh come from the mic when I do that.
"Thank you." Dick says. I don't bother responding as I make my way to the cave, at a painfully slow place now. Come on, come on! Looking at the time I realize that the doors must be down enough that I can make it in. I then revving the bike, forcing it to speed up again. Soon enough I barrel into the cave as Dick tries to say something to me. Right now I just ignore it as my vision tunnels some. I have to get to (Y/N). Soon the dark tunnel goes away as I get to the cave itself. I then hit my brakes again and make the motorcycle slide across the floor as I come to a stop. Once my bike is completely stopped, I hop off of the vehicle and race off to get to the infirmary. As I am on the way to the sick bay, both Alfred and Dick stop me before I can get there.
"Whoa, Barbra. Slow down." Dick says as they stop me.
"Why? I know (Y/N) is in the infirmary so let me see him!" I angrily demand, "I have to know how he is doing!" Alfred then stands in and speaks.
"Miss Gordon. Working yourself up into such an emotional frenzy will do nothing to help (Y/N)'s current situation." Alfred's usual stern, authoritative tone pulls me back to reality.
"Alright." I says with a sigh as I do try to calm my nerves some. Alfred is right, I need to at least think clearly now. As I do that, Alfred then counties.
"You hung up before I could finish." He says calmly. "I was going to say that yes, (Y/N) was the person who took a majority of the blast, but he grabbed something to help cover the grenade with more than just himself. He was thrown back some and was knocked out but he is alive."
"He's alive? Then let me see him!" Dick holds me back from running off as Alfred continues.
"He took some shrapnel to his face and some did get through the weaker parts of his armor. Right now Master Bruce is taking care of him and he can best do that if you stay here." He says sternly. After hearing his words I nod as I take yet another breath to calm down.
"Alright." I eventually say with a nod, "I understand." Dick then gives me a small smile before speaking.
"Hey, no need to apologise. I doubt anyone would judge you for being concerned for someone you care about. Especially when you hear that the person just took a grenade blast." He says with a kind tone. I nod and smile some from his words.
"Thank you, Dick." His smile grows warmer when I say that. A thought then comes to mind.
"Wait, how did it all end?" I ask as the two look at me, "The blast knocked (Y/N) out so how did it all end." Alfred then speaks up again.
"Well, Master Bruce sent an S.O.S. to the cave and I was able to get Miss Kane and young Master Thomas to get to them." He says calmly. "Sadly the Joker was able to get away but Master Grayson was able arrive and help Master Bruce to the cave with the injured young man." Alfred finishes explains. Around the time that, Bruce walks out from the shadows as he usually does. I turn toward him but he interrupts me before I can ask my question.
"He's okay. There wasn't that many shards but the ones that did get in there were deep." He says in his usual gruff and matter of fact tone, "He'll live, he's just resting now." He then finally looks at me after not doing so for his last few words, "You can see him." Bruce then turns and walks towards the main computer of the cave. That's about all I see since I am already on my way to the infirmary. I'm not rushing like I was before, but I am not taking my time either. Soon enough I am at the sick bay. I usually avoid it since it always feels so cold and sterile, which I guess just helps continue how weird it makes me feel when I am there. This time however I am not quite as unbalanced when I get there since I'm more focused on (Y/N). Once in the room, I see a sleeping (Y/N) laying at top one of the few beds we have in there. The lights a dimmed some, but not enough that I can't see the slow rise and fall of his chest as he breaths or dimmed too much for me to not be able to see. I pull a chair to the bedside and take (Y/N)'s hand as I sit down. Bruce left a blanket over him to help cover some of the bandages, but I do see the tops of some. Hopefully the damage wasn't too bad. All of a sudden I feel (Y/N)'s hand tighten around mine, causing me to look directly at his face. After a minute or so I see his eyes open a bit before he turns me direction.
"Barbara?" He asks weakly. Hearing his voice, however weak, makes me smile some as I lean forward.
"Hey, (Y/N)." I say softly to not spook him. He then gives me a weak smile.
"H-hey." He says, his voice getting a bit stronger.
"How are you doing? How are you feeling?" I quickly say. He smiles a little more at me.
"Bout as good as one can be when they take a grenade blast." I let out a laugh at his response.
"So good enough to give me some snark?"
"Just a little bit." He says before his eyes close a bit. I scoot the chair closer to the table.
"How about we skip some of the banter for now and you just get back to resting?" He gives me a questioning look before asking.
"You sure." I smile and nod as an answer, "Well alright then. Mind staying just a little bit?" I smirk at his words.
"I'm staying whether you want me too or not." He grins and lets out a weak laugh.
"Definitely got me a keeper with you." He jokes, making me lean down and kiss his lips gently.
"Yes, you did. Now get some sleep." He nods at my words before closing his eyes completely. I then rest my head down on the table and get comfortable as I decide to rest my eyes some.
Originally I was going to just call this part Batgirl, but then I remembered that there have been a few people who have gone by the name of Batgirl, so I figured that I would just go by those character's real names. Good? Awesome. Hope you have a great day/night depending on when/where you are reading this.
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