Android 21 (Dragon Ball) X Reader

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball, Z, GT, or Super. If I did then Android 21 would be canon no matter what anyone else would say.


(Y/N)'s POV

A low humming is all that fills the air in the laboratory as I look over the results of the past couple of tests. I turn around to face away from my desk before leaning back on it with my chair as I read off of my tablet. Right now it seems that we are able to just suppress twenty-five percent of an individual's ki, though that can be circumvented by individuals with large amounts of ki. It would also seem that, as of now, we can only suppress positive or "good" ki and negative or "evil" ki. My finger then flicks the screen in a downward motion to get back to the top of the document. Let's see, these latest results are only from one test, if the two before this one are anything to go by. I double tap the screen, allowing me to tap and I title the newest results "Trail D, Test 1" so as to not confuse these results with the others. Granted the test is easier said than done given the protective gloves I'm wearing, but eventually I manage to get the title all typed out. Despite being successful with the typing I still grown, frustrated at the added difficulty. To remedy this I go into the settings and turn on the speech-to-text application in addition to the normal recorder.

"Trail D, Test 2." I try to speak as clearly into the recording to see if it works. For some reason it starts out as "Trail Too, Testy" but thankfully the tablet is smart enough to autocorrect to what I had said. I smile pridefully before placing down the tablet and get up to boot up the machine. As I flip the switches on, the doors to the lab open and the sound of footsteps hits my ears.

"Jeez, (Y/N), you're up early." Android 21's voice comes from behind as her soft footsteps get closer and closer.

"Yeah sorry about th- AHH! 21 what are you doing!?" When I turn around, I nearly have a heart attack and would have fallen back if it wasn't for the chair catching me. Standing before me is my lab partner and fellow scientist, Android 21, who is currently wearing a white lab coat while carrying two hot cups of od smelling coffee. The problem is, that's all she's wearing and its not like she's buttoned up the coat either. One wrong move and I'm going to be seeing everything else behind that coat. Said scientist looks at me curiously as she holds out a mug for me to take.

"What?" Judging by her voice, she doesn't have any idea what's wrong with this, "I just brought you something to drink. I know it's not the usual, but we're all out of coffee so I made some hot chocolate instead." Well that explains why they don't smell right. As my face heats up, I shake my head to get the view out of my mind and turn away.

"I know that. I mean what are you wearing, err, I guess not wearing?" 21 walks over to me and places one of the two cups down. The sound of her slurping some of her drink makes me cringe some before she answers.

"I'm just wearing my lab coat. What's wrong?"

"That's the problem, you're just wearing a lab coat." She scoots over a chair to set down next to me, but that only makes my face heat up even more, "Why don't you have anything else on?" To try and distract myself, I grab the tablet from earlier and focus on it.

"I just got up and most of my clothes are dirty, so I thought this would be fine. It also feels kinda good too. Less confining." A sigh slips past me as I look at the tablet.

"It may feel good but that's dangerous to do in the lab." She laughs and waves that off.

"I'm made of some tough stuff, (Y/N). I'll manage, now drink up before your hot chocolate gets cold." My head shakes as I grab the mug and take a drink of it. The hot liquid feels good and once it hits my stomach my whole body starts to feel pleasantly warm.

"Happy now?" The red head nods with a smile as she buttons up her lab coat.

"Happy now?" She teasingly echos back to me, causing my eyes to roll.

"Yes, 21, I'm happy now." My attention is then drawn to the machine that I had turned on, because now it is shutting off, "What the..?" My arms push me out of the chair as I walk over to the machine and examine it. I soon feel Android 21's presence near me.

"Did you calibrate it?"


"Are you sure you replaced the broken parts?"

"Of course."

"Is it plugged in?"

"You think I'm that dumb? Really?" Irritated, I glare at the woman who puts her hand up and backs up a little. After turning my attention to the machine, I try to fix it but to no avail. I groan in frustration before giving up and headed back to my chair in defeat. My hand covers my face as I try to think of what the problem is. I can hear 21 move over to the machine and hear the Android fiddle with the device. Lowering my gaze, I am greeted by the sight of her bent over looking inside of our homemade machine. My face heats up again when I get a full view of her barely clothed rear before quickly covering my eyes once more. 21 continues to tinker until the sound stops and she shuts the machine back up. She the walks off to the right before speaking.

"Aha! That's what's wrong." My hand moves down to see her remove the sample that we've been using for the tests. It was all used up, necessitating a new sample. Another groan escapes me as I cover my face in shame, "You know this usually doesn't slip by you, (Y/N). You're more observant."

"Sorry, I guess I'm just-"

"Tired?" My lab partner says, to which I nod, "Maybe this is a good sign that you should take a break."

"Yeah... Guess that's true." She walks over and stands in front of me. When I look up at the scientist, her expression softens a little before she continues.

"Come on, let's take the hot chocolate with us and go relax. We can watch some movies together or maybe go read those books that you said you wanted to read." Her demeanor makes me smile and nod.

"That's sounds nice." Android 21 then smiles and pulls me out of my chair.

"Perfect, let me go get some sweets for us to snack on." She makes sure to grab the hot chocolate as we go and I can't help but laugh at her words.

"Us? Don't you mean you?" The android then makes a cute pout as we get to the door.

"I was gonna share some of them." Another laugh escapes me as open the door and turn off the lights. She then perks up and looks at me, "I'm gonna eat them all now." All I can do now is laugh and shut the door to the laboratory.


Finally got around to writing a story with Android 21. Honestly I should have written this sooner, back closer to FighterZ release so that I could strike while the iron was hot, but no use in dwelling on how shitty I am. I know for some fans she can be divisive but I like her. Hopefully they do some more with her in the future. Anyways, hope you guys like it, I know I at least like having that picture of her. Have a great day/night depending on when/where you're reading this.

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