Waiting [Lilo][Kitten!Louis]

These will mostly be Lilo or Larry or Petite related #sorrynotsorry

Prompt: Liam leaves Louis to go on a business trip,and he sorta doesn't come back

[Warnings: Saddnes]

"I'll be home just after 6,okay kitten?"Liam presses a kiss to Louis' forehead,stroking back the kitten hybrids feathery hair as he was half awake and half asleep.Liam really didn't want to leave Louis this early in the morning,but the meeting that he desperately and urgently needed to go to over in Paris was very important and if he didn't get it out of the way right this Instant then it would be eating at him for the rest of the week.

He would take Louis with him,but really the boy was a handful even when Liam brought him to meetings in his usual bundling never mind taking Louis on a plane and to a foreign location where no one spoke English.It was utterly confuse Louis' mind and then with a confused and scared Louis,Liam wouldn't be able to focus as his brain would be working over time on Louis who would be seated on his lap.

"I go with,no?"Louis mumbles into the soft white pillow that the left side of his face is pressed into,a pool of drool under his opened mouth from when he was sleeping with his mouth open.Liam has left Louis alone in the house numerous of different times before,the hybrid was able to make himself Tea, pour himself cereal and reheat food from nights before or if Liam has made him some just to reheat.He was use to being on his own whenever Liam would have to leave,although one of Liams friends sometimes kept him company so that he wouldn't get lonely.

"No Lou,just myself.Be good and you know what to do whenever you get scared."Liam gently reminded Louis,The kitten hybrid nodding in understanding as Liam scratched just behind his left kitten ear making it twitch.When Liam found Louis in the abandoned house two years ago,he never thought that the kitten hybrid with the ears and fluffy tail and a large heart would have an effect on someone so busy and antisocial as Liam.The boy had softened the Wolverhampton man,made him a big soft teddy bear who gave great cuddles and loved Louis with all his heart.

"Ring Hazzy,I know."Liam hums.

"Good boy,I love you."Liam presses another soft kiss to Louis cute button nose making him sneeze cutely in his half sleep daze and to bring a small hand up to rube at his nose.Liam cooed out loud as he stood up straight and went to exit the room to leave and catch his plane to Paris which was scheduled to leave in less than 2 hours.

Letting out a squeaky yawn,Lou turns so that he can cuddle into Liams pillow,taking a deep sniff of Liams cologne before calling out after Liam;

"I love you more,"


Running around the house,Louis giggles loudly and jumps over the back of the sofa,handing onto his back before rolling onto the pillowed floor with the thud and a giggle.Liam would always scowl him if he ran around the house at the speed that he normally did,he was too afraid that the small kitten hybrid would break something wether it be a piece of furniture or one of his bones.

Louis on the other hand just thought that Liam was a worry wart

And a party pooper

But he still loved him

Louis had the livingroom a mess of pillows and blankets that he has dragged from the spare rooms to make a fort,and to make the floor comfy Incase he fell.He tried to make a sort and succeeded after some while,Loads of pillows crammed inside the fort and his favourite silky red duvet that he pulled off his and Liams bed.

He wanted to make a surprise for Liam whenever he came home,he was nearly always so stress whenever he came home from work or a meeting and Louis liked to make Liam as relaxed as he possibly could whoever he came home.Although he sometimes failed at that,he would make Liam even more stressed and angry which would resort to Louis is tears and hiding in the hot press.Liam would then calm down and retreat to go and find Louis to apologise,tell him he didn't mean to shout and then they would cuddle.

Louis is seated inside of the fort,A large mug of milky tea in his hands as he watches the television which is showing a random Disney movie.He has seen seen them all knows the script and songs off by heart which he gladly still recites or sing along too at the top of his lungs.He has eaten the sandwich Liam made him for his lunch and mad a couple of chocolate biscuits as snacks with his numerous mugs of tea so he is little tummy is full as he watches the movie.

He has all of the curtains drawn close and the lights turned off,The mobile phone that Liam had bought him for emergencies close by which he continues to check the time on every 5 minutes.Liam taught him how the tell the time and to read a couple of months after he had settled into the home.Liam taught Louis loads of things,the kitten hybrid knew next to nothing when it came to reading,Writing or telling the time.I mean his hand writing was scrawny as fuck,and he stuttered a lot but it was better than nothing.

"Li?Where are ya'?You are late,you're neva' late."Louis mumbles down the phone,pressing his phone close to his ear as he let his other hand run through the fur of his fluffy Hazel tail."Maybe your Plane late?Oh well,Love you lots like jelly tots Li loads of kisses and hugs!"He giggles mindlessly before hanging up the voice mail and setting his phone beside him as he watched another movie.

It was 3am when Louis woke up again,surrounded by darkness and coldness as he opened his eyes and looked around the room.The television was still on,although nothing but teleshop and preview was playing since it was that late at night.He frowns deeply and pulls the duvet he has wrapped around him tighter around his small and shivering body.Sometimes Liam would leave Louis be if he fell asleep in his fort and just go to bed himself,but he would always turn off the television.

Scooting out of the fort,Louis walks in barefeet through the livingroom,flicking on the lights and squinting his eyes at the new found light.With the heavy silk duvet dragging behind him as he walks up the stairs."Liam?You home?"He calls through the house,his small voice echoing throughout the house as he continues to walk,pushing the door of his and Liams room open.Flicking on the light,Louis looks around the room with panic filled eyes when he sees no sign on life,nor Liam.

"Liam?Where are you?"He whimpers,dropping the duvet to the floor as he starts to run through all of the bedrooms,shouting and calling for Liam.He didn't leave him,right?No of course not,Liam loves Louis with all his heart,yeah?He tells him everyday entire he goes to work,whenever he comes back throughout the day and of course just before they go to bed (and mind you that's only the times that Louis hears him).Liam knows of Louis' abandonment issues,he wouldn't do this as a sort of test would he?

Louis can remember the last time something like this happened,that Liam was just half an hour late home and Louis was a wreck of nerves and tears whenever Liam had came ho,e socked from head to toe from the pelting rain.His car had broken down and he had to walk all the way home in the rain,coming home to a kitten hybrid in hysterics.

"This isn't funny!Come out please?"Louis can hear his voice quake whenever he speaks,he can feel his bottom lip wobbling and the tears run down his cheeks as he continue me to seraphic every room from top to bottom crying his heart out.He even looks in the rooms that he isn't suppose to be in without Liam.

Louis is just about to fall to the ground and cry when he hears a key in the lock,small body jerking forward to peer over the banister,his ears perked up and his tail swishing as he wrist to see who is emerging from the otherside of the door.It's Liam,Louis can just tell that it's Liam on the otherside of the door with apology gifts for being extremely late due to a delayed flight.

But it isn't Liam

It's Harry

Louis lets a sob escape his lips when he doesn't see any sign of Liam,only a head of curly hair who is Looking around for Louis since he spotted the light on in the livingroom.Harrys head snaps up at the sound,an obvious expression of sadness when he sees Louis crying in the upstairs landing.

"Hey bud,"Harry cooes softly and cautiously as Louis slowly makes his way down the stairs until he is sitting half way up them.Harry swallows thickly as he takes a shudders breath.He feels guilty,he and Zayn and Niall all feel guilty for leaving it this long on coming to tell the kitten hybrid who is in hysterics and probably scared out of his mind.

"Where's Li,Hazzy?He commin' yeah?"He asks innocently,tears running down his smooth cheeks as he looks up at Harry through thick eyelashes.Harry takes a few steps up the stairs,keeling down a couple of stairs under Louis before he starts speaking.

"There's been an accident,"

Part Two? ;)

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