The Spaces Between Us [London]


London= Brendon Urie/Louis Tomlinson

"I didn't mean it!"

"Yes you did!"

"Well, yes okay, I did mean it per say but it was not my fault that it happened."

"You ripped off the guys fucking arm Brendon!"

"He grabbed your ass!"

"He tripped and his hand brushed my ass! He did not fucking grab it you uncultured swine. For someone who has been alive for hundreds of years, you sure are a stupid prick."Louis has stopped purposely on the stairway up to their apartment, he's a floor above Brendon who is trailing behind his boyfriend like a puppy being scowled, and in a way that's a correct term to use when Louis is shouting at him.

Louis makes no effort to keep his voice quiet, he's angry and he's going to let the god damn neighbours know how much he is so. Brendon is just as angry, for an entire different reason than what Louis is but still angry. The human glares down at his boyfriend, watching as the gears practically turn in his vampires head for a comeback, already starting to storm off before Brendon can even think of a good enough comeback.

They were supposed to have a nice evening, one that consisted of the two of them just having fun. They were both busy people, with Louis and his aspiring acting career and Brendon with his mass production of sex toys - yeah, talk about a pick up line the first time Louis met Brendon. The vampire nearly got a stake to the heart after that one - it was rare for the pair to actually spend a night out with one another.

Brendon had decided to take Louis to a vampire exclusive club, exceptions of humans only if they were accompanied by a higher class - from a long, on going bloodline - vampire or was a hired vampire exclusive kiss-a-gram - which Louis was mistakenly taken for at first until Brendon had put the minor accusing back into his place. It had been an enjoyable evening, filled with second hand flirting, exotic dancing and vibrant drinks.

That was until Brendon lost his shit. The stupid fuckwit of a vampire.

"He touched what was mine!"Brendon growls, suddenly appearing in front of Louis, sending the young human to crash into his chest and stumble backwards. Brendon stands only a few inches taller than his human boyfriend, but makes up for it in strength and shoulders.

"On accident! It would've been different if he fucking groped my dick or grinded on my ass but he didn't! The guy was 18! He's probably traumatised!"Louis shouts, feeling sorry for the poor barely legal teen. He squeezes his eyes shut, still able to hear the poor teenagers painful screams, the blood that had splattered across the bar and the dance floor.

Louis opens his eyes, feeling a shiver go through his body as his thoughts cast back to the look of pain that had been fasted upon the poor teenagers face. He looks up to meet Brendons gaze, in time to spot the red that was swirling with the brown that Louis had fallen in love with, for his eyes to spot the sharpness of Brendons things that have bitten down onto his bottom lip to contain his anger.

"Good! It serves him right for touching my boyfriend."Louis shoves past the vampire, shaking his head as he passes in anger, storming up the last flight of steps. His chest is rising and falling from how fast he had stormed up the steps, fiddling in frustration for his house keys that were trapped in the tightness of his jeans.

"You're Fucking ridiculous. You're sleeping on the couch tonight."

"I will sleep in our bed."The vampire snaps, itching to help out and find the house keys for Louis. He's standing a foot or two behind his human, eyes shifting between the crimson red he gains when angry and the soft brown he was blessed with as a human appearance. Louis jams the key into the lock, forcefully opening the front door of their shared apartment.

"If I tell you that you're sleeping on the couch, you're fucking sleeping on the couch!"Louis ends his sentence with a slam of the front door, making the vampire jump back before his nose ended up in his brain. Kicking off his shoes, Louis storms through the living room in the dark, in search for wine or ice cream or wine ice cream.

Louis lets out a wounded sound of pain as he knocks his bare foot against the side table entering the kitchen, wincing in pain as he grabs his injured foot and does a hop of pain."God-fucking-damnit!"Louis just wants to curl up into a ball and cry out his worries, he can't deal with this.

"Are you hurt?"Brendon asks, appearing in front of the human who has his eyes clenched closed in pain, gripping onto his injured foot. Sorry flashes across Brendons face, eyes casting down to the humans foot. He can smell blood, from where he's unsure.

"Will yo- stop! Stop doing that!"Louis snaps in anger, masking a sob of pain that is roaring through his foot."Just fuck off, Brendon. I'm pissed off at you and you popping up out of nowhere is not helping my mood."He's forcing himself to stand up straight, hands straight by his sides as he glares up at the vampire.

"And what are you going to do about it?"Brendon cocks his head to the side, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"I'll find a way. Watch me."


Brendon knows something in wrong the minute he walks into the apartment. His skin is prickly and reddening and there's a queasy feeling in his stomach that is yelling at him to turn the fuck around and get out of here. It's not all that bad at the start, it's when he continues to enter the apartment and follow Louis' scent is when it starts to get worse, the red traveling up his arms and a low heat around his neck.

Louis is laying on the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket and eyes stuck on the television as some rerun episode of Doctor Who plays on their television. There's something not right, the way that Louis is seemingly hiding his lower face with the thick blanket and how deposits the fact he knows that Brendon is here, he doesn't look up to meet his eye.

"Hey babe, enjoy work?"Louis asks, tipping his head just a little to acknowledge that Brendon is standing in the room, finger nails itching at the heat around his neck.

"What have you done? What are you wearing?"He demands, his voice not affecting the way that Louis is still watching his television program about some mad man in a blue phone box.

"Just the usual."Louis chimes."Sweats and a hoodie."

"You're wearing silver, there's silver in this house."

"Oh! You're right, I am. Silly me for forgetting."Louis laughs, sitting up under the pile of thick blankets. He turns his body so that he can see Brendon 10 feet away at the door frame, his knees pulled up to his chest as he pushes the sleeves of his hoodie up to reveal the pure silk ear bracelets. With a quick dart of his tongue, Louis is flashing his tongue stud, one he had got in his teen years with a matching nipple ring."Don't you like my jewels, Bren?"

"You know I prefer when they aren't silver."Brendon spits, taking more steps back until he is solely in the apartment hallway. From here, the warmth and redness wasn't so bad but any closer and it was unbearable."Take them out."

"How about, no?"Louis cocks his head to the side, purposely flicking his tongue to swipe over his bottom lip, showing off the magnificent pure silver tongue stud. It's the end of the conversation, evident by the way that Louis snuggles back into the thick blanket and settles to watch the rest of his programme.

"And what am I supposed to do, hmm? Fucking stand 10 feet away from you at all time?"Brendon fumes, the urge to stomp his foot like a toddler roaring through him. He can see the way that Louis' shoulders shrug from under the blankets, letting out a frustrated and angered sound from the back of his throat.


"What are we having for dinner?"Brendon asks, standing in the living room as he watches Louis move around the kitchen 10 feet away. He's cladded in black, the colour contracting well to the white of his vampire skin while Louis stands 10 feet away cladded in silver the fucking asshole.

They've been like this for 3 days, Louis refusing to take off his silver jewellery and Brendon having no other choice but to stand his distance unless he was to risk breaking out into a rash. It's been terrible, with Louis taking the comfy double bed and Brendon being kicked to the couch, unable to kiss or hug his boyfriend and worst of all; no sex.

As a vampire, there was no need for Brendon to eat food but that didn't mean he couldn't. He enjoyed eating food, especially since it was normally Brendon and Louis' time to catch up on their day and spend some time with one another. Brendon has been working too often the part 3 days, meaning he was unable to have dinner with Louis.


"Oh come on!"

"Don't you like Italian?"Louis continues with the oblivious act, smirking purposely so that Brendon can see Louis' smirk in the reflection of the window.

"You bloody well know I don't."Brendon snaps, crossing his arms across his chest like a toddler. He's all pouty lips as he looks away from where Louis dances in front of the stove, huffing out a defeated breath."How many times do I have to say I'm sorry until you forgive me?"

"You haven't said it yet."

"I know, I was hoping that the answer would be none."The words tip out of Brendons mouth, resorting to Louis tipping more garlic spices into the cooking food.


The vampire stands up from his make shift bed, eyes darting down the hallway where the sounds are coming from. They're distressing sounds, whimpers and small cries that Brendon sure isn't imagining and sounds he defiantly knows belongs to his Louis. Quickly, Brendon is appearing in the hallway, peering in through the open door of his and Louis' bedroom where his boyfriend is caught up between the soaked sheets, twisting and turning, caught in a night terror.

For the years that Brendon had known Louis, he has known of his boyfriends nightmares of past experiences, times that Brendon himself wishes that he could take away the painful memories from his boyfriends mind. But he couldn't, and it made Brendon feel like a useless boyfriend when all he could do was hold him close and kiss away his tears.

Right now, he was unable to do a thing due to the goddamn silver.

Louis lets out a pained cry in his sleep, fingers gripping until knuckles are white to Brendons pillow that he has clutched to his chest, tears rolling down his cheeks as he tries to catch some breath. The sheets are twisted around his body, soaked with his sweat.

"Louis, wake up."Brendon is all but able to say, his fingers itching to reach closer. He can already feel the creeping heat and redness of his skin, the itch around his neck and down his wrists. It only takes another cry from a terrified and sleeping Louis for the vampire to suck in a deep breath and face towards the bed.

The vampire is scooping Louis to his chest, skin burning and bubbling as his bare arms come in contact with the silver wrapped around Louis' wrists."I've got you, shh, baby I've got you. You're okay, I've got you."Brendon is soothing, jaw clenched closed as he soothes Louis through his own pain.

"Bren?"Louis is sobbing, fingers letting go of the pillow and clawing at the back of Brendons flimsy t-shirt. He's breathing hard, still caught up in a nightmare that was playing in his head but he's in familiar arms, catching a scent of his wonderful vampire boyfriend.

"I'm here, I've got you Louis."Brendon almost sobs himself because fûck, Silver is a bastard!

"Brendon! The Silver!"

"I don't care, you are what matters."

"You're a fucking idiot."

"I know, but I love you."

"I love you too, you stupid fucking vampire."


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