The Boys [Little!Josh Verse]

When Mommy is away, the boys come out to play

; or, Sarah is away for the weekend and Brendon and Josh have some Daddy/Baby time

In connection to my Little!Joshua verse!!!

"I'll be gone for 2 days, and I'll be back Sunday evening."Sarah is telling Josh gently who continues to look at his Mommy with these big mocha brown eyes that makes her heart clench with sadness because he truly does look heart broken at the fact that his Mommy is going to be gone for the weekend, especially because the weekend is their special time together! It isn't fair at all!

But Sarah deserves it, she deserves to have her freedom and time on her own without Joshua constantly waddling behind her like a duckling or Brendon peering around the corner looking for food ( because god knows that Sarah is a much better cook than Brendon ). She deserves a weekend break from all of the waking up at 8am and traveling the world on tour with her husband while simultaneously trying to make work on her own.

That doesn't mean that Josh is taking it any less harder than he should, because he's not, he's really not taking it well at all. He's furious, outraged, angry, frustrated, sad. Call him selfish all you want, but Josh doesn't want his Mommy to just leave him for the weekend, it shouldn't be allowed to happen. Why should Mommy just have all the fun while Joshua stays at home with Daddy? It should be illegal!

She's his mommy, and yes okay, he does love Daddy an awful lot and he knows that they're going to have a lot of fun together because Daddy is far more fun than Mommy, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want her to go!

"Take me with you."Josh is lurching himself forward at Sarah, getting a strong grip on the back of her coat and hiding his face in the thick, warm material.

"I would, but you would be unbelievably bored out of your mind."Sarah sighs, cupping Josh's face in her small hands and pressing a kiss onto his forehead, then his nose and a platonic peck to his pouty lips."Be good for your Daddy and I'll see you Sunday morning, baby."

"Love you,"

"Love you too,"She pecks him on the forehead one last time as she stands up, heading to the door where Brendon stands with her mini suitcase, ready for her to take it. The car is outside, waiting for her to get in and take her away for the weekend and she doesn't know who's more nervous about this weekend, her or Brendon.

"I'll be fine."Brendon goes to reassure his wife, pressing a kiss to her lips as he does so.

"It's not you that I'm worrying about."She teases half heartedly, her lips ghosting at Brendon's in their kiss."Instructions have been left on the fridge."

"You do know that I have looked after Josh before, right?"He looks almost offended, his own lips settled into a pout that makes Sarah roll her eyes, shaking her head. Of course she knows, Brendon is amazing with Josh and in return, Josh adores Brendon as if the man hung the moon in the sky.

"Just incase. He's a handful."

"Don't I know."

"Just don't kill each other."She gives Brendon one last lingering kiss, her hands on either side of his face before she's pulling away, blowing Josh a kiss and watching as the little on the sofa grabs for it before she's waving them both down the steps and into the car.

"Right, let the fun begin!"Brendon is whooping in excitement as he closes the door, turning his attention to where Josh remains on the couch, looking sadly down at his lap. Brendon's shoulders sag for a moment, a frown nearly on his lips before he's shaking it off and it's replaced back to a grin."C'mon Joshy, aren't you excited to have some fun with Daddy?"

"Like what?"Josh perks up, his attention now drawn to his Daddy and the promise of having fun. It's not like his Mommy doesnt allow him to have fun or anything but Daddy has always been more lenient when it comes to what Josh is allowed to do and what is ain't. It only takes a good look at those wide brown eyes and the threat of tears to spill that sends Brendon over the edge of not punishing the little or promising not to tell Sarah.

It was unbelievable how wrapped around his finger that Joshua had him.

"Well,"Brendon starts, throwing himself down onto the sofa beside Josh, pulling the little into his side which the little melts into. Brendon is always so warm and Josh loves it whenever they cuddle because he gives the best cuddles in the world."I think we should start with baking cookies, because nobody can go wrong with cookies."

"Triple chocolate?"

"Is there any other type of cookies that I would make for my sweet baby?"Brendon's eyes crinkle with a smile, laughing whenever Josh is practically vibrating with excited, jumped up onto his knees.

"What else, Daddy?"He pesters, watching with wide eyes and hanging on Brendon's every word.

"And while we wait for our cookies to cool down, we'll have our lunch and I'm thinking we should got for some grilled cheeses and tomato soup-"

"Cut into stars?"

"I'll see what I can do, buddy."Brendon laughs before continuing,"And then we can go to the park for the afternoon."

"Really? While little?"Josh gasps quietly, looking at Brendon through thick eyelashes almost bashfully, unsure of how much of what Brendon is telling him will actually happen. Going outside of their home while Josh is little isn't something that happens a lot, mostly for the sake of Josh himself wanting to keep that side of himself a secret to the outside world and Brendon and Sarah respecting that.

But they do get out of their safe little nest to go to the park, or the shopping centre or out to eat in places that nobody would ever think of spotting them out and about or is privately owned for the sake of Josh and his little side.

"Yep,"And Brendon swears his heart has swelled twice its size in his chest at the way that Josh lunges forward with a delighted little squeal that a big Josh would deny that has came out of his mouth. It's adorable and Brendon doesn't hesitate on wrapping his arms around his baby and hugging him close.

They stay like that for the shortest of cuddles before Josh is jumping up from the sofa and running towards the kitchen, excited on baking cookies because cookies are the best and his daddy always lets him add way too much chocolate chips because they both have incredibly sweet tooth's.

"No running in the house!"Brendon calls after the excited little, getting quickly up onto his feet so that he can follow after Josh. At the start of their dynamic, they had learned of the consequences that running in the house with socks caused, or running in the house in general. As much as it had resulted in Josh hurting himself, it was a massive stepping stone of their relationship, not only in trust but that Sarah and Brendon needed to lay out some In-The-House ground rules.

"But I'm excited!"Josh is bouncing on the balls of his feet, vibrating with burning energy and excitement.

"I can see that, buddy, but that doesn't mean that our rules just go out the window."He sighs fondly, reaching for their aprons that are hanging off of a series of hooks by the fridge. He helps Josh into his apron first, over the squirming littles head and tied around the waist by the provided felt belt. Brendon doesn't really mind if Josh's clothes get dirty from baking but Sarah sure will.

Baking cookies with an excitable Little and an equally excited Daddy goes as well as one should expect. Brendon does all of the practical, important stuff that Josh really isn't trusted enough to handle and Josh does all of the fun stuff like pouring in the chocolate chips ( the cookies are more chocolate chips than cookies ) and rolling the dough out onto the clean kitchen worktop, Brendon's hands covering his own to make sure that the dough is rolled out enough.

Josh does, however, kick up a small fuss over the fact that he's not allowed to cut out the cookies or put them in the oven which really annoys him because he's big enough to do that! He's done it plenty of times! But Daddy says no and when Daddy says no, it defiantly means no which sucks so much. So he huffs, arms crossed over his chest and bottom lip pouted out as he glares at his Daddy who has moved on to make lunch.

"Y'know, If the wind changes your face will stay like that."Brendon says over his shoulder, a hint of amusement in his tone at the huffiness of his little boy, trying to bite back the urge to laugh. It's adorable, mostly because Josh fails to look even remotely intimidating as he sits at the kitchen table dressed in his kitten themed apron and little clothing, hair messy and cheeks puffed out in a huff.


"Fine, If that's how you want to be then fine."Brendon shrugs his shoulders, carefully portioning out their lunch onto plates and the soup into bowls. Putting the dirty dishes into the sink, Brendon is washing is hands before carrying the food over the kitchen table, settling a plate and bowl down in front of a huffing Josh."Eat up and then you're taking a nap."

"B-but you said we're going to the park!"

"After your nap."Brendon's tone holds no tolerance for Josh's attitude and the little frowns deeply, nearly resorting back to his huffing because his Daddy is being so unfair! Gosh, all he wanted to do was be involved in actually baking the cookies but noooo, that's not for little boys to do. It's discrimination!

"Where's my stars?"Josh frowns deeper when he notices the bland squares of grilled cheese on his plate beside his bowl of tomato soup.

"Only little boys that don't huff with Daddy get grilled cheese stars."Brendon says as he sits down in front of Josh, setting a bundle of napkins on the table because god knows that they're gonna need them. He picks up his spoon, eyebrow raised as he looks across at Josh who stares back at him."C'mon, eat your soup, before it gets cold."

"I want stars."The little demands.

"Well you're not getting stars."

"I'm sorry?"Josh tries because normally apologising is the right tactic to make, giving his Daddy a pearly white smile because that usually works too.

"And I forgive you, but you're still not getting stars."

"You're a meanie."He grumbles, poking at his grilled cheese with a lack of interest.

"Oh, am I?"Brendon raises his eyebrow and goddamnit, Joshua hates when his Daddy does that! He nods, aggressively shoving his spoon into the red liquid of tomato soup, causing some of it to spill over the edge and onto his plate."Well, if I'm such a Meanie I guess all those Triple Chocolate Cookies can go to someone who doesn't call me a meanie."

"W-well I didn't mean it!"

"Eat your lunch, Joshua."

Reluctantly, Josh is eating his lunch, taking peeks at his Daddy who now has his focus on his mobile phone that's in his left hand, rotating between bites of his sandwich and taking slurps of his soup. Josh scrunches his nose up at the sight, they're not allowed to use mobile phones or tablets at the table, it was a very big rule that Mommy had put into place after both of her boys were too engrossed in their games and twitter to even look up and enjoy their meal.

"Mommy says we're not allowed phones at the table."Josh says stiffly, glaring across the table at his Daddy who finally looks up from his phone. There's tomato soup dripping off of his chin, smeared around his mouth at his failed attempt of eating his lunch.

"Well, I'm talking to Mommy."Brendon admits.

"You are?"Joshua sits up straighter, a smile making its way onto his lips before it vanishes into a quivering frown. If Daddy has been talking to Mommy, he's probably been telling her of how much of a bad boy that he's being, huffing with his Daddy and calling him a meanie. He promised to be good and he can't even do that for a couple of hours! Mommy is gonna be so mad!

"Oh baby, c'mere, why are you crying?"Brendon goes into a slight panic, setting his phone onto the table and opening his hands for the sniffling little who is trying to hide his tears. Despite his huffiness, Josh is up in a flash and falling into Brendon's open arms, hiding his face in the crook of his Daddy's neck as he cries.

"Y-you're tellin' Mommy how b-bad I am!"

"Of course I'm not! You're not bad, you're just grumpy."Brendon can't help but to laugh just a little bit, arms holding his Joshua tight on his lap, making soothing sounds for the upset little."You are never bad, you got that?"

"But I-I called 'ou a meanie!"

"Yes you did, which wasn't nice but that doesn't make you bad."Brendon soothes, rubbing away Josh' fast running tears with a napkin, soothing a hand through messy locks on top of his head. Josh sniffles, burying his face back into the crook of Brendon's neck and holding on tight."How about we go and take a nap now, it's been a long morning, and then you and I can ave some Milk and Cookies before we head for the park."

"Your bed?"

"Yes, we can nap in my bed."Brendon chuckles, pressing a loving kiss to the tip of Josh's nose.

There's going to be 2 more parts (;

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