Taking Coming Out Of The Closest To A Whole New Meaning [Part 2]

Warnings?? Maybe?? Idk some language Brendon use to use before being corrected.

This is literally Brendon and Louis fluff and Jay trying to be a good mum

Brendon knows awkward. He's awkward in a sense. People find him awkward, with the way that he talks or the way he talks or how he just does things that aren't considered as normal as it would've been 50 odd years ago when it was a normal thing for Brendon to do. He's awkward, he's odd, but that's who he is and he doesn't have a problem with that and neither for Louis.

The vampire is from a different time, a different century, so it shouldn't exactly be a surprise to Louis of just how awkward that the vampire can be about certain things. When Louis had met him, Brendon's knowledge on the twenty-first century had been scarce to say the least, and if it wasn't for Louis and having the somewhat patience of a saint, Brendon would probably still be referring lesbians as dykes.

It was surprising if say the least of Brendon's comfortableness of his sexuality, despite his age and the century that he was born into, and with deeper discovery, Louis could see how Brendon had come to terms with his sexuality even for it to be something unheard of when he was just being turned. Brendon had been alive through wars, revolutions, rebellions, protests. He's seen the world at its worse and gotten involved for the better.

Brendon never had the worry or fear of coming out to his parents, they were long dead by the time that he figured out that he didn't mind fucking guys sometimes or sucking some dick now and again, so he never understood why Louis was so fearful of his mom.

"You have way too many siblings."Brendon hisses, looking at Louis all wide eyed and confused whenever he's handed over a baby, one of Louis' many little sisters. He's holding her awkwardly, in an angle that one would usually carry a rugby ball, not a baby, but who can blame him? He's never held a kid in his life!

"Yeah, I know. Stop reminding me."Louis huffs, shrugging Daisy off of him so that he can help Brendon hold Doris correctly, Ernest toddling around the floor with a soft football in his hands.

"Doesn't your mom know a thing called contraceptives?"He scrunches up his face because my god, how can one women look after this many children? He can't even hold one kid!

"She wanted a large family, god knows why. 2 children is my limit."Louis grins at Doris whenever he takes her out of Brendon's arms before putting her back into them, in a more secure and appropriate manner that doesn't look like it's going to give her a brain injury."Hold her like this. Don't drop her."

"You want children?"

"I mean, yeah, I'd like children, some day."Louis mumbles, not looking Brendon in the eyes as he allows Doris to play with his fingers as her source of entertainment, smiling softly at her. As much as he makes it out to be, he really does adore children, especially babies.

"Louis..."Brendon's voice trails off with sorrow, a frown itching onto his lips whenever he sees the look of want in Louis' eyes, quickly covered up in Louis' attempt of looking uninterested in the idea of having children.

"Yeah, I know. We can't. But it doesn't mean I can't want or wish."His smile suddenly turns sad, and Brendon swears, if his heart was beating it would be breaking for his human boyfriend that stands in front of him."I have to say, holding a baby makes you look extremely attractive though."

"Am I not attractive all of the time?"The vampire raises his eyebrow at the human before him, a smirk casting over his plump lips.

"Not when you're cocky, darling."Louis takes Doris out of Brendon's arms so that he can hand her off to Lottie who's ready to spend some time with her. All of the siblings have gotten over their excitement of seeing Louis, he'd not that important.

"That's all of the time."

"Exactly."Louis laughs, letting out a squeal whenever Brendon is grabbing him around the waist and pulling Louis into his chest and pressing their lips together in a well needed kiss. He's melting into the kiss without a problem, lips moving against Brendon's in a familiar sync until pulling away, rubbing his nose against Brendon's."I love you."

"I love you too. Everything will work out in the end."

"I hope so."Louis gives Brendon a weary smile, pressing a peck to Brendon's plump lips one more time before he's turning away and heading towards the kitchen, fully expecting Brendon to follow after him.

"Sit down, sit down."Jay is ushering Brendon to sit down at the kitchen table, the table a mess of children's cutlery and a pile of clean laundry to one side of the table. The kitchen is chaos of food, and it's obvious that Jay works hard in the kitchen and in her home.

"That's a lot of food, Mrs.Tomlinson."Brendon comments politely, trying to follow the rules that Louis went over with him in the car on how to act."It smells pretty good."

"You didn't need to make all this food, Mum."Louis frowns at the sight of all the food that is being cooked or set out to cool, glaring at Brendon for even encouraging this much food. He's opening the fridge only to spot a cake, something that makes him roll his eyes."A cake? Whatever for?"

"For you, of course! And for Brendon."She adds on the Brendon, as if nearly forgetting about him sitting by the kitchen table, listening to the entire thing unfold in front of him.


"To celebrate."She says simply, drying off her hands with a kitchen tea towel and turning to look at her son who hovers around the fridge, peering in to look at the icing that's been iced onto the cake for himself and Brendon.


"For coming out."

"I came out when I was 14 years old, you're 9 years too late."Louis deadpans, Giving his mum a look that says are you serious?

"But you have a boyfriend now, it makes it official."

"And what? So just because I hadn't had a boyfriend for 6 of those years that I wasn't gay? But now that me and Brendon are butt buddies that makes me officially gay?"Louis fumes, gaping at his mum who looks startled at the question, because truth me told, that's entirely what she had thought, as much as she shouldn't have.

"Louis, calm down. You're mom is just trying to make a friendly gesture, babe."Brendon jumps in to the conversation before Louis starts to kick off a massive argument made over a cake and Jays choice of wording.

"Are you fucki-"

"Mrs.Tomlinson, I think your cake is a lovely gesture. Thank you."Brendon smiles sincerely over at Jay who looks sort of relieved that at least one of them likes the cake that she baked for the two of them.

"This is ridiculous."Louis fumes, slamming the fridge door shut in anger that he's the only person that's seeing what's so wrong about the cake and his mums choice of words of coming out.

"Louis, I think you're just a tab but over reacting, sweetheart."

"Y'know what, fuck you, Brendon. You can eat the cake your damn self."Louis storms out of the kitchen in his own fit of anger and rage, pissed off by the fact that Brendon is acting too damn polite for his liking and not seeing why Louis is so mad.

"I'm not doing anything right."Jay sighs, leaning against the counter and looking unhopeful knowing that she failed to make sure that the evening wasn't messed up by her own carelessness. It's not like she's not trying, Brendon can see damn well that she's trying her hardest to connect with her son, and the aura of dark blue sadness that surrounds her is obvious to her sadness.

"You're trying."

"And it isn't enough."

"No, it's enough."Brendon nods his head at himself, biting his bottom lip because his heightened senses can hear Louis kick up a fuss in his bedroom, even though it's on the top floor."Louis is just...reserved. He's protective of himself, and I don't blame him, he hasn't had the best of a life before I came around. Not that I'm blaming you for any of that."

Because god knows that Jay isn't the reason behind a lot of Louis' problems. Some, but not them all.

"No, you have the right to."She sighs, looking over at the doorframe that Louis had just stormed through."I didn't accept him when he first came out, why should he think that I accept him now? Never mind take his seriously about the whole ideal."

"Then you have to do your research. Not that I'm telling you how to parent or anything, but it's just a suggestion. It's not to late to make it up to him."Brendon is suggesting, getting up from his seat by the kitchen table."I'm, um, I'm going to go and check on him, to see if he's okay."



"How did your parents react to you coming out? Or is that an impersonal question for me to ask?"Jay asks, worrying away at her bottom lip.

"Oh."Brendon is startled at the question, not looking at Jay as he answers with a lie."I never got to tell them, they, um, they died before I could tell them, before I could figure out who I was. But I'll tell you something, they're reaction would've been far worse than anyone can imagine."

Yeah, because vampire or not, Brendon would've been burnt alive.

"I'll be back, hopefully."He tries to aim for some humour, dismissing himself before the atmosphere in the kitchen can get any more tense or awkward. He's following Louis' scent throughout the house, finding it a success whenever he's pushing open a bedroom door that leads him into a very Louis type bedroom.

It's small, and that isn't all that surprising, because as the eldest child and what use to be the only boy, it shouldn't be a surprise that Louis gets his own bedroom, whether it's small or not. The walls are coloured a sort of grey cover, accompanied with football posters and band posters, the bedroom filled with all sorts of teenage nicknacks that louis hadn't taken with him whenever he moved into the city at 18.

"We haven't even been here 2 hours any you're already sulking."Brendon rolls his eyes, walking into the bedroom.

"I'm not sulking."Louis mumbles into his pillow, face down and body stuff with anger, looking like a proper teenager. And it's weird to think just how young Louis is compared to Brendon, with hundreds of years between them in age.

"Okay sorry, you're on your period."

"Fuck off, Brendon."He swears into his pillow, swears muffled.

"Unfortantoy, I cannot do that because the last time I fucked off somewhere whenever you told me to fuck off, you phoned the police on me and said that is stole money off of you and had disappeared for 3 days."

"One time."

'"I have a criminal record because of you."

"And I have one because of you."Louis snorts, turning onto his side so that his face is pressed to the wall that the side of his bed is pressed up against. He tries to kick Brendon away whenever the vampire comes to sit on the small single bed.

"I don't recall?"

"We fucked in your car and got caught by the police."Louis says to rejog the vampires memory, letting out an annoyed whine whenever Brendon is laying down beside him.

"Yes, but wasn't that fun?"

"I got harassed by a crackwhore."

"Her name was Sharon and she was very nice." Brendon defends, wrapping his arms around Louis and pulling the smaller human closer to him. Louis struggles for a couple of minutes before he gives up, sulking against the vampire with a huff."Now he's let get to the real reason why I'm up here."

"So we can sleep and then leave early in the morning?"

"So you can wise up and see that your mom is just trying to make this up with you."

"She's 9 years too late, Brendon."

"Louis, she's trying. I can see it, I can feel it."The vampire tells him, squeezing Louis closer to his body."She's sorry that she didn't accept you at first, it was hard for her, but she's trying now, isn't she? Maybe she didn't word what she said correctly, but she's accepting the fact that you're gay, that you've got a boyfriend, that you've got me."

"And I only need you. I only want you, Brendon."And suddenly, Louis' voice holds way more emotion than Brendon intended it to, and it makes the vampire hug Louis even closer to his body and press kisses to his hair."You've everything I've ever wanted and I'd die without you."

"Don't say that."

"But I would and I will, I can't imagine my life without you in it, Brendon. You're the love of my life, whether that sounds cheesy or not, and I love you so so much."Louis finds himself getting emotional, because he does, he loves Brendon more tan anything else in this world, and he'd rather have Brendon than have a family if that's the case.

They'll work something out, eventually.

Slowly making my way through requests!

Any prompts?

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